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Chapter 2: Extracts of Working Plan Configuration of Ground:
The tract is hilly and undulating and lies between elevation 855 m the confluence of Kurpan Khad in Satluj River to Ghushu Pishu 5690m. The tree growth extends upto 3700 m above which lies extensive inaccessible area with grasses, rocks and snow. The gentle slopes on lower elevation are generally under agriculture and horticulture crops and steep to precipitous slopes on higher altitudes are under forest. Shrikhand Mahadev forms a place of pilgrimage where thousands of people visit during July-August. The area is traversed by ridges. Few places in 15/20 can be developed for adventure tracking routes. Shrikhand an off-shoot of great Himalayan Range drops down to Khad named Sukha Chho/Mohali Khad finally named Sumej Khad separates from 15/20 areas of Shimla District which ultimately joins at Satluj in east.
tropical climate is found in sub mountainous areas at the base of of the Satluj valley to the alpine in the upper reaches. Semi arctic conditions prevail in some portions.
March to April and
October to November are cool and bright. The tract is endowed with four distinct seasons: spring, summer, Rains and winter. The spring season lasts from February to April in the lower valleys along the river satluj whereas on the higher altitudes it is in the month of April to June.
The Rains come during the
summer in the last week of June and extends upto September. Snow fall starts from November and lasts till the end of March on higher altitudes. Water Supply:
This Khad bifurcates the
Khandhar from the boundary of Arsu Range of Kullu District. The boundary of Sarahan Range of Rampur Forest Division and Rupi Range of Sarahan Wild Life Forest Division bifurcates at the ridge from Ghushu Pishu – Ghata Kanda – Jhandyoday – down at Shrikhand Dhar to Satluj.
The climate is temperate but due to variation in altitude, the
The whole tract is covered with spellings Khads.
The main
perennial khads are Kurpan Khad, Kasholi Khad, Kuni Gad, Kaju Khad,
Sukacho (Sumej Khad), Ganvi Khad, Kut Khad, Sorang
Khad, Slaring Khad and Kandru Khad which are fed by various small snowfed tributaries at the upper parts and finally draining
Comprehensive CAT Plan of Satluj River Basin
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into Satluj River. Good springs exist throughout the track and supply of drinking water is generally satisfactory.
varies considerably during various seasons whereas in other streams in dry months the water is sometimes insufficient even When drought or fire occurs and cause
considerable damage to the forests growth and aggravates shortage of water.
The main tributaries of the track originate
from the hill ranges which are covered with snow during major part of the year.
Numerous water supply schemes have been
implemented the Government for supply of drinking water to the villages. In addition for irrigation purpose water was lifted from River Satluj by lift irrigation schemes at Averi.
With the ever increasing demand of land due to increase in population, encroachments have been taking place in the past. One of the main reason of such encroachments is that the IIIrd class forest areas are not measured and secondly normally the revenue department has been granting ‘NAUTORS’ in the IIIrd class forests without the knowledge of the Forest Department. The result is that the person whose ‘NAUTORS MISLE’ has been prepared takes possession unauthorisedly even before the grant of such ‘NAUTORS’ thus increasing the encroachments. The Inhabitants:
But due to
excessive silt load in Satluj the schemes were not successful and washed away by flood.
The main
streams which are fed by snow do not dry up but flow of water
for paddy crops.
Sufficient water is also available for
forest nurseries in most of the areas. There is scarcity of water
People are hard working and tough and main occupation is Agriculture as well as Horticulture and rearing of sheep and goat for their livelihood. The holdings are marginal and small and large.
in Shuttle Dhar and Avary.
The number of people with large holdings is very few.
The field are situated on hilly slopes in terraces and flat fields Rights and Concessions:
are rarely met with. Main agriculture crops are wheat, paddy,
All the forests are burdened with rights and concessions recorded at the time of forest settlement.
