The annual report of the Network in 2014

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Advocacy. Ensuring

access to treatment Network capacity building Protection of rights



annual report on the work HIV / AIDS ACO “All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH” ANNUAL REPORT 2014

Combating stigma and discrimination




When gathering a team, focus on two things. First, find the best people in the world. Second, let them do their job. Matt Mullenweg

six people; now it’s a powerful and influential organization in Ukraine and the world. We believed and still keep believing in the unbounded development and progress of the men making their dreams real. We will not rest on our oars until every person having strength and courage to live with HIV will enjoy full access to treatment and opportunities for self-actualization. We must not stop now. Nowadays our life in this country is a struggle.

The year 2014 was difficult for the Network, just as for entire Ukraine. Failed tenders, treatment interruption threat, tireless attention to the situation in the anti-terrorist operation area, aid to HIV-positive children and adults, annexation of the Crimea, military training, civil hospital during the Maidan events – this represents only the tip of the iceberg of the challenges facing the Network in these hard times for all Ukrainians. And, paradoxically, I am meanwhile sincerely happy, proud and delighted to be working with this powerful team, the best team in the world. Seldom have I experienced such a touching mix of affection and dignity, strength and tenderness, faith in people and confidence in the better future. Watching these people during Maidan events – everybody, from social workers to accountants, from department directors to volunteers, from medical staff to cooks at the hospi-


tal’s kitchen, from guards to drivers of vehicles carrying the injured – I have conceived what a great Gift it has been to build the future with this team committed to the real values. It’s the same as going shoulder to shoulder with the heroes who do their job excellently and professionally in these tumultuous times. Every person in the organization is valuable and makes their significant contribution in overcoming HIV/AIDS epidemic. Every person should change the situation, change the attitude, change the world. Through such actions, long-term expertise and high performance the Network becomes a paragon of freedom and a guiding light for the communities and patient organizations. By uniting, the community of people living with HIV gradually becomes stronger and not only wins its place in history, but actually changes it. The Network was rooted in the dreams and determination of the

We act today to build our tomorrow. Critical situations heaping up for years brought much harm to HIV-positive people. They might not be resolved in a few days, weeks or months, but they will eventually come to an end. We will overcome them, because we have the strength to do everything we need to protect our right to life and freedoms. Once I’ve read a letter from Luhansk: “On Lysychansk ART site we were asked for a photo of the organization team. I unwittingly asked why they would need it, and the medical staff told: “We’d hang it on the wall to show the patients who provided them with life-saving medicines”. I am sincerely proud to be a part of the Network – a community of successful, strong and caring people! It’s time to understand that our organization has become powerful enough to go beyond modest dreams and achievements. We are not bound to eclipse, in spite of anybody who would expect it. We deserve full-fledged achievements, treatment, victories, success and life. We do great things together. Believing in our victory, Volodymyr Zhovtiak Chairman of Coordination Council AUCO “All-Ukrainian Network of People Living with HIV”


The Network marked December 1, the World AIDS Day, with various topical activities.

The Network and its partners focused on prevention activities for the youth and adolescents, as well as paid attention to forming tolerant attitude towards HIVpositive people. This was achieved through holding different workshops, competitions and quests. In addition to awareness initiatives, the Network aimed to collect charitable donations, by creating a place to buy and sell décor, clothes, handmade items and other things. In total UAH 38 313 was collected at the regional level, UAH

14 680 of which was collected in Kyiv. The money raised will be used to cover vital needs of HIV-positive people such as the procurement of necessary medicines, medical equipment, payments for surgeries and diagnostics.

In 20 cities of Ukraine different actions were held. The charity flea market utilizing the slogan “Bring Your Goods” united them. This event brought together clients, volunteers, staff and guests – everyone was able to find their place in this huge process and join the good cause of charity and help.





The holding of a charitable auction “A Step Towards” was initiated by the civil society organizations “Poltava Guild of Collectors “Spadshchyna” and “Club “Kviten” with active participation of the Network. Poltava artists provided their works to be used in the auction. The event was aimed at drawing attention to the treatment access problems for HIV-positive people in Ukraine. The money raised from selling the pictures was used to purchase medical equipment for Poltava oblast AIDS Center.



In this difficult year, while our country is at war and many people in eastern Ukraine are killed in the warfare, the Network also raised its voice about the invisible killer – HIV/AIDS, and emphasized, that the work on combating the epidemic can hardly be successful without involvement of the journalists. The competition for the best work of journalism in HIV/ AIDS, held by the civil society organization “Human Rights Information Center” with the support of the Network and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, collected many pieces of journalistic content from journalists and the media in differ-

ent genres. Journalists of regional and national media of all types, as well as freelance journalists were invited to participate in the competition. Winners were elected from three nominated categories: – the best printed material/ web publication; – the best photo; – the best audio-video material. Vera Brezhneva, UNAIDS Goodwill Ambassador for Eastern Europe and Central Asia countries, was opening the ceremony. She said she was proud of the immense work carried out by journalists in Ukraine to overcome the HIV/AIDS epidemic.




REDUCING STIGMA AND DISCRIMINATION AS A KEY BARRIER TO ACCESSING MEDICAL SERVICES FOR THE HIV-POSITIVE PATIENTS Since 2014 in the framework of the RESPECT Project: “Reducing HIV-related Stigma and Discrimination(S&D) for Most-at-Risk Populations in Health Care Facilities in Ukraine”, implemented with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the conduction of one-day trainings for healthcare workers “Forming of Tolerance towards Most-at-Risk Populations (MARPs Representatives) and People Living with HIV among Healthcare Providers” was initiated. One of the specific features of the training sessions is that they are conducted in pair by medical worker and psychologist or social worker. The indicated approach not just provides medical workers with clinical knowledge about HIV, but through interactive exercises demonstrates psychological and emotional side of living with HIV, consequences of stigma and discrimination faced by HIV-positive patients and its influence on the quality of life PLWH and MARPs. In the framework of one-day trainings the healthcare providers of 12 pilot healthcare facilities in Kyiv and L’viv gained new knowledge on the following issues:  Etiology, pathogenesis and clinical course of HIV infection  HIV diagnosis and treatment  Algorithm of conduction pretesting consultations on HIV  Requirements to workplace safety and preventive care of HIV infection at workplace among healthcare providers  Rules of Post-Exposure Prophylaxis of HIV infection  Causes and effects of stigma and discrimination towards HIV-positive patients. Structure and content of one-day training session allow medical workers through interactive exercises assess professional risk of HIV-transmission, free themselves from all misapprehensions about HIV, that influence their professional attitude towards patients and review their own beliefs, opinions and behavior patterns towards HIV-positive patients and MARPs.



