Nepean News 10 February 2023 DIGITAL

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www. .com 0414 869 464 0414-TOW-ING St Marys 9673 4422 Erskine Park / St Clair 9834 3555 “Price is what you pay for, VALUE is what you get” Friday, 10 February 2023 ISSUE 348OWDIG free Warami Community Centre Westcare is the first of two not-for-profit charities which will permanently occupy space in the Warami (pronounced Wara-Me) Community Centre.
Jirah Liddiard,
Panthers Group Chairman, Andrew Paech – WestCare Community Services Director,
Ayres - State Member for Penrith,
City Councillor
Panthers Group CEO J OI n nE p E an nEWS O n FaCE b OO k! W E b SI t E : n E p E ann EWS . COM .aU
Peter Graham –
T&C’S apply you must be here to win. See staff for details. *Receive 1 ticket for every $10 spent in 1 transaction at a Panthers Penrith owned food and beverage outlet or 1 ticket for every $20 spent at Bingo, Raffles or Cash Housie. Members receive 1 entry for every $20 spent on any of the weekly Raffles, Bingo & Cash Housie sessions

Labor’s Fresh Start Rally kicks off in Penrith

With less than seven weeks to go until election day on March 25, NSW Labor launched their Fresh Start Rally in Penrith last weekend.

Labor Leader Chris Minns said the campaign rally was in keeping with the best traditions of the Australian Labor Party.

“We are joined here by former Premiers Carr and Unsworth,” Mr Minns said.

“Australians from every walk of life, culture, background, gender and faith, coming together to support the election of a Labor Government.

“And with many of our friends from the great trade union movement.”

Mr Minns showed a high level of optimism for a Labor election win and confidence in local MP Prue Car when he introduced her as the next Deputy Premier and Education Minister in NSW.

“i ask you - has western Sydney ever had a better advocate, a better champion than Prue?” Mr Minns asked the room full of Labor faithful.

“i am proud to say Labor is ready to return to Government in NSW.

“the Shadow Cabinet is ready. they have done the work and are hungry for

the challenges of office. Our members are ready and have never been more energized.

“And our candidates are ready to deliver a Labor majority that includes a record number of women in cabinet and in caucus.”

Mr Minns discussed Labor’s plans for a “fresh start” in NSW, highlighting cost of living, education, health and pork-barrelling, but there were no announcements made for Penrith.

“On March 25, we have the chance to vote for a fresh start in NSW,” Mr Minns said.

“After 12 years in office, the Coalition will be asking for 16.

“twelve years is a long time for one party to be in power, so you have to be a great government to ask for another four.”

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Dedication recognised

Congratulations go out to a very good friend of mine, st Marys rsl sub-Branch Honorary treasurer, ted Fish oaM for receiving the sEnior CitiZEn aWarD for Mulgoa from tanya Davies MP, this week. also, another worthy recipient of the same award was fellow st Marys sub-Branch member, Paul tarlinton, for his achievements at the st Clair Mens’ shed.

“Well done both of you - you’ve put so very much effort into the local community - the award is thoroughly deserved,” a spokesperson from the sub-Branch said.

“Congratulations ted and Paul on your well-deserved award!” tanya Davies MP said.

“Your hard work and dedication to our community has not gone unnoticed. Keep up the fantastic work and thank you for being such great ambassadors for our area. Best wishes.”

4 Nepean News 10 February 2023 Issue 348OWDIG
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Ted Fish and his wife Shirley. By KeRRI e DAVI e S

Prue Car: Labor will invest in nsw schools

Londonderry MP and Labor deputy Leader

Prue Car said nSW Labor is continuing with its plan to deliver the school infrastructure that all new South Wales schools need.

Ms Car said school communities should be supported based on need, not based on where they are located or who their Member of Parliament is.

Ms Car said Labor will ensure every school is funded according to need and deliver school upgrades at overcapacity schools right across nSW, and address teacher shortages.

Labor has a commitment to create 10,000 permanent teaching positions which they say will help schools end their reliance on teachers in insecure employment.

Labor’s plan for a fresh start in education includes:

• New co-located preschools, with 100 new public preschools and 50 new and expanded preschools at Catholic and Independent schools;

• Converting 10,000 casual teachers to permanent positions to reduce the reliance on temporary teachers;

• Cutting admin hours for teachers by five hours per week;

• Banning the use of mobile phones in all nSW public schools to reduce distraction, cyberbullying and improve education outcomes;

• Ending the failed overseas recruitment program and redirecting

resources towards recruiting nSW teaching students into schools;

• Expanding co-ed school access for all families so every parent has the choice of where to send their children; and

• Labor’s Growth Areas Schools

Plan which will deliver new and upgraded schools in growing areas across new South Wales.

“Under the Liberals, our public education system has been underfunded, existing schools are overcrowded and there are not enough teachers. NSW’s teachers, students and parents deserve much better than the status quo,” Ms Car said.

“Labor will deliver for school communities across the state that have been forgotten and left behind by the nSW Liberal Government.”

Chris Minns, nSW Labor Leader said he’s really concerned about what he says is a lack of investment in schools across nSW.

“Under Labor, it doesn’t matter where you live or who your local Member of Parliament is, funding will go where the need is,” Mr Minns said.

“After 12 years of Dominic Perrottet and the Liberals, we have too many children learning in temporary demountables because schools are overcrowded.

“nSW Labor will invest in our teachers, invest in our schools and ensure NSW kids have the best start in life.”

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Labor Leader Chris Minns and Deputy Leader Prue Car at a press conference last month.

21 upgraded sun safe playspaces for Penrith

Stuart ayreS MP, Member for Penrith and tanya Davies MP, Member for Mulgoa welcome the announcement that Penrith City Council (PCC) will receive $7.6 million through the NSW Government’s WestInvest Program.

Stuart ayres said this funding will go towards the upgrade of 21 playgrounds across the Penrith LGa “these exciting play spaces are set to include new play equipment, seating, shade and landscaping this will provide spaces where kids and their families can come together to have fun, stay active and just enjoy being outdoors.”

“the NSW Government is committed to investing in local community and recreation facilities for everyone to enjoy,” Stuart ayres said.

Samantha talakola, Liberal candidate for Londonderry said having modern sun safe play spaces like these serve as great social and fun outlets for children of all ages.

tanya Davies said, “I’m thrilled that WestInvest has recognised the importance of supporting our playgrounds in Penrith. this funding will allow us to create safe, accessible and inclusive spaces for children to play and grow.”

“Playgrounds are more than just a place for kids to have fun. they’re essential for their physical and social development, and WestInvest’s investment in these facilities will have a lasting impact on the children of Penrith and surrounding communities,” said tanya Davies.

the 21 playgrounds include:

• Bel-Air Reserve, Penrith

• Jim Anderson Reserve, Werrington Downs

• Robin Wiles Reserve, North St Marys

• Kurwan & Goldmark Reserve, Cranebrook

• Ridgeview Crescent Reserve, Erskine Park

• Glengarry Drive Reserve, Glenmore Park

• Explorers Way Reserve, St. Clair

• Gilmour Street Reserve, Colyton

• Henry Brigden Park, Penrith

• Eileen Cammack Reserve, South Penrith

• Willoring Crescent & Harris Reserve, Jamisontown

• Jack Jewry Reserve, St Marys

• Edward (Ted) Little Reserve, Colyton

• Adelaide St Reserve, St Marys

• Ridge Park Reserve, Colyton

• Amaroo Street Reserve, Kingswood

• Poplar Park, St Marys

• Edna Dunn Reserve, South Penrith

• Ladbury Ave Reserve, Penrith

• Dorothy Radford Reserve, St Clair

• Gray and Ellim Place Reserve, Cranebrook

“It’s only through our strong management of the state’s finances that we are able to create funds like WestInvest that lead to significant improvements in local communities. this is all part of our plan to keep NSW moving forward,” said Stuart ayres

Nominations now open for Westfield 2023 Local Heroes program

WeStfIeLD is calling on local communities to help shine a light on our unsung heroes, with nominations now open for the 2023 Westfield Local Heroes program. Returning for the sixth consecutive year, the program aims to discover and celebrate individuals who make a positive impact on their local community or environment, raising awareness of their work and providing a platform for community recognition.

