Holistic Networker : Spring 2008

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Eating with the Season: Springtime

Tai Chi: The Perfect Exercise?

Wellness Expo w/ EarthFest


April 19-20 See Program Guide pages 23-26

Your Astrology: Now Online The Underground Shopper速

Shopping for Health & Fitness Deals




Spring 2008 3


Publishers Tony Cecala, Ph.D. Felicia Weiss, Ph.D. Holistic Networker® is DFW’s guide for holistic health and personal growth. 25,000 copies are printed quarterly and distributed freely at health food stores, bookstores, cafés, wellness centers and selected retail outlets.

You can reach us at:

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Holistic Networker PO Box 702956 Dallas, TX 75370-2956 972-403-0940 972-403-1536 info@HolisticNetworker.com www.HolisticNetworker.com myspace.com/holisticnetworker myspace.com/wellnessexpo

Advertising Information:

See the inside back cover for advertising rates.

Subscriptions by Mail: Subscriptions are free or download a free copy at HolisticNetworker.com Contents Eating with the Season ...................................10 Wellness Expo w/ EarthFest Program ....... 23-26 Author Interview: Gina Mazza Hillier..............27 Your Spring Stars.............................................32 Book Excerpt: Transforming Fate into Destiny... 34 Divinely Inspired Art by Nicole .......................37 Tai Chi .............................................................40 The Underground Shopper® Report...............44 Events/Classifieds ............................................46 Advertising Rates & Information ....................47

Directory Holistic Forum.................4 Acupuncture .................16 Alternative Healing........16 Bodywork......................18 Bookstores/Gifts ............18 Childbirth ......................20 Chiropractic...................20 Coaching.......................20 Colonics.........................20 Counseling/Therapy .....20 Dance/Movement ........20 Dentistry........................20 Education/Personal Growth..........................20 Holistic Centers .............28 Holistic Medicine...........28 Holistic Veterinary..........28 Homeopathy.................28 Hypnosis........................28 Hypnotherapy...............28

Interior Design/ Feng Shui ......................30 Iridology ........................30 Macrobiotics .................30 Meditation ....................30 Metaphysical Arts & Sciences.....................30 Movement ....................39 Nutrition........................39 Osteopathy ...................39 Products ........................39 Reflexology ...................39 Reiki/Energy Healing.....39 Restaurants/Bakeries .....39 Retreats/Workshops ......39 Spiritual Organizations..39 Tai Chi / Qigong ...........42 Vedic Astrology .............42 Yoga ..............................42

Holistic Networker provides an advertising service. We are not responsible for the claims stated by our advertisers. The information in this publication does not constitute medical advice. Holistic Networker is a registered trademark of Holistic Networker, LLC. Copyright © 2008, Holistic Networker, LLC. All rights reserved.


ecession. There, I actually said the dreaded R-word. No one wants to be the bearer of bad news, no one, it seems wants to “say it” fearing that it somehow will make it more real. Small business owners don’t need to watch CNN to know that economic slowdown happens. The mood of the country is one of caution and an election year brings with it added uncertainty. However, when you take a broader perspective, and use a longer timespan as your yardstick, you can easily see that downturn is always followed by acceleration. The question, of course, is what is the best course of action in these times? The Japanese, who’ve been through more than a few cycles in the past 5000 years have some advice. Alvin Soon, who writes the Life Coaches Blog (lifecoachesblog.com), points out: The character for the word nin in ninja means ‘to endure’ or ‘to persevere’. It combines the character for knife on top of the character for heart, it means to go on despite having your heart under the knife! Thus, a ninja is somebody who perseveres with his heart’s intentions even under threat or pressure. This ninja philosophy is really simple to remember, and is summed up in 2 words: keep going. What does it mean to keep going? Continue to do business in ways that expand your market share. Find ways to increase your value to customers in ways that cost very little for you, or for them. Focus on being more efficient (waste-cutting)—and more effective. For instance, rather than mail a wasteful cardboard folder with a promotion kit, we now email our kits (saving paper, ink and postage). We’re combatting rising energy costs with more online subscriptions—we’re now proud to announce that more digital copies are read than printed copies (30,000 vs 25,000). See our full-screen, page-flipping edition at HolisticNetworker.com/magazine Someday we may have a “virtual wellness expo”, until then, we feel that it’s best to come out and experience your massage directly. However, now you can purchase your admission ticket online for only $4 (save $1), and bulk purchases are as low as $1/ticket in groups of 50. See WellnessExpo.net for details. Warm regards,

Tony Cecala


e never really know what is the most important thing we do in our lives. Maybe we offer a smile and some words of encouragement to a passing stranger and this helps them turn their life around and go on to do great things. We might not even be aware that this interaction had such a great impact on the world as we go about our daily lives. Or, it might be that one of our children, whom we nurture and love, goes on to make a big difference in the world. Perhaps our most important act was to have this child and to help them be the person they are today. When my grandfather was a little boy, he remembered how one day he saw his father become extremely angry at another man. He observed his father’s face become beet red and he saw his father literally shaking with rage. He thought to himself how silly it was to ever let yourself become that upset about anything. He vowed to himself that he would never do this. I remember my grandfather as a very calm man and I never saw him become extremely angry about anything. My grandfather shared this story with one of my brothers when he was young. It made a great impression on him as well and he, too, told himself that he would not allow himself to be an angry person. This brother has also always been very calm and even-tempered. My mother recently told me this story and I found myself thinking how profound my grandfather’s realization was. I marvelled at how perhaps the most important thing my greatgrandfather did in his life was to model how not to be. Ironically, by losing his temper, he helped others learn how to better manage the upsets in their own lives. Dr. David R. Hawkins, author of incredible books about consciousness, such as “Power vs. Force”, recommends that we live our lives like a prayer. Since we can never really know what the most important thing we do is at the time we are going through our lives, this makes a lot of sense to me. We have to trust that our actions are important and that they do make a positive difference in the world. Often it is the little things we do that matter most. Life is a lot like dominoes- one small movement can effect everything. I hope you will live your life as if every moment, person, and thing matters. For all you know today could be the day when you do the most important thing in your life. Even if you do the second most important thing, this will still be significant.

Love & Light, Felicia Weiss

4 HolisticNetworker.com

Spring 2008

HolisticForum What is CranioFascial Integrative Therapy? This therapy recognizes the importance of the integration of the fascial and CranioSacral systems and works to gently release restrictions that may be causing pain, or problems in the immune, nervous, digestive, endocrine or other body systems. Using a very light touch the therapist works to correct the origin of the pain. It has been used to successfully correct infertility, scoliosis, plantar fasciitis, ADD/ADHD, carpal tunnel, fibromyalgia, sports injuries, arthritis, and pain in any area of the body, including migraines. Frankie Burget is a licensed Occupational Therapist and Fellow with the American College of Wellness who has practiced in the DFW area for over 20 years. She has extensive training including Barnes Myofascial Release Centers and Upledger Institute. You may view her curriculum vitae on the About Us page of her website, www.windsongtherapy.com. Please contact her at 817571-8135 or frankie@windsongtherapy.com. Please see bodywork section for more information. What is Iridology and how can it help me? It has been said that the eye is the mirror of the soul, and that it discloses the different mental and physical conditions of the body; we generally speak of the ‘vivid clear eye’ of the well person, of the ‘anguishing, glaring eye’ of the consumptive; of the ‘broken eye’ of the dead-sick. Various nervous diseases are disclosed by the decreased mobility of the pupil; frequent disturbances of the sight point to diseases of the kidneys (diabetes), as does also the falling out of the eye-lashes. By analyzing the iris of the eye, it is possible to determine the condition of your body by reflex markings found in the corresponding fibers of the iris. Iridology analyzes the iris of the eye to determine the cause of your ill health, in what state it is in, how it arrived there, how to free your body of it, and most of all, when you have freed it. To help you find out the root of your health problem call Iridologist, Edna Craven, DC, BCNP, BCI at 972-256-0004 / dreecraven@earthlink.net (25 yrs. experience). 10% discount with this ad.

How do I become more passionate and joyful? We’re so easily distracted by technology and the business of life that we are becoming less and less in touch with our bodies. Bioenergetics helps us to be aware of our bodies, our breathing, our grounding so that we can make more conscious choices about what we want in our lives as well as what we don’t want.

Sherri Lackman is a Master’s Level Licensed Professional Counselor. She holds membership in the American Counseling Association, the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis, the Dallas Society for Bioenergetic Analysis, and the Heart-Centered Therapies Association. Sherri treats Depression, Bipolar, Anxiety, and Eating Disorders. Her office is located in Richardson, 972-231-4466.

What is that octogen-shaped image mean in Feng Shui?

How can CranioSacral Therapy help my life?

A foundation of all Feng Shui practices and analysis is the Bagua Map. This magical square contains the mystery and answers of the I Ching, a universe of information. Each sector of the octagon shaped Bagua Map, called a trigram, gua, or kua, has a magnetic direction, a number, a color, an element, a family member, corresponding organs body parts and body systems. Each also represents personality traits, businesses and industries, and is represented cyclically as these energies move in predictable directions over time. Feng Shui uses the Mysteries of the Bagua Map to analyze and diagnose a property to identify precisely what is affecting you, and how to make the changes that can open opportunities for a better life.

Whether your problems are structural, organic, emotional or neurological, this powerful therapy can facilitate your healing on all levels at once. Its many modes include gentle manipulation of the cranio-sacral system surrounding the central nervous system, including membranes of the skull to relieve any compressions that can cause a myriad of symptoms in the head; using energy via the fascia to restore structural integrity of the body and unwind tension patterns; and using energy combined with positioning and dialoguing to release stored energy from physical and emotional traumas. Best of all, most clients enjoy a much deeper relaxation than with massage.

Feng Shui specialist, Karen Ann Tompkins, has worked in hundreds of homes and businesses. Featured on channel 8, WFAA, Good Morning Texas, The Dallas Morning News, D Magazine, Dallas Woman and others, she also teaches classes and is a popular lecturer. She can be reached at 972-669-1595.

Sandy Hanne, R.M.T, has helped thousands of clients change their lives using CranioSacral Therapy. An advanced practitioner, she has studied directly with Dr. John Upledger, founder of the technique. 469-438-8634.

