Holistic bliss oct vol 84

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‘Follow Your Bliss’







Marie Anita’s







9 ways to








Volume 84 ISSN: 1836-8840


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From the Creator of HBM... a large audience can bring up so much ‘stuff’. I really like to assist people with this and it has also been an area I have worked on personally since starting the magazine. I have been comfortable with being seen in terms of sharing my photo, designs and words to a wide group of people in the magazine each month and yet public speaking in front of a big group was something the magazine has pushed me further to explore and confront. These days you can’t shut me up whether it’s talking in front of a group of people, writing in the mag or via social media!!


hen work is your play and play is your work, there is an ease with what you do. And it becomes a way of ‘being’ which is not about force or striving. Is every day ‘easy’? No! Can you ask for and choose more fun, flow and joy with work? Yes!! I feel thoroughly blessed that I can work from my home office, employ many of our HB team to do the same and also travel to connect with amazing people whom are sharing their uniqueness. After seven-and-a-half years of running the magazine, I still enjoy the energy that is created by a diverse group of people each month and the way it filters out into the community. Putting yourself ‘out there’ through writing an article or having your advert designed and placed in a magazine is a unique process in itself and Ros and I are thrilled to be able to assist people in this area. Sometimes fears come up because the thought of being seen by

And it’s amazing we keep reaching more people in faraway places with potentially life-changing information. It’s like HB has a heart wisdom of its own! Many readers tell us they post a copy to their relative in another country, state or remote part of Australia. People have also shared they have read the magazine for years from cover to cover and it has helped them through some dark times and it has also helped them find the courage to reach out and take the next step. This is my great privilege to be part of this giving, receiving, sharing, contributing whirling magic that has become ‘the work I do’. I wonder how many more people we can share this edition with this month? We thank gorgeous cover girl Simone Milasas for her leadership and business magic and enjoy her story on page 12-13.


‘Follow Your Bliss’ WHEN





Marie Anita’s






9 ways to












Volume 84 ISSN: 1836-8840




EDITOR / PUBLISHER: Vanessa Finnigan Phone 0422 538 335 EDITORIAL ENQUIRIES: Please email ed@holisticblissmagazine.com Phone 0422 538 335 ADVERTISING: Phone 1800 543 351 Brisbane and Sunshine Coast DESIGNER: Ros Jackson holisticblissdesign@gmail.com Phone 1800 543 351 POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 1520 Buderim Qld 4556 HOLISTIC BLISS IS A MONTHLY PUBLICATION INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED ON THE SUNSHINE COAST.


Holistic Bliss is printed each month on carbon neutral gloss paper, with soy-based inks and uses a local FSC® certified printer.

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| OCTOBER 2016 | Holistic Bliss

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16 24 Food for the Soul


06 Raw Banana and Caramel Chocolate Cookies MARIE ANITA JAMES

07 Love your liver!


08 How do you take your coffee? JOEL GRACE

09 Are you vegan or do you have food 18 4 ways to bring freedom sensitivities? to your work SARAH KOTTMANN

10 Do you judge you and your body?

Cover Story 12-13 Simone Milasas: Can Business Be Blissful? DIVA DIAZ

When Work is Your Play 14 The magic dance of your body JEAN SHEEHAN


19 The waves of change and creativity

16 Holistic Business Profile: Interview with Leanda Weynton 17 Working too hard? Stop it! MARC DE BRUIN

4 WAYS TO READ NEVER MISS AN ISSUE OF HOLISTIC BLISS • Subscribe: Receive 11 editions delivered to your door for only $33 per year – visit www.holisticblissmagazine.com • Memberships: Ph 1800 543 351 or email: membership@ holisticblissmagazine.com • Outlets: Pick up your free copy – check out Distribution at www.holisticblissmagazine.com • Online: View the digital edition at www.issuu.com – search Holistic Bliss


38 Is it time to get your thyroid checked? SUZI LE FANUE and CARLY STEWART


20-21 Interview with Founder and Director of Health from the Heart: Ceinie Grudnoff 22 Tools to play with in your business SIMONE MILASAS

23 Ease, Joy and Glory® 24 Ease with caring for your loved ones while working…

WENDY MULDER 15 Is it time to let the ‘playful’ one out at work? 25 Ease, Joy and Glory® ANNE ALECKSON

37 Finding the rose

26 Thinking differently about smoking GLENN CHANDLER

28-29 There’s more to business than just money KIM SERAFINI

30 The laughing Billionaire Buddha at work JANE MONICA-JONES

31 Holistic Business Profile and Interview: Alison and Paul Wheeler

Melbourne, People & Places 32 What does feng shui, a merger and a few million dollars mean to you? SHARON BRESLIN

33 Charge your battery RAELENE BYRNE

34 Handmade talismans with love ANANDI BELINDA FENWICK

36 I’m desperate – is there anything you can do for me? CATHY RODWELL

Move Your Body 40 This month’s SUP yoga pose SARAH-ROSE SELLARS

41 Sydney: People, places and partnerships

Relationships, Parenting and Kids 42 The wisdom of child’s play JEAN SHEEHAN

43 Would you like your daily dose of love? JANET MCGEEVER

44 Is now the time to create a divorceless relationship? DR DAIN HEER

45 HOLISTIC AS… Books and more

Holistic Beauty and Style 46 Great October Giveaway!!! 47 Profile of an essential oil: Lime KIM MORRISON

Natural Animal Care 48 Caring for animals/being cared for by animals DAVINA O’BRIEN

49 Profile of an Holistic Vet: Dr Garry Bright 50



DIRECTORY Holistic Bliss | OCTOBER 2016 |

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Raw Banana and Caramel Chocolate Cookies RECIPE MARIE ANITA JAMES

Gluten-free, dairy-free, vegan, refined sugar-free, grain-free MAKES APPROX. 20 COOKIES USING ORGANIC INGREDIENTS Ingredients – cookie: 1½ cups raw walnuts ½ cups blanched almonds 2 tsp ground cinnamon 1 tsp salt 2 tbsp lucuma 1 cup firmly packed medjool dates, pitted 8 medium dried bananas ¼ cup coconut oil Caramel chocolate: ¼ cup lucuma ¼ cup mesquite ¾ tsp salt 1 tsp vanilla powder ½ cup coconut oil 2/ 3 cup raw home-made almond milk 3 dates, soaked and pitted Equipment: Food processor

Rolling pin or equivalent Cookie cutter/s Method: 1. Combine walnuts and almonds for the cookies in a food processor and process until the mix becomes a fine crumb consistency. Add remaining cookie ingredients and process until well combined. 2. Using two sheets of greaseproof paper, place the cookie dough in between the two sheets and roll out until approx ½cm thick. Using a cookie cutter, cut out your cookies. If there is dough remaining combine it and re-roll the dough, continuing the process until as much dough as possible has been utilised. 3. Place on a tray and refrigerate until firm (while you make the chocolate!) 4. For the caramel chocolate, combine all ingredients in a food processor and mix until smooth and creamy. Easy as raw chocolate!

Marie Anita’s Gluten Free Health Cafe

5. Take the biscuits out of the fridge and dip into caramel chocolate as you please. Then half cover some and completely cover the others using two forks to help dip. 6. Garnish as you please! While the chocolate is runny you can stick anything to these bad boys then allow them to set in the fridge for 15-20 minutes. Try chia seeds, rose petals or hemp seeds. marieanitas.com

Talk and Tea with Vanessa Finnigan and Holistic Bliss Magazine Hear the Holistic Bliss story, pick up a copy of the magazine, and participate in a question and answer session about this month’s topic:

‘Is it time for something new?’ Sunday, Oct 30th includes afternoon tea

To book phone

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| OCTOBER 2016 | Holistic Bliss

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ur overall wellbeing depends on how well the body is removing toxins. One of the main ways to detox is through the biggest organ in our body – the liver. If the liver is not functioning as it should, we cannot digest our foods properly and remove toxins. When we are talking about liver toxicity, many people are thinking of cirrhosis, which is alcohol induced damage of the liver. However there are many other causes of liver damage like taking some medication, especially antiinflammatory and pain medications, processed foods containing artificial additives, toxic body products and exposure to environmental toxins and heavy metals. Other risks associated with impaired liver function are: alcohol and drug use, diet high in saturated fats, obesity, high triglycerides, viral infections and autoimmune diseases. These are the symptoms of poor liver function: • Bloating • Feeling tired all the time • Excessive sweating

• Acid reflux and heartburn • Constipation • Anxiety, depression, mood swings • Inability to lose weight • Dark urine • Yellowish skin and eyes • Skin problems such as acne, rosacea Fortunately, our liver has a capacity to regenerate once we follow the detoxification process and remove the factors causing the damage in the first place. 9 steps to regenerate and detox the liver: 1. Remove all processed foods from you diet – especially sugar and hydrogenated oils. Cook at home and eat clean. 2. Drink freshly made vegetable juices and eat plenty of raw foods as they contain enzymes helping with digestive processes. 3. Take a potassium supplement as it helps to regenerate your liver, especially if you have high blood pressure. 4. Glutathione supplement is the most powerful remedy to detox the liver especially heavy metals and pesticides.

Make sure though that you are taking the right kind of glutathione in the form of precursors. 5. Milk thistle – is the most powerful herb for liver detox. It assists with eliminating all the toxins, especially heavy metals, environmental pollutants, and alcohol. It is also helps to strengthen the cell walls in the liver, supporting regeneration. 6. Dandelion root – has a natural diuretic effect helping the liver to eliminate toxins. It boosts the immune system, balances the blood sugar and relieves heartburn. 7. Turmeric – best anti-inflammatory we have available, it helps with restoring the healing process. 8. Apple cider vinegar is also great and a simple remedy to have daily with a glass of water, it helps to boost our digestion which then helps to clean the liver. 9. Eat a large amount of green vegetables. You can also supplement with green powders such as broccoli sprouts, wheat grass and barley grass. detoxhouse.com.au

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Holistic Bliss | OCTOBER 2016 |

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WORDS JOEL GRACE, Owner, Sunshine Colonics Health & Wellness Centre


ome people like a frothy cappuccino. Others prefer the buzz of a short black. But for me, there’s only one way to have your coffee – UPSIDE DOWN! That’s right, this month we’re talking coffee enemas. What’s the fuss about coffee enemas? According to the late Dr Max Gerson, a pioneer of coffee enema therapy, coffee enemas are a fantastic way to detoxify your body. When you gently instil warm organic coffee into your colon, the caffeine and organic coffee compounds quickly enter your bloodstream and travel direct to your liver. The caffeine then stimulates your gallbladder to dump a heap of bile, which is kind of like the kitchen sponge of the body. You know how you re-use your kitchen sponge multiple times before it gets so old and dirty you throw it out? Well bile soaks up toxins 6 or 7 times before your body will naturally dump it – so the coffee enema speeds up this cleaning process. Additionally – and this is probably

my favourite benefit of coffee enemas – they have been shown to improve the efficacy of glutathione (our body’s master antioxidant) by 600-700%! This powerful detoxifier binds with toxins throughout the body and flushes them out during the enema process. It’s almost like you have 6 or 7 livers all working at optimum capacity to clean your body! Can I just drink the coffee instead? We don’t get the same benefits from drinking coffee as we do from doing an enema. Coffee enemas are an amazing way to quickly absorb the goodness directly into your bloodstream, instead of having to go through your entire digestive system before your body can use the caffeine. How do I do it at home? It’s more simple than you’d think actually. As always, consult your doctor to ensure that coffee enemas are right for you. Start with 1 litre of the best quality water you can find, and a reusable home enema kit. Bring the

coffee? water to the boil, then add 2 tbsp of ground organic coffee (light to medium roast has more caffeine). Boil for 5 minutes, simmer for 10, then strain through filter paper and cool to just a little warmer than body temperature. Then simply pour it into an enema bucket or bag (make sure it’s elevated so gravity can work its magic), insert the flex nozzle about 1.5 inches into your bottom (don’t forget to lubricate with coconut oil!), and slowly instil the liquid into your colon. It’s more comfortable if you place a yoga mat on the ground, and prop your head up with a pillow. Lay on your right side with your knees slightly bent and retain for as long as you can, but 10-12 minutes is ideal. Then race to the toilet and release all the waste and toxins! If all this sounds like too much hassle, just ask me to add a coffee enema on to your next colonic for an extra detox boost! sunshinecolonics.com.au


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| OCTOBER 2016 | Holistic Bliss

