Contact EDUCATION Üsküdar American Academy (2006-2011)
Istanbul Technical University
(2011- January 2016)
Architecture Faculty Industrial Product Design
Value Synthesis Regeneration Functional Innovation
Head of Design December 2017 - Continuing
Park Kent
Industrial Product Design / R&D April 2017 - May 2018
Freelance Industrial Design
Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania January 2017
Natural Jewelry Design
Anadolu University - AOF 2017-2019
Liran Orff and Music Therapy Instruments
Child Development
Discovery Team Purpose
WORKSHOPS UNDP Global Goals Jam (Sept 2018) Design 2030 Now! - SDG’s
Instead of doing a variation of the existing, solving a problem by addressing a need; Instead of opposing, creating alternatives;
Hercules Wear
Design, Patenting and Licensing October 2016 - March 2017
Inspiration Biomimicry Geometry Modularity
Instead of consumerism. providing service to life.
Open Ideo Istanbul Chapter (April 2018) Defining the Framework (Early Childhood Challenge)
imece (December 2017)
Early Idea Generation (Social Gender Equality)
HD Design (April 2017)
Game and Toy Design
0538 608 95 22
Design and Training January 2016 - September 2016
Product Design and Making August 2015 - March 2016
Program Skills Illustrator Photoshop Adobe Xd After Effects Filmora WS RhinoCeros Keyshot Tsplines Fusion 360
***** **** ***** ** **** ***** ***** ** **
Languages English French Italian Persian Arabic
(Advanced) (Intermediate) (Beginner) (Beginner) (Beginner)
Toy Design / April 2018 - Continuing
Maker Movement
Ankara Mini Maker Faire / April 2018
TEGV Foundation
Dreams Atelier Trainer / Fall Semester 2016
Caring Sister / Spring 2016
Interests Writing (Fer İnsanoğlu) Traveling Psychology Music Maker Movement Creative Play
Inclusive Playgrounds
‘Gratitude in the Workplace’ Challenge
April 2017- May 2018
Winter 2017
Homo Ludens April 2017- May 2018
Domestic Labor and Women Employment Winter 2016
Music Therapy and Child Development Fall 2015
The Future of Work Fall 2015
Childcare in Rural Areas Spring 2014
‘Gratitude in the Workplace’ Challenge Winter 2017
How might we inspire experiences and expressions of gratitude in the workplace?
The game ‘Pick One’ was developed as an answer to this call on the open innovation platform, Open Ideo. It evolved in accordance with the platform’s methods. You can review the details about research, prototyping and feedback stages through the links below. (
The idea was chosen for second phase (40 ideas among 350) and was among those that got evaluated in debth for the funding. Genkom, a developer company funded the idea to create the mobile app version. The making of the mobile application is now in progress.
This is a card game for igniting awareness and appreciation of what is. The game asks the players open ended questions for them to consider, and gives tasks that involves others as well. This way it can start chains of butterfly effect and spread.
Research and Development BLOG Initial Idea, Prototyping of the Game, Feedback, After Testing, Refinement Stages
Facebook Page for the players to shape the game
During the research phase, the game gained a social weight while it was thought to be a rather personal experience. It turned out that it could be practical in other areas as well (schools, emotional educations, talking circles, rehab, relationship therapy). It became clear that the players want to continue developing the game and a mobile application is necessary. I witnessed the surprising effect of asking well specified questions that touch the correct point.
What Can I Do With The Cards? You can put these cards visibly in your working environment so that people can come and pick one as they pass by.
Download the Cards
You can have people to pick cards as you encounter them and feel like it. You can use the cards to get to know someone you like by picking cards for each other and responding out loud. In a more crowded environment you can use the pink category to trigger meaningful conversations. You can make up your own game and rules for the cards. The cards are just an intermediary and there’s no strict rule. So use them however you like. During conversations, the questions will branch out spontaneously anyway. Feel free to create your own questions.
Inclusive Playgrounds April 2017- May 2018
Understanding ‘disability’ in children and designing playgrounds accordingly.