Since its inception in 2018, the program has recognised and celebrated more than 600 Westfield Local Heroes, with $6.135 million in grants distributed to the organisations they represent. the grants have been used by Westfield Local Heroes alumni in ways that directly benefit the community or environment.

the program alumni represent a variety of sectors and hold positions such as environmentalists, innovators, community volunteers and leaders, welfare service providers, first responders, essential workers, health and medical experts, educators, social entrepreneurs, and intrapreneurs.

following the success of last year’s format, the 2023 program will see a shortlist of three

finalists selected for each Westfield centre, with the community then invited to vote for their local hero. The successful hero of each Westfield centre will be awarded a $20,000 grant for the group or organisation they represent, and the two finalists will receive a $5,000 grant for their group or organisation. across australia and New Zealand, Westfield will provide $1.26 million in Westfield Local Hero grants in 2023.

Scentre Group National Community Manager, Pam Wilson said: “We’re thrilled to announce the return of the Westfield Local Heroes program for its sixth consecutive year. Our local communities are full of everyday heroes who go above and beyond for others, and this is our chance to recognise and support them to continue their important work.

Communities across australia and New Zealand are invited to nominate individuals who support the community in any field, including:

• Family and Youth Support

• Health and Wellbeing

• Inclusion and Equity

• Community resilience

• Environmental sustainability

“Nominating your Westfield Local Hero is one small act that can have a big impact. If you know a community champion who deserves to be recognised for their outstanding contributions, visit the Westfield website, and nominate them,” Pam said.

Westfield Local Heroes is open to people in a broad range of sectors including emergency services, registered community groups, sporting clubs, not-for-profit, schools, authorities and the local environment. there are no restrictions on previous nominees, finalists or heroes being nominated again and nominees only need one nomination to be considered for the assessment process.

Nominations for Westfield Local Heroes close on 30 March 2023. the community vote will be held between 22 august and 11 September 2023 to determine the Westfield Local Heroes at each centre, with the grant recipients announced on 10 October 2023.

for more information and to nominate your Westfield Local Heroes, visit

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Panthers Group announce Warami Community Centre

The Panthers Group is proud to announce the Warami Community Centre, which is to be a permanent feature of the developing Western Sydney Conference Centre precinct.

The Warami (pronounced Wara-Me) Community Centre, located on Level One of the WSCC, will serve as a hub for local organisations to operate from, with flexible spaces for a broad range of community programs. Two local not-for profit charities will permanently occupy half of the level, including WestCare. The local registered charity works with a network of local service providers to provide relief to those in the need in the Penrith community.

WestCare Director, Andrew Paech, said: “This sensational facility will provide much-needed engagement space for many vital community groups and organisations in Western Sydney. For WestCare, the space presents a significant opportunity to enhance our local benevolent activities across a wide range of community sectors and we are honoured to be a part of it.”

Member for Penrith Stuart Ayres joined the Panthers Group to acknowledge the exciting

precinct development: “WestCare is one of Penrith’s great community organisations who are constantly working to improve the lives of people in our region.”

The Panthers Group anticipate the other half of the community space as a flexible, multi-purpose venue that will enable Penrith Community groups and organisations that are helping challenged and vulnerable people to expand their programs and operate within a state-of-the-art building close to all local amenities.

The WSCC precinct is set to open in the third quarter of this year.


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Western Sydney model chasing Supermodel of the Year title

18-Year old model Chelsea Oliver (Schofields) is about to travel to Bali for the ASOTY (Australian Supermodel of the Year) competition.

Chelsea is one of 24 finalists in the international competition, alongside other finalists from Australia, Indonesia and Russia, which is all about inclusiveness and diversity.

Chelsea was also a finalist last year, winning the Editorial category. Last year was a completely online experience, due to the restrictions of Covid, so Chelsea is understandably very happy to be travelling to Bali this year to participate in an 18day program, which finishes with a runway show and Final on the 4th February.

Chelsea started her modelling career at the age of 13, when she entered a modelling competition with Country Girl Management, where she did her first runway and was chosen as a finalist. She was then signed by her current agent, Bella Management in Sydney, at the age of 14.

Since then, she has been on the front cover of 2 magazines, had a 10page feature in Girlfriend Magazine and was recently in both ‘Elle’ and ‘Harpers Bazaar Vietnam’.

Chelsea will be wearing a few different outfits on the runway, including one from an amazing Sydney designer, who has kindly donated an outfit for Chelsea to wear, which will then be auctioned and proceeds will go to charity.

Chelsea is also required to wear an outfit which is recycled, repurposed or re-used, and she has chosen to wear her Mother’s wedding dress, which is a timeless classic, along with accessories from her Grandmother’s wedding. Both mum and nunna are very happy to be honoured in this way.

Chelsea volunteers for a charity called ‘One Meal’ in Blacktown, which feeds, clothes and provides for the homeless and less fortunate in the community and has done so for nearly 5 years.

Chelsea does this alongside her mother Joanne, who is the area coordinator of the charity. Chelsea hopes to use her platform to raise

awareness and funds for this cause.

Chelsea completed Year 12 at Wyndham College at Quakers Hill in December 2022. She has worked with Penrith City Council (Ripples) for a few years and she is very excited to see where her modelling career takes her. She looks forward to a lot of great learning experiences, meeting new people and travel.

Chelsea would love to thank her very kind sponsors who have supported her throughout this competition and over these first few years of her career. Thank you to Donna Hunter from Hunter Hampers for kindly supporting Chelsea and always offering kind words of advice and support. Thank you also to Helene from The Hair Room at Parramatta for kindly sponsoring Chelsea both in 2022 and 2023, your kindness is greatly appreciated. Also to Martin and Abel Bernardi from Flex Demolition, thank you for your sponsorship and support.

We wish her all the best for her time in Bali and in the competition.

First look at design of new child and adolescent mental health facility at nepean hospital

YOunG people requiring treatment for mental health issues will soon have access to a dedicated Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service Facility (CAMHS) at nepean Hospital, with a new fly-thorough animation of the facility unveiled this week.

Member for Penrith Stuart Ayres today announced the construction contract has been awarded to Donnelley Constructions to deliver the new purposebuilt 10-bed treatment facility.

Mr Ayres said the new CAMHS facility at nepean Hospital will provide essential mental health care to young people living in Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains - catering to the unique needs of those aged between 12 - 17 years old.

“Co-designed by young people and their families, the facility will provide a comfortable and safe place to receive the very best therapy and support, and help them to manage their mental health at home,” Mr Ayres said.

Minister for Mental Health Bronnie Taylor said a dedicated CAMHS facility will help staff better respond to the individual needs of young people.

