Holistic Bliss Magazine

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Conscious Coupling & Uncoupling FEATURE


Well-being BUSINESS






Volume 118 ISSN: 1836-8840


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From the Creator of HBM... T

his edition is devoted to ‘creating conscious relationships’ and we also hear from some of our writers about how to ‘breakup’ in a more conscious way. Many agree that creating a great relationship stems from the great relationship we have with ourselves! Over the years I have met people who believed that being in a romantic partnership/relationship was getting in the way of their growth or was for the ‘less evolved’. While I don’t resonate with the idea of partnership being ‘a less conscious choice’, it’s not my place to say what’s the best choice for an individual or couple. I can say what I have noticed in my life… after being in a few longterm relationships, I moved away from socialising and romantic relationships for a period in my late twenties and meditated full-time for three months. While it was a peaceful experience, (I had no real worldly desires at the time and possibly could have stayed on living in this way)… three months in, when I really listened, my inner voice was urging me to experience



more of life and contribute to others. So I packed up and pursued a job overseas for a year (while still meditating) and then returned to Australia and met my current partner a few years later. During the 14 years we have known each other, we have both gone through huge change, we have also broken up twice without bitterness. In retrospect, it gave us room to gain clarity away from each other. And when we both chose to create the relationship again, it was different, more collaborative, joyful and contributory because we had both changed and let go of many illusions. I have learnt so much on my own and also by being in relationship. I choose to create my life journey in this way and encourage others to experience what is most congruent for them. And please reach out to the contributors in this magazine to move through challenging times with more ease. A

Conscious Coupling & Uncoupling FEATURE



Well-being BUSINESS







Volume 118 ISSN: 1836-8840




Lyza Saint Ambrosena & Cameron Monley, p20-21 PHOTO: A NNIE NOON FOTOFORCE PHOTOGRAPHY


Vanessa Finnigan Phone 0422 538 335 EDITORIAL ENQUIRIES:

ed@holisticblissmagazine.com ADVERTISING:

Phone 1800 543 351 Krishna Everson krishna@holisticblissmagazine.com DESIGNER:

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POSTAL ADDRESS: Holistic Bliss is printed each month on carbon neutral gloss paper, with soy-based inks and uses a local FSC® certified printer.


Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in Holistic Bliss are not necessarily those of the publisher. Advice is non-specific and does not necessarily substitute medical or professional advice for health conditions. Vanessa Finnigan and Holistic Bliss Magazine take no responsibility for content past and present or guarantee results or outcome from any product or service. We do not make any claims that anything published in this magazine is a prevention, treatment or cure . The magazine is not affiliated with any religious group or political or any other group. Holistic Bliss takes no responsibility for the content of advertisements. Holistic Bliss may alter the size, content or position of an advertisement where necessary. Articles, adverts or any other part of this magazine is not to be reproduced without the permission of the publisher of Holistic Bliss and all requests must be made in writing.


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15/10/2019 7:43:56 AM



36 Food for the Soul 06 Garlic Cauliflower Mashed Cakes TERRY and CHAU BOYLE


eating healthy food wrecking Is your gut? JOEL GRACE


Indulgent Jaffa Celebration Cake




There’s nothing quite like… Hemptella! MELANIE LEONTINE


Self care in a fast-paced world


Holistic Business 12 5 reasons to start a business in wellbeing TROY HAINES


Don’t let money come between you and your partner KATH ORMAN

Conscious Coupling & Uncoupling 14

What does having a conscious relationship mean? JEAN SHEEHAN


Breaking up is easy(ish)



The family that sweats together… ANNIE CLARK



4 WAYS TO READ NEVER MISS AN ISSUE OF HOLISTIC BLISS •S ubscribe: Receive 11 editions delivered to your door for only $44 per year – visit www.holisticblissmagazine.com utlets: Pick up your free copy •O – check out Distribution at www.holisticblissmagazine.com nline: View the digital edition •O at www.issuu.com – search Holistic Bliss pp: Install on your phone for free •A – search Holistic Bliss Magazine

Unlock your love blocks REBECCA-LEE

Cover Story 20-21 Lyza Saint Ambrosena & Cameron Monley: Know Thyself for a Great Relationship KRISHNA EVERSON

Conscious Coupling & Uncoupling (Cont.)



24 The philosophy of conscious uncoupling TATIANA SAVERY

25 26

Let love lead



Holistic Beauty & Style

What is the most important relationship you will ever have?


you experiencing mummy Are exhaustion?




How to shift from heart-breaking to heart-opening RIKKA ZIMMERMAN


Calling in ‘the one’




ouple your health with C a beautiful smile



40-41 5G radiation and testing of the Geoclense 42

The yoga of relationship

Expectation: The silent killer! DELANY DELANEY

Breaking up and finding new love with heart SONYA DRIVER



The synergy of natural fragrance TEONE REINTHAL



Fibromyalgia – a fluid perspective GAYLYN AITKEN


Practitioners who specialise in working with singles and couples

Crystal therapy for your relationship? KELLI BROOKER



Grow together or grow apart TONI REILLY

22 The mirror of relationships

17 The art of conscious coupling JILL CROSBY


18 The lost art of connection

Heart talk


Our biggest holiday giveaway!!!

Natural Animal Care 46-47 Seven years of searching for answers to allergies DR GARRY BRIGHT

Chat With The Body Health Medium, Felicity Scott 49 HOLISTIC AS… Books and more 50 Know thyself through art therapy 48


Holistic Bliss | NOVEMBER 2019 |

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15/10/2019 5:15:45 AM


Garlic Cauliflower Mashed Cakes RECIPE TERRY and CHAU BOYLE, Your Organic Markets


his recipe is adapted from Paleo Hacks. Just like potato-based cakes, this comforting version can range from crunchy to smooth. You can blend them with any of your favourite spices, or bits of crispy bacon for varying flavours (or use potato or sweet potato). Prep: 5 minutes | Cook: 40 minutes Ready: 45 minutes | Serve: 6 cakes Ingredients (use organic): 4 cups water 4 cups cauliflower florets 1 large egg ⅓ cup arrowroot flour 2 tbsp minced chives ½ tsp minced garlic ½ tsp salt 2 tbsp avocado oil

Method: Bring water to a boil in a medium stockpot. Add the cauliflower and cook for 8-10 minutes. Strain and transfer the cauliflower into a food processor. Blend for about 30 seconds, then add the egg, arrowroot flour, chives, garlic, and sea salt. Continue pulsing for another 10 seconds to fully combine. When finished, heat 1 tablespoon of avocado oil in a skillet over medium heat for 2 minutes. Scoop ¼ cup of cauliflower mixture onto the hot skillet and shape into a circular cake using a spatula. Cook for 5 minutes on each side, then repeat


with the remaining cauliflower mixture (adding more avocado oil as needed). Serve hot and enjoy! NOTE: These cauliflower cakes are best eaten right away as reheating can make them lose their structure. www.yourorganicmarkets.com.au


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I NS P I R AT I O N – LAU G H T E R – E N E R GY – F U N ! Top Up Your Wellness Bank Account! 6

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| NOVEMBER 2019 | Holistic Bliss


15/10/2019 5:19:00 AM


Is eating healthy food

wrecking your gut?

WORDS JOEL GRACE, Owner Sunshine Colonics Health & Wellness Centre


e all know that clean and healthy eating is supposed to be good for you, right? From a young age, it’s drummed into us that fruit and veggies are the best choices to keep you healthy; after all, an apple a day is famous for keeping the doctor away! But what happens when the healthy food you eat starts to attack you and make you feel worse than ever? As we enter the spring-cleaning season and consume copious green juices and kale smoothies, more and more people are finding there can be a high price to being healthy if it’s not done in the right way for your body. HOW CAN FOOD BE NUTRITIOUS FOR SOME, BUT POISONOUS TO OTHERS? Greens are supposed to be healthy for us. But lurking in your spinach salad or green smoothie is an antinutrient known as oxalates that could be causing you harm. Oxalic acid from food sources can bind to minerals to form compounds such as calcium oxalate and iron oxalate, and usually

occurs in the colon and kidneys. We excrete oxalates via our stool or urine, but for those with oxalate sensitivity, a high-oxalate diet is likely to cause issues such as kidney stones and other health problems. Because oxalates bind with other minerals in your gut, highoxalate foods can also hinder nutrient absorption in sensitive individuals. Fortunately, some dietary oxalates can be broken down by bacteria in your gut before it can bind with minerals, which is why keeping a clean colon populated with friendly bacteria is essential for people with oxalate sensitivity. FOOD SOURCES OF OXALATES It’s important to remember that most foods with oxalates are extremely healthy for us, so they shouldn’t be entirely removed from your diet. Avoiding high-oxalate foods entirely is unnecessary for most people, and doing so can cause you to miss out on essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fibre. If you suffer from oxalate sensitivity or easily form

kidney stones, you can benefit from reducing and monitoring your intake of high-oxalate foods such as leafy greens (spinach, kale, chard, beet greens, endive, etc), some root vegetables (beetroot, sweet potato), gluten, and nuts/mylks (almonds, peanuts). BIOHACK YOUR WAY OUT OF OXALATE SENSITIVITY The good news is there are a few simple hacks you can employ to minimise the impact of dietary oxalates on your wellbeing. Steaming or boiling your greens can dramatically reduce their oxalate content by as much as 90%. Also, ensure you get additional calcium in your diet, as oxalates will bind with calcium in your gut and block its absorption. Gut-friendly foods that are high in calcium but low in oxalates include broccoli, bok choy and other Asian greens. Finally, ensure you’re getting at least 10 glasses of water each day, even more if you’re prone to kidney stones. www.sunshinecolonics.com.au

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15/10/2019 5:20:05 AM


Indulgent Jaffa Celebration Cake RECIPE KIM MORRISON


his would have to be my most favourite gluten-free chocolate cake in the world. I share a slight adaptation here of beautiful functional nutritionist Sheridan Austin’s ‘Incredibly Decadent Chocolate Cake’ available on her website. With a love of celebration – and essential oils – you can see what I have done to create the most indulgent gluten-free jaffa celebration cake in the world! Now I DOUBLE this recipe to create an exquisite four-layered celebration cake that will have everyone talking! Ingredients: 3 cups almond meal ¼ cup coconut flour ½ cup arrowroot (or ½ cup cacao powder for more chocolate flavour) 4 eggs 3 tsp vanilla essence 2 drops organic orange essential oil 1 tsp bi-carbonate soda 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar ½ cup coconut oil 1 cup coconut cream ¾ cup maple syrup Pinch of salt

Method: Preheat your oven to 180°C. Combine all ingredients in your blender or bowl and mix well until fully combined. Scoop into a lined cake tin (I also lined the edges), and place in the oven for 30-40 minutes or until a skewer or knife comes out clean. Remove from the oven and allow to cool on your bench top. INDULGENT JAFFA GANACHE Ingredients: 1 cup thick coconut cream (I use the Ayam brand) ¼ cup coconut oil ¼ cup cacao butter 4½ tbsp cacao powder 110g avocado flesh (1 medium avocado) Roughly ⅓ cup maple syrup 2 tsp vanilla essence 2 drops organic orange essential oil Method: Melt down the coconut oil and cacao butter, and then blend all ingredients together until well combined. Taste the mixture to ensure there is

enough sweetness for you and your audience, and adjust if required. Allow to cool just slightly before drizzling it over the cake. This will allow it to thicken slightly and to ensure it does not drizzle all the way off. With doubling the recipe, I like to cut each cake in half so I have 4 layers and then drizzle over each layer. Set in the fridge and then remove half an hour before required. Enjoy every incredibly indulgent and delicious mouthful! www.kimmorrison.com www.twenty8.com www.sheridanjoy.com


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| NOVEMBER 2019 | Holistic Bliss


15/10/2019 5:20:59 AM


There’s nothing quite like… Hemptella! WORDS MELANIE LEONTINE


here is no denying that comfort food gives us – well it gives us comfort… particularly when it comes to affairs of the heart.

