NEO magazine - January 2018

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Monument to Greek Sailors in Manhattan

Paros Beer 56isles Wins Awards and New Markets

The 2nd Messinia Golf Tournament



MidAmerica Celebrates 35 Years of Music

Who inspires you?

:: magazine FOUNDED IN 2005 BY

Demetrios Rhompotis Dimitri Michalakis Kyprianos Bazenikas

Publishing Committee Chairman

Demetrios Rhompotis (718) 554-0308 Director of Operations Kyprianos Bazenikas

Marketing & Advertising Director Tommy Harmantzis (347) 613-4163 ATHENS - GREECE Public Relations & Marketing Director Rita Despotidis NEO Magazine is published monthly by Neocorp Media Inc. P.O. Box 560105 College Point, NY 11356 Phone: (718) 554-0308 e-Fax: (718) 878-4448 Check our website

On a positive note, who inspires you this year? My eldest daughter inspires me because she got married the end of last year to her husband Mike and they are two peas in a pod. They have endless friends because they are such good friends to them; they will never be alone. When they are with people, they are never in a mood; they are always in the moment. When they want to do something, they grumble like the rest of us, but then with my daughter often in the lead, they take the plunge. My daughter took dance when she was young, she loved to tap, she was very good at it, so she decided despite her busy schedule now at work she would take a dance class after work. And she did, and we went to one of her recitals, just like in the old days. She wanted the honeymoon of her dreams, and she did it: she went to Paris and she visited Van Gogh’s fields of amber and shopped in Provence. At the same time she wanted to see what the fabled Route 66 was all about, what the heartland was all about, and she mapped it out and drove it and sat in the biggest rocking chair in the world and an Indian tipi with the modern wonders of air conditioning.

And my youngest daughter is an inspiration: she wants to throw herself out into the world and discover. She wanted to visit Morocco and teach and she did. We toured the Acropolis together and sat in the shade of the olive trees. She has the best accent in Greek, the best accent in Italian, she never needs the manual in anything technical, she knows every song lyric, she treasures the old family photographs and of me as a kid squinting in the sun in Greece in my short pants. She wants to see the cosmic, and yet she has a photographic memory for the particular and

she can often read people like a Geiger counter. An eternal inspiration is my maternal grandmother Kalliopi. I was telling a story to my nephew recently about my grandmother, who raised me in Greece and eventually brought me to join my family in America—and then didn’t want to go back to Greece. She was a little woman with a mantilla who was raised in the villages of our native Chios and knew nothing else. You’d think the first time she left Chios and came to a place as vast as Canada and America she would be lost. But she was fascinated: she was fascinated that Eisenhower on television had such a big face. She was fascinated that the mechanical fortune teller in Coney Island could laugh that much. She would talk to our neighbor in Montreal in Greek while he spoke to her in English and French and neither understood what the other said but she thought it was a fascinating conversation. She loved the new, she wanted to plunge into it, just the way the grandmother of my son-inlaw, her name is Paula, who is 92, still keeps up with her classes and loved Downtown Abbey and wants to see the exhibit and played two selections at my daughter’s wedding and is fascinated that I write and wants to read what I write and we are doing a play together. These are just some of the people who inspired me last year and will inspire me again in the New Year. Who inspires you? Happy New Year.


Editor in Chief: Dimitri C. Michalakis

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- San Jose Office Andrea Photopoulos

Baltimore Desk Georgia Vavas

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Crowdfunding for the 1st Innovation hub for Students & by Students in Greece designed within the framework of the course "Special Interior Design Lab" under the supervision of Assistant Professor Konstantinos Grivas, while a team of Electrical Engineering Students of the University of Patras will assist in the technical design and equipment of the space.

Members of the team: Joanna Goublia, Andronikos Kontos, Angelliki Anastasopoulou, Grigoris Nitas, Christina Emmanouil, Odysseas Lamtzidis

Mindspace is the NPO of students and young graduates that aims to help ideas escape university barriers and reach out to society. It is commonly accepted that that higher education in Greece provides sterile and mainly theoretical knowledge and as a result university students are not innovating nor experimenting on new ideas. The above above mentioned situation, in parallel with the need for a radical change in students’ mentality and their shift toward entrepreneurship, gave birth to the idea of the Innovation Hub. This project is the denaturation of our organizations vision and purpose, that aims to help students and young graduates realize their entrepreneurial ideas in a space with all the needed tools and equipment and most importantly through an active and creative community of makers and doers. Funding in Greece remains difficult and therefore we are focusing on crowfunding, which will start around January 15.

The Mindspace Innovation Hub will act as a makerspace and at the same time as a smart, flexible, interactive space for co-working and workshops. The makerspace will be fully equipped with tools (3D printers, CNC, laser cutter, arduino, raspberry pi, etc.) and various materials able to cover all the needs of each project. In the coworking space, like-minded individuals and teams will collaborate, make new acquaintances and exchange ideas. Additionally, all spaces will be smartly designed and flexible so they can be tailored to the activities that will take place. Such activities can be workshops, seminars, speeches, presentations, competitions, events of Mindspace, etc. Finally it is worth mentioning that all spaces have already been 12

JAN 2018


Our vision is to see the ideas developed in the academic environment benefit society instead of being trapped in the university. We aim to inspire students to create, innovate and be open to the culture of making, hacking and entrepreneurship at the Hellenic Universitys. With that in mind, we are organizing various actions such as the “Mindspace Challenge” Panhellenic entrepreneurship competition, which took place in 4 cities last year. From each city, 3 teams were selected, which participated in the final phase of the competition in Athens, the winners of which received 8,000 in funding from "The People's Trust" and participated in an educational trip to the USA, courtesy of the US Embassy in Greece. The Crowdfunding campaign will take place on the Indiegogo platform between 15/1 - 15/2 and is to be announced on their Facebook page & Website. Facebook Page: Website:

East Mediterranean Business Culture Alliance Holds 2nd Annual Shipping Forum

moment for World’s history. He also noted that eventually Hellenic ship owners owned a large proportion of the Liberty ships that were sold to various nations.

Plan for Monument to Greek Sailors in Manhattan is Announced

Dr. Tikka, from ABS, the world’s major ship classification society and Sponsor of the Hellas Liberty Museum, also spoke about technological innovations in shipping and classification, adding that there have been improvements in energy efficiency, and that automation is also advancing in the industry. She also noted that again this year Hellenic ship owners have placed the largest orders for new large technologically advanced ships and have among the world’s newest fleets

supporting the creation of the modern Hellenic Merchant Marine fleet through the “Blessed” Liberty ships that were sold to Hellenic ship owners after the war at reduced rates as compensation for their losses and as a reward for the Hellenic contribution to the war effort.

As part of the promotional campaign relating to the monument they plan to The panelists: from left, Andreas L. Theoharis. Dr. Kirsi Tikka, have a contest in the spring among Drougos noted, “This industry has a past, Lou Katsos, Konstantine Drougos, State Senator Lou Raptakis, artists and sculptors, with a prize as an present, and future.” He emphasized that the and Dr. Anastasios Aslidis. incentive for generating design Hellenic owned fleet and the dominance of c o n c e p t s , a n d t o p r o d u c e a Hellenic ships on the high seas is one of the The 2nd Annual Hellenic Shipping Industry documentary highlighting the historical aspects, greatest entrepreneurship success stories in Panel Discussion presented by EMBCA (East modern history. Mediterranean Business Culture Alliance) that as well as a book. He indicated that took place at the 3 West Club in Midtown Lou Katsos, Founder & Hellenic shipping Rhode Island State Senator Lou President of EMBCA, Manhattan shined a spotlight on an industry that gives jobs to is Greece’s biggest and constitutes the largest Raptakis spoke about his own with the panel at right, millions of people independent shipping fleet in the world. A panel related initiative, sending Liberty welcomes the guests every day in ships, Ships back to Greece. On Andros of experts covered the state of the industry, its ship yards, ports in 2003, shipowner Spyros history, and its prospects. and offices around Polemis approached him about the world and is bringing a Liberty Ship to Greece. The shipping panel was introduced by Dr. also the U.S. and There are only three left. Anastasios (Tasos) Aslidis, CFO Euroseas Ltd. N AT O ’ s l a r g e s t and member of the Board of Directors of NYMAR non-military which that promotes New York as a Shipping “The obstacles were many – strategic asset. He finding the ship, persuading the hub, who also moderated the discussion. U.S. administration to give her up, having also mentioned that it will help New York City to On the panel were Dr. Kirsi Tikka, Executive Vice Congress vote on the corresponding law, attract Hellenic Shipowners and regain its President, Global Marine, American Bureau of cleaning up the ship so that she would be free of historical status as a global transportation hub. Shipping Inc.; Andreas L. Theoharis, Vice chemical substances and, above all, finding the The Committee will be working with NYMAR in President and Chartering Director, Southern Star money,” Raptakis said. “All this cost almost $15 coordinating activities towards that end. million, which was mostly Shipping Co./Atlantic Bulk provided by Greek ship owners, Apropos of Greece-U.S. friendship and its naval Carriers Management Ltd.; and especially by the late Captain component, Raptakis referred to current efforts Lou Raptakis, Rhode Island Vassilis Constantakopoulos of to strengthen the relationship between the State Senator; and United States and Greece, including further Costa Mare.” Konstantine Drougos, cooperation among the merchant marine and Managing Director, Agro The Arthur M. Huddell, as the naval academies of the two nations. He also Marketing International and Liberty Ship was known, left the noted that the Hellenic shipping industry could the organizer of the event. U.S. for Greece on December 6, help alleviate the high youth unemployment rate 2008 on the feast day of St. in Greece. Lou Katsos, Founder & Nicholas, the patron saint of President of EMBCA, sailors. That was also the date of In his closing remarks Katsos thanked Dr. Aslidis welcomed the guests and the delivery of the first ship in and the panelists for their important and announced the creation of Dr. Anastasios Aslidis 1943. The ship was renamed Hellas valuable shipping industry discussion. Katsos the Hellenic Shipping and introduces the panel Liberty and serves as a maritime and Drougos, acknowledged Mr. George Fr i e n d s h i p M e m o r i a l Committee whose goal is to place a monument museum at Piraeus. The other two remaining Foustanos, founder of the only online shipping in downtown Manhattan to honor the almost Liberty ships, the Jeremiah O’Brien and the John m u s e u m , w h i c h c a n b e v i s i t e d a t 2,500 Hellenic merchant seamen who were W. Brown are docked in San Francisco and, Mr. Spyros Polemis, Ms.Georgia Martinou, Panos Mantzaris, Captain killed by Nazi U-boats and submarines carrying Baltimore, respectively. Evangelos Kouzilos, and Petros Diplas, Publisher supplies from the U.S. to Europe and played a vital role in the victory of the Allies in WWII. The Theoharis who represented the Coumantaros of Shipping Finance, for their interest and stories of many of them who lived or ultimately family, one of the historic names in Greek support of the monument initiative. settled in the USA constitute an important but Shipping, spoke about innovations in the little-known part of the history of the Hellenic industry, including the technological advances Consul General of Greece in New York that improve both safety and efficiency, reasons Konstantinos Koutras, who spoke at the event, American community. he gave for his encouraging more investment in was enthusiastic about the Memorial project, Hellenic shipping. He also spoke about the which he said promotes knowledge of the long Another important purpose, he noted, will be to express gratitude to the United States for battle of Salamis and the defeat of the Persians by history of friendship between the United States Themistocles and the Athenian fleet as a defining and the Hellenic Republic. 14

