vol13 - part2-Working

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Volume: XIII Part: 2 Chapter: 2 Page No:


Chapter 2: Extracts of Working Plan1 Configuration of Ground: The tract dealt with forms a part of eastern higher Himalayas with ranges running west to East directions and forming the catchment of tributaries mainly Lingti and Pin rivers with turbulent Nallas, which fed the main Spiti River. The Alluvial land masses have given rise to vegetation and human habitations. The Spitian fragility contains rugged terrain of bare rocks and denuded steep slopes. It is an isolate monotonous grandeur of high mountain Ranges and narrow river valley and gorges. The Spiti Mountain Ranges belong to the great middle Himalayas with mean elevation of about 4570 metres (ranges from 3350 metres to 5485 metres).


The source of extract of working plan is the draft working plan of Spiti forest division by Sh. P D Dogra, IFS the then DFO Spiti. So far no forest/ wild life management plan have been written for the Spiti area.

There are many un-scaled virgin peaks with alitude more than 5000 metres to 6000 metres. The melting of snow takes place in the month of April and early May up to Kaza and in June in higher areas upto Kunzum Pass. The drainage system of Spiti Valley is mainly narrow gorges in the start i.e. from Northeast aspect of Kunzum range and in the end meets with vast River bed alongwith its water course in the Southeast and it joins the Satluj river at Khab. The source of raising irrigated plantations and regional watering is by tapping perennial revulets, natural springs and snow melting water nallas. The Spiti river system can be further divided into watershed and micro watersheds as in Satluj river system and further the catchment of nallas shall form the basis of forming compartments and sub compartments with natural boundaries like ridges, peaks, nallas, rivers, lakes etc. Climate: Spiti valley has an average annual rainfall of <700 mm ; monsoon hardly penetrates and rarely reaches in the valley in form of misty drizzle. During winter the snowfall is much less as compare to Lahaul and Kinnaur. The watershed enclosed

Comprehensive CAT Plan of Satluj River Basin

Volume: XIII Part: 2 Chapter: 2 Page No:

in all sides by lofty Himalayan ranges. As a result of which it is not under the direct influence of monsoon and is dry. The climate varies with zone and are recognized as :-


The zone of perpetual snow: Area over 4800 meters above M.S.L. This belt falls under Gryometic type and glacial sub type of climate. It is characterized by 12 months of dormancy.

The dry temperate zone:

Water Supply:

It lies between 3275 meters to 4200 above M.S.L. This zone falls in semi-ceramic of sub-deserted cold type of climate. The dormant period when the average temperature remains less than 2* C ranges from 5-7 months. The precipitation is less than 30mm Heavy snowfall is experienced during winter. The max. Snowfall for twenty-four hours has been recorded as one meter. The average snowfall in the season has been measured at three meters depth. Mean monthly temperature vary from 35 C in summer 10 –15 C in winter the maximum recorded temperature goes upto 40 C during July and minimum-20 C during January. These are four distinct seasons. The spring starts from the beginning of May to the middle of June. In this season the vegetative growth starts and the sowing & planting operations are carried out. The summers are mild warm and the temperature seldom goes above 30 C. the autumn lasts to the end of the October when severe winds and gales blow in the valley. The temperature registers sometimes mitigated by early snowfalls. The trees shed their leaves in this season. The winters are severe and characterized by heavy snowfall. Most of the snowfall is received during the end of December to beginning of March. At this time of the year, the earth is covered with thick sheet of snow. The magnitude of snowfall varies one meter to three meters annually with an average of two meters.

The snow melting is the only source of water supply which have been channelised by the IPH department as well as by the villagers themselves. Springs wherever they exist have also been tapped for irrigation and domestic use.