Why do I keep attracting certain types of people in my life? Do I have unfinished Karma or lessons with them? Past life regression is a wonderful way to connect with your eternal soul and learn more about recurring patterns and what to make of people who “show up” in your life. They may be in your Soul Group! Through hypnosis, you can access memories of past lives and gain insight into these patterns and people, which are key to understanding the lessons you are learning. And, once you learn the lesson, you don’t have to continue to repeat the situation! A good hypnosis candidate is anyone who is bright, inquisitive and open-minded. Just the fact that you are open to learning more about yourself helps you bridge the gap between your life today and the lives you have lived in other times and other places. After a past life session, one client said, I just feel lighter—as if a huge burden was lifted—I’m no longer afraid.” PJ Spur is a certified hypnotherapist, with advanced training in Past Life Regression and “Life Between Lives” Exploration, and was taught by the teachers who created Dr. Michael Newton’s curriculum for this important regression model. Please contact her at 972-822-4548 or e-mail: soulrevelations7@gmail.com. Learn more at: www.soulrevelations.com

Do you know that you’re not alone? Have you lost someone close to you? Are you seeking to heal yourself and/or a relationship? Do you feel stuck in your own life? Do you feel confused, frustrated, lonely? I can help! Allow me to guide you through the situations in your life. Through my personal intuitive readings I can assist you with personal spiritual development, healing relationships and resolving issues around grief and death. As a psychic medium, I integrate Empathic Techniques with Mediumship Skills, Clairvoyance and Channeling accessing higher realms of wisdom and knowledge. Are you ready to take action and make changes to improve your life? Contact Jennifer Farmer for an appointment at 817-690-4208 or jennifer@butterflyspiritconnections.com. Personal and professional services: Personal Readings, Group Readings, Mentoring/Coaching Services, Lecture and Speaking Services and Professional Intuitive Consulting Services. For more info. visit www.butterflyspiritconnections.com.

What is Thai massage? Thai massage is a blend of acupressure, gentle yoga stretches, massage and energy work. The client wears comfortable clothing and lies on the floor on a soft mat. Benefits include: stretching muscles, feeling relaxed, increasing flexibility and reducing stress. Client testimonial: “Thai massage with Suzanne moves you to the center of your own senses...the center of intuition…to the place where you become exactly who you are...Love. -Libba Davis”

Suzanne Miller is a Licensed Massage Therapist and Certified Kripalu Yoga Teacher who has a practice in the Dallas area. She has traveled in the US, Thailand and England to enhance her training and studies of Thai massage. To schedule an appointment, please call 972-319-3661.

Did you know YOU are your pet’s “Primary Health Care Provider”? Veterinarians and most other “Western Medical Professionals” provide DISEASE CARE! It is YOU who provides the healthy environment, food, etc that keeps your four legged loved ones healthy. Do you want to learn the Ancient Chinese Secrets that YOU can use to keep them healthy long into their teens? Would you like to experience a deeper bond with your furry kids? Do you like to have FUN? Join Dr. Liz Fernandez, DVM in one of her interactive workshops to experience these secrets. We explore various facets of Chinese Medicine, including, acupressure, Chinese Massage (Tui-Na), Chinese Food Therapy, and MORE! Dr. Liz Fernandez has been a veterinarian for over 25 years. She has been practicing Chinese Veterinary Medicine for over 5 years. She conducts workshops on “KEEPING YOUR PET HEALTHY USING ANCIENT CHINESE MEDICINE” The 1 - 2 hour introductory workshop is complimentary. If you have a group of 10 or more and would like to schedule a workshop OR for more information on the one day call the number below. She is also available for house calls in the DFW area. 972-636-1469 or e-mail: liz@acupuncture4pets.net


Spring 2008 5

A Natural Approach to Healing All Aspects of Adult Care


6 HolisticNetworker.com

Spring 2008



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Spring 2008 7

Academy of Hypnosis Training Institute and Clinic “If being self-employed is your dream and helping others is your passion, you owe it to yourself to make the call today” Now offering LOW LEVEL LASER THERAPY for Weight Loss and Smoking Cessation as an adjunct to Hypnosis Dale E. Emmert, Ph.D., Director American Council of Hypnotist Examiners American Board of Medical Hypnotherapists Assoc. of Registered Behavioral Therapists



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The Trinity Centre of Dallas, located at 3628 Vintage Place, Dallas, TX 75214, is a holistic center offering complementary modalities of healing. Margaret Clench, PhD, RN, Director of the Trinity Centre, has received her PhD in Energy Medicine and Spiritual Healing and has pursued post-doctoral studies with Dr. Caroline Myss. Dr. Clench draws upon these studies and her background of over thirty years working in the healing profession to help her clients through spiritual counseling and education and energy balancing. Modalities offered by Dr. Clench at the Trinity Centre include: The Trinity Table: A hand-crafted oak bed that rotates slowly and comfortably offering a deep state of relaxation and shifts in brain waves and deepening levels of consciousness. Scientific research conducted by Dr. Clench and others suggest that this experience is effective in lowering levels of pain, stress, fatigue, depression, anger and anxiety. GDV: An energy field measuring device, developed by Dr. Konstantin Korotkhov, a Russian scientist, enables individuals to see where they are holding patterns of emotional energy, including anger, grief and unresolved issues. Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland is currently conducting research on the GDV. Spiritual Growth classes and seminars: • Sacred Contracts classes, based on the work of Dr. Caroline Myss, lead you through a detailed exploration of your archetypes and your soul’s contract. • Awakening to Your Inner Voice – an Intuition class • Nurture Your Soul Weekend • Exploring the Woman Within Workshop • Deepening to Spirit, a weekend retreat for women. Contact Dr. Clench at

214 754 8080

Email TrinityDallas1@aol.com website: TrinityTables.org

8 HolisticNetworker.com

Spring 2008

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Spring 2008 9

“Shocking Free Report Reveals How Many Of Chronic Pain, Chronic Fatigue And Fibromyalgia Sufferers Are Now Living Healthy Lives Without Drugs Or Surgery.”

This free report reveals a natural procedure that is giving chronic pain, chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia sufferers their “lives back,” with miraculous results for many. If you suffer from chronic pain, chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia you need this revealing free report that is giving hope to people everywhere. For your free copy, call toll-free 1-800-760-7477, 24 hr. recorded message. SUCCESSFULLY TREATING

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10 HolisticNetworker.com

Spring 2008

Eating with the Season, Part II: Springtime

by Allison Ellis

If it’s good for you, isn’t it good for you all the time?

In Part I of our series, Eating with the Season, we discussed Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Nutrition principles, stating that the foods we eat all have specific energetic properties (cooling, heating, descending, dispersing, etc.) and can strongly affect specific organs. Eating foods with energetic properties that compliment the season of year and that support the organ of that season, year after year, has a direct impact on the quality of our life and even our longevity. Readers of the Holistic Networker already know that a body struggling to regenerate itself for decades on glazed donuts (even if they are “fortified with 10 essential vitamins and enhanced with green tea extract”) and microwave TV dinners (even if they are “low-fat, rich in omega-3s, and naturally flavored with essence of goji berries”) is going to have a more difficult go at it than one fed a real, whole-food diet. However, you may be unaware of the fact that foods considered wonderful for the body at one time of year would be strongly advised against or even considered harmful at another time of year.

In Tune with Nature

We also discussed in Part I that the human body, even if we are unaware of it, responds to the seasons just as other animals and plants. We identified similar seasonal patterns in trees and human beings: in autumn the energy of a tree retreats from the branches causing leaves and fruit to fall; and in winter, the energy is in its greatest retraction deep in the roots. According to TCM principles, the kidneys are the roots of the human body and where the energy is greatly concentrated in winter. During the winter, our activities and the food we eat should support and protect that energy storage to properly prepare us to move into the next season—spring. In the Chinese calendar, the New Year is not a fixed date, but is on the second new moon after the winter solstice, and this year it occurred on February 18. The timing of this celebration of the New Year is no accident and is actually quite appropriate…it is when the energy for the earth and all its creatures is getting ready to burst forth from its winter hibernation.

Springtime = Liver Time

While the focus in winter is on energy storage and the kidneys, the focus in springtime is cleansing and the organ is the liver. From a Western perspective, the liver is a brownish-red organ

that performs over 1,000 known tasks including filtering and storing blood, producing proteins, making and storing vitamins, metabolizing carbohydrates and lipids, storing nutrients, aiding in digestion, and filtering toxins.

tea, wake up in the morning and drink a glass of room temperature water with a squeeze of lemon to stimulate liver “chi” flow.

From a TCM perspective there is no separation of physical health and mental health, and every organ is closely associated with and affected by particular emotions. The liver, called the “seat of happiness”, is responsible for creative energy and “will”, and is strongly affected by anger. When a person is balanced and happy, energy will flow freely through the liver and body, furthering health. When a person is angry and blocked, or eating an improper diet, the energy of the liver will stagnate, causing a wide range of unpleasant issues including: frustration, depression, irregular menstruation, digestion problems, abdominal distention, lumps in the neck, breast, or groin, and many more. All to say...it’s a great idea to take care of your liver and this is the season to really nurture it!

Wow, those two words are the hype now! You see entire aisles and end-caps at the grocery stores with boxes of pills and powders to help you cleanse, find more energy, and improve your health.

Caring for the Liver

The liver naturally tends toward “heat” because of the tasks it carries out. When filtering blood, it stores excess toxins to protect the rest of the body, but when the burden is heavy, the liver itself can become damaged. “Dampening” and “heating” foods are to be avoided in spring. This list includes:, caffeine (excessive coffee and black tea), chocolate, sodas , alcohol, sugar, dairy, spicy and fried foods, iced drinks, frozen foods, soy and flour products, heavy and salty foods Foods that are light, cooling and detoxifying support the liver in spring, and this list includes: dark leafy greens such as chard, kale, mustard, collard, young spring greens and sprouts, watercress, dandelion , pungent herbs such as basil, fennel, rosemary, dill and bay leaf, lemon / lemon juice, young beets and carrots, flaxseed oil, white meats (except turkey which is heating to the liver), wide variety of legumes and whole grains, some fresh fruit (not to excess). Beverages that benefit the liver: green tea, dandelion tea, chamomile tea (to be avoided if you are allergic to ragweed), chrysanthemum

Cleansing and Detoxing

Cleansing and detoxing—more or less interchangeable words—have come to the forefront in alternative health care—and for good reason. Modern lifestyle and diet in particular are loaded with toxic opportunities which we seize in abundance. In many cases, the natural work of detoxing done by a diet rich in leafy greens and other cleansing foods just can’t get the job done. If fasting and/or cleanses are recommended, spring is the ideal time of year to do so. TCM practitioners will usually caution against extreme fasts and cleanses; and unless it is for a personal, spiritual pursuit, water-only fasts are not recommended. There are herbal formulas used in TCM to aid in liver cleanses (and other organ cleanses), and specific diets that are to be used during the cleanse to support the body. Depending on the person’s age, current health, and other factors, he or she may experience almost no side effects from a cleanse, some positive but unpleasant side effects that are a result of the cleanse (called a healing crisis), or if a person is already very weak, a cleanse can cause acute problems to surface which would require attention. As with anything that will strongly effect the body, it is wise to consult with a professional (a L.Ac. or O.M.D. are a few examples) who understands the cleanse or detox you want to undertake rather than go it alone.

...and what about summer?

Whether or not you choose to cleanse in spring, eating a diet rich in the foods from the lists in this article should have your liver “chi” happily flowing into summer at which time you should eat… “Ah, what to eat in summer?” you ask. Look in your next edition of the Holistic Networker for Part 3 of Eating with the Season. Allie is a certified Chinese Medicine Nutritionist and co-owner of Radiant Chinese Herbs and Tea in Addison, TX. radianttealounge@gmail.com, 626.497.9195


The Harmonics of Relationships What creates resonance in relationships? When you become fully aware of the vibrational pattern you are sending out, then you will understand what is being returned to you response.