JAN 2018


CAPE FEAR CHAPTER 408 Established December 14, 1961 50 Years Promoting Hellenic Values

Merry Chrismas ! 2018 wishes from the AHEPA family of Wilmington, North Carolina Health, Joy, Progress Nick Lazaridis

Bill Batuyios

Jim Stasios


Vice President


AHEPA HOUSE, 109 North Kerr Avenue, Wilmington, North Carolina 28405

James Stavridis, Sylvia Mathews Burwell, John Angelos and Rev. Nathaniel Symeonides the Main Speakers at the 2018 Leadership 100 Conference Admiral James Stavridis, formerly Supreme Allied Commander at NATO and currently Dean of The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, will give the keynote address at the Grand Banquet at the 27th Annual Leadership 100 Conference, February 1-4, 2018 at The Ritz-Carlton Key Biscayne, Florida. According to Chairman George S. Tsandikos. “The Conference will present an inspiring program that will also feature two other prominent speakers. They are Sylvia Mathews Burwell, the former Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and current President of American University and John P. Angelos, Executive Vice President of the Baltimore Orioles and President and Chief Operating Officer of the Mid-Atlantic Sports Network (MASN).” In a statement to NEO, Tsandikos pointed out that “Leadership 100 has grown stronger with each passing year in membership, assets and, most importantly, in the amount of grants distributed. Each year our annual conferences reach new heights in attendance and programming. Our good works have a profound and lasting impact in transforming lives and institutions at all levels of society. Our accomplishments have been exceptional thanks to the committed men and women who comprise our membership.” Reverend Archimandrite Nathanael Symeonides, Director of the Office of InterOrthodox, Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, will conduct a panel titled “Transforming the World through Collaboration: The Work of the Department of Inter-Orthodox, Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations” with four participants: Dr. Carrie Frederick Frost, Professor at Saint Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Seminary, Joyce S. Dubensky, CEO of Tanenbaum, Christina Hioureas, Counsel at Foley Hoag LLP, and Dr. Elizabeth H. Prodromou, Visiting Associate Professor of Conflict Resolution at The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University.

Bible Study and Lecture. Other events include Golf and Tennis Tournaments and Awards, a Walk/Run competition, new member orientation and a young adult and youth program. The Archbishop lakovos Leadership 100 Award for Excellence will be presented at the Grand Banquet on Saturday, February 3. The Conference will conclude with the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy celebrated at Saint Sophia Cathedral in Miami on Sunday, February 4. Speaking to NEO Chairman Tsandikos observed that “When Greek Orthodox American Leaders banded together in 1984 under the spiritual leadership of Archbishop Iakovos. the objective was to propel the Greek Orthodox Church in America and the Greek American Community to recommit to their ancient faith and heritage by sharing their timetested values and philanthropy with future generations. The Archbishop Iakovos Leadership 100 Fund, Inc. was the fruit of their efforts, a legacy down through the decades that has attracted newer generations of leaders to commit their time, treasure and talents to seeding and nurturing programs and projects that advanced Orthodoxy and Hellenism in America.”

According to Executive Director Paulette Poulos, “Leadership 100 has made great strides since its founding in 1984. Beginning with just 100 members, it has now reached more than 1,000 members. At the close of 2017, we increased membership to 1,071, with 626 members fulfilled. Furthermore, total assets have topped $100 million for the first time in 2017. Finally, grants distributed since our founding have also reached a new high of $48,198,332.” However, “The stor y of Leadership 100 cannot be found in numbers alone. Committed Greek Orthodox American leaders, men, women and young adults, have joined together from every walk of life and from every part of the country to become a force for Archbishop Demetrios, Geron of America will good, perpetuating our Orthodox Faith and preside at all events, along with Chairman Hellenic Heritage through programs and Tsandikos, as well as deliver both the traditional projects that have had a lasting impact.” 18

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Sylvia Burwell

Sylvia Burwell Sylvia Burwell is American University’s 15th president and first woman president. She served as the 22nd Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services from 2014 to 2017. During her tenure, the Department implemented the Affordable Care Act, pioneered groundbreaking advances in research and innovation, and expanded critical services for families. Previously, she was the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, where she worked with Congress to negotiate a two-year budget deal following the 2013 government shutdown. Her prior government experience includes Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget, Deputy Chief of Staff to the President, Chief of Staff to the Secretary of the Treasury, and Special Assistant to the Director of the National Economic Council. Burwell served 11 years at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, including roles as the Chief Operating Officer and President of the Global Development Program. She then ser ved as President of the Walmart Foundation and ran their Women’s Economic Empowerment efforts. She earned a bachelor ’s degree in Government from Harvard University and a BA in Philosophy, Policy and Economics from the University of Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar. A second-generation Greek-American, President Burwell is a native of Hinton, West Virginia. She and her husband Stephen Burwell are the parents of two young children.

Dr. Anthony Papadimitriou, Afroditi Panagiotakou, Archbishop Demetrios, George Behrakis and George Tsandikos

John Payiavlas and Dean Metropoulos

John Angelos Over the past two decades, John Angelos has been involved in business operations for the Baltimore Orioles and Oriole Park at Camden Yards while serving since 2006 as President and Chief Operating Officer of the Mid-Atlantic Sports Television Network (MASN), one of the leading multimedia entertainment and sports properties in the United States.

George Tsandikos, James Chanos, Constantine Kalaris, Archbishop Demetrios, Jonathan Jackson and Dr. Anthony Papadimitriou

Mae and John Calamos Memories from the 2017 Conference

sports team or network media executives to possess several decades of experience in all three keystone sports industry disciplines of professional sports league governance, franchise valuation and management practice, sports television and multimedia property development, distribution, and rights negotiation, and sports facility and subsidiary asset consulting, funding, design, and development.

