Holistic Bliss Magazine

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Men's Happiness FEATURE





Spring Recipe: PREBIOTIC





BODY Bliss



Volume 107 ISSN: 1836-8840


www.holisticblissmagazine.com 15/10/2018 6:39:03 AM

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From the Creator of HBM...


had some resistance to writing my editor’s note this month for our men’s happiness edition, so I tuned in and received some awareness… the old world is crumbling, with labile times globally and a lingering discomfort about how men and women can ‘be’ with each other. Some women might say, what priority is there to discuss men’s happiness, when we have a history of men as perpetrators of violent acts against women, sexual violation, authority figures in various institutions being exposed as paedophiles, misogyny and inequality? Some men might ask, what right do I have to comment about men’s happiness when I am not a man? To me, this means more healing has to take place, there is more consciousness-raising that needs to occur…



The ‘#MeToo’ campaign continues to encourage a global expression, exposing violent, invalidating and inappropriate behaviours that are no longer willing to be tolerated as part of the new world. And how can we move through this transition together with care so we can have more unity? Is it also time for the sensitive and aware men to be heard? And we have some rather big issues to address in the area of men’s health, deaths from suicides, and the fact that men are killed at a greater rate than women in Australia. What would it take to have an open mind and heart when we read different people’s stories and expressions this month? What works for one person may not work for another and not everyone processes things in the same way or takes the same amount of time. And, what would it take to move towards looking through the eyes of gratitude and see the being in front of us without prejudice?

Men's Happiness FEATURE







Spring Recipe:





BODY Bliss



Volume 107 ISSN: 1836-8840




Dr Dain Heer, p20-21 PHOTO: H OUSE OF BELLUSO


Vanessa Finnigan Phone 0422 538 335 EDITORIAL ENQUIRIES:

ed@holisticblissmagazine.com ADVERTISING:

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Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in Holistic Bliss are not necessarily those of the publishers. Advice is non-specific and does not necessarily substitute medical or professional advice for health conditions. We do not make any claims that anything published in this magazine is a prevention, treatment or cure . The magazine is not affiliated with any religious group or religious teaching. Holistic Bliss takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements. Holistic Bliss may alter the size, content or position of an advertisement where necessary. Articles, adverts or any other part of this magazine is not to be reproduced without the permission of the publisher of Holistic Bliss and all requests must be made in writing.



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15/10/2018 6:35:04 AM



19 30

Food for the Soul 06 Q&A with founder of TMP Organics, Jenelle Stark 07 Prebiotic Coconut Satay Curry CHELSEY COSTA


Nutrient power for male hormone health CASSANDRA COOK and SUZI LE FANUE


You put what? Up where?! JOEL GRACE

10 A GP’s guide to men’s well-being DR CARLOS SANCHEZ

New Zealand Bliss 11

The keys to effortless movement GAYLYN AITKEN

12 The gifts of eczema


13 The Chantal Organics story

Men’s Happiness 14

men’s wellness about boys Is becoming men?

18 Men don’t cry, or do they? ROB FOSTER


Masculinity in the New World RAELENE BYRNE


22 Stop ‘pursuing’ happiness MARC DE BRUIN


Crisis or opportunity?

24 Emotional fitness can be a daily workout 15 From construction to rehabilitation WOLFGANG WILDGRACE counselling ROD DRAPER 25 Cannabis – man's best friend for 16 An holistic breakthrough centuries DR SANDEEP GUPTA

From diesel mechanic to body mechanic – follow your dream career… KRISHNA EVERSON


26-27 Body Bliss

Holistic Biz 28

4 WAYS TO READ NEVER MISS AN ISSUE OF HOLISTIC BLISS •S ubscribe: Receive 11 editions delivered to your door for only $44 per year – visit www.holisticblissmagazine.com •O utlets: Pick up your free copy – check out Distribution at www.holisticblissmagazine.com •O nline: View the digital edition at www.issuu.com – search Holistic Bliss •A pp: Install on your phone for free – search Holistic Bliss Magazine

36 37





20-21 Dr Dain Heer: Happiness is Just a Choice




Holistic Beauty & Style 40 41

Men of deep measure SONYA DRIVER


Release your own adult stem cells naturally without injections MARITA MASON



Turn self-doubt into a niche business by transforming mindset into money

46 HOLISTIC AS… Books and more

Take the fear out of finances


Business Heart Chakra: Promotion 49

32-33 Colour me happy MIKE BOOTH

Men’s health, the mind and consciousness TATIANA SAVERY

Stylish, organic hair at Noosa

Natural Animal Care



What's in a 'thank you'? JANINE HALL



Weight matters SPIRI BUHAGIAR

Boundaries… does the word make you shudder?



social with like-minded blokes Get while pursuing your hobbies Are spiritually evolved men the new sexy?

Natural remedies for common ailments DR ELAINE CEBULIAK

What are you really feeding your pet? JAMES GREEN


What are our animals here to teach us? CLAIRE OATS


DIRECTORY Holistic Bliss | NOVEMBER 2018 |

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with founder of TMP Organics, Jenelle HB: What inspired you to create an organic business? What were you doing before your created this business? Jenelle: I was in the health/ pharmacy industry and watching too many people over-medicate and they were not keeping their families healthy. So I thought I had to start from the roots, as my family has a history of working the land for small crops, orchards and cattle and they looked at our food first. So we started our organic journey back in 1997. We are a family business – my son Andrew, and daughter Jess, share my organic philosophy, as do all of our team members. To us, ‘organic’ isn’t just a craze, it’s a way of life, and our business is a testament to our passion and dedication to sharing organic meat


and products with our community. HB: What things have helped your business to expand? Jenelle: Our integrity, service and quality of product as well as wordof-mouth over the years. When the cooking shows were very popular on TV they started promoting organics, which helped more people to be informed and take action. HB: What are the benefits of going organic? Jenelle: There are so many benefits including: reducing the risk of infants’ exposure to pesticides, avoiding eating up to two kilograms of food additives every year, eating produce that is better for you, restoring soils for productive cropland, eliminating the use of growth hormones, antibiotics and GE drugs

and feeds in livestock and eating great tasting food which provides healthy alternatives, to name but a few. HB: What new products or news do you have coming up over the next 6-12 months? Jenelle: We are always looking for new products in our supermarket and there are many smaller companies coming through with handmade superfood/gut products which is exciting. With a bigger range of items all the time, more and more of our customers are doing all their shopping under the one roof and this is great to keep things uncomplicated during the festive season. www.tmporganics.com.au


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15/10/2018 6:41:58 AM


Prebiotic Coconut Satay Curry RECIPE CHELSEY COSTA

Cooking time: 30 minutes | Serves: 4 Ingredients: CURRY 1 red onion sliced 2 small cloves of garlic finely chopped 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 1 tin of organic chickpeas (drained) 1 tin of organic coconut milk 2-3 tbsp of natural smooth peanut butter 2-3 tbsp of organic tamari sauce (gluten-free) 1-2 pinches of dried chilli flakes ½ broccoli chopped up into florets 1 bunch of asparagus chopped GARNISH 1 tbsp sesame seeds Coriander Fresh chilli Purple cabbage sliced to serve Handful of peanuts CAULIFLOWER RICE ½ cauliflower cut up into pieces 1 extra virgin olive oil ½ tsp turmeric powder Salt to taste

Method: 1. Prepare curry ingredients as described above. 2. Sautee onion and garlic in a pot with olive oil until lightly cooked. 3. Add asparagus and cook further until lightly cooked. 4. Add chickpeas and coconut milk and bring to a gentle simmer. 5. Add peanut butter, tamari sauce and chilli flakes and mix well. 6. Add the broccoli florets and leave on a gentle simmer whilst you make the cauliflower rice. 7. To make the cauliflower rice, add the cauliflower pieces to a food processor and blitz until evenly shredded but not too fine. 8. In a pan with olive oil, add the cauliflower and cook gently for 10 minutes until it is cooked through, stirring frequently. 9. Season with salt and add the turmeric powder. Stir well until the turmeric is evenly combined. 10. Serve the rice and curry

components in bowls and garnish with sesame seeds, coriander, fresh chilli, red cabbage and peanuts. Enjoy! CHELSEY is a senior Naturopathy student at Endeavour College Perth campus and one-half of the Sugar Free Sisters: www.peppermintandsage.com www.endeavour.edu.au

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15/10/2018 6:43:22 AM


Nutrient power for male hormone health WORDS CASSANDRA COOK AND SUZI LE FANUE, Naturopaths at Integrated Wellness Clinic


id you know that men begin to experience a decrease in testosterone at a rate of 10% per decade after the age of 30? This age-related reduction in testosterone and other hormones in males has been named ‘male menopause’. In contrast to women, men do not experience a sudden cessation of reproductive function like in menopause. Instead it is a more progressive reduction. These hormonal changes are thought to be responsible for a variety of symptoms in men including muscle loss, fatigue and erectile dysfunction (ED). Most people are familiar with the process known as atherosclerosis. What most men don’t realise is that the first signs of atherosclerosis are found in the smaller arteries in your body, such as those in your penis. This means even mild erectile dysfunction could be a sign that you need to assess your heart health now, before the larger arteries leading to your heart are affected. There is no single cause of ED, so there is no

single cure. An holistic assessment is essential, so make an appointment with a health practitioner for a complete health check. Diet has a powerful impact on hormonal health, with certain fruits and vegetables shown to modulate hormone production and support the detoxification and clearance of hormones via the liver and bowels. INCREASE ANTIOXIDANT FOODS Diets high in antioxidants are specifically helpful for relieving inflammation to restore hormonal balance. Good sources include: berries, purple and red foods like radish, red cabbage and beetroot, broccoli, green leafy vegetables and herbs like turmeric. Green tea and cacao found in dark chocolate are also great. Cooked tomatoes also contain a substance called lycopene which can be helpful for prostate health. EAT GOOD QUALITY FATS Testosterone is literally made out of fat (cholesterol)! Healthy fats are not only good for your hormones, they also help you gain muscle, burn

fat, and protect your heart. Good fats include: avocado, nuts and seeds, fish (salmon, anchovies, sardines), oils (olive, macadamia, avocado, coconut), coconut milk and yoghurt. EAT GOOD PROTEIN The Nutrient Reference Values for Australia and New Zealand provide a very general guide. For adults, the recommended dietary intake (RDI) for men aged 19-70 years is 64 grams per day. However, it is important to note that protein requirements vary for each individual depending on age, weight, energy output and stress levels. Good protein and zinc sources include: grass fed beef, hormone free chicken, nuts, seeds and fish. Hormones are extremely complex and work together in various tissues of the body to maintain balance. Therefore, an imbalance in one hormone often causes an imbalance in another hormone or hormone system. See your practitioner for hormone testing. www.integratedwellnessclinic.com.au

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| NOVEMBER 2018 | Holistic Bliss


15/10/2018 6:44:05 AM


You put what?

Up where?!