These rights are
recorded in the records of rights register. The important rights are ; Right to Timber for house construction and repair, Fuel wood, Grazing , Lopping , Minor Forest produce, Slate quarries, Leaf moulds, Phat burning, “Nautors,”
Barley, Maize, Millets including potatoes and peas in some areas. In some areas people have resorted to apple orchards. In the lower elevation the people have raised stone fruits orchards like Almonds and Plum (Sentaroza). The population is generally scattered over villages and in small hamlets. People live in houses generally made of wood in two storeys, the
Comprehensive CAT Plan of Satluj River Basin
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ground floor is used to keep animals and cattle while the upper
in Himalayas and consequently great variation in altitude from
storey is used for the family members as dwelling place.
855 Mtr to 5690Mtr combined with topographical condition
houses are not spacious enough for the members of the family.
including in aspect the track embraces climatic zone of sub
In the areas where stone of good quality is available used to
tropical, temperate and Alpine.
make walls alongwith timber.
In areas where slates are
forests from sub tropical to Alpine occur at various places. The
available with in economical distances used for roofs, other-wise
aspect, slope ecology and the edaphic factors influence the type
timber planks are used as roof cover especially in the interior
of vegetation giving rise to the local variations, in the general
and far flung areas. The people are religious and have a blind
altitudinal zonation.
faith in the local deities. With the easy availability of building
forests types are found but aspect slope moisture and soil play
material like bricks, cement, iron etc. the construction pattern
and great role in local variations.
has undergone a sea change.
higher zone, Chil, Kail, Deodar, Spruce and silver Fir are conifers
Modern RCC houses are a
common sight in place of old dwellings.
Opposite the Rampur
Therefore, various types of
Generally on all altitudinal zones various
found in the forests of Catchment.
From the lower zone to the
The various broad leaved
town on Satluj River Brow and Jagatkhana are developing where
species like Walnut, Aesculus, Anus, Acer, Bird cherry etc are
many RCC building have come up and many buildings are
found along the Khads and nallas in the valleys. Pure forests of
coming up. The road approaches in the area are Bajir bawri –
Kharsu Oaks are located in the higher reaches while Mohru Oak
Nirmand, Bazir Bawri – Tunan – Sumej – Sarpara – Sarga –
in the middle and Ban, Oak in the lower zones. Alongwith Silver
Kharga – from National Highway 22 Jeori – Ganvi –Kiao - Kaobil,
Fir and Kharsu Oak few scattered Betula is found. In the lower-
Chaura – Rupi – Chotakamba- Barakamba.
most zone particularly along the river Satluj, Shisham trees are
Maximum of the
area is approachable by Ropeways/Footbridges.
The dumping
found scattered.
material of these roads construction has chocked the nalas as well as created huge silt load in the tributaries.
5BI C-II Northern dry deciduous forest: This type is found to a limited extent along Satluj near Behna and Luhri.
Flora and Fauna:
Cedrella toona, Dalbergia Sissoo, Pistacia Intergerrima and
The Vegetation/Forests:
Bombex ceiba are met with. Under growth is that of Adhatoda
The area of Sub-catchment (Sp) falls in Sub-Tropical Zone with
vasica, Mayyaya koenigii Carissa opaca.
respect to its location from the equator. Because of its location Comprehensive CAT Plan of Satluj River Basin
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9C-I(b) Upper or Himalayan Chil Pine forests: This type occurs
continus, Buddleia
between 1000m to 2000m elevation in 2/6 Gadamawa, 2/3
pashia, Desmodium tiliaefolium, Colebrochia oppositifolia, Rubus
Siarunal, 15/20-III, Bindraban, Narayangarh-III, 1/8 Lohr, 1/17
ellipticus vibrunum Zyanthozylen alantum are common.
