2 minute read

Broadcasting our own frequency


External noise and distortion are certainly a heightened prevalence in our lives right now. Our resilience and strength is more important than ever and amongst all the outside pressure, we’re being given a unique opportunity to build our inner resolve, clarity of purpose and our capacity for self-acceptance, love and healing.


In these uncertain times, it’s easy to become overwhelmed with stress and unintentionally allow this to negatively impact our wellbeing, in our relationships and in our daily lives. If we can do so without judgment, drawing a parallel between our reactivity to the external environment and our inner strength of purpose is both empowering and inspiring.

We all know how clear and distinct a radio station sounds when we’re able to tune in without the interference of competing channels. Realising that we are our own channel and that the clarity we obtain depends on our own strength of signal, allows us to resonate who we truly are. Standing in our truth provides much needed resilience to help us through these challenging times.

Broadcasting our own frequency in high definition not only increases selfempowerment but also inspires others. We start to create alignment with a higher sense of self and outside world around us.

Things that don’t align become less amplified and less pronounced, fading into the background with less of an impact. We become less reactive and more capable of moving through things rather than everything being such a struggle.

External factors may set the scene for this learning and insight but the creation is always our own.

We can strengthen our signal and raise our frequency by doing the following:

• Recognising, without judgment, when we’re the best version of ourselves and when we’re not.

• Showing our resilience through reflection and a balanced approach to situations rather than simply reacting.

• Confidently questioning things through newfound awareness.

• Acknowledging and openly communicating our needs.

• Making space and priority for selfcare and self-nurturing.

• Extending ourselves to offer comfort and support to others.

• Being open to learning new things, even from those with whom we’d least expect.

• Creating opportunities that bring expansion and enhancement to our lives rather than contraction and depletion.

• Aligning our thoughts, words and actions with things that bring us joy and fulfilment.

• Sharing successes with those we cherish.

These things all bring cohesion and expansion as opposed to the reactivity that occurs from a scattering of energy. They also take on more meaning during times of external stress where it’s our ability to adapt and evolve that makes all the difference.


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