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Fromages et Desserts S€lection de fromages


Selection of cheeses, homemade bread

Abricots aux baies roses et badiane, yaourt infus€ de lavande, glace au miel et fromage 6.75

Prix fixe Served at lunchtime only Two courses £28.00 Three courses £32.00

Pink peppercorn & star aniseed poached apricots with lavender yoghurt, soft cheese and London honey ice cream

Fondant au chocolat et glace au Cointreau


Demi douzaine d’escargots au beurre d’ail Six snails baked in garlic and tomato butter

Chocolate fondant with Cointreau ice cream (please allow 20 minutes)

Tarte au chocolat blanc et fraises, sorbet citron yaourt


Saumon fum€, blinis, cr„me de raifort, c•pres et citron Lightly smoked salmon with blinis, horseradish cream and caper dressing

Baked white chocolate and strawberry tart with lemon and yoghurt sorbet

G•teau aux cerises, glace au lait d’amande, compote chaude acidul€e


Gorge de porc l€g„rement fum€e et r…ti au miel de sapin, past„que et pignons Slow roasted and lightly smoked jowl of pork in pine flavored London honey with water melon and pine nuts

Upside down cherry pudding, almond milk ice, hot cherry sour compote

Parfait glac€ aux mƒres et violettes vanill€es


Frozen violet and blackberry parfait

Miroir aux poires et caramel sal€, sorbet au chocolat et nougatine

Parfait aux champignons, salade printani„re et vinaigrette de betteraves Mushroom parfait, port jelly, spring vegetable salad and beetroot dressing

_____ 7.00

Pear and salted caramel mousse mirror with chocolate sorbet and salted nougatine

Coq au vin Chicken braised in red wine with baby onions, mushrooms and bacon

Glaces et sorbets


Home made ice creams and sorbets

Cr„me brƒl€e, sabl€ au citron Burnt vanilla cream, lemon shortbread

Dos de saumon au beurre rouge Seared salmon fillet with red wine butter sauce and spinach


Tranche de rumsteck au poivre vert, pommes Pont-Neuf Slow cooked rump steak, green peppercorn sauce and fat chips

Tarte au Camembert et poireaux, pommes fondantes, champignons sauvages Camembert and leek fondue tart with fondant potatoes and sautéed wild mushrooms

_____ Miroir aux poires et caramel sal€, sorbet au chocolat et nougatine Pear and salted caramel mousse mirror with chocolate sorbet and salted nougatine

Glaces et sorbets Home made ice creams and sorbets

Cr„me brƒl€e, sabl€ au citron Burnt vanilla cream, lemon shortbread

S€lection de fromages

Supplement 4.00

Selection of cheeses, homemade bread

Please bring any dietary requirements to our attention A discretionary service charge of 12.5% will be added to your bill VAT payable at prevailing rates

Please bring any dietary requirements to our attention A discretionary service charge of 12.5% will be added to your bill VAT payable at prevailing rates



Saumon fum€, blinis, cr„me de raifort, c•pres et citron


Lightly smoked salmon with blinis, horseradish cream and caper dressing

Straw baked salt marsh lamb rump with fennel and courgette pur•e, minted yoghurt and pomme fondante

Salade de crabe aux tomates mac€r€es, basilic et olives noires


Hand picked Devon crab and macerated heritage tomato salad with basil and black olives

Poitrine croustillante et filet de porc r…ti au miel, poulpe grill€e, chorizo et amandes


Suckling belly and pork fillet with octopus, chorizo, almond and spicy London honey

Thon rouge marqu€ au poivre, feuilles de radis blanc acidul€es, huile d’algues et yuzu


Pepper seared tuna with pickled white radish, seaweed oil and yuzu dressing

Canard de Dombes, kumquat, petit pois €cras€s et pann€ de foie gras au quatre €pices


Roasted Dombes duck with kumquat, braised peas and four spice foie gras fritters

Oeuf fa†on B€n€dicte,


Slow cooked free range British hen’s egg with tomato compote, crispy ham, crispy bread, hollandaise

Terrine de foie gras au lapin confit, chutney de cerises et sureau

Quasis d’agneau des marais salants r…ti sur paille, pur€e de courgette et yaourt menthol€e 25.50

Tranche de rumsteck au poivre vert, pommes Pont-Neuf


Slow cooked rump steak, green peppercorn sauce and fat chips



Foie gras and confit rabbit terrine with cherry chutney and elderflower syrup

Tartare de bœuf, frites et salade


Beef tartare, chips and salade

Gorge de porc l€g„rement fum€e et r…ti au miel de sapin, past„que et pignons


Slow roasted and lightly smoked jowl of pork in pine flavored London honey with water melon and pine nuts

Pi„ce de chevreuil du jour

market price

Daily butcher’s cut of Red deer venison

Parfait aux champignons, aigre-doux de l€gumes de saison et vinaigrette de betteraves


Mushroom parfait, port jelly, pickled spring vegetable salad with beetroot and truffle dressing

Salades et Légumes

Crustacées et fruit de mer Crevettes mayonnaise



Roquette au parmesan

Pomme pur€e

Gratin Dauphinois

Pommes de terre nouvelles


Haricots verts


Salade de tomates au basilic

Cold prawns with mixed baby leaves and mayonnaise

Plateau de fruits de mer

29.00/ 56.00

Selection of shellfish and crustaceans

Colchester sauvages





Wild Colchester rock oyster

Baccari 10gr


French baccari caviar, small black grain with a woody and nutty taste

Menu degustation Menu dégustation 8 Courses £48.00 Available for the entire table up to 9pm Tartare de bœuf

A more extensive selection of caviar is available to pre-order. Please ask a member of staff.

Terrine de foie gras au lapin confit, chutney de cerises et sureau _________

Végétariens Risotto au cresson, beignet truff€ et riz souffl€ à la poudre de c„pes


Watercress risotto and truffle arancini with rice and cep crisp

Tarte au Camembert et poireaux, pommes fondantes, champignons sauvages

Salade de crabe aux tomates mac€r€es, basilic et olives noires Thon rouge marqu€ au poivre, feuilles de radis blanc acidul€es, huile d’algues et yuzu


Camembert and leek fondue tart with fondant potatoes and saut•ed wild mushrooms

________ Gorge de porc l€g„rement fum€e et r…ti au miel de sapin, past„que et pignons


Poitrine de porc croustillante et poulpe grill€ aux chorizo, amandes

Haut bar vapeur au citron et graines de s€same noires, shimeji et pur€e de fenouil


Steamed black bass with lemon and black sesame seeds, saut•ed shimeji and fennel puree

Ballottine de raie aux crevettes safran€es, saveur paella


Steamed skate and prawn ballotine with paella rice, shellfish and chorizo

Sole grenobloise

Sorbet ________ Haut bar vapeur au citron et graines de s€same noires, shimeji et pur€e de fenouil


Lemon sole “grenobloise”, capers, croutons, parsley and brown butter with new potatoes


Ballottine de raie aux crevettes safran€es au saveur de paella _________ Quasis d’agneau des marais salants r…ti sur paille, pur€e de courgette et yaourt menthol€ Canard de Dombes, kumquat, petit pois €cras€s et pann€ de foie gras au quatre €pices _________ Pre-dessert _________ Miroir aux poires et caramel sal€, sorbet au chocolat et nougatine Parfait glac€ aux mƒres et violettes vanill€es

Please bring any dietary requirements to our attention A discretionary service charge of 12.5% will be added to your bill VAT payable at prevailing rates

Please bring any dietary requirements to our attention A discretionary service charge of 12.5% will be added to your bill VAT payable at prevailing rates

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