TEMPORARY MUSEUM OF ASSASSIN'S CREED 速 ART (R) EVOLUTION "Videogames are not just entertainment. They are a media, cultural expressions, generator of emotions, worldviews, ideas and stories". The Temporary Museum of Assassin's Creed is the world's first exhibition dedicated to a single video game brand. Art forms of all time come to life in thousands of concepts that characterize Assassin's Creed, a multi-dimensional and multi-sensorial work of art that could be enjoyed by actively playing or as contemporary language. Art (R) Evolution is the title of the Temporary Museum of Assassin's Creed 速 that has been hosted at the National Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci and at WOW, in Milan . Art ( R)Evolution is a project to read and deepen the art and the culture contained in the video games and has been curated by Debora Ferrari and Luca Traini with the participation in the concept of Riccardo Hofmann, along with E-Ludo, and the scientific collaboration of the team of Ubisoft Italy. The Project will go on in other museum locations. The circuit in Milan in 2012. At the National Museum of Science and Technology in Milan one hundred works, including paintings, videos, installations has been exhibited. The most important Italian technology and science museum , which since its origins fosters the dialogue between art and science, hosted true works of contemporary art focusing on a single video game, recognizing its cultural and artistic value. While at the WOW Space a section of comics and graphics has been exhibited. Now all the sections of the Temporary Museum of Assassin's Creed gathered to become a Temporary Museum for an Italian and international route and a catalog has been published in English by Skira. To deepen the knowledge of the exhibition, please visit:
Ludovic Ribardière, Project Legacy ®Ubisoft, Side effects, canvas, cm 75,50x43,50
Olivier Martin, ®Ubisoft, Vatican Vault, crystal, cm 90x50
The game art is closely linked to the concept art with which it shares the design and the creative steps that are at the base of the game. The video game is a new contemporary art expression, the first in history to be born already aware of his own fiction. The context. Between September and November 2012 Milan hosted the first Temporary Museum of Assassin’s Creed®, based on a title which is one of the most famous and loved video game ever, known all over the world and that has sold about 37 million copies in his four previous episodes, numbers that will continue to rise with the new release. With Assassin's Creed about 38,000,000 users could enjoy the Italian cities of art. The exhibitions. The exhibitions have been made possible thanks to the active participation and the scientific cooperation of Ubisoft Italy : Alberto Coco and Stefano Rigattieri and their team have worked side by side with the curators (Debora Ferrari, Luca Traini and Riccardo Hofmann). The section at the National Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci presented a hundred original works signed by the artists of Ubisoft, which since 2007 have worked on several episodes of the game. The works, even if made in digital are offered in faithful’s material related with the type of image, thanks to a partnership with Demart, and the public could enjoy real pictures in canvas, fresco, plexiglass, wood, leather, fine art and mosaics. Other contemporary artists made an important contribution to the interpretation of the cultural richness of Assassin's Creed : Massimo Giuntoli with the work "Osmosis" an installation of lights that gives new life to the story; Samuele Arcangioli has designed and built the "Portrait’s Machine" a 4 meters room in which the public can see the different identities of the main character of the story; Edward Paul Quist, an artist from Brooklyn, presented a video installation specially suited on the genetic code and linked to the emotions of the main character in the “Animus”. In addition, the exhibition hosted the Leonardo da Vinci's Flying Machine and the Cannon thanks to the courtesy of the Museum of Science, enhancing his presence as a character in the game. Two PC playing stations - specially designed by Mirco Ferrari Labs - allowed the public to access to specific workshops and see the interviews with the developers of Assassin's Creed. In the WOW Space about eighty tables of comics on Assassin's Creed were exposed, some of which are produced in partnership with Artestampa, among them: the whole “Altair’s Code” in part published on the catalog (Skira); three portraits on wood made by Samuele Arcangioli; the Tribute to Ezio Auditore created by the artist No Curves; twenty works selected from an artistic contest.
Ludovic Ribardière, Project Legacy ® Ubisoft, Problem Solvers, polestyrene cm 250x200
Part of the graphics and comics exhibiton
Workshop on Leonardo by the curator of the Museum
Events. Between September and November 2012 conferences and workshops have been organized in the two locations, the entire program can be downloaded on the website ( with the free app. The curators and the scientific and artistic partners are at disposal to organize workshops in the museums or special programs for schools. Targets in Italy • • • • • • • • •
The followers of contemporary art and culture (about 9,000,000 people); The players and fans of Game Culture (about 15 million people ); Art collectors; Retrogaming collectors; Art, design, architecture, publishing and all creative professionals (about 550,000 people); High school students, academies and universities of Art, design (about 650,000 people); Teachers and researchers from art and design schools and faculties (about 25,000 people); Public administrators involved in cultural contexts; Corporate communications interested in Art, culture and today’s creative languages and tools.