We celebrate with joyous social feasts with the coupling of lovers and in stark contrast, retreat into a dim corner of the world with comfort food when uncoupling occurs. We can nourish our bodies while finding comfort and satiation. The very best comfort delights are full of creamy, buttery goodness which make us want to curl up and take a nap afterward to rest, process and heal. For thousands of years Cannabis Sativa L. has been a staple for

both dietary needs and medicinal requirements. In modern times hemp foods are used in the very same manner… soul food, healing food, comfort food! Enjoy this simple yet incredibly delicious recipe… Do you love Nutella? I call this one Hemptella! Ingredients: 1 cup of hemp seed hearts (hemp seeds) ¼ cup of non-dairy milk 1 heaped tbsp of cacao powder (or cocoa) 1½ tbsp of organic maple syrup or honey

Method: Combine all the ingredients in your blender machine or a bowl if using an electric beater. Keep blending until the ingredients form a smooth, creamy textured butter. Taste test to check the sweetness and divine chocolatey flavour, add more maple syrup/honey and cacao/cocoa powder to your liking. BON APPÉTIT!!! Purchase your local organic hemp seeds from the Hempothecary: Shop/169B Main St, Montville Qld 4560 www.hempothecary.com

#EndThePooTaboo Here at Sunshine Colonics, we reckon there shouldn’t be a taboo around poo talk. So we’re launching a competition for your friends to see getting a colonic is as normal as getting a massage! TO ENTER:


1 OF 3 PRIZES Total Value


1. Take a selfie when having your next colonic and post it on Instagram, Facebook, or both to double your chances of winning. 2. Don’t forget to check in to Sunshine Colonics when you post your selfie! 3. Use the hashtag #EndThePooTaboo to make your entry count. 1st prize: Our popular 5-Day Cleanse Pack – 5 Colonics and 5 Infrared Sauna Sessions valued at $575. 2nd prize: A Business Card Advertisement in HBM (including artwork) to go in the Feb 2020 edition valued at $385. 3rd prize: A Colonic, Coffee Enema and Far Infrared Sauna Session valued at $190. Prizes drawn 2 December 2019. Visit www.sunshinecolonics.com.au for full T&Cs.

3/82 Parker Street, Maroochydore Q 4558 joel@sunshinecolonics.com.au facebook.com/sunshinecolonicsau

Phone (07) 5326 3537


Joel Grace Owner / Certified Colon Hydrotherapist Holistic Bliss | NOVEMBER 2019 |

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15/10/2019 5:22:05 AM


Self-care in a

fast-paced world

WORDS CASSANDRA COOK and KIRRA MORRILL, Naturopaths, Integrated Wellness Clinic


eekly yoga classes, long walks on the beach and a perfect night’s sleep may seem impossible for some people. But what if some of these daily pleasures were the key to overcoming health burdens and maintaining balance? As naturopaths, self-care is one of the main lifestyle changes we educate our patients on every day, because it is just so important! Have you ever heard of the fightor-flight response? The fight-or-flight response is an evolutionary mechanism that allows us to ‘run from the tiger’ or other life-threatening situations. Unfortunately, our body hasn’t had the chance to evolve to our new-age stressors – money, bills, work, family and so on – and this can cause a continuously stimulated stress response and prolonged release of hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. Over time, this causes hormonal imbalances, constipation, compromised immune system, fatigue and cardiovascular complications. This is where self-care comes in.

There are small lifestyle, nutritional and dietary changes we can incorporate in our daily lives to balance our fight-orflight response. Lifestyle: Yoga, tai chi, mindfulness and meditation are all effective in reducing cortisol levels. Possibly the simplest and most cost-effective method is to download a mindfulness meditation app. Mindfulness and breathing techniques have been shown to stimulate the vagus nerve, which runs from the brain to various parts of the body, to help switch off the stress response. Starting with 5-10 minutes each day and working up to 30-40 minutes each day has been shown to have huge benefits for stress-driven conditions. Diet: The main dietary change that we work on to support the impact of cortisol, is adding appropriate protein into the diet throughout the day. Protein is the building block for our regulatory neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, GABA, dopamine and melatonin. Good sources of protein include grass-fed beef, pasture-raised organic chicken and eggs,

fish and other seafood, protein powder, collagen powder, nuts and seeds. Nutrition: If prolonged cortisol release leaves you fatigued, unable to sleep properly or with unbalanced hormones, you may be experiencing adrenal fatigue. This is when your adrenal glands struggle to keep up with the amount of cortisol needed to facilitate the fight-or-flight response. A great supplement to support this pathway is vitamin C. The body cannot produce vitamin C itself and the adrenal glands use vitamin C very quickly to keep up with the production of cortisol, so adding some into your supplement regime may support your adrenal glands. Although these are some simple and effective ways to balance your stress response and implement selfcare, prolonged cortisol release due to stress may have long-term health effects. Please advise your healthcare professional if you would like to explore this further. www.integratedwellnessclinic.com.au

YOU, UNLEASHED Not for everyone

THIS IS AN INVITATION SPREAD ACROSS 2 EVENTS TO DISCOVER YOUR CALLING AND LIVE IT FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. “I lived my life uncomfortable in my own skin, dreading almost everything. I felt fragile, I felt fundamentally flawed and my controlling ways were failing miserably. ‘This cannot be the truth of who I am,’ whispered my deeper knowing. So I embarked on a search for truth. On my travels I met Anurag. He kicked my ass and showed me how to tap into my unique gift, my power and how to bring it into the world. The best part is the unwavering freedom and confidence of living a fully aligned life.” I asked Anurag if we could share this and he said yes and to let you know the following: For people who would like to have fun and have their ass kicked at the same time. The game is to dig in, wake up and get real. This is not about what you can get from life, but rather what you can give to life. You will: • Get straight where you do not live teachings you say are important and learn how to embody them. • Have a clear understanding about why your life goes the way it does and have access to have it go another way. • Get clear about who you are and what your life is for. • Know that it is simple (although not without effort) to design and build a life aligned to your calling that makes your heart sing! • Understand the nature of intention, architecture and environment. And what is needed to create the architecture and environment to fulfil your intention.


10.indd 1

| NOVEMBER 2019 | Holistic Bliss

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INTERESTED? Call Corey: 0400 979 205 E: loveamorefoundation@gmail.com www.holisticblissmagazine.com

15/10/2019 11:21:23 AM


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15/10/2019 5:24:01 AM


5 reasons to start a business in wellbeing WORDS TROY HAINES


ears before becoming an entrepreneur, it was suffering that brought me to the path of personal development and it’s been the workshops, products and services of countless people over many years that helped me move beyond suffering. Through theSPACE (my startup incubator) we are researching consciousness and as the wellness industry explodes, here are 5 reasons to start your wellbeing business: 1. The global trend is towards wellness. “Once upon a time, our contact with wellness was occasional; we went to the gym or had a massage. But this is changing fast; a wellness mindset is starting to permeate the global consumer consciousness, affecting people’s daily decision-making – whether food purchases, a focus on mental wellness and reducing stress, incorporating movement into daily life, environmental consciousness, or their yearning for connection and happiness,” noted Katherine Johnston, Global Wellness Institute. “Wellness, for more people, is evolving from rarely to

daily, from episodic to essential, from a luxury to a dominant lifestyle value. And that profound shift is driving powerful growth.” 2. ‘Unwellness’ at work costs $US2.2 trillion. Global Wellness Institute says ‘unwellness’ at work costs the US economy $2.2 trillion annually. Disengaged workers cost businesses $550 billion in lost productivity, while workers with chronic disease cost companies $1.1 billion. Then $250 billion in work-related injuries and illnesses, and $300 billion in workrelated stress. 3. Wellness is now a $4.2 trillion global industry. The global wellness industry grew 12.8% from 2015-2017, from a $3.7 trillion to a $4.2 trillion market. To put that in economic context, from 2015-2017, the wellness economy grew 6.4% annually, nearly twice as fast as global economic growth (3.6%). Wellness expenditures ($4.2 trillion) are now more than half as large as total global health expenditures ($7.3 trillion). And the wellness industry represents 5.3% of global economic output.

4. 4.2 million Australians received mental health-related prescriptions in 2017-18. And $9.1 billion was spent on mental health in 2016-17. The Australian Government announced a number of mental health-related measures in the 2019 Federal budget, providing $736.6 million for mental health and suicide prevention initiatives over seven years. 5. A global ecosystem supporting entrepreneurs and innovators to build transformative technology. Transformative Technology Lab is leading the formation of a global ecosystem to support the development of Transformative Technologies. TT operates off the premise of taking the tech that has taxed our thinking and relationships and use it instead to transform our hearts and minds. Use it to have greater clarity, joy and connection and with this, we will have more possibility. Join TROY’s online masterclass to learn how: www.everydayentrepreneurs.info/masterclass


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15/10/2019 5:24:59 AM


Don’t let money

come between you and your partner



ou are now a couple! Congratulations. You have met your soulmate and your heart is all aflutter. This is it – the one you have been dreaming of and want to spend the rest of your life with. You laugh and love together and are planning how wonderful the future will be. You discuss where you want to live, the places you want to travel to, how many children you will have and who is the best cook. The happiness of sharing your life with the perfect partner bubbles up inside you and you feel like a rainbow has arrived in your world. Keeping this magic alive and thriving through the years ahead requires both great communication and the dedication to make it work. Of course there is likely to be many challenges along the way as the pressures of everyday life arise. However, one of the biggest stumbling blocks and the cause of many arguments between couples is about MONEY! You may have a completely different attitude towards money than your partner. One may come to the table with savings and a well-disciplined

approach and respect for paying bills on time. The other perhaps lives in the moment, from payday to payday and buys on impulse. One of the most powerful things you can do for your relationship and your future, is to seek guidance and direction from a trusted financial planner. When a third party can put aside the emotion and guide you in the direction of your dreams, magic happens. The road ahead seems more positive and you begin to work together and discuss issues. You become aware of any possible limiting beliefs you may have around money. Where did that belief come from? Is it true? You ask yourself, “Am I really hopeless with money? Can I put that belief in the past (where it belongs) and move forward, hand in hand with my partner and achieve a wonderful life together?” It is so rewarding to see couples who finally feel that they are on the same page, instead of a different chapter or even a totally different book. Please email me if you would like to receive a free budget template, which is a great start in tackling your finances.

UNCOUPLING Sadly the divorce rate continues to rise, as relationships break down and couples part. I have been through this myself and it is a very sad and emotional time. I have recently been privileged to witness an amazing couple go their separate ways with dignity and respect. When they came to me, they had amicably worked through the numbers of their separation and wanted input regarding their ideas, before seeking professional legal advice. I was impressed they were able to sit across from me and discuss the separation, only wanting the best outcome for each other without the acrimony. What an absolute blessing to witness. How wise they are. KATH ORMAN is a Senior Financial Planner of her company Goals & Dreams Financial Planning Pty Ltd, which is an authorised representative of Charter Financial Planning Limited AFSL 234665. If you would like to know more email: kath.orman@goalsanddreams.com.au or phone: (07) 3350 9595

THERE’S NEVER BEEN A BETTER TIME TO START A BUSINESS IN WELLBEING. What if you could launch any new business idea in weeks, using a process that takes away 95% of the risk?! There’s a FREE Masterclass that you should be on, where successful Entrepreneur and Founder of theSPACE, Troy Haines shares 3 key secrets that change everything. REGISTER HERE:

www.everydayentrepreneurs.info/masterclass Supported by:

Holistic Bliss | NOVEMBER 2019 |

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15/10/2019 5:25:38 AM


What does having a

conscious relationship mean?