I personally took initiative in the company for ‘Inclusive Playgrounds’ and was the lead throughout the process. We defined the children’s needs with them and the specialists; built our foundation of knowledge. As a result we designed inclusive play equipment; Initiated continuous R&D projects with universities. The most important part of this process was to organizing educations and altering the mindsets in order to effectively change what was wrong or lacking about the existing perception. In light of this work, the company gained a leading role in its territory with 65 countries it exports to, through their sensitivity and special equipment. Owing to the company’s trend-setter role in its territory, the opportunity to trigger a sensitivity for inclusive parks was the peak of my professional satisfaction on this course.
Park Kent is a manufacturing company of playground equipment and urban furniture. In its Design and R&D Department my role was to: Run full human centered design process from field research to finalizing working prototypes. Focus on inclusive playground design. Create briefs and conduct design management with a non-hierarchal team of designers. Create and run R&D projects. Presenting work in conferences. Following appropriate grant programs.
Inclusive Play Equipment
Prioritizing an array of expectations, co-ordinating relations with connected departments, analyzing and resolving problematic work flow. Industrial product design with a wide material range of metal, wood, WPC, plastic, HDPE, HPL, and the relevant manufacturing techniques.
Specific to Human Centered Design and Design Research Doing trend and SWOT analyses for the market in the territory and in the world. Comparing findings to define company’s needs in the country and in the world seperately. Developing ways within company to receive feedback on customer expectations. Doing literature search on playgrounds, child developmental needs, special needs for physical and mental disabilities. Designing active research scenarios and activity materials for human centered design. (Choosing appropriate existing methods and planning specific creative activities for collecting the right information from the children, their parents and specialists in rehabilitation centers and schools. Carrying out the research activities personally to gather correct impressions for the design process.
Nesibe Ä°rem Erdem Park Kent MobilyalarÄą, Ar-Ge Merkezi TasarÄąm BĂślĂźmĂź, Ankara; ÇalÄąĹ&#x;mamÄąz TĂźrkiye’de Ăźretilen engelsiz parklarda Ăśzel eÄ&#x;itime gereksinimli çocuklarÄąn ihtiyaçlarÄąnÄą karĹ&#x;Äąlamak konusunda geliĹ&#x;tirilmesi gereken unsurlarÄą belirlemek amacÄąyla yapÄąlmÄąĹ&#x;tÄąr. LiteratĂźr taramasÄą ve piyasa araĹ&#x;tÄąrmasÄą ile ABD, AB ve TĂźrkiye’de engelsiz park Ăźretim standartlarÄą ve sektĂśre yĂśn veren firmalarÄąn ĂźrettiÄ&#x;i engelsiz parklarÄąn sahip olduÄ&#x;u elemanlar incelenmiĹ&#x;tir. Bulgulara dair gĂśrĂźĹ&#x;leri deÄ&#x;erlendirmek ve belirlenmiĹ&#x; gereklilikleri doÄ&#x;rulamak amacÄąyla Otizm VakfĹ’nda 3 çalÄąĹ&#x;ma yĂźrĂźtĂźlmĂźĹ&#x;tĂźr. EÄ&#x;itmenleri gĂśzetiminde 5 çocuk oyun alanÄąnda serbest oyun sÄąrasÄąnda gĂśzlemlenmiĹ&#x;tir. 5 farklÄą uzmanla derinlemesine gĂśrĂźĹ&#x;me dĂźzenlenmiĹ&#x;tir. VakÄąf ĂśÄ&#x;rencilerinin velilerinden 6 kiĹ&#x;i ile tarafÄąmÄązdan yarÄą yapÄąlandÄąrÄąlmÄąĹ&#x; anket çalÄąĹ&#x;masÄą yapÄąlmÄąĹ&#x;tÄąr Bir yanda TĂźrkiye’deki 7 adet, diÄ&#x;er yanda ABD ve AB’deki toplam 7 adet baĹ&#x;lÄąca oyun grubu Ăźreticisi firmanÄąn ĂźrĂźn kataloÄ&#x;u incelenmiĹ&#x;tir. Bu iki grubun engelsiz oyun parklarÄą konusunda kendi içlerindeki ortak Ăśzellikler belirlenerek birbiriyle kÄąyaslanmÄąĹ&#x;tÄąr.