Composition and Condition of the Vegetation: The composition and condition of vegetation varies considerably with altitude. Aspect type and quantum precipitation along altitudinal zonations with varied climate edaphic factors. A general distribution of the main trees and scrub species of the valley is briefed as under:-

The alpine zone: This zone lies between 4200 meter and 4800 meter above M.S.L. This zone falls in a xeric cold type of climate. It is characterized by 5 to 8 month of dormant period.

Comprehensive CAT Plan of Satluj River Basin

Volume: XIII Part: 2 Chapter: 2 Page No:


Shego village onwards along river bed and hill slopes respectively. Hippophae spp. can be sighted from Rangrik onwards .The interior area of the valley abounds in variety of herbal growth. Natural regeneration of trees is negligible. Pin Valley:Wild willow trees is the only species in interior areas of Pin valley with a few trees of Poplar and Willow sighted in and around village from Gulling onwards retained for aesthetic and religious purposes. Along Nallahs and river courses one can sight wild Willow dwarf species and Hippophae. There are a few Juniper big trees in Tangti Yongma & Gongma villages retained for religious purposes. The valley abounds richly in wide variety of Herbs and edible Mushrooms of religious and medicinal importance. Rosa webbiana is sighted on rocks and slopes.

Spiti Valley: As one descends down the Kunzam pass to losar one finds dwarf variety of Hippophae along river beds with other bushes and grasses. The two wild willow species are in abundance on old glacial deposits retaining moisture along waterways and perennial nallas. Birch species in the scrub form exists along Nallas. The first raised Poplar plantation is sighted in Hull village and huge scattered trees of Poplar and willow can be sighted there from Sumling village retained only around and inside the village for aesthetic and religious purposes. Junipers can be sighted along Rangrik nalla. Shego vicinity, Poh and Mane locality which are scattered very sparsely along hill slopes even in and around Giew village. Hippophae (Tserma) trees can be sighted in Mane, Lalung and Mikkim villages. It is said that valley once had in abundance willow, Poplar, Birch & Juniper forests whose isolated existence is a Testimony to the fact. Poplar, willow with Robinia, Ailanthus & Hippophae have been raised in the valley and in nurseries. Poplar, Willow Hippophae, Rosa webbiana, can be sighted along water ways and on either side of stream from Chicham to down up to the river bed. Clematis tibetiana and Capparis spinoza can be sighted from

Lingti Valley:The valley as mentioned has identical vegetation with wild willow and birch forests in nallahs. At Kibri, Demul and from Lalung village onward appear stands of Hippophae, Willow and Poplar along Nallah with few scattered Juniper. Rosa webbiama is the other bush sighted along precipitous slopes; it has also variety of Herbal growth. In all the valleys and nallahs natural regeneration is negligible except those of Hippophae, Rosa, Clematis and Capparis which is scattered. Apart from adverse and harsh climate and edaphic factor, biotic pressure is also too high to sustain it. The greenery around the villages against the scrub vegetation, brown and grey rocks sandy loam with sandy loam silt slopes give a pleasant site of existence of life. The vegetation of entire area is very sparse dominated by bushes forming cushion. The general adoptions witnessed herbs are, the stunted forms twisted and bent nature of stems, succulent perennials with strong xerophytic root system. The characteristic feature of the high

Comprehensive CAT Plan of Satluj River Basin

Volume: XIII Part: 2 Chapter: 2 Page No:

altitude plants growing in valley, scree slopes marshes, morains, meadow and pasture is that they exhibit spectacular display of flowers during June to August. Over all the vegetation is very sparse, discontinuous & scatter clearly showing the rugged land scape. On the bases of altitude, the flora of the area can be divided in to three distinct zones, namely Dry temperate zone, Alpine zone and the Zone of perpetual snow. The vegetation of each of these zones is discussed briefly as under:-

DRY TEMPERATE ZONE: In this (3275-m to 4000-m) zone scattered Herbaceous and scrub growth predominates over the woody Spp. the later occur only in small patches dotted about here and there. They are of insignificant value good only for leafy fodder, firewood and as secondary timber. The main tree species are Juniperous macropoda found in the lower reaches of the valley, Betula utilis occurring on the northern slopes in Nallah sporadically and Salix Spp. growing on moist places. Among the main scrub that grows here, the perennials scrubs are Ephedra, Lonicera & Ribes etc. The density of scrub growth is very poor. The herbaceous growth is remarkable for its variety. The important species are Aguilazia fragrance, Anemone obtusilobe, Caltha palustria, Lenunculars spp., Trifolium ripenes, Potontila aggrophylla, Primula spp. etc. Pin Valley has richest herb growth.