WORDS JEAN SHEEHAN, Principal – Millennium Education


he most valuable and powerful relationship to have is a conscious one. But what does that mean? What are the benefits to your body? To be conscious means to be fully aware of what you think, do, say and behave. It means to know the law of attraction, karma, and cause and effect. It is knowing how you feel, others feel and the consequences to all. Being conscious or aware in a relationship means being able to know where you are at any given moment and respond in a way that makes you healthy, in love and at peace. This applies to you or anyone or anything else. To be conscious is to be in your power, which is absolute love. If you feel fear-based emotions or reactions, that is OK too. Be aware and acknowledge them, but allow yourself to come to a space of absolute love again. This action empowers the body to have health in mind, body and spirit. It is not about always being happy; it is about knowing what is going on for you and taking personal responsibility for it. It is not about blaming, denying or pretending; it is about shining your

brilliance. This lets the body have a natural flow of energy and chemical balance so all systems work at an optimal level. When you are unconscious in your relationship with your self is when disease happens in the body. My client, 54-year-old ‘Frank’, was unconscious of the pain he had over his father’s death. He said he was “ok… people get old and die.” However, after the funeral, he chose to deal with his feelings by smoking lots of cigarettes, which suppressed grief, and drink himself silly with alcohol, which numbed the pain and pushed away the anger to the liver. He had unconsciously chosen to stay away from how he felt, which was a behaviour he had learnt to do for most of his life. The relationship he had with himself was painful, as he always felt like a ‘loser and failure’ (his words). Consequently, Frank had a fatty liver, was depressed, had the start of diabetes, his left foot had gout and both knees needed surgery. Frank’s body was showing his unconscious secrets and how he felt

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about life. To be conscious with yourself is the start of amazing relationships with others. Be you. Allow yourself to know you, express you and let you shine. You are so worth it and so many will want to be with you. Time to be conscious that you are AMAZING! JEAN SHEEHAN is a keynote speaker, 4-time Amazon best-selling author and founder of the Millennium Modality® – Medical Intuition. Join one of her accredited courses or purchase her Medical Intuitive Oracle Cards. www.MillenniumEducation.com

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Breaking up is easy(ish) WORDS BRENDON WATT and SIMONE MILASAS


uch of what we learn about creating relationships involves excluding parts of ourselves to be with another person, a partner, family or friends. Yet, we suggest that relationships can create something greater for everyone involved. A good relationship should create at least 20 times more than if you were alone. If you would like your relationship to be creative, start asking, “What can I contribute to this person and what can they contribute to me?” Many people think those in relationships should do everything together and create everything together, but this rarely works as we are all different and create differently. Asking what you can contribute allows you to see where you have something to add to what the other person is creating and the places where it doesn’t work. Allowance is another key to successful relationships. Now, allowance doesn’t mean people walk all over you.

Allowance is where you see someone for who they are and what they are choosing, don’t try to change any of it. One of the greatest things we did when we were in a relationship was destroying and ‘uncreating’ everything our relationship was yesterday, so we could create something different today. Most people get bored of their relationships because they don’t change enough and it becomes about maintaining what was, not creating what can be. We were in a great relationship for eight years, so instead of creating trauma and drama around splitting up, we chose to ‘uncreate’ the relationship and re-create a friendship. Most people choose to fight and create separation when they break up, we did not. We used some of the same Access Consciousness tools for creating our relationship to ‘uncreate’ our relationship. That doesn’t mean uncreating/breaking up a relationship is easy. Some aspects can be quite confronting and you need to be present

with what it is you would like to create with the other person as a future. You have to be willing to have World War III! When we broke up we grabbed a bottle of wine, sat outside and said, “Okay, let’s have this conversation and be willing to lay it all out on the table.” It was actually one of the best conversations we had in our relationship. If you avoid having those conversations, neither of you are freed and neither can create something different. It’s being vulnerable with yourself and one another that allows things to change and be different. Our relationship has changed. We continue to expand our wealth creation, our business, our friendship and are open to whatever possibilities arise that we can contribute to each other. Breaking up doesn’t have to be about destroying everything you have created together. It’s just looking from a different point of view to see what can be created now. www.relationshipsdonedifferent.com www.relationshipareyousureyouwantone.com

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The family that

sweats together...



don’t believe in perfect relationships, I just believe in ‘relationships’. My husband and I are often asked, how we survived so long in our marriage, still having a loving and sincere bond? Here’s the answer to that – it’s never perfect! We acknowledge right from the start that there will be days when we disagree, and things don’t go so smoothly. We attribute our partnership success to a mutual give and take and honest feedback. There’s another contributing factor, we train in fitness together. We have one son, who is very fit, very well and follows our lead with keeping the body in good condition. We are a family that has core values around keeping fit and active, and eating food that is alive with nutrients. Statistically children born into environments where the emphasis is on healthy living certainly do have an advantage in other areas of their

lives and tend to make better choices. I believe that when everyone in the family is in sync around healthy living then the odds are better. The experts agree that working out with your partner or your kids is a great way to stay motivated and mentally happier! It is a way of physically sharing an experience with each other, an often refreshing and much needed alternative to more verbal means of connecting, allowing people to just be with each other! Darryl and I walked Hinchinbrook Island together, we ran marathons together, climbed mountains together, and have those positive experiences to laugh and talk about for the rest of our lives! From a fitness standpoint, working out as a couple or family can give each person in the relationship the mental push he or she might need. I know that working out with my husband urges me on to work a little harder.

When couples work out together, it’s a symbiotic relationship. When one struggles, so does the other. They are entirely dependent on each other for success. Experts say when one person in the relationship is in shape and the other person isn’t, it can cause a tremendous amount of strain on the relationship. So if you’re planning on changing your diet, or your exercise routine, get your partner and kids on board with the whole box and dice, get them motivated to keep you accountable, and when they are getting up early to exercise with you, it becomes less lonely, and more achievable. Remember, ‘The couple/family that sweats together stays together!’... and wins out in the end! ANNE CLARK – Author / Lifestyle Health Consultant / Conscious Life Educator / Facilitator for Lifestyle Reset Retreats / Speaker Health and Lifestyle topics. www.anneclark.com.au

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| NOVEMBER 2019 | Holistic Bliss


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The art of

conscious coupling



hen two conscious, evolved people come together in relationship, the power of one plus one becomes exponentially greater than two! I’ve witnessed this countless times in our success-story couples as they achieve beautiful things together that neither would have accomplished on their own. My goal here is to describe ‘conscious coupling’, which is the theme for this edition of Holistic Bliss. Remember, this is the ‘ideal’ and getting there usually involves huge growth on many levels, but ultimately, it’s the willingness to grow, learn and expand that makes a conscious relationship. Here are my five keys to conscious coupling: UNCONDITIONAL LOVE: This is when two partners except themselves and each other exactly as they are, no matter what. It doesn’t mean everything is always ‘rainbows and dolphins’, it just means both parties unconditionally love and accept each other without judgment.

COMMITMENT TO SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION: Each person is committed to helping themselves and their partner evolve spiritually. This includes supporting each other in healing core issues, blocks and old patterns. Ultimately, each integrates more and more of their true, divine essence and replaces their ego-self with their soulself. By integrating their divine presence, everything becomes easier and they can stay ‘in the flow’, which results in wonderful synchronicities. Their vibrational frequencies rise and positively affect the collective consciousness. Often, they combine their skills and experience to make the world a better place for all. BALANCE OF ENERGIES: Because both people enter the relationship having already balanced their masculine and feminine energies, this translates to the relationship. Things like giving/receiving, leading/following, listening/talking are more equally shared, and each partner feels heard, understood, supported, safe, respected, deeply loved and cherished. COMMUNICATION: Conscious

communication includes being present and listening without planning or thinking about what to say next; being brutally honest without being brutal; and taking responsibility for emotions, thoughts, words and actions. It also means expressing feelings without using blame and asking for needs and desires to be met, while letting go of expectations. Easy, right? SEX: Tantra is very important for a conscious relationship as it often facilitates unity consciousness, where both partners merge into each other and all that is. Tantra fosters being vulnerable, letting guards down and connecting soul to soul. Further, roleplaying and other fun tools not only add variety, they can also create situations where partners learn to fully trust each other. Conscious couples love to be playful and have fun in bed and just about anywhere, as they see the bigger picture and remember that this is all something we chose to experience! www.SpiritualSingles.com.au



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Holistic Bliss | NOVEMBER 2019 |

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The lost art of connection WORDS PAULINE RYELAND, Intimacy, Sex, Libido and Relationship Coach & Educator


he trouble with society in general is that we are all disconnected on so many levels. We’re all glued to our phones, the internet dominates our lives and we’re all running around being busy and doing things without being fully present. And when we’re not fully present we’re not connected. We have a demand for things to be right now and we are easily distracted and moving onto the next thing. What this does, is creates a massive disconnection with everything including ourselves and with our partners. When we can’t connect to ourselves, how can we connect with someone else? How does this affect us and our relationships with our partners? When we’re not present, we don’t hear each other, so it affects our communication and this filters down to our intimate lives, including our sexual experiences. We need to learn how to stop,

breathe and become present within ourselves. Connect to our hearts and communicate from this place instead of from our heads. If we desire more intimacy, stronger connection with our partner and better sexual experiences, it all comes down to getting out of our heads and into our bodies and becoming more present. There’s a myriad of reasons why we disconnect, apart from the fast-paced world we live in. Some of them are: shame, guilt, sexual trauma, lack of selfworth, self-love, embarrassment about our bodies, changes in our bodies after childbirth, medication, drugs, alcohol and PTSD. So how can we start connecting to ourselves? By making time each day to stop and breathe, whether it’s sitting in silence for 10 minutes or meditating can be a good place to start. I have my clients go through some processes where they feel into every part of their body. Not changing

Raelene Byrne

anything, just having awareness of any feelings or sensations in their bodies as they connect with each part of themselves whilst breathing slowly. This simple process can bring about huge changes for people bringing them new awareness to their bodies and their connection to self. Making the effort with your partner to do the same is also of value. Stop and be in stillness together, breathe deeply and feel the connection into yourself and then with your partner. Sending the intention of love to each other and then communicate from that place instead of having hurried conversations thrown at each other as you rush in the door. When we’re heard, we feel validated, so take the time to stop and breathe and have the intention of consciously connecting with each other and you’ll see a massive difference in your relating. www.paulineryeland.com

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| NOVEMBER 2019 | Holistic Bliss


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Unlock your love




o why is it that you keep attracting the same type of people and situations in love? Perhaps you struggle to get out and meet people, or seem to end up dating the cheaters or narcissists, or people who just don’t do it for you. Perhaps those of you who are in relationships keep coming up against the same issues, over and over again, and don’t ever really resolve them. During my more than 10 years helping people ‘unlock their love blocks’ from an intuitive, energetic and Family Constellations perspective, I have witnessed that everyone has certain ‘love blocks’. I see them in people’s energy fields and chakras. Everything about us and our world is energy. These love blocks are an energy that contributes to our energy field, that vibrates out and pulls in energies that match the theme of the love block. For example, if you have unresolved grief, I would see this as blocked

energy in your heart chakra. From my experience, I know that this will affect how you are socially in the world. You may struggle to get out and meet people, or continue to find friends and lovers who break your heart. If you have experienced shame in the past, I would see this as blocked energy in your second chakra, and know that you may struggle with saying ‘no’ to people and putting up your boundaries. Or perhaps you are overcome by empathic feelings and emotions that cause even greater amounts of shame. These love blocks vibrate at a frequency that, left unchecked, cause problems for you in your relationships. Love blocks can be solely or a combination of unprocessed experiences from this lifetime or previous lifetimes, or inherited from your ancestors, that are limiting your thoughts, feelings, beliefs and understandings about yourself and love.