Angelos is known for his Recognized as Marylander of the executive management Year-Honorable Mention by the oversight and operation Baltimore Sun, Angelos has of the Oriole Park at been hailed by industry-bible Camden Yards venue that Sports Business Journal as a forever changed baseball "top-ten decision maker" on and stewardship of a MLB league, media, and digital b allpark and fan issues and for his "reinvention of experience consistently the Spring Training business acclaimed by both model" in creating taxpayerconsumer polls and conscious, public-private sports media reports as tourism development delivering the most partnerships around sports John Angelos memorable sports venue venue, youth academy, and family entertainment real estate development atmosphere and finest customer service quality that drives responsible fiscal return on in all of the American sports industry. Now approaching total attendance of 70 million fans investment for all stakeholders. at Camden Yards, the Orioles later carried the Making regular appearances or featured as a concept of sports tourism incubation through guest expert on CBS Television and Radio, multimedia regional promotion, sports brand Bloomberg Media, PBS, MSNBC, Fox Sports building and consumer service originated by Radio, and Rogers Media, as well as in the New the Camden Yards example in Maryland to the York Times, Wall Street Journal, The Nation, club's Spring Training and year round Academy Sports Pro, the SBJ and other publications, complex in Sarasota, Florida, envisioning it as a Angelos is a frequent featured panelist or magnet for family sports tourism. presenter at media and sports industry summits. He is recognized by the national Angelos' professional and philanthropic focus sports business, media, and journalist has been on pioneering the use of sports and communities as one of a select few among both media platforms to create community benefit


and change. His efforts have centered on local initiatives such as: the Orioles "Eat, Train, & Live Like the PrO’s Challenge", a two-month intensive health and fitness curriculum taught by the Orioles in public schools that has established a new model using sports branding and star players to encourage healthy lifestyles and nutritional literacy among public middle school students; the "Nashville Comes to the Ballpark-Artists and Athletes Playing for Their Community" program, a fusion of world class musicians and athletes using their talents to fund health and literacy services for those in need; and the "Birdland Community Heroes and Americana Music" and "Don't Miss the Magic" programs, both initiatives using the power of diversity, music, baseball, and positive messaging to raise awareness of our everyday American heroes in civilian and military life and the not for profit organizations that serve our community. He also participated in the Orioles international "people to people" programs, including the five-year partnership with the International Olympic and Greek Olympic Committees prior to the 2004 Athens Olympics and the club's creation of an historic 1999 home-and-home series played between the Cuban National Baseball Team and the Orioles in Havana and at Camden Yards. Through the latter initiative, the Orioles became the first professional American sports team to play in Cuba since the 1958 U.S. Embargo was imposed on the island nation and the first American professional sports organization to host a Cuban sports team in the United States during the Embargo and Travel Ban era. COVER STORY

JAN 2018


John Calamos, Peter Parthenis and Yanni Sianis

Lazarus, Bessie and Demetrios Ziozis

Archbishop Demetrios, Stephen and Thelma Yeonas and George Tsandikos

Peter and Katherine Mesologites and Liberty, Aegina and Merkourios Angeliades


Theodore and Evangeline Pedas, Jonathan Jackson and Wanda and James Pedas

JAN 2018


Standing: Dr. Stamatios Kartalopoulos, Michael Johnson, Anita Kartalopoulos, Peter and Aphrodite Skeadas and Thelma Yeonas: seated: Katherine Johnson and Stephen Yeonas PHOTO: VASSILIOS KUKORINIS Memories from the 2017 Conference

Defense. He led the Navy ’s premier and subsequently invited to Trump Tower to operational think tank for innovation, Deep discuss a cabinet position with President Donald Trump. A Florida native, Jim Stavridis attended the US Blue, immediately after the 9/11 attacks. Naval Academy at Annapolis, and spent over thirty years in the Navy, rising to the rank of 4- He won the Battenberg Cup for commanding He earned a PhD from The Fletcher School at star Admiral. Among his many commands were the top ship in the Atlantic Fleet and the Navy Tufts, winning the Gullion Prize as outstanding L e a g u e J o h n Pa u l student in his class in 1983, as well as academic four years as the 16th Supreme J o n e s A w a r d f o r honors from the National and Naval War Allied Commander at NATO, I n s p i r a t i o n a l Colleges as a distinguished student. He speaks where he oversaw operations in Leadership, along with Spanish and French. Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, the more than 50 US and Balkans, and piracy off the coast international medals Jim has published eight books on leadership, of Africa. He also commanded a n d d e c o r a t i o n s , the oceans, maritime affairs, and Latin America, US Southern Command in including 28 from as well as hundreds of articles in leading Miami, charged with military foreign nations. He journals. An active user of social networks, he operations through Latin also commanded a has tens of thousands of connections on the America for nearly three years. Destroyer Squadron social networks. His TED talk on 21st century He was the longest serving and a Carrier Strike security in 2012 has had over 700,000 views. Combatant Commander in G r o u p , b o t h i n He tweeted the end of combat operations in the recent US history. combat. Libyan NATO intervention. His memoir of the James Stavridis NATO years, “The Accidental Admiral,” was In the course of his career in the In 2016, he was vetted released in October 2014, and he has two books Navy, he served as senior military assistant to for Vice President by Secretary Hillary Clinton, out in 2017: “The Leader’s Bookshelf: 50 the Secretary of the Navy and the Secretary of

James Stavridis


JAN 2018


George Komodikis and Marios Damianides

Lou and Helen Nicozisis and Margo and George Behrakis Kathleen and Nicholas Chimicles and Nancy Papaioannou, President of Atlantic Bank

Merkourios Angeliades and Vassilios Kefalas

Theodore Pedas, Metropolitan Savas and James Pedas

Fr. Mark and Presvytera Anastasia Leondis and Nicholas, Michelle and Mia Karalis James Pantelidis

Dean and Mary Ann Metropoulos, Georgia Poulos and guest Catherine and Chrystan Jonathan Jackson and attendees

Evangelia, Sophia, Christopher and Mary Tjotjos

Jonathan Jackson

Vassilios and Fannie Kefalas George Soterakis, Christopher Tjotjos and John Aivazoglou

Catherine and Chrystan Skefos

Paulette Poulos

Books That Make Us Better Leaders” in March and “Sea Power: The History and Geopolitics of the Oceans” in June. Admiral Stavridis is also the Chair of the Board of the US Naval Institute, the professional association of the Nation’s sea services: Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and Merchant Marine. He is a monthly columnist for TIME Magazine and Chief International Security Analyst for NBC News.

Demetrios Kozonis and Georgia Mouzakis Tavlarios

Jim is the 12th Dean at The Fletcher School, a post he assumed in the summer of 2013. He is happily married to Laura, and they have two daughters – one working at Google and the other a Registered Nurse, both married to physicians.

Memories from the 2017 Conference

Leah Bitounis, Alexandra Caras, Loukas Kozonis

Sophia Pascal and guest COVER STORY


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Demetra Argeroplos, Georgia Halakos, Chrisoula Kozonis and Giorgia Hatzis

Stephen, Audrey, Elpitha and Stavros Soussou with Archbishop Demetrios

Louis and Helen Nicozisis, Peter Parthenis and Tina and Andrew Manatos

Helen and Angelica Spanos and Laura Evans Manatos

Dr. Stilianos Efstratiadis, Michael Psaros and guests George Tsandikos, Archbishop Demetrios and Michael Bapis Helen, Ermioni and Angelica Spanos

Marisa and John Payiavlas Annette and Kassandra Romas

George Behrakis, Marianna Moschou and Nancy Papaioannou

George Tsandikos, Constantine Kalaris and Archbishop Demetrios

Marissa Costidis, Fran Karivalis, Stephania Patsalis and Dina Theodosakis

Athina Passiou

Memories from the 2017 Conference Youth had an impressive presence at the conference

Rev. Nathanael Symeonides The Very Reverend Archimandrite Nathanael Symeonides was born in Thessaloniki, Greece (1978). He is a graduate of Hellenic College (BA, 2000) and of Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology (MDiv, 2003). He earned an STM (2003) and a Th.D. (2007) in Bioethics from Boston University. Fr. Nathanael has also studied the history and ethics of public health at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health. He is a guest professor of Christian ethics and bioethics at Fordham University, Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, and Saint Vladimir Theological School. Fr. Nathanael was ordained a Deacon (2003) and a Presbyter (2010) by His Eminence Geron Archbishop Demetrios of America. His ecclesial and pastoral work includes service as the Deacon to Metropolitan Methodios (20032006); Deacon to the Archbishop (2006-2010); 22

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Pastor of the Annunciation Greek Orthodox N a t h a n a e l m a n a g e s a n d d i r e c t s t h e Church, NY (2010-2013). relationships between the Archdiocese and numerous religious organizations, think tanks, During his time as a parish priest, Fr. Nathanael non-governmental organizations, and developed an urban ministry, Orthodox Permanent Missions to the United Nations. Christians in Action (OPA), Most recently, he convened a which harnessed the gifts colloquium entitled, and talents of the faithful, O r t h o d o x y a n d especially the energy of over Humanitarianism: Ideas and 400 young professionals of Action in the Contemporary World, which brought together Manhattan, offering them ways to create meaningful experts from around the world change in the lives of those to discuss ways that the most vulnerable in society. Church may help alleviate humanitarian crises and In September of 2013 he was promote sustainable appointed Director of the development. Office of Inter-Orthodox, Rev. Nathanael Symeonides Ecumenical and Interfaith Fr. Nathanael is a brother of the Relations of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese historic monastic community of St. George of America. In his present position, Fr. Epanosifis in Crete, Greece.