ALPINE ZONE (4000m to 5000 m): It is characterized by the presence of trees. The Junipers, Birch and Rhodendron are found in scrub forms. This is the region of rich grass growth and herbaceous flora. Most of these grasses have a tufted habitates bearing larger patches on bare ground in tufts. The common grasses frequently met with are Poa spp. and Agrophyron spp. These grasses are rich in nutritive value and attract many herds of sheep & goat every year from other districts of the state. ZONE OF PERPETUAL SNOW (ABOVE 5000-M): In this zone two belts differentiated namely the glacier and the tundra. The former is a huge glaciated ice sheet enveloping the high lands where no vegetation has so far adopted due to this worst impact of offensive cold. Tundra on the other hand is a narrow belt below the glacial zone tending throughout the length of the mountain chains. It is characterized by sub-soil i.e. permanently frozen from about one meter to several meters and as such lichens, mosses and few grasses capable of surviving poor solid and intense cold are the only vegetative life of this zone. FLOWERS: Another characteristic vegetation of this area is that some of the plants bearing bright colored flowers i.e. Aquilegia, Vulgaris Heterophyllum, and members of Renunculacae Potontilla bifflora and F.Multifia give multicolored flowers. Similarly flowers of Androsace villosa(Primulacaes) Genetia morcroftiana, anemones and lilies are the other promiants.

Comprehensive CAT Plan of Satluj River Basin

Volume: XIII Part: 2 Chapter: 2 Page No:


CLASSIFICATION OF FOREST TYPES:IBEX:TYPE 13/C-5-West Himalayan Dry Juniper: The area from Poh and downwards upto Sumdo where except few Juniper trees no natural tree growth exist can be classified under this type of forests.

A full grown male varies in night from 0.85 m to 1.30 m has a massive set of sprawled shaped horns measuring upto 1.0 m and a gorgeous black bearded. It emits a pungent glandular smell and its skin contains a thick under growth of pasham (a fine quality of wool.)

TYPE-15/C-2 Decidous Alpine Forests: The area from Sichinling to Lossar where there is natural growth of Hippophae.Rosa. Salix fragitia and Betula all indigenous species growing along on either side of river bed. Nallahs and in most depression can be classified under this type of forests. TYPE-15/C-3-Alpine Pastures:

HIMALAYAN RED FOX:Size wolf will colour golden brownish with white tuft at its tail. It looks about for abandoned carcasses and in winter even comes to village habitation. It is priced for its fur.

The area above 4000 mtr M.S.L. mostly lying along gentle slopes upper stepe of the area, moist depressions passes and area below TUNDRA ZONE where migratory and local inhabitant graze their cattle can be classified under this type of forests. Fauna: Wild Life in Spiti Valley The area particular Pin valley is rich in wild life and some of important species are discussed below in brief:HIMALAYAN BLUE SHEEP:The big horn sheep locally named as NABU Male with faded greyish brown and female in pale colour with beautifully curved horns and tapering vertical small horn respectively are distantly seen on river bed or on slopes during dawn and after sunset. Quite shy and feed at great height 3960m and above utters a sharp, shrill whistle when frightened. Its size of big sheep weighing about 50 Kgs.