Whatever your love blocks are, knowing where you are vibrationally and working on exactly what you need to be working on so you can change your negative relationship experiences, can give you the power to move consciously in and out of relationships. This awareness allows you to see when you are beginning to repeat patterns and empowers you, because you start to understand why and change the course. When you become aware of your love blocks and begin unlocking them, you can consciously choose whether your current or future relationships have a chance to evolve, or whether the time with this person is over now you are no longer living out this vibrational pattern. The Unlock Your Love Blocks® Summer Boot Camp is now beginning. If you want to get into energetically good shape this summer sign up now at: www.highvibrationcity.com

Holistic Bliss | NOVEMBER 2019 |

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15/10/2019 5:32:21 AM


Know Thyself for a Great Relationship

a n e s o r b m A t n i a S a y e l Lyz n o M n o r e & Cam WORDS KRISHNA EVERSON PHOTO ANNIE NOON FOTOFORCE PHOTOGRAPHY


yza Saint Ambrosena and Cameron Monley are big-hearted human beings who are passionate about community. They absolutely love people! As spiritual leaders and facilitators of

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meditation events through The Infinite Connection, and founders of the 10,000 strong Southwest Queensland Spiritual Connection, they have inspired many through the example they set as a couple. I wanted to dive deep into what it means to be a couple in Lyza and Cameron’s world. When I caught up with them, they

had just landed back in Australia after a sojourn through the Canadian Rockies. Travel is one of their shared joys that they aim to do regularly. As we open the conversation around the elements of being a conscious couple, it becomes evident that their growth as a couple has been a journey of self-discovery, vulnerability, openness

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a e u e re w o th in c th v so w c w to th c le w h in

ju w a a e h re w b te d sp st st w fo a re th Y d ju k a ju to fo

in g th fo a w T C p h


and communication. Lyza begins by explaining that self-awareness and understanding your own values is essential. “Some people have been in relationships that have watered down what their values are for so many years, or they’ve had children or parents that they’ve had to care for, or they’ve been in a business where they’ve had to compromise, so they’ve been so diluted that they don’t know what their own values are. We both ended relationships, so we both kind of got really clear on what our values were, and so when we came together, those values aligned, which meant that we really were able to link well. We’re very much about the extended family, and honesty, and communication. We have a very deep level of communication and intuition with each other. So we will often talk for hours. We have that ability to see deep into one another, and really tune in.” Being able to tune in without judgment and hold space for the other was key for the coming together of Lyza, an energy healer who had already done a lot of her own work, and Cameron, ex-policeman and entrepreneur, who had hidden a lot of emotions. Lyza recalls, “when I started to spend time with Cameron, he went into quite a big cathartic shift, which was a lot of tears, a lot of transformation, a lot of deep opening, and so I was able to hold space for him through that. Then as we started to spend more time together, he’d started to hold space for me in other ways as well. Being able to hold space for someone while they’re going through a shift is a really valuable quality in a relationship, so you don’t want to judge them. You don’t want to try and fix them. You don’t want to try and rush it. You don’t want to try and change them. You just allow them.” Cameron adds “you know, I can tell something’s not right, and I’ll say, ‘What’s wrong?’ Then she’ll just start to break into tears. I don’t have to say anything, I just have to be there for her.” Acknowledging and aligning their individual values and making sure their goals are in sync is central to fostering their strength as a couple, and vison for their business and lifestyle. They are working together toward creating a wonderful space on a beautiful property. They are also planning their next ‘Infinite Connection’ projects; an online couples program is due to commence, and they have their sights on 2020. Cameron

shares, “Depending on what happens next year, we’re going to do Channelling Divine Guidance around Australia, and I can do ‘Grease Busters’. We’ll buy a caravan, and see if we can have a work/ play for six months.” As individuals, each is a success in their own right, Lyza with her work as a spiritual healer, teacher and mentor, working predominately with women, and Cameron with his men’s counselling sessions and commercial kitchen servicing business. They are dedicated to their work individually as well as together. Lyza maintains, “You’re not waiting on somebody else to fill you up with the talent or the gift or the qualities that you don’t have. You’re actually learning how to give that to yourself, so that when you’re with them, you’re a balanced complement. I call it being the captain of your own ship. Your ships are side by side, rather than one being on someone else’s or the other.” Cameron declares, “I choose to be with Lyza because I love the things that we do together. We’re independent like two rods, and then it’s a lovely thing when we come together. When we started together, my cliché is I did it for love. You know, I made changes. I gave away the coffee. I gave away the alcohol. I gave away all my bad behaviour for love. Then after a period of time, whatever it was, I went, oh, I like this person. I’m starting to like the person that I am. So at that point I said, it’s not for love anymore, I’m doing it because it’s for me. I like the person that I’m becoming. That was lovely for us. You know? It was really lovely. But we work on it. It’s challenging. People say, ‘Oh my God, I’d love to be like you’.” Cameron confesses that this is not always easy. According to Lyza, acknowledging your own triggers is essential for the personal growth needed for healthy relationship. “Take responsibility for the triggers so that you’re not taking it out on your partner. You’re actually solving it and healing it within your own experience. Sometimes Cameron will go, ‘What’s wrong?’ I’m like, ‘It’s okay, I saw a client today that had something, and it triggered me. So I just, I need a little bit of time to transmute that, to heal that.’ So then that comes into just a healthy lifestyle, helps us to transmute anything that triggers us. So as much as possible, we try to live a healthy lifestyle, but we’re very down to Earth and grounded.”


Cameron points out that rituals play a key role in fostering a positive connection as a couple and they share a saying, ‘Rituals turn to reverence.’ “We have lots of rituals for the house, for us, for everything we do. I get up first thing in the morning, I get up, light all the candles. Sounds corny, but I do that, and I put the tea on.” Lyza continues, “Yeah, we do meditation, yoga, or we might just sit. So we create that space.” Night time rituals and date night also play a key role in fostering time together which also allows time for difficult conversations should they arise. Lyza notes, “It takes courage to say the things that are bubbling up inside you that you can see.” They are conscious of each of the five love languages and advocate for practising them all. My interview with Lyza and Cameron was incredibly rich and insightful, but there is only so much I can share with you here. I would encourage you to connect with them and learn more at their events! THEIR CONSCIOUS COUPLE ESSENTIALS INCLUDE: 1. Understanding and aligning your individual values 2. Shared goals and vision 3. Taking responsibility for your own triggers and emotional healing 4. Practising the five love languages Cameron sums their partnership up beautifully. “Nothing’s perfect, but in an imperfect world, it’s pretty perfect.” www.theinfiniteconnection.com.au www.lyzasaintambrosena.com.au Holistic Bliss | NOVEMBER 2019 |

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The mirror of relationships WORDS KIM KOROHEKE


ho holds the mirror up to you?

Who reflects to you the magnificence of your own essence? Do you have people who encourage you to be all you can be? When you doubt yourself and perhaps feel like you don’t have the strength or skills or talent or looks or whatever story you have running that is holding you back, do you have someone in your corner? As humans, we are built for connection. We crave it! Connections that support, nurture and challenge us to open and to expand into all that we can be in these human vessels. We are beings of such magnificence and creative potential. We have the ability to create so much beauty and joy, yet we only scratch the surface of our creative powers. Having a network of healthy connections is vital to our whole well-being. Your network could

else’s, the comfort and safety of staying under the covers can seem very tempting. If someone shows up in their light, the potential for our hidden parts to be exposed and vulnerable is very real. It can set off all our triggers and be extremely challenging. However consciousness doesn’t discriminate for anyone. The sun shines in the universe whether we like it or not. Consciousness is not going away. Nor is our light. We get to choose just how much we want to shine. We can choose with courage to stand in the light and know that it will warm us and permeate its goodness into our very soul, always and forever, or we can choose to shrink and stay hidden. What connections are you willing to open up to allow more of your light to emanate through and out into the world? After all, it is who you are.

include: romantic partners, spouses, children, family, friends and work/ study companions, and of course, our beautiful pets! Then there’s also our interest and hobby connections. Sometimes our soul requires something that all these everyday connections cannot offer; some type of connection that disrupts and alters the status quo in our being to shake and stir things up in us; perhaps to help draw out the shadow component that we have been too scared to acknowledge and face or perhaps to highlight and enhance an aspect of our being that we are also afraid of showing fully to the world. As the famous quote goes… “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate but that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.” When we have spent a lifetime hiding in our shadows or someone


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Holistic Bliss | NOVEMBER 2019 |

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15/10/2019 5:37:48 AM


The philosophy of WORDS TATIANA SAVERY

Conscious uncoupling’ has been around since philosophy began. It may have been in a different form or language, but its concepts are the basis of many philosophies, with origins in stoicism, and many religions. Living in a society in which over 50% of married couples separate, and many more choose to not consider marriage, the modern form of conscious uncoupling seems relevant. This philosophy was given its new name during the early 1970s, reaching into the minds of a new society managing an age-old condition: the duality of life. There is love and there is suffering. The central lesson to always remember is what we use the body for will become us. The one constant in a world of duality is change; if we are alive then we are changing. Those who are walking the path beside us as friends, family and intimate life partners

conscious uncoupling

are those with whom we grow and transform. Each of us are both teacher and student at once. If we can see the gift everyone holds out for us with their behaviour, perhaps we would begin experiencing the peace we all desire. Every moment we choose to not judge others by their behaviour, we come closer to a state of mind in which our differences eventually disappear. This is the light that shows no opposite and has the vision to heal. We hold out this light, bringing peace of mind to others, as this peace of mind encourages others to be glad to be at peace with themselves. Epictetus wrote in 135 AD, “Some things are in our control and others not. Things in our control are opinion, pursuit, desire, and whatever are our own actions. Things not in our control are, briefly, whatever are not our own actions.” Wouldn’t it be best for us to all focus on our own actions? This one

mandate can change the world. It does not mean we stay in an environment that is abusive, as we can remove ourselves when in danger, but we can seek to not judge others for their behaviour. As often as possible throughout each day, I encourage all my clients to remind themselves to think of the phrase, “I will receive what I am giving”. This acknowledges that no-one can lose anything. We all gain by what we give; yet, we also receive any judgments we have towards others. Nothing justifies attack if we wish to enjoy living a peace-filled life. Heaven on Earth relies on this natural law. Conscious uncoupling is relevant to every interaction we have. As has been said, “If what we have to say is not as beautiful as silence, say nothing at all”. www.powertube.com.au www.frequencyacademy.com.au


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| NOVEMBER 2019 | Holistic Bliss


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ometimes the opportunity to ‘consciously uncouple’ as Gwyneth Paltrow named it, is just not on the table – it’s too painful for one or both partners. The wild nature of one or both parties may have destroyed everything with no hope of return. The devastation is too widespread, too complete. As in the aftermath of a cyclone, a path of destruction remains. It feels as though the soul needs to lay bare for a while, deserted, broken and barren. It takes time to sift through the debris and tend to your soul garden so the small new shoots of life can return. However, if both parties are on board, letting love lead to a generous, loving uncoupling can be a beautiful thing. I’ve experienced both and I’d have to say that both called me to a higher love. Both required me, equally, to open wider, to love more. You can plunder and pillage love, steal from its coffers and leave nothing behind, or you can carefully tend to the rupture of a breakup with compassion,

and harness the jewels it leaves behind in your heart. It’s your choice completely. For me, it’s a choice about love. You have to decide whether or not you want to preserve love. If the answer is “yes” for both of you, then in honour of that, as with our planet right now, we are morally obligated by nature not to destroy, but to help each other mend. Help each other transition. There must be no debate about whose fault it was; there must be acceptance and kindness. It takes strength, fortitude and a solid commitment to let love rule. Yes, there will be times when it is just too painful and you need to take a break. Watch your emotions. It’s easy to fly off the handle, be reactive and feel justified and powerful. Regulate yourself. Take yourself aside and get back in your calm zone. Before you say anything, give it time. Your words will land better and you’ll have no regrets. You want to be proud of how you show up.

