Second National Scout Jamboree-Bulletin3

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Jamboree Bulletin

HofDaf]/L a'n]l6g Volume 1, Issue 4

)@ a}zfv @)&), cfO{taf/

15th April 2013, Monday

;fxl;s lqmofsnfkdf :sfp6 Patron Shree Ram Lamichhane Chief Commissioner & Camp Chief

Advisor Ram Badan Joshi Chairman National Advisory Council

Editorial Board Raju Raja Singh

nlntk'/ lbj; ;DkGg bf]>f] /fli6«o HofDaf]/Lsf] cj;/df nlntk'/ slG6Gh]G6n] nlntk'/ lbj; eAo ?kdf dgfPsf] 5 . SofDk lrkm >L/fd nfld5fg]sf] k|d'v cfltYodf ;Dkgg pQm sfo{qmddf ;xefuL ;j} lslG6h]G6 ln8/x?nfO{ k/Dk/fut 6Lsf tyf sf]vf nufOPsf] lyof] . ;fF:s[lts klx/gdf ;lhP/ j;]sf nlntk'/ lhNnfsf :sfp6 kbflwsf/L, :sfp6 / :sfp6/x?n] g[To tyf ;fF:s[lts emfFsL k|:t't u/]sf lyP . sfo{qmddf k|d'v cfo'Qm nfld5fg]n] pkl:yt ;Dk"0f{ cltlyx?nfO{ lhNnf :sfp6sf] tkm{af6 dfofsf] lrgf] k|åfg ug'[{ sf] ;fy} SofDk If]q, af}4 :t'kf, wd{;ef d08nf, hfgsf/L d"ns ˆn]S; Aofg/n] ;lh;hfp ul/Psf] lyof] .

Dev Raj Ghimire Dhana Prasad Regmi Bhuwani Prasad Paudel Mukti Nath Dhakal Rajendra Maharjan Ishwar Ghimire Sabina Pandey Umanath Pokharel Pradeep Pakhrin

nlntk'/ slG6h]G6sf ;xfos slG6h]g6 ln8/ slj/fh dxh{gn] sfo{qmddf :jfut dGtAo lbg'ePsf] lyof] eg] slG6h]G6 ln8/ s]zj dxh{gn] wGojfb 1fkg ug'{ ePsf] lyof] . sfo{qmddf gj jif{ @)&) ;fnsf] cj;/df ;Dk"0f{ :sfp6x?nfO{ ld7fO{ ljt/0f ul/Psf] lyof] eg] kls:tfg slG6h]G6 ln8/n] nlntk'/ slG6h]G6 ln8/nfO{ ljz]if pkxf/ k|bfg u/]sf lyP .


"I had an amazing experience in Nepal. It was so fun to meet new people from other countries and getting to trade

patches and souvenirs with them. The Jamboree activities are also very fun, tiring, and challenging. The LOs are also very very friendly and helpful. I hope to attend another camp such as this." Nik Reanna Nik Halmey, Junior Girl Guide age 13. "This is my first time in Nepal and I had an amazing time. The activities were great and challenging. Although they were extremely hard, I had an amazing time facing the challenges with my friends. I also had the opportunity to make new friends from other countries such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Finland. I enjoyed the cultural performances presented by the scouts from Nepal. Farewell Nepal! May we meet again." Anise Kaz Ahmad Kamal, Junior Girl Guide age 13. "I have had an eccentric time here in Nepal. Meeting new people and exchanging valuable knowledge from other participants from other countries. I happened to have found myself doing very spontaneous things as time went by. We knitted quite a lovely weave of memories which for sure would hold our sisterhood of Guides together. This camp has been planned rather well and I have gained quite a lot from enhancing my mentality to losing weight. I have had tons of fun." Kasih Leia Ixora Azhar, Junior Girl Guide age 13. "I have had such an amazing time at this International Jamboree. I am so grateful for being given the opportunity to come make new friends from all over the world and learn about various cultures. I have definitely enjoyed the challenging activities and watching the eccentric cultural performances. This camp has bonded people, near and far with priceless experiences and memories. I have had such a lovely time and I look forward to coming back to the friendly faces of the fellow Guides and Scouts. Lots of love." Khong Ru Xiang, Junior Girl Guide age 13. "Even though Nepal is very different from Malaysia, I am happy that I got the chance to come here. At this Jamboree, I met many people from different countries and now I have more friends that before. The activities were very exciting and I know a few words from different languages. I would like to come here and meet everyone again. NAMASTE!! Jamboree Ho Ho Ho." Puteri Nur Inarah Mohamed Shukri, Junior Girl Guide age 13. "Coming to this Jamboree is the first time visiting Nepal. It is a very beautiful country but the weather is extremely hot in the evening and cold in the morning. The people in this Jamboree are very nice and fun to be with. I have no regrets coming to this Jamboree. I made lots and lots of friends. The activities are very challenging