1. Grup: “TĂźrkiyeâ€?
2.Grup “ABD ve AB�
Engelli çocuklar için oyun alanlarÄą ‘engelsiz oyun parkĹ’ olarak adlandÄąrÄąlmaktadÄąr.
Engelli çocuklar için oyun alanlarÄą ‘kapsayÄącÄą oyun parkĹ’ olarak adlandÄąrÄąlmaktadÄąr.
‘Engelsiz oyun parklarĹ’ temalÄą seriler arasÄąnda bir alt kategoridir.
KapsayÄącÄą oyun ilkesi tasarÄąmda genel yaklaĹ&#x;ÄąmdÄąr ve kapsayÄącÄą parklar ana kategorilerden biridir.
Oyun parklarĹnĹn %10’undan azĹ engelsiz niteliktedir.
Oyun parklarĹnĹn %50’sinden fazlasĹ kapsayĹcĹ niteliktedir.
Bir oyun parkÄąnÄąn engelsiz olarak nitelenmesi tekerlekli sandalyeler için standartlara uygun rampa bulunmasÄąna baÄ&#x;lÄądÄąr.
Bir oyun parkÄąnÄąn kapsayÄącÄą olarak nitelenmesi, farklÄą yetilere sahip çocuklarÄąn oynayabilecekleri oyun ĂśÄ&#x;eleri bulunmasÄąna baÄ&#x;lÄądÄąr.
Engelsiz parklarda belirleyici faktĂśr engelliler için evrensel standartlar kÄąlavuzuna uygun olarak Ăźretilmeleridir. ABD ve AB’deki ĂśncĂź Ăźretici firmalarÄąn bu kÄąlavuza uymanÄąn yeterli olmadÄąÄ&#x;ÄąnÄą beyan ettikleri ve kapsayÄącÄą oyun alanlarÄą için ortak standartlar belirledikleri gĂśrĂźlmĂźĹ&#x;tĂźr. ‘Olmazsa olmaz’ diye niteledikleri ĂśÄ&#x;eler Ĺ&#x;unlardÄąr:
a) eriĹ&#x;im kolaylÄąÄ&#x;Äą Transfer c) gĂźvenlik ve geçiĹ&#x;ler, yĂśnlendirme, AĹ&#x;ÄąrÄą temkin ve risk. tek baĹ&#x;Äąna kullanabilme. b) duyusal oyunlar Sanatsal, biliĹ&#x;sel, mĂźzikal ĂśÄ&#x;eler (bulmaca, desen, keĹ&#x;if, deneysel ĂśÄ&#x;renme)
Research Poster Notice
f) denge geliĹ&#x;tirici elemanlar ZayÄąf denge kabiliyeti.
d) sakin gĂźven alanlarÄą KalabalÄąk ve ses gibi yoÄ&#x;un girdilerden dinlenme yeri. e) kas geliĹ&#x;tirici elemanlar GĂźcĂźnĂźn ayarÄąnÄą bilememe.
ĂŒ.DSVD\ÂśFÂś DODQĂ?GD WHPHO Â]HOOLN KHU žRFXJXQ R\QD\DELOHFHJL R\XQODUÂśQ ELUDUDGD EXOXQPDVÂś IDUNOÂś \HWLOHUGH žRFXNODUÂśQ R\XQGD EXOXVPDVÂś KapsayÄącÄą oyun alanÄą için gerekli gĂśrĂźlenlerden‘a’, ‘c’ ve ‘e’ TĂźrkiye’de Ăźretilen engelsiz parklarda mevcuttur. ‘b’, ‘d’ ve ‘f’ geliĹ&#x;tirilmesine ihtiyaç duyulan unsurlar arasÄąndadÄąr.