24 trainings

12 pilot


478 doctors

and nurses with participation of


healthcare facilities Feedback: Oleksandra Kostko, therapeutist, L’viv Oblast State Clinical Narcological Dispensary: “I have participated many times in the training courses on Torch-infections and HIV, and I can say that the topic was completely and at the highest level covered at this training. The trainers provided information both on statistics of HIV transmission, its clinical aspect and feelings of PLWH. It is important that the training was conducted in interactive format. Thank you”.

Maria Ilyinova, RESPECT Project trainer/psychologist, L’viv Oblast Affiliate of All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH: “During the training the participants’ attitude to HIVpositive patients or MARPs representatives is changing. First, they become more emotional and open to life stories of patients’ facing stigma and discrimination, and even tell real stories they came through within professional practice. Second, the participants gain new or improve the existing knowledge on HIVinfection, that helps them to conceive the reasons of their personal fear towards HIV-positive patients. And third, understanding that a person living with HIV may be their friend, colleague, neighbor, makes them realize that this problem is relevant for everybody, not just most-at-risk populations”.

STUDY OF REDUCING STIGMA AND DISCRIMINATION WITHIN TRAINING PROGRAMS OF HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS, WHICH PROVIDE PRE-SERVICE AND IN-SERVICE TRAINING FOR DOCTORS AND NURSES The analysis of the training programme of Kyiv and Lviv higher educational institutions, that provide pre-service and in-service training for doctors and nurses, regarding covering the topic on reducing stigma and discrimination towards PLWH and MARPs has been conducted within RESPECT Project. The training modules on forming tolerance towards PLWH and MARPs representatives were developed and included into existing curricula of medical education facilities in pilot regions, in particular:  Department of Epidemiology of National Medical University named after O. Bohomolets developed and approved a typical program of discipline “Epidemiology” for students of 5th studying year of specialization (degree) in “Treatment” and “Pediatrics”, which includes 4-hours interactive training module “Ways to Overcome Stigma and Discrimination towards PLWH in Healthcare Facilities”;  Infectious Diseases Department of Faculty of Internship and In-service Education of Donetsk National Medical University named after M. Gorkyi Feedback: Iryna Kolesnikova, Ph.D., Professor, Head of Reference Epidemiology Department of National Medical University named after O. Bogomolets: “The best prevention of stigmatization and discrimination of patients by the health care providers is the quality training of specialists of pre-service education level”. Viktoriya Nelin, student of 5th course of 2nd Medical Faculty, National Medical University named after O. Bogomolets: “Indeed, the knowledge about HIV-related stigma and discrimination is important and especially for future doctors, since the maintenance of contact with the patient is the first what have to face medical worker in order to make a right examination, diagnosis and treatment. A physician with the prepossession towards a patient with HIV or AIDS, hardly able to achieve this”.

developed and approved 6-hours training module “HIV-infection. Stigma and Discrimination towards HIV-Positive People or Representatives of Most-atRisk Populations” within specializations (degrees) “Medical and Preventive Care” and “General Practice – Family Medicine”;  The 5-day training program “Managing HIV-patient by family doctor” was developed and approved by the Department of Family Medicine and Outpatient Care of the National Medical Academy for Post-graduate Education named after P. Shupik. 843 students were trained within new training programs in 2014; gained knowledge on the causes and effects of HIV-related stigmatization and discrimination of patients, levels and forms of discrimantion; medical ethics and deontology requirements on preventing discrimination towards HIV-positive patients and the ways of reducing stigma and discrimination in healthcare facilities. Furthermore, the training for Heads of epidemiology and infectious diseases departments of all medical universities of Ukraine were conducted within RESPECT Project, aimed to raise awareness, develop capacities and knowledge in teaching students tolerance towards PLWH and MARPs representatives.





On the 3rd Sunday of May, Sofiyivska square hosted the Names memorial event dedicated to the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial Day. The square was covered by an immense quilt with the total space of more than 400 sq.m. The quilt, embroidered with the thousands of names of Ukrainian victims of AIDS, was hand made by HIV-positive people and caring activists from all places of

Ukraine. This quilt is the symbol of grief and the great tragedy of AIDS epidemic which has claimed the lives of almost 30 000 Ukrainians. Upon the Network initiative, Ukraine again joined the world Names movement, which envisages covering the central squares of world capitals with memorial quilts in remembrance of people who died from AIDS. This year the quilt was included into

the Guinness Book of Records as the biggest shroud – probably, the saddest record that Ukraine currently holds.

INFORMATIONAL MATERIALS AIMED AT FORMING TOLERANT ATTITUDE TOWARDS HIV-POSITIVE PEOPLE Informational materials published within RESPECT Project: “Reducing HIV-Related Stigma and Discrimination towards Representatives of Most at-Risk Population in Healthcare Facilities of Ukraine”:  Leaflet “Handbook for Healthcare Providers”;  Leaflet “Patients Handbook on How to Counteract Stigma and Discrimination”;

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 Posters with the slogan about the right of every person to medical services regardless of the HIV status (to be distributed among the pilot HCFs).

Продукція видана за фінансової підтримки Агентства США з міжнародного розвитку (USAID) в рамках реалізації проекту RESPECT: «Зменшення стигми та дискримінації, пов’язаної з ВІЛ, щодо представників груп найвищого ризику в медичних закладах України» за підтримки ВБО «Всеукраїнська мережа ЛЖВ».