In this experiential workshop, we will partner with the instinctive and natural wisdom of the horse to assist you in: • interpreting the language of emotions • recognizing resonance in relationships • identifying the emotional harmonics you are broadcasting • clearing patterns that may hold you back from attracting loving relationships • learning to distinguish and apply boundaries

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March 29-30 • May 31-June 1 • June 21-22

Tuition $550 · Early registration $495 · Limited to 6 participants To register or for more information, email aingels@aol.com or call 214-957-3374 Facilitator: Allison Ingels is an Equine Assisted Life Coach specializing in inspired living and healing from the heart. Previous experience with horses is unnecessary. All activities with horses are on the ground.

12 HolisticNetworker.com

Spring 2008 on eating disorders. She completed her residency at Christus St. Joseph Family Practice Residency Program in Houston in 2005. Since then, she has served as a Locum Tenens Physician throughout DallasFort Worth addressing the medical needs of patients of all ages.

Jayshri Chasmawala, D.O., is a Board Certified Family Practice Physician. After earning a Bachelor of Science at the University of Texas, Austin, TX. Dr. Chasmawala received her Doctor of Osteopathy from University of North Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine in Fort Worth, TX in 2002. In addition, she earned a Masters in Public Health in 2004 where her research focused

Pure Health Family Practice Clinic in Lakewood focuses on preventive medicine in addition to treating acute and chronic illnesses. Dr. Chasmawala treats the whole family, from grandparents to newborns, in a warm, compassionate atmosphere. She adheres to the Osteopathic principles of treating the patient as a whole, not just focusing on the disease. She provides Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment

upon request. Her dual educational background, continuing medical endeavors and interest in weight management will complement her goal to properly address patient’s needs. Dr. Chasmawala is fluent in English, Gujarati, Spanish, and Hindi. Pure Health Family Practice Clinic accepts almost all insurances, including Medicare, Medicaid, and Tricare. Please call the office to confirm that we participate in your plan. Dr. Chasmawala and the Pure Health Staff look forward to serving you and your family.

Pure Health Family Practice 1911 Abrams Parkway, Suite A Dallas, TX 75214

214-824-6700 Mon-Fri 9am-5pm Walk-ins Welcome!

Pure Health Family Practice

Manifest Your Dreams! Mind/Body Treatments to Improve Your Health. Overcome Obstacles, Unwanted Patterns and Habits. Treatment for:

• Weight Loss • Stress • Anxiety and Panic • Depression • Relationship Loss • Pain, Addictions and Habits

Unique & powerful treatment combines alpha/theta brainwave therapy with hypnosis. • Individual Psychotherapy • Guided Imagery • Biofeedback

Ellen Chernoff Simon, M.S., M.Ed.

President, Imadulation International, LP Fellow American Academy of Pain Management Fellow Biofeedback Certification Institute of America Clinical Member American Society of Clinical Hypnosis American Psychotherapy & Medical Hypnosis Assoc. Health Promotion Director, Cooper Institute Dallas, Tx

ellen@wechoosewellness.com 972-880-0102 direct 888-559-3543 Fax www.WeChooseWellness.com

Individualized personalized audio recordings are available to you FREE as part of your treatment. Ellen’s audio products are currently available at GNC.com, Borders.com, CVS.com, & Amazon.com.

2007 North Collins #509A • Richardson, Tx 75080


Spring 2008 13

14 HolisticNetworker.com

Spring 2008

Tammy Gersh Ortho-Bionomy Thalassotherapy Hydrotherapy

214.564.7795 www.oceanna.biz


Spring 2008 15

Natural Wellness Consulting

We combine ancient knowledge with the latest biotechnology If you suffer from a chronic or acute condition we can help you. WE SPECIALIZE IN: • Low Energy • Chronic Fatigue/Fibromyalgia • Migraines • Female/Menopausal Problems • Depression/Anxiety/ Poor Sleep • Diabetes • Digestive Problems • High Cholesterol, high Blood Pressure • Autoimmune conditions • Sinus, Allergies, Low Immunity • Thyroid Problems • Autism • Joint Pain Call to schedule an appointment/consultation with Dr. Lana Petrunin, ND, FMD


Lana Petrunin, ND

Doctor of Naturopathy, FMD Certified Iridologist Certified Nutritionist Certified Holistic Practitioner Member, American Naturopathic Medical Association and American Association of Drugless Practitioners More than 20 years of experience in the health care field.

5850 Town & Country Blvd, Bldg 1, Ste 101 • Frisco, Tx

16 HolisticNetworker.com

Spring 2008

Acupuncture Natural Health Institute Linda Campbell, L.Ac. 3003 LBJ Freeway Suite 230 Dallas, TX 75234  972-247-3049  naturalhealthinstitute.biz


Rev. Carolyn Johnson Spiritualist Minister

Medium • Psychic • Clairvoyant & Tarot Readings Private Phone Sessions • Parties Reiki Master Teacher Certified Healer



“In my many readings with Carolyn, I’ve found her to be very accurate as well as understanding and compassionate.” - Cheryl Hickerson

Healing with Sound A Language of Light cellular healing session begins with Nancy Byers helping you to determine your heart’s desire for your life at this time. The goal is to align your heart’s desire with your soul purpose. During her expression of the Language of Light, Nancy is able to “catch” the sound current and to “tune into” the frequency of your soul, like a radio. This provides a sound-carrier wave for your intention to manifest. Nancy records her private sessions in order to provide you with a custom audio tape to aid you in manifesting your heart’s desire. Nancy’s sessions have helped people to overcome their fears, to alleviate depression, to relieve or diminish physical pain and to realize their dreams. The Language of Light is an invitation for us to access that deep heart space of knowing who we already are - multi-faceted, spiritual beings. Nancy is available for individual, group or couples sessions.

Call today and begin living your dreams!


Constitutional Facial Acupuncture is a safe, painless and effective treatment for renewing the face as well as the whole body. Fine lines may be entirely erased, deeper lines reduced and bags around neck and eyes firmed.

Alternative Healing Advanced Cranio Sacral Therapy Sandy Hanne, RMT, Reiki Master Arapaho and Westshore Richardson, TX  469-438-8634  http://healingrainbow.tripod.com

Can’t afford Hawaii? Get vacation-quality relaxation while resolving even old and deep body issues, acute or chronic. Bring your biggest challenges, from TMJ, carpal tunnel, whiplash and migraines, to thyroid, female problems and fibromyalgia, injuries, etc. This gentle, warm, fully-clothed technique restores flow and balance, promotes healing, resets the nervous system, enhances flow of CSF, relieves cranial compressions implicated in many disorders, even releases emotional tissue memory from old traumas. Trained directly by Dr. John Upledger, Sandy needs only this versatile work to achieve favorable outcomes for most people. Lives transform in her office; let yours be one of them.

Chair Massage at Atlanta Bread Company Campbell and 75 - NW corner Richardson, TX  www.dfwchairmassage.com

7 days/week. M-Th-F, 11am until 9pm, T-W, 11am2pm. S&S, 11am until 6pm. Stop by soon and unwind!

Chair Massage at Central Market

Coit & George Bush Turnpike (190) Plano, TX  www.dfwchairmassage.com

7 days/week. 10am until 9pm. Come relax with us in the downstairs café.

Ion Cleansing Foot Bath

Rosemary McCoy, RMT (ext. 1) Linda Weisiger, RMT, MTI (ext. 6) SE corner of Arapaho and Westshore Richardson, TX  972-479-0690

Water can relieve pain and soothe the body. Aqua Chi technology revolutionizes hydrotherapy by energizing water with healthful negative ions. During your hydrotherapy session, your cells receive bio-energy from the energized water, starting a whole-body releasing/ balancing process.

Jin Shin Jyutsu®

Jeanie Ortiz-Monasterio, practitioner 3792 High Vista Dr. #9223 Dallas, TX 75244  214-486-9762  jom27@hotmail.com

JSJ is an ancient healing art and energy medicine that can support core healing, especially if a client is ready to begin transforming their attitudes.

Massage Therapy

Linda Weisiger, RMT, MTI, Reiki Master SE corner of Arapaho and Westshore Richardson, TX  972-479-0690 Ext. 6

Offering therapeutic massage specializing in Deep Tissue, Reiki, Healing Touch, Sound Wave Therapy, Psycho/Physical Re-education, Neurovascular Balancing, Ion Cleasing Hand/Feet Foot Bath. Corporate Chair Massage Coordination available.

Nature’s Elements of Health

418 W. Bedford-Euless Rd Hurst, TX 76053  214-517-7277  www.natureselementsofhealth.com

Offering holistic modalities for detoxification, immune enhancement and energy balancing, such as Quantum Reflex Analysis™, Cell-Resonant Nutrition & Herbal therapies and the Emotional Repolarization Technique™.

New Hope Health Care

Ricardo B. Tan, M.D. Board Certified Naturopathic Physician 729 N Fielder Rd., Suite B Arlington, TX 76012  817-274-0350  817-274-0360; fax  www.alternativemedicine.com/ricardotan  www.drug-rehab-help.us

OFFERING NATURAL REMEDIES: Preventive medicine, acupuncture, homeopathy, pain management, herbology, bio-oxidation therapy, anti-aging, chelation therapy, detoxification, prolotherapy, nutrition counseling, bioidentical hormone, hyperbaric oxygen, drug-free withdrawal and rehabilitation program for drugs and alcohol addiction.

Oriental Therapy Hwal Ki Do Healthside Lila Meyers, RMT, CNHP, CCT 5510 Abrams Rd Suite 125 Dallas, TX 75214  214-288-HEAL (4325)  www.healthsidetherapy.com

Hwal Ki Do reduces pain, enhances energy, and corrects imbalances of the body. Achieve Optimal Organ and structural performance through Hwal Ki Do. What is helped? Arthritis, Allergies, Asthma, Fatigue, Headaches, Constipation, Liver Dysfunction, Menstrual trouble, Gastric problems, Thyroid weakness, Sciatica, Heart Health and Mental Strength. Also offering: Thai Massage, Raindrop Technique, Body Wraps, Colon Hydro-Therapy, Iridology, Ion Cleanse, RainForest Herbs. Package Discounts. Open Tues-Sat & evenings. Credit Cards: Visa & MC.

Pranaa Ayurveda Spa & Yoga Ayurveda | Massage | Yoga LakeSide Market 4017 Preston Road, Suite 532 Plano, TX 75093  972-608-0402  www.pranaa.com

Ayurveda day Spa & Yoga center offering Ayurvedic therapies like Abhyanga warm oil massage, Shirodhara, Lifestyle Consultation, lower back therapy-Kati Basti, Swedana (steam), facial massages, Scrubs, Wraps, Swedish, and Hot Stone Massages.


Spring 2008 17

Natural Health Institute Guiding You Towards True Health

Linda Campbell, L.Ac. Dipl. O.M.


inda Campbell brings 17 years of professional clinical experience as a healing practitioner and is a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist certified by NCCAOM, Reiki Master, massage therapist, Craniosacral therapist and an Integrated Energy Master practitioner. Clinical focus includes chronic pain, fibromyalgia, headaches including migraines, allergies, weight loss, women’s issues and stress reduction. For a free copy of a report on fibromyalgia call 972 247 3049.