but yet very fun. I would really love to come back here again but only when the weather is cold :) DHANYABAT." Kareena Kaur Parmar, Junior Girl Guide age 14. "I had a lot of fun during the activities. The funnier part is that I got to meet a lot of other countries such as India, Finland, Nepal, Bangladesh and Pakistan. Hope I can go to another Jamboree." Manisha Kaur Parmar, Junior Girl Guide age 15. "Being in Nepal has been very eventful. We have gone through challenges and activities, experienced life living in the woods and partied Nepalese style. The weather has been very warm but so have the people. It was interesting getting to see so many different cultures. For example, Bangladesh culture, Finland culture, Pakistan culture and of course Nepalese culture. I hope to go for another Jamboree in the future and experience other countries such as Nepal." Aqilah Deenah Mohd Oryza Ananda, Ranger Girl Guide age 15. "My experience in the 2nd National Jamboree was awesome. The weather here is quite hot but it didn't stop me from doing some activities. All the Scouts are very friendly and nice. The view here is very beautiful. I really hope I can come back here again." Najlaa Roslan, Junior Girl Guide age 12. "This Jamboree was a really good experience for me as it was very adventurous. Furthermore, the scenery at Narayani was really beautiful to look at. I really loves all the activities that we did because I got to do a lot of things that I have never done in my life. The weather here on the other hand, is quite hot and I get very thirsty ad tired. Although I was very tired, I had loads of fun here at Tikauli, Chitwan." Letisya Sulaiman, Junior Girl Guide age 12. "Ever since I was told I was going to spend a week at Nepal, I could already imagine what my experience would be like. Surprisingly, what I imagined was a bit different, compared to what I imagined. My experience at Nepal has been quite good. The toilets here stink so we have to pee in the jungle. The activities here are very fun and adventurous. The air here can be very dusty but it is quite nice to breathe in the warm Nepalean breeze. I really hope the next Jamboree will be as fun as this is but facilities could be quite better." Aina Inarah Anwar, Junior Girl Guide age 13. "I cannot believe the experience I had here in the 2nd Nepal Jamboree in Tikauli, Chitwan. It was absolutely fun and awesome. I managed to complete many fun activities and learn about the new cultures around the world. It was great to meet new friends here. Also, the Nepalese here are so very friendly and welcoming to have us Malaysians here in their country. I had a great experience here and am very grateful to have been here." Aniqah Van Haeren, Junior Girl Guide age 12. "Throughout my stay here in Nepal, I have experienced many wonderful things such as making new friends, eating yummy Nepali food, doing exciting and challenging activities, learning about different cultures and so much more. What I love most about the Jamboree is that we got to exchange badges and patches with one another. In the future, I hope they will make the toilet facilities better. I also hope to attend more Jamborees." Marsya Ali, Junior Girl Guide age 13. "In 1987 I had been a participant of the 1st National Nepal Jamboree. I was fifteen years old and the Malaysian contingent comprised of 1 leader and 6 girls. After 26 years, here I am again at the 2nd National Nepal Jamboree as one of four Leaders with 16 girls, including my 13 year old daughter. I would like to meet participants of the 1st Jamboree. If anyone is here please come to the Malaysian tent and say hello. Otherwise drop me a message at It has been good to be back." Chempaka Emalin Pahamin, Girl Guide Leader.

HofDaf]/Ldf ;xefuL :sfp6x? b[Zofjnf]sgdf k|fs[lts 56fx?sf] ;f}Gbo{ e"ld tyf wfld{s kljq :yn lrtjgsf ljleGg efux?df :jb]zL Pj+ ljb]zL ;xefuLx? b[Zofjnf]sg tyf z}lIfs e|d0fdf ;xefuL ePsf lyP . oftfotf tyf b[Zofjnf]sg ;+of]hs sdn axfb'/ b]phfsf cg';f/ KofA;g lrtjgn] lhNnfdf /x]sf ljBfnox?sf] !)) j6f :s"n a; pknAw u/fPsf lyof] eg] %( lhNnfsf :sfp6 / lab]lz :sfp6 u/L sl/j %%)) hgf ;xefuLx? wfld{s kljq :yn b]j3f6, / laZj ;Dkbf ;"lrdf /x]sf] lrtjg /fli6«o lgs'~h nufot cGo ko{6sLo :ynx?sf] e|d0f Pj+ cjnf]sg u/]sf lyP . e|d0f Pj+ b[iofjnf]sg sfo{qmdn] cfGtl/s ko{6gsf] clea[lå tyf :sfpl6Ë Od]h clea[lå ePsf] 5 .

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Volume 1, Issue 3 sf] e"n ;'wf/M ldlt @)&) a]zfv ! x'g' kg]{df @)^( a]zfv ! ePsf] . HofDaf]/L x'g' kg]{df HofDaf]/ldf ePsf] .

HofDaf]/Ldf ;a} eGbf /dfO{nf] s] nfUof] < – af]l6Ë ubf{ . s]xL b'Mv 5 ltldnfO{ < – cxF .

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