Netherfield News Summer 2010 FINAL

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St Georges Centre, 91 Victoria Road, Netherfield NG4 2NN. Tel: 0115 9113302 www.netherfieldfor Email


Netherfield Job Fair Wednesday 9th June 2010

10-3pm St Georges Centre, Netherfield Come & Speak to the Experts!! Local Colleges, Local & National Employers & Employment Services will all be here on the day with Vacancies, Advice & Support


The Parish of Netherfield 125th Anniversary Celebrations Saturday 10th July @ Netherfield Primary School and Sunday 11th July @ St Georges Church & St Georges Centre 10th July at 12.00 Noon at School Opens with former England and Forest football star Steve Hodge and the Bishop of Sherwood The Annual Gala at Netherfield Primary School will have stalls, games and dancing along with Police and Fire Service Demonstrations & much, much more.

Sunday 11th July Kicks off at 11.30am with a parade from Netherfield Primary School by the Nottinghamshire Police Pipe Band and Community Groups parading until they reach

St Georges Church, Victoria Road After a short service in Church– (Everyone Welcome!) the festivities will commence with a range of stalls, bouncy castle, Fire Service Demo’s, Disco Entertainment, Face Painting, Dance & Karate show’s and all highlighted by Carlton History Group who will make a presentation of Netherfield’s history. To celebrate Sunday the Whole Community are invited to

(Voucher Required. These are issued on a first come first served basis— 400 tickets available from the St Georges Centre from 1st July 2010)

Burger, Hot Dog or Vegetarian Option Salad & Refreshments The BBQ will be held at the St Georges Centre where a team of

volunteers led by Father Robert himself who will be ‘Feeding the 5000’. A Huge Number of Local Businesses have pledged to support this fabulous weekend—A Newsletter Special will be published following the event to highlight their great support along with pictures & highlights of the weekend. Thank you in advance of the Celebrations 2

The St George’s Community Centre Emma’s Update ! Part of the Netherfield Forum Easter has just passed and its full steam ahead for the Summer Months. July is going to be a smasher and lets hope a scorcher too for the big 125th Celebration of the Parish. It will be all singing all dancing here on the day so do please come along and enjoy yourselves. Its Cup Final Day too so if England are in the final it’ll be a double celebration. Lets keep our fingers crossed for the boys.

ber. Don’t forger Monday afternoons for the over 55’s. Just £1.50 for a Cuppa & Cream Tea and a good old gossip! Everyone welcome. There’s so much going on as you’ll see in the following pages pages— —please be a part of it to make our Community stronger!

Throughout the Summer there is still lots happening in the Centre & @ The Loco. Shunters Café launches its Children's Menu in May with fantastic healthy home made meals with a pud & drink for only £2.95, served daily. Trampolining and Street Dance are down at the Loco on a Friday night with Zumba Zumba— — a hot new dance craze coming in Septem-


A BIG thank you to all the volunteers who helped on The Netherfield Big Tidy Up it was a great success we managed to clear two lorry loads of rubbish.

Hope that we can do it again at the end of the summer. For more info on the Big Tidy Up or neighbourhood issues Contact Sarah.


Another Big thank you goes to our local Councillors John Clarke & Allen Clarke. Their kind donations have helped secure the newsletter for a further 4 editions. This means that you will always get up to date news and stories about the local Community and keep abreast of what's on. If you would like to help support the newsletter and the community by placing an advert in the Newsletter then please contact Emma on 0115 9113302 or email on


Easter was a fantastic opportunity to get creative with our Easter Bonnet Workshop & Parade. Sticking & gluing were the order of the day at the workshop followed by the children parading in their finery for the parade judged by Father Robert on Easter Saturday.

ornamental grasses and spring and summer flowering plants. Both the borders looked great when the hard work was done. It’s made a big difference to the look of the park and What a great day! More than 60 children from we’ve made the seating area a very pleasant Netherfield took part in the Easter egg hunts, place to sit. they followed clues, clambered over climbing frames, crawled in the tunnel, spun on the Special thanks go to Joe roundabout and climbed Chapman and youngto the tops of the totem sters from the Loco cenpoles in order to discover tre for their hard work, the whereabouts of spe- members of the Nethercially made tokens, field Eco Action Team, Services at which were then ex- Direct Gedling Borough Council for the clearing up, changed for Easter eggs. Thank you to members Gedling Homes for the of the friends group and funding of the plants and to Dana from Nottinghamshire County Council tools, and local youngPlay Service for organising the hunts and help- sters who helped on the day, including Saskia ing to supervise on the day. Redfern, Lauren ShilThe friends were also busy weeding and dig- cock and Jesse Hatton (pictured), a huge well ging over the planting beds in the park, fol- done to you all! lowed by planting up with ground cover plants,