WORDS JOEL GRACE, Owner, Sunshine Colonics Health & Wellness Centre


he idea of putting a tube in their bum is a bit too much for a lot of guys to consider. Which is a shame, because these are the type of guys that stand to benefit the most from a good tune-up! We need to create an environment where men feel comfortable talking more openly about their health. Hippocrates famously said that ‘all disease begins in the gut’, and the below points are proof why men need to look after their digestive health more than anyone else. Men have a higher incidence of bowel cancer Men represent 55% of all new colorectal cancers diagnosed so far in 2018. And this is not a new trend, historically men have a higher incidence of bowel cancer than women. Of course genetics can be a consideration in some cases, but lifestyle factors also play a very significant role – namely high alcohol consumption, smoking, high intake of processed meats, excess body fat and physical inactivity. Given these lifestyle factors are often more

predominantly male traits, this is reflected in a higher disposition for men to develop colorectal cancers. Keeping your colon clean, both from the top end and the back end, can certainly play a part in reducing these cancer risk factors. Men have a higher intake of red meat It’s estimated that men eat more than 1.5 times more meat than women. Men’s relationship with meat is a complicated one for a variety of reasons. The average man eats more than twice the recommended daily intake of protein, despite the fact the body is unable to use or store that much. Eating excess meat is associated with being manly or more masculine. Men are also less likely to view plantbased protein alternatives as tasty or satisfying, despite these choices being better for gut health. Considering red and processed meats have been declared probable carcinogens by the World Health Organization, attitudes linking meat and masculinity need to

change. Put simply, eating more than 700g of red meat each week increases your risk of bowel cancer. And for every 50g of processed meat you eat, your risk of bowel cancer increases by 1.18%. Men are less likely to talk about their health I was having a conversation about coffee enemas with one of my male clients last month. He mentioned that he doesn’t have any mates that do this kind of stuff, so he’s had to research online himself to find out information. It’s great that we live in an age where we have health resources available at our fingertips, but it’s also a sad reflection on men’s health that more often than not guys simply don’t talk about their health. If men were more open about their gut health with each other and didn’t have such a taboo around the subject, we could potentially see a reduction in health issues, where men are overrepresented such as cancers and mental health. www.sunshinecolonics.com.au

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15/10/2018 6:45:06 AM


A GP’s guide to

men’s well-being



s an integrative doctor, I often find men consult me for general health and well-being issues. It is very common to find men who are over-stressed with the pressure of their daily life. Working hard and wanting to provide for their family, they get into a routine where the meaning of life gets lost. Depression, anger issues, emotional isolation and the repercussions that this has on their physical health, are some of the problems that can tip them over. It is very important for men to identify themselves with other men, whether it is through sports, getting together for a barbecue or going bush. There is a tendency to get distracted from the really important things in life to focus on financial gain. The more you earn, the more you accumulate and the

less satisfied you will be with what you have. When this happens, you may stop looking after yourself, put on weight, get depressed and may even depend on alcohol as an escape from the pressures of life. “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication” in the words of Leonardo Davinci. So start with a healthy diet and regular exercise to increase your feel-good hormones. Find some male buddies that you relate to and do activities where you feel part of a team with a purpose, dealing with challenges that can be overcome to generate a sense of good mood and achievement. I can think of adventures I have had with some of my best mates; going into the deserts, jungles and mountains, and getting into sticky situations,

where, working as a team, problems got resolved, creating great joy and memories that will be treasured for life. I especially recommend getting into nature with a few of your mates, whether it’s going for a surf or going to the bush, the main thing is you can relax and have a good conversation (perhaps around a camp fire). Simple experiences, things like these, can bring happiness to your life. One of the best things I have done in the last year is getting into strength training, where I meet my two training buddies a few times a week, and we discuss the plans for the week ahead, and have a good laugh at ourselves, creating the right frame of mind to face the challenges of life. www.ibukihealth.com




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| NOVEMBER 2018 | Holistic Bliss


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effortless movement!

e all have patterns of movement developed over time by the consistent way we move and load our body. Misalignment of our structure contributes to muscular tension, limiting joint range of motion and straining tendons and ligaments. The end result is body discomfort and pain. Changing unsustainable movement patterns is the long term solution to enjoying effortless full range of motion. Sounds simple and it is, but it takes a persistent shift in awareness from the external to the internal to change and sustain new patterns. If your pattern is to ignore the biological needs of your body to rest, recuperate and nourish, you’re going to initially find it difficult to sustain a consistent internal awareness of how your body is feeling, but don’t give up, there are steps you can take to get you started. First, you need to honestly desire

change and be aware what patterns need changing. Also, be very clear about why you want to change; it needs to be for you. Be wholehearted; involve your entire being in your project. If you’re not fully present, you’ll drop yourself and drift back into old unsustainable patterns – a pattern in itself. Regularly place yourself in a neutral position. ‘Constructive Rest Position’ developed by Mabel Todd is my chosen method of neutral posture to rest deeply and let that, which needs to, unfold and become. It’s in the stillness and silence of just being, that we become aware of our internal movement and it’s from this space we can begin to change unsustainable patterns of movement. Persistence is the key. Never give up on you, be always with and for yourself. Check out our Aligned Movement tutorial videos at Kahuna Mist Facebook page. www.kahunamist.com

THE METHOD: Lie on the floor on a foam mat and blanket. If your neck is tight, place a folded blanket under your head so the length of your spine is level. Rest your feet flat on the floor, hip width apart and far enough from your buttocks so they rest easily without tension. Focus your attention on the physical sensation of your body in this position and where in your back and pelvis you feel your weight resting. Become aware of your breath, its rhythm and pattern without trying to change it, just observing. Now notice the movement of your breath moving your body. Stay with this for up to 20 minutes, just observing you without interfering. To release, let your head and legs fall to one side then your torso so you’re now lying in a foetal position. Take several breaths before sitting up.

ARE YOU LOST AS TO WHAT WORK YOU WOULD LIKE TO DO? ARE YOU FEELING STUCK IN YOUR CURRENT BUSINESS? Does writing articles or putting ad campaigns or promotions together make your stomach churn? Are you a sensitive/empath/intuitive that feels overwhelmed with putting yourself ‘out there’? Is exposure in the media or being in the public eye something you avoid?


PHONE: 0422 538 335 Holistic Bliss | NOVEMBER 2018 |

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15/10/2018 7:42:21 AM



gifts of eczema


Your face looks like you have measles all over it!” “I’m fine,” I snapped. “I have eczema.” “I still think you look like you have measles,” the lady muttered as she walked away. Working at a beauty counter in 2007, I was growing tired of comments on my appearance. I developed eczema as an adult, and had tried every solution I could think of. Being in the beauty industry didn’t help, I was constantly tempted to play with makeup but wanted to give my skin the chance to heal. And whether people were being rude, or well-meaning, I was weary of hearing about it. Another issue I faced was migraines, which I have had from a young age. I spent a few years working amongst strong fragrances before realising that perfume is the worst trigger for my migraines.

I enjoyed working in beauty, but was finding it difficult to take care of my health being surrounded by products that were making it worse. I used my passion for beauty to research ingredients and what they do, and to experiment with creating my own products that were gentle and safe, but also lovely to use. Since I was finding it hard to find fragrances I could use, I also began dabbling in creating my own scented products, free from phalates and hormone disrupting chemicals. Around this time I also started studying a pharmacy technician course and decided it wasn’t for me, but I gained some valuable skills. I never planned to turn ‘Artemis Jones’ into a business. One of my passions is arts and crafts, and a few years ago I tried polymer clay. I took an instant liking to it and quickly started making things that other people deemed ‘good enough’ for me to sell. So I put ‘Artemis Jones’ out there as

creative branding for myself, and shared my crafts, eventually adding some of my cosmetics and fragrances. It was a great way to keep a creative identity and stay busy while at home with my son. Soon I was approached by a salon to make some products for them under their own branding, and within a few months, I had a business! I currently focus most of my time on creating custom products for other businesses, as well as creating a small range under my own branding. I now have ‘Artemis Jones’ in four stores across New Zealand, as well as online, and have clients in NZ and Australia, and sales all over the world. ANNE-MARIE ‘ARTEMIS’ JONES lives in Christchurch, New Zealand, where she has her own cosmetic and fragrance products brand, and offers custom development for other businesses. Anne-Marie also creates unique crafts. www.artemisjones.co.nz www.facebook.com/worldofartemisjones

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| NOVEMBER 2018 | Holistic Bliss


15/10/2018 6:47:59 AM




Chantal Organics story

he organic market is the fastest expanding, multi-food category globally worth EUR85b, and pushing double-digit global growth over the last decade – organic is now definitely mainstream! A valuable part of the New Zealand economy, the organic export market is growing at 42% and is worth NZ$355m; and close to 80% of New Zealanders purchase organic products at least fortnightly (source: 2018 New Zealand Organic Sector Report). Consumers are seeking greater integrity, transparency and authenticity in the products they consume, as well as a closer relationship with those growing their food. Organics has previously existed on the fringes and used to be just for ‘hippies’, but now people under 30 are driving much of the growth in organics. They are early adopters and innovators, urban, key decision-makers for businesses, working full time, and usually have disposable income. Chantal Organics, based in New Zealand in the Hawke’s Bay, is proud to be part of this global movement

towards conscious consumerism and ethical sustainability. In the mid-1970s a group of likeminded people shared a vision of healthier food and a better life for their families. They formed a co-operative to buy organic and natural wholefoods. One of the families had a daughter named Chantal, so the name Chantal Organics is a permanent reminder that organic and natural whole foods care for our families, our environment and future generations. Now a national business making spreads and granolas, milling grains into flour and farming vegetables, our vision is to bring certified organic foods to people across the world. We want quality organic and whole foods to be affordable and believe they should fill every pantry. Always focused on innovation, Chantal Organics has recently acquired a unique, New Zealand-designed dryer, operating under the name DryCoTM. This Osmotic Vacuum Dryer system offers a unique technology to improve preservation of leafy greens and soft fresh produce. The unique drying

atmosphere in a near oxygen free environment, protects against oxidation and provides a superior product with preferable flavour, texture, colour, appearance and nutrient profile. Using the DryCoTM dryer, Chantal Organics has produced a range of raw organic powders (carrot, beetroot, kale and broccoli) which provides customers a convenient way to up their veggie intake. Just one teaspoon of the raw vegetable powder blended into soups, stews, smoothies or juice, is equivalent to about two cups of veggies. The range of vegetable powders can be found in health food stores nationwide. We are focussed on sustainability, having recently installed solar panels to generate electricity for operations on our organic farms and are investigating ways to reduce our impact on the environment even further. Chantal Organics has a vision towards being stewards of organics, and of bringing organic food to people across New Zealand and the world, as nature intended. www.chantalorganics.co.nz


Holistic Bliss | NOVEMBER 2018 |

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men’s wellness

about boys

WORDS JEAN SHEEHAN, Principal – Millennium Education


or many years during my Medical Intuitive sessions, men would share about their health that linked back to childhood. The way dis-ease works is that it is a ‘story’ that ‘grows’ within our body and if it is not aligned to us being the best we can be, it will present itself as ‘dis-eases’ such as heart attacks, diabetes, depression, etc. The only way we humans take notice of what is happening emotionally and spiritually is by having an obvious sign show up such as dis-ease. Then we review our life and hopefully make changes to empower rather than cripple. Coming back to that comment of men’s wellness related to boys becoming men, when I look inside a male’s body, I note each body part has a specific emotional link and can empower or disempower. For example, the prostate is about acceptance and nurturance and yet many men say that they do nurture themselves. That includes through food, thoughts, actions and even sleep. When we delve deeper into the story, it relates to when they were a boy being told to ‘man up’, ‘boys don’t cry’, ‘don’t be a

becoming men?

sookey baby’. The concept of nurturing themselves is ‘sissy’ and yet if you look at men who have nurtured themselves, they are healthy in their mind, body and spirit. Why is there a belief system that boys must be brought up being ‘tough’ or ‘strong’? What if all children were gifted absolute love, unconditional love, compliments, cuddles and the opportunity to know who they are whilst growing up? Each boy is a divine soul, a divine child who is here to experience life and learn who they are. In sessions, men have said to me they have a craving to be loved and accepted. The common thread is that they want to play in life and live each day with passion. However there is a primordial instinct to be the ‘provider/protector’ – but what does that mean nowadays? The key is to empower your sons, nephews and male students with the knowing that each child is a soul having a human experience. They need to feel loved and accepted. They are here to be guided how to nurture themselves, find their gifts, see problems as challenges

and access their own potential to overcome challenges. If each boy was given this, then the rate of prostate cancer, diabetes, heart attacks and depression would decrease dramatically. Men are divine boys after all. In fact all children are divine gifts of love. It is time to shine your brilliance and be the example of what is possible for the children. Join JEAN SHEEHAN and her ME team for the accredited Millennium Modality® Courses, (Medical Intuition & Millennium Children®). Purchase The Millennium Children® book and Empowering the Millennium Children® book now. www.MillenniumEducation.com

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| NOVEMBER 2018 | Holistic Bliss


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From construction to

rehabilitation counselling



ome people are fortunate enough to know exactly what their vocational destiny is at a young age and can go about planning their futures. This appears to be the exception to me, certainly not the norm. The rest of us plod through a maze of indecision, procrastination, and trial and error, some never find their true calling, some begin testing the waters later in life, while others charge through, changing careers late in their working lives; into their 50s and 60s. I began a new career in psychology, in injury rehabilitation, in my late 50s. This was after serving some 30 odd years in the construction and mining sector. So here I am now, transitioned from a conventional and male-dominated industry to a quite progressive, femaledominated profession. I am proud of what I have become, but I am equally proud of where I came from. These things seem self-evident to me, that I am the person now made of an amalgamation of experience, learnings, teachings and mistakes. This

life is one of constant change and it helps to learn how to surf the waves. Which brings me back to my chosen profession: rehabilitation and injury management; and what about the psychology you ask? Well almost every person with a substantial injury, chronic pain or disability is experiencing some type of psychological effect. That then brings us back to the ‘change’ conversation. Long after an injury has stabilised, or the pain is managed, the psych effects remain, and this is often due to the change. Change from being able-bodied to not so, from being employed to spending six months, and sometimes years rehabilitating, doing physio or hydro or counselling, spending hours at home alone, maybe reliant on others, from having a positive, planned future to being in limbo (the world of the terrifying unknown), from loving yourself to loathing yourself and from pride to shame. This seems more prevalent in males than females.