2WL]P 9DNIÂśĂ?QGD <DSÂśODQ $UDVWÂśUPD DOÂśVPDVÂś Otizm VakfÄąâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;nda yapÄąlan çalÄąĹ&#x;mada eÄ&#x;itmenler, ince motor kas grubunu destekleyen faaliyetlerin ĂśÄ&#x;rencilerin geliĹ&#x;iminde olumlu etkisi olduÄ&#x;unu belirtmiĹ&#x;lerdir. Derinlemesine gĂśrĂźĹ&#x;me sÄąrasÄąnda 5 eÄ&#x;itmen Ăśzel eÄ&#x;itim teknikleriyle fiziksel egzersizlerin birleĹ&#x;tirilebildiÄ&#x;ini, ĂśÄ&#x;renme sĂźrecini oyunlaĹ&#x;tÄąrmanÄąn ĂśÄ&#x;rencinin motivasyonunu arttÄąrdÄąÄ&#x;ÄąnÄą ve ĂśÄ&#x;renmeyi hÄązlandÄąrdÄąÄ&#x;ÄąnÄą belirtmiĹ&#x;tir. Ă&#x2021;ocuklar oyun alanÄąnda serbest Ĺ&#x;ekilde bÄąrakÄąldÄąklarÄąnda yĂśnlendirme ve fiziksel destek olmaksÄązÄąn oyun elemanlarÄąyla beklenen etkileĹ&#x;ime girmekte baĹ&#x;arÄąsÄązlÄąk yaĹ&#x;amÄąĹ&#x;lardÄąr. 6 ĂśÄ&#x;renci velisi ile yapÄąlan anketlerden 4â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Ăź akran iletiĹ&#x;imini karĹ&#x;Äąlanmayan bir ihtiyaç olarak belirtmiĹ&#x;tir. EÄ&#x;itmenlerle yapÄąlan 5 derinlemesine gĂśrĂźĹ&#x;meden 3â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Ăźnde akran iletiĹ&#x;iminin ĂśÄ&#x;rencinin geliĹ&#x;iminde fark edilebilir olumlu etkiye sahip olduÄ&#x;u ifade edilmiĹ&#x;tir.
* Bir kolay - bir zor gĂśrevlerle kendine gĂźvenini yĂźksek tutarak çeĹ&#x;itli yetenekleri geliĹ&#x;tirmek * SĂźreç boyunca pekiĹ&#x;tirici geri bildirimlerle ĂśdĂźllendirmek * Bedensel ve zihinsel olarak kendini tanÄąmasÄąnÄą saÄ&#x;lamak * Akran iletiĹ&#x;imini geliĹ&#x;tirmek * Tek baĹ&#x;Äąna hareket kabiliyetini arttÄąrmak * Ă&#x2013;zel yeteneklerin ortaya çĹkmasÄąna alan saÄ&#x;lamak
BĂźyĂźk Motor KaslarÄąn GeliĹ&#x;imi
(Kol, bacak, omurilik...)
Kßçßk Motor KaslarÄąn GeliĹ&#x;imi
Duyusal BoĹ&#x;luÄ&#x;un DoldurulmasÄą
(FarklÄą yĂźzeylere temas ile duyularÄąn uyarÄąlmasÄą)
EĹ&#x;leĹ&#x;tirme, AyrÄąk KavramlarÄą BaÄ&#x;daĹ&#x;tÄąrma
(Renk, sayÄą, Ĺ&#x;ekil, eĹ&#x;ya, eylem...)
Denge GeliĹ&#x;imi
SÄąnÄąrlandÄąrÄąlmÄąĹ&#x;, TanÄąmlÄą Alanlar
Beynin Ă&#x2021;ift TaraflÄą KullanÄąmÄą için Hareketler
DuygularÄą Anlama ve Ä°letiĹ&#x;im (Kendini anlama,
El-Kol-GĂśz Koordinasyonu
Ă&#x2013;zel Yetenekleri Ortaya Ă&#x2021;Äąkarma
Ă&#x2021;alÄąĹ&#x;malardan derlediÄ&#x;imiz notlara gĂśre yĂśnelinmesine ihtiyaç duyulan hedefler:
(El ve bilek kaslarĹ - dÜndßrme, çevirme, tutma, sĹkma)
ifade etme ve empati)
(MĂźzik, matematik, el becerisi, hafÄąza...)
