Loreto, the Sanctuary of “Non-negotiable Principles” Loreto is a sanctuary that can serve as a spiritual “lung,” especially for those who struggle to defend non-negotiable principles (right to life, defense of the natural family, right of parents to educate their children). The events that took place in the Holy House, of really great importance for the history of humanity, and all the more for those who profess the Christian religion, leave no room for doubt.123 • Defending the right to life from conception... Our Redemption began among those sacred walls. Not only was Our Lord Jesus Christ conceived there; it was also the place of Mary’s Immaculate Conception and birth. Within those walls, the Word became flesh and came to dwell among men. How can we not then think of the intrinsic dignity of human beings from the moment of conception? Jesus himself, the Savior, assumed the human condition right from the beginning. Our Lord was an embryo and a fetus and lived for nine months in the virginal womb of Mary Most Holy. Therefore, Loreto should become the spiritual point of reference for all those who work to defend the right to life of unborn children. Because there is no dif123 Cf. Benedict XVI, Discorso ai partecipanti al convegno promosso dal Partito Popolare Europeo, March 30, 2006, in