Gohan, 1/36 paleini Chalaon of Arsu, Nither and Chowai Ranges.
up and under a more regular canopy hush growth is less
It gradually merges into dry scrub forests in Chowai and Niether
rampant and some Desmodium species, Berbaries species,
Ranges and gives way to the temperate broad leaved and
Indigofera are found with Plectranthus rugosus, Elsholtzia
conifer forest above. The predominant species among the
polystachya and other composite as the common herbs. On the
coniferous is Pinus roxburghii. It forms open, poor quality crops
southern aspect the shrubby undergrowth is very light due to
on the hot southern aspect on rocky and shallow soils. But on
regular burning and grazing.
paniculata, Mallotus phillipinensis, Pyrus
the northern aspect there are few good patches of poles and middle ages crops in all kind of forests viz 1st class, 2nd class and
DS-I Himalayan Sub tropical scrub: The extensive growing areas
3rd Class. The crop is generally irregular and mature trees are
used as grazing grounds and hay fields be the villagers forms
few and scattered except in recently raised established Chil
this forest type. They are spread over in between Chil forest in
plantations where the crop is even aged. Admixture of other
the Chil zonation.
species occurs along the upper limits as well as lowers down in
the streams and damp nallas. The common associates are
Malformed scattered Chil trees are found with scrub species like
Querus incana, Rhododendron arborium, Pieris, ovalifolia, Pyrus
pashia, Bauhinia variegate, Albizzea species etc. The associates
may occur either in light admixture or occasionally may from an
Indigofera pulchella and Adiantum species. This type occupies
under storey in the pine forests.
the south western aspect in the Outer Seraj. This type is due to
Kail (Pinus wallichiana) and
There is frequent burning and large scale
sprinkled Deodar makes its appearance in the upper reaches
heavy biotic interference of grazing and burning.
These areas
and is sometimes extending into Chil areas in the cooler aspect
can be regenerated naturally or artificially by restricting the
as is noticed in the 15/20-III forests of Arsu Range.
biotic interference. DS-II Sub tropical Euphorbia scrub: Euphorbia roylana and
The flora constituting the under growth varies in types and
Opuntia constitute this type of forest which spread along river
density according to the Chil, Woodfordia, floribunda, Rhus Comprehensive CAT Plan of Satluj River Basin
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Satluj particularly near Luhri, Behna, Khegsu, with Zizyphus
12C 1(b) Mohru Oak forest: This type is generally found in
jujuba and other broad leaved species like Bauhinea and Ficus
patches in Deodar Zone from 2000 to 2500m and pure forest of
species etc.
Quercus dilatata do not exist in this area.
Different grass species are also found. This type is
associated with lime stone formation.
There is greater
admixture of secondary species mainly of decidous trees in the
12-1 (a) Lower West Himalayan temperate forest Ban Oak
top storey and a well marked ever green second storey of
forest: This type of forest is spread over in depression and is
found in small proportion mixed with Chil, Kail and Deodar
Rubus,Spiraea and Vibrnum with some ever green such as
forests. It occupies the lower elevation in the northern slopes
Skimmia and Sarcococea.
and along nalla. In comparison with other moist temperate type,
Ban Oak which displaces it on dry ridges.
it occupies drier as well as warmer sites and may be viewed as
Mohru Oak is generally used as the most popular leave fodder
their least mesophytic form. Geological formation has very little
and hence is heavily lopped.
influence on the distribution of the Oak forest which builds good
can be seen near Tharvi village of Arsu range and 2/28 Jalori
soil rich in humus. The ground is naturally well drained and the
forest Chowai Range.
oak occupies really wet soil. This types can be seen in 15/20-III
The upper canopy consists of Quercus dialatata,
or Arsu Range and 2/21 patal forest in Niether, Naraingarh III in
Abies pindrow, Aesculus indica .The middle canopy consists of
Chowai Range.
Top and middle storey consist of Quercus
IIex dipyrena, , Rhamnus, Rhododendron Cedrella toona etc.
incana, Rhododendron arboretum, Lyonia, Machilus edoratisima,
The under growth consists of Rosa macrophylla, Berberis,
Litsea umberosa, Pieris, ovalifolia, Illex dipvrena, Rhus cotinus
Prinscpia, Indigofera, Deutzia, Daphne Saraca etc.
and Pyrus pashia etc. The undergrowth consists of Berbaries
climbers are Hedera helix, Clematis etc.