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vegan OR HAVE





t’s important as a vegan/vegetarian or someone who has removed multiple food groups, to replace the macro and micronutrients that have been removed from the diet. Being a vegan and adopting a high plant-based diet can have an amazing effect on your health and wellbeing, however if not done correctly can have detrimental effects on your health. VITAMIN B12: It is only usually found in red meat and luckily it’s also stored in the liver. Symptoms of a deficiency only start to show years after going off meat. It’s important to replace B12 in a methylated supplement format for best absorption regularly if meat is not consumed. PROTEIN: Protein is not as easily accessed if you are vegan unless you combine foods well. Combining a legume (kidney bean, chickpea or lentils) with brown rice gives you a complete protein. A complete protein is one, which contains all essential amino acids. Quinoa is an ancient grain that is gluten free and is already a complete

protein source and a great alternative to rice or pasta. Combining pea protein and brown rice protein together in a shake also gives you a complete protein. CALCIUM: Many people have food sensitivities connected with consuming dairy products apart from vegans who don’t consume dairy products. For children who are growing, calcium is essential to avoid conditions such as rickets. Different amounts of calcium are required at different age ranges from 250mg for babies to 1300mg for the elderly. You can source products that are fortified with calcium and eat foods rich in calcium such as: almond, tahini, tofu, broccoli and leafy greens like spinach and bok choy. VITAMIN D: Vitamin D is sourced from the sun and also from our foods, and the richest sources are from dairy products and oily fish. Vitamin D is essential for bone growth, regulating our mood and developing resistance to infections. Once again certain foods are fortified with vitamin D and alternative foods rich in vitamin D

include: mushrooms exposed to sunlight (Portabella and Maitake having the highest), tofu and almond milk. Most of our Vitamin D however is sourced from the sun, which is why you will find most people will have some degree of vitamin D deficiency, as different factors come into play when absorbing vitamin D from the sun. IRON: Iron is found from both plant and animal sources, it’s important to include these plant sources in your diet on a daily basis. Foods such as: lentils, beans, nuts, seeds, brown rice, green vegetables, along with a vitamin C rich source for absorption (such as capsicums, tomatoes or oranges) will provide a good source of iron. Another great source of iron and B vitamins is barley grass, which can be added to shakes. Eating as organic as possible increases the macro and micronutrients found in foods and decreases your toxic load. natureshappiness.com.au

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verybody loves a good doco!! Well, have you heard about the latest documentary release called Embrace? It’s one woman’s journey to find peace in the area of ‘body image’. “When body image activist Taryn Brumfitt posted an unconventional before-and-after photograph in 2013, it was seen by more than 100 million worldwide and sparked an international media frenzy. In her forceful debut, Brumfitt continues her crusade exploring the global issue of body loathing. She travels the world to interview an impressive range of women about their attitudes to their bodies, including: Mia Freedman, the youngest ever editor of the Australian edition of Cosmopolitan; Adelaide researcher Professor Marika Tiggemann; UK talk show host/photographer Amanda de Cadenet; body image blogger Jess Baker (AKA The Militant Baker); and motivational speaker Turia Pitt,” stated Fan Force. Embrace is a documentary that

women will relate to and perhaps it offers some different ways of moving forward and letting go of the litany of criticism we perpetrate on ourselves and our bodies and maybe it’s food for thought for all who are in the media industry. Nutritionist and Herbalist, Suzi Le Fanue and the Integrated Wellness


Clinic team bring you this screening of Embrace on Monday, 24th October at 6:30pm at Event Cinemas, Maroochydore, Queensland. For more information visit: fan-force.com/screenings/embrace-eventcinemas-maroochydore-qld-2/ And to contact Suzi visit: integratedwellnessclinic.com.au

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| OCTOBER 2016 | Holistic Bliss

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Natural Grace & Co Natural Grace and Co was launched on 2nd May this year by Shelley McKinnon. The Natural Grace and Co vision is for women to feel beautiful in what they are wearing, knowing that it is natural to remain graceful in all stages of life. Each item is lovingly created and made by Shelley from her cute little beach shack at Dicky Beach in Qld.

“embrace your natural grace”… stunning, beach inspired, timeless elegance, clothes made with natural cotton and linen, for women of all ages priced under $100 per item Phone: 0450 040 495 Email: shelleyannmckinnon@gmail.com Facebook/Natural Grace and Co

Health From the Heart have now released their


for both women and men exclusively made for Health From The Heart by Crystal Art, Melbourne. Each piece has been lovingly created with beautiful silver with Rainbow Hematite as our feature and various other crystals.

To view the collection you can go to Health From The Heart’s Facebook page and “Shop Now” or arrange for an appointment to view the collection.

Facebook/healthfromtheheart // Phone: 0438 193 244 // Email: ceinwenanne@gmail.com www.etsy.com/au/shop/HealthFromTheHeart?ele=shop_open

Ceinie is a critical care and health practitioner based on the Sunshine Coast and travels the world sharing her wisdom and supporting individuals and businesses. Her Facebook site ‘Health from the Heart’ is a source of inspiration for people all around the world. Ceinie is often involved in many ‘pay it forward’ projects and this page was her way of supporting Shelley’s amazing business.

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Diva: Simone, you started business at an early age and it involved travelling to different countries. What got you started down this path? Simone: As far back as I can remember, all I wanted to do was travel and have my own business. People used to ask me what sort of business, and I didn’t really have a point of view about what sort of business, since I just found business in general to be one of the most creative things that you could do. I always had the sense that business was malleable and changeable, and I now understand that not everyone has that perspective on business. This point of view has really helped me since I started working at 19 years old when I left school, got as many jobs as I could and worked hard to make lots of money to go overseas. I learned some amazing things while abroad, and I worked in many different jobs, from working on the Greek Islands talking people into coming into restaurants to eat dinner, to cooking and cleaning in a chalet in Austria, and even working with the London underground developing a new line in London. The more I travelled the world, the more I recognised that we live on this amazing planet, with some really amazingly beautiful people, cultures and way of being in the world. Yet a lot of people seemed unhappy, and living in conditions and situations that to them seemed unchangeable, so I wanted to create a change and impact the way 12

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people lived their lives and the way they treated each other. I desired whatever business I created to be something that spread joy and happiness in the world. Diva: That’s so inspirational! What allowed you to take this from an idea to something that you could get out into the world? Simone: By living in a constant state of curiosity instead of concluding that something has to be the way it currently is, is what allows you to create beyond the norm, change the way your business looks, and change the way it’s heading. I started by waking up every day and asking questions. So I created an importing business from India, Nepal and Tibet, and Thailand and eventually I started a business called ‘Good Vibes For You’. I wanted people to be able to read something (we had sayings on T-shirts and magnets) and change their day, the way they were looking at themselves or the way they were looking at each other,


as well as change the way they were looking at the world. One of my favourite sayings we used was, ‘Imagine what you would do if you knew you couldn’t fail?’ That quote hung on a woman’s fridge for years, and actually gave her the courage to leave her abusive marriage. When she called me to tell me this, I knew that my business was a success. Diva: That’s amazing to have impacted someone’s life so dynamically like that! Tell us a little bit about what is Joy of Business? Simone: The Joy of Business is all about using the Access Consciousness tools that allow you to create change in any area of your life that you think is not working. When you use these tools in business and with your money flows, you begin to see if something different can show up. And you can have fun while you’re doing it: if you’re in business and not enjoying it… what are you doing it for? I always say, ‘your life is your business and your business is your life’. What are you going to create today? These are questions you want to ask yourself every day, not to get an answer but to open doors to possibilities. Whether you own a business, you’re working with somebody else, you’re a stay-at-home mum or you’re unemployed, your life is your business, so what are you choosing? Diva: Is it possible to be joyful in business even when things are difficult? Simone: Yes absolutely. Business is

| OCTOBER 2016 | Holistic Bliss

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e n o m i S s a s a l i M not about getting it right, it’s not about waking up every day and it being easy… there are some times when life, business and even money is a little hard. Are you going to freak out about it and put it in the ‘too hard’ basket? No! What if you actually had the tools and the questions to change it? There’s never a reason to be weird or funky or strange about business or money, there’s always something else that can show up. So it’s not about everything being rosy and joyful and laughing hysterically every day, it’s the willingness to have everything, and also the willingness to lose everything. I’ve had businesses I’ve been very successful in, and I’ve had businesses that I’ve not been successful in, but it’s all been a choice I’ve made that’s got me to where I am today. If you knew that business was going to be successful, everybody would be doing it. But if you look at everything you’ve done in your life, it creates the person that you are

today. What if it was all just adding to the adventure of life and living? Diva: So if you are in that situation where you’re feeling like you are at a dead-end or business is getting really challenging, what would be your favourite Joy of Business tool? Simone: Ask, ‘truth, do I still wish to be in this business?’ (a universal law is that if you ask yourself ‘truth’ that you’ll actually know the answer) and 9 times out of 10 when you’re at a dead end, it’s that you don’t want to do the business anymore. Diva: What if you get a no, on ‘do I want to do the business?’, instead of going into ‘I just spent the last ten years of my life doing this’ and going into reaction, what tool would you suggest to people? Simone: Ask another question, ‘What do I do now? What choices and possibilities are available that I’ve not yet asked for?’ Could you sell it? Could you get someone in to run the pieces of the

business that you don’t like? So ask more questions to have more awareness. But don’t make it a wrongness. You can also ask, am I trying to control this? A lot of people, especially business owners, are control freaks of magnitude. They have a very fixed view of what the business is going to look like. So even if someone comes along that has something else they can contribute, they don’t allow that to come in, because it doesn’t look like what they think the business should look like. You have to be willing for the business to change. Diva: Is there anything else you’d like to add about what’s truly possible in business? Simone: What if the purpose of life was to have fun? What if you started to look at that? You’re here, this is not a dry run… this is your life. Are you enjoying what you’re doing? What possibilities are available that you have not yet asked for? www.accessjoyofbusiness.com Holistic Bliss | OCTOBER 2016 |

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magic DANCE


WORDS JEAN SHEEHAN, Principal – Millennium Education


magine every cell in your body is playing and doing their job with fun, ease and pure delight. At no stage do your cells say, “I am at work and it is hard”. Welcome to your healthy body and mind. This not only applies to your cells but all your systems, chemicals, ligaments, muscles and body parts. How absolutely delicious. As I look inside someone’s body, I see where the communication of each body part is excited to be doing what they are doing and how they tap into an innate action such as the liver for organising, planning and processing, as well as the liver’s physical action of ‘breaking down hormones’. When there is dis-ease in the body, the body parts are still ‘playing’ at their work. They do not know what is disease or what is wellness for when you are sickest, you are the healthiest as that is when you take note of the body and commence a lifestyle that creates freedom rather than pain. If there is pain in the body, that is the anatomy and physiology saying, “I have to work hard and I don’t like it” whereas the body knows innately life is about playing.

As for the mind, work is perception only and how you do it is a choice. No matter what job or career I have had, I have always said, “Let’s play”. It is all in the mind! Before having my successful medical intuitive business, I needed to earn money to support my heart’s desires of my Millennium Education business and so I decided to take a cleaning job which was cleaning factories. I have nursed and worked in autopsies and have had to clean up some awful things but the worst things I found was cleaning factory toilets! People don’t know how to use the toilet! It was time to make play from my work and I did so by having funky music whilst I cleaned, I wore bright pink gloves for cleaning and wore bright coloured op shop clothes to have a laugh at myself. I changed the concept of ‘work as play’ as I knew the bigger picture was I was doing this to get my business up and running and my body thrived on the energy, as I danced in the bathrooms and sang to ABBA. Was anyone watching – who cares! Even today I still have fun at work


and ask my clients, “What shall we play at today?” Maybe you will see me with my pink heart glasses and yellow tutu. Remember PLAY IS YOUR WORK to keep your body healthy and happy. For Medical Intuitive courses or to learn about empowering your child contact JEAN SHEEHAN. AbsoluteEmpowerment.com

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Is it time to let the

‘playful’ ONE




’ve always been the ‘serious’ one – studious, stressed and a perfectionist. These are fairly typical traits of the Virgo that I am – working on a new project to within an inch of it’s life… doing and re-doing and re-doing until it is ‘good enough’ to be seen and admired. That is until about 12 years ago. Something happened back then that would change my outlook on life forever more and I’d never again take life so seriously. I’d come out of an unhappy marriage as a single mum to two boys and I’d started to question life and look for deeper meaning. My first step was what I like to call my quest for the elusive happiness that everyone was always suggesting was a choice I had to make. Happiness could be found through daily meditation, I read. And like the perfectionist I was, I set myself to achieve a meditative state.