“The holistic and patient-centred design of the CAMHS facility, located next to the nepean Mental Health unit, will provide a secure and healing place for young people and allow staff to respond to patient needs efficiently and effectively,” Mrs Taylor said.

Following an extensive design and engagement process, the CAMHS facility will feature 10 single bedrooms with ensuites, a secure indoor communal area and private outdoor courtyard, consultation rooms, nurses’ station, and workspaces. Area for future expansion has also been identified if required.

Construction, which will start with demolition works, is scheduled to get underway in 2023.

The new nepean CAMHS facility is being delivered as part of the $700 million state-wide Mental Health Infrastructure Program, which is making real change across the state to a range of mental health services. new inpatient units have been delivered or are

It’s another major investment in mental health for Western Sydney communities, with planning and design also underway for a new Integrated Mental Health unit at the Westmead Health Precinct.

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Chelsea Oliver. Photo supplied. underway in Albury, Blacktown, Broken Hill, Campbelltown, Royal Prince Alfred, Tamworth and Westmead.

Penrith kids get improved early childhood services

STuarT ayreS MP, Member for Penrith visited Tandara Children’s Centre to announce they will join 9 other local childcare services to receive funding through the NSW Government’s Quality and Participation Grants Program.

Stuart ayres said this means our littlest learners are set to benefit from new and improved facilities and support programs at early childhood education and care services.

Stuart Ayres confirmed 10 services across Penrith have been successful in securing grants of $17,500 each to improve facilities, and access for children from low-income families, aboriginal children and culturally and linguistically diverse children.

“it’s fantastic that, thanks to the NSW Liberal and Nationals, these vital early childhood services in Penrith have benefitted from government funding. I know all too well how important these services are to our community and so the funding will make a positive difference for our young learners.” Stuart ayres said.

Local children’s centres include: Tandara, Grays Lane, Blue emu, Carita Children’s, The emu Plains Kids Place, Jamisontown, Platypus Playground, rainbow Cottage, Tamara and Wattle Glenn.

Minister for education and early Learning Sarah Mitchell said services in Penrith were amongst the nearly 300 services to benefit from the first round of the $21 million Quality and Participation Grants Program.

“These grants had an overwhelming response from the sector, which is fantastic because it means more children, especially from disadvantaged backgrounds, will benefit,” Ms Mitchell said.

“The NSW Liberal and Nationals Government is investing in our littlest learners, because we know the early years are incredibly important. These grants will help our amazing early childhood educators provide high-quality learning environments for children across the state.”

The funding can be used by services for a range of activities such as providing transport services to improve access, bringing in specialised staff for aboriginal children and children from low-income families and minor capital works, such as renovations

and new play areas.

The NSW Government is investing more than $15.9 billion in early childhood commitments announced as part of the 2022-23 budget to deliver a brighter future for every child in NSW.

Through the introduction of a universal preKindergarten year, the Brighter Beginnings initiatives, a workforce package for early childhood educators and the affordable Preschool fee relief, the NSW Liberal and Nationals Government is ensuring NSW is the best state to live, work and raise a family.

Preserving Penrith’s Anzac and Veterans heritage

STuarT ayreS MP, Member for Penrith has announced that the City of Penrith rSL subbranch will receive funding through the latest round of the anzac Community Grants Program.

The City of Penrith rSL sub-branch is one of 70 NSW community groups, schools and ex-service organisations have received funding from the anzac Community Grants Program (aCGP) to commemorate veterans across the state.

The City of Penrith rSL sub-branch will receive $1,000 towards preservation of their historical memorabilia.

The Memorial Display at the Penrith rSL has a wide variety of medals, uniforms and artworks on show and everyone is welcome to pop by for a visit.

“i would like to acknowledge the City of Penrith rSL sub-branch for their commitment to the veterans of Penrith, and allowing our community to

honour their service. The grants program and these community projects enable our future generations to learn of the efforts of our veterans,” Stuart ayres said.

Brian Cartwright, City of Penrith rSL sub-branch President welcomed the funding saying preservation of our memorabilia is of utmost importance as it ensures our service is not forgotten.

Minister for Transport, veterans and Western Sydney David elliott said more than $104,000 will be provided to a range of projects that commemorate and educate NSW communities about the service and sacrifices of current and former military servicemen and servicewomen.”

“These great projects and initiatives, including the City of Penrith rSL sub-branch recognise australia’s war service history, educate a new generation and support the wellbeing of the NSW veteran community,” Mr elliott added.

Paving the way for urgent local road repairs in metro Sydney

ThirTy-five Sydney councils will share $220 million in funding as thanks to a major investment by the NSW Liberal and Nationals Government to repair roads damaged by unprecedented rain.

Minister for Metropolitan roads Natalie Ward said Blacktown, Parramatta, Penrith, The hills and hawkesbury Councils were the largest beneficiaries, receiving more than $10 million each.

“We have listened to the call from Councils for help to deal with the backlog of road damage caused by

repeated weather events over the last 12 months,” Mrs Ward said.

“Through this funding, councils can act now on urgent road and pothole repairs, as well as protect against reoccurring challenges through the use of technology such as cold mix.

“These works are in addition to the work our crews carry out on state roads, with over 22,500 potholes repaired and more than one million square metres of road re-sheeted on Sydney state roads in the past 12 months.”

Member for hawkesbury robyn Preston said the Liberal and Nationals Government investment would assist every member of the community.

“i know how tough it has been for the flood impacted community of hawkesbury and this funding will go a long way in delivering immediate benefits to local motorists, tourists and the freight industry with safer and more reliable journeys,” Ms Preston said.

“This funding ensures people across Greater Sydney can have their roads

returned to even better condition than they were in prior to the record rainfall last year.”

The $220 million is part of the $500 million regional and Local road repair Program and is in addition to $25 million made available last year for flood-affected councils and the $1.5 billion spent annually by the NSW Government on maintenance of state roads.

funding is shared between the thirty-five state councils based on the proportion of overall roads managed within Metropolitan areas in NSW.

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Tafe nsw kingswood partners with ramsay health care to build local nursing workforce

TAFE NSW Kingswood is helping build Western Sydney’s nursing workforce of the future as part of a landmark partnership with Australia’s largest private hospital operator, Ramsay Health Care.

It comes as the nation’s nursing ranks face a skills gap worsened by the pandemic, with the Health Department predicting a shortfall of about 85,000 nurses nationwide by 2025.

The recently launched Ramsay Cadetship Program will support enrolled nursing students by giving TAFE NSW Kingswood Diploma of Nursing students guaranteed work placement, the opportunity for employment while studying and a guaranteed interview for a position at a local Ramsay hospital after graduating.

TAFE NSW Nursing Discipline Leader Zachary Byfield said the partnership provided a powerful example of how Australia’s largest vocational education and training provider worked closely with industry to address critical workforce needs.

“The pandemic has reinforced

the vital role our nurses play in our communities and TAFE NSW is committed to ensuring a steady pipeline of nursing graduates across the state,” Mr Byfield said.

“This partnership ensures TAFE NSW nursing students become part of the Ramsay workforce while still studying and gives them a practical experience of their course material.”

The partnership also ensures TAFE

NSW Kingswood students are given a mentor during work placement and work across a number of wards and departments, affording them a deeper understanding of Ramsay’s culture, policies and practices.

As well as a job within a Ramsay hospital while they study, cadets receive a guaranteed graduate interview when they finish their course.