This type is more mesophytic than
This is found in Deodar zone and
Q .incana,
lyceum, Daphne, Desmodium, Rubus elipticus, Indegofera, Viburnum Lonicera, Strobilanthes etc. The ground consists of
12 C-IC-Moist Deodar (Cedrus deodara forest): This forest type
Pteridium, Plectranthus, Salvia glntionsa, and other grasses. The
is occur in all the Ranges of Outer Seraj between 1500m to
2000m on northern aspects it descends down and ascends to
semicordata etc.
even 3000m on sunny ridges. The snow fall is a must for the existence of these forests. The Deodar prefers comparatively
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heavy soil formed by the disintegration of granite rocks and
Spruce, Deodar- Spruce. These forests are the most attractive
quarries well drained soil.
The good quality Deodar stumps are
in the Himalayas with varying mixture of coniferous trees often
found on such soils all over the tract and can be seen at 1/5
of very fine growth, Spruce, Silver Fir, Blue pine and Deodar and
Kandu Shilla and R/3 Juguta of Arsoo Range R/4 Margi Kalon,
a varying inter mixture of evergreen and deciduous Broad
1/15 Lot Kayon, 1/16 Shilla Niether Range R/5 Ghanar, R/6
leaved trees and strips and patches of broad leaved forest.
Jharanu, R/7 Takrasi and R/8 Kaikalon Chowai Range.
These forests lie at an elevation of 2300m to 3200m.
predominates in the lower elevation and is associated with Deodar generally occurs pure but some times mixed with Kail at
Deodar on spurs. Kail is confined to southern slopes, ridges and
the lower extremes and spruce on the higher reaches. The pure
shallow soil. In the higher reaches generally silver Fir comes in
beautiful forest of Deodar can be seen in 1/3 Ramgarh Kandi C-I
the pure crop and spruce occupying on the ridges and warmer
in Arsu range 1/14 Maharah Kod Niether range 1/13 Trijhakhar
C-II, 1/27 Bung Bindraban C-II of Chowai Range.
regia, Corylus colurna are found in depression and nallas.
The top
Broad leaved trees such as Aesculus inica, Juglans In
storey consists on Cedrus deodar and Pinus wallichiana while the
many areas young crop is generally absent and the regeneration
middle storey consists of Quercus incana or generally absent.
is a problem. These forests are generally found away from the
The under storey is generally absent. The under storey consists
habitation. A thick layer of un decomposed humus is found in
of Rosa moschata, Berberis, Launicere, Dentizia, Dedmidium,
the forest where there is no grazing and inhibits the natural
Viburnum, Carpinus, Cedrela serata, Juglans regia, Aescrlus
indica etc. are found in moist location such as nallas and
formation and soil all over the tract.
occurs in these forests.
The ground flora consists of Fregeria, vasica, Gallium Viola.,
during the monsoon and a variety of ferns dies and completely
Salvia glubinosa.
flatten by the winter snow. Snow stays from December to April.
The main climbers are Vitis semcordata,
Hedra helix, Jasmium officinalies and \Rosa moschata etc.
Silver Fir and spruce occur on all types of rock The Arundinaria falcate
Rich herbaceous vegetation grows
There is also a good deal of moss and lichen on the trees and the climbers are not so common. The beautiful forest of these
12 CI (d) Western mixed coniferous forest: This type is
types can be seen in R/1 Shilligirchi, R/2 P:araligirchi, 2/10 Mul,
commonly known as mixed coniferous forest but it also includes
2/11 Kaleo, 2/16 Barnagi, R/3 Jugut etc. of Arsoo Range 2/20
pure Spruce and Silver Fir and mixed forest of Silver FirComprehensive CAT Plan of Satluj River Basin
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Daman 1/9 Bujuri, 1/8 Lohr, 1/10 Bashad Niether Range.
The middle storey consists of Corylus colurna, Cornus capotata, Rhus
The upper canopy consists of Abies pindrow, Picea smithiana, Cedrus deodara and Pinus wallichiana.
Euonymus species.
The middle canopy
consists of mostly Quercus semicarpifolia and other broad
12C-2(a) Upper West Himalayan temperate forest Kharshu Oak
leaved species like Acer, Aesculus, Corylus colurna, Juglans
forest: This type of forests is found in all over the Outer Seraj
regia etc.