Learn How Jesus Healed! Use the Reading Room’s resources to discover more about Jesus’ healings! • Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy • Magazines, CDs with healing solutions • Staff that loves to share healing ideas • Spirituality and Healing Discussion Group (Wednesdays at Noon) Two talks you won’t want to miss! How to get up when you’re feeling down Saturday, April 19, 4:30 p.m. — at the Wellness Expo Christian Science: what, why, how? Sunday, April 20, 2:00 p.m. — at the Reading Room Marceil DeLacy speaks from 20 years’ experience in the healing practice of Christian Science. She is a featured speaker at conferences, expos and medical schools on the impact of prayer on health.

Christian Science Reading Room SE corner Coit/Campbell, behind Starbucks Website: csreadingroom-richardson.com Call 972-231-0114 for more information

Linda is the only advanced practitioner of “Constitutional Facial Acupuncture” in North Texas. Treatments include acupuncture, needle-free laser, herbal, and homeopathics.

Sherry Newton

RET Technician Master NLP Timeline Reiki Master


apid Eye Technology (RET) is a natural, safe way to release stress and trauma. Simulating REM sleep, your own body’s natural release system, RET allows for quick release without reliving the trauma. RET empowers you to live a happy, productive life by releasing negative belief systems, negative thought forms and emotions. • Accidents • Fears/Phobia • Addictions • PTSD

• Trauma • Abuse • Grief • ADD/ADHD

• Anxiety • Anger/Depression • Sleep Disorders • Family Patterns

LBJ @ Webb · 972 247 3049


18 HolisticNetworker.com

Spring 2008


Feel what a light, balanced body feels like… The Ida ROLF Method of Structural Integration The Ida Rolf Method of Structural integration is a process of re-education of the body through movement and touch. It systematically releases patterns of stress and impaired function.

Margaret & Mushtaq Certified Ida Rolf Practitioners [advanced therapy available]


Hands of Peace Massage My Massage is Special Because... My intention in massage therapy is to aid in the healing of the whole person. I give a soothing Swedish Massage with an emphasis on pressure points to relax stressed muscles. I cater to your needs and take pride in individualizing my massage to your needs and desires. I take care to acknowledge the trust factors related to massage and the sensitive needs of each individual. - Debbie Ramaker On Site Chair Massage Native American Heated Stone Massage Pre-Natal • Reflexology Rehab. Work • Spa Treatments


University Park • North Garland

Balanced Energy

Nancy Caponi, RMT, NMT, Reiki Master Locations in Plano and Double Oak, TX  214-668-5620  ncaponi@balanced-energy.com  www.balanced-energy.com

Feel better today! Relieve stress and pain through Therapeutic massage, deep tissue, neuromuscular therapy, myofascial release, cranio-sacral, chakra balancing and Reiki in a tranquil environment. Pregnancy and corporate chair massage also available. Nancy is a Tibetan/Usui Reiki Master and enjoys helping both People and Animals. Reiki and meditation Workshops available. If you’re suffering from back/neck pain, stress, Fibromyalgia, TMJ, carpal tunnel, chronic pain, sciatica, painful joints or headaches, call now and get relief.

Energy Dynamics —

Multi-Dimensional Transformational Healing and Spiritual Response Therapy Cynthia R. Shaw, RMT, MTI  972-991-2097  energydynamics@cynthiarshaw.com  www.cynthiarshaw.com

Integrative and intuitive Bodywork/Energy Channelling incorporating guidance from your personal Spiritual Guides to release blocks preventing expression of your highest intent and complete access to total healing. Twenty years in private practice. Remote Healing available.

Frankie Burget, OTR, RMT, CNDT www.windsongtherapy.com Dallas / Fort Worth Area  817-571-8135

Myofascial Release Mastery Level Therapist and Licensed Occupational Therapist. Also skilled in craniosacral, neuromuscular therapy, trigger point, therapeutic massage, QiGong, neuro-developmental treatment, and functional spine stabilization. Providing care for myofascial pain syndrome, fibromyalgia, TMJ, carpal tunnel, headaches, cumulative trauma disorder, pregnancy, and stress. Compassionate care for children with ADD, birth defects, failure to thrive, and special needs.

Kneading Massage

“Need to be Kneaded” at Spiritual Fitness Center Outcalls Available  972-890-2144  itsmetrish@hotmail.com  www.kneadingmassage.net

Reiki • Deep Tissue • Stretching • Swedish & Chair Massage

Living Balanced

Suzanne Miller, RMT, CYT, APP Dallas, TX  972-319-3661 (voice mail)

Provides caring and therapeutic bodywork to balance your mind-body-spirit. Full body, on-site chair and pregnancy massage; Polarity energy practitioner, Certified Yoga Teacher and Certified Thai Massage Therapist; Gift certificates available.


Tammy Gersh  214-564-7795  tammysemail@verizon.net  www.xaler.com

Injury & Chronic Pain Resolution; Relaxation, Peace. Feel the stillness of you.

Bookstores/Gifts Angel Cards® & Book Set

by Kathy Tyler & Joy Drake Distributed by Shifting Frequencies  972-378-1211  www.ShiftingFrequencies.com

This is the Special 25th Anniversary Expanded Edition of The Original Angel® Cards & Book Set: Inspirational Messages and Meditations. It contains 72 playfully illustrated cards; a pocket size carrying case; 20 bonus stickers; and a book that contains inspirational messages for keywords, plus meditations, visualizations, and journals to use with the cards.

Angel Workshop Gift & Bookstore

collectibles, keepsakes & messages from above... 2021 Justin Rd., #223 Flower Mound, TX 75028  972-355-2313  drtammy@tx.rr.com

Dr. Tammy, certified in Angel Therapy® & Advanced Mediumship by Dr. Doreen Virtue, has created an Angel Gift & Inspirational Bookstore that is a safe & nonjudgmental sanctuary for those seeking spiritual growth and transformation. Weekly workshops & sacred circles. SEE DISPLAY AD.

Messages of Joy

A Celebration in the Diversity of Ideas 190 West Main Street, Suite 102 Lewisville, TX 75057  972-221-8080  joykauf@msn.com

Located in Old Town Lewisville, we offer Crystals, Singing Bowls, Reiki charged Candles Books, Essential Oils, Herbs, Jewelry, Incense, Tarot Cards, wind chimes, and Angel Gifts. Authentic AURA Photos and the Original Art Work of John Pitre and Ciro Marchetti. Drop us a note at joykauf@msn.com to get on our Email list and get regular updates of Classes and Workshops. Come and get smudged!

Silver Pyramid

Jewelry and Minerals for the Spirit Dal-Rich Shopping Center 101 S. Coit, Suite 102 near Whole Foods Richardson, TX  972-690-6388  www.silverpyramid.com

Huge selection of Sterling Silver Jewelry • Quartz Crystals, Amethyst, Moldavite, Phenacite, Zincite, and other energy stones • Crystal Balls • Mystical Pewter Figurines • Singing Crystal Bowls • Fountains, Smudge Sticks, Incense, Runes and more!

Spiritwire Inspirational Works of Art Dan Coppersmith  www.spiritwire.com

POSTERS & BOOKS of inspirational poetry, nature photos and uplifting affirmations. Visit online for a FREE gift that will uplift you now!


Spring 2008 19

Rolfing® is a process for organizing the structure of our bodies so that we function more effectively. Over the years, our bodies react to trauma, both physical and emotional, by shortening and twisting. This intensifies our struggle with the force of gravity, which results in reduced freedom of movement, an increased likelihood of chronic pain, poor posture and a lessened sense of aliveness and self-esteem. During the basic Rolfing series of ten sessions, the Rolfer manipulates the muscles and fascia (a connective tissue) to free up those places where the client’s structure is constricted or held out of balance. The goal of Rolfing is to organize the client’s physical structure so that his/ her struggle with gravity is minimized. In addition to the physical changes of better balance, more freedom of movement, less stress, better posture and less chronic pain, Rolfing also affects your emotional, mental and spiritual realms. As you feel more supported by your legs, you view the world from a more secure position. You feel an increased sense of self-esteem, and the energy flow of your body is more opened and balanced.

Bioenergetic Analysis is a somatic psychotherapy based on a developmental, analytic approach. It utilizes active involvement of the body in psychotherapeutic interventions. In Bioenergetics, we work with grounding, breathing and character structure. Grounding relates to one’s emotional security and personality authority. When we stay in our heads and deny the experience of our bodies, we lose contact with our internal sense of support. Breathing vitalizes and energizes our bodies. Our breathing patterns reveal defensive blocks in the body through muscular constrictions. Breathing increases our capacity for feeling, our energy level and our access to pleasure. Character structure indicates the manner in which we limit the energy flow in our bodies and is indicative of the coping patterns we used to fend off the vicissitudes of growing up. Understanding our character structure gives insight into our defensive posturing, our personal histories and suggests a possible course of therapy. “Bioenergetic Analysis combines the work of the body and the mind to help people resolve their emotional problems”...Alexander Lowen, Founder

If you believe that you could benefit from either of these processes, or if you would like to experience in depth personal growth through a personalized combination of both disciplines, contact Chuck Lustfield, (214) 902-8900 • www.rolfingdallasfortworth.com

Chuck Lustfield, Ph.D. is a Certified Advanced Rolfer, has a M.S. in counseling, is a Licensed Professional Counselor, and a Certified Bioenergetic Therapist. Rolfing® and Rolfer® are registered service marks

“Healing Music” �����������������������������


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20 HolisticNetworker.com

Childbirth Gentle Birth Companions

Nadine Romain, Ph.D., CD (DONA), Yoga Teacher, HypnoBirthing® Practitioner, Certified Hypnotist Dallas Metroplex Area  214-796-5327  gbc2000@juno.com

SPECIAL CARE FOR A SPECIAL EVENT! Prenatal yoga and relaxation, birth doula services, HypnoBirthing® childbirth education and OrthoBionomy® private sessions. Call for RSVP or info packet.

Chiropractic Harvard Chiropractic

Dr. Fran Assaf, B.S., D.C. 11520 N Central Expwy #132 Dallas, TX 75243  214-528-2085  drfran@airmail.net

Hands on healing combining gentle chiropractic alignment with CrainioSacral Therapy for neuromuscular rebalancing and relaxation. Supports the body’s healing wisdom on physical, emotional and spiritual levels.

Taylor Family Chiropractic

Dr. Jennifer Taylor 2415 Coit Road, Suite A Plano, TX 75075  972-612-1800  www.taylorfamilychiropractic.com

Family healthcare encompassing ALL stages of life. Specializing in specific, gentle Chiropractic care with an emphasis on patient education. SEE DISPLAY AD.

The People’s Chiropractic Clinic Edna Craven, D.C., BCNP, BCI 3200 N MacArthur Blvd Ste 105 Irving, TX 75062  972-256-0004

Take the worry out of health problems; learn how to prevent disease, which treatment works best for you, and how to maintain good health. SEE DISPLAY AD.