Positions on offer for cadets in NSW include assistants in nursing and undergraduate enrolled nurse or registered nurse or midwifery roles in a range of areas including operating suites, maternity, mental health, cardiac and rehabilitation services.

Ramsay Health Care Chief Nurse and Clinical Services Director, Dr Bernadette Eather, said the national cadetship program will help develop leading nurses of the future.

“Ramsay Health Care has a wonderful relationship with TAFE NSW and we’re excited to take this a step further by offering cadetship places to TAFE NSW Diploma of Nursing students,” Dr Eather said.

“The cadets will gain valuable experience and genuine insight into what it’s like working in the healthcare industry as a nurse. They will get to partner with experienced Ramsay Health Care nurses who are committed to providing excellent health care for their patients.

“Best of all, they will become part of the Ramsay family and be surrounded by a team committed to helping them grow their skills and excel in their nursing careers.”

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NO BONES ABOUT IT: TAFE NSW Nursing Lead Zachary Byfield says a partnership with Ramsay Health is already helping build the local nursing workforce.

Nepean Hospital welcomes new intake of junior doctors

Stuart ayreS MP, Member for Penrith has welcomed the 67 medical graduate interns who recently started working at Nepean Hospital. Stuart ayres said that a record intake of almost 1,100 medical graduate interns recently started work in NSW public hospitals– more than any other state or territory in australia.

“I want to extend a warm welcome to the class of 2023 and thank them for choosing a rewarding career in health. each of these new interns will play a crucial role in keeping the people of Penrith safe and healthy for years to come,” Stuart ayres said.

“these new medical graduate interns will also provide a major boost to their new colleagues – our dedicated health staff in Penrith who have performed remarkably during a very challenging few years.”

Interns are medical graduates who have completed their medical degree and are required to complete a supervised year of practice in order to become independent practitioners.

the new doctors starting their internship will be entering a training program with networked hospitals throughout the state, providing formal and on the job training.

they receive two-year contracts to rotate between metropolitan, regional and rural hospitals to ensure the diversity of their experience. they also rotate across different specialties during the intern year, including surgery, medicine and emergency medicine.

the NSW Government is investing a record $33 billion in health as part of the 2022 - 23 NSW Budget. the NSW Government has also announced the largest workforce boost in the nation’s history with a $4.5 billion investment over four years for 10,148 full-time equivalent (Fte) staff to hospitals and health services across NSW.

Nepean schools invited to help grow the next generation of environmental champions with Woolworths and Landcare Australia

WoolWortHS and landcare australia are on the lookout for primary schools and early learning centres across Nepean with ideas to help connect young generations with nature and inspire them to play an active role in ensuring the safe future of their environment.

the latest round of the Woolworths Junior landcare Grants program is now open, offering primary schools and early learning centres the chance to share in $1 million to support the development of hands-on environmental learning projects.

Grants of up to $1,000 are on offer for projects focussed on sustainable food production, improving waste management practices, enhancing native habitats and deepening First Nations perspectives. this could include planting native herbs and plants like Merindah Children’s Centre in New South Wales has done, helping children learn more about different species of plants, and their connection to the land and its people.

Woolworths stores in Nepean operations Manager, Matthew Smith, said: “Getting children involved with hands-on activities in and around nature is an incredible way to help them explore sustainability in action.

“over the years, we’ve seen some great ideas from schools and early learning centres across New South Wales that were brought to life through our Woolworths Junior landcare Grants program, encouraging kids to

explore, appreciate and care for the environment around them. No idea is too small, and we can’t wait to see what’s ahead for this next round of applications.”

through its Junior landcare program, landcare australia has also worked closely with First Nations educator and Wiradjuri man adam Shipp to develop environmental learning activities for educators and children to learn more about how they can have a connection to Country.

the activities range from exploring First Nations weather to creating an Indigenous plant-use garden and exploring a First Nations peoples’ languages map.

“as a proud Wiradjuri man, I believe it is extremely important that environmental based organisations

recognise and work with First Nations groups,” Mr Shipp said.

“By teaching younger generations about traditional ways of caring for Country, we can deepen knowledge of and respect for First Nations culture and practices. I look forward to seeing how Nepean students and teachers use the new Junior landcare resources.”

landcare australia Ceo, Dr Shane Norrish, said: “Junior landcare has always recognised the vital role children play in taking care of the natural environment and, thanks to the 2023 Woolworths Junior landcare Grants program, we look forward to seeing even more children have the opportunity to take on this role.

“Moreover, as we continue to grow the number of First Nations perspective resources on the Junior

landcare learning Centre, we are thrilled to be able to support Nepean children and educators in building their knowledge of traditional land Management and Cultural Heritage when it comes to caring for our land and water.”

Since launching the program in 2018, the Woolworths Junior landcare Grants program, in partnership with landcare australia, has supported over 3,814 school groups with more than $4 million in funding to help kids all across the country get hands-on with caring for the natural environment.

applications for the 2023 Woolworths Junior landcare Grants are open now and close 17 March 2023. To find out more about the Woolworths Junior landcare Grants Program and to apply, visit

For inspiration, check out some of the creative and fun ideas that the Woolworths Junior landcare Grant program has supported here, with tips to bring environmental education and First Nations perspectives into your school or early learning centre.

to view what local Woolworths Junior landcare Grant projects were funded in previous year, search this interactive map: www. JuniorLandcareWoolworthsMap.

to learn more about how Merindah Children’s Centre utilised their grant, go to case_studies/native-flora-plantingproject/

local news 12 Nepean News 10 February 2023 Issue 348OWDIG
Stuart Ayres MP, Sheng Xiang Franklin Chen, Aricia Thirumaran, Nelson McLaughlin

Back to School – Puppy Pre School

WiTh our children heading back to the classroom this week, it is also time to think about enrolling our puppies into school also.

Puppy School classes will teach you about puppy socialisation, dog communication, vet care, pet care, child & dog safety and troubleshooting undesirable behaviour. Over a 5-week period you and your puppy will learn practical information to put you on the path to success.

During the recent COViD pandemic, pet ownership in Australia increased by approximately 10 per cent, with almost 70 per cent of households now owning a pet. This tells us that like their human equivalent, many puppies were isolated and missed attending school. it is time to get our puppies back into the classroom.

Our Puppy Pre School classes are specifically designed for dogs eight to

fourteen weeks of age as this is a very important developmental period for dogs. Through positive reinforcement puppies find that learning is fun and rewards will follow.

Prior to six months of age is the time that puppies start exploring, a time when puppies are very accepting of

new situations and experiences, and learn strategies to cope with situations that may be new or a little frightening. This makes it the perfect time for introducing your puppy to the big wide human world that it is going to live ina world of funny sights (cars, bicycles, balloons, hats, other animals), funny

sounds (horns, thunder, television, lawn mowers, vacuum cleaners) and funny smells (foods, perfumes and cleaning products).

it is also a good time for learning about other puppies – that they come in all shapes and sizes; short, tall, long tails and floppy ears. For some dogs, missing this ‘window of opportunity’ can lead to a life time of fear and anxiety. Even though it is important to continue to expose your dog to as many sights and sounds as possible throughout adolescence, this early period is seen as perhaps the most important.

Our puppy classes aim is to give you realistic expectations of your puppy through the understanding of their natural behaviours. The program equips you with the tools to develop a strong relationship with your puppy, allowing them to become an integral part of the family.

Please contact our friendly team at Orchard hills Veterinary hospital on 4736 2027 for further information.