CIVIL PROTEST ACTION FOR THE LUSTRATION OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES OF UKRAINE Action participants established a danger sign in front of the entrance to the NAMSU, thus drawing attention to unlawful actions of the President of Academy Andriy Serdiuk. It’s worth reminding that A. Serdiuk, directly appointed by Yanukovych-Azarov regime is the only high medical official who escaped lustration and continues to manage the immense medical system of 36 best clinics of Ukraine (NAMSU scientific institutes). This structure is actually uncontrolled by the people of Ukraine and the national government. Civil society activists, patients, doctors required to immediately dismiss A. Serdiuk from the position of the NAMSU President, comprehensive audit and li-

ability for all corrupt arrangements participants, amendments to the legislative acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine establishing the CMU control over the activities on NAMSU medical institutes directors; public oversight of the NAMSU activities with the civil society organizations involvement and invalidation of M. Azarov’s decree and resumption of Lavra clinic operations. Based on outcomes of the protest action, a number of criminal cases were opened against A. Serdiuk for unlawful and inhuman conduct, which became the first step in combating corruption in the NAMS of Ukraine system, as well as its reform.

After the protest action near the NAMSU building civil society activists submitted petitions to the President Petro Poroshenko and the Prime Minister Arseniy Yatseniuk requiring initiation of lustration in the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine. This action represents only the very start of wide public campaign for lustration in the NAMSU.





Patients went to mass pickets near the building of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine requiring immediate procurement of medicines due to failed biddings and the fact that the Ministry of Health managed to complete only 20% of the nec-


essary procurements over 10 months. In view of public protests and in response to the petition to the Prime Minister Arseniy Yatseniuk which was signed by almost 30 civil society and patient organizations requiring to take the state procurements

of medicines under the personal control, the Prime Minister suspended the Minister of Health and promised the Ukrainian patients that medicines procurement bidding will be held in 21 days. However, not a single bidding was held on procurement of medicines for HIV-positive Ukrainians, as well as for patients with severe and rare diseases. The entire country was stricken by mass protest actions of patients who dubbed this day “Black Tuesday�. Network activists and patients from 18 cities of Ukraine required the Government to immediately procure medicines for severely ill Ukrainians (including ARV medi-

cines) upon the abridged procedure, as for 21 days allocated by the Prime Minister to procure drugs, only 6% from the existing needs has been purchased by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, which threatened the life and health of all HIV-positive patients in the country. The Network, joining its efforts with the partner organizations, required to procure the medicines as soon as possible – on this day the patients went to demonstrations under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine building and oblast state administrations in the regions.





According to the public opinion, he is the one to blame for all failed biddings. The first opening of ARV medicines procurement proposals for 20 lots out of 23 was canceled. The actual reason thereof was the exceeding of budget financing. The bidding was re-announced and the second opening of proposals for 20 lots, including key ARV medicines, failed again. The reason behind the bidding failure was due to a complaint filed by pharmaceutical companies Indar Private JSC and Medfarkom-Center PJSC to the Antimonopoly Com-


mittee of Ukraine (AMCU) claiming that the MoH had established discriminatory requirements in the bidding documents. Consideration of the complaint meant that the bidding process and procurement will be suspended for another month. Network activists emphasized that this is unacceptable when MoH is already extremely late with the bidding, and called upon MoH, AMCU and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to make every possible effort to solve this issue and hold ARV and TB drugs bidding as soon as possible.

SOLOMYANSKY DISTRICT PROSECUTION OFFICE REVOKED THE CLAIM AGAINST THE CLINIC FOR HIV-POSITIVE PATIENTS Activists who have been struggling for 4 years to support the right to life and treatment for the Lavra clinic patients and managed to compel the new hospital construction, were forced to go for a public protest once more. This was due to Solomyansky District Prosecution Office filed a claim in the Economic Court on invalidation and cancellation of Kyiv City Council decision and Kyiv City State Administration decree, as well as on recognizing the nullity of right to use the land plot where Gromashevsky Institute Clinic is located.

and doctors may find themselves thrown out on the street without any guarantees of treatment continuation. The action managed to focus public attention on this case – the judge took into account possible violation of patients’ rights and purely formal nature of the prosecution’s claim.

Later, Solomyansky District Prosecution Office revoked its claim against the clinic, and its PR service at the last court hearing assured the patients and their family members that the prosecution office had no intent to deprive them from the clinic premises and the land plot.

The Network representatives emphasized that patients

LYING PROTEST NEAR THE MINISTRY OF FINANCE OF UKRAINE drawing public and media attention to the fact that dozens of thousands of Ukrainians can die because of the lack of medicines if the MoF does not support the procurement of medicines for seriously ill Ukrainians.

Through physically lying protest, the Network activists and partner organizations were

The action was held simultaneously with the session of representatives of different ministries and agencies whom the Ministry of Finance suggested to withdraw funding so that it can be reallocated for medicines.

Each of the officials heading to the session venue had to step over human bodies while entering the building. In activists’ opinion, this should have symbolized that these officials will step over lives of people when taking the decisions not aimed to saving the patients.





The Network and other patient and civil society organizations suggested to Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to increase tobacco and alcohol excise duties, while part of the proceeds will be reallocated for the procurement of life-saving medicines. People’s deputies were offered to increase alcohol and tobacco excises to use some of the proceeds for saving millions of Ukrainians who need treatment now. It’s worth mentioning that such methods of enhancing budget revenues have al-


ready proven their efficiency and are practised in some of the developing countries. To draw attention of people’s deputies to the draft laws and compel them to put these drafts on voting agenda, more than 100 activists and patients lied down on the square in front of the Verkhovna Rada building entrances. This flashmob symbolized that having ignored this draft law, every people’s deputies entering the office in their daily routine will tread on the bodies of people who

died from various diseases. Excises save lives! Initiative united almost all patient organizations of Ukraine which focused on different diseases. More than 30 patient organizations signed the memorandum and petition to approve these draft laws.