You can help each other mend through maintaining contact, weekly, then monthly – feel it out. Allow enough space for each to create autonomy but enough contact to soften the nervous system in the face of loss and disconnection. Relationships are delicate ecosystems and must be treated as such. They need nourishment and care, tenderness and love. If there’s an opportunity to repair any rift or rupture, take it. Think about what legacy you want to leave behind. Love or hate? Wholehearted forgiveness or bitterness? I know which I choose. Let’s make this world a better place and try letting love lead today. JANET McGEEVER is co-author of Tantric Sex and Menopause, co-presenter of The Making Love Retreat in Australia and creator of Womantime, Ancient Wisdom for the Modern Day Woman. www.janetmcgeever.com

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What is the

most important relationship

you will ever have?


re you experiencing feelings of stress, anxiety, overwhelm or burnout? Do you have a chronic condition or have you experienced a diagnosis and would like to be proactive in your recovery? Are you feeling frustrated with the existing medical system and worried that they are treating the symptoms and not yet at the root cause of a health concern? Would you like to feel more confident in yourself and in managing your health and wellbeing? Maybe you’re asking yourself, “Why aren’t I better yet and what more can I do?” Or just like so many of my clients when they first started working with me, you too, feel like no one really understands what you are going through. You need to start prioritising your own needs before you can be your best self for others. The relationship you have with yourself sets the tone for what you attract in other relationships. Therefore working on your own self care is one of the best ways to improve

your relationships with others and to attract the best kind of relationships into your life. Investing in your own health and wellbeing will be the best investment you ever make. Dr Liz Isenring, Australia’s only holistic wellness coach who is also a professor of nutrition and an internationally recognised researcher, can support you in your healing journey. After 20 years as a worldleading clinician, academic and researcher, Liz was motivated to start her wellness coaching business, Linc Nutrition, out of frustration with the lack of ongoing supportive care and to fill the gaps in the existing medical system. Within the framework of nutrition, movement and mindset, Liz uses coaching techniques to determine the support, strategies and resources that are right for you. She will personally tailor your meal, movement and mindset plans to support you to better health.

Isn’t it time you tried a wellness coach to be proactive in your recovery and receive the support you need at every step of the healing journey? Liz specialises in wellness coaching programs supporting people living with cancer, wanting to live with vitality or to prevent stress and burnout. Call or email Liz to organise an obligation free health strategy call and together assess how Liz can support you to make wiser decisions about your health and wellbeing, it’s the best investment you’ll ever make. Sessions are provided in person or online via Zoom/Skype. PROFESSOR LIZ ISENRING PhD, AdvAPD, BHSc (Nut & Diet) (Hons 1) is director of Linc Nutrition. Liz is a wellness coach, advanced accredited practising dietitian and nutritionist, nutritional biochemist, professor of nutrition and dietetics and internationally recognised researcher. www.lincnutrition.com.au Phone: 0434 635 090 Email: ProfLiz@lincnutrition.com.au

BALI DETOX, HEALING & RAW FOOD RETREAT 13th - 22nd MARCH, 2020 Experience a World Class Retreat with one of Australia’s leading health authorities, Leisa Wheeler 2020 is the ideal time to experience a professionally designed and supervised naturopathic retreat program that takes you deep into yourself. Rediscover a sense of peace and connection through healing the body, mind and soul. Attracting people of all ages, Leisa’s retreats transform lives and will take you on a journey that is both healing and inspiring, in the heart of magical Bali, Ubud. Limited places, book online today! Payment plans available. • Accommodation for 9 nights including airport transfers • All food and drinks from Friday evening to Sunday morning • A 6-day juice fast combining specific medicinal elements • Raw vegan restaurant tour of Bali for meals following the fast • Chinese medicine tea for building chi energy • Detoxification supplements, tonics and herbal medicine • Daily yoga synergy with the incomparable Oksana Sokol • A 3-hour breathwork session with Senaja • Three colonic hydrotherapy sessions • Alternating days of detoxifying clay wraps and Boreh saunas • Three therapeutic massages with the above treatments • Sound healing session with Shervin Boloorian • Raw food workshop with Ben Richards from Seeds of Life • Optional Mt Batur sunrise hike / climb • Optional Bali cultural trip to a Sacred Temple and local charity • 5-course degustation menu at Fivelements Resort • Unlimited use of the resort facilities • A gift bag on arrival

Bookings – please visit: www.embracinghealth.com.au/retreat 26

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PRACTITIONERS who specialise in working with

SINGLES& cOuples Janet McGeever Love, Intimacy and Relationship Mentor and Educator Janet offers The Making Love Retreat® for couples and Private Couple Mentoring, helping couples deepen their intimate connection and bring the heart back into their relationship. Phone: 0428 726 849 Email: support@janetmcgeever.com www.janetmcgeever.com

Toni Reilly

AWAKE • Action • Wellness • Awareness • Kindness • Empowerment Toni assists you to develop your intuition, embrace your purpose, live with confidence and healthy relationships. Phone: 0413 088 970 Email: toni@tonireillyinstitute.com www.tonireillyinstitute.com


Pauline Ryeland Intimacy Whisperer™ Working as an Intimacy, Sex, Libido and Relationship Coach and Educator specialising in libido coaching. Also releasing internal physical pain and sexual trauma working with NLP, Tantra and Sexological Bodywork. Phone: 0411 701 594 Email: pauline@paulineryeland.com www.paulineryeland.com

Shannon Ichikawa - Find Love Coach

Shannon fuses empathetic listening, mindset mastery and soulful strategies to help YOU move toward manifesting the life partner you truly desire and deserve, and welcome lasting love. Online internationally, and in-person on the Sunshine Coast, Australia Email: shannon@welcomelastinglove.com /Welcome Lasting Love /welcomelastinglove

For over a decade, RebeccaLee has assisted singles and couples understand what is blocking them in their love life. Using her clairvoyance and intuition, she works on an energy and soul level to unlock deep negative karmic patterns. Email: rebecca@highvibrationcity.com www.highvibrationcity.com

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Are you experiencing

mummy exhaustion?



n interesting concept was brought to my attention recently while in consultation with a mother who was suffering exhaustion and mood swings, which could have been seen to some as post-natal depression on a low scale. It made me realise how common mummy exhaustion is and how many mothers suffer from it. Mummy exhaustion is like an overwhelming and all-consuming wave of emotions that comes on suddenly during the day and can present as crying, anger and frustration. Along with this, is physical fatigue and tiredness. With expectation placed on parenting and the need or want for mums to keep working or have a career has a part to play in this exhaustion. On top of this, hormones are still rebalancing – if you’re breastfeeding and diet is lacking in vitamins and minerals, this can play a big part as well. Lack of sleep because your toddler

still isn’t sleeping through the night is one I hear quite often. This doesn’t just happen to single parents but those who are partnered as well. It also does not just happen to mums who are working, it happens to stay-at-home mums also. Being a mum myself I can understand the feeling as I too had mummy exhaustion when my little one was around two years of age, which is when it is most common. At the time, several things helped me to recover, including meditation, reiki and homeopathy. It wasn’t just about supporting me, but my child required support from homeopathy and energy healing as well. Often this is the case that both mother and child need support to resolve the underlying cause. Often what is going on for mum, is passed on energetically to the child, as we are still closely connected to them.

Here are some ways to feel a little like yourself again: Meditation – even just 5 minutes a day to help centre you and bring you back to the present moment can be a massive benefit to your emotional wellbeing. Reiki or energy healing – these modalities take your body out of fight or flight mode and into relaxation. It helps calm the emotions, unlocks any negativity and rebalances the energy of the body and the chakras. Distant reiki can be conducted for babies and small children while the child is sleeping. Homeopathy – is a whole-body therapy healing the body, mind and soul. It gives the body what it needs to rebalance. For example, if your hormones are out of sorts, it will bring them back into balance, it does this by triggering the body’s healing mechanism. www.northlakeshomeopathy.com.au

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www.growththroughart.com.au For Bookings Phone: 0419 467 442 28

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Couple your health

with a beautiful smile

WORDS DR RACHEL HALL, Holistic Dentist and Dental Revolutionary


hen it comes to your smile, you want your teeth to look beautiful but if you have ugly dark metal fillings (called amalgam) then your smile is never going to be as good-looking as you like – dark, glinting, metal fillings aren’t a pretty sight because the silver/black colour makes your teeth look decayed and unhealthy. But you can change how your smile looks and improve your health at the same time by getting your old amalgam fillings replaced with white fillings or porcelain. I’m a holistic dentist and I want you to be healthy and have a beautiful smile. By safely replacing your amalgam fillings with natural-looking tooth coloured materials, your new fillings will blend like magic into your tooth, so you can smile with confidence and know you are doing the right thing for your smile and your health. Amalgam fillings not only look unattractive, they also have other

disadvantages when it comes to your health and your teeth. 1. Metal fillings expand and contract with the changes in temperature in your mouth causing your teeth to crack, break or fracture. 2. Amalgam fillings break down so they don’t seal your tooth properly anymore letting decay-causing bacteria inside your tooth where they create a cavity. 3. HEALTH WARNING!!! Amalgam fillings contain 50% mercury!!! Mercury is a toxic heavy metal that leaches from your fillings into your body. Mercury is linked to several adverse health outcomes. Many of my patients experience improved health once they switch to metal-free fillings. When replacing your dark metal fillings it’s important to seek safe amalgam removal with a holistic SMART certified dentist, like Evolve Dental, to minimise the toxic mercury exposure that happens at a traditional dentist.

Benefits of Tooth-coloured Fillings Tooth-coloured fillings are customised to match the colour of your surrounding teeth. No one will ever know you have a filling and you can smile and laugh with confidence knowing you have a naturally goodlooking healthy smile. Composite resin is non-toxic and I always use BPA-free fillings that expand and contract just like your tooth with changes in temperature. This means it’s better for your health than mercury-containing amalgam fillings but also reduces the risk of cracks and fractures in your teeth. Achieve a More Beautiful Smile Today If you wish to replace your amalgam fillings, contact my team to schedule an appointment. We can safely replace your amalgam fillings in as a little as 1-2 visits for you to achieve that naturally good-looking healthy smile you deserve. And with payment plans to suit your budget, the smile of your dreams is easier than you think. www.evolvedental.com.au

The Body Health Medium


About Me

My Approach

Hi, my name is Felicity Scott, I am a Medically Intuitive Medium, a Professional Kinesiology Practitioner and a Life Coach. I am also trained in many other alternative health therapies. Becoming skilled in therapies helped my daughters epilepsy condition. Using alternative therapy techniques such as Kinesiology really healed her body from the inside and the seizures and epilespsy stopped. I continued on to set up my own clinic. I put all my skills together so that I can help others to achieve better health.

I specialise in communicating with the body. In my experience to date I now know that almost all the symptoms of over a hundred patients I have treated have been attributed to a single allergy. To find the allergy and correct the problem I communicate with the body and use kinesiology, plus other health techniques and my Medically intuitive mediumship skills. I am committed to helping you. The voice of the body.

How I can help you?

What question would you ask your body?

What techniques do I use?

Allergies are simple to resolve!

I am the Body Health Medium talking to your body, and your spirit guides is my specialty. The only requirement from you is an open mind. Let me help you by talking to your body, all your unanswered health questions can be answered.

How can I lose weight? How can I live with no pain? Why is falling asleep difficult? How can I increase my energy? Why have I got a skin rash? How can I resolve anxiety? When will I conceive? Will I ever walk again? How can I resolve allergies? How can I stop having seizures?

