Basic Digital Marketing Terms

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A Ad tracking: a technique used to check how many hits and clicks an online ad

receives. It is useful to discover how to better personalize ads and the sources of revenue. AdSense: a program run by Google that allows publishers to serve automatic video, image and text adverts that are targeted to site content and audience. Affiliate Marketing: a marketing practice in which a business rewards affiliates for each customer or visitor achieved by the affiliate’s own marketing efforts. Aggregator: a web-based tool or desktop application that gathers content from multiple websites. Analytics: the application of operational research, computer technology and statistics to measure the performance of marketing activities. Anchor text: the visible and clickable text in a hyperlink.

B B2B: Business to business. Commerce transactions between businesses. B2C: Business to consumer. Commerce transactions between businesses and private consumers. Blog: A personal journal published online consisting of posts usually shown in chronological order.

C Click-through rate (CTR): a measure of success of an online advertising campaign on defined as the number of clicks on an ad divided by the number of appearances (impressions) of the ad. Content management (CMS): a software system for creating and managing HTML content. It facilitates content control, content creation, editing and other essential maintenance functions.

Conversion: percentage of visitors who convert content views or website visits

into specific desired actions. Cost Per Click (CPC): A way to price internet advertising, the advertiser pays when the user clicks an online ad. Customer intelligence: Customer intelligence (CI) is the process of collecting and analysing information regarding customers in order to improve decision making and build more effective customer relationships.

D Demand-side platform (DSP): a system that allows digital advertisers to manage date exchange and ad exchange accounts through one interface. Dynamic content: all the information in web pages, newsletters or emails that changes automatically based on an interaction with the user.


Feed: data format used to provide users with frequently updated content.

Guerilla Marketing: advertising strategy based in low-cost unconventional means such as graffiti, sticker bombing or flash mobs.

H HTML: HyperText Markup Language is the code placed in elements called tags, which is added to a text to make it function as a webpage. Hyperlink: a reference to data that the user can follow directly or that is followed automatically.

I Integrated marketing: a type of marketing that attempts to create synergy between offline and online channels.

K Keyword: a phrase or word that potential customers type into search engines in order to find a service or product.

L Landing page: a single webpage that appears after clicking on an email, a banner or an ad.

Link building: The process of linking a site from other high value websites in order to get higher search engine rankings.

M Mailing list: a collection of names and addresses used by an organization or an

individual to send material to several recipients. The term usually refers to people subscribed to mailing or newsletters services. Meta tag: a special element that contains specific information about a website. Microblogging: a broadcast medium in the form of blogging. It differs from the traditional blog in that the content is usually smaller in actual and aggregate file size. Some examples are Twitter and Tumblr.

N Newsreader: a service that collects news from multiple blogs or news sites via

RSS, allowing its users to access all their news from a single site. NoFollow: an HTML attribute to instruct some search engines that a hyperlink should not have any influence in the link target’s ranking in the search engine.

O Organic search: organic search results are listings on search engine results pages that appear due to their relevance to the search terms.

P Pay per click (PPC): an online advertising model used to lead traffic to websites where the advertisers pay the publisher when the ad is clicked. Google AdWords is a PPC provider. Podcast: a type of digital media consisting of audio or video files that can be downloaded and played later.

R Rank: the performance of a website compared with others. Return of Investment (ROI): the percentage of profit generated by an expenditure.

Really Simple Syndication (RSS): a family of web feed formats used to publish works that are frequently updated, such as blog posts, news or video.

S Search Engine Optimization (SEO): the process of improving the visibility

of a website in search engines by using organic or unpaid search results. Segmentation: the classification of customers by one or more characteristics in order to make the identification of groups with similar needs easier. Social bookmarking: a method to store, organize, manage and search for bookmarks of resources online. Spam: a word used for unsolicited commercial and junk email or content. Syndication: the distribution of blog content across several websites.

V Viral Marketing: a form of marketing that use social networks to produce an

increase in brand awareness or to achieve any other kind of marketing objectives. The term is normally used for videos.

W Web 2.0: a second generation of web development and design that facilitates information sharing, collaboration.




Resources used: Wikipedia and HiveMind. For digital marketing news and events visit our blog: NerdInsider.



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