In response to violent suppression of a peaceful demonstration, resulting from which peaceful civilians had been injured and killed, and also considering numerous instances of violating the citizens’ right to obtain medical assistance, the Network made a decision to create at its Central Office a civil hospital for provision of aid to those injured as a result of the armed stand-off in the central part of Kyiv. We also called for international organizations with experience of delivering medical care under conditions of armed conflicts, to start immediately proactive actions and open civil treatment facilities in Kyiv. For the first time the hospi-

tal was launched on January 20, 2014 during events on Hrushevskoho Str. About 20 people of medical staff had been involved in the civil hospital’s work, some of them were the central office employees, other – volunteer doctors from different healthcare facilities. Patient care, catering, security service and overall coordination was ensured by the volunteers among which the Network staff was also represented. The hospital operations were materially supported by the well-wishers. After termination of active fighting on Hrushevskoho on January 25 the hospital ceased to work. On February 18, after events in Mariyinsky park and first attacks on Maidan, the hospital im-

mediately resumed operations. Information about the hospital and its urgent needs was posted in social media. Hospital operations were coordinated with other municipal medical facilities and with the EuroMaidan SOS information service. For the period of hospital functioning about 40 persons received medical treatment. On February 24, the hospital discontinued operations; the injured people who received medical care were directed to other medical facilities. All of them received the necessary medicines and financial aid to continue treatment. Remaining medicines and medical equipment were handed over to hospitals of Kyiv.





In connection with anti-terrorist operation on the territory of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, the Network faced another challenges and a number of barriers in providing medico-social support to PLWH. The situation for PLWH in Ukraine is now the most difficult for the entire period since the country’s independence. 2014 was the year of two wars for us. The 33 959 people living with HIV in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts had to concentrate not only on health matters and access to medicines, but on the mere possibility of physical survival. As the result of warfare the care and support services structure was demolished – not only PLWH clients, but the staff of HIV-servicing organizations, medical staff of AIDS cent-


ers and correctional facilities had to seek shelter, job, subsistence in other regions of Ukraine.

ing is limited or impossible – and the list of challenges faced by the Network is not exhaustive.

In autumn, the number of referrals to AIDS centers grew drastically. This was due to the medicines stocks were running low, because all supplies were made to Donetsk and Luhansk oblast centers which were brought under the control of separatists, while reserves of medicines in other oblasts were virtually nonexistent.

Activists of the Network of PLWH from Donetsk and Luhansk deliver ARV medicines in the warfare area, risking their lives, and this is a decent example to follow and be proud of people with whom we work.

Medical facilities are unable to control the situation on territories affected by the warfare, logistics companies refuse to deliver supplies, ARV treatment interruptions already took place in several settlements of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, access to viral load and CD4 test-

The Network makes all possible efforts to provide medical and social support to PLWH who were injured as the result of warfare or were forced to relocate in connection with the events in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts.


Restricted movement across the oblast districts (intercity bus routes were changed or canceled, movement between the governmentcontrolled and uncontrolled territories became much more complicated).

Dwindling of services in the ATO area caused difficulties in cargo delivery and humanitarian aid procurement.

Limited physical accessibility of ARV medicines.

Many businesses in the ATO area were wound up; the supply of products to the regions were stopped, the procurement procedures became more complicated.

No diagnostics of viral load (VL), CD4, PCR (blood sample transportation to Donetsk AIDS center is canceled. Clients are told to commute to Donetsk on their own).

In connection with growing prices for food and other goods (food, hygienic kits, nappies, medicines, gynecological kits) number and composition of aid package considerably shrunk.

Staff dismissals (depressed psychological condition of staff, some of the employees left certain projects, in Luhansk 90% of invited specialists (doctors, nurses and other specialists) terminated their contracts early.

The number of financial institutions to carry out economic transactions decreased; on uncontrolled territories the banking sector completely suspended its work; accordingly, the majority of suppliers refused to work on non-cash settlement basis. It was decided to select suppliers in other oblasts.





Warfare in the ATO area.


Winding up courier or mail delivery services in the ATO area, which makes it impossible to deliver the cargo and to receive acceptance documents.

Unpreparedness of the newly relocated facilities to accept and store medical goods requiring special storage conditions (cold chain, etc.).

Impossibility to ensure the goods forwarded to the ATO area.

Limited shelf life, especially or reagents and consumables for CD4 and VL tests, as well as medicines for STIs and opportunistic infections.

Lengthy re-registration of facilities which relocated to the new places in the government-controlled territories.

Physical absence of CD4 and VL equipment in a new facilities in Slovyansk and Severodonetsk hosting the relocated organizations.

NGOS WORKING IN THE ATO AREA Donetsk oblast: 13 NGOs operate and service 24 sites (cities), of which: 15 are on the territory controlled by the Government of Ukraine 9 are on the temporarily uncontrolled territory

Luhansk oblast Svatove

Severodonetsk Rubizhne Lysychansk Krasnyi Lyman

Stakhanov Alchevsk


Slovyansk Kramatorsk Druzhkivka

Luhansk Krasnodon Lutugino



Luhansk oblast: 1 NGO operates and services 10 sites (cities), of which: 4 are on the territory controlled by the Government of Ukraine 6 are on the temporarily uncontrolled territory

Kostiantynivka Dzerzhinsk Horlivka Dobropillya Snizhne Yenakiyeve Shakhtarsk Torez Yasynuvata Chervonoarmiysk Khartsyzsk Avdiyivka Makiyivka




Donetsk oblast




8 36

Out of 36 prisons in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts only 8 are located on the territories controlled by the Government of Ukraine. The Network provides medicines to all prisons of these oblasts, as the State Penitentiary Service as of December 31, 2014 ceased to deliver the medicines.

Donetsk oblast

Luhansk oblast

correctional facilities (as of December 31, 2014)

correctional facilities (as of December 31, 2014)

404 of them receive ARV- therapy

1252 HIV-positive convicts and detainees

134 of them

receive ARV-therapy


positive convicts and detainees

From August to October 2014, the Network supplied to these facilities the ARV medicines procured at the expense of the Global Fund in order to prevent treatment interruptions.





Impossibility to deliver biological sample for analysis to the laboratory.

Lack of medical staff in the prisons in connection with the warfare.

Lack of food, hygienic products, warm clothes and medicines due to the termination of their centralized supply by the State Penitentiary Service to the territories temporarily uncontrolled by the Government of Ukraine.