The under growth consists of Viburnum Contoneaster
varying from elevation of 2700m to 3500m generally the
bacillaries, Ilex deprena, Lonicera species, Deutiza,corymbosa,
Quercus semicarpifolia occupies the ridges on the higher
Berberis species, Prinsepia, Arundianaria, Sacococa species,
reaches and sometimes constitute pure strips on the top portion
of the compartment.
Valeriana, Frageria, Anemone, Ferns and grasses from the under
On the northern aspects and moist location, kharsu Oak often
ground flora.,The common climbers found are Hedera helix,
comes down and is found in mixture with Silver Fir - Spruce and
Vitis, and Jasminum etc.
forms the under storey.
In the upper reaches elsewhere it is
found mixed with Rhododendron and Betula species.
All age
12 CI(e) Moist temperate deciduous forests: This type occurs
classes are reproduced and natural regeneration is adequate.
almost in the whole Outer Seraj with fir Zone from 1800 –
The tree is lopped for fodder by graziers mostly and often by the
2750m in moist hollows and depressions often as strips along
the hill streams and also on many of the gentler slopes unsuited
Picea smithiana, Abies pindrow, Acer Spps and Betula alnoides,
for coniferous.
Such broad leaved patches are found in 2/17
Middle canopy consist of Rhododendron compenulatum, Ilex
Dadai, 2/18 Rachokri, 2/19 Mandrow of Arsu Range and 2/20
depyrana, Prunus padus, Betula species, Acer species Taxus
Daman Nither Range.
bacatta etc.
The top canopy consists of Quercus semicarpifolia,
The under growth consists of Cotoneaster, Viburnum Rosa, The upper canopy consists of Aesculus, Acer Carpinus, Ulmus,
Strobilanthes, Salix elegans, Jasminum wellichiana, Frageria,
wallichaiana, Betula alnoldes, Juglans regia, Fraxinus, Quercus
Vesica, Rumex, Viola, Anemone, Polygonum etc.
semicarpifolia, Abies pindrow Prunus padus etc.
are Vitis, Climaties etc. This type occurs in the forest such as
Comprehensive CAT Plan of Satluj River Basin
The climbers
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2/8 Sanpatu, 2/4 Dobda, 2/9 Galol, 2/11 Koleo in Arsoo Range
and form thickest excluding all other shrubs.
and 2/28 Jalori in Chowai Range.
bamboos are used for basket making by the local inhabitants.
12C(b) West Himalayan Upper Oak Fir Forests:
Their presence inhibits natural regeneration of main species.
storeyed high forest occurs above 2800 m elevation all over the
This type is found in 2/16 Barnagi, R/1 Shilligirchi, R/2
tract. Silver Fir Occurs singly or in bands and groups over Oak
Paraligirchi of Arsoo Range and 2/21 Patal in Nither Range.
and other evergreen deciduous trees.
These hill
The Oaks carry a
conspicuous mantle of mosses.
12 DS 2 Himalayan temperate park land: This type of forest is
Top canopy consists of Abies pindrow, Picea-smithiana and
mainly confined to the Fir Zone. These are like open park land
middle canopy consists of Acer species Taxus baccata, Quercus
with scattered large, misshapen and often moribund trees of the
semecarpifolia, Pyrus-lanata, Betula alopides, Quercus dialatata,
species typical of the temperate deciduous forests of without
Rhododendron companulata etc. under growth consists of Rosa
coniferous trees also over a grassy tuft full of flowers in springs.
Generally some Silver fir, Birdcherry, Mapple and Kharshu,
Viburnum Berberris
Spirea serpens,
Cotoneaster acuminata, Lonicera angustifolia Salix elegans,
cotinifolium and Berberris species are found.
Asparagus, Sarcococa etc.
Ground flora consists of Fragerea
Ainsliaea sptera Valeriana
wallichi, Podophyllum Polygonum
Delphinium, Polygonum and Ranunculus species.
kuroo, Salvia, viola etc. climbers are Vitis semicordata, Hedeera
The ground is
The grass
lands are heavily grazed. This type is found in 2/19 Mandrow, 2/11 Kaleo in Arsu Range.
helix and Clematies etc.This type is found in R/3 Jugut, 2/19 Mandrow, 2/14 Danda, 2/15 Dwari danda of Arsu Range.