Friends of Jackie Bells Play Area Easter Activities

Jane Richardson Friends of Jackie Bells


WHAT’S HAPPENING AT THE LOCO…… 139 Victoria Road, Netherfield, Nottingham cently had an archery competition to decide our best two archers. Congratulations to the two Scouts (they know who they are!) who are representing the troop in the district archery competition in June.

cluded knife/axe work, fire lighting, cooking on fires (in the rain!), So what have the Bea- games, go carts, tunvers, Cubs and Scouts nelling (like potholing) been up to…..? and archery. A good 13 Beavers, 11 Cubs time was had by all. and 8 Scouts all at- 5 of the senior Scouts tended the Netherfield (12+) attended a Group Camp at the Scouting Skills day at District Campsite in the District Campsite in February. We all slept April. This was train3rd Netherfield Scouts

in the main hall on the floor (except the leaders who had the bunk room). Well we tried to sleep... the leaders said we were far too noisy! Activities in-

Are you 6-14 years old and think you might be up to the challenge, while having lot’s of fun? Check the Loco Centre activities times to find the section relevant to you and come along! (But be warned that the Cubs and Beavers have a waiting list!) Also if you are an adult and would like to help young people while having fun yourself come and see us, no experience necessary!

ing for them to undertake their Survival Skills Badge, which takes place at camp in September.

St Georges Day Parade in Southwell where the Cubs won the Metcalf Colour for being the smartest & best behaved.

The Scout troop re-

Street Dance @The Loco!! Come along to the Loco Youth Club every Friday evening

5.00 7.00 pm Junior Youth Club runs every Monday & Wednesday 5-6.30pm Senior Youth Club runs every Monday & Wednesday Evening from 7-9.15pm.

experience learning new Street Dance skills and have fun at the same time! Its FREE, refreshments supplied, professional Street Dance staff and Youth Workers Come & Join Us!!


Netherfield Neighbourhood News More Tree’s For Netherfield??? After last year’s successful event, Netherfield Eco Action Team (NEAT) will hold another vegetable seedling giveaway outside the Coop on Victoria Road between 10-1pm on Saturday 22nd May. You can take away veg seedlings like tomato plants, courgettes, lettuce, spinach, herbs and other food that is easy to grow at home, kindly donated by local allotment holders - some of whom will also be there on the day to offer advice on planting and growing your own food. Growing vegetables at home is a great way to get cheap, nutritious food and especially helps children understand where their food comes from. There will also be cheap home composters available (suggested donation of £2). NEAT has invited a Home Composting Advisor along and representatives from the Netherfield Community Allotment will be there to encourage people to get involved. Anyone who would like to donate seedlings or help out is also welcome – please email or leave a message for NEAT at the St George's Centre.

Last week some local residents went out to look at tree cover in Netherfield, along with a Tree Conservation Officer from the County Council. With increasing amounts of evidence being published about the benefits that trees and woodlands can bring to urban areas in particular – like improving health; increasing wildlife; tackling air pollution, flooding and providing shade; raising house prices and even reducing anti-social behaviour and crime – it seemed like a good time to check out what is already in the town and where there could be room for some more green spaces. After a walk around the town with the Tree Conservation Officer he has promised to look at the possibility of planting a few more trees around the Godfrey Street area and other places next season, and also to consider the idea of trees in containers which could mean many more pockets of space are made available, even on pathways that have cables and pipes underneath them. Add these to the beautiful new trees planted by the Friends of Jackie Bells at the Park, and the emerging buds of the trees already on our streets and Netherfield could be come an even nicer place to live!


Last time I wrote my article about this competition we were all white over with snow, what a difference it is now—trees in blossom and bedding plants already on sale in the shops. I do hope you will have a go and enter. Please fill in the entry form below to enter. Good Luck to you All.