The Network focused its efforts on attracting humanitarian aid and coordination between all parties willing to help, as well as regional organizations and volunteers who will deliver the aid directly to the recipients. To ensure prompt and efficient response to the needs of PLWH in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts the central office of the Network


created an interim working group on cooperation with the regions in the ATO area. The group has to collect operative information about the needs of HIV-positive people being in the ATO area, seek solutions and coordinate the activities of the local organizations and look for the sources of assistance to redirect it to the people being in urgent need of it.


“One morning in early August 2014, in the Donbas volunteer battalion quarters in Popasna, a soldier whose face seemed familiar to me but at that moment looked very unusual in camouflage and ammo, ran into me and started embracing and patting me on the shoulders. “Sasha, it’s you!” he exclaimed. In a second my embarrassment vanished, and now it was me to embrace and pat him, calling by name, Lyosha. It was Lyosha (Oleksiy) Moroz. Then I just told:

- I did not expect to meet you here. He said simply: - Where else should I be?! – and added, – I was sure to meet you here. And I am not alone either. In a few minutes I met Andriy Polyakov. Later, in different locations of the warfare area I met the familiar smiles and eyes, and heard:

that it was another guy whom I had a chance to meet during years of photographing for the Network. Later I got to know that Lyosha was captured near Ilovaysk. He was held captive for as much as 4 months and fortunately released on the last day of 2014”. Oleksandr Glyadelov photographer

- Wow, photographer Glyadelov! – and I understood





During spring 2014 the specialist of the Network advocacy and legal support department Oleksiy Hatiyatullin was invited as an expert to hold training on the right to medical assistance observance monitoring in the pretrial detention facilities organized by Kharkiv Institute of Social Researches (KhISR) and Association of Independent Monitors (AIM), in cooperation with the Ombudsman of the Verkhovna Rada. The training included sections for monitors of the National Prevention Mechanism (NPM) on antiretroviral therapy, TB treatment and substitution maintenance therapy in pre-trial detention facilities. In April 2014, the Network representative was included in the Expert Council on the national prevention mechanism implementation at the Ombudsman of the Verkhovna Rada. In June 2014, in Kyiv, the Network, together with Kharkiv Institute of Social Research-


es, held an overview training dedicated to the National Prevention Mechanism in Ukraine and monitoring of the right to medical assistance observance in the pre-trial detention facilities.

During October-November 2014, the Network initiated monitoring visits of the NPM and the staff of the Ombudsman Secretariat to Starobelsk, Artemivsk and Mariupol pre-trial detention facilities.

Regarding the situation in eastern Ukraine, the Network specialists took part in the sessions initiated by the Ombudsman on human rights in prisons in the ATO area. The results of monitoring of the situation in correctional and pre-trial detention facilities in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts were presented at the sessions. Systematic monitoring results were then forwarded to the NPM department at the Office of Ombudsman; on October 28, a motion was sent to the Ombudsman informing that two women with the babies are kept in Donetsk pre-trial facility and asking to take control over the relocation of women into a safer place compliant to international requirements. However, the situation did not change.

The visits demonstrated that medical support matters, including medical support of PLWH, is being neglected. Thus, for example, in the Starobelsk pre-trial detention facility the medical ward is almost completely absent, because there is no manager, and the only medical doctor cannot cope with as much as 400 patients. All visited facilities had low amount of medicines in stock and were not sure about their supply in the near future. Despite the complicated situation, non-governmental organizations funded by AUCO “AllUkrainian Network of PLWH�) and provide services to HIVpositive people fund the

respective opportunities and supply ARV medicines in the pre-trial detention facilities. Due to the patients transportation problems to healthcare facilities highly qualified medical assistance is basically unavailable (surgeries, complicated diagnostics). Based on the results of the series of visits to pre-trial detention facilities in the ATO area the Ombudsman Valeriya Lutkovska addressed a letter to the Prime Minister of Ukraine setting forth the need to take urgent actions to solve the situation with pre-trial detention facilities in the ATO are. The Prime Minister ordered

the responsible ministers to review the situation and to take actions. In November 2014, in Lviv, the 5-th Eastern European Conference of the National Prevention Mechanism was organized by Kharkiv Institute of Social Researches in cooperation with the Verkhovna Rada Ombudsman and under financial support of the OSCE Project Coordinator in Ukraine. This time the conference was visited by about 50 participants from the Great Britain, Poland, Germany, Switzerland, Georgia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine.

Within the framework of the conference the Network representatives moderated the discussion on the situation with medical assistance in prisons. The focus was on the matters of managerial neglect and lack of medicines for the prisoners in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts.





During 2014 within the framework of the ACCESS Project (“Access of Communities to Care through Enabling System Strengthening”) with the financial support of U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention the activities aimed at strengthening the capacity of doctors to ensure high quality medical support of HIV-positive patients were carried out, in particular:

5 trainings were carried out for 120 medical workers

5 trainings were carried out for 120 medical workers

on treatment of opportunistic infections in HIV+ patients, HIV resistance to antiretroviral medicines, as well as organization of the procurement and supply of pharmaceuticals and medical goods locally.


290 phone and online consultations were provided for doctors

290 phone and online consultations were provided for doctors

on treatment of toxoplasmosis, tuberculosis, pneumocystic pneumonia, Cryptococcus meningitis, disseminated mycosis etc.

Standard operating procedures were developed

Standard operating procedures were developed

for genotyping of HIV resistance to ARV drugs using plasma and/ or “dry blood spot” method; SOPs on blood sampling for virologic and immunologic research in HIV-positive patients.

Aim 1. (Uninterrupted supply of ARV medicines provided) Ensuring and protecting the rights of HIV-positive patients to receive quality and timely medical care Supported by Access of Communities to Care through Enabling System Strengthening – “ACCESS” funded by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention the activity of all-Ukrainian HIV/AIDS hotline was maintained to ensure and protect the rights of HIV-positive patients to receive quality and timely medical care. All-Ukrainian HIV/AIDS hotline collected complaints of patients who had difficulties with: prescription, obtaining and replacement without explanation of ARV medicines scheme; conducting of necessary laboratory tests; obtaining and prescription of necessary medicines intended for prevention of opportunistic infections and other problems that interfere with obtaining of necessary medical care.

