2 minute read
Is excess weight blocking you from living your dreams and vision?
Weight can come in many forms: heavy thoughts, too much stuff, density, emotional baggage, shame and of course, our body. There can be a lot of things in our environment (inside and out) that make us feel heavy and tired. But have you ever realised that this very heaviness is the reason why you aren’t living your dreams yet?
Let me explain. Let’s say you’ve got a vision, a dream. You’re totally set on achieving it, so you try hard to move forward, take the right steps and do the right things. But you hear crickets – nothing, or at least not enough. Why is that?
It’s because you need to shift the old first. This can be in the form of:
• Decluttering your house, your space, your email inbox or your wallet
• Your old mindset and beliefs
• Body weight, if you don’t feel good about it (because body fat cells store toxins that have previously entered our life – as environmental toxins, negative thoughts and yucky emotions)
You carry this extra weight in the form of:
• Dense or trapped emotions that can flare up; for example, as frustration, anger, sabotage, feeling sluggish or tired
• Too much stuff in the house that doesn’t give you joy
• Broken things that make you feel shabby or poor
• Clutter that annoys you when you look at it or clouds your mind as you think of all the things you still need to get done.
Ultimately, it leaves you feeling low, right? It creates a contracting feeling within, as you feel guilty, ashamed or negative about yourself for not having sorted it, done it or let go of it yet. Your mind might be kicking in, asking, “But how can I make it happen?”
This creates an extreme contrast to the expansion, lightness and happiness your dream/vision makes you feel. It’s a vibrational mismatch leading to cognitive dissonance, and you’re left with a sense of heaviness, contraction or being overwhelmed, which makes you feel deflated.
So what can you do about it? First, you need to understand that the old you can’t attract what you want (with the old thoughts, stories, beliefs, emotions and messiness cluttering your inner and outer space), otherwise you would have already received it a long time ago. Then, you need to make space for what you truly want, meaning: • Declutter the old that doesn’t serve you any longer • Free yourself of old trapped emotions, stories and beliefs • Rewire your brain to positivity and expansion.
Only then will you be able to receive and keep what you’re putting out there for – and the possibilities are limitless!
Sand Mew is an author, speaker, holistic transformational mentor, Spiral Practitioner and Uplevel Specialist for conscious leaders, entrepreneurs and CEOs. Take the brakes off! www.SandMew.com