...A journey of a life time...
NEWS LETTER August 2021
YESS 2021 National Task Force Nepal Scouts
CONTENTS Foreword YESS Girls Movement is one of the leading projects of Nepal Scouts since 2018, with the support of WAGGGS and NOREC.
Acknowledgement “Stay positive and happy. Work hard and do not give up. Be open to criticism and keep learning. Surround yourself with happy, warm and genuine people.”
Progress on Membership Virtual session with the phulchowki rover and ranger of the crew district where we were able to recruit 10 new ranger scouts
Progress on Advocacy Team Wheels of Change has been spreading awareness of the Chaupadi Pratha
Progress on Girl Led COVID-19
Progress on Girl led COVID-19 RESPONE, CAPACITY building and communication General Activities.
WAGGGS Initiatives and Progress
The Covid-19 Response Team of Nepal is conducting different activities virtually because gathering and conducting physical activities is not possible
Press and Social Media Lot of covid cases was increased and government released lockdown in Nepal so due to lockdown there were no press meet this month.
YESS Girls Movement is one of the leading projects of Nepal Scouts since 2018, with the support of WAGGGS and NOREC. Nepal Scouts is delighted to welcome passionate young girl leaders as the National Task Force Members for the 2021 Youth Exchange South to South (YESS) movement in Nepal. In past, the YESS project has enhanced the ability of our young leaders by developing their skills in leadership, communication, reporting and ability to manage their day-to-day activities including special events. The YESS project has also assisted Nepal Scouts in interacting with other participants and, the young women leaders will be able to strengthen and empower other young girls and leaders of Nepal Scouts. They are working as a role model which inspires and encourages other youths to be the members of Nepal Scouts. This year, due to the Covid-19 International Exchange has not been planned for 2020/2021. YESS Girls Movement-Nepal has recruited 20 young girls along with 5 alumnae as a team leader who will guide the Task Force Members. They have already been engaged in different activities and organized programs and have shown great motivation, enthusiasm and commitment in the mission to help girls reach their highest potential through campaign, activities delivering WAGGGS initiatives like World Thinking Day, Free Being Me / Action on Body Confidence, Stop the Violence etc. followed with daily office administrative support and other assigned tasks. Nepal Scouts is eager to continue working with the girls to achieve the targeted YESS project along with others WAGGGS initiatives. Nepal Scouts is also committed to ensure that the YESS Girls Movements program that will support in delivering the outstanding results in Nepal for a whole year. The movement will be the opportunity to have experience of a lifetime not just for the girls but for all the scouts in Nepal.
Lok Bahadur Bhandari Chief Commissioner Nepal Scouts
YESS Girls Movement is one of the major leading projects in Nepal Scouts. Nepal Scouts has been the parts of YESS Girls Movement since 2018 A.D. and still actively performing well in home associations. Due to COVID -19, international exchange is totally halted and however working in own associations. For this, 20 young girls have been recruited as a National Task Force Members. They are divided into 5 different teams and they will be led by our YESS Alumnae as a Team Leaders.
So, I would like to express sincere
gratitude to Nepal Scouts and the staffs for their invaluable guidance, support and welcoming our YESS Participants. It is my distinct honor and high privilege to welcome all the National Task Force Members. We are hopeful that they will give their best performance and make Nepal Scouts feel proud. I cannot express enough thanks to the YESS project funders Norwegian Agency for Exchange Cooperation (NOREC) and World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) for funding the YESS Girls Movement which has been always a life changing experience for many young girls in Africa and Asia. I would specially thank YESS Alumnae for constantly motivating me to work harder and also for their contribution, suggestions and time. Last but not the least, many thanks go to all the supporting hands that are directly and indirectly engaged in this program and I would like to appreciate their dedication and selfless contribution.
Saru Gosai
YESS Country Coordinator Nepal Scouts
In the first week of august we had a virtual session with the Phulchowki rover and ranger of the crew district where we were able to recruit 10 new ranger scouts. We worked on the 5 years plan of YESS Girls. We were not able to do other activities because of the team members’ board exam but team members attended the Covid-19 Summit by Covid-19 crushers.
Team Wheels of Change has been spreading awareness of the Chaupadi Pratha
(an ancient social
tradition in Nepal that banished girls and women from their houses to makeshift in sheds and huts during menstruation). Besides these the joint partnership activities has been performed actively by the team. Team has done “Call for Action Advocating Girls”, through video and social media posts which was based on the theme of “Together we can be the Voice of Voiceless”. Team also came up with the ideas and knowledge on creating the good poems and shared them with other teams and got the opportunity to learn from other international team members of YESS Girls Movement too. Team also prepared the video of all the activity they have done in the quarter past months to till now.
The Covid-19 Response Team of Nepal is conducting different activities virtually because gathering and conducting physical activities is not possible. We pre-planned for our activity pack which have been submitted by all Mo’s and made preparation for training 100 young woman. We successfully conducted
Training where there were 39 participants. We couldn’t meet the target so we will be conducting the same program on upcoming days. We posted a M-Recycle activity of Covid Crushers Activity Pack Training on social media. We also did activities of two days challenge: Day 1- banner of introduction of wash and its importance on 24th August. Day 2- we made videos on steps of Handwash and banners of key times of Handwash on 25 th August. We also did a survey on the Covid 19 among Scout Rover and Rangers.
CAPACITY BUILIDNG As for our individual activity, we did research in coordination with other groups in order to find the current problems they are facing as a team. We came up with probable solutions that could be helpful in solving such issues. We also helped COVID team with their activity pack introductory webinar. And finally helped the membership team design their poster for Girls Scout Uniform in our MO. Cap force international team jointly organized leadership refresher sessions for all international team leaders to assist with problems that they are facing with their teams and how to solve them.
Communication team has always tried to reach the targeted audience and external audiences through different websites, media and online platforms. As we all know that we are still going through covid pandemic. So, this month the Communication team has focused more on posting and sharing information related to covid 19 and contents of girls Scout , WAGGGS and YESS girls movement. Communication team has attended and collaborated for webinars organized by each concerned team. Even in this pandemic communication team has collaborated with each and every concern team and maintenance and sharing information using technology and social media. This month we have posted 13 contents on fb and Instagram including 2 videos. This month Facebook got 157 likes and 95 views and Instagram got 253 likes and 136 views.
YESS Alumnae Summit is the gathering of all the
whether they create and bring positive changes or
YESS Alumnae from 2015 to till now and it is a
not, is it effective or not. We do all the evaluation
program exclusively for the YESS Alumnae. During
of our work from the start of YESS Girls Movement
the YESS Alumnae Summit, you get the opportunity
to till date. It is the place where we discussed,
of reuniting with the YESS Alumnae whom you
planned and prepared to bring the changes and
haven’t seen from a long period of time from 2015
input some of the new ideas in our work plan to
to till date. It is the platform to relive some of the
make our YESS Girls Movement program more
old memories while you were in your exchange
effective. There is going to be an Alumnae Summit
program. Not only that YESS Alumnae Summit is
in upcoming October. So be ready to attend the
the conference or seminar where we discussed our
virtual alumnae Summit.
initiatives, how they have been carried out and
PRESS AND SOCIAL MEDIA Lot of covid cases
increased and government released lockdown in
Nepal so due to lockdown there was no press meet.
• 157 Likes and 95 View on Facebook
• 490 followers, 253 likes and 136 views on Instagram YESS Girls Movement- Nepal Scouts @yessgirlsmovement_nepalscouts Yessgirlsmovement_nepalscouts