Reasons of clients referrals 107






refusal or difficulties in obtaining laboratory diagnostics

refusal or difficulties in getting ART prescription

difficulties to obtain ARV medicines

changes of ART regimens, medicines and dosing without any explanations

refusal or barriers in getting prescription of medicines for opportunistic infections treatment


In total within 2014 the hotline on HIV/AIDS received 398 applications of HIV-positive patients. 119 cases needed help of a lawyer, social worker or immediate advocacy actions of the Network representatives. With more than 30% of applications patients complained on several par-

allel problems in obtaining medical services in medical institutions. A mechanism for rapid response of the hotline consultants to complaints of patients involving a lawyer from head office of the Network and representatives of regional centers was cre-

ated, which allows not only to collect data on violations of patients’ rights, but also to solve the aforementioned problem situations and to contribute to improving access to medical services for HIV-positive patients.




IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES IN MEDICAL AND SOCIAL SPHERE IN SELECTED REGIONS OF UKRAINE In 2014 NGO “All-Ukraininan Network of PLWH” with the financial assistance of the European Union continues implementation of the project “Improving the quality of administrative services in social and medical sphere in selected regions of Ukraine” Donor European Commission Geography Duration

Lviv oblast Zaporizhya oblast

30 months Aim of the project: To improve the quality of administrative services provided in medical and social spheres in the selected regions of Ukraine. Project objectives:  Capacity building of local communities in monitoring the quality and efficiency of services provided by government institutions to local communities.

 Increase of organizational and advocacy capacity of HIV service organizations in building dialogue with public service providers on new approaches to service provision.

Completed by the project: Methodology and assessment tools were developed to measure the quality of administrative services in social sphere. The assessment is multicomponent and includes the following stages:


Sample Interview

Mystery Shopper

Desk study

Service placement evaluation

Assessing the satisfaction level of administrative services’ beneficiaries

Detailed analysis of service delivery process and achieved results

Exploring the availability of remote administrative services and their delivery process

A team of experts was selected and trained to assess the quality of administrative services. An assessment of the quality of administrative services provided in social support departments and administrative service centers of Lviv and Zaporizhya oblasts was carried out. Results of the assessment were analyzed, relevant recommendation were developed and presented to stakeholders. Regional work groups were created to analyze the availability of local opportunities and resources to change service delivery system according to local requirements.

In each region project is implemented in three cycles: “assessmentrecommendationsimplementation”.

Regional action plans were developed taking into account the local conditions and needs. Plans are currently on the implementation stage.

In October 2014, in order to spread the project to other regions, trainings on methodology of assessment of satisfaction with administrative services were conducted for organizations in Kherson and Mykolaiv oblasts, which were already involved in other projects of European Comission.



Since 2013, NGO “All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH” in cooperation with the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine has begun development of regional social services programs. During 2013-2014 programs were developed for Zaporizhya, Lviv, Charkasy, Chernivtsi and Kharkiv oblasts. Regional social services development programs are being developed and implemented within the framework of social sphere reforms that have been launched in Ukraine since 2010. These programs are based on the data obtained in the process of regional social services needs assessment that has been held in all oblasts of Ukraine since the beginning of 2013. The aim is to create social services development programs, based on the specific needs of oblasts ensuring the most effective use of available regional resources.

Elaboration of the program takes place during two fiveday modules involving managers/specialists of directorates and departments of regional state administrations (of social policy, health care, education, statistics, economics, finance), heads of AIDS centers, Centers of family and youth social services and regional representatives of the Network. During the first 5-day course, specialists of the aforementioned organizations (program development work group) share experience, difficulties and achievements in providing social services to their target groups, determine crossing points and activities’ overlap. They also consider results of the assessment of the population’s needs in social services, set trends, define services which are already in place, and those in which already exist and the ones still demanded. Moreover, they discuss social services provided by NGOs in the oblast for their

possible application (clients’ redirection) and consideration in regional programs. As a result, the first module defines priority areas and target groups, basic focus for future programs. During the second module (3rd quarter) a direct elaboration of the oblast program in the form of a document, including the feasibility study, work plan and budget, takes place. The program combines the social services provision activities of all relevant departments and structural subdivisions. During 2015-2017 nine more social services development programs will be elaborated (3 per each year). Participation of central office and local representative offices of the Network will ensure the reflection and protection of rights and needs of people living with HIV/AIDS in the programs.




NETWORK CAPACITY BUILDING THE NETWORK INCREASED ITS MEMBERSHIP AND REGIONAL COOPERATION The Network is open for everybody sharing its mission and values: during the year 5,120 persons in all Ukraine became the associated members of the Network. Most of the participants are HIV-positive people and representatives of the MARPs, as well as social work special-

ists. New members became a very valuable resource in spreading and supporting the idea of the Network as the Organization representing the interests of PLWH and MARPs communities in Ukraine.

5120 associated

members The difficult year of warfare in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts has shown that the Network can be proud of its real heroes: workers and activists who, despite the risk to their own lives, continue to work at the territory of an armed conflict and supply medicines for HIV-positive people on their own, as well as to help The Network expanded its operations regionally: Chernivtsi oblast branch provided technical assistance to active PLWH in Uzhgorod and Ternopil. As a result, the access of PLWH to care and support services in these regions was considerably improved, PLWH


community impact on the local policies was strengthened, the registration process of Zakarpattya office of the Network initiated. Kyiv city branch now extended its services to all territory of Kyiv oblast, and Lviv branch now works in Ivano-Frankivsk oblast.

people to flee military operation area, provide food, support the prisoners. During the annual conference of the Organization they were awarded with special distinctions and valuable gifts, the heroes became the merited members of the Network.

In all regions of Ukraine memorandums are being signed on cooperation of the Network with government authorities: such memorandums formally confirm mutual obligations of oblast state administrations, oblast deputy councils and Network of PLWH to fight the consequences of HIV, tuberculosis and viral hepatitis epidemics and approve active cooperation in reforming the system of social services. Such documents also guarantee financial support of the activities of the branches of the Network from local budgets. The memoranda have already been signed in Sumy, Chernivtsi and Luhansk oblast. The formal signing ceremonies were preceded with meetings to analyze the achievements in countering the epidemics, coordination of activities in oblasts and plans of joint work.