Kinesiology Magnet Therapy Life Coaching Mediumship EFT Tapping Guided Meditation Energy Healing

Using a kinesiology tapping technique even the most severe allergies can be resolved in minutes. The allergy resolution technique I use is safe to use on everyone including babies and small children.

Allergy Resolution $77, Spiritual Guidance $88

| Skype and telephone sessions available | www.thebodyhealthmedium.com Tel: 0431 599 662 | The Barracks Offices, 7 Apollo Road, Bulimba Qld 4171 | Email: contact@thebodyhealthmedium.com Holistic Bliss | NOVEMBER 2019 |

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yoga of relationship



ogi Bhajan said, “Marriage is the ultimate yoga”, it’s an old yogic practice and some say it’s the deepest practice. Taking this a little further, we could say that our most important daily practice is relationship. How we approach this reveals inner patterns; what we take personally mirrors our mindset. Do we choose to be generous? Open? Inclusive? Where do we set our boundaries? This is all based on our core beliefs in our programming and conditioning. It’s also about what we have transcended and can offer up as pure acceptance, love and partnership – it’s about how we feel, understand and mirror each day. We all have our own style, so here are three tips to help you, using oldfashioned naturopathic techniques, to be conscious about who you are so you can respond with an authentic presence, rather than outdated behaviours, in your daily yoga practice of relationship:

1. A strong nervous system and emotional body helps you cope better with everything. This is achieved by looking after yourself with good rest, relaxed lifestyle choices, steady nervous responses and some old-fashioned herbs like St John’s wort, chamomile, valerian, skullcap, passionflower, hops and lemon balm. Add in Vitamin B group to support your nerves. Nutritional yeast and spirulina are my favourites. Another good practice is using water cures like baths and swimming to balance your nervous system. Breathing deeply and daily pranayama practices help keep our nervous system and emotional body strong. 2. Look after the body, mind and spirit of your relationships. This starts with you! Look after yourself with good nourishment, enjoyable experiences and a happy vocation. Then look after all your relationships with the same

tenderness and care. We are all better at communicating our needs and desires when we come from a place of inner peace and balance. We can express and listen from a place of our own truth and this is a more generous, inclusive and understanding perspective. 3. Initiate experiences of wellness and joy. Make time for experiences that fill your life with wellness and joy. Eat delicious foods, go dancing, make plans and create the life you want with the relationships you want. Connect and initiate moments that are memorable and enjoyable. This is the key to a happy life. Even in the depths of busyness and daily challenges, make time for these things. Wherever you are with the shifting relationship of yoga in relationships, be conscious that you can apply my three tips and help your life be fuller and more balanced. www.medicineroom.com.au



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How to shift from

heart-breaking to heart-opening



hen you’re going through a breakup it can seem like your only option is to suffer yet another heartbreak. You turn on your favourite romantic comedy, devour a tub of ice-cream and cry your eyes out thinking about what could have been. But I assure you there is another way. Heartbreaks can be shifted into heart-openings and in this article, I’m going to show you how. Rumi was correct in saying, “the wound is the place where the light enters you”. When your heart is breaking open, this is a blessing, a magical opportunity to open your heart and allow past wounds to heal. The truth is, your life is not ‘falling apart’, it is trying to ‘fall together’ in love. You may feel as if your ex broke your heart and that’s the cause of the pain you are feeling. But what if the pain in your heart was already there before they came into your life? What

if your ex was there to be a conscious facilitator to bring up this past hurt so you could heal and return your heart to love? What if this breakup is not happening to you but rather happening for you? Try this heart-opening exercise: Go to the mirror and look into the part of you that is hurting. Call this your ‘little one’. Step 1 – Consciously feel: You can’t heal what you’re not willing to feel, so feel it all. Allow your little one to answer these three questions until all the hurt is expressed: What are you most hurt by? What are you most afraid of? What are you most angry at? Encourage your little one to express everything they are feeling. Step 2 – Consciously breathe: Keep breathing slow, deep breaths into your lower belly. Breathing consciously heals all wounds. Step 3 – Consciously release: When the stories come up about the breakup,

let them be released. Don’t add fuel to the fire by creating more stories about why this is happening. Step 4 – Once the hurt is cleared, create a loving conversation with your little one that gives them what they need to open their heart and feel safe and loved. For example, “Don’t worry little one. You are loved. I love you. Even though they left, doesn’t mean I am leaving. I love you and will never leave you. There is nothing that you could do or say that would make me stop loving you.” This will allow you to rewrite your past heartbreaks so you can live and love fully with an open heart. Join RIKKA ZIMMERMAN for an introduction on the Sunshine Coast on 9th November and for The Abundant Life Blueprint 3-day event in Sydney, Australia, 15-17th November 2019. Get your free one-hour video training and learn more at: www.RikkaInAustraliaBliss.com

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Calling in

‘the one’



umans the world over dream of ‘the one’, yet on every continent, we struggle to find, sustain and care for the relationships we so desperately desire. How do we find that one human who awaits us? What happens when we do? And how do we navigate the murky waters that inevitably arise with intimacy? Whether we are in transition in a current relationship, courting a new lover or searching for our great love, all our relationships are attracted and formed because of our previous experiences. It may seem absurd, but our intimate partners being attracted to us directly relates to the quality of our formative years in our family of origin. More importantly, our relationships with our mother and father enable the entire formation of our present-day love-life. So how do we navigate the ever-


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changing ocean of relating, especially if our early years were less than ideal? The first step is to remember that all our relationships will end. Even if we reach our 50th anniversary with the love of our life, there will come a time when we part. We will all farewell every single person we love. And when we live with this in the forefront of our lives, the quality of moments opens infinitely and we gain instant perspective. Secondly, with support, we can begin to bring into view the lives and experiences of all our ancestors, including our parents. We make visible that which we may not have acknowledged or honoured before, and take a supported leap of faith to finally ‘grow up’ and realise our parents gave us everything we needed, the ‘sacred gift of life’. What we do with our lives from this moment is entirely our responsibility. To be happy in love, we must call

in all our ancestors and past loves and acknowledge the gifts they brought us. Then – and only then – are we free to move forward and live the love we truly dream of. There is a tried and true path to love, freedom and deep, lasting peace. It respects all religions and guides those true seekers to what they desire most. But you can’t get there alone. Reach out and we will gladly support you to take the next steps in your life with Family Constellations. ROB and KATE FOSTER are Family Constellation and Systemic Therapists offering support sessions worldwide, including individual and relationship support. Untangle your love-life and call in the love you truly desire. Kate is also the author of ‘An Invitation to Trust’ and two Oracle Card Decks. Learn more – visit: www.discoveringinsight.com.au www.katemfoster.com


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o you want a relationship that is more about co-creation and a space where you inspire each other to be the greatest you can be every day? Where you get to be you and don’t twist, mould or give yourself up just so you’re ‘not alone’? Then you can rest assured, because something that corrupts any relationship (not just the one with your partner) is EXPECTATION. Expectation is not an invitation; it’s not kind and it’s not being real. How often are you disappointed by people not doing what you think is the ‘right thing’? How much trauma, drama, disappointment and sadness has moved through your life because your expectations have not been met? When you have expectations, you project that energy onto the other person or people, even if you are not speaking the words out loud. Sometimes you may not even be aware of it, especially when it comes to partners.

The silent killer! And women… we do this! We create a fantasy of how things should be, how they should show up and how our partners should respond, react and behave toward us. This may be a little controversial (which makes me smile) because yes, men do it too! Women, we are the warriors and it’s downright crazy that we often don’t acknowledge the power we have. But that’s a topic way bigger than we have room for here. For all of us, this fantasy of expectation is not congruent with what we are working towards creating on and with this planet. The definition of expectation is a ‘strong belief that something will happen or be the case’. Its Latin origins mean ‘an awaiting’. And that, my friends, is not creating. Certainly, not creating peace and joy in a relationship. It is creating pressure – even if it is unspoken – an undertone or undertow. You know that uncomfortable feeling you sometimes can’t put a finger on,

like something unpleasant lurking beneath the surface? Well, that can be expectations and projections screaming in our energy fields. It results in a giveand-take paradigm. The ‘I do this and you do this in return’ way of operating. This ticking boxes approach to living leads to us storing up disappointment and resentment while judging the people we say we love. Giving and receiving is a totally different space of being in connection and creation; giving with no expectation, just because you can and it feels good. This raises the vibration and allows everyone to be who they are, including you. I give you a challenge with no expectation that you rise to it. Practise living with no expectation, give attention to the subtle energies with which you operate in all your relationships, and let go! www.activatecreationunlimited.com

Craft Your Dream Life

Vision Board Workshop for Women Join Women’s Coach and Law of Attraction Guide Claudine Dufroux for a fun and interactive day immersed in how to attract what you truly want.


BE INSPIRED TO LIVE YOUR AUTHENTIC LIFE Includes: All materials, morning and afternoon tea Only $125 for the day When: Where:

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Bring a friend and



Bookings: Phone 0411 079 167 Email: plenitudelifecoaching@gmail.com Book online: https://vision-board-november.eventbrite.com.au www.facebook.com/icreatemyrealitywithvisionboards/ 34

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Grow together or grow




n my quest to understand love relationships on a deep level, I looked further than human expectations and religious indoctrination. What I discovered may be hard to accept, yet may invoke a sigh of relief. Here are some of my key discoveries: Romantic notions of relationships can be blown out of proportion with unrealistic expectations and an idealistic perspective of what they are supposed to be like. We never end up in a relationship for too long, too short, with the wrong person or at the wrong time. There is no accident or randomness about who we end up in a relationship with. Love relationships are for the two people involved, they come together to play out their pre-destined roles. Interference from family and friends may simply alienate us from them. Sometimes there can also be a big disconnect between friendships and relationships. Think about a close dear

friend or family member being negative about your romantic interest. The compulsion to work with your lover will override their opinions as you navigate the greater reason for being together. Relationships have purpose. They are tools for growth. One of the most important things we get out of relationships is personal growth, a better, deeper, richer understanding of just exactly who we are, what makes us tick, what ticks us off, what we like, what we don’t like, what we need and don’t need. Relationships form a guideline to becoming the best, most complete version of ourselves we can be. All this transpires when we see our reflection back in the eyes of someone with whom we are having a relationship. It can take a while. Relationships are amazing at challenging ourselves. In fact, some of the most important, powerful and necessary relationships we have, are precisely those that challenge us – in the right way! Our lover might challenge us, they can build or destroy our self-worth. The reality

is, relationships challenge us, partly because we are inclined to compromise, by altering our innate ways to fit into a relationship without making waves or feeling disliked. When either party in the relationship lashes out, it is unknowingly driven by a deep-seated unrealised emotional need or fear. At some point we have to stop blaming past relationships or pointing the finger at our partner as being the cause or reason why things aren’t the way we would like them to be. There is great value in seeing things from the other person’s perspective. The ultimate consciousness, is to know yourself. Self-work makes relationships work. TONI REILLY is a best-selling author, seminar leader and internationally recognised Regression Facilitator. As the founder of Toni Reilly Institute, and creator of SoulLife® Programs and Events, she has guided thousands of people worldwide to live with confidence, purpose and love. www.tonireillyinstitute.com

Dental care for your total wellbeing! We are holistic dentists because we recommend the treatment that will be right for your body. It means that in everything we do we consider the impact of it on your body and use only materials and procedures accordingly. For example, when we are removing amalgam we use a rubber dam, high speed suction and an IQair air purifier so you don’t swallow any of the material or breathe in any of the mercury vapour. It’s the dentistry for you if you care about your total wellbeing. Shop 1/ 13 Garnet Street Cooroy QLD 4563 P H O N E : ( 0 7 ) 54 47 76 6 9 www.wattlestdental.com.au Follow us on Facebook