Looking for adoptive parents and forever home

FriEnDS of hawkesbury Companion Animal Shelter seek the “extras” for the dogs and cats in care at hawkesbury Pound. They also visit the pound each week and take photographs and temperament tests of the animals to post online and promote the animals. They upload their images and opinions of


these animals to Facebook, Twitter and PetRescue. To follow them, look them up on facebook and twitter. For any inquires related to these animals at Hawkesbury Pound, please contact them directly on (02) 4560 4644.



Kiwi is a cute, playful kitten and she is ready to pounce into your life! if you can offer sweet Kiwi a home please visit her anytime during open hours..

Cost: $200.35 Age: 8 weeks

Type: Kitten Breed: Domestic Short hair

Sex: Female

All prices include microchipping, lifetime council registration, desexing and 1st Vaccination. R251000145

Murphy is looking for that special family who have lots of patience and heaps of love to share with him as he is still very nervous. if you feel you can give Murphy the special care that he will need please come to the shelter to meet him.

*Murphy is available to meet from 9am tomorrow.

Cost: $424.65 Age: 2 years

Type: Dog Breed: Dachshund

Sex: Male

All prices include microchipping, lifetime council registration, desexing and 1st Vaccination. R251000145

he is a sweet boy who loves playing and being involved in everyday activities. Alex does enjoy his time in the run socialising with the other dogs and playing with toys. he will need a little training to improve on his skills. if you think that Alex is the man for you, please come down to the shelter to meet him.

Cost: $424.65 Age: 1 year

Type: Dog Breed: American Staffordshire

Sex: Male

All prices include microchipping, lifetime council registration, desexing and 1st Vaccination. R251000145

Ph 4736 2027
49 Wentworth Road, Orchard Hills
hills Veterinary hOspital
local colUMNIST 13 Nepean News 10 February 2023 Issue 348OWDIG
K ner, Orchard h ills Veterinary hO spital a dministratO r

Valentine’s Day Shower your honey with love

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching - the most romantic day on the calendar. Many lovers will shower each other with gifts, hopefuls will choose the day to declare love to an often-unaware conquest and others will agree to tie the knot.

i can’t speak for same-sex relationships nor the gents in a hetero relationship, but i’m going to bare all and make a declaration on behalf of my breed and say this day is one for the ladies!

Valentine’s Day represents a day of hope when there’s someone out there we fantasise will fall madly in love with us.

it is the day of judgement for those fellas who’ve just started dating us. and for those in long-term relationships and happy marriages, it can be the day of reassurance that we still feel loved and adored. in troubled relationships, it is the day of reckoning.

But for the ladies who have no current love interest, it can be single Person awareness Day. (sPaD)

if you’re in the loved-up category, it’s a good idea to be mindful of the feelings of those friends in the sPaD phase. they probably don’t want to hear all about the perfect roses, perfect chocolates and perfect hand-written poems you received from your perfect boyfriend... 27 times.

They’ll get it the first time you say it.

and, i have some tips for the lads, too. if you want a lady to know how you feel about her, take the punt and aim cupid’s arrow in her direction - send her

some flowers! The worst that can happen is you’ll be a few bucks out of pocket, and if the same spark isn’t felt by her, at least she’ll always refer to you as “that sweet guy.”

if you’re in a new relationship and wondering if it is too soon, i have one point to make. it is neVeR too soon.

Married guys who think it is all commercial Bsget off the platform on this one - steal some flowers out of the nearest garden and present them to her.

Blokes who’ve not been the greatest partner they could have been - shell out a few bucks, get a bouquet

and write some nice words in a card. a bit of sly cash and ten minutes worth of effort could reverse a multitude of sins in one hit. Do it.

and even though i think Valentine’s Day is a special day on many a female’s calendar, there’s definitely some guys out there who rate it too.

so girls, if you’re dating a snaG, married to a romantic or not been the best partner you could have been yourself, shower your honey with love and show them what they mean to you. Happy Valentines Day!

(Hopefully my husband reads this, ps i love red roses).

Valentine’s Day Flowers

14 Nepean News 10 February 2023 Issue 348OWDIG
Kingswood Florist, Creative Balloons, Penrith Florist and St Marys Florist 4732 2182 Surprise your special someone with romantic flowers & gifts from Kingswood Florist. While Roses are a traditional gift to send on Valentine’s Day, other flowers can be just as well received. Don’t forget to add a cuddly soft toy and delicious box of chocolates to your order for the ultimate wow factor. We can deliver your Valentine’s Day gift to Kingswood, NSW or nationwide.
02 4736 4647 | THEPIONEERTAVERN.COM.AU CNR MAXWELL ST & THE NORTHERN RD, PENRITH NSW 2750 We promote the responsible service of gaming and alcohol. All our advertising and promotions are not implicitly or explicitly directed at minors, excluded persons, or vulnerable or disadvantaged groups. Hosted by Michelle Bishop from Channel 7 and surprise guests Two Course meal & drink on arrival WED 8 MARCH 11.30am- 2.30pm $95 pp ComplimenTary boTTle of Champagne when you book a Table of 8 Donate to the McGrath Foundation using our personalised QR Code! ladies day

Valentine’s Day


ways to say I love you on Valentine’s Day

Struggling to work out the best gift to give your significant other on the 14th? We’ve prepared a list that might help you a little!

1. Flowers

Although this gift is anything but unique, it is always appreciated. Especially delivered in front of all the workmates. Gush, gush.

2. Cupcakes

Ohh cutesy lovey-dovey messages seem so much less cringe-worthy when they are written on a cupcake. Perhaps that’s because you can extinguish their existence the instant you bite into them.

4. Fill the room with balloons

This little plan really makes a great statement. Be careful not to crowd it with so many that you can’t make your way to each other. The sound of a busted balloon, especially in close proximity scares the crap out of people.

they’re nagging you daily to trade the commodore for a BMW.

6. Watch a romantic movie

Nothing gets you in a romantic mood more than cuddling up to a great movie. And romantic movies don’t discriminate, there’s been a plot written for every kind of love that has ever existed.

7. Propose

Now that marriage is finally open to everyone, what a great time to ask your love to tie the knot! If you are a romantic you will have just picked the ultimate day to do it. If you aren’t romantic you can insist that the wedding day is exactly in one year’s time and remove the risk that your new fiance might pick a date that clashes with Bathurst or the Bachelor Final. And when your wedding is on Valentine’s Day you can ruin everybody else’s Valentine’s Day by making them drop their plans to focus on you!


Nothing says “I wuv you” more than a cute fluffy bear. Unless you have been fighting lately. If that’s the case, never ever poke the bear with a teddy bear.

