Circular-IDP 2024-Community Peace Challenge-2024

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ljZj :sfp6 ;+u7gsf] sfo{qmd cg';f/ ;]K6]Da/ @! Tffl/vdf kg]{ cGt/f{li6«o zflGt lbj; @)@$ sf] ;Gbe{df “Cultivating a Culture of Peace” d"n gf/fsf ;fy National Youth Council sf] ;+of]hgdf ldlt @)*!.)%.@% ut]af6 /fi6«JofkL ?kdf cfof]lht x'g uO/x]sf] k|ltof]lutfTds sfo{qmd “Community Peace Challenge-2024” df lgDg sfo{qmd ljj/0f adf]lhd ;xeflutf hgfpg x'g ;a} txsf :sfp6 -sa a|fpgL, Jjfo un{, /f]e/ /]Gh/ tyf :sfp6 ln8/_ tyf :sfp6 ;b:o gePsfx?nfO{ xflb{s cg'/f]w ul/G5.

“Community Peace Challenge 2024” sfo{qmdsf ljifox?sf] ljj/0f M !_ zflGtk"0f{ hLjgsf s[ofsnfkx? (Act of Peaceful Living):

• Acts of kindness, peaceful conflict resolution, and respectful behavior. Examples: include assisting neighbors, conflict management, performing random acts of kindness etc.

@_ lbuf] ;fd''bflos kxnx? (Sustainable Community Initiatives):

• Implement projects that support sustainability and improve community well-being, aligned with SDGs.

• Environment & Sustainability: Organize tree plantation, clean-up campaigns, create community gardens etc.

• Health & Well-Being: Implement wellness programs, promote healthy lifestyles, promote mental and physical health and wellbeing.

• Skills for Life: Host workshops or training sessions that build practical skills for personal and community development.

#_ zflGtsf nflu lzIff (Peace Education)

• Organize or participate in educational activities focused on peace-building, non-violent communication, and conflict resolution. Examples, include conducting workshops, hosting seminars, and organizing educational sessions on peace principles.

“Community Peace Challenge 2024” sfo{qmddf ;xefuL x'gsf nflu dfkb08M

• ;xeflutfsf nflu of]UotfM ;a} txsf :sfp6 -sa a|fpgL, Jjfo un{, /f]e/ /]Gh/ tyf :sfp6 ln8/_ / :sfp6 ;b:o

gePsfx?n klg o; k|ltof]lutfTds sfo{qmddf ;xeflutf hgfpg ;Sg'x'g]5 .

• ;xeflutfsf nflu laj/0f k7fpg] clGtd ldltM ldlt @)*!.)^.)! ut]

• ;xeflutfsf nflu cfa]bg kmf/d eg]{ ln+sM ;xefuL 5gf}6 k|lqmofM ;xeflutfsf] nflu lgDg adf]lhd sfo{ ug'{kg]{5 .

• pNn]lvt # ljifox?dWo] s'g} Ps dfq ljifodf /lx cfkm"n] u/]sf df}lns / /rgfTds s[ofsnfkx?sf] ljj/0f -lel8of], kmf]6f], sljtf, :6f]/L_ agfO{ k7fpg'kg]{5 . s[ofsnfksf] lel8of] a9Ldf # ldg]6sf] x'g'kg]{5 .

• s[ofsnfksf] lel8of], kmf]6f], :6f]/L, sljtf, cf gf] JolQmut ;fdflhs ;+hfndf #CultivatingCultureofPeace #NepalScoutsNationalYouthCouncil #NSNYC #NepalScouts #CultivatingPeaceNepal #IDP2024 #MoP #MoPNepalScouts ;lxt /fVg'kg]{5 .

• ;xeflutfsf nflu High resolution kmf]6f], lel8of], sljtf, syf tyf lnlvt ljj/0f Od]ndf ldlt @)*!.)^.)! ut] leq k7fpg' kg]{5 . Gff]6M

• ;xefuLx? dWo]af6 pTs[i6 5gf}6 ul/ ;Ddfg tyf k|df0fkq ljt/0f ul/g]5. ;Dk"0f{ ;xefuLx?nfO{ klg k|df0fkq lat/0f ul/g]5 .

• clGtd glthf Nepal Scouts / National Youth Council sf] clwsfl/s ;fdflhs ;+hfnaf6 k|sflzt ul/g]5 .

• cGo yk hfgsf/Lsf] nflu g]=:sf=/f=k|=sf df df jf ckm/ >]i7 df ;Dks{ ug'{xf]nf .

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