Climate Smart Cities Challenge Challenge brief - Background document - Curitiba
3.4 Emissions per neighbourhood The survey of emissions from Curitiba has always been focused on the urban scale and on the entire city. The city’s latest GHG inventory resulted in a total 3,505,046 tons of CO2 equivalent. Considering the intensity units, the following indicators are obtained: Description
Emissions of GHG per capita
1,85t CO2/hab
Emissions of GHG per Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
41,8t CO2/R$1.000.000,00
Emissions of GHG per unit of area
8.057t CO2/km2
Since the city’s neighbourhoods have different social and economic characteristics, carrying out specific surveys for each region of the city is challenging. In order to carry out inventories at neighbourhood scales, some information on consumption and services from providers in the city could be disaggregated, such as information on water consumption, waste water generation, and energy consumption. Curitiba carried out its origin-destination survey in 2016 and 2017. The results of this survey can be divided into areas of analysis. Estimates of GHG emission generation can be made based on the displacements and modes indicated. The specific estimate for mobility on a smaller scale will require the adoption of ASIF (activity, share, intensity, and fuel) models for its composition, all specified in the Global Protocol for Community Scale Methodology. The city’s emission inventory was carried out based on the top-down method, or fuel sales.
3.5 The PlanClima Curitiba developed its Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Plan – PlanClima to bolster the city’s carbon neutral trajectory. The multidisciplinary elaboration process was started in 2018. This came after the city of Curitiba signed a letter of commitment to abide by Deadline 2020, a pledge by the C40 Network of Large Cities to engage vigorously in climate action. PlanClima seeks to promote strategies, integration of multisectoral and cross-cutting actions, aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase the city’s capacity to adapt to climate risks. In its planning effort, PlanClima also focuses on the groups most vulnerable to these risks. There are 20 prioritized actions to achieve the goals of reducing emissions and building resilience in relation to climate change. These priorities are divided into five strategic sectors: environmental and urban quality; energy efficiency; solid waste and effluents; sustainable urban mobility; and urban hypervisor and innovation. Currently, PlanClima is being revised to detail each of the 20 priority actions. The Plan’s governance structure is also being defined in order to engage the involvement of public authorities, productive sectors, and the society.