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UNRESOLVED EMOTIONS? Jacqui Delarue is a Mind, Body, Spirit Coach, specialising in coaching clients to release old emotions that no longer serve them. Jacqui guides women to master their unconscious thought patterns and discover a life of divine purpose filled with authenticity, love, abundance and freedom. Together she can assist you to: • Release anger, fear, guilt, sadness and anxiety • Increase self-worth and a feeling of purpose • Increase feelings of vitality, feeling alive, peaceful, calm and energetic




Young men get the job, the money, the jet ski, the motorbike, the bright future, without a care in the world. Then along comes a neck, back, shoulder or hip injury, a nasty burn or a degloving – the work’s gone, along with the lifestyle, the mates, the future. This is where all those experiences and training that make the holistic me come in to play, because I get it. I don’t know their individual pain – never will or could – but I have known what it’s like to be tied to a hospital bed for months, to have unwanted change thrust upon me and to rebuild, pick up the pieces and carry on. I don’t know about the ‘are U ok’ stuff, one look into the eyes and old mate knows I get his pain and I want to help. We are emotional beings, and as we know from the research, talking does us good and helps relieve the pain, so too does just sitting, and feeling and sharing.

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15/10/2018 6:53:48 AM


An holistic




ecently, I travelled to Ashland, Oregon to a men’s breakthrough group with Robert Augustus Masters PhD. Robert is a psychologist and author I did some counselling sessions with via Skype when I was going through a difficult period of my life. What struck me about him, was his ability to cut through ‘fluff’ and get to core issues very quickly, helping me get into ‘what’s really important’, and not get distracted. He calls his form of men’s work, ‘integral’ (meaning it embraces a whole range of approaches), ‘intuitive’ (implying that it’s not mapped out in advance, and relies heavily on the intuition of the practitioner), and ‘bodycentred’ (implying that it focuses on releasing the actual energy of traumatic events rather than simply the thoughts associated with them). The five days started with each man sharing a bit about their life story and then diving right into speaking about their relationship with their fathers. When a particularly emotionally charged

issue would come up, sometimes Robert would run a Gestalt exercise. This would be an exercise in which the other with whom one has a charged emotion is imagined to be on an adjoining cushion, and a conversation takes place from both points of view. At other times, he got others from the group to physically interact with the man, in order for him to physically release whatever anger or pain was sitting there. One big take-home point is it’s vitally important to deal with wounds from the past before we can step into our purpose in life. If we try to jump into premature forgiveness before the actual release of trauma has occurred, it is never really deep enough to energetically clear the space for deep actualisation. Often anger is demonised in spiritual circles, but authentic expression of anger often opens the door to feeling and thus, finally releasing our grief. Another big awareness from the course was that it’s vital that we support males in the Western world get into their healthy, grounded masculine. Modern

culture doesn’t appear to foster this goal as a matter of course, partly due to unhealthy patterns which have been set in the past, thus the need for a grounded movement in this direction. We most certainly need a solutionbased movement, and what Robert has done is create a framework for addressing a number of important factors in the healing journey. This includes the shadow (described by Jung as the disowned parts of the psyche), bringing heart, head and ‘guts’ into alignment and not letting go of ‘hard’ masculine qualities, but rather ensuring they are expressed with skill and discrimination, then they don’t overpower our ability to be vulnerable, transparent and sensitive to each situation. I left the group feeling hopeful around the collective masculine, and am grateful for the opportunity to explore this important area, and integrate these insights on a daily basis into my holistic program. www.lotusholisticmedicine.com.au

GLENN CHANDLER Dip. C.H., Clinical Hypnotherapist, Ericksonian Psychotherapist

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| NOVEMBER 2018 | Holistic Bliss


15/10/2018 6:55:00 AM


From diesel mechanic to body mechanic –

follow your dream career...



hen I caught up with Jesse McKinnon he was preparing to take part in ‘Trail to Triumph’, a gruelling 250km, three-day Ultra Marathon, to raise money for mesothelioma cancer research. Jesse had only taken up running a year ago, but it didn’t take long for me to realise that he isn’t easily fazed by challenges, and is committed to personal growth and being a better father, husband and individual. Jesse’s personal development journey had begun six years ago, after a period of extensive travel, finding love, and starting a family. “The big catalyst for change was first meeting my wife, I wanted to be better for her and then having our first child was a big kicker. That’s when I realised I really wanted to have them grow up and not have a father who’s going to a job where he’s not fulfilled, and just going and getting it done, I wanted to lead by example, and do something I was actually passionate about.” Jesse is soon to graduate from Aminya Natural Therapies Academy

with a Diploma in Remedial Massage Therapy, and has started his own therapy business ‘Myosync’. I asked Jesse how he first became interested in massage. “I was looking towards something in training or therapy of some sort. I had been interested in professional boxing which was a performance thing, and I was interested in how to make things work better, because of some little injuries I had. I started reading about the body, and trying to learn how I can make myself function pain-free. I got to the point where I was reading anatomy and physiology text books for kicks and doing little online courses and stuff like that. My wife Elysha was like ‘you’re reading text books, you need to do something’. That was my aha moment. I drove past Aminya Academy and saw the building, and went and saw Denise (the Principal). I’d almost given up trying to find somewhere that was flexible, where I could also get my health fund registration to claim health rebates.” Jesse hasn’t looked back! I asked him what he thought was

important for happiness. “I think good relationships with friends but family as well. Relationship and communication with your partner is massive. I’ve also noticed since I’ve gone down the path of changing careers that this change has been a massive happiness factor as well. I feel like I can’t be happy when I’m not fulfilled and purposeful in my work, where you spend most of your life.” Aminya Natural Therapy Academy is a Government Accredited RTO committed to training of excellence in remedial massage, clinical aromatherapy, reflexology and kinesiology. www.aminyaacademy.com.au

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15/10/2018 6:55:56 AM


Men don’t cry,

or do they?



t’s 3.00am, I’m lying in bed, wide awake again, anxious, stressed and feeling like crying for no real reason. Throughout my early working life I was driven by passion to achieve, create financial freedom and to be successful in my career. This worked extremely well as I finished my trade, started businesses and became very successful from a worldly perspective. But lying awake in the early hours, I realised what I was doing in my life wasn’t working, something had to change if I wanted real happiness. True lasting happiness was not found in the money I made, the career I chased, the perfect partner I found, or the next project I won. It definitely wasn’t in the amount of alcohol I was guzzling down after another huge day of phones and problems. The drinking became my way to manage symptoms. I was lost and didn’t know who I really was.


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| NOVEMBER 2018 | Holistic Bliss

Hitting rock bottom, I started to look, read and attend workshops with a thirst to know more, and over time I realised what was missing. I had no spiritual path. This realisation fuelled my desire for personal growth and learning. Joy and happiness was hidden, but waiting to be revealed, I had just never looked for it inside myself. Although your path will look different to mine, I guarantee you that the missing piece to this puzzle is inside you. And it has been there with you all along, you just haven’t realised it or seen that your success was dependent on both worldly pursuits and your spiritual wisdom. Lasting happiness arrives when you know your inner world deeply and you don’t turn from any aspect of yourself, but rather make friends with all of it. Living a life focused on your highest values (for example love, joy or

kindness), will guide you forward in the world. I found teachers and others that were travelling on a similar path. I did my inner work using Family Systemic Constellations to remove blocks, Non Violent Communication to find new ways of communicating my needs and I learnt to meditate and studied Buddhism for the past 15 years. I encourage you to know that you really can have both a spiritual life and an abundant worldly expression. So claim the day and claim your life. Without knowing your inner world, you will never master the outer. ROB FOSTER is a qualified Family Constellations and Systemic Therapist and Spiritual Teacher based on the Sunshine Coast in Qld, Australia. Rob offers sessions, including couples and relationship support via skype and in person and travels for workshops by request. To make an appointment or to find out more visit: www.discoveringinsight.com.au


15/10/2018 6:57:32 AM




in the new

ver the last few years I have been observing the struggle and crisis within the masculine as a collective energy. Their defining roles from eons past of hunter and gatherer, provider and protector, have been stripped from them. There is no reference point for these men as they face the unknown world we are moving towards at the speed of light, let alone how to stand next to a strong, empowered woman. Our menfolk were needed in times gone by, and to a degree today, but are they needed or do we choose to be with them? The strength of the women’s movement has allowed the feminine to learn skills that were previously only male roles. Women can fix cars, become tradespeople, work in all the roles that men have created, apply for and receive loans from banking institutions, set up businesses, and even go to a sperm bank if they really want to have a child without a partner. Women have proven they are just as capable and have embraced the


freedom delivered by having choices, learning and expanding. Somewhere in the masculine psyche, there is a sense of being lost, insignificant, unnecessary, as their core and inherited beliefs about their roles has changed. The old masculine identity is changing, as the old has become obsolete to a degree. The chasing of power, sex, money and detachment from emotions …the ‘boys don’t cry’ story has to give way to something more. The act of sex for a man is the closest they can be to another person, it isn’t who we are, but something we enjoy doing. Power is a characteristic and behaviour which when pursued, delivers respect and attention. Power also can corrupt and destroy. Money has been a measure of success, of power, or being admired, and yet no matter how much there is, it still can’t buy happiness or fulfilment. Emotionally, men have been taught to suck it up, be strong, so there is a restriction around opening their hearts

to others, out of fear of their own feelings. How can we help our menfolk to feel they are important, and create a new role for themselves as the old ones disintegrate? The first step to fully embracing the new masculinity is self-responsibility. It’s time for men to face some of the inherited beliefs and behaviours that are NOT working for them, developing a new mindset, opening up to new ideas, new experiences. The #metoo movement has offered an opportunity for men to accept that those behaviours are past their use-by date. The catch cry of these times is ‘know thyself’. This also applies to men. Knowing who you are is more than just knowing what you do. Coupled with knowing you are ‘good enough’ will assist in the shift towards the new male and a better life for all. Patience, kindness and gentleness are the ways the feminine can support men going through these changes. www.raelenebyrne.com

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n i a D r D Heer



hen I first attended one of Dain’s classes about seven years ago, I was still in the early years of creating Holistic Bliss, living off the smell of an oily rag. So I remember sitting in the class feeling a bit frazzled but by the end of the two-hour intro talk, I had peace and space in my world. I wasn’t really sure what had happened but I do remember Dain being very entertaining (a bit like Robin Williams), only with a bag of consciousness tools that seemed to change the molecules in the room. And no, there was no ra ra motivational spiel! After this experience, it really hit home to me how much we pick up from everything around us and how easy it is to buy that as real or believe that is who we are, when it’s actually not. 20

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| NOVEMBER 2018 | Holistic Bliss

