2 minute read
Magic, money and miracles
Have you ever wished that you had a magic wand and could wave it over your bank account so millions of dollars appear? Or perhaps change the amount of debt (funds you owe) to credit (money you have in the bank).
Wouldn’t that be nice? I know managing your money and finances can be challenging and sometimes even overwhelming. I explain to my clients that we look at the ‘big picture’ of your life, where you are and where you want to be. It all comes together like a big jigsaw puzzle and we address each piece separately.
The first step you take in waving your wand, is to be honest with yourself and admit that you need help. At Goals & Dreams Financial Planning, we always endeavour to make new clients feel comfortable and relaxed and congratulate them on taking that first step. A very important part of the puzzle is to find out what your goals and dreams are. What are the important things on your wish list in life? When you are bogged down with the daily ‘hamster wheel of life’, it’s sometimes hard to believe that any dreams can come true. You feel trapped in a rut of going to work, paying the bills, and never having anything left over. Does this sound familiar?
I can happily share with you, that when you take ownership of your decisions, work out how much you actually need to live on (by doing a budget), it is often quite surprising that there are opportunities you weren’t aware of. Or perhaps you begin to learn new skills and develop an increased level of understanding and your previous fear abates and is replaced with empowerment. It is so much easier when you have someone working with you, to cheer you on and guide you through the mire. It is like having a personal trainer for your finances.
It’s an amazing feeling to help clients
step up and walk in the direction of their dreams. We have a huge postcard board, where we display the cards that clients have sent from all over the world. Alongside those cards, are pictures of new cars, caravans, and gorgeous babies. Clients have been able to enjoy the journey, whilst still planning for the future.
Our first consultation is free and perhaps that may be all you need to get you started.
PS. I do actually have a magic wand – it is pink and has flashing lights and goes bbrrrring… The clients laugh so hard when I bring it out.
Kath Orman is a Senior Financial Planner of her company Goals & Dreams Financial Planning Pty Ltd, which is an authorised representative of Charter Financial Planning Limited AFSL 234665. If you would like to know more email: kath.orman@goalsanddreams.com.au or phone: (07) 3350 9595.