The Book of Confidence by Father Thomas de Saint Laurent

Page 51

Chapter Six

Fruits of Confidence Confidence Glorifies God The ideal way to eulogise confidence is to show its fruits. This is what we will do in this chapter. May the following considerations encomage won-ied souls and make them finally overcome their pusillanimity, teaching them to practice this precious virtue perfectly. Confidence does not evolve in the more modest spheres of the moral virtues; instead, it lifts itself with one leap to the throne of the Eternal, to the very Heart of the heavenly Father. Excellent indeed is the homage that it renders to His infinite perfections: to His goodness, because it expects from Him alone the necessary help; to His power, because it despises any force that is not His; to His knowledge, because it recognises the wisdom of His sovereign intervention; to His fidelity, because it counts without hesitation on the divine word. This virtue, then, paiiicipates in praise and adoration simultaneously. In the various manifestations of religious life, no act is more elevated than these two acts; they are the sublime acts with which the blessed spiiits occupy themselves in heaven.


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