Paros beer 56isles wins international Great Taste award The young creators of Paros Microbrewery talk to NEO by Kelly Fanarioti

The beer is now available in Greece and they have just started exporting to the UK, Germany and France. The next markets will be Italy and Switzerland, while at the same time they are in negotiations with a number of interested parties from other European countries, Asia, Australia, Canada and the US. “The US is a very interesting market for us, as Greek products are well received there, but we also had a number of people contacting us via email and Facebook to ask whether they can find it there.” Marinos and Nicolas are overwhelmed by the warm reception that their product received from the consumers and they strongly believe that the beer market in Greece is definitely opening up. “The warm climate and social factors favor beer consumption. The craft beer market is expanding and consumers are looking out for quality beer more than before”. The “Great Taste” Award Recently, the brewery "56 isles" of the Paros Microbrewery, got the first star at the "Great Taste" awards, the world’s most coveted food prize, which celebrates the very best in food and drink. As the young entrepreneurs admit, it was not such a surprise as they were very confident about their product.

The beautiful island of Paros can boast not only about its Cycladic architecture and sandy beaches, but also the beer “56isles”, which a few months ago impressed the most demanding palates and won the "Good Taste" award over nearly 13,000 other entries.

“We do not want to sound arrogant but we have “You can experiment with different ingredients put so much effort and passion in making it and and produce on an exceptional taste range, we spent endless hours perfecting everything. from the more traditional ones to extremely We knew that we had a good beer and we were niche and interesting tastes,” says Marinos. confident that this was going to be recognized “The exciting and creative factors were there somehow.” and we were also trying to work out the commercial From left, Nicolas Pavlakis and Marinos Alexandrou, aspects of something like founders of the Microbrewery of Paros this.” He already had business in the leisure sector and we could see that craft beer was becoming quite popular amongst consumers.

The Microbrewery of Paros was founded in 2014 by Marinos Alexandrou from Cyprus and Nicolas Pavlakis from Paros, two young men who met in London during their studies. Their love for beer and for the Aegean island prompted them in the midst of Greece’s economic crisis to produce “56 isles” (the name comes from the 56 large and small islands of the Cyclades Alexandrou and Pavlakis wanted to Currently, they have their pay homage to). award-winning Pilsner, which is a light blonde The idea beer, and they also started producing a Wit, the It was on a warm afternoon in London that they Aegean Wit, which is a fresh made the decision to set up a business together. aromatic beer. “We were outdoors in a pub in Mayfair drinking beer,” they said to NEO. “There was some sort of As they explained to NEO, they constantly event going on across the road and the area was experiment with ingredients and have a buzzing with people that were outside enjoying number of exciting recipes that they want to put their drinks in that lovely weather. That in production. “This will happen gradually, as reminded us of those beautiful days on the we want to be able to establish each product islands having a cold beer under the Greek well before moving to develop the next”. sun.” 26

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Their participation in the competition came after suggestions from friends that are in the food and beverage industry and have tasted the “56isles” beer. At first, Marinos and Nicolas were a bit skeptical but finally they made the application and sent a couple of samples to the awards. The next thing they knew they got the award!

“The biggest surprise was the delivery of the news at a time that we were not thinking about it. After we sent the samples we almost forgot it; a few months had passed without hearing anything and then all of a sudden in the middle of the busy summer season, we got the news that we won an award.” The option of Paros Their decision to start a business in Paros is not accidental. Apart from the fact that it is Nicolas' the place of origin, the Cycladitic Island has a barley variety that is considered to be ideal for the production of beer. In fact, when the first beer production unit was started in Greece, they used to go to Paros and buy the whole of the barley production from the local farmers and producers “We wanted to create a product with a distinct character. This is a craft beer that you would enjoy under the sun of the Aegean but it would travel from there to be enjoyed all around the world. People that go to Greece will enjoy but also take away with them good memories from the places, the hospitality a n d t h e t a s t e s . We wanted to create a product that would encompass all of these and the setting in the Cyclades is ideal. The memories that people have when they remember the breathtakingly beautiful scenery of Greece are reflected in our blue bottle”. Who is who Marinos Alexandrou was born and lived his early years in Cyprus. After a short period in Athens he moved to London where he studied Business Economics and did a Masters in Finance. He started his career in finance and worked in Investment Management and Corporate finance and advisory and started investing and developing his own business ventures. He now run a portfolio of businesses with interests in the sectors of healthcare, leisure, property, F&B, tech and his latest venture, and a very exciting one, is the “56 Isles Microbrewery”. Nicolas Pavlakis was born and raised in Paros. He studied public administration in Athens before going to the UK to do his Masters in management with finance. He lived in London for 3 years working before moving back to Paros with the aim of starting a business in primary production business, which led to the establishment of “56 Isles”.

MidAmerica Productions & MidAm International Celebrate 35 Years of Global Music-Making From the main stage of historic Carnegie Hall, to prestigious international concert halls in Macao, Beijing, and Hong Kong, China, Paris, Vienna, Lisbon, Florence and Hermoupolis, Syros, Greece, M i d A m e r i c a Pr o d u c t i o n s h a s presented more than 1350 concerts in 35 years. In Carnegie Hall alone, M i d A m e r i c a Pr o d u c t i o n s h a s produced 576 concerts, making it the most prolific independent presenter of choral music in the history of the iconic concert hall since the opening of the hall on May 5, 1891 when Tchaikovsky conducted.

Michael Allard conducts the Harmony Magnet Academy Symphony Orchestra in the Isaac Stern Auditorium as part of MidAmerica’s 2017 season of concerts at Carnegie Hall – June 18, 2017

Peter Tiboris, general director and music director of MidAmerica Productions, said: "We are very pleased to have reached this milestone season of choral and instrumental and symphonic concerts. We attribute our longevity to the care we take with each presentation and the attention we pay to every conductor, director, soloist, and ensemble that appears with us. We are looking forward to the 2018 season of concerts with great anticipation." MidAmerica Productions' 2018 season, which will launch on February 18, 2018 in Carnegie Hall, features MidAmerica's highly successful mix of choral and instrumental music along with guest artists and Ensemble Spotlight performances. The season features such modern classics as Dan Forrest's Requiem for the Living and Ola Gjeilo's Sunrise Mass, as well as staples that include Handel's Messiah, Mozart's Solemn Vespers and Requiem, Rutter's Magnificat and Requiem, Orff's Carmina Burana, Bach's Magnificat, and Fauré's Requiem, to name only a few. Most importantly, British composer and conductor John Rutter will return to Carnegie Hall and present the New York premiere of his new work, Visions, while Candace Wicke will conduct Stephen Edwards' Requiem for My Mother in a collaboration of her company Continuo Arts with MidAmerica Productions. Founded by Peter Tiboris in 1983, MidAmerica Productions presented its first concert on January 7, 1984, at Lincoln Center with Peter Tiboris conducting the American Symphony Orchestra, soloists, and three choruses, the Louisiana Chorale of Acadiana, Camerata Singers of Baton Rouge, and Collegiate Chorale of New York.

together conductors, soloists, choral and instrumental ensembles to perform at New York's top venues and abroad. MidAmerica's concerts have featured choral societies singing major oratorios with orchestra, talented conductors, and world-class soloists; instrumental and choral ensembles appearing in the Ensemble Spotlight Series; and solo recitals. In the late 1980s, MidAmerica Productions began its association with the New England Symphonic Ensemble under the leadership of the late Virginia-Gene Rittenhouse and now Preston Hawes; NESE accompanies all of the large choral works heard in Carnegie Hall. Over the last few years, the Pan-European Philharmonia, which Mr. Tiboris founded in 2008 with Executive Manager Jakub Fiebig, has accompanied programs at the Festival of the Aegean. The International Festival of the Aegean, which takes place annually on the Island of Syros, Greece, was founded in 2005 by Peter Tiboris. Now entering its fourteenth season ( July 15 – 29 this year), the Festival attracts world-class artists from dozens of countries, and has become a summer destination for lovers of the arts from Europe and beyond. In 2011, the Festival was named "Best cultural organization operating in the wider region of Greece" by the Awards Committee of Music Critics of the Union of Greek Theatre and Music Critics, based in Athens, Greece. In December 2014, the Festival was awarded the Gina Bachauer Award as Festival of the Year.

Diverse programs have included Madrigal Festivals, Vocal Jazz Festivals, the National Wind Ensemble, the National Festival Youth Orchestra, among many others. Renowned guest conductors who have led MidAmerica's concerts include John Rutter, Sherrill Milnes, Lukas Foss, Helmuth Rilling, H. Robert Reynolds, JoAnne Falletta, Francis Bardot, Sir Using that first concert as its model, David Willcocks, Giovanni Pacor, Michael MidAmerica Productions subsequently brought Morgan, and Jonathan Willcocks, to name only a few. 28

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Over the years, MidAmerica has commissioned new works and presented numerous premieres in Carnegie Hall and David Geffen Hall. World premieres have included Dinos Constantinides' Byron's Greece, Hymn to the Human Spirit, and Midnight Fantasy II for wind ensemble; John Rutter's Cantate Domino, Distant Land, Magnificat, and Mass of the Children; and John Leavitt's A Christmas Garland. U.S. premieres have featured new and older works such as Mozart's Die Schüldigkeit des Ersten Gebots, Reimann's Concerto for Violin and Cello, Tchaikovsky's Ode to Joy, Mikis Theodorakis' Electra and Rhapsody for Cello and Orchestra, and René Clausen's Hellas: In the Name of Freedom. In 2015, John Rutter conducted the New York Premiere of his work, Canticles of Creation.