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Crystal therapy

for your relationship



’ve been married for 25 years and we are still going strong. Even though we have both changed in all those years, we manage to keep it alive. We are together 24/7 with our business, so that can put the pressure on. I am a self-confessed hothead and Wayne is the peacekeeper. Next into the equation comes our crystals to keep the atmosphere around us positive, peaceful, loving, creative. Whatever vibe I need that day is what I pull out and usually wear! I think finding a soulmate is a wonderful ideal, and count myself blessed. All relationships need love, communication, trust and passion to help them go the distance. By inviting crystals into your life you can both benefit from their natural energies and enhance your emotions and outlook. I recommend the following crystals to assist some key issues in any conscious coupling. By choosing suitable energies and being on the same


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wavelength as your partner makes a huge difference. Crystals can be of assistance when used in your bedroom, home and meditation. Massage is another way to enjoy them. LOVE – Rose Quartz provides us with love and understanding, it also teaches forgiveness. So if arguments are common, this pretty stone may soothe the senses into gentle harmony. Both men and women benefit from this unconditional love energy. COMMUNICATION – Blue Kyanite is a crystal for helping us communicate and speak our truths. If we keep things bottled up it’s unhealthy. Be mindful when talking to your partner. Keep the Throat Chakra open and flowing but in a nice way! PASSION – Garnet is a crystal to bring passion, vitality and life force energy. Open your life to some vibrant and fertile vibrations to ignite your Sacral and Root Chakras. BALANCE – Shiva Linghams balance both male/female yin/yang energy

and are wonderful for massage! They are such a unique vibration and bring cantering and harmonious feelings. SWEET EMOTIONS – Sardonyx is the perfect crystal for marriages. It encourages happiness, fidelity and long lasting relationships. It attracts good luck to your surrounds. SHIELDING – Smoky Quartz can allow you both to be more grounded and help you remove outside negative influences that may put pressure on either of you. Using crystals to shield your personal spaces can make you feel protected and safe. By no means am I an expert, but I am a happy wife and Accredited Crystal Healer who knows the natural power that crystals can provide us. I base my advice to our customers on my knowledge about crystals and my life experiences. I can honestly say they have enriched my life and those around me. www.moonstonegypsyau.com


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– a fluid perspective



ecently I’ve had several women turn up at Kahuna Mist for body work and/or classes with fibromyalgia. It seems the list of indicators for this debilitating condition is long and varies with the individual; but there’s one symptom that’s evident in all… a more than usual hard, dry texture to muscle and bone. I observe it especially in the feet, pelvis and ribs. It feels like the fascia has dried up. One of fascia’s functions is to ‘evenly distribute the stresses of movement and gravity, while at the same time, maintaining the shape of the different components of the body’ (Gray’s Anatomy). Fascia is made up of a variety of structurally active substances such as collagen, reticulin and proteins which bind to water ‘that provide a framework for the cells to adhere to and on which they can move, maintaining an appropriate porous, hydrated, ionic milieu, through which metabolites and nutrients can diffuse freely…’ (more Gray’s Anatomy).

According to Gray’s description then, the dryness I feel can indicate the fascial condition. The protective gellike fluid insulation quality of fascia has dried up so every movement is raw and fibrous. Mechanically, this can arise from long-term limited range of motion and postural misalignment. The parts of the body with the least amount of movement receives the least attention. The body is conservative, so if it’s not in regular fluid use, nerve circulation and waste removal is greatly reduced. In effect, the tissues dry up. Another contributing factor may be exposure to toxic chemicals; this can include hair and nail products. Genetic predispositions can’t be ignored either and I’m sure there are many other factors I’m unaware of, but regardless of the causes, the outcome is the same, a body and mind in deep distress. The approach I take to restore fluid circulation is improving awareness of one’s movement patterns, then

changing how you regularly use your body. Aligned Movement is specifically designed to guide individuals towards a deeper connection to their body through constructive, rest positions and micro movements to regain full range of motion… circulation. Taking hot cider vinegar or Epsom salts baths for 20 minutes, floating in calm ocean water, soaking in natural mineral springs and using float tanks, can help with the pain, improve circulation and also remind your body of what it feels like to be a fluid being. Any sort of body work that gently improves lymph circulation like Original Kahuna Body Work is also helpful. When you make changes that work, you increase your personal power, your ‘mana’ that feeds back in to your cellular energy potential. This is useful for every body. This way of being becomes a way of life, never ending and unlimited in its application within any situation. www.kahunamist.com

Holistic Bliss | NOVEMBER 2019 |

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15/10/2019 5:53:31 AM




he Japanese word wa describes a person’s aura and the inner quality of harmony (or lack thereof) that emanates from within. As a clinical aromatherapist and the nose at TRNP, I recognise natural perfumes as a radiant form of vibrational medicine. I typically select my fragrance of the day to best support a state of harmony within my aura. It’s this synergistic element of natural perfumes that makes the most sense to me. Suspended in coconut oil or alcohol, natural perfumes are wellbeing helpers. Let’s see how. • Citrus (bergamot, lemon, grapefruit, lime, mandarin and orange) tonify; they uplift, clarify and revive. • Florals (rose, jasmine, ylang-ylang, frangipani, lavender, mimosa, narcissus, etc) are deeply calming and sedating; they harmonise. • Spices (cloves, cinnamon, aniseed, cardamom, pepper, etc) are warming; they stimulate appetites of all kinds. • Herbs (marjoram, mints, rosemary, clary sage, chamomile, verbena and immortelle) synergise; they gather all elements in the blend to unblock energy

natural fragrance

channels and pathways in the body, enabling a better flow of energy for living and healing. • Woods (pine, eucalyptus, cedarwood, cypress, sandalwood, etc) increase stamina and endurance; they support better breathing to improve oxygenation and support the elimination of toxins. • Roots (ginger and vetiver) nourish and reset the body’s thermostat. • Resins (agarwood, myrrh and frankincense) protect from pathogens. Of course, such broad examples are over-simplified, as therapeutic outcomes are determined by a specific dosage. For example, patchouli and lavender combined in small quantities are stimulating; yet, when blended in large quantities, become sedating. Therapeutic pathways are also determined by proportional ratios and specific plant varieties. For example, high-altitude lavender has a soothing effect on mind complaints (headaches, stress, anxiety, fretfulness), whereas Bulgarian lavender (a blend of varieties) is more suited to topical applications to

ease irritation from burns, bites, itches and stings. Natural perfumes also speak to the unconscious mind. Our brains are fascinated with decoding, decrypting and deciphering the scent-maps of organisms written in the juice: soil minerals; climate changes; generations of harvests; air quality; density of particles in the water; and the myriad energies of humans who have sown, cultivated, harvested and distilled the plants into essences. We create a library of nature; tiny flasks of life, growth, change, fecundity and even death. They communicate the wonder of being here, right now. The blended scents of natural perfumes drift in and out of awareness. Sometimes they float as scent trails that appear and then evaporate; at other times they are bold, penetrating and present for hours. They shapeshift on the body. They broadcast true nature, in all its glory, as tiny, scented, biological beacons from a sapphire-blue oasis that spins majestically around the sun. www.trnp.com.au

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| NOVEMBER 2019 | Holistic Bliss


15/10/2019 5:54:45 AM


Breaking up and WORDS SONYA DRIVER

finding new love with heart


remember 20 years ago reading a Marianne Williamson book (‘A Woman’s Worth’) on this very subject. She shared a story about a new relationship she was in and how she handled and chose another woman’s pain over her own pleasure and joy. It really stuck with me and I allowed it to change me in my deepest core. The recap goes something like this. Marianne had just started a new relationship with a wonderful man. They were at his house cooking dinner, listening to music, giddy with the

excitement of new love. Then the guy’s ex-girlfriend called, so much pain and heartache, Marianne could feel her utter despair and brokenness. She told her new boyfriend to go and talk to the ex-girlfriend, because no one wins if someone loses. She said she couldn’t feel the highs of new love that night whilst another woman is on the other side of town in a ball with a broken heart. Real love isn’t just romance and sex, it has power to heal those we have never met. I don’t know why, I’m actually overcome with emotion just writing this

story. Maybe I have been the woman on the other side of town, or maybe I could let myself feel her suffering and pain, and I too, like Marianne, know nothing is more important than placing love on that woman at this time. I seriously can’t relate to the notion of your ex or any ex being a secondclass citizen. I see it all the time, it really shows me the emotional intelligence of those that automatically throw their ex-partners into the enemy zone. At the end of the day, we are all just walking each other home. www.ecotan.com.au






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15/10/2019 5:55:22 AM

5G Radiation and Testing of the Geoclense WORDS GERARD BINI


would love to have a dollar for the number of people over the last six months who’ve asked me, “Will the

Geoclense provide EMF protection against 5G?” I used to hear, “I turn my wi-fi off at night time, but will the Geoclense protect me against wi-fi?” The answer to both these questions is a resounding, “Yes, 100%.” Even our very first model of the Geoclense from 2004 will protect against wi-fi and 5G. To prove the effectiveness of the Geoclense against 5G, we flew to

Dickson in Canberra on Friday, 15 February. The decision to go to Dickson was not made simply by believing what I had read on the net that 5G was now operating there in two suburbs. I qualified and confirmed beforehand that 5G was operating there, by intuitively ‘reading’ the site in Dickson where we would be filming with Google Earth. I have learnt to be able to recognise what 5G ‘feels’ like when I read Google Earth. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 4G AND 5G? What people don’t know about 4G towers and high-voltage powerline towers is that the horizontal charge through the air is less than the charge that rises vertically out of the ground. In Dickson, where 5G is operating, I measured a vertical charge that rose approximately 115cm above the ground, and it was everywhere. One of the major concerns with 5G is that you cannot escape this vertical charge due to the antennas being in close proximity; whereas with 4G, you can escape the charge by staying more than 100 metres away from a tower or building with mobile phone panels attached. We travelled to Dickson with certified kinesiologist, Reece Pozingis, to video his muscle testing – a kinesiology audit of the effect on meridian strength– while I performed the Biotensor testing –

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15/10/2019 5:56:02 AM

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te w sh le th e ra b th h th a

H te 5 so to A k a to p

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trademarked as ‘a medical apparatus and instrument being for the detection of harmful radiation’ – of the effectiveness of the Geoclense, our Space Clearing Dome and Pendants, in a 5G operating environment. The human ‘guinea pig’ used to test against the 5G radiation field was my partner, Leanne. EMF testing should always be done on a biological level with a real human being to judge the meridian and organ balancing effect of a harmoniser. Gadgets like radiofrequency meters cannot perform biological testing and cannot determine the electromagnetic stress (EMS) on the human body. After all, it’s all about how the radiation affects our physical health and emotional wellbeing. We chose the Brindabella Natural Health Centre in Dickson to perform testing of the Geoclense in this new 5G EMF environment, as we needed somewhere to plug-in the Geoclense to conduct ‘before’ and ‘after’ testing. Also, natural healing centres have kinesiologists, naturopaths, bioresonance and chiropractic practitioners who tend to be more EMF aware and can assess a person for EMF stress. What we observed when we first arrived in Dickson was that the LED street lamps, which were all 5G enabled, were very close in proximity. You can

tell these are LED street lamps because they each have a small blue antennae on top. We deliberately decided not to have any physical EMF protection on us in the form of our Orgone Ionic Personal Protection Pendants or Ener-Bands when we arrived in Dickson and, immediately, all three of us quickly started to feel EMF fatigue as the 5G EMF charge was so strong. I also noticed that the energy was very heavy and the EMS placed on meridians and organs was quite intense. GEOCLENSE 5G TESTING When Reece tested Leanne before the application of the Geoclense in the Brindabella building, it was confirmed that her heart, stomach, liver, bladder, kidney and central meridians were all out of balance, due to the 5G charge. My Biotensor testing of Leanne’s meridians confirmed the same result. Notably, the Biotensor reaction to 5G without a Geoclense plugged in was very intense, more than I have ever previously experienced. After plugging in the Geoclense in the building, it was an enormous relief to be EMS free! Reece confirmed this with his kinesiology testing on Leanne, and I confirmed with the Biotensor testing that her meridians were back in balance. Further, the energy within the building was also very interesting because the 5G charge was amplified

throughout the building due to the natural resonant cavity effect that all buildings create. This is something wi-fi does not do. The intensity of that amplified charge will throw out very sensitive people. The 5G charge had also knocked out the natural radiant Earth ley line grids, such as the 180-metre grid and the 25km grid. These two Earth grids provide a harmonious radiant negative charge that is conducive to good physical health and emotional wellbeing. Not only did the 5G interfere with the Earth grids, it also activated the 60-metre Earth grid, which is normally only active when we have high solar winds over 550km per second. The 60-metre grid is not conducive to good physical health and emotional wellbeing and is another cause of geopathic stress in the body. Our testing in Canberra also involved an outdoor test away from any buildings, standing directly next to a 5G LED street light with and without wearing our Orgone Ionic Personal Protection Pendants and Ener-bands, and with the Dome, which all passed the 5G kinesiology and Biotensor testing with flying colours when applied. Please read the rest of this blog/article at: www.orgoneffects.com