I sucked. I could not do this thing called meditation. But I was determined and I persevered whilst tweaking and making adjustments to how I did it. If the usual ways weren’t working, then I had to find my own way. I did, I found a way. It was suggested that I could just count my breaths and not worry too much about trying to empty my mind. So I did. What a world then opened up for me. During my earliest meditations I started to hear a voice that seemed to be coming to me from very deep within and at the same time from a galaxy far, far away. My experience of the world changed as I got to know that voice – the voice I now know as All-That-Is. I also got to know another side of myself – a long-forgotten part left behind in childhood. The innocent in me! That childlike playful part started to emerge.

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WHAT IS YOUR BODY TRYING TO TELL YOU? Being an early Indigo child and extreme empath, Nadia has developed strong psychic abilities over the years, allowing her to channel messages from your relevant guides and clearly understand your belief systems and thought patterns. She specialises in communicating messages from your body; as a whole, or from separate organs or cells, with your permission, so you are able to find out exactly what your body needs to help it heal and thrive.

I connected back into my unwavering optimism and re-developed my faith in the inherent good of mankind. Someone even called me Pollyanna. Life became less complicated and I remembered that life did not have to be hard and that it could be simple and full of joy and fun. My working day now consists of the perfect blend of my practical and serious side right alongside my innocent child… a little bit of planning and doing and a lot of laughing, playing and connecting my clients to their own inner child so they can experience a life of authenticity where their work is their play and their play is their work. As we move into a new age, it’s time to reclaim all the missing parts of ourselves and it’s certainly time to let our little girl (or boy) out to play in all areas of our life. mindyourownvibration.com



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Holistic Business Profile:

Interview with


Vanessa: What inspired you to become an intuitive healer, naturopath and yoga teacher? Leanda: At a young age I was confronted with my own health concerns and the only option I was given was invasive surgery. Thankfully I listened to my intuition and began to self-study and embraced a personal healing journey. There has always been a natural process that kept unfolding for me working as a therapist and healer. As I learnt, it felt more like I was remembering and this was my knowing that I am following my purpose. Becoming a naturopath just made sense to me, as it gives accreditation in the modern world for people to have a sense of security around natural medicine and healing. Following a traditional approach of naturopathy combined with yoga science, is bringing the essence of health back to its natural state. My inspiration for true healing comes from allowing ourselves to remember who we truly are. Vanessa: What makes your work unique and how can people benefit from this?

Leanda: Having discovered a variety of modalities on my self-healing journey, I then gained qualifications in several of these that I now incorporate into my consultations making them quite unique. Naturopathy, iridology, yoga therapy, cranio sacral therapy, body work therapy, reflexology, kinesiology and reiki are just some of the modalities I offer. Herbal medicine, mineral therapy, diet and lifestyle plans are also offered in my treatments. The benefit for the client is a treatment that is individualised to really cater for what needs to be addressed at that time. Building the bridge of science to spirituality is giving a unique way to treat body, mind and soul. Vanessa: What is your top health tip for spring? Leanda: Listen to yourself. We emerge from our winter cocoon and blossom into spring. With this new energy can come an urge to get out and go hard, exercising, detoxing, juicing and fasting, these things are all healthy if this is what you need at this time. Sometimes spring cleaning is about

taking an inward journey to clean out the clutter in your mind and personal space. Take this opportunity to step back and listen to your inner knowing and make mindful goals. In doing so your whole self will be working in union and this brings lasting results to this selfblossoming season. Vanessa: What would you like to create over the next 12 months with your work / business? Leanda: Presently I am the facilitator at two unique locations. A retail health store and natural therapies clinic at Beerwah that is surrounded by the energy of the Glass House Mountains and the other is our Beach Side Wellness Centre at Bribie Island that offers health and yoga retreats, workshops and spiritual events just 80 metres from the water. My goal in the next 12 months is to expand my vision offering more practitioners with a wider variety of modalities to assist souls on their journey to health and wellness. thehealthyguru.com.au

4 steps to effectively deal with burn-out, depression, anxiety and lack of self-esteem and increase overall happiness and satisfaction in life. Mindfulness integrated Cognitive Behaviour (MiCBT) is an evidence based modality – with scientific backing – which will allow you to successfully deal with a broad range of life situations. To be Mindful means to be aware of what is happening to you, without being caught up in any of it. Once you master the easy-to-learn MiCBT techniques you will know how to control your thoughts and thought processes. This puts you in the driver seat of your personal and professional life. One-on-one and small group MiCBT sessions are available. Contact Marc now for a free 45-minute strategy session.

“Acceptance of present experience with awareness” is key. Phone Marc on 0417 062 506 E: marc@simplifyinglife.com.au

www.simplifyinglife.com.au 16

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| OCTOBER 2016 | Holistic Bliss

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eorge Bernard Shaw once said: “We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing”. For many people, work is one of those no-play zones. A huge amount of people work because they “have to”. They will settle for the job, career or business that gives them the money to make ends meet, without questioning: “Do I really WANT to do this for X amount of hours per week?” For nearly six years, I was caught up in that pattern. Sure, working as a barrister/solicitor comes with great monetary reward, prestige, exciting prospects and intellectual challenges, and for some people it is a superb career path. For me not so much, but as I was caught up in the pattern, I just kept following it. Slowly but surely I started feeling more and more miserable, questioning what was going on. Only when body, mind and


spirit started telling me more loudly it had been enough was I courageous enough to let go. So I quit. That was August 1999. Was it easy? No, not at all. On the contrary, it was awful, and plunged me into a three-month spiral of depression. I totally lost my “work identity”, and faced a potentially long period of unemployment, as I didn’t want to do anything “legal” anymore, and didn’t have many other skills. Was it the right thing, though? Absolutely. The prize was worth the price. Now, over 17 years later, there is NO way I will ever settle for anything less than “play”, when it comes to work. Think about it. If you work full time, you spend 35-45 hours on average in your chosen profession. That’s a third of every 24-hour day during the week! For some people it is significantly more! For me, I need to be thoroughly enjoying what I am doing, otherwise

I’ll quit. Seriously. And no, I don’t have it easy, as I need to pay bills as well. It is a matter of principle. I don’t need to like EVERY aspect of my work, but it definitely needs to energise, invigorate and positively challenge or stimulate me. I have conducted many career counselling sessions with clients, and the prime question is: what is “in it” for you? Why do you work? What do you want to get “out of it”? Only once we have created mindful awareness of someone’s career values, can we start looking for the best option, career-wise. I will be bluntly direct: if you are currently working and you don’t like your job, you’re disrespecting yourself and your capabilities. I say STOP IT. It is time to let your work energise you instead of drain you. You deserve that respect. simplifyinglife.com.au

Holistic Bliss | OCTOBER 2016 |

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4 WAYS TO BRING freedom




hen we were kids, play came easily, a key ingredient being the feeling of FREEDOM. Play feels like we have the freedom to express ourselves without judgement, 100% ourselves and to explore everything as NEW and exciting. Let’s explore four simple ways we can turn our work into play. 1. Express Freely – As children we let our talents flow freely out into the world as we played; sandcastles, singing, dancing, we felt FREE TO CREATE. It flowed through us without judgement and released our heart energy into the world for all to share. When we strengthen our ability to be truly and freely creative, our spirits soar and work feels like play. 2. Make a Choice – Play is truly LETTING GO of the attitude that “I have to work because I don’t have a choice”. Decide, right now that whatever you do right now to earn

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your living is a CHOICE. The truth is that you are FREE to choose how you spend your time. Recognising that you CHOOSE to work will FREE UP a huge amount of energy to bring more joy, laughter, play and freedom into your work. 3. Compare or Find Inspiration – As kids playing, we didn’t judge each other, we didn’t compare, and we each shone in our own way without hurting others. Jealousy in our workplace or industry is judging and comparing, instead of celebrating differences and shining our own light. No one can be exactly you, only YOU can. When we play at work, we SHINE our light. Job satisfaction, life satisfaction and contentment can only come from truly being 100% YOU. Whether you’re running a million dollar company or sweeping floors, shine and play 100% You. 4. Be Present – As a healer of 28


years, I’m conscious of every breath as an absolutely new moment. I stay consciously present to what’s happening and this brings me into a blissful state which can’t help but make me feel like I am playing in my work. It builds a feeling of overwhelming gratitude for my work, for my clients and for the miracle of my life. Choose to be in your miracle moment whatever your work may be and it becomes play. My husband and I have a saying, “We could be in Spain right now”, whether by a lake, or at our computers, or at our events. Our “Spain” phrase means that we are happy, peaceful and PLAYING wherever we are in that moment, easily turning our work into play again and again and again. Learn more about LYZA’S Events and Transformational Healing Sessions or download your free copy of “Seven Secrets to Overcoming Overwhelm” at: LyzaSaintAmbrosena.com.au

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| OCTOBER 2016 | Holistic Bliss

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id you know that your brain works on a small amount of electricity? The human brain is a control centre of the body and psyche, and in order to cope with this difficult work, your brain requires electricity. And the electric current pulsates and vibrates at a different frequency. Modern scientists and researchers have a great interest in the alpha rhythm of brain function that occurs in a state of meditation or relaxation with your eyes closed. Alpha brain waves have electrical frequencies between 8-13 hertz and are generated in the thalamus and associated with the activity of the right brain and the unconscious state of the psyche. When the focus of your attention shifts from the outer world to the inner, you are in alpha. When you are between sleeping and awaking condition, while your eyes are closed, your brain functions in the alpha rhythm, from 7 to 12 cycles per second. Since ancient times, people used different meditations and practices in




order to increase the level of alpha waves in the brain. Why did they do it? Scientific evidence suggests increased alpha rhythms immerse you in relaxation; an expanded state of consciousness, joy and bliss. Creative people call this a state of inspiration. Did you know Mendeleev invented his famous periodic table of the chemical elements in the moment of transition from sleep to waking state? Newton discovered the law of gravity, when he woke up because an apple had fallen on his head (state between being asleep and awake)! When our brain is in the alpha rhythm, we have a connection with the centre of our consciousness – the unconscious part of our psyche, as well as a powerful link with the world. Scientists also have found that the brain alpha rhythms resonate with the Schumann resonances. The Schumann resonances are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency portion of the earth’s electromagnetic field spectrum. Schumann resonances are

global electromagnetic resonances, generated and excited by lightning, which discharges in the cavity formed by the earth’s surface and the ionosphere. When your brain works in the alpha rhythm, we obtain unrestricted access to an inexhaustible flow of information, which is contained in the atmosphere of the planet. That is why the ability to harmonise the frequency of your brain with a frequency of the earth’s atmosphere may open psychic and paranormal abilities and increase your creativity. In order to have a creative inspiration, your brain needs to be able to generate a big burst of alpha brain waves. Peak performance is another activity for which alpha brain waves are helpful. Recently, sports scientists have shown that increases of alpha brain waves precede peak performance. If you would like to find out how to increase your brain’s alpha waves, join one of the ‘Awakening the Illuminated Heart’ workshops in Australia or overseas. exploreyourself.info

Empowering You to Be Who You Really Are

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www.michaelroads.com Holistic Bliss | OCTOBER 2016 |

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Health From The Heart:


Vanessa: How was your business created and how has it grown? Ceinie: Health From The Heart was just created by myself in 2009 in its current form as a “pay it forward”, feel good page for anyone around the globe to visit no matter where they are in their lives. It’s a sentient page where ALL are welcome and where we are all one and from there it has just grown and continues to do so. We are about to hit 60,000 likers and growing every day and I’m supported by a very special admin team that works around the clock as volunteers. There’s Vicky from Albury, NSW, Harry from Melbourne, Susi from Argentina, Nishith from India, Di from Nambour, Queensland and Shelley has joined the ranks of the team. We have had several unique products available to our likers over this time. We started with our very unique and successful “Be The Change – Ripple Effect Cards” and YES for those that

remember them version 3 is not far away. We now have a very exclusive range of jewellery and talismans made for us exclusively by ‘Crystal Art’ in Melbourne and exclusive clothing for our likers made by Shelley McKinnon of ‘Natural Grace & Co’. The clothing and jewellery go so beautifully together, so it was a match made in heaven enabling us to embark on some very exciting joint ventures.