Recycle Your Unwanted Small Electrical Items @ The St Georges Centre On Tuesday 22 June between 9am – 5pm you can bring the following small electrical items to the St George’s centre on Victoria Road for recycling, rather than sending them to the landfill site in your black bin:

Regards Peggy Woodward.

Personal care items (eg hairdryer, curling tongs, straighteners, shaver, electric toothbrush) DIY equipment (eg drill, sander, jigsaw) Gadgets & toys eg children’s toys, hi-fi, radio, mobile phone, MP3, camera Gardening Equipment (eg lawnmower, strimmer) Kitchen and Homeware (eg food mixer, kettle, toaster, iron, vacuum cleaner,

smoke detector, torch, fan) TVs and monitors will NOT be accepted as they are classed as hazardous waste.

Quote 20% Off— ld Netherfie

For further information please call


Gedling Borough Council on 0115 901 3765


Carlton & Netherfield Stations—

The Nottingham—Lincoln known as the Castle Line.


direct train a 08.51 and one returning at 18.14 arriving in Netherfield at 20.16. Off Peak fares. Off peak fares are available on these trains on Saturdays and Bank Holiday Mondays.

Carlton Station—Trentside Villages Rail Users Group has been formed to encourage greater use of the trains and campaign for improvements. Railway companies, local and County Councils and others are represented on the group and plans are being drawn up for an hourly service at Carlton. From May 24th all daytime trains will call at Beeston, taking only 15 minutes.

White Post Farm, Nottingham Cricket Club, Nottingham Rugby Club, Notts County FC, Nando’s, The Starting Gate Colwick, Tumble Town Arnold, Nottingham Race Course, Farmfoods, Denz Beeston, Beechdale Baths


Netherfield Station—Still no Sunday trains to Skegness, Monday to Saturday there is a

Update From Tony Cave

Raffle Thanks St Georges holds regular raffles to raise funds for its continued running. This is only possible with the kind donations of prizes from the following companies.


There are no changes to the Summer Timetables which are now available in the St Georges Centre, Victoria Road, Netherfield and Carlton Library, Manor Road, Carlton.

Would You Like to be in the Friendly & Reliable Approved Electrician Mobile:

07958 769698 D.D. MELLORS Electrical Limited

NETHERFIELD NEWS? If you wish to have an article or advert printed in the Netherfield News please Contact Emma on 9113302 or Deadline dates for articles or adverts are:‐ Autumn Edition— Mon 2nd August 2010 Winter Edition— Mon 1st November 2010 Articles Must Be in by these dates Advertising Rates—


Ad Prices start from just £30 8

Poets Corner....

Gedling Homes Housing Surgery at St Georges Centre

By Roy & Pat Harvey—

Gedling Homes are pleased to announce the upcoming dates for their monthly housing surgery at the St George’s Centre this autumn and winter .

Roy and Pat have been married over 60 years. They met at Ashwell Street School and Roy worked on the railways for many years. They still live in Netherfield and are regular visitors to Shunters Community Cafe at the St Georges Centre.

The surgery is for any tenant to come in to discuss housing issues such as anti-social behaviour, repairs or their rent account .

We sit here in the sunshine glow

The Tenancy Services Manager Mark Vasey said “This service is a great way for our tenants to have direct contact with our staff to discuss any issue which is effecting them or their tenancy” The surgeries will be the first Thursday of the month between 11am-1pm. The upcoming dates are:

Two old timers, So and So We've been here many times before At the times when we enjoy We both attended local school At Ashwell Street, our learning pool

Thursday June 3rd

But time did part us as we grew

Thursday July 1st

On and on to pastures new

Thursday August 5th

The years passed by, another world As we grew the world unfurled

If you have any questions about any aspect of your tenancy please contact the Tenancy Services team on 0115 905 1515 or email on

But time passed and so we met And here we are together yet Sat in sunshine with its glow I wrote these words to let you know. From The IT Crowd—for former St Georges Employee Michelle Swinson The time has come for you to go But you can bet we’ll miss you so Your humour and the delicious grub Much better then we’d get in the pub So its off to a new life by the sea With a new home to fill your heart with glee Good Luck, Good Health and dreams come true All these things we wish for you May the future bring you much success And more than your share of happiness We hope everything turns out to be the best yet