Sweetness Skulls & Light THE MOST AMAZING CRYSTALS THIS SIDE OF MARS • A broad range of natural and part polished crystals and stones • Semi-precious gemstone animal carvings and other sculptures • Specialising in crystal/stone skull carvings in the human form (also alien, dragon and raven styles) • High end statement carvings • Original skull artwork


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13/07/2020 10:13:29 AM



ccording to the Heart Foundation, coronary heart disease is Australia’s single biggest killer, accounting for 12% of deaths. I recently watched a very interesting documentary, The Widowmaker, which raises awareness of the prevalence of heart disease in people with theoretically low risk factors of having a heart attack. Unfortunately, for a lot of people, the first and last symptoms they develop in their lives is a heart attack and they don’t live to count it. We’ve all seen on the news numerous elite athletes dying suddenly due to heart disease, unaware of their condition because they may have been categorised as being at a low risk of having a cardiac event. In the United States, future presidents and astronauts have a test called the CT Coronary Calcium Score, which measures the amount of calcium is in the coronary arteries (the ones that supply blood to the heart muscle).

This can be a strong predictor of future cardiovascular events in people whose theoretical risk is low. The score to this test might put you into a different risk category, where changes in lifestyle and medical therapy may be indicated. As a CT scan, this involves having radiation, although new technologies are making the dosage much lower. This is something you should discuss with your doctor so you can consider the pros and cons of having the test. The higher your score, the higher the risk of having a heart attack; however, even with a score of zero, there could still be a small possibility of having a cardiac event, although unlikely. I am happy to say that I had mine done recently and my score was zero. As a lot of my patients know, I look after myself through lifestyle. Minimising stress, having a healthy diet, exercising and maintaining good dental health are all critical to preventing this

horrible disease. Modifying risk factors like smoking, controlling diabetes, controlling blood pressure, having a healthy cholesterol profile and maintaining a healthy weight are very important, as unfortunately, other risk factors cannot be changed, such as your family history of Ischaemic heart disease. A healthy diet and lifestyle are still the most important steps you can take to prevent a heart attack, as well as other modern chronic diseases such as cancer, instead of relying on medication as a silver bullet. Unfortunately, a lot of people prefer this second option despite it not being as successful in preventing problems. We are fortunate here in Australia to have the resources to screen people who may not have been aware of this deadly killer. If you are concerned about your heart, please discuss this with your doctor. Yours in health. www.ibukihealth.com



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42.indd 1

| NOVEMBER 2019 | Holistic Bliss

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15/10/2019 5:57:56 AM

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15/10/2019 5:58:24 AM





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| NOVEMBER 2019 | Holistic Bliss

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15/10/2019 5:59:06 AM

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15/10/2019 4:54:28 AM


Seven years of searching for answers to allergies WORDS DR GARRY BRIGHT


he basic medical concept is that allergies are for life and the current medical treatment options are: steroids, Oclacitinib (Apoquel©) and Lokivetmab (Cytopoint©). These drugs work to relieve symptoms. There is a scientific consensus that trying to resolve allergies is a waste of time, money and effort. The drugs that are licensed are effective, so why would you be interested in trying to find out

why allergies occur or understand the mechanism of actions of allergies? Worst of all, why would you think there was any hope to resolve allergies? The ‘why’, fundamentally underpins who I am. I am a curious individual wanting to resolve heartache in clients seeing their poor animals suffering from a lifelong, debilitating condition. Cumulative results add to knowledge and that knowledge is the elephant in the room. We are so close to the problem that we cannot see the problem. The most important understanding is that allergies are complex, so if you want a simple solution, then the drugs are probably the best solution for you. If you are not that person,

then you need to understand that essentially, allergic animals are stuck in a flight/freeze/fight response that has occurred from a trauma. The animal then reacts to this as a reflex in the body, mind and soul response. The reason this reflex occurs or is propagated long-term, is probably due to two things: toxins and calcium signalling. In the body, the initial response sets up repulsions of either external allergens (e.g., food, contact or inhalant allergens) or allergens in the internal environment (e.g., molecules of allergic inflammation such as histamine or IL31). In the mind, the initial response sets up certain patterns of thinking that are repulsed; for example, “I am not worthy”, “I am loveable”, etc. Yes, allergies do have a mental component. This then ingrains certain states of consciousness in the soul – grief and fear being the most common. The tough part

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15/10/2019 4:54:56 AM

a th v so d v th


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about this understanding is that it is often the owner’s grief and fear. Given this very tough situation and knowing that some people just cannot face their own demons, I quite gladly medicate with the veterinary drugs so I can at least alleviate the discomfort in the animal. The key is

understanding the soul, and this relates to which allergies a patient suffers from. I have recommended probiotics especially made to fit the soul of the patient, but the most successful treatment is combining this with music of the individual soul. Thus, treatment involves resolving

a trauma, toxins, calcium signalling, allergens, body patterns, mental patterns, an individual soul and states of consciousness. Then, clean, simple living without toxins allows the body to return to a state of health. www.maplestreetvet.com.au





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47.indd 1


15/10/2019 4:55:56 AM

Chat with The Body Health Medium,

Felicity Scott Dear Felicity, I’ve been having trouble swallowing for months now. It makes me feel very uncomfortable and anxious! It started in 2014, went away and came back. Thanks, Denise. Hi Denise, I can see that your immune response factor is low and a low-functioning thyroid is the cause. In addition, you have an intermittent gluten and dairy intolerance. Your lack of ability to swallow is your thyroid trying to get your attention by saying the very things you eat are the very things that lower my function. Make a food diary of when it’s hard to swallow. I recommend rest and listening to upbeat music to raise your vibration, visualise yourself dancing without inhibition while listening. The message behind the symptom is that you have nothing to fear, love is near. God give you healing light and love today and always, Felicity.

Dear Felicity, Every morning I get up and my heels are extremely painful, and it is difficult to walk for the first five minutes or so then it eases. This also happens when I have been sitting for a while. Thanks, Anne. Hi Anne, What in your life are you digging your heels in about? I can see that the cartilages in both knees are congested due to a chemical overload from gluten intolerance, causing referring pain in your heels. Give your body a break from gluten-laden foods. The message behind the symptom is don’t delay being open to guidance today. Don’t fear, say yes! In health and happiness, Felicity. Dear Felicity, I have very weak arms, even holding a mobile phone to my ear for more than a few minutes causes them to


grow so weak that I have to end the conversation. Thanks, Keri. Hi Keri, I can see that the weakness is in your shoulders, preventing energy from easily passing to your arms. Why are you shouldering so much burden from other people? This life is your gift, live it for you. An affirmation for you is: I am free from all burden. The message behind the symptom is that the very thing you seek is not your burden to carry. Go calmly into the night. God’s love and blessings carry you forth, Felicity. Planning your health must be a priority. Budget for the resources, time and finances to heal your body, mind and soul. If you have a health question for FELICITY, please email contact@thebodyhealthmedium.com www.thebodyhealthmedium.com

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| NOVEMBER 2019 | Holistic Bliss


15/10/2019 4:56:29 AM

Books, DVDs, . . . s a c i t s i l o H CDs and more... BOOK:


Cosmic Crystals

My Body Loves Me

AUTHOR Ashley Leavy

AUTHOR Christine Henderson, PhD

‘Cosmic Crystals’ shows you how to work with the phases and signs of the moon to energise and amplify the power of your crystals. Learn how to combine the power of lunar energy and healing crystals to create sacred space, set intentions, and manifest magic and abundance in your life. For each moon, find information on how to work with its corresponding crystals and energetic qualities, along with lists of its associated herbs, colours, essential oils, animals, and deities. Written by leading crystal expert Ashley Leavy and including lavish photography, this beautiful book will have a place on every crystal enthusiast’s book shelf.

Our bodies love us. They watch for ways to remind us to make different choices, to take another route or to be at ease. A twinge here or a pain there – all part of the language the body uses to generate change. There are infinite possibilities available to re-invent our bodies harmoniously. If we heed the messages we can make the changes in time to save us from suffering down the track. This page turner activates our potency. It takes us on the journey of a lifetime – we swing through our bodies in a way we have never seen before – we enter places we have never imagined before. The joyful potency of the rose shines through every word.

RRP: $29.99. To purchase the book go to: www.booktopia.com.au or www.amazon.com.au

RRP: $30.00. To purchase the book go to: www.rosealchemist.com

Holistic Bliss | NOVEMBER 2019 |

49.indd 1


15/10/2019 4:57:45 AM

Review: Helen Bradshaw, Art Therapist

Know thyself through

art therapy



his year I’ve been on a journey to open my heart to connect more deeply with myself, and with others. When I crossed paths with Helen Bradshaw at her women’s networking event, and was the recipient of her art therapy session, I sensed immediately magic was going to happen! In anticipation, I booked my personal art therapy session. Under Helen’s gentle guidance and with no expectations of my own, I journeyed deeply within. Steadfastly and with conviction I transferred mental images and intuitive impressions onto the paper before me, using soft pastels for the task. Through this process, I became aware of energetic blockages, through the art medium, but also bodily sensations and awareness. Helen encouraged me to explore the resulting artwork from different angles, observing and sitting with what came up, insights, acknowledgments and realisations! After experiencing this one-on-one

session I knew I wanted more of this! I enrolled in Helen’s 6-week journey to self-love where I would be able to delve further over the coming weeks. I was curious, and couldn’t wait to begin! Each Tuesday evening a small group of beautiful others and I would come together to broaden our understanding of ourselves as individuals but also connect as a group. Helen created a sacred space where we were safe to explore, delve, and uncover our own unique characteristics, using a different medium each week… pastels, paints, fabric, clay, images, and even elements of nature. It was a very personal journey for each of us, doors were opened, fears faced and limiting beliefs were shed. Nothing was forced. We had the power to choose. We bonded, supported and held space for one another as we shared our realisations and insights. It was

playful, profound and insightful! I would also like to mention that my 13-year-old daughter experienced a personal art therapy session with Helen. Not one to share her emotions easily, it was wonderful to find a way for her to fully express her feelings onto the page through an artistic medium, which led to some wonderful insights and reframes for situations she was experiencing personally. What a wonderful way to get to know ourselves better, and express in a safe way. Art therapy is a beautiful gift to honour ourselves at any age. Highly recommended! www.growththroughart.com.au

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