Raelene Byrne

Medicine for your Spirit

LABYRINTH OF LIFE PROGRAM There is purpose to all in our lives, we have only to remember that and move forward. Like walking a labyrinth, you are on a path and no matter how far you wander from the centre, you are always walking yourself HOME.

Everything you need to know you already have within. I invite you with all that I am, to join me on the Labyrinth of Life walk for 6 months. ANNOUNCING THE INTERVIEW SERIES : The Business of Spirit and The Spirit of Business Showcasing the world of spirit and business walking and working together; some inspiring speakers to offer their stories, information, tips and processes for all those in the ‘awakening’ times on planet earth. Consultations via skype and 6 & 12 month soul overviews

www.raelenebyrne.com 20

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Shelley and Ceinie.

We have ALWAYS promoted good businesses that come from the heart and we continue to do so to this day free of charge. Vanessa: What advice would you like to give other people who would like to do joint ventures together? Ceinie: Both Shelley and I think it’s important not only to be passionate about what we do but also truly believe in each other’s vision. It’s important to follow your instinct, it either feels right or it doesn’t. In our case it feels right and just flows so well. Excitement is important, we are constantly excited about what we do. I believe you can very easily fail at what you don’t want, so why not take a risk on doing something you love – this is a recipe for success. We are constantly developing and evolving and there are no limits. Most importantly, communication is something we keep very open and fun. Vanessa: What are your top tips to having more ease and joy with business?


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| OCTOBER 2016 | Holistic Bliss

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Ceinie: We believe in going with the flow and just letting things evolve. Yes we do set goals, timelines and keep each other accountable and we love good old fashioned lists. Listening to each other is vital along with being open and supportive. We take the lows which are far outnumbered by our highs knowing that this too shall pass and it does, you just ride the wave. Sticking to your guns on what you do is important, as many people will ask you to compromise on your designs and products at times. As we say, it’s your virtual gun and no one else’s. Lastly, some of the best ideas come from a good fun brainstorming session.



y y


Vanessa: What fun things have you both got coming up with your work?

e i n i e C  o n d Gru An integrative approach to helping you achieve AWAKENING THE balanceILLUMINATED in your body, mind, and life HEART Worldwide Workshop by ELENA BURTON Presented through Drunvalo Melchizedek’s School of RememberingŠ

23 - 26 September 2016, Dubai, Emirates 28 September - 2 October 2016, Delhi, India 5 - 8 October 2016, Tel Aviv, Israel 13 - 16 October 2016, Prague, Czech Republic 3 - 6 November 2016, Sunshine Coast, Australia This 4-day intensive and transformative workshop combines scientiďŹ c knowledge and ancient spiritual wisdom with practical experiences. • Anxiety – generalised and acute The workshop takes you through different exercises practices,Dip. giving you Glennand Chandler, C.H., • Habits – smoking, drugs and the tools to shift your awareness from the polarized brain toTherapist the purity and Principal alcohol unity of your heart. You will ďŹ nd your way into your heart and discover a Rachel Kennedy, Dip. C.H., • Weight lossas and mindful world real as the outereating world, but more ancient and primal. Practice Manager • ConďŹ You dence, self-esteem and will experience an important activation of the pineal gland. personal You will alsodevelopment activate your Mer-Ka-Ba (your personal energy ďŹ eld) Carol Moore, Dip.through C.H., • the Emotional release how to create a new reality in Unity Consciousness heart and remember Hypnotherapist • Fears, worryfrom andyour phobias heart as opposed to from your mind. For information please contact

PHONE CertiďŹ ed Teacher in Drunvalo Melchizedek’s ( ) School of Remembering Elena on 044 82 000 99 Š


First Floor, 510 South Pine Road, Everton Park, QLD www.ExploreYourself.info To learn more visit: www.brisbanehypnosis.com.au All intent begins in your heart!

Ceinie: INDIA – we are in India NOW. We are sourcing new linens and textiles, along with unique boxing designs for the jewellery. The exclusive handcrafted jewellery range for men and women made especially for “Health From The Heart� is expanding rapidly and Shelley from “Natural Grace and Co� is about to launch her men’s line. Now we think that’s pretty exciting, as we embark on our journey spreading the word and values of “Health From The Heart� in the process. facebook.com/healthfromtheheart

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Holistic Bliss | OCTOBER 2016 |

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ven if you’re doing what you love and love what you’re doing, making work significant and serious can limit the possibilities that are available. What if you injected a sense of play into your work? Would that make it easier and more joyful? I always say, your work is your play and your play is your work. What if business is the adventure of living? Here are some ways to PLAY when things become too “serious.” PLAY WITH POSSIBILITIES I recently received emails from two people having a business melt-down. When a problem shows up at work, it’s easy to get upset. What if you took a step back from the drama everyone else is buying into, and asked a question? Whether the problem is a staff member, or something going wrong with your products or services ask, “What possibilities are available here that I’ve not yet asked for?” Rather than reacting and buying into the drama, what if there was something right about the


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in your

situation you are not seeing? A question can be magic, it gives you an awareness of a different possibility that you may not have considered PLAY WITH THE UNIVERSE The universe desires to gift to you, but you have to ask. What if you employed the universe and asked it to contribute to you every day? Start to tap into the abundance of the universe by asking questions. One of my favourites is, how does it get any better than this? Ask that question no matter what’s going on, even when things are going well. For instance, if you’ve had a breakthrough with a client ask, “How does it get any better than this?” Allow the universe to contribute something even greater. You can also ask, “What magic can I create in my business today?” Be willing to receive whatever the universe gifts you – without judging that it’s good or bad. PLAY WITH ENERGIES Every business requires a creator, connector and mover. It’s not necessarily about hiring three people;

BUSINESS you just need those energies. The creator is the visionary and usually has really great ideas. The connector talks to everybody about your business on social media, at the supermarket, over the phone etc. The mover, is the person who has an awareness of what the future of your business can be and knows what to put into place today. When you know which energy you are, then you can find the people to assist you in the other areas. PLAY WITH TRAVEL Travelling with your business invites more possibilities for growth and expansion into new markets. When you travel, you discover more about what you’re interested in, you learn about different cultures and see how they function. What if you could expand your business everywhere you travel? What if you could take your business to the world? SIMONE is the author of Joy of Business. accessjoyofbusiness.com/sydney

| OCTOBER 2016 | Holistic Bliss

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Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator IF I TOLD YOU THERE WAS NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU, ANYTHING WAS POSSIBLE, AND YOU COULD CHANGE ANYTHING – WHAT WOULD THAT BE FOR YOU? This is how I start my private sessions. We look at the energy and go from there looking at what is right about you, not what is wrong with you, using the effective simple tools of Access Consciousness™ and Access Bars®.

What is it for you: Relationship Stress with work More happy

Body Family Judgment

Money Self value What else?


Call Stella Janouris 0402 051 216 or email stellastar_1@hotmail.com

All of life comes to me with Ease, Joy and Glory®

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ACCESS CONSCIOUSNESS® Empowering people to know that they know Ask yourself:

Do you desire to choose more in and for your life and there seems to be something blocking you from creating it? Do you feel you don’t belong in this reality and question what direction to take? Is there an ease of you Being You in the world?

With nearly 20 years working with clients, I know the Access Consciousness® tools work.

Enrica Mallard

Access Consciousness® Certified Facilitator

Contact me for a session, and/or learn the tools yourself. Access Consciousness® is about empowering you to know that you know, and it would be a joy to facilitate you to Be You.

www.enricamallard.com enrica@enricamallard.com


16/09/2016 12:51:05 PM




s a nurse, grief counsellor and business owner who has also cared for loved ones through illness, ageing and dying, I have experienced first-hand the challenges, doubts and confusion that can come along with it. I have also found that caring for your loved ones whilst working and living your life, can be joyful and created with ease and peace – if you are willing to care for you first. Caring for you is not just taking time away from care-giving or work, (although that is an important part) it’s also allowing yourself the gift of choice in each moment, creating your life based on what brings you joy. When you do this, the energy it creates overflows into every facet of life and allows you to be with, and care for others with far greater ease. Here are three of my favourite tools for care-giving (and living) with greater ease. 1. Get off autopilot. Start each day

being fully present with you. When you open your eyes, clear the slate and start anew. Ask some questions to open up new possibilities: • What would I like to create as my day? • How can I do it with ease? • What choice could I make today that I never thought possible? • Universe, will you show me the possibilities for joy and celebration today? These questions aren’t meant to have answers, they are like opening doors and windows for fresh air to come in. 2. Are you being grateful for you, or judging you? When you choose to take on care-giving, it’s easy to get stuck in a mind-set of obligation or, “If I were a good carer I would...” which means you are letting self-judgment take over rather than seeing the choices you actually have. Is that really any fun for you? Instead of judging, acknowledge the contribution you are, and take a

moment to be grateful for you. Receive the gift of you. When you do this, you will have a greater sense of ease and peace, rather than judgment and doubt. 3. Problems and challenges do come up. When they do, what if it didn’t have to be a trauma or drama, or need fixing? My go to question when the unexpected happens is, “What are the infinite possibilities here?” While there are things that need doing as part of care-giving, ultimately it is what we choose to be that makes the difference. I often find myself exclaiming, “I love living!” I do this with a total sense of spontaneous celebration, joy and gratitude. This is the energy that really contributes to your life and the people around you. What can you celebrate today? WENDY MULDER has an upcoming telecall “Preparing for When Parents Get Old” – November 5th, 6th and 7th. For more information, go to kindnesswithgrief.com Phone: 0431 170 710

DO YOU FEEL POWERLESS, ALMOST SUICIDAL? STUCK IN THE SAME PATTERNS? STRUGGLING WITH EMOTIONAL AND/OR HEALTH PROBLEMS? Simone and Tina simultaneously contribute their unique energetic capacities to invite you to change in a phenomenal synthesis of energy process called ‘Steps 2 Synergy’.

In an *S2S* session, they use a completely different approach to healing. By using a unique set of tools in combination with each of their own potent styles of vibrational healing, Simone and Tina invite YOU to change at the core of your being.

CHOOSING AN *S2S* SESSION COULD BE THE CHANGE AND THE BEGINNING OF THE MIRACLE YOU ARE SEARCHING FOR… They use the tools of Access Consciousness combined with Tina’s awesome energetic capacity and Simone’s phenomenal knowing. Together they bring about a synthesis in the energy of who YOU BE, to invite you to transform anything you haven’t been able to change… until NOW.


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Book a session today and demand the change!

| OCTOBER 2016 | Holistic Bliss

16/09/2016 11:28:40 AM


Changing the Impossible to I’m Possible!! with

Sarah Be

Have you experienced trauma or stress?

What have you made impossible?? Is now the time for that to change?

What if you could respond to stress mindfully rather than react mindlessly? What would it take?

In this dynamic “live created” 2½-day class, let’s unlock Money, Health, Wealth, Fun, Joy, Happiness, Relationships and more!! Let’s Create our Lives!! • SUNSHINE COAST: Mooloolaba – TASTER EVENINGS Friday 14th & 28th Oct; Gympie – Friday 21st Oct – $125 • SUNSHINE COAST: Mooloolaba – 2½-DAY CLASS Fri 28th-Sun 30th October – $750 (Fri pm only $125) • ADELAIDE: Adelaide Hills – 2½-DAY CLASS Fri 4th-Sun 6th November – $750 (Fri pm only $125)

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25.indd 1

What have you concluded must be your life? Are you tired of putting everyone else’s needs first? Do you keep going around in circles with one foot on the accelerator and one foot on the brake? Is it time to be brave and acknowledge what is really holding you back from being happy with your life?