Yasal standartlara asgari olarak uymak bir oyun alanÄąnda Ăśzel eÄ&#x;itime gereksinimli çocuklarÄąn ihtiyaçlarÄąnÄą karĹ&#x;ÄąlamamaktadÄąr. Oyun parklarÄąnÄąn tĂźm geliĹ&#x;imdeki çocuklarÄą dahil edebilmesi için fiziksel, duyusal ve biliĹ&#x;sel unsurlarÄąn birarada bulunmasÄą gerekmektedir. Ă&#x2013;zel eÄ&#x;itim yĂśntemleri çocuk parklarÄąna oyunlaĹ&#x;tÄąrÄąlmÄąĹ&#x; biçimde entegre edilerek tĂźm çocuklarÄąn geliĹ&#x;imsel ihtiyaçlarÄą karĹ&#x;Äąlanabilir ve birarada oynamalarÄą sayesinde kaynaĹ&#x;tÄąrma saÄ&#x;lanabilir. TĂźrkiyeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;de çocuk parklarÄąnÄąn tĂźm çocuklarÄąn ihtiyaçlarÄąna yĂśnelik elemanlar içerecek Ĺ&#x;ekilde Ăźretilmesi için yasal yĂśnetmeliklerde zorunluluk oluĹ&#x;turulmasÄą konusunda çalÄąĹ&#x;malar yĂźrĂźtĂźlebilir.
The early research output was presented in the 27th National Special Education Congress with the theme: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Scientificly Based Applications in Special Educationâ&#x20AC;?
This icon represents equipment that, when added to a playground, makes a park more inclusive for children with different needs. You can see the complete set of products with details in the new catalogue.
The research specifically highlighted the needs for self-confidence, communication skills, thus fusion with other children. By gamifying methods to downgrade disabilities, we designed sensory discovery panels and play equipment that physical disabilities are obsolete. Through this, we were able to create playgrounds that allow children with different abilities to play together.
Homo Ludens April 2017- May 2018
A sculpture playground; a city object for children and grown ups to play.
Homo Ludens, a sculpture playground that takes its name from the culture theoretician Huizinga, is a concept I developed for bringing people from a variety of ages together over relative experiences. While defining the context, I took into consideration that any public structure interacts with the whole public and thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a responsibility in this. Accordingly, a city object was supposed to be a meaningful part of the city with its aesthetical form, even when not in use. The outcome is an alternative playground for children whilst an experimental surface that adults who seek creative interaction areas can socialize on. The form is inspired by the shapes and textures in the universe and is meant to rise associations with flow, space, sound, dance, music, and the feeling of play.
圀栀礀 ᠠ䠀漀洀漀 䰀甀搀攀渀猀ᤠ㼀 倀氀愀礀 椀猀 氀椀昀攀⸀ 吀栀攀 栀甀洀愀渀 攀砀瀀攀爀椀攀渀挀攀 愀渀搀 搀椀猀挀漀瘀攀爀 氀椀昀攀 琀栀爀漀甀最栀 瀀氀愀礀⸀ 䄀猀 洀甀挀栀 愀猀 椀琀 椀猀 昀甀渀Ⰰ 瀀氀愀礀 椀猀 愀氀猀漀 猀攀爀椀漀甀猀⸀ 䄀猀 挀甀氀琀甀爀攀 琀栀攀漀爀椀猀琀 䠀甀椀稀椀渀最愀 猀甀最最攀猀琀猀Ⰰ 眀攀 挀爀攀愀琀攀 漀甀爀 挀甀氀琀甀爀攀 愀渀搀 猀漀挀椀攀琀椀攀猀 戀愀猀攀搀 漀渀 瀀氀愀礀⸀ 吀栀攀 栀甀洀愀渀 渀攀瘀攀爀 猀琀漀瀀猀 瀀氀愀礀椀渀最Ⰰ 瀀氀愀礀 漀渀氀礀 挀栀愀渀最攀猀 洀攀愀渀椀渀最 愀渀搀 昀漀爀洀⸀ 䤀琀 戀攀最椀渀猀 眀椀琀栀 猀攀渀猀攀猀 愀渀搀 洀漀瘀攀洀攀渀琀Ⰰ 琀栀攀渀 椀渀挀氀甀搀攀猀 琀栀漀甀最栀琀猀 愀渀搀 攀砀攀爀挀椀猀椀渀最 琀栀攀 挀漀渀挀攀瀀琀 漀昀 氀椀昀攀⸀ 倀氀 倀氀愀礀 戀爀攀攀搀猀 挀漀渀渀攀挀琀椀漀渀Ⰰ 挀爀攀愀琀椀瘀椀琀礀Ⰰ 琀漀最攀琀栀攀爀渀攀猀猀 愀渀搀 樀漀礀⸀ 䤀琀 椀猀 愀渀 攀砀瀀攀爀椀攀渀挀攀 琀栀愀琀 挀爀攀愀琀攀 焀甀愀氀椀琀礀 漀昀 氀椀昀攀⸀
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Domestic Labor and Women Employment December 2016
Since I can mostly approach the problem from a design-thinking perspective, I feel the need to develop myself in other areas related to realizing a project. As I see it, the powerful side of this concept in being applicable is designing a system that accepts the user psychology as it is and not expect behavioral jumps.