SNOW LEOPARD:Generally it eats wild animal during summer and attacks local domestic animal during heavy snowfall when it is unable to find wild animal. Greyish colour with black spots. Size 38 to 59 cm

Comprehensive CAT Plan of Satluj River Basin

Volume: XIII Part: 2 Chapter: 2 Page No:


A sky night prowler, it is a notorious killer of domestic animals, size ordinary sheep Dog.

80cm length. These are suspected to belong to the viper family and are thought to be poisonous. But since these are seen rarely and never near village as such it not possible to confirm this. A few lizards with sleek, shining and slim bodies are also seen in the valley. No known Spp. of fish have been observed probably due to extremely cold water in river, however small group of fish are seen in spring water.



It is a rodent of the size of porcupines becoming fast extinct because of its high priced skin.

Species Tetragallus himalayensis of king vulture size colour-dull grayish brown. Habits cannot ascends in flight found generally freshly sown fields at heights above 3960 m. the male omits a sweet melodious whistle at regular intervals especially before sunrise. It is shy in nature and is a nice table bird.

high and upto 290 cm in length from tip of the nose to the end of tail. SNOW WOLF:-

SNOW RABBIT:Brownish Grey color and is found in lower parts of the valley.

CHUKUR (SHAKPA):(Art ridge Alectoris) size half grown domestic hen with grey grayish brown colour. It is bigger than Grey partridge. Habit mostly in Dry and open country especially river beds & in Bushes and runs very fast. This bird is a good flier too calls a singing high pitched kateeta. Good table bird. RAM CHUKOR: Size domestic hen other wise similar to chukor described above. It is good game bird.

SNAKE LIZARDS AND FISH:Snakes are found in the portion of the valley below Lari village. Of the two types seen one is whitish grey in colour 50-70 cm in length, the other is yellowish brown in colour measuring up to

Comprehensive CAT Plan of Satluj River Basin

Volume: XIII Part: 2 Chapter: 2 Page No:

MOOKAR HILL PIGEON:Species Colombia rumpertyis. Size and habit similar to the blue rock pageon, is little bigger has white bar on his tail. HIMALAYAN CHOUGH:Red beaked crow. Black in colour size same as house crow. RARON:- Glossy black grow with beak. This is of the size of common house crow. To promote the fast dwindling wealth of fauna, the whole of Pin block of Spiti forest Division comprising of 675 Km sq. as core zone and 1150 Km sq. as buffer zone have been notified as the Pin valley National Park on 2.6.1986. Pin valley provides ample water and land resources. If these are properly harnessed the valley can boast itself as the unique biosphere reserve in the land and will attract vast variety of people interested in natural beauty.

Comprehensive CAT Plan of Satluj River Basin


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The fauna found in the valley is tabulated below: S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Species Ibex Tibetan wolf Snow Leopard Himalayan Chough Snow Pigeon Snow Cock Vulture Ducks Murgabi Himalayan Crow Picca Ravan Golden Eagle Griffin Red Start House Sparrow Red fox Hoope Himalayan Blue Sheep Chakor Hare wooly Dove Himalayan Finches

Local Name Kin Shanku Shin Chunga Mankoo Kongmo Larki Chhupcha Gangpa Karo Zabra Kakchey Thaa Tipingcha Chhibagiacho Chhirug Aache

Zoological Name Capra ibex siberica Cannis lapus Panthera unica phyrrhocorax gracumus Columbia rupestris Tetragallus himalyensis Neophron persnopterus Aythya ferina Anas crecca Corvus Tibeteana Ochotona roylei Corvus corax Aquila chrysaetos Gyps himalayansis Phoenicurus Orchruros Passer domesticus Vulpusvulpus

Nabo Shakpa Rhaeun Ribza Koldo Chhibagiacho

Pseudois nahyaur Alpalectoris chakor

Carduelis carduelis

Minor Forest Protection: The local people collect and sell Dhup, Karu, Patish, Kala Jeera, other minor Forest produce and valuable stones to supplement their income.

Comprehensive CAT Plan of Satluj River Basin

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