If now is the time – call Lee 0424 189 185 www.bodyexuberance.com.au www.leeflanagan.accessconsciousness.com

16/09/2016 11:29:49 AM





or someone who smokes and seeks to improve their life and wellness, quitting is one of the most important and meaningful changes that needs to be made. Smoking is often a cause of great struggle and distress in someone’s life. It is almost always a source of conflict at a personal level, and can be the source of a deeper spiritual conflict. When an intelligent and caring person makes a seemingly voluntary choice to knowingly do something harmful, it creates a conflict at the level of their very identity. Almost all the information we get about smoking is about why you shouldn’t smoke. But nobody needs to be lectured to about the dangers of smoking – everybody already knows why they shouldn’t smoke. The real question is how – how do I stop? This basic question is rarely provided with an effective answer. We are often told how smoking is


really about nicotine addiction, but this disempowering idea is a reflection of our medical system – a system which seeks to label all compulsive behaviour as addiction, and then tries to provide a pharmacological solution. With smoking, the real issue is habit. Habit is a subconscious pattern in the mind, and this pattern is not changed by the conscious decision to stop. This is why people struggle to stop, and why the habit persists despite the knowledge of harm and the desire to stop. The habit of smoking, easily becomes associated with a sense of relaxation, or stress relief, or some form of emotional support. It is this emotional entanglement that leads to a sense of deprivation and difficulty when someone tries to stop. It is worth remembering that a nonsmoker does not feel deprived because they don’t smoke. And for everyone who smokes, there was a time when

Natures Temple

they did not smoke. The mind and body already knows how to be free, we just need to clear the path. Clearing the path to freedom means seeing the habit for what it really is – a pattern in the mind that can be changed. With this empowering understanding, and by giving attention to what we try to get from smoking – whatever that may be – the way forward becomes clearer and easier. It’s always a great privilege to help someone quit smoking. In my experience, it becomes not only freedom from the habit and ending the conflict, but also a catalyst for other changes. It allows for a greater freedom in the expression of one’s happiness and true spirit, and the experience of a deeper peace. GLENN CHANDLER is a clinical hypnotherapist, and principal at Brisbane Hypnosis Centre. brisbanehypnosis.com.au





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Our range of services include: • Reiki Healing • Hahana Hot Stone Massage • Halo Salt Room • Medium / Psychic Readings • Facial Harmony Treatments • The Journey • Crystal Light and Sound Therapy • EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) • Chakra Balancing • Far Infrared Sauna • Ear Candling • Facial and Massage Treatments • plus others

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| OCTOBER 2016 | Holistic Bliss

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proudly presented by









OCT 08 | 9am - 12 noon Mercure Gold Coast Resort 64 Palm Meadows Drive, Carrara

OCT 09 | 9am - 12 noon Crown Promenade 8 Whiteman Street, Southbank

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as featured on:

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16/09/2016 7:06:12 AM







any entrepreneurs think in terms of financial abundance when they’re envisioning their ideal business scenario. It’s very enticing to think about financial freedom, and the

freedoms that come with it: being able to travel, working on your own schedule, giving back to the community, living debt-free, and so on. But how much energy do you give

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28.indd 1

to the spiritual element of your business? Do you trust the insight and intuition you have? Are you the happy recipient of truly inspired ideas? And – perhaps most importantly – are you in business primarily for the sake of improving other people’s lives? Our society places a heavy emphasis on doing, achieving, building, and growing. More, more, more. But when we look at doing more, achieving more, building more and growing more, what’s the first thing that pops into your mind? MORE WORK. Right? We’re so conditioned to believe that it takes hard work and sacrifice in this very physical world, in order to achieve these goals, and so when we think about growing our businesses, the enormity of “more” can become overwhelming. When will I have time to enjoy my family? How will I ever manage to squeeze in some “me” time? What about exercise? Time off (ha!)? And what if all this growth implodes later if sales don’t keep up? If these sound familiar to you, I invite you to take a more spiritual approach. First, begin with your WHY – but take it a step further, beyond what your business can do for you, into WHY your idea will benefit others. What is the most compelling reason your product or service will enrich others’ lives? Diana is a massage therapist. Her “why” goes beyond helping people

Do you feel a calling to a larger purpose in life? Rose Alchemy melds Reiki and Seichim into one magically potent system of energy training. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT

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FREE YOUR SECRETMIND, SELF-SABOTAGE HEAL YOUR WEIGHTHEAL LOSS YOUR WORKSHOP LIFE. EXPERIENCED DATE: Saturday,QUALIFIED 1st October HELP fromFOR 9am-12 ALL noon AGES AT: Sandstone Point Community Hall • Stress & Anxiety • Fears & Phobias COST: $60 • Life Coaching • Weight Loss & Addiction INCLUDES A WEIGHT LOSS HYPNOSIS SESSION Cathy Rodwell MEd (Guidance & Counselling)

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Book Now – Ph 0432 924 966 or email: cathyswell@gmail.com

| OCTOBER 2016 | Holistic Bliss

16/09/2016 11:32:24 AM

g e te th p to m sy st m g

b p h im

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get the kinks out of their neck and enjoy an hour of stress relief. It’s about teaching people to be more attuned to their bodies so that they can be more proactive in self-care, and listen more to their inner wisdom, which often manifests as physical sensations or symptoms – for example, the “pit in the stomach” feeling when you’re about to make a decision not aligned with your goals or values. Tomas’ all natural coconut-oil-based beauty products aren’t just there to give people chemical-free lotions and soaps; his “why” is reducing the environmental impact of mainstream beauty products. So start there. Start with your “why is this so good for the greater good?” This accomplishes two things: one, it takes the pressure off you to achieve your own “me” goals (nicer home, more expensive car, travel to exotic places, etc.); and two, it will actually help you attract people and resources that are aligned with your why. People will see more value, and they will want to help you significantly more, if your “why” is to reduce rainforest destruction… than if you say that your “why” is to live on a beach and work three days a week. Once you’ve found your “global why” (even if your product/service only impacts your local community), it WILL have a positive ripple effect as you make a small or big difference in someone’s life.


Then, go within. Let your true self, your inner wise one, come forth to guide you. LISTEN to your urgings. If an opportunity feels right, go for it. If a person feels right for a role in your company, hire them. If a joint venture partnership feels wrong, don’t sign the papers. If you’re uncomfortable letting your inner wise one make business decisions, think of it this way: there’s a reason you have that inspiration/intuition/insight/ instinct. And, there’s a reason you have logic/reason/practicality. Just like you have a body, and a mind. Use them both. Weigh your options but learn to trust the very visceral feelings that almost always guide your actions to be aligned with your goals and values. Listening to the inner wise one takes practice for some, so play with it. Business doesn’t have to be all serious! Play the “what if” game in moments of quiet contemplation: What if this crazy

Naturopath Yoga Teacher Intuitive Healer Leanda Weynton N.D., M.H.

BEERWAH and BRIBIE ISLAND • Naturopathic Consultations in person or over Skype • Liquid Herbal Dispensary • Iridology • Allergy and Mineral Testing • Yoga Classes and Workshops • Health and Yoga Retreats • Medical Intuitive Body Readings • Reiki and Chakra Balancing www.thehealthyguru.com.au

KIM SERAFINI is the CEO of Mind Power Technology. mindpt.com

Cat Edwards Spiritual Teacher, Coach & Mentor Clairvoyant/Medium J.P. (Qual.) & Civil Celebrant • Private Readings by appointment (in-person or over Skype) • Spiritual Events • Guest Appearances • Workshops • Tea Leaf Reading Days

An Evening of Insights Monthly Event – Join Cat for dinner and a night of deep spiritual insights as she teaches you how to connect with your helpers in spirit: your Spirit Guides and Angels.

The Divine Child Workshop Build on your relationships with your Divine helpers in Spirit. Gain experience in the subtle and higher vibration energies. Understand the signs and signals from your guides. Receive messages from spirit brought through by Cat.

Phone Craig 0488 44 22 83

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Health products & therapies

option works? What if I can accomplish a goal using this weird “out there” technique? What if this offer that looks so great on paper, will actually pull me away from my “why”? Imagine making the emotional/ visceral choice, and imagine the outcome. How does that outcome FEEL? Then ask yourself, do I want to feel like this most of the time during the process? Then imagine making the logical/reasonable choice, and imagine the outcome. I invite you to try MindPT as a way of coming into spiritual alignment with your business goals. Setting your intention, knowing your why, and allowing the process to unfold gracefully and abundantly, is a learned art that can be made simpler by mental rehearsal and emotional engagement. You can personalise any MindPT session to help you become laser focused on your goals and cultivate thought habits that virtually ensure your success! When you invite spirit into your business you change the nature of business – away from “me” to “we” and away from what you expect to gain, to what you can give. This shift will make all the difference in your world, because it opens you up to make a genuine difference in the world in general. And that always, always comes back to you.

Health products & therapies


Holistic Bliss | OCTOBER 2016 |

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ith work taking up a third of our time we have on this planet, we should hope that a large portion of that time should have some joy, passion and even a little playfulness. Play is something we often lose touch with as adults and it’s truly to our detriment. Studies in ‘flow’ or ‘in the zone’ psychology show profound positive effects on our wellbeing when we are energised by our focus and involved with doing something we love. When children play there is a natural and deep presence with all they are doing, which is a testament to both their focus and enjoyment, which can easily be applied to our work as adults. We can learn a lot from children as they know how to be fully in the moment. They are not doing one thing and then getting distracted by other

thoughts (like we adults do) such as, “What am I going to cook for dinner?” and “Will this work task get me closer to paying off my mortgage?” Regardless of the work we do, there are going to be times where parts of our work will be less engaging than others. Although, being fully present and in the moment is our gateway to finding pleasure even with the simplest of things. You might think of the times where you danced whilst you vacuumed or whistled while you worked. Or maybe this is a timely reminder to start getting those hips looser, around that big ol’ Hoover. With pressure for us to perform and meet obstacles and opportunities in life, it is very easy to just ‘go through the motions’ without actually being present. When we stop tuning into all the thoughts and worries in our heads and choose to be in the ‘here and now’,

wonderful things turn up. A profound and intriguing simplicity which is far more enjoyable than the contemplation of our mortgage, is revealed. And practising the ability to stay present more often can mean that something surprising happens, the essential you shows up – the joyful, passionate and playful you starts to re-emerge when you come out from under the burden of your thoughts and your split thinking. Meditation is a wonderful practice that helps you stay present and quiet the mind, even in life’s wildest storms. Practise it often and life takes on a magical quality, like looking once again through the eyes of a child. JANE MONICA-JONES is a counsellor, teacher and Anapana Sati meditation practitioner. For free guided meditations search for her on Youtube or check out her program on money and mindfulness at TheBillionaireBuddha.com

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30.indd 1

| OCTOBER 2016 | Holistic Bliss

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Holistic Business Profile and Interview:

ALISON AND PAUL WHEELER Vanessa: Can you please share a little bit about the Lifestyle One story? Alison: We started on the journey of personal development more than 10 years ago now, seeking answers, knowing there was more to life. About four years into that journey we started ‘Lifestyle One’. We had our little girl and also had entrepreneur’s priorities. We no longer wanted the normal life of going to work for someone else, slaving away and having little freedom. We also didn’t want to face having our daughter raised in childcare by someone else. I think when you have a child, you take a step back and realise that you are building a ladder on the wrong wall. We wanted to build the ladder on our own wall of freedom. And through ‘Lifestyle One’ we have been able to teach others to do the same. So from our normal life of an occupational therapist and electrician we put our priorities first and created a life we love. Vanessa: How can we all achieve a better work-life balance? Alison: I believe first and foremost this comes from knowing what you want,

and what is important to you. I also think that if you are living your passion and creating a life you love, you do not feel you need to take time out, and so work-life balance is not an issue. I think when you let go of what you think you should do and follow what you are passionate about, following something outside of the norm; that is when you can achieve work life balance. What if you would work around your life, rather than live around your work? Does this sound more like balance? If you choose not to go down the path of taking that higher level of responsibility, you must add things into your life that you love. For me, I choose to work the 5-9, meaning that I get up early and work, then can do school pick-ups and drop-offs, yoga and cross fit and all the other things I love around my work. Vanessa: What do you and Paul love most about your work and how can others benefit from the services you offer? Alison: What we love the most is being able to see the light bulb go on for other people. It’s great to see people realise they can create their life by design. We assist people with taking personal control,

so they can go and create the life they desire. We are thrilled to see this happen each and every day. We get to coach people to be ‘self-sustained creators’, creating wealth for themselves and their families. But more importantly, creating happy families that love life. lifestyleone.com.au



TO THE 9-5?