The idea was chosen among top 5 from Turkey in Smart Startâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s social innovation contest in 2016.
Dis co
Contact is a social business concept that I developed for the call, which has socioeconomically disadvantageous women in its center. The simple process of defining the framework and mind mapping around surrounding questions led me to this idea, which turned out to gain success in the contest and inspired me to design systems and services for social impact.
A social innovation call among 6 Balkan countries, for business ideas solving problems among communities.
Contact is a women employment platform to connect skilled and disadvantageous women with people who want to out-source various services and handmade production.
What Contact Is Not And Is:
Economically disadvantageous women often lack the opportunity to contribute to society on their own. They canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t access resources to support themselves, especially, without disrupting the caring responsibilities they might have in their way of life. The missing interaction with possible requesters of their skills becomes the very reason these disadvantages remain. In this dead cycle, women get stuck for generations.
The women on the database do not work for Contact. Only service provided by the platform is mediation.
Contact is simply the link between two parties who need connection.
1- Contact Team
l In
l In
Contact can be a cure to this paradigm by meeting the complementary needs of people and create a win-win situation. This mediating platform especially focuses on women as service providers in order to support their independancy contrary to the challenges of repressive cultures.
The team finds and accepts eligible women to a database. The service demanders access this database through a website and an app.
Women who lack sufficient education, language or freedom due to family in need of care or simply tradition, and thus can not work full time or outside home. On the other hand they master some skills related to domestic labor. (Care-giving, cleaning, handcrafts, cooking...)
3- Service Demanders
Persons, companies, sellers who require a service or handmade process in production.
Service Providers
2- Service Providers
Service Demanders
HOW IT WORKS? As the task demander puts in the job definition, women with matching qualifications are presented. After checking conveniency and references, the task giver contacts a woman about the job. If she accepts it, the payment is taken to the platform’s pool account. All the materials and directives are supplied to her by the task giver. When the job is done, the payment is transferred to her account.
Showing nearby women who can do... 3
LINDA LINDA 12 References 12 References 5 Favorites 5 Favorites Kreuzberg Kreuzberg
What do you need?
LINDA Kreuzberg
I love what she can do with the needles. I love whatand sheacan with the She’s smart fastdo learner. Sheneedles. quickly She’s smart a fast learner. She quickly adopted theand knitting pattern I gave her adopted the knitting and made good work. pattern I gave her and made good work.
4.5 She does the sewing of our company’s She does the of ourthe company’s organic toys. Wesewing appreciate through organic toys. advised. We appreciate the through work. Definitely work. Definitely advised.
You Yourequested requested250€ 250€worth worthofof Knitting Knittingfrom fromLINDA. LINDA. Payment Payment Contact Service and Tax Contact Service and Tax
250€ 250€ 30€ 30€
Total Total
280€ 280€
Choose Choosepayment paymentmethod: method: Paypal Paypal Credit Creditorordebit debitcard card
Cooking Painting
Sewing Sewing
Very fast and neat work. The bracelets she Very fastout andvery neat work. bracelets knit came well. YouThe can see themshe outThanks very well. You can see them onknit mycame website. Linda! on my website. Thanks Linda!
Knitting Knitting
MARIAM Kreuzberg
I work with Linda for a year now. She always I work with Linda forcares a year delivers on time and fornow. her She work.always delivers on time and cares for her work. Thats why I keep coming back. Thats why I keep coming back.