Coaching Catalize Life Coaching & Workshops Melissa Cantrelle  206-550-5047  www.catalize.com

Uplift your self-esteem, discover your life purpose, and bring your inspired visions to life in one on one coaching and playful workshops.

Colonics Alazan Care - All Natural & Healthy Way Lala Nurulina 17810 Davenport Rd Ste 108 Dallas, TX 75252  972-380-4845  AlazanCare.com

COLONICS, MASSAGE & BODYWRAP - Certified Colon Hydrotherapist. FDA Approved Equipment Disposable Sterile Nozzles. ***Fall Special Package of Three Colonics or Massage sessions, $160.*** Call about our other weekly massage and colonic specials!

Spring 2008

Balanced Approach Holistic Health Clinic Physician Directed Facility Oakwood Tower in Uptown Dallas 3626 N Hall #500 @ Welborn Dallas, TX 75219  214-520-0216  www.BalancedApproach.com

We offer both open & closed system colonics. Services available: Live Blood Viewing with Nutritional Consultation, Lymphatic Drainage, Body-Wraps, Oxy-Spa, Ion-foot Cleanse & Stress Release. Detox packages. Rx available at time of service. Package pricing. Open Mon-Sat & some evenings.


Deanna Asencio 9900 N. Central Expressway, Suite 110 Dallas, TX 75231  214-373-4000  www.DallasColonCare.com

One of the only I-ACT Advanced Certified AND Nationally Certified colon therapists in the DFW Metroplex. We use FDA registered equipment and sterile, disposable tubes. Professional, private and discrete environment. Also offering Infra-red Sauna, Vit-Ra-Tox Detox Programs and Parasite Cleanse. Credit Cards Accepted.


Karen Fahey, Certified Colon Therapist 3626 North Hall St @ Welborn Oakwood Tower #818 Dallas, TX 75219  214-821-5703

GENESIS: COLON IRRIGATION AND HERBS: FDA registered equipment. Oxygen and ozone available, clean and sterile facility at all times. Ultra violet purified filtered water used for process. Sessions by appointment only. Hours Tuesday-Saturday. Over 20 years of experience. Visa/Mastercard accepted.


Lila Meyers, CNHP, RMT, CCT Certified Colon Hydro-Therapist Registered Massage Therapist, Certified Natural Health Professional 5510 Abrams Rd Suite 125 Dallas, TX 75214  214-288-(HEAL) 4325  www.healthsidetherapy.com

Gentle, safe colon cleansing with multi-filtration and pressure regulation. Disposable instruments, and a Closed System insures your personal comfort and safety. Abdominal massage, acupressure and nutritional guidance with each session. Package Discounts. Also Offered: Oriental Therapy, Iridology, Ion Cleanse, Body Wraps, Massage, RainForest Herbs. Open TuesSat By Appointment. Visa, Master Card.

Oxyzone@Whole Body Healing Center

Pat Wesley, Certified Colon Therapist, I-ACT & Nationally Certified 200 North Mill St Lewisville, TX  972-333-9992  www.colonicsindallas.com

GENTLY cleanse the colon using the state of the art FDA registered equipment, closed systems, disposable tubes & speculums. Relax in sterile, private environment. Therapist present at all times. Abdominal massage and modern reflexology. Credit cards accepted. Other therapies: Ion Cleanse.

Counseling/Therapy Instant Emotional Healing

by Peter T. Lambrou, Ph.D and George J. Pratt, Ph.D Distributed by Shifting Frequencies  972-378-1211  www.ShiftingFrequencies.com

Introducing an amazing scientific breakthrough by Drs. Peter Lambrou and George Pratt. These psychologists have evolved a method called Emotional SelfManagement™, which is derived from ancient Chinese understandings of acupuncture points and from Western cognitive science. Their invaluable book called, “Instant Emotional Healing”, provides an incredible tool to manage one’s emotions more positively and effectively.

Dance/Movement Nia Technique

Sherri Lackman, MA, LPC, Cht 304 S. Cottonwood #D Richardson, TX 75080  972-231-4466  sherrilackman@msn.com  www.sherrilackman.com

Experience the joy of movement and the benefits of moving your body! Combining selected movements and concepts from Martial Arts, Dance, and other movement forms, Nia classes offer total body conditioning and joyful expression at the same time. Find out what everyone’s talking about! Incredible therapy for chronic pain sufferers. Private sessions available.

Dentistry Dallas Dental Spa

Lorin Berland, D.D.S. Fellow, American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry Sarah Kim Kong, D.D.S. 2100 Ross, Suite 960 Dallas, TX 75201  214-999-0110  www.dallasdentalspa.com

We use only the most biocompatible materials to preserve the natural dentition, digital radiography to reduce radiation, and distilled water to prevent contamination. We employ a full-time licensed massage therapist to reduce stress for our patients. Dr. Berland is one of the most published dental authorities in the world and has dedicated his practice to providing the best care for his patients. Dr. Berland’s unique approach to cosmetic dentistry has been featured on 20/20, Time, and Reader’s Digest.

Education/Personal Growth Energy Therapy Program of Ke Kino Institute of Healing Ke Kino Massage Academy (Lic. # MS0173) 1620 Custer Rd Plano, Texas 75075  972-509-5588  www.kekino.com

Premier Energy Curriculum leading to Certificate of Completion or classes can be taken individually. Classes open to anyone interested in expanding their horizons and massage therapists some CE. Carefully selected top experts include; Susan Paige, Energy Program Director, Reiki; Cynthia Pierro, Polarity; Dr. Laurie Powell, Herbology and Energy Systems; Ken Orr, Reflexology; Mark Meyers, Manifesting.


Spring 2008 21

22 HolisticNetworker.com

Spring 2008

Wellness Expo / EarthFest ®

April 19-20, 11am-6pm • Addison Conference Centre • 15650 Addison Road • Dallas, TX

Program Guide









Door Prizes Crystal Pat Cook & Tray Bradford ..........................................214-327-3241 Power of the Rainbow

Handcrafted Earrings Tara Brezic........................214-837-5650 The Gypsy Wagon

Essentials for Life Nutritional Product

Book on healing: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures Pam Thompson ................ 972-231-0114 Christian Science Reading Room

Before & After Aura Photo w/ & w/o Ion Foot Spa Session Donna Reis.......................817-788-9451 Color Vision

One bottle of Zylene Tina Stafin or Gayle Pulliam .............. 214-704-7673 or 214-392-2451 Health 4 Wealth

Case of Himalayan Goji Juice Ralene Maez ....................972-896-9684 Himalayan Goji Juice/Freelife International

One Energy Empath Training ($50. value)

Linda Poggenpohl.............903-785-4700 Better Living

Book: Past Lives, Dreams and Soul Travel by Harold Klemp

2 prizes: $50. gift certificate to our office.

..........................................972-820-0530 Eckankar of Dallas

$100 Gift Cert. for Photomax w/ free account set up

Dr. Amelie Biskup or Dr. Jamee Moreno. 940-594-0795/972-567-6421 Chiropractic Services

2-Three Gallon Ionized Alkali Water

Erin Dayton #USW9899062 ..........................................214-966-9499 Photomax.com

Vara Kantipong, M.D. .......972-377-8966 ENAGIC Ionized-Alkali Water

Mark Youngblood..............817-430-4640 Institute of Subtle Energy Education

Health PAK 100 Bonita M. Lockley .............469-951-6104 USANA


Addison Conference Centre

• I-635 to the North Dallas Tollway • go North, exit Beltline Rd • go West 2 blocks to Addison Rd, • go 3 blocks north to Addison Circle • go right on Addison Circle • on left side of the street • next to the Addison water tower, 15650 Addison Road

Produced by:

Sponsored by:

Holistic Networker �������������������� �

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Wellness Expo / EarthFest ®

SATURDAY: Lectures & Demonstrations 11:30 AM Connecting with Spirit: Connect with your Departed Loved Ones Shannon Maxey, Psychic Medium 817-723-9114 Shannon will bring through messages and validation of continued existence and continuing connection from departed loved ones to some of their family and friends in attendance. Shannon Maxey C.C. Ht., Psychic Medium, works with people who are grieving, bereaved or have unresolved issues with someone who has passed. She offers private and group discernments as well as grief counseling with her husband, Graham, a Licensed Professional Counselor.

1:30 PM Relieving Fibromyalgia’s Effects w/ Fascial Integrative Therapy Frankie L. Burget, OTR, RMT, CNDT 817-571-8135 Taking Myofascial Release principles further into the myofascial system and integrating sensory, neurological, and kinetic factors into a whole body approach and addressing the fascial system to re-educate the body for sustained relief of pain and dysfunction. Frankie Burget is a licensed and National Board Certified Occupational Therapist and Mastery Level Senior Instructor and Coordinator with Myofascial Release Centers and owner of Windsong Therapy and Wellness, Inc. in Bedford, TX.

3:00 PM How Essential Oils May Help You Eldon Knittle 972-442-7388 In this talk Eldon will share his vast knowledge about Essential Oils and how they may be of benefit to you. Eldon is an Independent Distributor of Young Living Essential Oils. He has also been involved in making essential oils.

3:30 PM 7-Steps to Achieving Success Ki Steelman, BA, CST, CHT 214-228-4009 Ki will help you learn the steps to achieve 12:30 PM success quickly. Ki has been in health and 2:00 PM wellness since 1990. Ki is a Certified Strength Healing with Sound Trainer and Registered Yoga Teacher, Board Meditation for Healing Nancy Byers Certified Hypnotherapist, Personal Coach for Sheryl Hardin, Author, Unity Chaplain Success, and Corporate Wellness Seminar 972-424-1217 Leader. Nancy will demonstrate the Language of Light, 972-618-2537 which is a vibrational healing technique. After In this presentation Sheryl will present how to 4:00 PM experiencing the Language of Light, many use meditation for healing. Sheryl Hardin is the report feeling more empowered, having a author of “Into Nothing” and “Contacting God: Cleansing & Detox in Chinese sense of remembering the essence of who The Path to God through Prayer”. She also they really are, and experiencing a sense of serves the Unity Church of Dallas as Chaplain Medicine Allie Ellis, Certified Chinese Medicine physical well-being. Over the last 14 years, and is the Director of the Spiritual Writer’s Nancy has developed an ability to express this Association. Nutritionist language. She has helped hundreds of people 972-385-7222 2:30 PM all over the world with her gift. Detox and cleanse-interchangeable terms that are indeed buzz words in the health-conscious It is the Real Deal 1:00 PM community, But which cleanse should you try, Dr. Gary Berman, PhD, DC when should you do it, what side effects can Living the Good Life 972-404-8650 you expect or what would be abnormal...and —at Half the Price Medical Mysticism is the union of body/mind/ should you cleanse at all? Allie is a certified Sue Goldstein, spirit with universal energy and a method Chinese Medicine Nutritionist and co-owner of of communicating with this energy to help The Underground Shopper® Radiant Chinese Herbs and Tea in Addison, you heal physically, mentally, emotionally TX. 469-293-SHOP (7467) and spiritually. Dr. Berman, medical mystic Sue is totally devoted to bargains-how to find and holistic doctor with advanced and them, where to find them, when to look for degrees in physics, engineering, them, who to know, what to avoid. Everything professional and chiropractic, has incorporated 24 years of she does is aimed toward helping you live studies in science, nutrition, and metaphysics the good life...for half the price(SM). Sue into transformational new systems and Goldstein, The Diva of Discounts, has made bargain-hunting her life for 36 years and is the techniques. founder of the Underground Shopper®. With more than 75 market-specific and national shopping guidebooks, Sue is the most prolific author in this genre. Sue has appeared on hundreds of talk shows. Listen to Sue on the radio every Saturday from 10am-12pm on KVCE 1160AM. Visit her website at: undergroundshopper.com