Maestro Peter Tiboris

Peter Tiboris, Greek American conductor, music director, and producer, has enjoyed a worldwide career for more than forty-five years of which the past thirty-five have been in New York City. In addition to his role as the founder and general director of MidAmerica Productions, the Manhattan Philharmonic, Elysium Recordings, and MidAm International, Peter Tiboris has served as music director and conductor of the Pan-European Philharmonia in Warsaw, Poland; general music director and conductor of the Symphonisches Orchestra Wien in Vienna, Austria; and Principal Guest Conductor of the Orchestra da Camera Fiorentina, in Florence, Italy. For more information about MidAmerica Productions and its performance opportunities, visit or call 212-239-0205.

Character Produces Hope: Archon’s Annual Celebration by Chris Salboudis Amid the veritable sea of new and familiar faces in attendance at the 2017 Archon's Weekend Gala was a remarkable success. The weekend generally focused on efforts to secure religious freedom for the Mother Church in Constantinople, to honor the humanitarian achievements of the 2017 honorees, to induct the 2017 Class of Archons, and to celebrate Archbishop Demetrios Geron’s 50 years of hierarchical service. Members from all over the country were in attendance for this special jubilee celebration.

to a “fisher of men” through this experience, saving and serving with humility and appreciation for all human life. A remarkable documentary video of our honorees’ joint efforts was shared at the dinner. In addition to the lovely award accepted by Mr. Valiamos at the annual Archon’s Dinner the Archon is awarding $50,000 to the people of Lesbos in the hopes that they will continue their humanitarian efforts. We asked Mr. Valiamos for his thoughts: “It was a big honor for me personally and for all of us and the island of Lesbos. We see that we

Archbishop Demetrios and Archons National Commander Anthony Limberakis present Efstratios Valiamos with the Athenagoras Humanitarian Award

Mike & Libby Angeliades

A series of executive meetings and discussions were conducted at the Metropolitan Club, followed by the annual Archon Dinner at the New York Hilton Midtown which included very moving speeches in addition to the distribution of honors and awards – and concluding with the induction of the newest Archon members at Holy Trinity Cathedral the following Sunday. In his speech at the Archon’s Dinner, Archbishop Demetrios touched on the strength of character that the 2017 honorees share, which enabled them to bring hope and support to others. “Character produces hope,” the Archbishop says as he recognizes the humanitarian actions of the 2017 Athenagoras Human Rights Award recipients, Mrs. Emilia Kamvisi and Mr. Efstratios Valiamos from the Greek island of Lesbos, who demonstrated outstanding and selfless virtue in saving and tending to the needs of countless refugees. Mrs. Kamvisi and Mr. Valiamos are true embodiments of philotimo, a term that is often used but rarely seen at this level. In the case of Mr. Valiamos, an island fisherman, we see a Biblical tale come to life as he truly transforms 32

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are not alone, that there are people who care about the refugees and about helping our fellow human beings.”

story of Lee Gounardis, who was also honored with a cross presented to him at the conclusion of the evening by Archbishop Demetrios. “It was so wonderful to see Lee Gounardis at the dinner. He used to organize all the Archon events, and then he suffered a stroke. He took care of every event, which is basically what Alex Pritsos does now. It was so amazing and so emotional to see him last night…a beautiful person.” Dr. Zenon Christodoulou, Archon of the Order of St. Andrew, Owner of Fulcr um Consulting Group, Somerset County Democratic Vice C h a i r, a n d A d j u n c t Professor of Economics at William Paterson University, offers his thoughts about several of the event honorees: “This year’s Archon’s Weekend was a very special event that brought together Orthodox Christians from all over the world. We were honored to pay tribute to truly worthy individuals, from many different parts of society. John Catsimatidis represents the best of the business and philanthropic worlds, while never forgetting the essential value of Hellenism. Reince Priebus explained how

Paulette Poulos, Executive Director of the Leaderhip 100 endowment initiative, offers her perspective on the 2017 honorees. “This year’s Archon Dinner was an emotional evening. It was an opportunity for all of us to witness firsthand the beautiful video and the sacrifices that these people [in Lesbos] made to help those in need because this is basically what it means to be a Christian – to give and to help – and these people did it so unwillingly and are so deserving of every honor. I thank God for them. This was one of the most moving dinners that I’ve ever attended and Archon Reince Priebus addressing the event I’ve been to just about all of the Archon dinners, but to see firsthand how Orthodox values have impacted his life and people came forward to help others and not to continue to make the nation a better place. But care for their own safety but to care for the our most unexpected admiration belongs to safety of others first… this is an example that Efstratios Valiamos, who represents the we should all follow. So Panta Axios and I pray fishermen of Lesbos and the Greek Islands. for all of them.” Mrs. Poulos also shared the These selfless islanders saved thousands of

only in the United States but around the world. Our New Boot Camp Committee introduced this year's newly-vested Archons to the Order and what to expect in the coming years.”

Archons John Manos and Gus Pablecas with their families

migrants as they fled the Civil War in Syria. They didn’t do it for glory, fame or riches. They did it for philotimo - that uniquely Greek concept that lives in the hearts of all Greeks and now in the lives of the thousands they saved and in the minds of the millions they inspired. AXIOS!” John Manos, Archon Eutaxias Regional Commander-Metropolis of Chicago for the Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate says, “I am so very humbled and honored to be able to serve this Great organization and to defend and promote our Most Holy Mother Church! The honorees this year, Emilia Kamvisi and Efstratios Valiamos, Nobel Peace Prize Nominees representing the People of Lesbos who helped thousands of Refugees, exemplify how humble and proud people can help change the lives of so many!” Mr. Manos also comments on the productivity of this year’s Archon Weekend: “It continually amazes me as to the amount of work and dedication that the Archon National Board and our Archons do, not

Gus Pablecas, Archon Ostiarios Regional Commander for the Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in the Metropolis of Chicago, said that “Archons travel from all over to attend and be part of the magnificent Archon Weekend, which culminates in the Investiture of new Archons. We travel to NYC to support and to be part of this important event under the leadership of our Archon National Commander, Dr. Anthony J Limberakis and the Archon National Council. We are honored, proud and humbled to be Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate and will continue to actively defend and support our beautiful Holy and Great Mother Church.”

Archon for many years, comments on the impact that the event has for young professionals: “I was invited tonight by Nektarios Antoniou, from the Byzantine Music School at the Cathedral and am also accompanying my father tonight, who is also a member of the St. Andrew Archons…. It’s a great pleasure to witness and I’m very pleased and fortunate to be here. It’s amazing that the Archons are able to generate a function like this to show support for the good cause of defending our religion, which is an important part of our heritage as all Greek Americans know through and through. It’s always terrific to see familiar faces, watching as everyone

Mr. Pablecas provides a lovely spiritual and historical account of the Archons as Defenders of the Faith: “We were once again honored to have witnessed the Investiture of 25 new Archons to the Ecumenical Patriarchate… The Honoree Eftratios Valiamos with family and friends truly a moving and awesome experience, as you can feel the mystical comes together with the understanding and transformation of these faithful and worthy sincere commitment to celebrate our faith. It’s a men who now join the ranks of the Archons. By solemn weekend, but the dinner is also a fun taking the Affirmation, these men take on the event for all.” When asked how he sees young t r e m e n d o u s professionals participating responsibility and duty towards the fulfilment of the to defend and promote Archon’s initiative for the our Holy and Great preservation of our faith, M o t h e r Yiannis says, “As a young Church….[The professional this is a good Archons] were opportunity to network with engaged in fighting for like-minded people. One can Religious Freedom and only hope that with every new in doing so, have been success in whatever industry successful in having 45 one pursues one’s ability to States adapt Freedom impact these sorts of causes will Resolutions, have enhance and increase with the secured a victory in the years. It’s my hope to one day Archbishop Demetrios presents Lee Gounardis with a special European Court of follow in the footsteps of my distinction for his service to the Archons Human Rights, have father and be that Archon hosted two Archon International representative who he has been Conferences of Religious as was his father before him. It Freedom, with a third planned for would be an honor to continue December 2017 in Washington that legacy, not only within my DC, and much more. The Archons Yannis Metaxas family, but also within the appeal to all the faithful to learn more about the church community, which really is what it’s all issues facing our Patriarchate, especially the about.” Five Key Issues.” For additional information in the Archons initiatives, visit The Archon assembly also honored Archbishop Demetrios with a special staff to commemorate Several local and national Hellenic Young his 50 years as a Bishop of the Greek Orthodox Professionals were in attendance. Yiannis Church and has been an exemplary spiritual Metaxas, who recently graduated from Boston shepherd and inspiration to many throughout University and whose father, famed WCBS this time. State Senator Nicole Malliotakis with Chris Salboudis Newscaster John Metaxas has served as an



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Float Your Boat:

The Hellenic American Chamber of Commerce Sails to New Heights The 2017 Hellenic American Chamber of Commerce (HACC) celebrated its 69th Annual Dinner Dance at the Pierre Hotel in midtown. The classy atmosphere was the perfect backdrop to an evening of gracious speeches, impeccable service and, of course, dancing.

