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4 great ways to manage emotional weight
How do you know if your weight is ‘emotional’? Easy! If you can relate to any of the two statements below, your weight is most likely emotional. Learning to become emotionally fit will give you great results. 1. I exercise regularly and eat well but still carry weight. 2. It is hard for me to maintain regular exercise and eat well because of my commitments.
Here are four ways to increase your emotional fitness:
1. Stop taking on the emotional stress of others. Simple to understand, challenging to do day-to-day with family members. Whether you like it or not, your energy is entangled with the others in your home. The easiest way to not take on the stress of others is to stay focused on your areas of growth or what you love to do. Just like a plant, if you keep growing towards your light, the old parts naturally and effortlessly fall away. All of us are equipped with the ability to manage, understand and transform our emotions. We must learn how to do this. When we do, our body can maintain a natural weight with little effort.
2. Get help with long-term sabotaging patterns and programs. Don’t let them hang around! Whether your habit is with eating/drinking, getting sick, being tired, working all the time, complaining, always busy with kids or lack of money, anything can evolve or be changed. There are many amazing modalities, tools and techniques that can help you transform your long-term sabotaging pattern and programs. Take action here! Your body weight will love it.
3. Open up about past secrets. Whether you have been the victim or persecutor, this secret has a lot of energetic weight. The longer you hold onto your secret, the heavier it becomes. Eventually, this energetic weight becomes physical weight. Secrets usually carry a lot of shame, regret, self-pity, anger and fear. We are all slaves to inner ancestral and socially conditioned patterns and programs that make us act out being a victim or persecutor. No matter what the secret is, it can be resolved within and will make a massive difference to your life. Find a professional therapist you relate to and get it completely sorted.
4. Stop emotionally losing it at home. If you regularly lose your s%#t at home with different experiences but the same emotion, you are suffering from internal emotional stress. For example, your frustration is not because your partner, child, pet or boss did or didn’t do something for you. Your frustration is something unresolved within your inner world, and your solution to resolving your frustration needs to be from within. The results of getting your emotional stuff sorted from within gives you the strength and will to regularly eat foods you love, and the momentum to exercise your body easily.
Emotional fitness is an asset when it comes to maintaining your weight.
To find out more, purchase the book Emotionally Happy Homes – visit: www.julesoneill.com