4:30 PM How to Get Up When You’re Feeling Down Marceil DeLacy 972-867-5782 This talk is about finding freedom from selfdestructive impulses and discovering one’s potential for having a healing impact on the lives of others. Marceil DeLacy, a Christian Science practitioner and teacher living in Seattle, WA, has travelled internationally giving talks at conferences, expos, and medical schools on the impact of prayer on health. 5:00 PM Messages from Spirit Dwanna Paul 972-398-7855 This is an uplifting demonstration of Mediumship, which will relay messages from the Spirit realm. Dwanna will connect with members of the audience to bring insightful and loving comfort from Guides, Angels, and Loved Ones. Dwanna is a nationally recognized Trance Medium, Channel, Healer and Teacher. She has over 35 years of experience working with her spirit guides to bring comfort and relief to a countless number of people. Dwanna has appeared on numerous TV and radio shows, including national appearances on CBS, Fox, and A Current Affair.

Saturday & Sunday, April 19-20, 2008


SUNDAY: Lectures & Demonstrations 11:30 AM Astrology & You Cynthia Novak metro 817-261-2984 Join Cynthia as she shares her insights on how planetary alignments can affect your life. Cynthia Novak combines over twenty years of astrological and spiritual study to bring you practical, heart-centered information. 12:00 PM You Are Not Alone! Jennifer Farmer 817-690-4208 Have you lost someone close to you from death? Join Jennifer, a psychic medium, in a gallery group reading. Jennifer is a nationally known Psychic Medium. Jennifer travels all over the United States and abroad providing readings and assisting others with personal spiritual development, healing relationships and resolving issues around grief and death. Jennifer has attended Arthur Findlay College, the world’s foremost college for the advancement of Spiritualism and Psychic Sciences.

1:00 PM How to Live to be 120 (and be healthy) Dr. Joshua Ferrell, DC 214-618-9355 Dr. Ferrell’s mission is to educate the community on how to live healthy and happy lives. As one of the founders of Well 4 Life Centers, Dr. Ferrell has been featured as a health advisor on Good Morning Texas, and has presented his workshop series to locally known businesses. Dr. Ferrell has a passion for serving the community through education.

3:00 PM Super Hero Nutrition with Raw Cacao Isaac Clay 214-378-7777 Chocolate is one of the world’s favorite foods of all time, and in its raw, living form can help transform you into a modern superhero. Find out all about the top superfoods and superherbs on the planet and the science of how they provide a foundation for realizing unlimited potential. Isaac “Cacao Shaman” Clay is a superfoodist, raw chocolatier, and Oneness Blessing provider, trained in India. He coducts seminars and holds retreats centered around Global Healing and Conscious Evolution.

4:30 PM Secrets Behind Successful Allergy Elimination Dr. Lewis Cone, DC 972-880-8541 This talk will focus on how toxins and food allergies are usually behind the air allergies and how to identify and get over food allergies. Dr. Cone is a Chiropractor and Nutritionist. His practice primarily focuses on nutrition, ranging from colds to autoimmune disease.

5:00 PM Angel Messages 1:30 PM Dr. Tammy Ledbetter, PhD Intuition & Subtle Energy 972-355-2313 Dr. Rita Louise, PhD, ND In this workshop, learn how to release 3:30 PM 972-475-3393 blocks, receive messages, and manifest the Host of Just Energy Radio, Dr. Rita Louise, divine guidance from your Angels through Becoming a Radiant Being Ph.D., N.D. is a Naturopathic Physician, enlightening demonstrations and exercises. Mark Youngblood Medical Intuitive, Clairvoyant and founder Dr. Tammy Ledbetter, PhD, who is certified of the Institute of Applied Energetics. Author 817-430-4640 in Angel Therapy® by Doreen Virtue, uses of the book, “Avoiding the Cosmic 2x4”, she Your energy bodies are the blueprints for your her gift as an Angel Intuitive along with her represents the leading edge of holistic health life and so they directly affect your health, your formal training in transformational leadership and mind/body healing. thoughts, your emotions, and your ability to to guide clients through major and minor life connect with Spirit. In this eye-opening talk challenges. 2:00 PM you will learn what clearing and enhancing 12:30 PM your energy bodies can do to make you a Face Reading for Health “radiant being” and manifest the life you Nutrition is the New Medicine Dr. Fran Assaf, DC want! Mark Youngblood is a leading expert on Faye Elahi, MS 214-528-2085 Energy Work and a successful author, public 972-743-1425 For thousands of years before diagnostic tests speaker, and executive and life coach. He Faye Elahi will discuss food intolerances were in existence, Face Reading was used to is certified in Reiki and Pranic Healing, and such as gluten and lactose in contrast with evaluate health or illness. Dr. Fran Assaf will is an NLP master practitioner and trainer, a food allergies and show us what foods are be presenting the basics of face reading and master Quantum Clearing System practitioner, associated with medical disorders such as give clues to interpreting messages from the a master Subtle Energy Practitioner, and a Attention Deficit Disorder, Asthma, Arthritis, body to improve health. Dr. Assaf is a holistic master ISEE Trainer. Fibromyalgia, Migraine Headaches, etc., chiropractor who supports her patients’ health and what foods could help to relieve their 4:00 PM with gentle adjustments, hands-on therapies, symptoms. Faye is the metroplex’s well-known and extensive knowledge of toxicity issues and Higher Vibrational Living specialist in Gluten Sensitivity and Founder strategies for detoxification. Dr. Jasmine Therese, DC of Nutrition Balance For Life. She empowers people with the preventive nutrition survival 2:30 PM 214-378-7777 skills with which they could take charge of their Internet Marketing Secrets Living in Joy is easy when you know how own health. Her website is: to navigate the vibrational scale in all areas Dr. Tony Cecala, PhD www.specialneedsnutrition.com of your life. Make the most of your current 972-403-0940 experience by learning the optimal choices for This practical and informative talk will body, mind and spirit and effortlessly attract fundamentally change the way you think the Life of Your Dreams. Dr. Jasmine Therese about your business. Dr. Cecala develops is a Doctor of Chiropractic with a Bachelors in business systems, e-commerce applications, Anatomy who specializes in Network, holistic, and web sites that serve to enhance the prenatal and family care. Her international customer’s experience. He consults with small schedule includes intensive Healing Retreats business owners on growing their presence and Corporate Wellness Programs. and connectivity on the internet. He is also the co-publisher of the Holistic Networker and the co-producer of the Wellness Expo with EarthFest. Learn more at TonyCecala.com

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28 HolisticNetworker.com

Holistic Centers Trinity Centre of Dallas, Inc. Margaret Clench, RN, PhD, ThD 3628 Vintage Place Dallas, TX 75214  214-754-8080  TrinityDallas1@aol.com  TrinityTables.org

Dr. Clench offers complementary modalities of healing and facilitates clients’ growth through the use of the Trinity Table™, Korotkov Camera Energy Field Analysis, and Bio-Energy Work. In addition to these modalities, she now offers corporate and individual archetype analysis utilizing the techniques developed by Dr. Caroline Myss in her groundbreaking book, Sacred Contracts. Dr. Clench has been certified by Dr. Myss to teach these exciting and insightful techniques.

Holistic Medicine Alex Bekker, M.D.

Homoeopathy General Practice 6500 E. Mockingbird Ln. Suite 115 Dallas, TX 75214-2483  214-821-3133  a.bekker@sbcglobal.net

Dr. Bekker is a physician with extensive homoeopathic clinical experience. Proper homoeopathic treatment is according to principles based on a holistic understanding of health and disease. Medical insurance covered - out of network provider.

Anne Coleman, MD, PA 375 Municipal Dr, Suite 128 Richardson, TX 75080  972-669-4111

Dr. Coleman and her staff strive to Educate, Equip, and Empower patients to recognize and achieve their personal health goals through lifestyle changes. This process of biotransformation requires the patients overall commitment to adhere to comprehensive testing both conventional and functional, nutritional supplementation, modification of diet, and the right balance of exercise and relaxation.

Designer Health Concepts, P.A. Tammy Pon, M.D. 2301 Ohio Dr., Suite 110 Plano, TX 75093  972-992-0289

Dr. Pon is Board Certified in Family Practice and specializes in Functional Medicine. She believes we “have been remarkably and wonderfully made” and combines her medical expertise with outstanding patient care to provide a personalized, holistic approach to your health and wellness. She addresses the causes of your ailment, not just the symptoms.

Karen S. Asbury, MD

Integrative Medicine PO Box 863568 Plano, TX 75086  972-867-7790  www.KarenAsburyMD.com

Dr. Asbury has had extensive training in both Internal Medicine and Alternative Care. Excellence is emphasized in providing personalized care in a warm, compassionate atmosphere. Without the constraints of insurance, Dr. Asbury is able to spend more time with each patient doing a comprehensive health evaluation and individualizing their therapy program with the goal of restoring optimum health. Visit the website at www.KarenAsburyMD.com.

Spring 2008

Vara Kantipong, MD

Alex Bekker, M.D.

Dr. Kantipong practices NAET, nutrition, First Line Therapy, bio-identical hormone replacement, Holistic approach to chronic illnesses and allergy. Great results are seen in those who are committed and persevere in the journey to good health and vibrant energy. Visit the website www.drkantipong.com

Dr. Bekker is a physician with extensive homoeopathic clinical experience. Proper homoeopathic treatment is according to principles based on a holistic understanding of health and disease. Medical insurance covered - out of network provider.

Natural Health and NAET Center 3105 W 15th, Suite C Plano, TX 75075  972-867-7915  www.DrKantipong.com

Years To Your Health

Lonnie Redd 503 E 2nd St Irving, TX 75060  972-579-7042  www.yearstoyourhealth.com

An herb shop established in 1983 has built its business on personal service and providing the finest quality products at affordable prices. SEE DISPLAY AD.

Holistic Veterinary Paws & Claws Animal Hospital Dr. Shawn Messonnier, D.V.M. 2145 West Park Blvd. Plano, TX 75075  972-867-8800

Acupuncture and Holistic Animal Health Care Center. Dr. Shawn Messonnier is a nationally known veterinarian, author, and pet care advocate. Through the use of acupuncture, homeopathy, and nutrition, we can treat a variety of conditions that are often considered “hopeless” by conventional medicine. Chronic problems including allergies, cancer, skin infections, and arthritis often respond well to holistic therapies. Visit our website at www.petcarenaturally.com.