Polys Hajioannou with Members of the Board of the Hellenic American Chamber of Commerce

The evening’s honoree was Polys Hajioannou, CEO of Safe Bulkers. Nancy Papaioannou, Chairman of the HACC and Co-Chair of the event committee, states that the HACC has always been determined to honor individuals who share in the HACC’s interest to cultivate and support a legacy of excellence in business culture and community. “Polys Hajioannou is a man of character and an impressive example of someone who makes a difference not only in the shipping industr y but also in the community at large.”

Ms. Papaioannou says, “This year’s event was a celebration of business and culture. Over 380 people from the various industries gathered to honor and celebrate Polys Hajioannou, a leading force in the shipping industry and a philanthropist.” The event featured a remarkable performance by Presentation of Person of the Year Award to Polys Hajioannou Pericles Kanaris (Composer, Musician by the Members of the Board of the Hellenic American Chamber and Director) and his band Synolon. of Commerce. Marble Boat commissioned by HACC to mark the HACC also commissioned a variety of occasion created by Petros Marmarinos from Tinos, Greece. special products made and shipped G e o r g e M i c h a e l i d i s ( G r e e k Tr a d e from Greece for the evening, including: a Commissioner for the Consul of Greece in New marble boat designed by Petro Marmarinos, a York) points out that the HACC events promote craftsman from the island of Tinos and a the interaction of two, even three generations handcrafted bracelet made by Apritati for each of Greek Americans, encouraging everyone to attendee. A portion of all the evening’s share their cultural and professional ideas and proceeds is being donated to Galilee, a free traditions. To this he adds his regards to the palliative care service based in Greece. evening’s honoree. “This is a spectacular event and I’m thrilled to see Mr. Hajioannou honored This was also the major debut for the HACC this way. The Greek shipping industry was one Young Professionals’ new leadership with Sofia of the first and oldest in the world. Greek D’Alessandro at the helm. In her speech mid- Marine companies were the first in the global way through the evening Ms. D’Alessandro marine business, so of course it’s fantastic that prompts everyone to open the little boats by this year’s honoree is from that marine and their place setting – which was a sponsorship shipping industry.” form – and invited attendees to “give whatever amount floats your boat.” Stavros Karageorgiou (CCM, Commercial Litigation Associate at Farrell Fritz) has been an In addition to the new leadership, the new HACC member for over three years. “I’ve been format of this year’s Gala gained the attention to all their events. They’re all wonderful. We and admiration of many Hellenic Young meet excellent people in the Greek community. Professionals in attendance. I’ve created several long-lasting relationships

by Chris Salboudis from the people I’ve met through the Chamber. It’s also a great educational event and brings people together…. Also, every other month we get together for networking activities, which is also a good opportunity to build new connections.” Stavros’ impression of the Chamber’s Mission is that the events are getting stronger each year, with more attendance than in previous years. “There’s a breadth of different industries represented here and I think it’s going to go even further in the coming years…. It’s imperative that the young professionals start building their network early on. There are several mentorship-like roles here from the more senior members of the Chamber; they take the young professionals under their wing and they’re able to give guidance from their own experiences.”

Age is only a number. Macallan Rare Cask takes the age out of the conversation letting the liquid speak for itself by harmonizing the spirit and the wood. Macallan is known as the world’s most luxury single malt Scotch whiskey. The release of Rare Cask celebrates in its rich ruby red color, created from less than 1% of the casks ageing at the Macallan distillery, hand selected, Spanish oak sherry seasoned casks. The sherry bodegas where Macallan sourced the sherry that was used to season these particular casks are no longer in working order, hence the rarity of the expression. The ruby red liquid is showcased in a beautiful decanter designed by Lalique crystal in order to represent the peerless spirit that defines The Macallan. The Macallan Rare Cask has officially released the first batch of the 2017 vintage.

Brian Devine, President of HACC, Polys Hajioannou, CEO Safe Bulkers, Nancy Papaioannou, Chairman of HACC

Despina Victory also offered her compliments to the organizers. “The event was beautifully organized. I also came last year and in comparison it did seem much larger, but tonight the young professionals and the more experienced people are sharing their advice and stories with each other, and that was nice. It was very good to get to know people that way, otherwise we wouldn’t have as many opportunities to come in contact with them. This is an amazing opportunity for everyone here. I will definitely come again next year.” Ms. Victory also shares that it’s very important for youth to get involved with the HACC early on. “It’s important for Hellenic youth to get involved here at the local and national level, and even in Greece. Look at all the charities and fundraising goals HACC has set out. As a new member, I hope to get more involved whether it’s for planning or anything else that would help out. I plan to be a very active member any way I can because I like what I’ve heard and who I’ve met and spoken to here so far. They’ve inspired me to reach this goal.”

For additional information about opportunities and events available through the Hellenic American Chamber of Commerce, their website is

The wood sits at the very core of what we do at The Macallan and Rare Cask elaborates on our core values and practices to the commitment of the sherry seasoned oak casks. Like many other Macallans, Rare Cask’s journey from acorn to bottle begins in northern Spain. The porous Spanish oak is then hand-crafted, staved, and toasted at our Tevassa cooperage in Jerez, Spain. The casks are then seasoned with dry olorosso sherry for nearly two years, then are emptied and shipped up to Scotland to be filled with new make spirit.

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JAN 2018


Libra Group Chairman and CEO George Michael Logothetis, along with his wife, founder and Chairwoman of the Seleni Institute, Nitzia Logothetis, Stella Lymberis, MD, radiation oncologist at NYU Langone Medical Center, Vassilis Stachtos, Tomi Papanikolaou, PhD physicist from San Antonio, Texas and finally Dr. Evangelos Pappas ( far right) CEO and Co-Founder of RTsafe From left, Andrew Liveris, Chairman of The Hellenic Initiative, Sakis Rouvas who mc'd the event, the Honoree Marianna Vardinoyannis, and George Stamas, President of The Hellenic Initiative

Mike Gianaris with Mike Manatos

The Pantelides brothers with family members and John Koudounis RTsafe, Inc USA group, left to right, Stella Lymberis, MD, Evangelos Pappas, PhD, Vassilis Stachtos and Tomi Papanicolaou, PhD

Justine Frangoulis-Argyris with friends The John Metaxas family Kostas Angeloudis, George Angelakis, Mrs. Plakiotakis, Katerina Aggelakis and Ioannis Plakiotiakis

by Chris Salboudis The Hellenic Initiative hosted it’s 5th Annual Gala at the New York Hilton Midtown, raising over $2 million. Approximately 900 guests – dignitaries, politicians, philanthropists, celebrities from around the world – attended. Marianna Vardinoyannis was presented with an award for her efforts to help fight against childhood cancer and support human rights. She is Founding President of The Marianna Va r d i n o y a n n i s Fo u n d a t i o n , E L P I DA’ s Association of Friends of Children with Cancer, and ORAMA ELPIDAS Volunteer Bone Marrow Donor Registry. Since 1999, Ms. Vardinoyannis has been a Goodwill Ambassador of UNESCO, gaining international recognition for her humanitarian work. Sakis Rouvas served as the MC and main entertainment for the evening, performing in collaboration with the Jimmy Vali 40

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Global Diaspora Takes Root at The Hellenic Initiative Gala Band. Mr. Rouvas also contributes extensive and accuracy of radiotherapy for cancer and charitable efforts to initiatives for ELPIDA’s other medical conditions. RTsafe combines Association of Friends of Children with Cancer. proven expertise in medical physics with highly accurate 3D printing technology to create Notable guest speakers included George pseudo-in-vivo dosimetry phantoms towards Fertitta of Bloomberg Associates and Julia End-to-End commissioning, benchmarking and Chatterley, co-anchor “Bloomberg Markets” quality assurance in SRS, IMRT, VMAT and SBRT and “What’d You Miss?” THI presented a video applications. Their novel and creative featuring average Athenians sharing their technology solutions using anatomically favorite parts of the city with visitors. accurate phantoms enable medical professionals to plan more precise treatment Another special video featuring the medical inter ventions and help radiotherapy company RTsafe was presented to the audience. technology innovators to fine-tune their The company had received the THI Hellenic products ensuring safety and accuracy. Entrepreneurship Award in 2014, funded and administrated by the Libra group and THI. RTsafe's patented end-to-end QA products and RTsafe is a medical technology company that services are already being trusted by many has developed a unique approach to quality leading institutions, leading research assurance that significantly enhances the safety conferences and companies in the United P HOTO S: ETA P RESS

George Bousis with friends

Acclaimed jazz guitarist and composer Spiros Exaras

States and is rapidly expanding services improving the quality, precision and safety of radiation therapy treatment delivery around the world.

invested approximately $8 million in economic development. A $5.7 million Hellenic Entrepreneurship Award is managed and funded by The Libra Group.