Artists. Making a video game is a team effort. The works shown in the ASSASSIN'S CREED® ART (R)EVOLUTION exhibition are made with the help of some of the artists who have worked over the years on the ASSASSIN'S CREED® Saga such as: Gilles Beloeil, Donglu Yu, Patrick Lambert, Vincent Gaigneux, Martin Deschambault, Ludovic Ribardiere, Olivier Martin, Eve Berthelette, Raphael Lacoste, Patrick Gagne, Patrick Desgreniers, Olivier Ammirati, William Wu. The Catalog. ASSASSIN'S CREED ART (R)EVOLUTION, published by Skira in 2012 is the first art catalog dedicated to a video game. A very unique game that has made history and art at the heart of its engine, valued not only by the players but also by critics and scholars. The book contains 190 artwork designed in 6 international Ubisoft studios and brings to life medieval, renaissance and modern art and architecture between the year 1191 to 2012. Interviews with the creators, essays, and a small guide to places of art enrich the volume (with texts by Alberto Coco, Ricardo Cones, Deborah Ferrari, Luca Traini, Riccardo Hofmann, Luca Roncella, Salvo Fallica and Salvo Mica). The social channels, web, apps with QR. The Exhibition is interactive thanks to the partnership with E-Ludo and the technical sponsorship of MF Labs by Mirco Ferrari (6500 downloads in 8 weeks ) with contents programs,workshops,videos, photos…Through the QR the audiencies at the exhibition has an access to cross-media contents and could explore the themes and the visions related to the art works and to the game.
Numbers at the Science Museum Leonardo da Vinci. 21,000 paying visitors in 7 weeks (monitored by Microlog, a technical sponsor) , the copies of the Skira catalog and other material at the Bookshop was sold out during the exhibition. The events organized were a total of 21, starting from the conference in June at Museum of Science and Technology and counted several thousands participants (not considering the thousands visitors at Lucca Comics, where the artworks from the WOW Space were exhibited). These special events included revealing exhibitions (in June and July), workshops, round tables and gaming sessions. Proposal : package with rental or partnership. Rental : Payment of the package for a minimum period of 3 weeks maximum 7 includes delivery of art works and materials, a detailed plan for the installation of the works; support for press and media coverage with the entire network of acquired fan, contacts, academics, opinion leaders, provision of 100 Skira copies of the book in the package (in English), the supply of the consultancy of the curators to customize the exhibition either under construction and for the opening. You can check the availability right now. In case of a partnership the host structure supports the costs of transport, insurance, custom fees, construction of the installation, curators consultancy. Conclusions. We are in the third millennium and in the twenties of this century. The game art and concept art with the video game are quickly turning our language and our relationship with creativity. This “revolution” started ' in Italy and could be brought in the rest of the world.
The Temporary Museum of Assassin’s Creed is now available: Book it now! | | | | | |
ABOUT ASSASSIN'S CREED Launched in 2007, Assassin's Creed Ž has sold more than 38 million units worldwide and today is one of the most popular and sold for next-generation consoles. Acclaimed for the depth and richness of its plot, Assassin's Creed has gone beyond video games, conquering other forms of entertainment such as comic books, novels, short films and much more. PATRONAGE BY: University of Milan, Milan Polytechnic, ALMED Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Brera CRAB, International School of Comics of Florence, Academy of Fine Arts of Catania, University of Catania, Department of Mathematics and Computing, Lucca Comics & Games, gaming Archive of the Film Library of Bologna PARTNERS: Museo della Scienza e della Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci , WOW Spazio Fumetto, DeMart, MFLabs, ,Caffè Letterario IN Rome, Scuola Comics in Florence, Artestampa, Microlog, Epson, Mivar,Panasonic.
External Relations and Contacts for the project External relations and package shows> Riccardo Hofmann riccardo.hofmann @; Package shows and art> Debora Ferrari and; Social Media Editor> Ambra Bonaiuto; Communication manager> Alberto Ziello alberto.ziello @
Game:Art:Gallery by MUSEA Game Art Gallery since 2008 plays an appreciated work of scientific research, production, critic and curator in the world of studies and creators of GAME ART in relation to the arts, organizing meetings and conferences in the academic and artistic places. In 2009 GAG made the first solo exhibition of relationship into heritage and videogames and 2011 "Neoludica. Art is a Game 2011 - 1966 "Collateral Event to 54.Esposizione International Art Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia, along with E-Ludo, AESVI and numerous scientific partners. The "Assassin's Creed Art (R) evolution" is the third project of game art world premiere, created in collaboration with Ubisoft Italy.