2 minute read

What blocks you from your next level of purpose, income and impact?


The world has changed a lot for some and not so much for others over the past few months. Regardless of whether you’re in a time of pivoting, sizing opportunities and expanding rapidly or making the leap to put your new purpose-aligned offer out there, chances are you’re expanding out of your comfort zone.


When we leave the familiar safety of our comfort zone, we first expand into the ‘learning zone’. This zone is often characterised by growth and expansion that can feel more or less exciting. However, then we reach the so-called ‘danger zone’, which is very far from the centre of our original comfort zone. For our subconsciousness, it’s too far away, so it catapults us back.

This is when most of us make the mistake of asking ourselves, “what did I do so wrong to land back here again?” You might even go so far to think that it wasn’t meant to be and you should try a different way next time. This is where we go wrong.

To avoid the yoyo effect that makes you feel like you’re never getting anywhere, I invite you to ask yourself, “what did I do so RIGHT just before I landed back here?”

This used to happen to me a lot. Every time I reached a point in my business where I felt things could be super easy and flowing, this moment of bliss would be followed up with an overwhelming barrage – until I cracked the pattern. I realised that yes, we can expand with a mindset and sheer willpower alone, but let me tell you, it’s a slow and exhausting road!

What I found after years of studying human psychology, energy mastery, somatics and our holographic universe, and supporting thousands of conscious leaders, entrepreneurs and CEOs globally over 16+ years to take the brakes off, is that smooth expansion is based on something completely different:


When we allow ourselves to drop in, take radical ownership of our shadows, trapped emotions, conditioning and upper limits and systematically free ourselves of all of the above, we become free.

Free of fear that stops us from taking aligned action, growing and expanding.

Free to be who we are, fully embodied and expressed, in our centre.

Free to be loved and seen for who we are.

That way, we can expand to our next level of purpose, income and impact with flow and inner certainty.

Sand Mew is an author, speaker, holistic transformational mentor, Spiral Practitioner and Uplevel Specialist for conscious leaders, entrepreneurs and CEOs. Take the brakes off! www.SandMew.com

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