We support people to create freedom for themselves with time and income. We teach people key marketing and business skills to break free. We have 7 years’ experience in building business success. We offer people the full flexibility and portability to work anywhere, anytime. People have the opportunity to earn an executive level income from home.



www.lifestyleone.com.au Phone Alison +61 422 656 635 Holistic Bliss | OCTOBER 2016 |

31.indd 1


16/09/2016 11:37:46 AM


feng shui, a MERGER

What does and a few MILLION

DOLLARS mean to you?



ome might say, “Nothing” or “What a whole lot of BS!” However, companies such as Sony, Coca-Cola, Citibank, Proctor and Gamble and Shell would say, “Everything!” Penny Spencer, of Spencer Travel, Sydney, a highly successful entrepreneur and leader within her industry had approached me with an opportunity. Due to Spencer Travels’ success, they had outgrown their current premises and were moving within the same building to a much larger space. Whilst they had already had the office Feng Shui architecturally designed, Penny asked me for a “Feng Shui Consultation” and an “Energy Clearing”, due to a recent serious flood they had experienced. Water in Feng Shui represents the “flow of money” or lack thereof. However, I wondered, what more could I add when the interior had been Feng Shui designed? It’s important to understand energy, people and time. When doing a 360 Degree Feng Shui Consultation we are constantly

hunting for that “Eureka” moment, where we uncover the underlying theme or missing link for the space, the business and its people. The offices were beautiful, and upon entry I noticed that all of the staff were either seated down the middle or the left hand side of the office where the windows were located. Down the right hand side of the office there were at least 7-9 desks that were unoccupied with the accounts department at the rear. The right hand side of the space just so happened to be located within the compass direction “North” and in the southern hemisphere North is where the height of the midday sun is. In Feng Shui, this means abundance, vitality, height of productivity, expansion. Currently there was absolutely NO ACTIVITY happening in this area of the business! The solution was to set each desk up with a computer and telephone as if there were people already there. Place specific artwork and plants in the area to support the expansion and activate the energy.

Are you looking for a MENTOR who can guide you in business, in life and spiritually?

slin Sharon Bre • Feeling stuck, have choices and not sure in which direction to go? • Do you have a business idea you want to bring into fruition? • Is your business suffering in a particular area? • Is healing needed around a personal issue before you can move forward? • Feeling overwhelmed and need someone who will empower and energise you?


I promise you a fresh pair of eyes and a trusty confidante. Together we can shift mountains! MENTOR, FENG SHUI MASTER PRACTITIONER, INTUITIVE HEALER

www.sharonbreslin.com \\ Phone 0450 776 488 32

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Penny did this straight away and implemented many other recommendations provided in the final report. Immediately, contracts that had been pending for months began to close, and the most wonderful thing happened within two weeks. Penny was approached by a senior travel consultant who worked for a competitor and whose company was going through a merger. She and six other senior consultants were not happy and they wanted to move, with one pre-requisite. They must move together. There was only one company they wanted to work for and that was Spencer Travel! Penny engaged them immediately and needless to say her company grew significantly and quickly, surpassing her intended increased turnover. Intention is powerful. Energy is powerful. Feng Shui and its ancient philosophies allows you to see the wood for the trees, to see clearly, unblock the blocks and reignite the positive energy. sharonbreslin.com

Would you like to work with me? Access Consciousness Bars® Facilitator Author Coach Visionary Consultant Autism from a Different Perspective

Book for an appointment today!

0418 583 049 connect@heathernaomibell.com www.heathernaomibell.com /adifferentperspectivewithaccess

| OCTOBER 2016 | Holistic Bliss

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magine having your hand held most of the day, or having a powerful inner connection that allows you to tap into whatever you need to know in a heartbeat, to enjoy someone gazing into your soul regularly and appreciating what is on show. And knowing that whenever anything feels off, you can be overhauled, upgraded, fixed quickly and efficiently to recharge yourself at the end of every day so you are full and ready to go at a moment’s notice. Such is the life of a mobile phone!! Daily focus for most is whether their phone is charged. We dance to the call tone as puppets to a puppeteer, forgetting that our inner battery also needs recharging regularly. We spend time and energy finding the right plan for optimum connection from a provider. We invest in anti-virus software to protect our device from attack, we have “predictive” text which sometimes behaves badly by sending wrong messages, and in our everyday


communication reality, you know the one, where we talk with another person “face to face”, that action is called assuming, which creates uncomfortable situations. If the phone falters, it is essential to get it sorted asap. We expect top performance from these devices connecting us to the world which now sits in the palm of our hands. Mobiles have become a necessity, a lifeline of connection, and sometimes a place to get lost in. Our priorities have changed, we ‘have to be reachable’ at all times. The idea of turning your phone off, disconnecting even for a day, is almost abhorrent to many. How often do we look to ourselves to be in top condition in order to perform and live? The thought of having a flat battery is enough to create a panic attack! Even the idea of running out of battery charge is slightly embarrassing, and gives rise to ‘miss-out-itis’. How many times have you gone hunting for a charger in order to top up your phone? How often do

you feel ‘flat, lack of energy’ yet will put up with that until you have time?!!! Funny how we place SO much attention to keeping a phone charged, expecting it to bring to us all that we require, yet most of us, will let our body and soul be depleted until there is nothing left. Instead of waiting for a holiday to recharge, instead of getting sick to have that bed rest, instead of falling apart to be on stress leave, how about doing something each day to fill you, to charge your precious inner battery? In order to function on all levels we HAVE to be full, like the battery on our phone. Every time you plug your phone in at home, could you take five minutes to sit and tune into yourself, your inner world and ask the questions: What do I require right now? What parts of me need some charging? For appointments on the Sunshine Coast, Melbourne and also via Skype, visit: raelenebyrne.com

Holistic Bliss | OCTOBER 2016 |

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16/09/2016 11:38:13 AM



talismans WITH




y work creating talismans started many years ago when I visited India with my spiritual teacher. He introduced me to rudraksha beads. The rudraksha is a beautiful bead that is the seed of a sacred tree. They gave me a wonderful feeling of peace and bliss when I handled them. He explained that many mantras had been said into those

beads and it was the feeling of the mantra that I was experiencing. The mantra he used was Om Namah Shivaya. He showed me how to repeat it which changed my life. I felt more peace and love than I had ever felt before. I wanted others to have this experience as well. I love crystals because they easily absorb positive vibrations. I have created talismans for people, empowering my pieces with the divine mantra according to the method that I’ve learned. I include the beauty of essential oils to enhance the feeling as well. I’ve been creating talismans since 2011 and have had wonderful feedback. Love to all the readers of Holistic Bliss. ANANDI BELINDA FENWICK is the creator of Crystal Art. facebook.com/anandi11

WHAT’S ON IN VICTORIA? YOUR GUIDE TO EVENTS OF INTEREST THIS COMING MONTH Sunday, 2 October Women’s Tantra of Menopause Workshop with Jenni Mears

1118 Dandenong Road, Carnegie

Saturday, 8 October Natural Health Open Day – Melbourne

Endeavour College of Natural Health Melbourne Campus, 368 Elizabeth Street

Saturday, 8 October at 4pm Tea and Empathy with Kate McCombs and Louise Bourchier

Richmond – www.katemccombs.com

Thursday, 20 October, 1.30-3.30pm What is Art Therapy?

107 Victoria Harbour Promenade, Melbourne

Saturday, 29 October, 9.30am-4pm Real and Raw with Lisa Corduff and Amy Taylor-Kabbaz

Donkey Wheel House, 673 Bourke Street, Melbourne

BEAUTY, MYSTICS AND TEMPLES TOUR – INDIA WITH Do you desire to see northern India but don’t want to travel on your own? Do you desire to travel within the safety of a group and like-minded women?

JOIN ME FOR A MYSTICAL ADVENTURE THROUGH THE BEAUTY OF NORTHERN INDIA, FEB 10TH-22ND, 2017 Expect grandeur forts and palaces, saffron robes, bazaars, a pink city, blue city and marvel at the Taj Mahal, culminating with the amazing Sacred Spirit Festival in Jodhpur. Be mesmerised by the holy city of Varanasi continuing the spiritual journey to witnessing sacred Arti ceremonies, sadhus and cruising down Mother Ganges. Woven throughout this tour will be women’s replenishing yoga, the opportunity to learn about the power of the Hindi goddesses in women’s circle through stories, meditations and a dash of creativity. You will have plenty of shopping opportunities along the way to awaken all your senses.


Ph 0439 876 765 or email heartradiantwomen@gmail.com 34

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| OCTOBER 2016 | Holistic Bliss

16/09/2016 11:39:22 AM

Infinite Connection The

Events that inspire, educate and celebrate www.theinfiniteconnection.com.au

Phone Cameron 0414 714 948

CARRARA Infinite Connection Gathering

BURLEIGH Infinite Connection Gathering

Saturday, October 8 6.30pm

Saturday, October 22 6.30pm

Eloisha K’Inan: Award winning International artist who performs Sacred Sounds from 24ct Gold Crystal Alchemy Singing Bowls tuned to 432Hz. Chant, relax, unwind.

Tom Ledder from Colorado with a Light Body Activation of Selenite Swords of Light with Haitch Sacred Sound Musician.

Sacred Women’s Events

The Developing Man with Cameron Monley

with Lyza Saint Ambrosena Gathering Heart-Centred Women to Re-Awaken, Nurture and Inspire each other.

Connecting Men to their own Wisdom, Strength and Truth.

Lyza Saint Ambrosena



SELENITE SWORDS OF LIGHT – Light Worker Training with Tom Ledder – USA WHERE: Gold Cast, October 21, 22, 23

Spiritual Development Retreat Day – “The Gift” WHERE: Maleny, October 16th

Sacred Women’s Circle WHERE: Gold Coast, Regular Gatherings

Personal Healing Sessions WHERE: Gold Coast or Distance


“Seven Secrets to Overcoming Overwhelm” AT www.LyzaSaintAmbrosena.com.au

35.indd 1

16/09/2016 7:09:20 AM





hear these words every day from clients who have tried everything else – they come as a last resort. I offer a significantly different approach to their problems than the time-honoured talk therapies. Subconscious counselling is largely unrecognised as an effective therapy, and yet achieves amazing and permanent results. My clients are encouraged by their doctor, family member or friend to visit, but sometimes fear keeps them from seeking help. Mark, a client suffering from a panic disorder told me, “As a last resort I have come to you after years of psychology. I just seemed to be going over and over past experiences. It took me ages to get the courage to come and see you. The fear of the process was keeping me from getting the problem resolved. Hypnotherapy was nothing like I thought it would be and I felt better than I have felt in years.” Noel was in his forties, feeling


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abandoned and manipulated by his wife of 17 years who had left home with the kids to start a new life. Paranoia set in as his relationship grew worse. Doctors increased his medication but there seemed no way out. Even Noel’s love for his children was not enough. Then everything got worse! Noel lay in intensive care for weeks barely clinging to life with savage self-inflicted knife wounds in his neck and chest. His mum did her best to give him hope and support, but how could he learn to accept himself and re-build his life? The Noel I met had turned against himself. We uncovered where the deep sense of self-hatred had begun. As a sickly child, years of taunting and bullying had left its mark. In therapy, memories of happier times were restored. Careful restructuring of both conscious and subconscious thought processes allowed him to reinforce a totally different viewpoint and to re-establish selfrespect and self-love. My therapeutic process gave him hope and helped him

to reduce the severity of pain from his injuries. “I had forgotten what it was like to be relaxed,” said Noel. “I was able to sleep for three hours after completely letting go of years of stress and tension.” I love the results as I see faces of despair and demotivation change to smiles, or physical pain and emotional overwhelm change to relief and relaxation. Susan told her gobsmacked doctor, “I can’t believe it; after 20 odd years of fibromyalgia I simply don’t have any pain!” Many times deep emotional wounds are evidenced by addictions for food or substances, panic, PTSD or OCD behaviours or physical illness. The coping mechanisms of the body are many and varied and these outward messages can easily be overlooked by health professionals as they struggle to find a solution. (Names have been changed to protect confidentiality.) mindlinkhypnotherapy.com.au

| OCTOBER 2016 | Holistic Bliss

16/09/2016 11:40:16 AM





re you drawn to the essence of the rose? The rose has been the world’s favourite flower for centuries and the sacred rose and her alchemy can improve our lives exponentially. An understanding of this energy can take us on a unique journey. In ancient times roses were painted on the ceiling of the chamber where secret meetings were held. This signified that nothing said in the room would leave the room. Today the sacred rose is revitalising her glorious energy and spreading her gentle influence across the world. Through my Rose Series of books and my rose teaching, I have expanded the message of the rose. As a result Rose Alchemy has spread internationally to Hong Kong, New Zealand, USA, Canada, Mexico, Finland, France and England, and of course Australia. Why is the rose energy becoming relevant to our lives today? It is because the rose energy restores our potency and reminds us of our true origins. THE ROSE BOOKS The rose is a living deity and a

spiritual being in her own right. Rose energy transports us beyond current definitions of metaphysics, mastery and oneness so much so that rose healing results in physical, psychological and spiritual transformation. It catapults the energy systems of Reiki and Seichim into a new form of Rose Alchemy. Embodying the energy of the sacred rose assists us to reach our full potency and to find our real purpose in life. The sisterhood and the brotherhood of the rose were ancient mystery schools formed from mythical groups of women and men who, according to the legends, first worked together in Atlantis with the lustre and essence of the rose. They often used rose poems to activate an individual’s rose journey. THE LUSTRE OF THE ROSE The lustre of the rose Gravitates towards you Climbing the walls Contained by the ceiling Spraying across the floor And the Rose Portal opens In front of you The Rose Energy drifts towards you

Approaching faster now Closer and closer And everything seems right The lustre of the rose expands Enveloping all In its pure fragrance Wonderful vibrant roses Glisten and gleam In your consciousness You open the Rose Energy You activate your Rose Codes You generate life You perpetuate Liveliness The rose brings the lost pieces of you Used to fracture your life It is over now This pain and suffering Rose Consciousness heals you The miracle has arrived You make your choice Your energy expands – into forever! For further information or to begin your individual rose journey please contact DR CRIS HENDERSON. Email: crishendo1@bigpond.com

Holistic Bliss | OCTOBER 2016 |

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16/09/2016 11:41:07 AM


thyroid CHECKED?