Right from a young age, we are acutely aware of our surroundings but our early experiences don’t have to determine our life and our future. In fact, Dain is a living testament of this given he experienced every form of abuse during his childhood. After his parents separated, Dain grew up in the ghettos of America with his mother and somehow navigated life and completed his chiropractic studies. By the age of 30, Dain established a small private chiropractic practice in Santa Barbara and was engaged to his long-term girlfriend. Everything looked rosy on the outside but the truth was he was dying on the inside. Being a true seeker, he did all the self-help and personal development courses on offer, but things only changed for a day or two and then he felt worse than before. Dain was at an all-time low and made a pact

with the Universe that if he didn’t see things change in six months, then he was going to end his life and had the date planned. Then the Universe conspired with his demand and showed him a world of possibilities… A week later he was drawn to a small advert in a local newspaper which read, ‘All of life comes to me with ease, joy and glory’ and without understanding why, he rang the number and booked himself in for an Access Consciousness Bars session (this is a 90-minute session where a trained facilitator lightly touches 32 points on your head). That one session was the first step in helping him overcome his depression. Eventually, he went on to become a global speaker, author of 10 books and the co-creator of the global movement, Access Consciousness with founder Gary www.holisticblissmagazine.com

15/10/2018 6:59:48 AM

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Douglas. He tours the world every year being a pioneer for conscious change and living the dream – his dream. So this month, it seemed obvious to interview Dr Dain about the topic of men’s happiness and when you look at the death rates from suicide being three times higher for men than for women in Australia alone, isn’t it time for a different approach? I asked Dain for his insights… “Men don’t have the freedom to talk about their feelings, particularly in Australia, you’re supposed to be a bloke and hold it in otherwise you’re seen as weak. Men don’t have the freedom to find ways to dissipate it, let it go and blow off steam other than drinking. And I’ve gotta say, drinking is not enough.” Dain explained there are a lot of men in Australia who are sensitive/aware types but they don’t have the freedom to be that because of the culture in Australia. “Men need to speak about what’s going on for them in a caring, nurturing, non-judgemental environment and there aren’t a lot of resources for that.” Dain shared that the sensitive and aware men in the world, who are kind, caring and desire to be true gentlemen, don’t have a voice. They see no-one like them and no-one who is on the same page who is talking about these things, and they feel alone. “So many people have lost faith in the future. We have global warming, terrorism and the like. We see the world going to hell in a hand basket. The willingness to have faith in the future and that a future can be created greater than it is today, is non-existent in a lot of people’s worlds.” Dain said not only is there disillusionment about the future, men’s unhappiness is often connected with the

standards they try to uphold. Twentyfive years ago, if you went to work and provided for your family and created a ‘good’ family environment, then you had attained the acceptable standard of this reality. But that’s not really the case anymore, the social dynamics have changed dramatically. “Men don’t get in touch with what is true for them. One of the greatest sources of unhappiness is when we live a life that has nothing to do with us. And we have been told forever, ‘if you just get the right relationship, have kids and get a good job, then you’ll be happy’ but I think men today desire something different, they desire more fulfilment and to have access to more of something greater than just that. And they know it’s possible, they just haven’t been shown how to create it.” From an early age, the one thing Dain desired was to be happy. For the last 18 years he has discovered the tools to continue to create happiness in his own life and be a catalyst for change for countless others. So what brings Dain happiness these days? “It’s where I am feeling good about myself and the choices I am making and where I don’t have a judgement of me, or that I’m wrong, or that I’m not doing or being enough. And it’s also about contributing to other people and showing them that they are not wrong and there are greater possibilities available they can choose. “Judgement in any form diminishes happiness. I travel the world and hear people discuss current affairs and I listen to news shows where they talk about things getting worse: terrorism, stupidity in government and bad policies and often men don’t even acknowledge how upset they are when they see so many things going wrong in the world. And they truly care what is happening to our planet. Once again they don’t have the freedom to express and talk about it. I used to see all the stupid things going on in the world and that used to create a lack of happiness for me and then I started realising, ‘is getting unhappy about this changing it?’, ‘is it making it better or worse?’ And all it was doing was making it worse for myself. I also looked at what I could contribute to people around the world to change this. What if you made your life about contributing to others and making their lives greater?”

In a time of unprecedented change, Dain’s message for men and women is timely and he leads the way by who he is willing to be on the planet. It reminds me of the quote, “There is no way to happiness; happiness is the way”. And in Dain’s words, “happiness is just a choice, what will you choose in this 10 seconds?” www.drdainheer.com www.accessconsciousness.com

Dain’s Happiness Tools:


Ask, “who does this belong to?” This is one of the greatest gifts you can give to yourself. 99% of our thoughts, feelings and emotions don’t belong to us. Do this for every thought, feeling and emotion for three days. If you feel sad and you ask who does this belong to and it lightens up it doesn’t belong to you and return it all to sender with consciousness attached. Access Consciousness has a free App that helps to remind you to ask, “Who does this belong to?”


Interesting point of view I have this point of view. What most people are doing is coming from the positive or negative polarity. When you be the space of interesting point of view, you are like the ‘rock in the stream’ and all these thoughts feelings and emotions go right around you. Take an upset you have or if you still remember a heated conversation, get that energy and say to that energy, “Interesting point of view I have this point of view” then wait, then say it again, wait and see how the energy shifts and do this until there is no more charge on it. You may feel spaced out after doing this and that’s when you know you are free because you’ve come out of the polarity (the right and the wrong and good and bad) that was sticking you. It’s only the polarity that locks you up.


Ask these questions: What’s right about this I’m not getting? And what’s right about me I’m not getting? A question empowers an answer or conclusion disempowers. Then you come out of the wrongness of you because it’s the point of view that you are wrong that is sticking you.


Get Your Bars Run!

Holistic Bliss | NOVEMBER 2018 |

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15/10/2018 7:00:41 AM


Stop ‘pursuing’ happiness WORDS MARC DE BRUIN


any of us have seen the movie ‘The Pursuit of Happyness’ (sic), the story of Chris Gardner, the bone density scanner salesman (and his son), who ultimately sets up a multi-million dollar stock brokerage firm. It’s quite a captivating and sometimes emotional movie, and the title suggests that happiness is something that can be pursued and achieved. I can easily say that we are in an age of ‘happiness frenzy’. Books on happiness; positive psychology; selfimprovement gurus; laughter yoga; happiness courses, you name it. We are gobbling them and their advice up by the thousands in our pursuit of happiness. Unfortunately, while the happiness movement has been gaining momentum, we seem to be sadder, more hopeless and discontented and more anxious than ever. Suicide is the number one cause of death among men, and each year one in about four Australians suffer from depression or anxiety type ill-health. Whatever the happiness movement is promoting,

it does not seem to be working! In fact, some authors even suggest that our pursuit of happiness has led to us avoiding sadness and ‘negative’ emotions like the plague. We are so in need of feeling happy that the opposite feelings are powerfully suppressed by fatty and sugary foods; medications; alcohol and other drugs or by incessant distraction activities. We just do not want to be ‘un’-happy. Covering stuff up does not make stuff go away, though, and the same goes for not feeling happy. Once the suppression or distraction has run its course, we are back at where we started: not feeling happy. I’ve come to realise one simple but stunningly foundational truth over the years: pain is part of happiness. Life is FULL of disappointments, rejections, sadness, loss, grief, squashed expectations, etc. They all form part of the palette of our existence. Running away from unhappiness is as useless as swimming against a rip; it will not create the intended result, and you will exhaust yourself in the process.


So… now what? Well, happiness, contentment, purpose and feeling good are also part of that palette of our existence. They are already present. A good starting point is to realise that it is maybe not about pursuing happiness (something that is already here does not need to be pursued) but about practising happiness. Find things, do things, practise things that are meaningful and ‘rich’; the positive side effect of those actions will be that you will feel happiness. Happiness is NOT the pursuit, it is the by product of living a rich and meaningful life. Mindfulness practices also contribute to the experience of happiness. Focusing more on the ‘here and now’, which is what mindfulness promotes, definitely leads to feeling better. There is so much more that can be said about happiness. For now, I like to summarise it with this: happiness is not a result, it is a practice. www.simplifyinglife.com.au

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| NOVEMBER 2018 | Holistic Bliss

www.raelenebyrne.com www.holisticblissmagazine.com

15/10/2018 7:03:40 AM


Crisis or opportunity? WORDS LESLIE FIEGER

“The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the word ‘crisis.’ One brush stroke stands for danger; the other for opportunity. In a crisis, be aware of the danger – but recognize the opportunity.” – John F. Kennedy


t appears that the world around us is in a state of chaos and crisis. Old geo-political systems are crumbling. Old institutional systems are failing. Old paradigms are falling apart. Old ways of thinking no longer serve to solve the chaotic problems we appear to be undergoing and the crisis seems beyond our ability to control or navigate. But consider this metaphor: As the caterpillar is approaching the end of its life, it feels like it is in crisis. And so it weaves its own burial shroud called a chrysalis and dissolves into complete chaos. All of its old cellular structure dies. Then, a miracle happens. Imaginal cells begin to form in that chaos and soon the butterfly emerges. The creature that was once limited to crawling on the ground, can now soar high above the

ground and feed on the golden nectar of flowers. It has exactly the same DNA, but it has been transformed. A metamorphosis has occurred. The science of it all is amazing: The caterpillar lives a life of ravenous consumption then finds a place to build its cocoon. Inside this chrysalis, the caterpillar, unable to move, dissolves into organic goop. Cells, which had been dormant in the caterpillar, and which biologists had the poetic genius to name ‘imaginal cells’, begin a process of creating a new form and structure. At first, these seeds of future potential, the imaginal cells which contain the blueprint of the butterfly, operate independently as single-cell organisms. They are regarded as threats and are attacked by the caterpillar’s immune system. But they persist, multiply, and connect with each other. Eventually, these imaginal cells form clusters and begin resonating at the same frequency and start passing information back and forth until they



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hit a tipping point. Suddenly, they start acting not as discrete individual cells but as a multi-cell organism… and a butterfly is born. The truly miraculous thing is that even though there is no structural similarity at all between a caterpillar and a butterfly, the DNA is exactly the same. Imagine this: each of us has within us our own imaginal cells; AND each of us is an imaginal cell within human society. Our apparent crisis is actually giving birth to a new world, a new culture and a new stage of human development. Are you ready to emerge from your cocoon? Are you willing to have your personal imaginal cells ignited? Are you willing to become an imaginal cell within the body of humanity and serve to create the new human? This is an invitation to soar into your greatness and your power to transform the way the world envisions and creates the future. www.envisioneering.global/meta-morph/

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15/10/2018 7:04:41 AM


Emotional fitness

can be a daily




hen I went to my first men’s gathering I was asked, “how did you come to be here?” “My wife sent me!” was my answer. I wasn’t happy about that, but didn’t know any better and over 90% of the men I’ve met in men’s gatherings and in my practice say the same thing. I just wanted to feel happy yet I was so angry, sad and afraid. I felt worthless, useless, not good enough and unlovable and no man could really model clean healthy happiness for me. Happiness was something I needed to feel on the inside, but I kept looking on the outside for it. I spent years looking outward to men’s work to provide it. Men looked to me as a leader and as if I had everything together, but at home I was very different and still hadn’t achieved the happiness I craved. It was all well and good to facilitate and perform, but the real pressure test was at home in my

family, and I always came up short. I became aware of the scared, wounded ‘unhappy’ little boy that lived and still lives inside me. I came to realise that if I can learn how to heal him and parent him the way he needs, he can feel happy and if he feels happy then so do I. What brings him happiness is the way I take care of him as I learn to be grown up emotionally. I need to learn how to meet conflict, fear, intimacy, vulnerability and to take responsibility for my mistakes in my relationship, family, work and in the world. Happiness is not something I expect to just happen. I train to be emotionally fit every day. I must train to build a relationship with my anxiety, anger, fear of rejection and vulnerability. The healthier my relationship is with those emotions, the happier I become. Yes, this is hard work, and requires daily discipline but this inspires an internal


leadership. No matter how successful the man I’ve coached is, whether he’s a professional sportsman, CEO, actor or business owner, they all have a similar story. I tend to hear the usual suspects…“I don’t feel good enough!”, “I lose control of my anger”, “I’m scared of intimacy”, “I disconnect through fear of rejection”, and “I’m not truly happy!” In spite of this, the outside world deems these men as successful. When a man learns how to become a true leader in all aspects of his emotional world, then he tastes a happiness he has never known. His loved ones then begin to feel him more present and trust his emotions. WOLFGANG runs emotional fitness personal training for individuals and couples. He is also running a 12-month program starting in April 2019 – ‘The Rite Leadership Training For Men’. www.efptaustralia.com


Embrace the Moment


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Free clinics

| NOVEMBER 2018 | Holistic Bliss

November 18th | Maleny


15/10/2018 7:35:53 AM


Cannabis – man’s best friend

for centuries



he humble cannabis plant has been a ‘God-send’ for centuries. Cannabis was commonly used in India for sacred men’s rituals, China as a powerful anaesthetic and in Egypt too for medical, religious and recreational use. In modern times Cannabis has been shown beneficial for men suffering with prostate issues, PTSD, depression, epilepsy, chronic pain and cholesterol problems just to name a few. For those ‘boys will be boys’ types who are rough on their bodies, there is good news! According to a study from Tel Aviv University, Cannabidiol, which is found in the Cannabis plant, helps broken bones mend more effectively. Researchers believe the substance helps minerals get into the bone tissue, making bones stronger, sturdier, and less likely to break in the future.