Founded in 2012, THI is a global nonprofit organization designed to support sustainable economic recovery and renewal for the Greek people. It is now a leading group in the international Greek diaspora. Proceeds from the gala are typically invested in entrepreneurial programs based in Greece, lending additional support to Greek NonGovernment Organizations that promote and support economic development and crisis relief for underserved communities in Greece. Since 2012, THI has distributed over $3 million dollars in direct crisis relief funding and has

Artemis Kohas, CEO of The Kohas Agency and a long-time expert in public relations, international entrepreneurial endeavors and hospitality management, served as a major organizer for this year’s gala. Artemis first attended the THI Gala in 2015 and was moved to learn more about the initiative from that moment. “It struck me that this was different than all the other Greek organizations I support because proceeds go directly to two things that have been top of mind for me - aiding in the Greek crisis, and helping to mentor entrepreneurs and create healthy small

FBI Director George Venizelos, John Catsimatidis Jr., George Petrocheilos and friends

businesses in Greece. Further, The Hellenic Initiative has supported campaigns encouraging tourism in Greece and specifically Athens….We worked tirelessly on what turned out to be a completely sold out event…. The response was overwhelming and we were all moved by the number of attendees, volunteers and businesses who donated their time, efforts and products…. The Hilton’s ballroom was at its most beautiful, the staff impeccably accommodating. Believe it or not, there are very few venues in the city that provide such value to their clients…. It is a special thing when your work and your passion align to do good and help others. The night was electrifying and I have been inspired!”

Annunciation Church Celebrates 125 Years of Unity & Faith

by Chris Salboudis

Standing from left, Mrs. and Dr. John Getsos, Parish President, George Tsandikos, Chairman Leadership 100, Ambassador Vasilis Philippou, Paulette Poulos, Executive Director Leadership 100, and Rev. John Vlahos, Dean of the Holy Trinity Cathedral. Sitting, Anthe Philippou, Archbishop Demetrios and Parish Dean Chrysostomos Gilbert

Archbishop Demetrios, Geron of America, was honored for his 50 years of dedicated service as a theologian, an internationally-renowned biblical scholar and the leader of the Greek Orthodox community here in the US. The momentous occasion of his Golden Jubilee was the focal point of Annunciation Church’s 125th Anniversary Gala, another landmark occasion for the Greek American community in New York City, which was hosted at the Harvard Club. The annual Christmas Gala was organized by a planning committee with Rev. Father Chrysostomos Gilbert, current Dean of Annunciation Church, and Mrs. Kassandra Romas, the Gala’s Executive Chair, at the helm. The event was sold out and the Harvard Club packed with dignitaries and prominent figures attending to offer their well wishes and ongoing support, including Ambassador Vasilios Philippou, Consul General of Cyprus, and Konstantinos Koutras, Consul General of Greece, as well as Hon. Leo and Helen Milonas, John and Margo Catsimatidis, Paulette Poulos, George Tsandikos, and many more.

at the Two Bridges neighborhood in the Lower East Side to holding it’s first formal Liturgical service on January 8, 1894. The journey to the establishment of the Annunciation Church we know today is one of perseverance among Greeks and Greek Americans. Several doors were closed to them along the way and they transitioned to several “temporary homes” before establishing themselves at the lovely Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church we know today. It was in late January 1954 that all those present witnessed a great solemn procession of over 700 faithful making their way through the West Side, carrying the icon of the Virgin Mary along with other treasured church icons and artifacts that had been donated to their community over the years for their final transition to their current home.

Archbishop Demetrios is Honored for his 50 Hierarchical Years P HOTO S: ETA P RESS

In many ways, the parish in present day reflects this spirit of determination and growth and the tradition of tenacity in the face of any challenge. More importantly, their continued outreach is carried out with the grace and character that reflects the best qualities of who we are as Speaking to NEO Kassandra Romas said that “it Greeks. Annunciation itself has meant a great deal to the has been an honor and privilege to chair the NYC community, with various initiatives annual Annunciation Stewardship and In his opening remarks, Father Chrysostomos running through their doors to bring people Mistletoe Galas for the 15 years since its said it best: “This evening we have the from all walks of life closer to the church and to conception. Working together with their opportunity to come together in celebration of the greater Greek and Greek Orthodox dedicated Father Chrysostmos and the many significant events. Among them, the community. Again reflecting on Father outstanding gala committee, we had an 125th Anniversary of the founding of our Chrysostomos’ speech, within the many things unprecedented success this year, with 550 parish, which we have been honoring in several being celebrated at the event we see one attendees at the unbelievably beautiful Harvard ways throughout 2017. Then there is the joyous common theme: Unity and Faith. “Stewardship Club. I am proud of the response of the season of the Nativity, celebrate our Lord’s is more than just money, it is a mindset, it is a community, the young professionals, the many Incarnation and the gifts He continues to bring way of life, it is how we express our love to God sponsors…. All this kefi and support of us both individually and collectively as a parish. by offering our gifts. It is through your Annunciation Church. Save the Date: Saturday, There is also the meaningful ministry of stewardship, and the generations of those December 8, 2018 is already reserved for next stewardship which keeps this parish alive and before you, that enabled us to celebrate our year’s Gala!” thriving through your generosity. And lastly, 125-year anniversary. It is through your but most important, we have the opportunity to stewardship that we have been able to make Founded in 1891 by Solon S.J. Vlastos, the honor our beloved spiritual leader, His improvements to our parish facilities. It is Greek Society of New York “Athena” was Eminence Archbishop Demetrios, Geron of through your stewardship we have a established out on Pearl Street to assist Greek America, who is celebrating 50 distinguished remarkable choir and chanters who enrich our newcomers looking to adapt to life in the US. years in the Episcopal ministry.” Divine Services. It is through your stewardship The small community evolved from assembling that our youth have a place to go and grow and 44

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Event Chair Kassandra Romas with Archbishop Demetrios

Archbishop Demetrios with parish members

Event Chair Kassandra Romas with Parish Dean, Fr. Chrysostomos Gilbert and parishioners

Parish President John Getsos with family and friends

be nurtured in Christ. It is through your stewardship our Young Adults are reconnecting with their faith. In fact, in a study just released by the Assembly of Bishops on Young Adult Ministry in the American Orthodox Churches, there is much room for improvement in this area, and I am proud and grateful that our parish is at the forefront in taking steps to foster this ministry, recognizing the value and potential of these remarkable young people.”

young professionals. These social gatherings are a wonderful opportunity for Orthodox young adults from different parishes throughout the tri-state area to gather, socialize, collaborate and network with others who share their faith and culture.

connect both their spiritual and social needs.” says Father Chrysostomos, who currently directs Annunciation’s Young Professional Ministry. The annual Hellenic Young Professionals Mistletoe Gala is among the major events coordinated by the Young Professional Ministry of Annunciation Church. Spearheading the initiative are the two sibling duos, Paul and Chloe Politis along with Niki and Alexandra Devaris. This dynamic team has organized the Mistletoe Gala and various events collaboratively for years. The Mistletoe Gala was well received, as always, with myriads of young adults in attendance from all over the tristate area.

In addition to these social and philanthropic activities, Annunciation Young Professionals Mission is fully engaged in their faith. In November 2017, the group enjoyed a spiritual Annunciation’s Young Professional group was pilgrimage to St. Nektarios Greek Orthodox initially spearheaded by Rev. Archimandrite V. Monastery in Roscoe NY. Nathanael Symeonides in 2010. The group has since been involved with different areas of “It is so important to keep our Greek Orthodox philanthropic outreach, including the Midnight Young Professional community connected and Run program held once a season. The Young engaged in church activities because our young Professionals also enjoy social gatherings at adults are not only ‘the future’. They are ‘the local popular restaurants like Jacob’s Pickles, now’. We must keep our Young Professionals For more information and on how you can Maison Pickle and Ousia, which are all owned engaged in the life of the Church by reaching contribute to the ministries at Annunciation and/or managed by other Greek Orthodox out to them, offering a place where they can Greek Orthodox Church, their website is NEWS & NOTES

JAN 2018


hellenes without borders STAMPS OF MY HISTORY Moving is never easy. It is a loss of nerves, and in my case, pounds from work and stress, and it always costs more than you anticipate. Things get lost, and broken. Sometimes, however, things do get found. During the moving chaos, items lost or forgotten (particularly when, as in our family, we have moved about ten times in fourteen years of marriage) suddenly (re)emerge.

As I returned from our new South Carolinian home to finish off the move from our former Chicago home, I wearily opened yet another box, one long sealed, likely from before our eight years in Europe. This one was full of good things. In the chaotic aftermath of my father’s death from Alzheimer’s, many family heirlooms were lost to my eldest sister and me. Among the items my father intended for me included several folders and binders of stamps, collected both as a side hobby and from an extensive correspondence in Greece and Cyprus. Opening the box, several booklets and packages of painstakingly compiled Greek stamps from four decades fell into my lap.

Cyprus, most of them emptied of their letters, but the return addresses, dates, and once again, the stamps, carried stories personal and national. I found it possible, using the date, the sender, and the stamp’s era and subject to surmise something of the context and contents. In particular, there were two sets of letters that recalled personal and difficult national histories. For as long as I can remember, my father had a subscription at Eleutheroudakis Book Store, a virtual shrine to us every time we were in Greece (a chain now sadly defunct, but it was there when I lived there, a source of solace from the “Greek Reality”). Over the course of ten years, from mid 1970s to mid1980s, a dozen tome edition, Istoria tou Ellinikou Ethnous (History of the Greek Nation), arrived at our Salt Lake City home, the arrival of each book being an occasion for schoolboy delight on my father’s part. I read the typed invoices, and the correspondence back and forth, usually my father complaining about the delay in a long-awaited tome or the arbitrary change of price in dollars. This series, now in a place of honor in our home library in Serbia, was the foundation both of my Greek and my knowledge of Greek history. The correspondence and the books they paid for have played a singular role in my life and identity.