This gift will cost you basically nothing and most people will adore you for putting this much thought into it. If they don’t adore you for it, get rid of them before you’re married and

16 Nepean News 10 February 2023 Issue 348OWDIG
3. Teddy bears
Cnr Glebe Pl & Richmond Rd, Kingswood NSW | Ph: (02) 4722 8180
Leave cute notes around
17 Nepean News 10 February 2023 Issue 348OWDIG WHEN When we began our journey Spirits soaring free From that day, I’ve always known God put you here for me When adrift without a rudder Upon a raging sea It’s just another reason God put you here for me When I cry out from the darkness You make the nightmares flee I find solace in the knowledge God put you here for me When I’m lost without direction You heed my helpless plea And once again I realise God put you here for me When my mind becomes a prison You always find the key From a safer place I find God put you here for me When I’m in a maze of misery And paid it’s painful fee I emerge with the conclusion God put you here for me When you taught me to accept What will be will be With that I have learned God put you here for me When you are tiring with your burden There is one thing you can do Just reach out and ask my help Because god put me here for you Happy Valentine’s Day!
Valentine’s Day TO ENTER SIMPLY FILL OUT ENTRY FORM AND SEND TO: SP Statewide Promotions PO Box 151, Pendle Hill NSW 2145 Entries close 8th March 2023. Successful applicants will be notified by mail FOR ALL ENQUIRIES: 0418 256 049 NAME: …………………………............................................................................ AGE: ...................... ADDRESS: ………………………………….................................…………………………...................................... PHONE NUMBER: ………………………............................. TYPE OF ACT: …….........…..................... SuNday 12tH MaRCH 2023 * Singers * dancers * Musicians * * Bands * Magicians * Comedians * OPEN tO aLL aGES $1500 iN CaSH PRizES tO BE WON 2023 BLaCKtOWN City SHOW Be our Showgirl 2023 BLaCKtOWN City SHOW 11tH & 12tH MaRCH FREE ENtRy tO aLL GiRLS 18-25 yEaRS details on show website For application form contact dianne Martin, Co-ordinator Phone 0418 862 392 Entries Close 24/2/22 Sponsored by Sponsored by 2022 Winner - Rose Lewis Western NeWs Search for a Star Talent Quest

from Nepean News Happy Valentine’s Day

Enjoy a movie by twilight at the Summer Cinema series


avour the last of the warm summer nights at Penrith City Council’s free, outdoor Summer Cinema series this February.Each family-friendly movie night will take place from 6pm-9pm, kicking off on Saturday 11 February at Triangle Park, Penrith, followed by Coachmans Park, St Marys on Saturday 18 February and concluding at Wainwright Park, Kingswood on Saturday 25 February. To complete the movie-going experience, there is free popcorn and ice cream on offer for the first 250 people at each event.

Kingswood’s Summer Cinema event on 25 February will feature extended programming before the movie with the Your High Street launch of the completed works to Bringelly road. Enjoy live music, free face painting and free fresh juice for the first 200 people from 4pm as we celebrate the enhancements to Bringelly road which were funded by the NSW Government, Department of Planning and Environment’s Your High Street program.

Penrith Mayor Tricia Hitchen said she is excited to see a new community event series that takes place across three major centres of the Penrith LGa

“The Summer Cinema series is an opportunity to come together with friends, family and neighbours at Penrith, St Marys and Kingswood as we enjoy a free and fun night out,” Cr Hitchen said.

“The success of Penrith City Council’s outdoor cinema events last year at St Marys and Penrith has highlighted the community’s appetite for local, family-friendly events.”

Penrith City Council’s Summer Cinema series

begins 11 February at Triangle Park, Penrith with Night at the Museum (2006), followed by Coachmans Park, St Marys on 18 February with Shrek (2001), and concluding at Wainwright Park,

ENTERTAINMENT 18 Nepean News 10 February 2023 Issue 348OWDIG Valentine’s Day
Kingswood with the launch of Your High Street at Bringelly Road from 4pm and the movie Kung Fu Panda (2008) beginning at 6pm. Find out more at

GROW Café Co GROWing fast with three exciting new locations in Penrith!

GROW Café Co GROWing fast with Three Exciting new Locations in Penrith!

GROW Café Co, the new cafe chain has just announced the grand opening of three new cafes in the Penrith district– Kingswood, Lemongrove and Leonay. With a focus on wholefoods and a commitment to avoiding toxic ingredients, GROW Café Co (GROW meaning Green Regional Organic (where possible) Wholefoods) is dedicated to providing customers with delicious and healthy meals including products sourced from local farms and artisans , including eggs, honey, and bakeries, to support the surrounding community and minimise our environmental impact - even growing their own herbs, edible flowers, and garnishes in the venues.

Led by passionate Aboriginal entrepreneur Zachariah Buckley, GROW Café Co is on a mission to give back to the indigenous community and local community as a whole whilst caring for the land. Bush tucker items even make an appearance on the menu including Lemon Myrtle Tea, Bush Spice Dukkah, and Kakadu Plum Jam incorporating traditional bush tucker ingredients.

Zachariah’s passion shines through as he speaks about his excitement for opening cafes in Penrith, saying “There’s a rich aboriginal cultural history in Penrith of the Dharug people, I’m really excited to be opening cafes on this land and contributing back to the community wherever I can, I am especially excited to include traditional Bush Tucker elements into our menu, adding a unique twist to your common café favourites with items like Kakadu Plum Jam and Bush Spice Dukkah. I’m working on another new creation, the Kanga-dilla, my take on the Mexican Quesadilla, served with finger lime. Trust me, it tastes amazing! Keep an eye out for it.”

The most popular menu items so far include Summer Fruit Pancake Stack, Crispy Chicken Bao Buns, Classic Fish and Chips, Aussie Beef Burger and Strawberry Fields French Toast! Whilst these menu items may not sound healthy, they are made from wholefood ingredients and cooked with no industrial oils.

“At our cafes, we strive to create a welcoming atmosphere for all. Our menu offers a diverse range of options to cater to kids, adults, and all dietary needs, but above all, we prioritise taste and deliciousness in every dish. All served with a smile”

In addition to his cafe locations, Zachariah also owns a pasta business that specialises in making fresh pasta from 100% Australian Durum Wheat. The pasta also features on the menus of the cafes, offering customers a complete dining experience with both delicious Campos Coffee and fresh, wholesome food.

For Leonay Manager Prisana Senior, GROW Café Co is a dream come true. “I love making coffees, I love talking to customers, and I love serving nice food,” she says.

“This place gives me the opportunity to combine my passions and manage the café as if it’s my

own, while helping my team do what they’re good at and giving our customers an enjoyable and healthy café experience.”

Visit GROW Café Co today and try for yourself!

GROW Café Co is now open at 30 Leonay Parade, Leonay

Monday - Friday 6:30am - 3pm

Sat - Sun 7am - 2pm

GROW Café Co Lemongrove is open at 12 The Crescent, Lemongrove

Monday - Friday 6am - 2pm

Sat - Sun 7am - 2pm

Grow Cafe Co Kingswood is open at 48 Derby Street, Kingswood

Monday - Friday 7am - 3pm

Penrith City Children’s Choir – Singing Day 2023

BOyS and girls aged 7 – 13 years are invited to come to Penrith City Children’s Choir Singing Day – the first of three projects for 2023, directed by Lucy McAlary.

For a fun-filled afternoon of song join us on Sunday 26 February from 3-5pm at St Finbar’s Church Hall, Glenbrook. Add your voice to the energetic ‘Freedom Train’ from America, the mysterious ‘Camel Driver’ and the beautiful harmony of the German folksong ‘Music alone shall live’. Through wide-ranging and colourful repertoire, we develop vocal technique, musicianship and

part-singing skills in an encouraging and joyful learning environment supported by experienced adult and teenage mentors. A great introductory ‘taster’ for new members with an informal performance at the end of the workshop for families and friends. If you love to sing, please join us!

For full details of our 2023 program go to penrith-city-childrens-choir

For more information plus Singing Day Information Packs and Application Forms, contact the Administrator, Suzanne Armstrong by email au or phone 0450 091 367.