Scientific research has shown the cannabis plant most effective in a transdermal application and found to be most beneficial when using Cannopathy products too. Traditionally when men roamed in nature with little use of shoes, they would absorb many of the minerals and nutrients via walking on the earth. This is why therapeutic foot spas filled with magnesium and herbs are still popular today for men. Ever wondered how powerful the uptake is through your feet? If you rub raw chopped garlic or Eucalyptus oil on the soles of your feet, within minutes you’ll taste it in your mouth! As cannabis is one of the few plant oils that cross the blood-brain barrier, transdermal cannabis application is effective from tip to toe.

You might be wondering what Cannopathy is, or you might want to know more about what you have already heard, but either way there is something wonderful happening here because the results and testimonials are indicating a very effective and exciting product without the ‘high’ or ‘stoned’ feeling. Cannopathy is 100% legal worldwide, is not detected in drug tests such as blood, urine or roadside swabs. With a selection of different blends available for the complementary therapeutic use in animals and humans alike, and safe for children, Cannopathy is the perfect complementary therapy for the whole family. Come by our new shop at 169B Main St (next to Poets Cafe), Montville, Qld and try Cannopathy for free! www.cannopathy.com

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15/10/2018 7:07:16 AM

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| NOVEMBER 2018 | Holistic Bliss


15/10/2018 7:07:47 AM

Healing Beyond Your Imagination!

The long flowing strokes of a Kahuna massage coupled with organic coconut oil nourishing your skin will have you drifting off into a peaceful space. Tension dissipates, stress dissolves. Welcome to wellness! Energy Healing courses coming soon. Personal sessions – Kahuna Massage, Energy Healing or Access Bars. $90/90minutes – INTRO OFFER FOR NEW CLIENTS.

Contact: Scott Murray 0434 245 706 E: admin@bodyblissmassagenoosa.com www.bodyblissmassagenoosa.com @bodyblisskahuna_noosa

Cranio Flow BOWEN

t Supporting the natural ability of your body to heal

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle hands-on therapy that supports the natural ability of your body to heal. I have supported people with: • Migraines/headaches • Neck/back pain • Stress and tension • TMJ dysfunction • Anxiety and depression • Sinusitis • Frozen shoulder • Insomnia • and much more.

Contact: Jamie Lee 0490 897 472 | BRISBANE E: cranioflowwithjamie@gmail.com


Feel the difference with Bowen Therapy

Linda Woodward is a specialist Bowtech Practitioner and educator, who discovered Bowen’s non-invasive approach after experiencing her own health challenges. Relax and enjoy this gentle technique that addresses all states of the body from injury to just relaxation and all that is in between.

Bookings: 07 5437 7165 Suite 1, 2 Coora Crescent, CURRIMUNDI www.bowenbynature.com.au

Physiotherapy and Qigong

Physiotherapist, Dr Ben Gaffney, is the founder of Resilience Physiotherapy, which uses sensitive accurate massage and dry needling for pain relief. He is also the founder of Resilient Health R ESILIENCE Body Technologies, which P HYSIOTHERAPY is a style of therapeutic Professional Physiotherapy Care exercise based on deep authentic Qigong with complementary integrated elements of Yoga, Tai Chi, and Pilates.

Shop 3 / 18-20 Parkana Crescent, BUDDINA & Fresh Holistic Health, 330 Mons Road, FOREST GLEN Contact: 0423 103 202 E: bengaffney68@hotmail.com www.resiliencephysiotherapy.com.au

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15/10/2018 7:08:51 AM



does the word make you shudder?



hat images does it conjure up in your mind? For me it was fences, high scary fences that would isolate me and leave me alone forever. Too scared to make friends with ‘boundaries’, I took option ‘C’. I bent and twisted and ignored myself more times than I’d like to admit in order to be liked, accepted or feel like I belonged. After decades of hard work, culminating in the release of my book, I finally had space to take stock of my life and begin a new chapter. I didn’t realise that chapter was titled: An uncomfortably honest inventory of my life and all my relationships. Looking below the ‘shiny surface’ of my world was hard. Despite my best efforts, I still lacked boundaries in most areas of my life. Feeling sick to my stomach, I realised that each time I did not create and maintain boundaries, I felt depleted, overwhelmed and my joy vanished.

It seemed bizarre that the ‘conflict’ I had tried to avoid by ignoring my needs for so long, arrived as a tsunami of emotional clean up. After treating myself so badly under the guise of desiring peace, the hardest part of the process was the task of making friends with my guilt, shame and remorse. Self-forgiveness was the medicine I needed to consciously begin learning how to expand, create and maintain boundaries in my life. Over the past year, I finally feel like a grown-up, I now know how to be here for myself and I’m learning how to honour my needs more often by using my voice to set boundaries. My disclaimer: At the onset of introducing more boundaries into my life, things actually got a lot messier before they improved. You see I copped a lot of judgement and criticism from people who I had believed were my greatest advocates.

Not feeling yourself? You know… the foggy brain, depressed thoughts, intense sugar cravings, always feeling hungry, weight gain, body pains, and those sudden outbursts of anger that just aren’t normally you? If you are responding with self sabotaging behaviour and giving in to these challenges, then a simple and easy to follow parasite cleanse could be just what you need.

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| NOVEMBER 2018 | Holistic Bliss

KATE is an author, facilitator and therapist based on the Sunshine Coast in Qld. She travels worldwide guiding others to listen to and trust their own hearts. Her book ‘An Invitation to Trust’ is available online at www.katemfoster.com


Selling your Home?

Are you struggling to sell your home? Is it taking longer than expected? Do you feel like giving up?

They called me selfish, manipulative, judgemental, controlling and many others things. But let me tell you a secret, the people who were most ‘upset’ by my newfound boundaries, were the ones who had benefited most by me lacking them or not having them at all. So BOUNDARIES baby, boundaries. You get to choose how you spend your one precious life. Don’t be so afraid of boundaries, they may bring storms, but for me it’s been entirely worth it. How could you benefit with more boundaries in your life? Ponder here… With love, in service, KMF.

Nutritionist Rebecca Rowe empowers you to make your own health decisions and gives you the means to do so.

INTRODUCING THE PARASITE CLEANSING PROGRAM Detox naturally with nutritional balancing and powerful herbs to rid the body of parasites, reboot metabolism, kick those sugar cravings and start feeling better! YOUR PROGRAM INCLUDES:  Gentle yet powerful parasite killing herbs  Bentonite Clay to eliminate and extract toxins  Program instruction book with everything you need to know  Contact and support with Rebecca throughout your cleanse

NOT SURE? Contact Rebecca for your FREE Health Audit Phone Consultation Simply email Rebecca at info@thecleanseshop.com.au and mention you’d like to book a time to chat. www.holisticblissmagazine.com

15/10/2018 7:10:09 AM


Turn self-doubt into a niche business by transforming mindset into money WORDS TONI REILLY


have found most of my clients have a strong desire to help people. Some of them are fully trained as therapists and practitioners, yet they battle with self-doubt. Their training, or even established success, is not enough to overcome the nagging thoughts of not feeling good enough. The thing about insecurity is that it has a grip on you despite recognition and accolades, even when you logically know that you do great work and you make a difference in people’s lives. That debilitating mindset of selfdoubt persists. In one way it drives you to be the amazing person that you are, but it does not help you be at peace with yourself. It causes you to second-guess your choices, to wonder who would see you as an expert, and to question your ability to sell yourself, which blocks your business from thriving.

This leaves you feeling locked into a box that seems too difficult to get out of. It can be truly overwhelming once you realise that there are so many aspects to being in business that require more than simply being an incredible healer or therapist. I address mindset during my training to boost confidence and to get at the core reason behind insecurity, preparing you to make a difference. That difference has to begin with you, to transform your self-doubt, so you can avoid allowing necessities like developing a website, creating a social media presence, and setting a fee for your services stop you. Feeling empowered to face the practical challenges is easier when you have a step-by-step strategy in place to work through. By focusing on one step at a time, overwhelm does not win because you feel empowered as

you experience real progress in your business. Being a practitioner puts a whole new spin on running a business because there are extra confronting elements… like selling yourself. It is easy when you are not selling yourself; instead, you allow your clients to speak on your behalf, to tell the world how you helped them. Take charge with experiential training that covers practitioner skills and practical business support, so that your inner drive to help people will no longer be hindered by self-doubt or a lack of a business plan. TONI REILLY is an author, speaker, seminar leader and internationally recognised Regression Facilitator. She is the creator of SoulLife® Programs and Events, guiding thousands of clients worldwide to live with confidence, purpose and compassion. Visit: www.tonireillyinstitute.com

Holistic Bliss | NOVEMBER 2018 |

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ave you ever had a preconceived idea about something, yet when you look into it more deeply, your increased knowledge helps you make a decision more easily? This could be as simple as buying a new mobile phone. There are so many options, features and functions available these days, the choice can be overwhelming! However, once you start to focus on what features you actually require and work through the elimination process, it becomes easier. In financial planning, many people come to me with opinions and ideas that have been passed onto them from family or friends or the guy at the pub! Quite often their attitude to money is one of lack, not abundance. These opinions are usually fear based. When I take them through the learning process and they increase their knowledge, they are able to make informed decisions, fear is reduced and opportunity steps in. Prior to becoming a financial planner, I worked in a bank and my


out of finances

area of expertise was term deposits and loans. When I first commenced my studies into Financial Planning, I was overwhelmed by how much I didn’t know. How did I get to this stage in my life without this knowledge? It is now a passion of mine to teach younger children, teenagers and young adults how to change their attitude towards money and wealth and take ownership. However, knowledge is not limited to the young and it is never too late to learn. During the GFC, my oldest client was then 93. She contacted me twice during this time to advise that she wished to invest additional funds, as everything was cheap and provided a good buying opportunity. She wanted to invest long term, as she had her sights set on celebrating her 100th birthday. She almost made it too. Sadly she passed away at 99 years and 9 months. She was a shining example of how your knowledge and attitude to life creates each chapter of your life. She was fit and healthy, with a quick

mind and her writing was perfect. She enjoyed a very comfortable lifestyle, went out to lunches and enjoyed shopping expeditions into the city. I have many clients who have been retired for a number of years. Their funds are invested in what is called an Account Based Pension. Along the journey, they have drawn income from this pot of money to cover their living expenses. In addition, they have been able to draw capital amounts for amazing holidays, new cars or whatever is on their wish list. Many have drawn more than they started with and still have healthy balances remaining – some have even more than at the beginning. If you would like to find out how, please don’t hesitate to contact me. KATH ORMAN is a Senior Financial Planner of her company Goals & Dreams Financial Planning Pty Ltd, which is an authorised representative of Charter Financial Planning Limited AFSL 234665. E: kath.orman@goalsanddreams.com.au

4 steps to effectively deal with burn-out, depression, anxiety and lack of self-esteem and increase overall happiness and satisfaction in life. Mindfulness integrated Cogni�ve Behaviour (MiCBT) is an evidence based modality – with scien�fic backing – which will allow you to successfully deal with a broad range of life situa�ons. To be Mindful means to be aware of what is happening to you, without being caught up in any of it. The easy-to-master MiCBT techniques have high success rates in dealing with anxiety, depression, PTSD and work-life balance issues. They put YOU back in control of your life.