12 DS 3 Himalayan temperate pastures: This type occurs in Kharsu Oak zone and is characterized by the absence of tree
12 DS 1 Montane Bamboo Erakes (Arundinaria falcate and
Aspathiflora): These two bamboos occur as undergrowth in the
These are found all over the tract in Deodar, Fir Zone.
mixed coniferous forests.
Arundineria falcate confines to the
ground flora is the same as under 12 DS 2 above. The area is
lower zone and Arundineria spathiflora occurs in spruce and
grazed by the grazier migratory as well as local in summer after
Silver fir zone.
These are grassy blanks devoid of any tree growth.
They generally occupy moist northern slopes Comprehensive CAT Plan of Satluj River Basin
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melting of snow.
The type occurs in the forests shown under
12 DS 2 above.
dense undergrowth of Rhododendron with a varying amount of small shrubs in and under the letter. The over wood is absent in hollows leaving more or less pure Rhododendron, Spruce and
12 ISI – Himalayan moist temperate forests Alder (Alnus)
occasional Quercus semicarpifolia may be found in this type in
forests: This type is found mainly along the banks of river
the moist zone.
Top canopy consists of Abies pindrow, Picea
streams and nallahs allover the tract with or without under-
growth depending upon the site. In the lower course of streams
where fringe of Alder is the only remaining tree growth there is
often an undergrowth of thorny shrubs, while on the better
Deutizia, Berberris species and Juniperous, wallichiana.
wooded tract progression starts early and other
ground flora consists of Anemone, Geranum, Trillium and viola
species like
blue pine and other coniferous are usually present.
This type
occurs from 1000m to 3000m species grows on fresh alluvial soil
padus, Smilax,
Viburnum, The
This type is found in the forest 2/14 Dands, 2/15
Dwaridanda and R/2 Praligirchi of Arsu Range.
and landslides. This type is found along the Kurpan Khad, Anni Khad, Shasmsher Gad of the tract.
14 CI (b) West Himalayan Sub-Alpine, birch Fir Forests: As per
The top storey consists of Alnus neplanses, Poplus ciliate, Celtis
description of 14C-1(b) top canopy consists of Abies pindrow
australis, Toona ciliate, Morus, serrata, Ficus species etc. and
the middle storey consists of Crategus, spiraea and the
undergrowth consists of Catoneaster acuminate, Rosa Sercea,
nepalensis, Polygounum polygonatum etc. Vitis is the main
Quercus The
Lonicera Rubus niveus and Smilex.
climber species. 14 DSI – Sub Alpine pasture: This type is found near the tree 14 C-1(a) West Himalayan Sub-alpine high level fir forest: This
limit which extends to the alpine zone.
type is found above 3000m elevation over the whole tract. Fir,
out-line patches of sub alpine forests and shrub. Chiefly in the
birch and Rhododendron may be found mixed in varying
form of colony of betula and Rhododendron. Extensive patches
of dwarf, Rhododendron and dwarf Juniperous are also met with.
Pure dense crop of Fir may occur but the most
usual form is an open crop of Fir with birch between and a Comprehensive CAT Plan of Satluj River Basin
This type consists of
Volume: XI Chapter 2: Page No:
The climate is too cold for the growth of tree and precipitation is
low deciduous scrub formation usually about 1 meter in height
usually in the form of snow which last more than six months.
forming the cover.
Thus limiting the growing season.
Top and middle storey
consists of Betula utilis and Rhododendron.
The undergrowth
15 – EI Dwart Rhododendron Scrub: The crop in such type
consists of Salix species, Lonicera species, Berberris species and
consists of stunted growth of Rhododendron species and occurs
Rosa species. The ground flora consists of Aconitum. This type
on elevation from 3200m to 3800m.
occurs in the forest of 2/14 Danda, 2/15 Dwaridanda of Arsu
species are conspicuously absent. The ground flora is same as
under type 15-CI.