For someone who will always be too special to forget

Health & Wellbeing Pages Do You have breathing difficulty? Are you diagnosed with Asthma, Bronchitis, COPD, Emphysema or any other lung condition? If so, why not come along to our friendly monthly meetings where we all suffer from similar health problems. We meet on the 2nd Thursday of each month between 1.30pm and 3.30pm, currently

Carers & Friends Welcome at St Georges Centre, but from July (Thursday 8th) we shall be at the Loco Centre, Victoria Road where there are no stairs to climb and parking is no problem. At most meetings we have a speaker, either on health matters or other interesting or other interesting subjects. Sometimes we arrange outings to places of interest or simply for enjoyment. We occasionally hold fund raising events. We have to, because it costs you nothing to be a member, no annual subscription and nothing to pay at the door. Breath Easy is the nation wide support network of the British Lung Foundation. Help us to help each other. Contact our secretary—Woody on 0115 911 4248.

Netherfield Medical Centre Tel: 0115 9614583



Following on from the success of the Street Doctor event last year, doctors and staff from NMC will again take to the streets of Netherfield to offer health promotion and advice on 16th June.

We are very disappointed to report that the following numbers of appointments were missed recently:

January 216 February 249

PATIENT PARTICIPATION GROUP We would like to recruit more members to our Patient Participation Group, the age group that has the lowest representation is 18 – 29 years. Please contact Jacqui Newman, Practice Manager, if you are interested in joining us.



When patients pre-book an appointment and then don’t attend it means that other patients have to wait longer for an appointment with the doctor, nurse or health care assistant. Please contact us to cancel your appointment if it is no longer required, the appointment can then be offered to someone else. Appointments can be cancelled in person, over the phone or by accessing our website (


Many thanks to all of the Local Businesses who have Kindly supported this issue of the Newsletter

Boxing For All Ages... Why not try our FREE Non-Contact boxing program with absolutely no cost or obligation. It's our intention to teach the virtues of fitness, discipline, perseverance, self defence, safety and fun through the art of boxing. We teach in a friendly, no pressure atmosphere and guarantee fun for all.

Classes held at Fox and Hounds, Station Road, Carlton, NG4 3AT Seniors Mon, Wed, Fri 6.30-7.30pm and Sun, Mon 10.00-11.00am Juniors - Tues & Thurs 6.30-7.30pm and Sun 10.00-11.00am





* stress busting


* fitness & flexibility

* self esteem

* self defence

* respect & discipline

* boosting energy

* concentration

* weight loss

* achieving goals

* self esteem

* exercise

* fun & friends

* fun & friends

Nutrition and Dietetics

4 week Free course running at Various Venues throughout Gedling incl. St Georges Centre The course will include: Healthy, tasty recipes & Nutritional games

4 Fun Filled Sessions to Learn, Socialise, Cook & Eat Together. To find out more information or to register please fill out one of our referral forms or ring 01623 785183

Netherfield Forum Annual General Meeting — Wednesday 26th May 2010 7.00pm Nominations are now being invited for board members to join the Netherfield Forum and be part of its future. If you are not a member of the Forum, membership applications are available at the St Georges Centre, 91 Victoria Road, Netherfield, Nottingham, NG4 2NN. Tel: 0115 9113302 Nomination forms are also available at the centre, these must be completed and returned no later than Monday 24th May 2010 at 12 noon for the attention of Mr C Woodward. Please ensure that all persons nominated are willing to stand and are members only. 11

Many thanks to all of the Local Businesses who have Kindly supported this issue of the Newsletter FOR ALL YOUR DIY NEEDS

290-292 Carlton Hill Carlton

Quality Carpets and Fitting


Free Estimates

Tel:- 0115 9872179 0115 987 9105

Our World is at Your Feet

Fax:- 0115 940 2510

Netherfield Cafe

10% Off Your Order with this Voucher Only 1 voucher per customer Valid Until End of June 2010

Scentsations Florist


Friendly Professional Service

Mick Robinson Butcher

Balloons Gifts & Teddy Bears

Flowers for all Occasions

52 Victoria Road, Netherfield Nottingham Telephone 961 5390 / Facsimile 940 4978

81 Victoria Rd, Netherfield Tel:- 0115 9404200


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