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“Acceptance of present experience with awareness” is key. Phone Marc on 0417 062 506 E: marc@simplifyinglife.com.au

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| NOVEMBER 2018 | Holistic Bliss


15/10/2018 7:12:25 AM


Business Heart Chakra:


WORDS MELANIE MIDEGS, Business Mentor & Teacher of Chakra Philosophy


ut your hand up if there are times where you’d rather rearrange your pantry, clean the toilet or focus on your family, kids or friends than promote what you do? You are not alone. There are two common reasons why healers and heart-centred entrepreneurs stop themselves from promoting – they don’t want to be perceived as salesy, or they fear rejection. Let’s stop for a moment, and look at the essence of your heart chakra. Your heart chakra is the midpoint of your chakra system… you have three chakras below that are earthy, and three chakras above that are etheric – so you could say the heart chakra is where ‘heaven’ and ‘earth’ collide, combining both the material and spiritual worlds. When we are living through our heart chakra, we are living through compassion. Back to business. When you promote, essentially what this means is to connect to your audience on their level via compassion and understanding – and you do this via

your heart chakra. You actually promote every day whether you know it or not. The outfit you choose to wear, how you choose to respond to daily situations, how you choose to communicate with others, it is all promotion. What you do will either attract or deflect people to and from what you do. If you feel like you are being a ‘pushy sales person’, then you probably are. Relax. If you are feeling pushy, it is more than likely because you are disconnecting from connecting to your audience through their world. To prepare for promotion well, it is important to have a high functioning business base, sacral and solar plexus energies (see previous issues). If you don’t have the right information or clarity with these energies, your ability to promote effectively is substantially lowered. And this is a classic mistake so many businesses make. They jump straight to promotion before doing the right investigative work and planning. How can you connect compassionately to your audience if

you don’t know them well enough to do so? If you had a stranger come up to you, and tell you they had exactly what you needed… a solution for something that you don’t care about – would you buy it? Promotion is about knowing your audience and speaking to them, about them. This builds trust. Talking about yourself all the time will cause your audience to disconnect. Authentic relating builds trust… and trust relationships can last a lifetime (and can also bring many referrals). The other piece is time and consistency. The last I heard, potential new clients need to see what you’re offering up to 12 times before they will make a purchase. Be compassionate with yourself! Make sure you are allowing yourself enough time, and have a plan to follow, to be effective with your promotional material. Online Courses: - The Business Chakra System - Chakra Philosophy for the Modern World www.seedtosoul.com.au www.facebook.com/SeedToSoul

Holistic Bliss | NOVEMBER 2018 |

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a u a a if e a to d c ‘i w th d

Colour Me Happy W


e live in a world today where dis-ease and ill-ness for guys (and ladies) is rapidly becoming more visible. It’s a good thing to bring it to the awareness, so at least we have an opportunity to address the causes of the dis-ease. But what brings us into dis-ease? Is it not knowing what our life

Explore Family Constellations and Systemic work today!

purpose is? Is it not being aware of our true gifts we possess, in this world, or is it that we don’t know where we are in our life currently? Do you feel lost in this life? Is it longing for something we cannot have, or having something we don’t want, or not being able to differentiate between the two? Our daily life is full of messages,

Meet Sunshine Coast Author

Kate M Foster Writer, sharer, truth bearer, wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend

WORKSHOPS: Family Constella�ons Brisbane Relaxation Centre 18 November

Sunshine Coast 24 November

An Invitation to Trust Rob is a • Set boundaries and find your power qualified • Create your bright future • Supercharge your rela�onships therapist and • Heal from depression, anxiety and more is ready to • Unlock new rela�onships with money and work support you • Create spiritual freedom to transform Lasting shifts in just one session or workshop your life today.

Phone Rob for more information 0418 32

32.indd 1

| NOVEMBER 2018 | Holistic Bliss

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“Every page an invita�on to listen and trust yourself more.” FOR INFORMATION REGARDING KATE’S EVENTS AND TO ORDER HER BOOK VISIT:

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15/10/2018 7:13:45 AM

w a su

n p th n h




all flowing subliminally into our unconsciousness / subconscious mind, and of course whilst we don’t know about this (as it wouldn’t be unconscious if we did), it is impacting on our emotional and physical wellbeing. Think about all the adverts we are subjected to as we travel to work, or go about our daily life, creating desires we maybe cannot fulfil, or making us long for the ‘ideal’ life we don’t have! Think about what comes through the tel-lie-vision, that is on in the background as we have dinner. Think about everything you have witnessed since birth – it’s all stored away, on the ultimate hard drive – your subconscious. So with modern day life, there is no wonder depression is on the rise in people, after all, we are subtly reminded, that we don’t have the ideal life, that we need medicine, that we need to work harder, borrow more and… and… and. As humans, we are emotional beings, so any dis-ease in our emotions will

actualise in our body, if we are not able to come to ease with our life. The past is history, the future a mystery, all we have is the present, and our body is a living constant reminder of our feelings. Dis-ease is just our body reminding us, we have stuff to look at, to make peace with. “But what if I don’t know about it,” I hear you say. Well, there is a solution at hand. We do have access here on this planet to the ultimate GPS system for consciousness. Something that, through vibrational attraction, going beyond thoughts and the mental plane, can help you remember who you truly are and what amazing gifts you possess, to help you excel at who you truly be, support you to see where you are at now, and what is possible for you, should you really choose to act. Aura-Soma is a quantum vibrational navigation system, that helps bring the body, mind and being into a sense of ease. Supporting the being to uncover what lies in the depths of its subconscious, supporting the process of coming to peace with whatever lies there, to be able to integrate that as a true positive energy, into the daily life. But don’t take my word for it – I have worked with this since 1983, on a daily


basis. My recommendation to you, if you feel lost, uncertain, stressed, or out of sorts, is to find a set of the Aura-Soma® Equilibrium Bottles, stand in front of them, and see ‘what calls to you the most’. Beyond thinking about it, beyond reading and researching about it, it’s as simple as looking at the set, and seeing what jumps out to you. As we know from quantum physics, like attracts like, and from an Aura-Soma point of view, you cannot use up what you are not. What I can say to you is that what jumps out at you is what you require, and by applying that to your body, you will begin to remember all you need to, and come to more ease as you make peace with who you truly be. www.aura-soma. com

I Love Being HAPPY!

From the moment you wake till resting your weary head, you can choose to be happy. Cuddles, puddles, and having fun with Daddy are all things that being happy can bring. What if choosing to be happy could change everyone and everything around you? What happiness and joy can you choose today in every moment? This children’s tale follows the day of a young child from morning till night, showing that happiness is a choice and that there are so many things to be happy about.

I love Being Happy It makes my heart sing I wonder what else Being Happy will bring AVAILABLE AT:

www.margaretbraunack.com \\ www.Amazon.com Holistic Bliss | NOVEMBER 2018 |

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15/10/2018 8:46:48 AM


Men’s health, the mind WORDS TATIANA SAVERY


n 1714 Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz stated that matter alone could never produce a mind. Leibniz was a German philosopher, mathematician, and scientist referred to as ‘the last man who knew everything’. Leibniz suggested brain tissue alone could not have a consciousness. Perhaps to understand consciousness we should take a different perspective, one that observes how these compartments interact. Rather than looking at the individual pieces of a brain: neurons, synapses, chemical transmitters and electrical activity, what if the complex activity is not from individual activity but collectively as a super organism. The key is the interaction between the activity. Individually each department runs its local program carrying electrical signals, yet get enough of these brain cells together and the mind emerges. Society currently has an extremely high rate of suicide, and although women attempt suicide, more men actually die from suicide. This is an important topic for all of us to discuss


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| NOVEMBER 2018 | Holistic Bliss

and consciousness

and create solutions for. Just as our brain may have collective activity so may we as a whole society. Taking a different perspective is one step towards creating new solutions as a collective to support and create change for those suffering from depression, disease and mental anguish. This suffering arises from the collective consciousness first between the internal individual activity among simple cells. When we have support to create a new frequency between these individual cells, the collective super organism changes, which then changes the individual collective, and eventually changes our consciousness as a collective society. Frequency technologies are a bridge to quick results, men are attracted to frequency technologies because results are fast. An overweight man suffering with diabetes and depression came for support knowing something had to change. After a brief consultation, it was discovered he was an Italian chef. Information about healthy eating choices and including more greens

within his lifestyle was not something he was ready to hear. After one session on frequency technologies, he called the next week to rebook another session, he had energy and optimism. An interesting outcome was he began eating apples in the evening instead of biscuits; he never ate apples! Following the next session he called to say he bought a juicer. Nine months later after only three sessions, he had lost weight, his hair was growing back and he felt healthy and full of enthusiasm. Asking how he was and if he was still a chef, he responded that it had been the family’s restaurant. He always wanted to be a minister and had begun study working with a spiritual perspective, changing his career. This is how quickly changing our frequency can change the experience of having a life filled with joy, gratitude, love, contribution and ease. TATIANA SAVERY has over 30 years’ experience in the health industry. www.powertube.com.au Email: tatiana@frequencyacademy.com.au


15/10/2018 7:15:26 AM

“How Not To Take On Other People’s Energies?” with

Sarah Be

“ I was disempowering myself daily… by taking on other people’s energies… I felt like I was drowning… and I did not know it was possible to change it…” – Sarah Be

“I am so grateful for the tools from Access Consciousness. I am now creating my life so far beyond anything I knew was possible!” – Sarah Be

WOULD YOU LIKE TO DISCOVER THE AMAZING TOOLS THAT CAN EMPOWER YOU… IN ALL SITUATIONS? Transformational Introductory Evening Tuesday 20th November 6.45pm to 8.30pm The Rivershore Resort, Diddillibah Sunshine Coast $35

The Amazing 5 Days Of Change Class with Access Consciousness and Sarah Be Friday 23rd-Tuesday 27th November Buderim, Sunshine Coast $1960 ($980 if repeating within 12 months) FOR MORE INFORMATION AND TO BOOK

Call Sarah on 0405 734 656 www.sarahbe.com accesssarah@gmail.com sarahbeenergetictransformations

ACCESS CONSCIOUSNESS All of life comes to me with Ease, Joy and Glory® Combining the HEALING power of Bowen Therapy with the POTENCY of Access Consciousness

WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN SEEKING THAT YOU ALWAYS KNEW WAS POSSIBLE? Pepa Demasson CFMW, is an Access Bars® and Access Body Process® Facilitator and is inspired and dedicated to raising global consciousness. Pepa is a gentle and dynamic being with more than 30 years’ experience facilitating children and adults.

Gain greater clarity and say YES to your life on the other side of choice. A private one-on-one session with Pepa is potent, intimate and dynamic. Her way is kind, clear, loving and astute with no judgement. Classes with Pepa are a fun and a powerful way to create rapid change in a group setting of curiosity and magic. Receive potent tools that help you go beyond what you ever thought possible for your life.

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12/10/2018 11:10:45 AM


Get social with like-minded blokes

while pursuing your hobbies


f you’re a man who is juggling the busyness of work, family, and relationships, it can be challenging to carve out time solely for you. Sometimes activities like catching up with mates, finding time to exercise, or pursuing a hobby aren’t a priority. But giving yourself an outlet to do what you enjoy most, and having the social support of other men, is invaluable. It contributes enormously to your happiness, while making you a well-rounded man who can better support your family and friends. On the Sunshine Coast, there’s an excellent range of men’s classes and activities. However, researching what’s available, finding the right activity for you, and fitting it into your schedule can be time consuming. That’s why we were thrilled to discover Mudputty: an online community that helps you easily find and book activities in your local area. We spoke with Mudputty’s founder, Raeleen Kaesehagen, about how men can benefit from using Mudputty.