A reputable globallevel award came up as another recognition of the Network contribution to care and support programs: Cherkasy branch was rated among 5 best HIV-servicing organizations in the world. the office representatives were decorated with Red Ribbon awards in the “Treatment, Care and Support� nomination at the 20-th International AIDS Conference held on July 20-25 in Melbourne. Cherkasy branch members and staff promise to achieve other records and are convinced that the new worldscale status will help them to implement the most ambitious projects aimed at achieving better quality of life for PLWH and MARPs



THE NETWORK STRENGTHENED ITS INTERNATIONAL AND REGIONAL LEADERSHIP Network representatives in the regions have been recognized as experts in the issues of social policy and health care. Heads of the branches act as advisors to the heads of oblast state administrations and oblast deputy councils. In particular, Yuri Lazarevich, head of the Rivne branch of the Network, and Vadim Velizhanin, head of the Chernivtsi branch, take part in the work of oblast state administrations and deputy councils on a regular basis, facilitating reforms in the area of health care and social services in such oblasts, demonstrating pro-active position and strong principles in advocating for the rights of the patients.





The Network of PLWH makes an impact to ensure access of HIV-positive people coinfected with hepatitis C virus to treatment. Following the activities aimed at collective representation of interests in 10 oblasts, Network representatives became members of the committees to distribute drugs for hepatitis C treatment procured with state funds. In 14 regions coinfected patients have been enrolled in programs and already started treatment.

Cooperation with territorial units of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy has been brought to a new level: branches provide technical assistance to the Departments of Social Protection to calculate the needs in social services, with 20 oblasts performing assessment of the needs in services for people living with HIV for 2015, calculating the financial costs and resources required for service delivery. Kryvyi Rih branch of the Network initiated and held a round table





social services


discussion with participation of the representatives of government agencies as well as treatment and prevention institutions to discuss the future of social services for the key populations. The branch designed and presented the program of harm reduction and palliative care through transparent and rational planning as well as utilization of budget funds. This program, after its successful piloting, may be used as a model for other regions of Ukraine.


A new page in the life of the Network was introduction of the commercial activities, which have a potential in diversification of resources and, thus, in ensuring sustainability of further work and services. Two training sessions were held for branch managers on calculation of the cost of social services, use of market-


Network branches

ing tools and technologies of market service promotion by NGOs. As a result, 9 branches designed comprehensive business plans. Such new approach also helped preserving and expanding children’s centers: business models have been designed related to the activities of such children’s centers, which are

business plans

9 Network branches developed business plans

promising from the viewpoint of raising funds from local budgets that will also be interesting to consumers from among the general population. Kryvyi Rih branch of the Network already launched the business project called Children’s Center “Dolonki” (“Palms”), with other projects to be commenced in 2015.

40 specialists of the Network

40 specialists of the Network branches received training in launching business models




Khmelnytskyi branch of the Network selected another way – the way of steady cooperation with the Department of Social Protection. In 2014, the social contract in the amount of UAH 21 thousand was successfully performed aimed, first of all, to support pregnant women who just learned about their HIV diagnosis. Social workers of the branch provided their assistance alongside the treatment process, offered psychological help to mothers so that they could give a birth to healthy children, and provided babies with infant food. The second component included the activities on disclosure of HIV status to 10 children from Khmelnytskyi oblast. As a result of successful cooperation, the Department of Social Protection plans to provide social orders to Khmelnytskyi branch on a regular basis.




Kryvyi Rih city branch expanded the sources of funding due to the funds raised in the course of charitable activities: during the year, more than UAH 159,996 donations were raised from the city residents within the campaigns organized by the branch. The funds were used for renovation and equipment of two children’s rooms and a food production unit of the Kryvyi Rih Infectious Disease Clinic No. 1, for renovation of the food production unit of the children’s department in Tuberculosis Treatment Clinic No. 2. The above facilities provide long-term care to children living with HIV. The branch also delivers targeted aid – workers of the Kryvyi Rih Children’s Center “Turbota” (“Care”) took part in charitable handmade fair called “Tsyatsya v Kozhni Ruky” (“Toy to Everyone’s Hands”) and the funds raised were transferred to support ten-year-old Liza, a little client of the Children’s Center. Commercial enterprises also respond to the requests of the branch – PJSC “Southern Mining and Processing Plant” provided funds to cover hot meals for children attending two sessions of the summer recreation camp for children with special medical needs (operating in the Children’s Center).



Rivne branch introduced and established a service that is unique for Ukraine – the home based palliative care team, and to ensure sustainability of such services such team was integrated into the Rivne City Clinic No. 2. Now patients receive integrated care from a physician as well as help of a drug treatment team, assistance of a social worker, a psychologist and a lawyer. The policy of the branch is to ensure systematic impact on the development of palliative care in Ukraine: branch workers make efforts to establish legal grounds for their work, hold training sessions for practicing doctors, ensure monitoring of service accessibility and initiate activities to ensure uninterrupted access to pain killers (in particular, they established a relief fund to procure pain killers for the most socially disadvantaged palliative patients). Currently a strategy to develop palliative and hospice aid and care is being drafted, which requires legislative changes.

Zaporizhya branch introduced a new area or work: a Teenager Center was opened for adolescents who live and work on the street. Activities of the Center are aimed at socialization of such adolescents, teaching them safer behavior practices and computer literacy. The program includes distribution of food products and hygiene packages as well as hot meals. During the time of work, specialists of the branch provided services to 400 adolescents. These activities are implemented with support of the UNICEF.

In 2014, Cherkasy branch held active negotiations with local deputies to include the needs of PLWH into the Program of Social and Economic Development “Turbota” (“Care”) for 2015-2017. Due to the professionalism and positive image of the branch confirmed with many years of its activities, the Oblast Council approved allocation of UAH 205 thousand to ensure sustainability of the activities carried out by Children’s Center at the Cherkasy branch and to provide care and support services for children and families affected by HIV/AIDS.





