...A journey of a life time...
March 2021 YESS 2021 National Task Force Nepal Scouts
CONTENTS Foreword YESS Girls Movement is one of the leading projects of Nepal Scouts since 2018, with the support of WAGGGS and NOREC.
Acknowledgement YESS Girls Movement is one of the major leading projects in Nepal Scouts.
The fear and impact of pandemic COVID-19 is still there, however the things are getting normal gradually. In this tough situation, we planned and prepared our responsibility through series of virtual meetings.
Progress on Membership The fear and impact of pandemic COVID-19 is still there, however the things are getting normal gradually.
In the Occasion of International Women’s Day 2021, YESS Alumnae and YESS 2021 National Task Force as well as Nepal Scouts has supported to organize “Women in Lead” successfully. The theme of that programme was #choosetochallenge where 71 young women from different district participated actively.
Progress on Advocacy In the Occasion of International Women’s Day 2021, YESS Alumnae and YESS 2021 National Task Force as well as Nepal Scouts has supported to organize “Women in Lead” successfully.
Progress on Girl Led COVID-19
Progress on Girl Led COVID-19 Response, Capacity Building and Communication General Activities
WAGGGS Initiatives and Progress
WAGGGS Initiatives and Progress on the Alumnae Summit Preparations
Press and Social Media YESS 2021 National Task Force members has been published in media on 27th March 2021.
YESS alumnae summit went well. The virtual summit was held on 20th June 2020 which encouraged and motivated to increase their enthusiasm and sprit of YESS Alumni as a Girl Scout or Girl Guide as a part of YESS. So far, the team of YESS alumnae Nepal are all actively engaged in current YESS girl’s movement 2021.
YESS Girls Movement is one of the leading projects of Nepal Scouts since 2018, with the support of WAGGGS and NOREC. Nepal Scouts is delighted to welcome passionate young girl leaders as the National Task Force Members for the 2021 Youth Exchange South to South (YESS) movement in Nepal. In past, the YESS project has enhanced the ability of our young leaders by developing their skills in leadership, communication, reporting and ability to manage their day-to-day activities including special events. The YESS project has also assisted Nepal Scouts in interacting with other participants and, the young women leaders will be able to strengthen and empower other young girls and leaders of Nepal Scouts. They are working as a role model which inspires and encourages other youths to be the members of Nepal Scouts. This year, due to the Covid-19 International Exchange has not been planned for 2020/2021. YESS Girls Movement-Nepal has recruited 20 young girls along with 5 alumnae as a team leader who will guide the Task Force Members. They have already been engaged in different activities and organized programs and have shown great motivation, enthusiasm and commitment in the mission to help girls reach their highest potential through campaign, activities delivering WAGGGS initiatives like World Thinking Day, Free Being Me / Action on Body Confidence, Stop the Violence etc. followed with daily office administrative support and other assigned tasks. Nepal Scouts is eager to continue working with the girls to achieve the targeted YESS project along with others WAGGGS initiatives. Nepal Scouts is also committed to ensure that the YESS Girls Movements program that will support in delivering the outstanding results in Nepal for a whole year. The movement will be the opportunity to have experience of a lifetime not just for the girls but for all the scouts in Nepal.
Lok Bahadur Bhandari Chief Commissioner Nepal Scouts
YESS Girls Movement is one of the major leading projects
in Nepal Scouts. Nepal Scouts has been the parts of YESS Girls Movement since 2018 A.D. and still actively performing well in home associations. Due to COVID -19, international exchange is totally halted and however working in own associations. For this, 20 young girls have been recruited as a National Task Force Members. They are divided into 5 different teams and they will be led by our YESS Alumnae as a Team Leaders. So, I would like to express sincere gratitude to Nepal Scouts and the staffs for their invaluable guidance, support and welcoming our YESS Participants. It is my distinct honor and high privilege to welcome all the National Task Force Members. We are hopeful that they will give their best performance and make Nepal Scouts feel proud. I cannot express enough thanks to the YESS project funders Norwegian Agency for Exchange Cooperation (NOREC) and World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) for funding the YESS Girls Movement which has been always a life changing experience for many young girls in Africa and Asia. I would specially thank YESS Alumnae for constantly motivating me to work harder and also for their contribution, suggestions and time. Last but not the least, many thanks go to all the supporting hands that are directly and indirectly engaged in this program and I would like to appreciate their dedication and selfless contribution.
Saru Gosai
YESS Country Coordinator Nepal Scouts
The fear and impact of pandemic COVID-19 is still there, however the things are getting normal gradually. In this tough situation, we planned and prepared our responsibility through series of virtual meetings. We have prepared and planned our work by doing virtual meetings. Nepal Scouts recently has conducted training for Rover BTC and Ranger PTC in two phase, in 1st phase, we recruited 120 Rover leader and 75 Ranger leader and in 2nd phase 171 Rover leader and 95 Ranger leader in the training. In total, we recruited 461 New Rover/Ranger leader and similarly, they will recruit other young youths in scouting. Because of the pandemic of covid-19, we were not able to visit schools but we are planning to visit schools/colleges as soon as possible.
INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY 2021 In the Occasion of International Women’s Day 2021, YESS Alumnae and YESS 2021 National Task Force as well as Nepal Scouts has supported to organize “Women in Lead” successfully. The theme of that programme was #choosetochallenge where 71 young women from different district participated actively. There were 5 panelists who
facilitated young women on the topic of Women in Lead, Women in STEM ,Period Poverty, Women in SDGs and Empowerment and Opportunities in Guiding and Scouting Movement for young girls and women.
YES! GIRLS CAN CAMPAIGN Fight against Domestic Violence The Yes! Girls Can Campaign of Nepal was launched on March 8 2021, on special occasion of International Women’s Day. The main theme of this campaign was to raise awareness on Stop the Violence- Domestic Violence. There were more than 60 young women participated in this campaign. The YESS 2021 National Task Force members were trained about preparatory course held in Nepal Scouts, National Headquarter. RED PRIDE- MHM (ROSIE’S WORLD) On the occasion of International Women’s Day, Brief Session on how to make reusable pads at home.
Alumnae delivering session on Menstrual Hygiene Management.
YESS Advocacy Team and Alumnae organized Awareness program and panel discussion on Menstrual Hygiene Management with the active participation of about 70 young girl scouts 30 Girls Scout including Alumnae, Nepal Scouts office staffs were trained on Rosie’s World. Also they were given a brief knowledge on how to make reusable pads. GREEN TECH GENERATION Advocacy
Generation theme to be conducted in near future. The draft has been already made and virtual meetings is going on.
campaign in the upcoming future. CAPACITY BUILDING
The consequences of COVID-19 is still existed, however people are trying to coping with it and
Capacity building team has been supporting MO
majority of people are already returned to their
and other YESS teams for YESS 2021. As per
normal life. We have already prepared our work
the strategy plan, we are planning to conduct
plan through series of virtual meetings. Also, we conducted team building activities which worked as an icebreaker to know each other in our team members. Similarly, Nepal Scouts has launched
Electronic Financial Management Training. Thus, it is already existing in the MO, our YESS country coordinator
sufficient knowledge and information in this, so we will conduct the training very soon. Until this, team
SMS campaign to aware huge number of population
is supporting in young leader training conducted
by MO. Team gave immense effort to successfully
Particularly, SMS program focuses on behavior
celebrate Women’s day celebration, 2021 as well
change activities that focuses on, S: Social Distance
as for YESS preparatory course. Capacity building
(maintain social distance), M: Mask (safely use
team is working together with MO to understand
mask), S: Sanitization (wash hand with use of soap or use sanitizer frequently). We also supported Nepal scouts and participated in the campaign. In door to door campaign, we interacted with
the ongoing projects, to support MO if needed. COMMUNICATION GENERAL ACTIVITIES
community people and aware and reinforced them
Communication Team is collaborating with all the
about SMS behavior to prevent themselves from
concerned teams. As per the quarter work plan we
effect of COVID-19. The program was conducted in
have almost accomplished our responsibility . We
Lalitpur district where we reach to 450 local people
aimed 15 post per month and we were successful
and distributed pamphlets regarding information of COVID-19, its symptoms and preventive measures. The program was accomplished successfully. Due to technical problem we were not able to reach out our targeted population, Thus, we are planning to change our work plan as physical gathering is again prohibited in most places accordingly. We are planning to conduct webinar ad launched online
to post 25 content this month and also published in media. Communication Team is planning to conduct team building activities so that all the members gets chance to know each other well and collaborate to support in future events.
WAGGGS INITIATIVE AND PROGRESS ON YESS ALUMNAE SUMMIT As we all know that the mission of WAGGGS is to develop the potential of young girls and women to their fullest as a responsible citizen of the world. In order to achieve this mission, it carries out various initiatives like Free Being Me, Action on Body Confidence, Menstrual Health Management, Girl Powered Nutrition, YESS Girls Movement, GLOW, 3L, Stop the Violence, Surf Smart and others. In context of Nepal, among these initiatives, YESS, STV, 3L, and FBM are ongoing activities. So far, YESS is conducting FBM, STV and MHM ( under the course of Rosie’s World).
YESS alumnae summit went well. The virtual summit was held on 20th June 2020 which encouraged and motivated to increase their enthusiasm and sprit of YESS Alumni as a Girl Scout or Girl Guide as a part of YESS. So far, the team of YESS alumnae Nepal are all actively engaged in current YESS girl’s movement 2021. Meanwhile, the team with the support of Nepal Scouts has successfully led and conducted Stop the Violence activism workshop twice, Free Being Me, Menstrual Hygiene Management and volunteered for recruitment of Nepal Scouts. To sum up, YESS has provided our young girls a platform to take lead in various programs and projects. We heartly express our gratitude toward WAGGGS for introducing YESS to Nepal Scouts and Nepal Scouts who is always supporting to run this project smoothly and every girl, young women, men and everyone who are directly or indirectly related to YESS.
PRESS AND SOCIAL MEDIA YESS 2021 National Task Force members has been published in media on 27th March 2021. Some YESS Girls got opportunity to get interviewed about the YESS Girls Movement and how it works collaboration with Nepal Scouts.
This month 81 followers were added in Facebook Similarly, 30 new followers in Instagram and We received 1641 likes in Facebook and 541 likes in Instagram.
www.nepalscouts.org YESS Girls Movement- Nepal Scouts @yessgirlsmovement_nepalscouts Yessgirlsmovement_nepalscouts