What men’s activities are available on Mudputty? You can find health activities like: swim squad, fitness training, power yoga, meditation, and dance (including Latin, Brazilian, rock ’n’ roll, tango, salsa, beginners and couples classes). For those who enjoy creative activities, there’s guitar, ukulele, silversmithing and jewellery making, linoprint workshops, and book writing. There are also outdoor activities like gardening, horticulture, segway tours, and kayak fishing. Plus parenting workshops, computer and web courses. New activities are added regularly, so you’re sure to find something that suits your interests. How does Mudputty make men’s lives easier? Mudputty is a huge time saver. It offers a central place to discover and book the activities you enjoy most, while taking the stress out of managing logistics like payments and schedules. You can search classes by location,

age, time, and class category – so it’s easy to find the right activity near you. You can book online, get reminders, sync classes with your calendar, and message the class host. Everything is at your fingertips. What inspired you to create Mudputty? I noticed that the best activities on the Sunshine Coast were often the hardest to find. I’d spend hours searching for the perfect activity but often come up empty-handed. Later, I’d hear about an amazing class through word-of-mouth, and wonder why nobody else knew about it. As someone who is busy with work and family commitments, I needed a central place where I could easily find activities in my local area. Where can men sign-up to Mudputty? Go to www.mudputty.com to discover and book a great range of men’s classes, activities and social groups on the Sunshine Coast. It’s free to join and easy to use.

I am a Manifestor Magical Oracle Cards

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| NOVEMBER 2018 | Holistic Bliss


THIS IS WHAT CUSTOMERS ARE SAYING: “My cards arrived yesterday and WOW Linda, you have woven so much magic into these ones! I highly recommend these cards now , they are truly magical and I feel such direct contact with spirit when using them. Thank you Linda, awesome work. A" – Ebony J.

Use the I am a Manifestor Magical Oracle Cards to help you manifest the way of life you deserve for your highest good. www.facebook.com/Willowswayoflife I am a Manifestor www.white-light-for-the-soul.myshopify.com White Light Publishing House www.holisticblissmagazine.com

15/10/2018 7:16:39 AM



spiritually evolved men

the new



hat makes the new evolved man so sexy? My sense is that it’s about the conversations being at a new depth of understanding, and there is a greater consciousness of their surroundings and needs at a soul level. Knowing what we attract in this life is due to our own personal thoughts and actions without looking externally for reasons. I am 53 years of age, so as much as I have evolved and live a fifth dimensional life, there are many who are still living a three dimensional life


and have limited thinking and are stuck in old paradigms. It is not our place to judge, nor do I, but listening to a man that has awareness, lives on purpose without ego, and is willing to show the deepness of his knowledge, with a recognition of sharing a space where both people’s energies can expand is sexy! It is something to share. Owning your own story and having a mindfulness of others is what I hope for. In all humans, enlightenment is a bonus and knowing that there is something bigger than us is illuminating!

And when you reach that point share it with whoever you can! Remember what you think, speak and act on magically becomes a magnet that will draw in more of that. The more authentic you are, the more authentic people will surround you. Being a lover not a fighter comes back to having an open heart and you can only have an open heart after you have released what no longer serves you. My heart is open. www.facebook.com/Willowswayoflife

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15/10/2018 7:17:27 AM



et’s weigh in on the problem! Age-standardisation comparison in the 2011-2012 Australian Health Survey reported 28.3% of Australian adults to be obese, with a massive 63.4% being overweight or obese. Every year, hundreds of new diets are promoted worldwide. The diet industry is worth millions of dollars, yet only 2% of diets work, leaving a 98% failure rate. There are many medical risk factors of being overweight, including heart issues, diabetes type 2, stroke, high blood pressure, some cancers, osteoarthritis and gout. Unfortunately, most people on diets, yo-yo all their lives and never keep weight off permanently. From my learnings, I believe this is because people do not understand the root cause of their weight issue. Weight is emotional; it is an affliction brought about by beliefs buried in the subconscious mind, based on the words

you speak regularly and the pictures you create in your head. YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS IS LISTENING! How often have you heard people say, “No matter how much I diet, I cannot lose weight”, or “No matter how little I eat and how hard I exercise, I can’t lose weight”, or “I just look at food and I gain weight”, or “I just can’t give up carbs or sugar”? These words are repeated over and over, reconfirming limited beliefs to your subconscious mind. ARE YOU AN OVER-EATER? There are six types of over-eaters: emotional, uneducated (on food properties), habitual, obsessive, addictive and destructive. Do you belong in any of these categories? • For a greater insight on these overeater categories, please refer to the ‘Weight matters’ blog on my website: www.rapidmindtherapies.com.au/ weight-matters/ THERE IS AN ALTERNATIVE TO DRASTIC SURGERY Many seriously overweight people


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| NOVEMBER 2018 | Holistic Bliss


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feel that their only option is to resort to invasive surgery. All surgery carries a risk. Removing parts of your stomach or placing a gastric band is drastic and may lead to further health issues. The latest research indicates that the stomach is the second brain, so interfering with this may be detrimental. REDUCING YOUR BODY WEIGHT CAN BE PAINLESS Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) is a wonderful weight reduction tool. While you are in a hypnotic trance, we can discover the root cause of your weight issues; we can then set about fixing your habits and changing your beliefs by rewiring your brain to new healthy thoughts. We replace bad habits with good ones that are beneficial to you. There are a few methods we can apply, including re-education and a desire to eat foods that benefit your body by nourishing and rejuvenating your body.

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Ellen Agius, Nutritional Medicine Practitioner Phone 0408 708 618 www.SunshineCoastNutritionist.net.au www.holisticblissmagazine.com

15/10/2018 7:18:13 AM

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12/10/2018 11:11:28 AM




‘thank you’?

think I speak for most when I say at some point in our life we have received an out-of-the-blue thank you, or experienced a certain kindness that goes far beyond a duty of care or simply doing a ‘job’. When this happens like most receiving it, you sometimes don’t know what to do, as you consider that you haven’t done anything exceptional or out of the ordinary, you see it as merely doing what needs to be done. However, those receiving your kindness see it as something different, rather an act of grace and graciousness. And that’s a beautiful thing! Think for a moment at the last time you received a thank you for doing your job, or helping a friend. It may not be considered a big deal to you yet the person receiving your kindness is very appreciative and will say thank you, often more than once. Perhaps it’s simply being there at the right time, after all, every action always has an equal re-action. If you really mean it when you say thank you, the

other person will definitely feel it. Isn’t that a great way to be? Saying thank you is more than two words put together, it has a gorgeous humbling of energy behind it that really makes you feel happy and appreciated. I’m sure that most people just like you could list quite a few friends or family members that have simply ‘been there when you needed them’ moments throughout an emotional or tough time in your life. A thank you is more than just good manners and according to psychologists, it can also help build good social friendships, improves emotional and physical well-being and improves both the giver and receiver’s self-worth. Being able to help makes the person feel socially valued and appreciated. Today I’d love for you to stop and think when you’ve made someone feel special or when someone’s said thanks to you. How did you feel when given a thank you? Recently my family and I have

experienced this very thing, kindness and gratitude, over and above any “I’m just doing my job”. It stops you in your tracks and leaves you feeling such peace, happiness and kindness for others. For me there are 1000s of unsung heroes simply doing their work and going about their day, unaware of the absolute grace and kindness that they leave behind for others to appreciate. For this reason we are celebrating Gifts of Gratitude and invite you to share your story with us. How has someone helped you overcome a stressful time or helped in any way that sometimes saying thank you doesn’t seem enough. Simply email your story to info@organiclipbalm.com.au to be part of the November gift-away. Remember this as we launch into the ‘silly season’, take a moment to say thank you for everything in your life. To find out about our Gifts of Gratitude celebrations go to: www.organiclipbalm.com.au

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| NOVEMBER 2018 | Holistic Bliss


15/10/2018 7:18:53 AM


Men of

deep measure



efore I started this article, I observed the men in my life and I tried to evaluate their health, without judgement. The ones I deemed healthy and happy. The ones that were desperately struggling to make it through the day without letting the voices of doom convince them to die. I wonder if my circle of men is typical of most people’s… If so, the most profound and confronting revelation is that even with a tough exterior, there can also be vulnerability. Let me bring my husband into this article, he gets it. He is in touch with his mental health. He will identify when he is feeling flat or stressed. He will then go for a run or surf. He listens to music in his car, he tells me he is always aware of his physical and mental health. He also says it takes daily effort to stay healthy. The other thing I have noticed he has is a ‘guy gang’. They meet for coffee every Friday (and have done for years) and they have created a


community. I found this very strange in the beginning of our relationship, however now I see his ‘guy gang’ as a wonderful bantering, healing group. Unfortunately, they are not typical. Most homeless people are men. Men are more likely to suicide. According to Beyond Blue, most men won’t reach out for help. Maybe it’s time we as a community ask the question, how are you? Nutritional health is also a complicated factor. Men have been brainwashed for generations to eat meat and three veg. We now know this isn’t the best diet for cardiovascular health. Mix this diet with beer and a ‘man’s drink mentality’ and you have a recipe for potential heart disease. In a nutshell, men’s health is all about self-care and love. I know after writing this article and doing some research on men’s health, I will be a little softer and look a little deeper to the men around me. www.ecotan.com.au

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15/10/2018 7:19:39 AM


Release your own adult stem cells naturally without injections WORDS MARITA MASON


ave you ever asked yourself – Why do we age? Why do children heal so quickly? The answer to these questions is the amount of adult stem cells in our circulation. Adult stem cells are the only known source for rebuilding the body and renewing health by replacing lost, damaged or dead cells in our system. Adult stem cells have the ability to become virtually any other cell in the body. When any part of our body is hurt or injured, it sends out distress calls and stem cells rush to the part of the body that needs repair. They can become new kidney cells, liver, brain, heart, cartilage or muscle cells, etc. From birth through to age 30, we are unstoppable, almost bulletproof, with radiant skin, flexible resilient bodies, with no aches or pains. However, after age 30, a large percentage of our adult stem cells are no longer available (they get stuck in

the bone marrow). Once there are less stem cells, our bodies start accumulating aches, pains, loss of elasticity in our tissues (wrinkles), grey hair, etc. At age 60 we only have 10% of our own stem cells naturally migrating into the bone marrow. That’s why we age so quickly around this time. About 15 years ago, our scientific team created an extract made from a very potent ancient aqua botanical. This extract is the world’s first, clinically proven formula in history that triggers the release of our stem cells back into circulation so that these stem cells can renew and repair areas in need of help, just as our bodies did before 30. This means that once more adult stem cells are in circulation, they can respond to the cries of the body and replace sick, damaged or dead cells. Taking two capsules twice daily allows the release of 4-9 million stem cells per day, which gives our bodies the best opportunity

to repair. This is indeed an opportunity to have a new beginning for yourself! Imagine for a moment what life would be like if you could feel free to walk, hike, play, golf or perform a task as simple as walking up the stairs without pain. StmEnhance Ultra® is the first and only clinically proven product in history that triggers the release of our stem cells from our bone marrow to help renew and regenerate the function of our organs, bones, tissues, etc. We do not make any medical claims that StemEnhance Ultra® can heal or cure any medical condition. This product is simply the catalyst that naturally, safely helps the release of our stem cells back into circulation. Contact MARITA with any queries and to find out why STEM CELL NUTRITION can help you get your mojo back. Email: marita@maritamason .com www.maritamason.com

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| NOVEMBER 2018 | Holistic Bliss