Homeopathy Advanced Homeopathy

Glenda Stroup Malone, dht 2060 North Collins Suite 109 Richardson, TX 75080  972-889-1010  469-742-0906; fax

Do you seem to be getting ill more often, frequent visits to the doctors office, taking antibiotics or other pharmaceuticals more than you like? Do you have a chronic condition that worsens year after year, even though you are taking the latest recommended drug? Do the television commercials frighten you with ads about the latest pharmaceutical that has toxic side effects? Are your children out of control with a recurring illness? Has your child been diagnosed with add or adhd? Are school officials pressing you to medicate your child? If you answered yes to these questions, there is a better way -- it is called homeopathy. It has been proven to work for over 200 hundred years, with no toxic side effects, safe for the young and the elderly and the inbetween. Homeopathic medicines are the most economical form of health care we have today. Glenda has been in practice for over 20 years here in the metroplex helping and teaching families a natural approach to nasty conditions. Testimonials are available. Physician sponsored. Major credit cards accepted.

Homoeopathy General Practice 6500 E. Mockingbird Ln. Suite 115 Dallas, TX 75214-2483  214-821-3133  a.bekker@sbcglobal.net

Holistic Center of Dallas Regina Edwards, BA, RMT 4144 N. Central Expy Suite 630 Dallas, TX 75204  214-824-4949

Regina Edwards provides Classical Homeopathy consultations. Homeopathy is a form of complimentary medicine using highly diluted natural products to gently enhance healing. The selection of the single remedy is based on unique symptoms, physical sensations and emotional reactions of each individual. Additionally available: Cranio-sacral Therapy, Esoteric Healing and Therapeutic Touch.

Hypnosis Stop Smoking with Hypnosis! Initial Reflections Hypnosis Mind Resource Barry Stockmier, C.C.Ht.  972-699-7325  www.mindresource.com

Weight Control • Tobacco Cessation • Reduce Stress • Full Range of Confidential Hypnosis Services. Learn more about hypnosis at my website.


Nadine Romain, Ph.D., Certified Hypnotherapist, HypnoBirthing® Practitioner Office in Dallas Lakewood Area  214-796-5327  www.alphahypnosis.biz

Looking for the Life you were meant to live? Let me help you help yourself and regain control for life-long changes! Releasing habit patterns - Stress, Fear, Anxiety release - Metaphysical Counseling - Abundance - and much more... Available for corporate group. Call for an appointment today!

Counseling Services

Sherri Lackman, MA, LPC, Cht 304 S. Cottonwood #D Richardson, TX 75080  972-231-4466  sherrilackman@msn.com  www.sherrilackman.com

Discover how hypnotherapy can gently explore issues that have caused unhealthy behavior and poor decisions in the past. Hypnosis allows access to the unconscious in the altered state so that issues can be resolved more quickly and efficiently than with talk therapy.


Spring 2008 29

HYPNOSIS WORKS! Weight Reduction Smoking Cessation Anxiety Elimination Fitness Performance Enhancement

Ki Steelman Board Certified Hypnotherapist Personal Coach for Success

• Past Life Regressions • Life-Between-Lives Therapy • Connecting With Your Guides www.journeybetweenlives.com Carole Layman, LMSW Certified Hypnotherapist

Achieve Your Goals Today. Call Now!

(817) 557-0008 or (817) 455-6642


Your journey starts here!


HOLISTIC LAW A Holistic Approach to the Practice of Law including Family Law, Criminal Defense, and other Law Related matters.

James W. Hunt Attorney at Law

103 Dal Rich Village Richardson, Texas 75080 (SE Corner of Coit and Belt Line Road in Whole Foods shopping center)

972-392-2500 Member - Int’l Alliance of Holistic Lawyers Not certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization

30 HolisticNetworker.com

Spring 2008

Beginning Meditation

(5-class Series) ~Pre-registration Required~ Mondays, April 7 - May 5 Wednesdays, May 14 - June 11

Ananda Yoga® Classes

Based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda

$50/month or drop-in $10/class Wednesday & Friday @ Noon Tuesday & Thursday @ 6:15 pm

“What, Why & How We Dream” Saturday, April 19

Meditation & Yoga Center

4901 Keller Springs Rd #103, Addison, TX 75001 (1-1/2 blocks West of the Tollway)

Group Meditations every Tuesday, 7:30-9pm

Sunday Worship Service

Meditation and Purification Service 9:00-9:45 am 972-248-9126 Worship Service e-mail: anandadallas@aol.com 10:00am - 11:15am website: anandadallas.org Includes brief meditation, ALL ARE WELCOME! chanting, Bible & Bhagavad Gita reading, Festival of Light Please call or email for Free Calendar Journey Between Lives

Carole Layman, LMSW, CHt PO Box 171102 Arlington, TX 76003-1102  817-557-0008  www.journeybetweenlives.com

SPIRITUAL REGRESSIONS. Past Life AND Life Between Lives Therapy. Stop guessing and visit the Spirit World for definitive answers regarding your current life as well as your Soul Life! Discover your Guides, Soul Group, Life Purpose and more!

Soul Revelations

P.J. Spur, CHt. 320 Decker Drive, Suite 100 Irving, TX 75062  972-822-4548  www.soulrevelations.com

Past Life Regressions and Life Between Lives Explorations. Navigate your life, meet your Spirit Guides and Angels, and tap into your Higher Self to make changes and reveal a better tomorrow...with hypnosis. Special sessions for children to deal with fears, sleep disturbances and self confidence.

Interior Design/Feng Shui Karen Ann Tompkins

Feng Shui With Karen Ann  972-669-1595  972-644-1526; fax  karenanntompkins@comcast.net  www.FengShuiWithKarenAnn.com

Karen Ann has studied with Masters worldwide, and practices classical Feng Shui. This analytical and diagnostic approach is specific to each property, each person, and includes the influences of time.

Iridology The People’s Chiropractic Clinic Edna Craven, D.C., BCNP, BCI 3200 N MacArthur Blvd Ste 105 Irving, TX 75062  972-256-0004

24 years experience. Jensonian and Holistic Iridology. Accurate iris reading. Complete written Report Of Finding with pictures. Nutritional Consultation. See ad for additional services.

Macrobiotics Macrobiotic Center Margaret Lawson  903-786-9100

Macrobiotic BED AND BREAKFAST NOW OPEN (about one hour North of Dallas). Cooking Classes, Counseling, Books, Supplies. Email macro@airmail.net for brochure.

Natural Health Care Services

S.V. “Ami” Amagna, MSc, RMT, CNHP Carrollton, TX (Marsh/Rosemeade Area)  972-492-6651

Macrobiotic counseling to develop a dietary program for overcoming your health problems • Shiatsu-based energetic bodywork to relieve stress/pain and restore good health by revitalizing organs and systems • Medical Qi Gong self-healing exercises • External Qi therapy (palm healing) • Guidance on supplements, herbs and homeopathic remedies.

Meditation Ananda Meditation & Yoga Center Sue Chadwick 4901 Keller Springs Rd. #103 Addison, TX 75001  972-248-9126

Beginning Meditation 5-week class series - learn to calm your mind, develop concentration, access inner peace. Simple, effective, proven techniques based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda. SEE DISPLAY AD.

Metaphysical Arts & Sciences Dream Work

John Stone Dallas, Texas  214-908-6261  www.consciousdreaming.org

Local author John Stone offers workshops, books, private study and apprenticeships in Lucid Dreaming and Out of Body Travel. See website for Vision Quest Preparation.

Intuitive Astrologer and Tarot Reader Cynthia Novak  metro 817-261-2984

Intuitive astrologer and Tarot reader, Cynthia Novak provides detailed, informative, tape-recorded sessions. All are heart-centered and process oriented.

Maria Gurule, Author, Astrologer, Entrepeneur Quantum Quest Shamanic/Goddess Journeys  719-219-3776  maria_gurule@comcast.net  www.PachamamaOneWorld.com

Upcoming Journeys -- June 2008: Machu Picchu & The Galapagos • July 2008: Goddess Round-Up in England • November 2008: India

Psychic and Author

Lai Ubberud Winner of the Award “Best Psychic of 2005” by The Houston Press  832-646-3297  www.laiubberud.com Psychic, Tarot, Past Lives, Channeling, Exorcisms, Angels, Haunted Houses, Author of “Celebrity Pets Tell All”


Spring 2008 31

Cynthia Novak Intuitive * Astrologer * Tarot-Reader Readings from the Heart

Providing Detailed, Personal and Predictive Information Remind you why you are here Help you plan where you are going www.cynthianovak.com

metro (817) 261-2984 New! Classes in VEDIC Astrology and Tarot

The Most Personal and Practical Gift!

THE HOLISTIC WARRIOR Readings • Coaching Energy Balancing • Tarot I Ching • Dream Interpretations The Holistic Warrior can help you: • Obtain peace of mind! • Find and maintain that special relationship! • Take actions that will put you in control of your life! • Identify and break patterns that are not in your best interest!

Thomas J. Nolan III, PhD

• Create a wealthy state of mind that will attract wealth to you!

Norman, Oklahoma



405 360-1700

32 HolisticNetworker.com

Spring 2008

NOTE: Due to an illness in her family. Cynthia is unable to write her column this quarter. You can find her daily astrological message online at HolisticNetworker.com or visit her web site at CynthiaNovak.com

Come to the Wellness Expo w/EarthFest April 19-20, 11am-6pm at the Addison Conference Centre

• have an intuitive consultation • experience a medical intuitive reading • get your aura photo taken • connect with your loved ones on the other side • and so much more!

It’s an experience you won’t want to miss! Visit www.wellnessexpo.net to view free online videos of previous Wellness Expo talks.

TEXAS’ BEST-LOVED EXPO OVER 100 VENDORS AND 20 LECTURES! LEARN FROM THE EXPERTS! Relieving Fibromyalgia’s Effects with Fascial Integrative Therapy

Frankie Burget, OTR, RMT, CNDT Taking Myofascial Release principles further into the myofascial system and integrating sensory, neurological, and kinetic factors into a whole body approach and addressing the fascial system to reeducate the body for sustained relief of pain and dysfunction. Frankie Burget is a licensed and National Board Certified Occupational Therapist and Mastery Level Senior Instructor and Coordinator with Myofascial Release Centers and owner of Windsong Therapy and Wellness, Inc. in Bedford, TX.

Astrology & You

Cynthia Novak Join Cynthia as she shares her insights on how planetary alignments can affect your life. Cynthia Novak combines twenty years of astrological and spiritual study to bring you practical, heart-centered information.

Intuition & Subtle Energy

Dr. Rita Louise, PhD, ND Host of Just Energy Radio, Dr. Rita Louise, Ph.D., N.D. is a Naturopathic Physician, Medical Intuitive, Clairvoyant and founder of the Institute of Applied Energetics. Author of the book, “Avoiding the Cosmic 2x4”, she represents the leading edge of holistic health and mind/ body healing.