I turned the pages reverently, as beautiful, brightly colored images of Greece’s four millennia of history, national costumes, (ex) Kings and Queens, and Junta Phoenixes shone behind protective covers, compiled by a man who loved Greece with such visceral intensity. Whether from the exhaustion of too much cardboard and carrying, or the memory of his gentle heart, I cried. Other letters had beautiful stamps, As moving—and valuable—as this compilation o f t e n e n o u g h was, together with a beautifully bound edition depicting nature and of the 1980 Moscow Olympics, with stamps (until 1974) neutral, from a country that no longer exists; it was, n o n - n a t i o n a l i s t i c rather, a haphazard manila envelope that themes. The stamps touched me the most. Stuffed with well over were in Greek, but one hundred envelopes from Greece and 50

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Alexander Billinis is a writer and lawyer in Chicago, Illinois. He and his family returned to the US after nearly a decade in Greece, the UK, and Serbia. He writes prolifically on Balkan topics. His books, The Eagle has Two Faces: Journeys through Byzantine Europe, and Hidden Mosaics: An Aegean Tale, are available from

also in Turkish and English. The dates, all from the mid to late 1970s, from the immediate aftermath of the Turks’ vivisection of this leaf shaped island, are likely from Cypriot friends and organizations thanking my father for his efforts on their behalf. Thumbing through the stamped, franked envelopes made me proud of my father’s past efforts, and reminded me that the old would inflicted in 1974 has yet to be healed. More than any viral meme on Facebook, these silent envelopes are a call to action. My initial review of the stamps, in haste during the move, turned into a longer one, as I showed my family our history in stamps, and then I put these words to paper. These stamps serve as elegant markers of a slower, more deliberate time, and their correspondence and contents stamped their identity on me. This legacy, retrieved from cardboard and dust, now returns to a place of honor in our new home. The original version of this article appeared in Weekly Hubris (

MACHAIRITSAS' AND ZOUGANELIS' ENCHANTING CONCERT A surprise appearance by Mario Frangoulis embraced the audience with warmth and love. Throughout the concert he created a very special bond with the audience as he talked to them and shared stories about the various songs he presented contributing further in making the performance even more electrifying. Machairitsas opened his performance with the Giannis Markopoulos classic “Ta Logia Ke Ta Chronia”.

Greek stars, Lavrentis Machairitsas and Giannis Zouganelis and their band presented an enchanting performance during AKTINA’s Greek Music Journey 2017 at New York’s landmark theater, The Kaye Playhouse at Hunter College. Produced by Elena Maroulleti, this benefit concert for public service media, AKTINA FM and AKTINA TV was co-presented by the non-profits, AKTINA Productions, Inc., and CYPRECO Of America, Inc. Greek and non-Greek fans and supporters of AKTINA and CYPRECO of different ages, enjoyed a memorable and fully energized performance which lasted for over 2 ½ hours filled with everlasting songs from the rich discographies of Machairitsas and Zouganelis, while guests were also treated to a special impromptu performance by renowned crossover classical tenor Mario Frangoulis who was among the audience and who was invited to share the stage and sing Machairitsas’ classic “Notos”. The audience was also enthused with a set of opening songs performed by band member, Steve Tesser, a renowned Italian singer/songwriter and guitarist who’s been working with Machairitsas for the past five years and with the new and upcoming singer Pavlina Voulgaraki. Equally intriguing were the rest of the band members, Alexandros Zouganelis, wind instruments, Akis Amprazis, bass and the legendary drummer, Filippos Spyropoulos. Lavrentis Machairitsas, who excels in Greek discography as a singer/songwriter for over 40 years and who was AKTINA’s guest back in 2013 and 2015, returned to New York with a new and uplifting program which included songs from his new album “Allaxan Polla”, as well as classics from his previous successful works. The reception he received from the audience was exceptional and everyone joined him as a big back up chorus singing and clapping along from beginning to end. Machairitsas who also stands out for his unique and friendly character 52

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Giannis Zouganelis, a singer/songwriter and stand-up comedian added an exceptional note to the entire performance with his entertaining comic skits that brought the house down with laughter. He also performed songs from his personal discography including, “Me Yia To Kourema” and “Akatallila Ke Erotika”, as well as duets with Machairitsas. The entire program with the input of the distinguished band members who each played an important role as a group and as individuals was truly captivating.

challenges, she tries very hard to offer quality. I love her very much and whenever she asks me to come back, I will, even for free!”. On her part Ms. Maroulleti also expressed her heartfelt appreciation and love to the participating lead artists, Lavrentis Machairitsas and Giannis Zouganelis and to all members of their band, including Mario Frangoulis for his impromptu performance. Referring to next year’s concert, Ms. Maroulleti stressed, “next year we will be celebrating the 25th anniversary of our organization and of our radio program AKTINA FM and on this auspicious occasion, our concert will cover the most beautiful and loved songs of the Greek music repertoire. It will also highlight the “Magic of Bouzouki” during a concert sub-titled “Ode to Greek Song” with Greek leading bouzouki soloist and virtuoso Andreas Karantinis accompanied by the distinguished musician/songwriter Manolis Androulidakis and his band and two new and upcoming singers, Vasiliki Stefanou and Aris Kampanos. Ms. Maroulleti also expressed special thanks and appreciation to all who attended and supported this new benefit concert and invited them to join AKTINA on April 20th for Greek Music Journey 2018 also at the Kaye Playhouse for a new and memorable performance that will revive the legendary Rembetika and Laika. Tickets for this new concert are already on sale. To charge call 718545-1151 or buy online As the audience kept requesting for more, the magical performance run into overtime with more songs and ended with the everlasting hit “Poso Se Thelo” (How much I need you) with an ecstatic crowd in standing ovation singing

Both Machairitsas and Zouganelis took time to thank AKTINA and Elena Maroulleti, the concert’s Executive Producer for their hospitality stressing that, “the production was superb and outstanding”. Both artists also stressed that AKTINA distinguishes itself for producing concerts which only promote “the best quality of Greek music outside the boundaries of Greece and that this unique endeavor must be supported in order to further spread the representative music of Greece”. Lavrentis Machairitsas also offered words of praise for Ms. Elena Maroulleti, noting that she is “a solid rock… who preserves in the USA the quality music of Greece…Unfortunately in this day and age we see low quality music taking over, but this woman, is holding on just like the fighters at Thermopylae and despite the difficulties and

and clapping along. Watch video from the amazing November 3rd concert with Machairitsas and Zouganelis at the Kaye Playhouse featuring also Mario Frangoulis


Super Size Me! ) d e r o s n e c n U (Uncut & When it comes to cigars (and clarinets) size matters! Here, with a merciless and unapologetically humongous Cuban before Trump's (and my doctor's) embargo is reinstated... Have a beautiful and inspiring 2018! May all your ...drinks come true! This new year enjoy fully, work wisely, save more time than money and try making the circumstances rather than been made by them... And keep supporting NEO! Together we can do great things look ...tiny by comparison! ยกVenceremos!

by Demetrios Rhompotis


The 2 Messinia International Golf Tournament Time is fast approaching for the 2nd and individual scores, even on their golf international golf tournament Messinia Pro Am, buggies, with the Messinia Pro-Am new live organized by Costa Navarino on 21-24 February score service. 2018. The tournament attracted global interest Professionals and amateur golfers from the during the International Golf Travel Market Americas, Europe and Africa have already (IGTM) that was recently held in Cannes, 11-14 formed teams and interest is high for the December 2017. completion of the 50 teams that can register until Friday 19 January 19 2018. Registrations Aegean Airlines member of world's largest c o n t i n u e v i a t h e o f f i c i a l w e b s i t e : global airline alliance Star Alliance, is the official airline partner of the tournament. Competition is expected to be even higher among the teams during the 2nd Messinia ProAm. During the three competitive rounds that will take place at the two 18-hole signature golf courses at Costa Navarino, The Dunes Course and The Bay Course, golfers will claim the 2nd biggest prize fund in Europe. The total amount to be distributed during Messinia Pro-Am is 50,000. The tournament will also award the top 5 best-performing teams, the 3 best professional golfers, while a hole-in-one award will also be given this year.

Special accommodation packages are available at The Westin Resort Costa Navarino: Messinia Pro-Am is organized in cooperation with the PGAs of Europe, under the auspices of PGA of Greece, the Hellenic Golf Federation and the Hellenic Olympic Academy.

Messinia Pro-Am supports also a charity cause, as part of its revenue will be given to the SOS Children’s Villages. For more information: Every year the event adds new elements to the tournament. For the first time this year, golfers rity.html will be able to get real-time updates on team


JAN 2018


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