12/10/2018 11:13:08 AM

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12/10/2018 11:12:28 AM


Stylish, organic hair

at Noosa


osi Yates is the creative genius behind Noosa Headz, a boutique, organic hair salon on the Sunshine Coast. Josi created Noosa Headz 10 years ago and while her team has expanded during this time, there are a few things that have not changed. Their mission is still about creating happy hair experiences and being a contribution to the planet. Josi believes in using non-toxic, non-aggressive, natural ingredients to promote healthier hair, scalp and skin. Green chemistry has come a long way and has shown us how simple it is to eliminate toxic chemicals and replace them with functional, active ingredients to restore and harmonise our looks. In addition, Noosa Headz recycles and only uses safe cleaning products. Their shampoos, conditioners and styling products are all free from sulfates, parabens, propylene glycol,

sodium chloride, mineral oils, etc and are animal cruelty free. They stock O&M and Zenz organic and many other eco-friendly products. Eco Head water filters are used to reduce water usage by up to 65%. This is a unique water filtration system to remove chloride, rust and dirt that generates negative ions for softer hair. At Noosa Headz Organic Hair, you can have peace of mind of a safe, organic experience. Josi said, “Hairdressing has been an integral part of my life. It has taken me to all parts of the globe and still today I have a passion for creating an individual image for my clients. After leaving Melbourne I fell in love with the Sunshine Coast, which has led me to create a safe, non-toxic haven for my clients and staff. I bring 28 years’ experience to my clients, as well as my team.” Over the next few months with

the festive season nearly upon us, you can experience some unique packages put together with style and consciousness. The ladies can treat themselves to a full range of luxe hair services or for something even more decadent, the ‘feeling sexy package’ includes: shampoo and Signature Shine Treatment, a 10-minute deluxe scalp massage, eyebrow shape and tint and glamorous blow dry finish. And for the guys, the ‘men’s grooming package’ might be a different approach to ‘Movember’ and the festive season: includes a peppermint scalp treatment, eyebrow tidy-up and a men’s precision style cut/finish. Relax, enjoy an organic herbal tea and have a safe hair and body experience with the expert team at Noosa Headz! Vist: www.noosaheadz.com.au and contact the team for a free consultation.

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Healthy is beautiful 44

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| NOVEMBER 2018 | Holistic Bliss

Safe, Natural, Beneficial Hair Experience IS YOUR HEALTH IMPORTANT TO YOU AND DO YOU LOVE OUR PLANET? We believe in using non-toxic, non-aggressive, natural ingredients to promote healthier hair, scalp and skin. Noosa Headz organic concept salon is conscious about our customers and our environment.

BOOKINGS: (07) 5447 5507 2/9 SUNSHINE BEACH ROAD, NOOSA HEADS SHOP ONLINE: www.noosaheadz.com.au www.holisticblissmagazine.com

15/10/2018 7:22:10 AM

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12/10/2018 11:13:41 AM

Books, DVDs, . . . s a c i t s i l o H CDs and more... BOOK:



The Meaning – a channelling for the New Millennium

The Return of the Gentleman

Entering the Secret World of Nature

AUTHOR Simon Peter

AUTHOR Dr Dain Heer

AUTHOR Michael Roads

What if, during the course of one night, everything you’d ever believed in changed completely, irrevocably, forever, no turning back? This is the account of the author’s experience with a primal being so ancient that the stars had yet to shine, and the planets were little more than motes of glittering dust… “For any soul trying to grasp the meaning of life, this book cleverly draws you into a deeper reality of the real reason you were born and why you are here.” – International Clairvoyant and Spiritual Counsellor, Christopher St John

Can a man be honourable, kind, and caring as well as potent? For over a decade, Dr Dain Heer, internationally renowned author, speaker, and cocreator of Access Consciousness, has been providing resources to deal with these issues. Now, in this uniquely conversational and interactive work, he empowers men (and women who want to understand what the men in their lives may be facing) to answer the questions at the heart of this challenge.

I have read all of Michael’s books with absolute fascination, and this book tops them all. I LOVE Michael’s style of writing that fully engages my attention. Normally I find two or three jewels in each book I devour, but I find far more in each chapter of this latest book. Recognising Nature as One with us is necessary to our survival on the planet. In this book Michael gives us the keys to that connection, and much, much more. This is a must read for every person who longs for that feeling of Oneness. Review by Linda Tellington-Jones Ph.D

RRP: $24.99 + postage + GST

RRP: $23.00 To purchase the book go to: www.accessconsciousness.com/en/ shop-catalog/book/return-of-thegentleman

A percentage of the proceeds of sales of Spirit Media Publishing products goes to the Black Dog Institute for mental health awareness.

Book enquiries: spiritmedia3@gmail.com

RRP: $26.00 To purchase the book go to: www.goo.gl/WiMxVJ

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15/10/2018 7:38:10 AM

Lyza Saint Ambrosena Inspirational Healer, Teacher, Mentor


Healing sessions to assist you in creating a beautiful life of healing relationships, self love, creativity and connection.


Events that inspire happier, healthier and wealthier living. Meditation, Spiritual Development, Live Inspirational Music & more.


Retreats created for you to come and relax, grow and connect with yourself and other like-minded journeyers.

Channelling Divine Guidance November 18, December 9 Join us LIVE or ONLINE STREAMED. There are very few mediums who fully incorporate spiritual healing presences and are able to walk, talk and function while interacting with those present. Lyza channels many Divine and Angelic beings who are here to support the transformation of human consciousness. “The energy is tangible and is felt by both those in the room and those viewing from all over the world.”

Live Healings – December 5 & January 9 LIVE STREAMED ONLINE EVENT. Join us to heal and transform old negative patterns and energy so you can allow more happiness, abundance, peace and love in your life.

“The Gift” Spiritual Development Weekend Level 1 and 2 – January 19-20 Learn to develop your psychic abilities, manifest quickly, clear fears and patterns. Taking our skills deeper and practising Miracle Metaphysics.

The Infinite Reconnection Retreat February 1, 2, 3

Individuals, couples and groups welcome. Join us for a live-in, all-inclusive soul-full weekend with yoga, meditation, healthy food, inspiring musicians and so much more. “We created this retreat to reconnect with nature, ourselves and our centre, the divine, incorporating healthy practices, relaxation, fun and heartfelt connection.”


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15/10/2018 7:23:16 AM


Natural remedies for common ailments WORDS DR ELAINE CEBULIAK

TOOTH AND GUM PROBLEMS Give dogs and cats raw meaty bones and crunchy vegetables regularly to chew on. The scraping action helps prevent plaque, which becomes mineralised as calculus build-up, which can lead to gum disease. Gently massage your fluffy friend’s gums and teeth daily, as a training exercise you can build up their tolerance to this. This helps to clean teeth and gums if done regularly. Finger

toothbrushes and dog and cat toothpaste are available from both pet shops and vets. Relieve your puppy’s teething pain by giving it an old linen tea towel or a cotton face washer to chew on but supervise this so the puppy doesn’t swallow this and get an intestinal blockage. Wet the washer and twist it before putting it in the freezer for an hour. The cold will help relieve the pain of sore, swollen and irritated gums. Feed frozen meat and frozen stews for puppy’s meals. The soothing cold helps the gums and as it thaws it can be dinner, eaten slowly. Bonjela ointment can help. URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS Stir a small amount of cranberry juice (no added sugar, and NO Xylitol – which is poisonous to dogs) or 2501000mg vitamin C powder into your pet’s food. This can help to acidify the urine and stop the infection-causing bacteria multiplying in the bladder. Citrus juice has a similar effect and may also ease painful urination. D Mannose sugar prevents bacteria from taking hold, and Ba Zheng San the Chinese herbal formulae is also helpful.

Consult your vet if there is blood in the urine. This is usually a sign of infection and your pet may need to commence a course of antibiotics immediately. Leaving it too long may worsen the situation and cause unnecessary suffering for your animal friend. Animal Wellness has expanded – visit their new location in East Brisbane and visit: www.animalwellness.com.au


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| NOVEMBER 2018 | Holistic Bliss


15/10/2018 7:25:08 AM


What are you really feeding your pet? WORDS JAMES GREEN


s we pay more attention to the quality and nutritive value of the food we eat, the same focus and attention is also turning towards the quality of the products being fed to Australian pets. With so many feeding options out there, it can often be difficult to make an informed decision. The quality of ingredients in popular pet foods varies significantly. There is an even wider distinction between dry (kibble) products and natural (raw) choices. A good starting point to evaluate is looking at the way ingredients are processed. One of the most popular pet food manufacturing processes is called ‘rendering’ and is used in many dry and canned pet food products. It’s a very cost effective way for pet food manufacturers to take what would otherwise be considered (in some circumstances) inedible by-products (feathers, feet, entrails) and through a process of boiling down, a meat type substance known as ‘meat meals’ are created. Not only are these meals lacking essential nutrients (with many manufacturers adding synthetic vitamins and minerals), they have been known to

contain input ingredients that should be of real concern for pet owners. Advertising is another means of consumer deception in the pet food space. A leading dry food company advertising a ‘premium’ range of dog food neglected to inform customers that despite the marketing spin and claims of ultimate nutrition, the product provided only 5% actual meat while containing a staggering 46% grain-based carbohydrates. It is difficult to reconcile how a manufacturer can, in good conscience, promote a product with questionable ingredients and/or limited nutritional value as suitable nutrition for our family pets. Disappointedly, not all ‘natural’ pet food options are committed to improved quality or ingredient transparency. A number of established and new entrants in the natural or ‘raw’ pet food segment promote the use of ingredients ‘sourced from human grade facilities’ or similar claims. This is where consumers are being misled as to the quality of these products. The same by-products and waste

products used for rendered dry and canned pet foods could claim to come from ‘human grade facilities’ because ALL primary processing plants are designed to deliver human grade meat products, making this claim worthless. The only way to ensure your pet’s food contains the best selection of high quality ingredients is to look for a guarantee of 100% human grade ingredients from a manufacturer who is willing, able and happy to qualify this claim when asked by consumers. Label integrity is the key to consumer trust and confidence. To make sure you are feeding a quality meal to your pet, make a point of reading the ingredient list, taking note of non-food items or additives, ingredients followed by numbers (synthetic supplements), qualifiers such as ‘may contain’ or a lack of information regarding the volume of each ingredient that can hide the true composition of a pet food product. Remember, your pet is relying on you for their nutritional requirements. Our advice – choose wisely. www.rawfeederskitchen.com

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What are our animals here to teach us? WORDS CLAIRE OATS, Animal Energy Therapies


f your animal’s behaviour was trying to tell you something, would you listen? What if your animal’s behaviour was trying to tell you something about your emotions? As an animal kinesiologist, over the years I have observed how many animals have the same issue as their owners. For example, anxious people tend to have anxious dogs. This can show as the dog being fearful in certain situations, or aggressive and defensive around other dogs. In cases like this, your animal is a mirror image of your own fears and insecurities. How do you react in these situations? Being aware that our animals are part of our wider energetic circuit, and that they will mirror our emotions, gives a great opportunity for personal growth. Animals bring us face to face with the parts of us that most need work. It is not always the case that we directly cause issues with our animals, it is often that we attract animals with a similar energy to our own. We are drawn to animals who best match our frequency because

they seem familiar to us. The problems and behaviours that irritate us most about our animals are the emotions within ourselves that we have the most resistance to. For example, if your dog is fearful of new and unfamiliar situations, perhaps this is also true for you. Do you avoid change? Do you like to stay within your comfort zone? Often the best way to help your animal is to be brave and face your own insecurities. admin@animalenergytherapies.com www.animalenergytherapies.com



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| NOVEMBER 2018 | Holistic Bliss


12/10/2018 11:16:26 AM

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It’s not my occupation and my identity in it that defines who I am. It’s who I am at home in the mundane, how I interact with my family, how I behave in the good and tough times. That is the man the world needs to see and if I need to hide that man… that’s where my work is!

Wolfgang Wildgrace, 2015


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Wolfgang 0403 718 456 to make an appt today wolfgang@wildgracecounsellingandtherapies.com Individual and Couples Sessions Group Work and International Zoom Holistic Bliss | NOVEMBER 2018 |

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12/10/2018 11:17:07 AM

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