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Celebrating the miracle milestones in life
It’s funny how times of celebration often turn into moments of reflection too. This month we’re celebrating our 5th birthday in the clinic, which is a huge milestone that also coincides with my 7-year cancer-free anniversary. That’s a double reason to celebrate if you ask me!
The past seven years of my life have taken so many twists and turns I never would have anticipated. Aged only 31, I was told that I had Stage III Metastatic Melanoma that had already spread to my lymph system. This aggressive and deadly cancer only offered a 10-15% chance of survival. I didn’t like the sound of those odds! But I also knew I wanted to do everything within my power to beat this.
From surgery and radiotherapy to remove the tumours, to changing my diet to mostly organic, raw and vegan, to high-dose intravenous Vitamin C therapy, to a plethora of juicing, fasting and cleansing protocols; there’s not much I didn’t do in the pursuit of natural health. The key for me though was gut health. I wanted my immune system to be as strong as possible, and given approximately 80% of our immune system is in the gut, I knew this would be the key to my longevity. Which is why I focused on deep-cleaning from the inside out with colonics and coffee enemas.
The almost magical results I achieved from colon cleansing were life-changing for me. I knew that I wanted to do this as a career so I could help people in the same way I’d been helped. I still wonder what on Earth was I thinking when I decided to open my own business less than a year after I was diagnosed! But as I celebrated my 1-year cancer-free status, I was also quitting my corporate marketing job and starting to plan how I could open my own clinic within the next year.
I’ve been so fortunate since I opened the doors at Sunshine Colonics to have welcomed the most beautiful people into my life. We’ve performed almost 10,000 colonics in these first 5 years, and it’s truly one of the most rewarding jobs in the world. I love seeing nearly every client arrive nervous about what lies ahead, knowing full well they are about to be blown away by the experience which leaves them wondering why they were ever hesitant in the first place! Being able to steer people onto a path of optimum health, and help them resolve debilitating gutrelated ailments, is such a special space to hold.
So as we begin our celebrations for our 5th birthday (and my own personal milestone), I want to send love and thanks to each and every one of you who have shared their journey with me. Here’s to at least another 5 years of gratitude for good gut health!