By moving forward, I agree to Terms and Conditions. By moving forward, I agree to Terms and Conditions.
The task demander pays an additional service fee to the platform. Through this income model the platform is granted sustainability. This way, while users can easily outsource handmade production or services, the women with disadvantages receive a chance to earn an income within their natural order.
Music Therapy and Child Development Fall 2015
Special musical instruments designed for children with Waldorf approach as basis.
Pentatonic music is instinctive in our nature, thus it has a catalyzing effect for child development in terms of listening and meeting with music. I personally took on this project when I realized the awareness and existence of these pentatonic instruments are insufficient in our country, even though Orff musical education is spreading in Turkish pre-schools and is suggested. Since the matter at hand is in the intersection of my interest areas such as music therapy, child development, wooden toys and making of musical instruments, I could design and produce the modern lyres from A to Z. For more information, you can see other musical instruments I made from FB: liranmuzik.
Orff and Music Therapy Instruments
The Future of Work Fall 2015 Graduation Project
A multi-purpose separation system for the workplaces of future.
This futuristic project had an effective course in shaping my perception of working today. For predicting my future scenario, I started the research by taking a step back and questioned the reason to work philosophically. In the approach I took, I gave a large place to conceptual research and meeting evolving technologies with inspiration from nature. Stepping outside the box and allowing discovery to take place, an intriguing and satisfying project of innovation came to life.
MOD Design chose this design concept to buy its rights for brand marketing.
Future Predicting the What will the future of work be?
What this generation wants to create? ‘’Efficiency’’
WHY Work? For feeding the self physically, mentally, spiritually. For desperate need VS As an overflow of living and healthy being
20 cm film: Hardly ever scratch Gorilla Glass
Up to
Learning from Nature
Radar, instead of a camera, that “sees” all.
Multi-touch Screen Films 16 touch with no complex mechanisms
Defining the Framework
24 Hr Social Area Living Organism Giving
OLED screens, controlled by Radar Sensors
Organic Machine
Pop-up Structural Mechanism
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Creativity Adaptation Motivation Empathy Self-organization
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Conceptual Research
Rolling Screen
Strong Elastic Textile Nonwoven Fabric
Hemp & Flax Fiber Composites
Incorporated Earthing Mesh
Modular Combinations for Varying Needs
Private Working Area when opened.
Maize Cob Boards
energy efficient easy to produce sustainable
4D Printing, “Making objects that make themselves”
Relaxing Indoor Garden when closed.
Waterprinting patterns
Programmable Furniture
Search for Inspiration
Search for Material and Technology
Shanti Separator is a pop-up separation system module that functions as an inner garden when closed. This ‘programmable furniture’ opens by itself completely mechanically with the trigger of the user and turns into a private working space. The semi-hexagonal shape of the module allows the product to be organized in countless patterns, so the product is appropriate for adjusting to the needs of different spaces.
Childcare in Rural Areas 2014 Fall
A portable DIY cradle for working mothers in rural areas.
Easy Cradle, is a conceptual project that I designed during my education. But it has particular importance for me as it highlights how design can vitally touch human life. It was the initial project in my education that made me believe in the power of designed and inspired me to take an idealistic route. Simultaneously, it is a waking warning that an idea is not enough to move a single stone if not acted on it. It feels like an urgent priority to me to focus the light of design approach on matters that are a requirement rather than luxury, when there are so many challenges to resolve.
The cradle is made with materials that are easily found locally and simple instructions . It has a protective net for parasitic insect bites and dust. At the same time it has a sun shield to protect against sunburns and heat.
Easy cradle is a light and portable DIY cradle that can be made with available local materials. It is designed for facilitating lives of mothers in rural areas and health protection of the babies. Specifically it is an effective prevention in the continental Africa where there are high infant fatality rates due to malaria.
Once it is made, it can be opened up or folded back in one simple movement. And it can easily stand steady even in bumpy areas due to its structure with three balancing feet that stick to the soil.
The system proposed for bringing this DIY project to the local women involves governmental support for training voluntary women in each village and letting the information spread through word of mouth.
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