ENTERTAINMENT 19 Nepean News 10 February 2023 Issue 348OWDIG

A St Marys Tragedy

In 1908 a blushing bride named Emily Frances Luke married a dashing groom by the name of Albert Henry Stonestreet at the All Saints Church in Silverdale. Emily, born at Mamre in 1886 was the daughter of Elizabeth Ann Delaney (Luke) and Elizabeth’s first husband Robert Luke. Albert, born in 1882 was the son of James and Elizabeth Stonestreet (Walker). Albert and Emily had four children, the last one Albert Joseph was born in 1913. In January 1914 Emily, accompanied by her mother Elizabeth went into St Marys to register Albert Joseph at St Marys police station and about 6pm they started for home with her brother who drove the sulky and while Emily nursed her son Robert James who was born in 1912 her mother held Albert Joseph and about two miles along the Mamre Road Emily suddenly said to her mother that she was on fire and burning to death. She quickly handed Robert to her brother and her mother jumped out of the sulky with Albert Joseph and Emily stood up in the sulky and as soon as she did flames went up over her head and she jumped from the sulky and ran around. Her brother took off his coat and tried to put out the fire putting his coat around her and beating the flames but to no avail. Just then Mrs Baker and Mr Lambert came up in their vehicle and Mr Lambert did what he could with Emily laying down on the ground. Her mother rolled the sulky rug around her with assistance from the others and more people came up at that time but they could do nothing because all her clothing was burned off her. The whole thing happened so suddenly and quickly, Emily was wearing a thin print dress and flannelette petticoat and the bottom part of her dress caught alight first, then when she stood up the whole of her clothing burst into flames. The sulky caught on fire and the groceries were destroyed and her brother’s hand was also very burnt. Elizabeth said at the inquest at Penrith Court House that she did not know whether her son was smoking or not. He had a few drinks in St Marys but he was not drunk and was quite able to drive. On the way out of St Marys they were laughing and talking as they drove along when suddenly this occurrence happened and she could not say how the fire started or what caused it. She mentioned that Emily’s life was not insured and she possessed no property apart from her interest in the property Elizabeth lived on. next at the inquest Samuel Henry Luke said that he was a labourer and lived with his parents on Mamre Road and that Mrs Delaney was his mother and Emily Stonestreet was his sister. He remembered before leaving

St Marys about 6 pm he had two or three glasses of beer but that it was not sufficient to affect him and he was perfectly sober. When he got up in the sulky he was smoking and continued to for a distance along the road but said that he did not light a match after he got into the sulky. When they were about two miles along the road Emily called out that she was on fire and handed Robert to him and he got out on the opposite side and let the horse go and took off his coat and tried to put out the flames. His sister ran around for a moment and then laid down on the ground while we dragged the burning clothing off her. He said that the fire only lasted a few seconds and the clothing burned so easily and quickly that he got his hands and arm severely burnt trying to help put out the fire and his hands were very bad now and he would not be able to use them for at least another fortnight. He confirmed that he was not smoking when his sister called out she was on fire and that he had put the pipe in his pocket about a quarter of an hour before and they were travelling very slowly being about half an hour on the road. He said that the day had been a terribly hot one with a strong wind blowing. As soon as possible, Mrs Baker went to St Marys to contact Dr Bell who came and attended to his sister and ordered her immediate removal to the nepean Cottage Hospital. Mr Lambert and Emily’s brother took her quickly to the hospital where she was admitted and treated but she died. Constable John Joseph Walsh said at the inquest that he was stationed at St Marys when Emily Stonestreet called at the St Marys Police Station and filled in a form for registration of a birth at about 5pm and that she was dressed in extremely light dress material with the day being exceptionally hot with strong wind blowing and he knew nothing of the particulars of Emily’s death only when he had heard from the eye-witnesses. The whole thing seemed to have occurred so suddenly and quickly from a spark from the pipe of her brother that would account for the fire and fanned into flame by the strong wind blowing. He said that Emily appeared very delicate when he saw her. The finding from the Coroner at the inquest was that “Emily Frances Stonestreet at the Nepean Cottage Hospital in Penrith on the 10th January 1914 died from shock, the result of burns accidentally received on the same day at St Marys caused by a spark from the pipe of her brother.” Emily is buried at St Mary Magdalene cemetery along with her husband Albert Henry Stonestreet who died in 1963 at nepean District Hospital.

Surprise your special someone with romantic flowers & gifts from Kingswood Florist.

Don’t forget to add a cuddly soft toy and delicious box of chocolates to your order for the ultimate wow factor. We can deliver your flowers and gift to Kingswood, NSW or nationwide. Kingswood Florist, Creative Balloons, Penrith Florist and St Marys Florist

 Photo of their grave at St Mary Magdalene cemetery - taken by me 2008.
4732 2182 • St Marys 9623 4589 20 Nepean News 10 February 2023 Issue 348OWDIG

Peter Genellos completes the Cole Classic

78-year old Peter Genellos has been raising funds for charity for over half of his life and hit the water again on Sunday 5th February, when he contested the annual Cole Classic at Manly.

The Cole Classic is an open-water swimming event, held annually at Shelley Beach, Manly.

The event is regarded as one of australia’s longest-running ocean swims and certainly one of the more prestigious.

a 35-year member of the St Marys rotary Club, Peter was a regular competitor in Penrith when the annual Bridge to Bridge was held, competing in that event for 30 years.

Since attaining the ripe old age of 70, Peter has switched his focus to ocean swims and, in spite of Covid restrictions on events over the past two years, has managed to compete in events every year in his ongoing pursuit of funds for charity.

over the years, Peter has raised $33,000 for the rotary Children’s Wing at Westmead, $7,500 for the oncology department (Chemo & radiation) at Nepean Hospital, $45,000 for Nepean Hospital’s Breast Cancer Fund, $3,500 for the adolescent Unit at Westmead Children’s Hospital and $30,000+ for little Wings.

In the past 40 years, Peter has raised a total of over $240,000 for charity and this was his 10th year representing #little Wings in an ocean race. anyone wishing to support Peter’s swim on behalf of little Wings can still do so via: campaigns/swimming-for-charity

# Little Wings is a non-profit organisation which provides free, professional and safe flight and ground transport services for sick children in rural and regional NSW. We strive to ease the journey and help sick children access specialised medical services and treatments only available in major cities or towns. We do everything we can to support families by easing the financial burden, emotional strain and travel fatigue they experience due to the long-distance travel associated with receiving vital medical treatment.

Innovation Roof Restoration

SPORT 21 Nepean News 10 February 2023 Issue 348OWDIG
78-year old Peter Genellos is relentessly raising funds for his chosen charity, Little Wings. Photo supplied
Call Kurtis on 0475 555 000 for a free quote Are you hAppy with the look of your roof? All work comes with a 5 year guarantee Best rates in town! SENIOR DISCOUNTS licence No. 251151c

Major Pennant update

Wins were harder to come by in Round 2 of the 2023 Golf nsW

Major Pennant competition for the local western sydney clubs, winning just 1 of 9 contests.

Penrith GC was the only local winner on sunday, avenging a first round away loss to Lynwood with a 5-2 return win at Penrith.

Twin Creeks drew 3.5-3.5 with Stonecutters Ridge at Twin Creeks and Glenmore Heritage Valley kept its unbeaten run intact, drawing 3.5-3.5 with Bexley at Bexley.

in the other matches from the round, Cabramatta defeated Dunheved 5.5-1.5, Marrickville defeated Springwood 4.52.5, Randwick defeated Wallacia 5-2 and Hurstville defeated Leonay 4-3. In the Women’s division, Stonecutters lost 3-2 to Bonnie Doon at home, following a 4-1 loss to the same team in Round 1 at Bonnie Doon.