In response to the current challenges, the Networks introduced new forms of technical assistance provided to the branches. To support regional teams, 8 visits were held of the members of the Coordinating Council to the branches, where Network members and workers discussed strategic tasks of the Organization and ways to solve the existing problems. Such meetings contributed to the values of the Network being updated and strength-


ened. To ensure sustainable positive climate within the staff, group supervision sessions were held to answer the questions on how to overcome the crisis and where to look for support, in particular two of such sessions were offered to employees of the Network from all regions of Ukraine within the XII election and activity-report conference of the Organization. The Conference was full of professional expertise and true emotions: a video was

filmed on the streets of Kyiv showing Ukrainians expressing their gratitude to people who fight for the life of people living with HIV in the ATO areas. Another event - creation of the gigantic map of Ukraine “Bright Network� was held in the atmosphere of unity and inspiration. The key aim of the performance was uniting people through the art, and now we can proudly say that this aim has been achieved!

“POSITIVE WOMEN” All-Ukrainian Charitable Organization “Positive Women” unites women living with HIV and women who care about the problem of HIV from 14 regions of Ukraine. Inside the organization, girls call it “our Female Network”. 2014 was the year of active work of this organization.

raising campaign covering 7 regions of Ukraine, Belarus and the Russian Federation. This campaign was the final focus of the tripartite international project aimed at strengthening the network of organizations supporting women living with HIV

in three countries stated above. This project as well as the campaign was implemented with support of the FOCUS-MEDIA Foundation (Russia).

performance in the National Palace of Arts “Ukraine”. The girls on the scene were not professional actors but volunteers of the organization and activists of the women’s movement. The funds raised during the performance in the amount of UAH 18,240.00 were

transferred to cover the needs of the Crisis Center for Women in Donetsk.

Two awareness-raising campaigns were held within the year. The first campaign “We are opening our faces so that you open your hearts to us”, which was held in spring, was organized within the international awareness-

“Valuing Every One of Us!” was the awareness-raising campaign organized in 10 regions of Ukraine within the international campaign “16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence”. The activities held varied and were suggested by the members of the Positive Women Network: flash mobs, photo exhibitions, drawing and video contests, mini trainings, performances of a social theater. The final part of the campaign was “The Vagina Monologues”




A series of photos and videos was created under one title “Supporting Peers”, which demonstrated the positive experience of five Ukrainian women and girls living with HIV. The photo exhibition was presented at the International AIDS Conference in Melbourne, Australia.

There were broad international activities conducted:  Speech at the high-level panel discussion “Social Factors of AIDS” organized by UNAIDS and World Bank in Washington, USA.  Participation in the Commission on the Status of Women, New York, USA.  Co-authorship in the UNAIDS report “HIV and Violence” in the section devoted to the EECA region.

 Participation in the international working group of HIV+ women to design global survey of the World Health Organization on the issues of sexual and reproductive health.  Participation in preparing an appeal to the governments of such countries as Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Georgia with regard to the Millennium Development Goals involving representatives of women’s organizations of such countries.

National level:  Activities within the working group to prepare joint eighth and ninth national reports on implementation by Ukraine of the Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and the national report on performance of the resolutions of the Fourth World Conference on Women and the 23rd Special Session of the UN General Assembly.

 Efforts within the working group to protect rights of people living with HIV at the Ministry of Health, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.  Joining All-Ukrainian Coalition of Reproductive Health and Family Planning.

 Participation in working meetings on CEDAW and drafting of the national report on performance of the resolutions of the Fourth World Conference on Women and the 23rd Special Session of the UN General Assembly: Violence against Women, Women and Health Care.

The amount of funds raised during the year: $61,655.00. Funding of the organization was ensured with support of the following donors: UN Women, FOCUS-MEDIA Foundation (Russia), AbbVie Pharmaceuticals GmbH in Ukraine.



PROTECTING THE RIGHTS OF PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV The Network of PLWH actively provides legal support to people living with HIV. HIVpositive people may receive free legal consultations using the hotline 0-800-500-451. Thus, a client contacted a representative of the Network using the hotline complained that her employer requested her to take a test for HIV when going through medical examination at work. It is true that before in the Medical Card used to hire certain categories of employees tests for HIV were stated as mandatory, which was a violation of the Law of Ukraine “On Countering the Spread of Diseases Caused by Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Legal and Social Protection of People Living with HIV”. Numerous appeals of an advocate representing the Network of PLWH to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine requesting to delete the line “tests for AIDS and hepatitis” from medical cards proved to be successful. Thanks to the amendments made, em-

ployees of those categories do not have to take mandatory tests for HIV when going through routine medical examinations. Relying on the fact that HIV status is not an obstacle when hiring an employee and may not serve as an argument or ground for dismissal in accordance with the laws in force, the legal team of the Network of PLWH regularly works on regulations to look for and avoid violations of the rights of people living with HIV. Thus, lawyers found a “local” law on people living with HIV in the city of Nikopol. Nikopol City Council approved a Regulation on Municipal Dormitories Located in the City of Nikopol, containing the following provisions: “municipal dormitories may not provide accommodation for persons with mental health conditions, tuberculosis, sexually transmitted infections and AIDS as well as those who use narcotic drugs without prescriptions of healthcare workers. Individuals living in such

dormitories are to be immediately evicted from the premises if they are found to have the above conditions or any other dangerous diseases at the request of a treatment institution”. Such regulation violated human rights of people living with HIV as well as their right for accommodation in dormitories. The Network of PLWH filed a claim in a court with a request to delete such provisions from the Regulation. The court passed a positive decision and complied with the demand to delete such provisions. As a result, people living with HIV do not have to disclose their status and are able to live in municipal dormitories located in the city of Nikopol.




Financial statements of “All-Ukrainian network of people living with HIV/AIDS� for the year ended December 31, 2014, and respective audit opinion are available at web-site of organization:

This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of the All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.


Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine

State Penitentiary Service Ukraine



ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Head Office All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH phone: +38044 467 75 67 fax: +38044 467 75 66 www.

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