WORDS SUZI LE FANUE, Naturopath; and CARLY STEWART, Nutritionist


ave you been tired, moody, struggling with unexplained weight gain or weight loss and have noticed a change in temperature sensitivity? If the thyroid gland is not functioning optimally, it can cause a range of symptoms such as weight changes, low energy, reduced mood, depression, anxiety, menstrual changes, fertility problems, digestive issues, intolerance to heat or cold, and changes to the skin and hair. Australia has a high prevalence of thyroid disease and many cases are linked to our dietary and lifestyle choices. Here are potential triggers to investigate: • Nutritional deficiencies – Iodine and tyrosine are what we call the precursors to the production of thyroid hormones. This means they are used to produce the thyroid hormones. Therefore, it makes sense that if the body is deficient in the nutrients that it needs to make the thyroid hormones, it will not be able to produce the hormones. Iodine deficiency is re-emerging in Australia

due to deficient soils, a lack of seafood consumption, and reduced use of iodised salt. Other nutrients involved in optimal thyroid function include selenium and zinc. • Chronic stress – when we are stressed, our body releases certain hormones, which inhibit the production of TSH, thus leading to reduced thyroid function. • Environmental toxins and chemicals – some toxins can interfere with the uptake of iodine in the body, and thus indirectly impact the production of thyroid hormones. Other chemicals directly impact the endocrine system – these are called endocrinedisrupting hormones, and can play havoc with our endocrine systems, such as the thyroid gland and reproductive glands. • Molecular mimicry – sounds strange, but it is straightforward. It is when the body starts attacking bodily tissue that it thinks is an “invader” because they look similar in molecular structure to the real “invader”. There is a lot of research centred around the role



of gliadin (the protein portion of gluten) and its role in autoimmune thyroid disease. Now, we are seeing more research focusing on certain strains of gut bacteria playing a similar role. • Autoimmune diseases – Grave’s disease is an autoimmune thyroid disease that leads to an overproduction of thyroid hormones. Hashimoto’s is also an autoimmune disease that causes a reduced production of thyroid hormones. You may have had your TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) tested in blood tests, as this is the standard test. However, testing TSH on its own does not give a complete picture of thyroid function – it is important to also look at the levels of the thyroid hormones, antibodies and co factor nutrients in order to gain a thorough assessment of thyroid function. Identifying the cause of thyroid disease is important, however, working towards a healthy lifestyle can be the best prevention. integratedwellnessclinic.com.au

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| OCTOBER 2016 | Holistic Bliss

16/09/2016 11:42:08 AM

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16/09/2016 7:07:24 AM


This month’s


yoga pose

Each pose is designed to help you feel calmer, more flexible and less stressed.


TRIPOD HEAD STAND Sanskrit name – Sirsasana II Headstands for some, can be hard on land, let alone on a board so I understand you may not be able to do this straight away, as it’s more of an advanced move. Practice makes perfect and if your fall in the water, it’s refreshing and calming. Please read my poses from previous editions too to build up to this pose. Believe it or not with the right focus and slow movements, this isn’t as hard as it looks. It does take time figuring out the balance and building the courage to try. If you want, practise on a wall at home first, then later try on the SUP. Benefits: Headstands bring fresh blood to the brain and the heart. Practising headstands promotes balance, good posture and improves circulation. Make sure you are feeling rested when you decide to try the headstand. SARAH-ROSE SELLARS is Mrs Australia World 2015, Coconut Groove Ambassador, Charity Ambassador and Founder of Yogaverse. facebook.com/yogalust instagram.com/Yogaverse Tribe

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| OCTOBER 2016 | Holistic Bliss

16/09/2016 11:43:18 AM

Sydney: PEOPLE, PLACES and


midst the hustle and bustle of Sydney, there are pockets of bliss where you can recharge and revitalise. We caught up with one creative couple leading the way in the wellness scene to discover what they’ve been up to. In 2015, Ben Gould and Amanda Graci swapped their briefcases for backpacks, leaving high paying corporate jobs in lieu of travelling the world. Amanda is a born American, next-stop Australian, who caught the wanderlust itch. Benny is a converted Bondi hipster who loves to channel his DJ roots and play the decks. They learned they can live 12 months out of a backpack while travelling the



world together; to never regret going to a yoga class, and that laughter is never inappropriate. “What transpired throughout the rest of the year was self-realisation that together we had a desire to put everything on the line and launch our own business centered around yoga, Bondi life, food and wine,” Benny shares. Upon returning to Bondi, they took their passion for hosting friends, love for providing people with an epic experience and created Bondi Yoga House, Bondi’s first urban retreat. Their guesthouse features individually decorated rooms, communal living areas, kitchen and yoga space. Utilising partnerships with other wellness brands in the area, Ben and Amanda create tailored experiences to suit their guests’ needs including: yoga classes, in-house massage treatments, juice cleanses and plenty of opportunity to explore the surrounding coastal scenery and attractions. You can connect with Bondi Yoga House at: bondiyogahouse.com Instagram:@bondiyogahouse facebook.com/bondiyogahouse

What else is happening in Sydney? Located in an artistic, vibrant building in the suburb of Leichhardt, the Art-Food-Medicine Collaboratory is an incubator space supporting local makers to explore the concepts of natural health, conscious living and community awareness. The Collaboratory prides itself on being environmentally conscious and sustainable, with reuseable handcrafted bottles to save on wastage and harmful chemicals. The majority of their waste is either recycled or composted in the Glover Street Community Garden in Callan Park, Sydney’s oldest community garden. wildkombucha.com

Holistic Bliss | OCTOBER 2016 |

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16/09/2016 11:44:07 AM



wisdom OF


WITH JEAN SHEEHAN, Principal – Millennium Education


hildren have this innate knowing within their core being that there is no such thing as work. They know life is a game and if you play and learn in this game of life you will blossom. It is by watching adults that they ‘learn’ about ‘work’… now is that a good or bad perception? Andrew was an eleven-year-old STAR child boy who loved the world of fantasy and accessing greater consciousness as STAR children love to do. The thought of growing up terrified him. He wanted to ‘play’ for work and play all his life and would ask this question all the time of his parents. During his session with me and his Dad, Andrew said ‘if growing up means being like my Dad, I don’t want to grow up and I DON’T WANT TO WORK!” I could feel his innate wisdom connect to the greater knowing of the absolute and what life is really about and felt such tremendous awe for this child. At the same time, I could feel the anger and frustration of the Dad as ‘life was about making money and getting somewhere in life. What would people say if you played all the time?’.

Millennium Children

The new Millennium Children® understand that when you play, it is work in adult terms as we are souls having a hu-man experience. Have you ever noticed that when you love what you do, it feels great like a game and time goes quickly? This is the meaning of ‘play is your work’. Children play before, during and after school and any chance they can, knowing that is their work. What else could there be? Andrew’s situation was knowing that his ‘work’ was to understand the adult and earth world which he really could not grasp. He chose not to speak at times and was diagnosed autistic. He knew the bigger awareness to what life was about and that he was a teacher for his family. During his session he said, “Jean. My daddy is going to get sick so he can learn to play with me and learn that is what work really is – play time all the time”. Sure enough two years later, Andrew’s Dad contacted me as he had had a heart attack and wanted to follow up what his son really meant during this session. His heart attack meant that he had to re-evaluate and understand what


Create Your Own Reality


he needed to do to change his life. I requested Andrew come to his medical intuitive session to teach his Dad. At the divine age of 13 Andrew said, “I am not sure any more dad as I am growing up and I am doing what adults do and work”. Children know more to life than we think, so please from my heart listen to them and what they say. They be who they really are. And as for your adult life, play is your work! For Medical Intuitive courses or to learn about empowering your child contact JEAN SHEEHAN. AbsoluteEmpowerment.com




Millennium Children

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| OCTOBER 2016 | Holistic Bliss

16/09/2016 11:45:12 AM





ne of the biggest complaints I hear from couples at ‘The Making Love Retreat’ is that they are time poor. “We want to make love but we just don’t have the time.” The most fulfilling sex does require time. But when we do finally make love we are often in a hurry to get it over with, to get to the end, the orgasm. Always striving towards something in a hurried way often means we are ahead of ourselves, not present. Also if we don’t orgasm, then we think it’s not really sex. Essentially we have lost knowledge as humans that there are alternatives to lovemaking that go beyond the reproductive form of sex to be able to reach higher states of love and deepen the connection between two human beings. Therefore the expression of our sexual energy walks a narrow path where we start this way and end that way.

The result of always forcing the sexual energy to reach a certain goal means that we miss out on discovering the exquisite capacity for our genitals to ‘make love’. It sounds strange, but because we have become so fixed in our ideas of sex, humans have lost the potential of our original design. By forcing the sexual energy in a certain direction, we are actually creating more tension in the body system. We become less sensitive, and thus we crave more sensation. But when the bodies and genitals are allowed time to just be with each other in a non-goal oriented way, they start to have a way of their own and the energy generated spreads deliciously through the whole of the body, leaving you calm and relaxed… and more loving. But we don’t always have the time for lovely long lovemaking! So I always suggest to couples to have their ‘daily dose of love’. It has

incredible benefits to keep a connection going between longer times for intimacy. Spend 5-15 minutes morning and night before you get up and as you go to sleep, lying side-by-side facing each other. The intention is to relax together by breathing deeply and softly while gently holding each other – no bear hugs! As women’s bodies are so sensitive, we need a lovely porous kind of hug. You both may notice a layer of tension that has been built up from all the ‘doing’ of your day. Keep going. You will find the bodies will start to melt with each other effortlessly. Soften and relax. It will work wonders and you may even end up making love! JANET helps women and couples who value their relationship and want a fulfilling intimate connection without compromising or closing down physically or emotionally. janetmcgeever.com

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Holistic Bliss | OCTOBER 2016 |

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16/09/2016 11:47:11 AM




DIVORCELESS relationship?



ave you ever gotten into a relationship because you were sure it would make your life better? Then, after a surprisingly short time, you wondered what happened because it definitely wasn’t turning out that way? If you have ever wondered “where did I go?”, “why am I here?”, I have a suggestion for you: learn to create a divorceless relationship instead. What is a divorceless relationship? Quite simply, it’s a relationship in which you don’t have to divorce any part of you in order to make the relationship work. The way it works for most people is that they divorce parts of themselves to be in relationship with another person. In other words, they stop doing the things they love, or they stop hanging out with people they care about because it’s seen as not caring for their partner. Often, we try to make our partner in “intimate” relationship the sole source for everything in our lives. This is not a kindness – to us – or to them. What if something that is nurturing to

you, is also nurturing to your whole relationship? Here are three really simple tools to get you started in the direction of a divorceless relationship. 1. ASK yourself: “What percentage of me have I divorced to be in my current (or most recent) relationship?” Just go for whatever the number is. It’s just to give you awareness. For many people they are surprised at how high the number is. COMMIT TO YOURSELF: Commit to yourself that you are no longer going to divorce you to create a relationship. (By the way, a healthy amount of compromise is fine. You know when compromise has turned into divorcing you when you start to get resentful of the other person or start feeling distant from them.) 2. ASK yourself: “What three things do I love to do that I’ve stopped doing since starting this relationship?” and “What three people do I love being in connection with that I’ve stopped being in connection with since starting this relationship?”