Other Broad leaved
Such forests are found in 2/34 chul in
Chowai and 2/18 of Arsu Range. 15 C-1 Birch-Rhododandron Scrub forests: This type is found all over the tract of Outer Seraj in the Alpine Zone.
This type
15C – 3 Alpine Pasture: This type stretches above the tree
forms a low evergreen forest entirely of Rhododendron but with
growth limit to the line of perpetual snow. In
some Birch and other deciduous trees on northern and moist
Range of medicinal herbs of valuable commercial value like
Mecopopris, Oitebtila, Caltha, Aconite, Gentians Karoo etc are
The growth is so dense as to be difficult to penetrate particularly
met with.
this type of wide
in uphill directions as owing to snow pressure. The stems are all covered up from more or less horizontal or downward bent base.
The extensive alpine lands are used for sheep and goat grazing
The trunks are short and mosses and ferns cover the ground.
by the migratory as well as local people. A variety of Wild Life is
The top canopy consists of Betula utilis, Rhododendron and
also found at these elevations including muskdeer. In June and
Quercus semicarpifolia.
The middle canopy consists of
July Wild strawberries of excellent flavour are plentiful in the
Alpine pastures.
Gentians Karoo, Aconite, Podophyllum are
undergrowth consists of Berberris, Lonicera and Polyginum
extensively exported as medicinal and dhup for incense.The
species. The ground flora consists of Primula species.
meadows are composed mostly of mesophytic herbs.
conspicuous herbs are Primila, Anemone, Iris, Gentiana, with ISC – Deciduous Alpine Scrub: This type of forest is found in
many ranunculaceae and compositae family plants.
Jalori forests of Chowai and 2/18 Dawaridanda of Arsu Range. A Comprehensive CAT Plan of Satluj River Basin
Volume: XI Chapter 2: Page No:
16 EI Dwarf Juniper Scrub: This type of forests occurs on very
basis to ensure to stop over exploitation from the natural
dry and exposed sites.
zone/forests. The public awareness campaign is required to be
The soil is dry loose sandy.
forests are found on higher reaches of Arsu and Chowai Range.
amongst the right holders/Middle man and the
buyers regarding paucity and use more medicinal plants and Non Timber forest Produce:
Himachal has an old tradition of dealing with medicinal plants.
The collection of a large number of crude drugs has been carried out by local people since ancient times. carried
Forest settlement
The main Wild Life species found in the area are:Animals:
formalised the right to collect, extract and exploit these NTFPs. The local people, Right holders have continued to exercise these rights to collect, Bater, Sell medicinal herbs, Rootsk, flowers, fruits and aromatic plants from the forests. It is estimated that the source of 80% of Ayurvedic, 46% of Unani and 33% of Allopathic medicines are found in Western Himalayan. In HP out of
approximately are actively found in the area.
Some of the
important medicinal herbs are Sam Jalori, Kadwi Patish, Karoo,
Panther or Leopard, Leopard Cat, Snow Leopard, Himalayan black
Brown Yellow
Common weasel,
Himalayan thar jemlahicus, Blue sheep, Himalayan Ibex, Ghoral, Seraw, Barking dear, Musk deer, Porcupine, Common house rat, Squirrel, House mouse, Monkey, Common Langoor, Gray Musk Shrew, Horse shoe bat. Birds:
Dhoop, Bankakari, Chora, Banaksha, Mushak Bala, Rewand chini, Shingali Mingali, Mamira, Saski, Ban Ajwain, Balladona,
Cheer Pheasant, Jungle Fowl, White crested Koklas Monal
Guchhi, Dori, Kakkarsinghi, Salam mishri, Mithi Patish, Thuth,
Pheasant, Tragopan, Common quail, Mountain quail, Bush quail,
Bramhi, Kashmiri patta, Gloe, Salam Panja, Nihani, Birch,
Chakor Partridge, Black partridge, Wood partridge,
Rasaunth. There is urgent need for regulation of NTFPS species wise for its exploitation. People are required to be encouraged for large scale plantation or medicinal plants on commercial Comprehensive CAT Plan of Satluj River Basin