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3 ways to be the potent, infinite you!
“Magic and miracles only happen to the ‘special’ people.” I hear this a lot, and sadly, I used to believe it myself.
In those many years when my life was anything but magical, and I felt like I couldn’t manifest even one stroke of good fortune or happiness, I actually resented people who could wave their magical (energetic) wand and live the life of their dreams.
Why wasn’t I given this too? I soon discovered that I did have these gifts – I was simply blocking them. And it is the same for you.
We are all capable, in fact, innately gifted, in creating magic and miracles within our lives. Often we just don’t see it or believe it and expect it to come from outside ourselves. But the key here is that THE MAGIC IS YOU.
Here are three ways to find your magic:
1. Look at yourself
Take a deep, long look directly into your eyes in a mirror. At first, it takes courage to face ourselves, but trust me when I say, the art of doing this is magical in itself! After a few moments, you will see so much magic deep in your eyes, you will be smiling with joy!
2. Believe you can!
The energy right now is so fast and magical that you can instantly manifest anything you truly believe you can. The keyword here is believe. Your belief is the wand. So, what do you truly believe could happen or manifest for you today?
3. See the magic that already exists
Your life is already magical. Do you see it? Do you feel it? Today, find those things in your life (body, environment, nature) that are truly miraculous. The fact you are here is magic. That dancing butterfly in your garden is a magical gift of nature. What do you see?
Choose right now that you will begin living a life of magic. Your innate expectation of this will bring miracles, joy and more magic than you could imagine.