In the upcoming weekend’s round of games, The Lakes GC hosts Stonecutters Ridge in the Women’s competition and both teams will be striving for their first win of the season.

In the Men’s competition, New South Wales host Penrith, Twin Creeks host Long Reef, Stonecutters Ridge host Camden, Dunheved host Manly, Brighton Lakes host Springwood, Macquarie Links host Richmond, The Coast host Glenmore Heritage Valley and Palm Beach host Wallacia. Leonay will be the host club to the other Division 5 teams, which will feature North Turramurra vs Hurstville and Bondi vs Kareela.

Metropolitan Mixed Pennant also began on Sunday, with Springwood competing in Division 5 and Richmond in Division 8.

Springwood enjoyed a bye and will play Bardwell Valley away on sunday, whilst Richmond hosted Warringah, scoring a 3.5-1.5 victory, and host Camden (Studleigh Park) on sunday.

SPORT 22 Nepean News 10 February 2023 Issue 348OWDIG TRADES & SERVICES Nepean News Phone 9834 5579, K o R en A on 0403 045 880 o R MALAMA on 0416 203 777 to PLA ce you R tRA de Se R vice A d Same day service No call out fee Fixed prices All work guaranteed Servicing the local area for over 10 years 15% OFF WEDNESDAYS $129 DRAIN CLEAR $150 TRADE IN old hot water system 10% PENSIONER DISCOUNT Lic. No. 267530C Unit 1, 33 York Rd, Jamisontown Full MECHANICAl WORKSHOP REGO CHECKS lPG & SERVICE ORTRANTO P/L Lic No 20505 4721 2500 ✔ Pink & Blue Slips ✔ Logbook Service ✔ Full Servicing ✔ All work Guaranteed Warranty Safe Drop Home Service PATIOS PLUMBING AUTOMOTIVE TREE SERVICES
Chris McMillan (Twin Creeks) and Kade Webber (Stonecutters Ridge) in action from the Twin Creeks vs Stonecutters Ridge match on Sunday. Photos by Noel Rowsell (

Penrith hosts major canoe slalom events

The 2023 Canoe Slalom Penrith Open will be held at the Penrith Whitewater Stadium on the 11-12th of February, featuring Men’s and Women’s divisions in Kayak, Canoe and Kayak Cross.

Racing commences at 8.15am on Saturday morning with Kayak heats, followed by Canoe heats through to 10.25am. Sunday’s Kayak and Canoe Finals begin at 7.30am and run through to 10.45am, followed by Kayak Cross from 4.30pm to 7pm.

Individual performance at this event will contribute to selections of the Junior, U23 and Senior 2023 Australian Canoe Slalom Team.

The weekend’s events will feature 28 x Kayak women, 44 x Kayak men, 14 x Canoe women, 28 x Canoe men, 31 Kayak Cross men and 16 Kayak Cross women

eleven countries will be represented at the event, including Australia, New Zealand, France, Ireland, USA, hungary, Lebanon, South Africa, Mauritius, Morocco and Japan, with the latter comprised of a big delegation which are planning for a long stay, thereby bringing major tourism benefits into the local economy.

Top ranked athletes include Tokyo Olympians Jess Fox, Lucien Tinkler and Dan Watkins, along with the entire 2022 Australian Senior, U23 and Junior teams. International paddlers include Olympic medallist Luuka Jones (NZL), Marjorie Delassus (FRA) - 4th in C1W in Tokyo in 2022 Olympics and ranked 8th C1W, evy Leibferth (USA) - ranked 13th C1W, Camille PRIGeNT (FRA) - 4th in 2022 World K1W and ranked 6th K1W, Takuya haneda (JPN) - bronze Rio 2016 C1M.

The 2023 Australian Open will also be held at the Penrith Whitewater Stadium the following weekend, running from 17th19th February.

Stonecutters Ridge Seniors Tournament

82 golfers teed off on Monday 6th February in the annual Stonecutters Ridge Seniors, which is a Senior Order of Merit (SOOM) tournament.

The players were treated to fabulous summer

SPORT 23 Nepean News 10 February 2023 Issue 348OWDIG
File photos from the 2022 Stonecutters Ridge Seniors. Photos by Noel Rowsell conditions on the testing layout, which proved to be the winner on the day as no-one was able to break par. Stonecutters Ridge GC member Craig Baird led home the field with a par 70, ahead of Mark Hale (Mudgee) 71, then David Armstrong (Newcastle) and Jason McBeath (Newcastle) locked together on 72, Shane Floyd (Cromer) 73, David Willett (Toukley) 74, Rowan easterbrook (Oatlands) 74 and Michael Brown (Bingara) 74. Brown won the Nett division on 68, ahead of Floyd 69, Baird 70, Armstrong 70 and David Curtis (Newcastle) 71. The top quality action continues this weekend, with the annual Stonecutters Cup (a Vardon event) being held this Saturday. Jessica Fox in action during the 2022 State Championships Kaylen Bassett in action during the 2022 Australian Open. Photos by Noel Rowsell (

Motorola extends commitment with Panthers

Penrith Panthers is pleased to announce mobile communications leader Motorola has extended its commitment with the club for the 2023 season as the official smartphone partner.

Panthers was the first nrL club to team up with the global telecommunications company in 2022, joining a stable of iconic sporting teams such as NBA franchises Chicago Bulls, Milwaukee Bucks and Indiana Pacers.

“After a successful first year we are excited to renew our partnership with Motorola for the 2023 season,” said Panthers Rugby League CEO Matt Cameron.

“Having the support of a globally recognised brand like Motorola is fantastic for the club. This season we welcome Motorola as a newlyupgraded platinum partner. Not only a leader of driving innovation in their field, Motorola is a brand we grew up with and trust, all of this resonates with our club ethos, players and fans. It’s a great fit.”

Through the partnership Motorola will engage with members and fans both across the club’s digital channels and in-person at BlueBet Stadium, with a number of exciting initiatives and giveaways planned for 2023.

To celebrate the partnership extension Motorola is providing Panthers members and fans with an

exclusive offer. Simply enter promo code PANTHERS2023 via motorola. to save 15% on the motorola edge 30 neo, edge 30 ultra, edge 30

Panthers Rugby League CEO Matt Cameron and Head of Motorola Australia and New Zealand Kurt Bonnici at the Panthers 2023 Season Launch.

fusion and the motorola razr. Strictly for a limited time only.

“We began our journey with the Penrith Panthers in 2022 and by the

end of the season, they were backto-back premiership winners. We are excited to renew and expand our partnership with the Panthers in the 2023 season.”

“Both Motorola and the Panthers are known for our innovation, high quality and strong performance. We are committed to investing in our community and share an immense passion for bringing people together through unique consumer experiences. We’re thrilled to bring our two brands together and further infuse our company and versatile product portfolio with the vibrant energy of the Panthers club and fan base right across Australia,” said Head of Motorola Australia and New Zealand, Kurt Bonnici.

Receive 1 ticket for every $10 spent at Panthers Penrith*

SPORT PENRITH PANTHERS 24 Nepean News 10 February 2023 Issue 348OWDIG
T&C’S apply you must be here to win. See staff for details. *Receive 1 ticket for every $10 spent in 1 transaction at a Panthers Penrith owned food and beverage outlet or 1 ticket for every $20 spent at Bingo, Raffles or Cash Housie.

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