COMMIT to yourself that you are going to start by doing one thing and connect with one of those people within the next week. 3. KEEP ASKING: “How does my relationship get any better than this?” This works to make a “bad” relationship better and it works to make a “good” relationship even better. Most of us never ask this question, so we are stuck with the relationship we have, rather than the better one we would like to have. Now, here comes the trick question! What if you could be that person for you? What if you could be the one person who never asked you to divorce any part of you? What if you stopped divorcing you to fit into other people’s realities? Would your life – and your relationships – get better? Are you ready for that? To stop divorcing you, and step into being you, in totality, as phenomenal as you truly be? drdainheer.com/australia2016/



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| OCTOBER 2016 | Holistic Bliss

16/09/2016 11:48:48 AM

Books, DVDs, . . . s a c i t s i l o H CDs and more... BOOK:


Magical Travels

Turn Yourself On

AUTHOR Sharon Breslin


Have you ever wanted to go on a spiritual sojourn to a mystical place? Sharon’s book is a highly engaging read that takes you on a personal journey as you follow her magical trips to Tibet, Egypt, Peru and other auspicious sites. The mysteries and wisdom unfolds from cover to cover. There were chance meetings with strangers who passed on life-changing messages, a moment high up in the mountains of Tibet where her third eye fully opened and so much more. Sharon’s intrepid journeys have fed her gypsy soul unlocking her spiritual self in ways she could never have imagined. This book without a doubt will have you planning your next trip down the road less travelled. Sharon is an international author, tour guide and Feng Shui Master Teacher based in Melbourne.

“Turn Yourself On” – the step-by-step guide to getting your ‘fabulous’ back! Whether you’re down in the dumps after a relationship break-up, feeling insecure with where you are in life, or just craving a drastic change, it can be difficult to put the wheels in motion. In the forthcoming book, “Turn Yourself On”, Sydney-based relationship coach, Marina J, has written a practical guide to turning your life around, based on over a decade of experience coaching women all over the world. Filled with relatable examples, practical tools and techniques, “Turn Yourself On” is an empowering read to help you live with greater happiness. A relationship expert, best-selling author and speaker, Marina has helped thousands of women around the world achieve greater happiness. She is the creator of the popular “Turn Yourself On” System, a powerful program for women who want fast, deep transformation and healing. Marina comes from a long family history of psychotherapists and authors and trained to become a life coach whilst being a single mum, with her work strongly founded in Jungian psychology.

RRP: $29.95 To purchase the book go to: www.sharonbreslin.com

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16/09/2016 11:49:22 AM




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| OCTOBER 2016 | Holistic Bliss

16/09/2016 7:01:52 AM






f ever you are feeling like you need a little lift, an added spring in your step or a sense of ‘beam me up Scottie’ then the exquisite, fresh and uplifting aroma of lime oil is your number one go-to! It is one of the most revered mood elevators. You cannot help but feel happy and invigorated by its appealing, sharp yet sweet, citrus scent. One drop on a cotton pad tucked into your top is a wonderful way to use your body as a human diffuser. Its beautiful scent will hit you at various times throughout the day and you may find yourself smiling with increased zest every time you inhale it. Lime is refreshing and stimulating, activating and revitalising and much like lemon oil it can be used for its powerful cleansing qualities. A couple of drops on a damp cloth can help to remove stains, chewing gum and sticker residue. Adding a few drops of this oil to a recipe that requires the flavour of

lime is out of this world. You can make an exquisite chocolate body scrub by adding 2 drops of lime to 2 tbsp of rapadura sugar, 1 tbsp of coconut oil and 1 tsp of cacao powder. This is serious ‘body love’ at its best! Lime is also a wonderful astringent, it is tonifying, antiseptic and antimicrobial making it an ideal additive in skincare. If you add 2 drops of lime and 2 drops of lavender into a bowl of warm water, you can use a face washer to compress onto skin conditions such as congested oily skin, acne, eczema and dermatitis. One of the most common ways to extract this oil is by cold pressing the rind of the fruit. This retains many of the natural elements that make it so appealing. However, it is cold pressed lime oil that is known to be phototoxic and should be avoided in the sun within 6-12 hours of application. Steam distilled lime is not considered to be phototoxic.

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Lime is an effective immune booster and when used in a diffuser or vaporizer with oils like rosemary, lemon and eucalyptus it can help clear sinuses and head colds. When blended into a carrier oil like sweet almond or jojoba, lime, lemon and neroli make a wonderful combination for helping to reduce cellulite and varicose veins. And blended with oils like grapefruit, fennel and oregano can support a sluggish digestive system. Due to its uplifting qualities it is an appealing stress reliever and when used in a vaporizer, can appease a negative mindset, anxiety and exhaustion. Inhaling a drop on a tissue can help appease a sense of apathy and lack of energy. And here’s the best part… if you have a broken or heavy heart, feel like you have lost your way or just need a good hug then consider lime oil your dream mum in a bottle! twenty8.com

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16/09/2016 7:02:39 AM


Caring for animals/being cared for by animals WORDS DAVINA O’BRIEN


n our household, ‘family’ is a very inclusive word. We consider the dogs and horses to be part of our family. Thus we care for them the same way that we would care for ourselves. As doctors are a part of our lives, so too are vets part of the lives of our four-legged family members. We also do energy work with our family members to help clear any blocks to self-healing. We believe that the emotional care is just as important as physical care. I know a number of different energy modalities. Sometimes I do the energy work myself. Other times, if I feel that I have too much invested in the outcome, I get other people that I know and trust to do the energy work for me. One of the great and easy tools that I learnt from the Access ConsciousnessTM courses that I have done is to ask questions. Asking a question opens up the energy and allows something different to appear. A great example of this is with one of our horses. Monsieur Megladon was a very nervous and uptight horse when I first met him. He was not able to relax enough to eat grass

in human company. My husband and I both talked with him and asked him questions about his life direction. We told him about different possibilities, one of which was being a teacher. I did some hands-on energy work on him, having no point of view about the outcome. This horse is now one of the major horses in our ‘Walking Tall’ program. He has the empathy to be kind to those that are scared, as he has been there himself. Now, he helps to nurture us and others that participate in ‘Walking Tall’. We had a family group that came the other day. Monsieur was relaxed and confident. In fact he was so relaxed that when he could, he was eating grass. As we care for our animal family members, they also care for us. They are great at reflecting back where you’re at.

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The other day I got cranky with my mare, Dolly. She had gone into the paddock with my husband, instead of waiting for me. When I calmed down, I was able to look at what was going on for me. I was saying that it was important for us to connect of a morning, yet I had allowed other things to get in the way. So I re-ordered my morning and now Doll waits for me. A compromise on both our parts. How does it get any better than that?

PH 5447 7877

• Acupuncture Charissa Smith, Holistic Veterinarian • Essences (BVSc DipAc/DipHerbMed) • Homeopathy 305 Ranger Road, Adare • Herbal Medicine via Gatton Qld 4343 • Structural Therapies Mobile 0418 759 237 • Kinesiology www.acaciaanimalcare.com • Vaccination

WALKING TALL • Change your life and build your confidence whilst interacting and having fun with horses • Women of all ages and children welcome • No horse riding involved – get to know these marvellous beings on the ground • You will be surprised at what you will learn about yourself in a couple of hours • Enjoy a fun game of Walking football with the horses


Location: Narangba

CONTACT DAVINA 0438 59 89 95

| OCTOBER 2016 | Holistic Bliss

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Profile of an Holistic Vet Dr Garry Bright BVSc (PRET) Lic Ac



riginally from Zimbabwe, Garry grew up in idyllic animal surrounds, his family had their own animals and their neighbour was a wildlife vet. So Gary cannot remember a day that did not involve animals in some way or another. They often had visiting ostriches, zebra and a rhino who would put his head over the kitchen stable door looking for sugar. Their own menagerie included: cats, dogs, birds, rabbits, horses and a mongoose that was his personal hot water bottle for his feet and a marmoset monkey who lived wild in their trees. Being a vet was his only career path. When it came to medicine, Gary was passionate to be the best he could be, as things went, he became disheartened with medicine and surgery, as it did not seem to have all the answers. It came to a crisis point when his practice, which was completely based on preventing illness, was creating illness through vaccination. He could no longer be a vet, so he sold his practice and studied to

become an acupuncturist. Gary fell back into veterinary and eventually ended up in Noosa. After serving his time working at corporate vet clinics for immigration purposes, he started his own surgery: Maple Street Vet … naturally different. His time in his own clinic led him to develop his own medical system of diagnosis and treatment based on the four forces of the universe. The reason why, was because both western and eastern medicine could not solve allergies and he was looking for understanding. Gary found a new energetic system – the inhibitory system and why and how acupuncture works. It’s simple – it works on the three synapses of a neuron. Yin system for input synapse, Yang system for output synapse and inhibitory system for the inhibitory synapse. The brain is arranged in fractals. The body is arranged in fractals of three. The four forces create three fractals and the last force is consciousness, it’s not associated with the body, but is the reason why we have illness.

Consciousness of the owner creates illness in the pets. So Gary treats the owners. The energetic immune system works on repulsion. So he created technology to change repulsion to an attraction. The technology is recorded into music that is available in the App stores: Sound Files. In the App is music to balance all the acupuncture channels, it contains vaccines for cats, dogs, horses and humans, and most importantly it contains the states of consciousness that are responsible for all illnesses. Gary holds consciousness classes twice weekly to help people change their states of consciousness through the technology of changing repulsions. The changes are simply amazing garrybright.com.au

NEW! STEM CELL THERAPY We are now offering cutting-edge Stem Cell Therapy which offers amazing relief for dogs suffering from Osteoarthritis.

Quality, Expertise and Value Call and book now for October appointments

Surgery, Vaccinations, Acupuncture, Check-ups and more Pensioner Discount 20% off services

Ph: 3324 2291

Greenslopes Shopping Centre Shop B6, 700 Logan Road (next to Queensland Transport)

www.animalwellness.com.au Holistic Bliss | OCTOBER 2016 |

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Holistic Classifieds SPIRITUAL




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WELLNESS TALKS AND COURSES Come and listen, share and participate. Different topics and speakers every week. Every Tuesday evening – arrive 6:45 for a 7pm start. $15 cash at door. Upstairs at Aminya Academy, Marcoola

Phone: Kathryn 0417 619 147 www.wellnesstalksandcourses.com.au Email: kathryn@ wellnesstalksandcourses.com.au


Welcomes back Sandi Clark Mayes and Mike Mayes from the UK. They will be our guest speakers at the Church Service on Wednesday 26th October. This service starts at 7pm in the QCWA Hall Maple Street, Cooroy. They are also doing readings and healing on Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th October.

For bookings please call Rev. Kathy McVann Phone: 0414 972 632

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Includes; Reiki, Chakra Balance, Aura Cleanse, Crystal Bowls, Essential Oils and Channelled Guidance.

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Phone: Vikki 0417 643 435 Facebook: Intuition Plus Email: intuitionplus444@gmail.com www.spiritualhealingsunshinecoast.com

Let’s explore the possibilities expressed in your hands. Discover how your strengths contribute to your life purpose. What do you need to do to move forward? Distance Readings and Palmistry Parties available from the Internet Reflect Radio’s The Celtic Mystic. Holistic Healing, Access Bars®, Reiki and Herbalife.

Contact Caithe to find out more Phone: 5496 6249. Wamuran, Qld celticai.com.au www.facebook.com/CelticaiStudio

SINGING GROUPS FOR WOMEN Experience the gift of women singing together in delight-full harmony in these beautiful singing sessions designed especially for women. DIVA VOCI Wednesday evenings 7pm-8.30pm Maroochydore DOLCE DIVA Monday mornings 9.30am-11am Landsborough New members welcome

Call Emma Creed for more information Phone: 0438 619 518 All women welcome!

SATORI MIND BODY AND SOUL For Body (Somatic) Psychotherapy, Energy Healing, Yoga Massage, Remedial Massage, Bush Flower Essences, Aromatherapy, Creative SoulCollage® Workshops, Weekly Grounding Classes. Contact Dana for more information Phone: 0447 007 267 Email: satorimbs@yahoo.com www.satorimindbodyandsoul.com

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| OCTOBER 2016 | Holistic Bliss

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Holistic Bliss Directory THE DHARMA BUMS BOOMER STRESS TOUR If you need to ride off into the sunset… Let it be a journey of discovery and renewal! Creating the perfect impression

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16/09/2016 6:52:11 AM

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