Messages from Spirit

Dwanna Paul This is an uplifting demonstration of Mediumship, which will relay messages from the Spirit realm. Dwanna will connect with members of the audience to bring insightful and loving comfort from Guides, Angels, and Loved Ones. Dwanna is a nationally recognized Trance Medium, Channel, Healer and Teacher. She has over 35 years of experience working with her spirit guides to bring comfort and relief to a countless number of people. Dwanna has appeared on numerous TV and radio shows, including national appearances on CBS, Fox, and A Current Affair.

You Are Not Alone!

Jennifer Farmer Have you lost someone close to you from death? Join Jennifer, a psychic medium, in a gallery group reading. Jennifer is a nationally known Psychic Medium. Jennifer travels all over the United States and abroad providing readings and assisting others with personal spiritual development, healing relationships and resolving issues around grief and death. Jennifer has attended Arthur Findlay College, the world’s foremost college for the advancement of Spiritualism and Psychic Sciences.

Healing with Sound

Nancy Byers Nancy will demonstrate the Language of Light, which is a vibrational healing technique. After experiencing the Language of Light, many report feeling more empowered, having a sense of remembering the essence of who they really are, and experiencing a sense of physical wellbeing. Over the last 17 years Nancy has developed an ability to express this language. She has helped hundreds of people all over the world with her gift.

CALL 972-378-3770 OR VISIT www.WellnessExpo.net

34 HolisticNetworker.com

The Voice of Fate vs. the Voice of Destiny By Robert Ohotto

It’s human instinct to reach for the familiar, but the soul is here for experience, not security. A life without risk, loss, death, and pain is hardly vitalized. The more we resist the call to adventure, the more we fate ourselves to suffering of the worst kind. In such cases, the Universe will often deliver increasingly drastic events until we finally give up the ego’s hold on our soul’s schedule and allow the next chapter of our purpose—our Destiny—to unfold. It’s at this juncture of resisting our Divine timeline that many of us reach a threshold, often catalyzed by an outer fated event. We’ve come to know it as the dark night of the soul. Yet I always felt that this phrase was a bit of a misnomer because it’s the ego, our self-concept, which is actually being set adrift into the unknown. It’s here that a part of it must die so that something new from the soul can enter in. And it’s the ego that experiences the inherent fear of this change, not the soul. Thus I call this process of entering a transitional space where some new creative aspect of the soul is beginning to birth into your ego structure—which demands that your old self-concept reshape—the dark night of the ego! While we’re in the dark night of the ego, we’re each greeted by two competing voices: that of Fate (ego) and that of Destiny (soul). The former speaks through your fears, your past, your wounds, and the collective they that you worry about when you make decisions. The latter communicates through your intuition, dreams, synchronicity, Divine intervention, and the regrets that tug at your soul. Both continually compete to guide the choices you make during this vital time. At the crossroads of the dark night of the ego, these two voices essentially ask, Will you choose based on your fear or your highest potential? Decisions made from anxiety are actions of Self Fate because they fate us to events and circumstances designed to make us face what we’re afraid of. Thus, Self Fate choices are usually made to stave off survival worries or to keep the past alive, instead of letting our present vibrate anew with unknown possibilities.

Decisions made out of unknown possibility, however, are ones of Destiny; they lead to the actualization of your highest potential. They demand trust, risk, letting go of the past, being present, and manifesting the best of what’s inside of you without making any apologies. Destiny choices demand an allegiance to the soul. Discerning which impulse you allow to guide your life can be tricky, but it’s essential. What follows is an example of how each voice might speak to you during the dark night of the ego. As you read the scenarios, imagine yourself surrounded by each influence, then begin to recognize which voice you listen to most often. In fact, it would be empowering to spend some time discerning which one you’re giving allegiance to in the decisions you make—not only during the dark night of the ego, but every day.


• Voice of Fate: “What on Earth are you thinking?! The last time you took a risk in love, you got hurt. You know that you only draw in women who abandon you. What do you think you’re doing by opening up your heart again? Come on, she’ll only break up with you for someone else who’s better looking and has more money . . . just the way they all have.” • Voice of Destiny: “Yes, you’ve had some painful experiences in your past, but you’ve grown so much! This woman really likes you, so you should give her—and yourself—a chance to try again. You know that you have nothing to fear now because you’ve learned not to abandon yourself. There’s a good chance this relationship could mirror that back to you! How will you know if you don’t try? This is the present moment of all possibility. Don’t you want to feel alive? Destiny is risk, so take it and open your heart.”

Starting Over

• Voice of Fate: “You can’t go back to college for a new career—you’re too old. Not to mention, what would everyone think of you on campus? How would you afford it?” • Voice of Destiny: “It’s never too late to learn something new. Think of how exciting it would be to attend class again! Imagine how exhilarated you’d be as you’re surrounded by young minds, full of fresh ideas. You can make the money work out somehow. If it’s meant to be, nothing can stop you!”

Your Job

• Voice of Fate: “You can’t leave this job. So what if you’re constantly stressed, unhappy, have ulcers, and can’t sleep because of it. You’ve been here for 20 years. What the hell else are you gonna do? And what about your pension and retirement? It’s too late to go start a business of your own, so get over that pipe dream.” • Voice of Destiny: “Have you not heard me talking to you through your body? This job is killing you! You’ve been here for 20 years, and come on now,

you’re only 45—there’s so much more you could do and pursue. What about your dream of opening a small shop, selling imported cheese and wine? You know so much about the subject and are so passionate about it—how could it not work? Take the early retirement package and go for it!”

Your Creative Idea

• Voice of Fate: “Look, you can’t be the next Martha Stewart, so why bother going forward with your idea for a vegetarian cooking show? Get over yourself, Betty Crocker! If you can’t be the best in your field, then why bother. You should just stop with this nonsense that you have any sort of original ideas. Trust me—it’s all been done before.” • Voice of Destiny: “You have something unique that you can offer through a vegetarian cooking show. You have to do this! Of course you won’t be the next Martha Stewart—you’ll be you! Just because you might not be the most famous person in your field doesn’t mean that you don’t have something wonderful to contribute to others. And you’ll undoubtedly contribute something special. It hasn’t all been done before because only you can do it your way—and that will shine out into the world.” Now, I could continue with examples of these two viewpoints for pages on end, but I think that I’ve given you enough to understand how they speak to you. Essentially, your highest potential is the voice of Destiny; it almost always demands that you risk and sacrifice for the unknown. Living in alignment with it is often full of surprises—some joyful, some painful—but when you embrace this path, you’ll know you’re alive! When you can say to yourself, I never thought I would ____________, what fills that blank space is your Destiny. This voice can also demand that you come to terms with something. For example, it might whisper in your ear, You know that you’re addicted to your entitlement as a victim and are a huge narcissist, don’t you? Are you ready to deal with that? Or it might say, You realize that your son is addicted to drugs. Are you ready to confront him? And perhaps you’ll hear, You know that your spouse is having an affair. Are you ready to finally admit and address it? In other words, coming to terms with something also transforms Self Fate into Destiny. For more information about Robert Ohotto please visit www.ohotto.com

Robert Ohotto

The following excerpt is taken from the new book, Transforming Fate into Destiny: A New Dialogue with Your Soul by Robert Ohotto. It is published by Hay House (March, 2008) and available at all bookstores.

Spring 2008


Spring 2008 35

Power Feng Shui for Success Consultations Empower Your Future Thrive in your environment, increasing Wealth, Health, & your Prosperity, Love & Relationships creating huge measures of success, using your art, icons, furniture, & functional equipment to create harmony & well being. Visionary Alexandra Shaw’s Power Feng Shui ensures Health, Happiness & Empowerment. Space Clearing, Blessing & Cleansing Ceremony included to release all old negative energies, blockages, patterns or past influences, either emotional or those upon the land and space. Call Alexandra to begin fresh, positive, powerful changes immediately, transforming your life forever in the very best way. The future is yours to build & shape as you will. Power Feng Shui for Success: Residential/Corporate/Commercial Jets & Yachts · Corporate/Charity Entertainment Alexandra Shaw Certified Professional Feng Shui Consultant of Feng Shui Institute of America 972.504.6824 Dallas or 1.888.551.4869 toll free E-Mail: Iconalex@aol.com www.PowerFengShui.info

New at HolisticNetworker.com: Online event calendar. Check out what’s happening this weekend!

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Online Event Calendar: Post your event for free. Featured placement only $20! Online Tools: Download events to your Outlook calendar, print directions, even register online!

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Sweet Fire

I’m like a butterfly attracted to a flame. Drawn to the light radiating from you. You inspire me to shine even brighter. Feeling more whole and free and loved.

The universe brought us together to share in this experience.

We all meet various people in our lives, who share in our dreams.

Connecting, learning, inspiring, and growing...

They may be family, friends, or lovers who enrich our lives and help us to see ourselves more clearly.

It is best that we honor what we have and enjoy the beauty of those connections that flow to us.

Divinely inspired art by Nicole Mizoguchi, © 2008 • www.nicolemiz.com • mail@nicolemiz.com

38 HolisticNetworker.com

Spring 2008


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Movement MoveStudio

Move and be moved! 17062 Preston Rd. Suite 108, at Campbell Dallas, TX 75248  972-732-0206  staff@movestudio.com  www.movestudio.com

Ready for a new fitness alternative? Engage, challenge and inspire your mind, spirit and body in our serene and inspiring environment. Bellydance, jazz, modern, Nia, TranceDance, Ecstatic dance and other drop-in classes for grown-ups. Stretch, strengthen, improve posture and alleviate back pain with intelligent, holistic Pilates exercise. Full Pilates equipment studio. Got yoga? Improve physical fitness, flexibility, mental clarity, relaxation, stress management and well-being at any age. Hatha, restorative, prenatal yoga classes and more. Group, semi-private and private Pilates & yoga instruction with certified, experienced teachers. MoveStudio also hosts a number of concerts, community events and workshops for body, mind & spirit, each month. Visit our website often to see what we’re up to. You’ll love the way you move!

Nutrition Euphoria Smoothie

Smoothie • Coffee • Boba Tea 4701 W. Park Blvd. #106 (bt Preston & Ohio) Plano, TX 75093  972-769-0301

Smoothie Heaven! Freshest tasting smoothie in the market. The explosive, full rich flavors will excite and tantalize your taste buds. We provide delicious, high quality beverage and foods that are good for your health, mind and body. Fruit Smoothies: 100% Natural, No Preservative, No Fat, No added cane Sugar, vitamin & mineral fortified. Chai Tea, Boba (Bubble) Tea, Espresso/Cappucino: Italian D’Oro, Stuffed Soft Pretzels, Healthy snacks, Nutritional Supplements.

Juice Zone Café

3839 McKinney Ave Suite 130 Dallas, TX 75204  214-522-9663  www.jzone-dfw.com

Get an energy boost with fresh juiced drinks, healthy, natural, smoothies, and tasty wraps. Located in the West Village facing Blackburn Street. Plenty of parking.

Osteopathy Cranial Osteopath

Liz Chapek, D.O. 6760 Abrams Road, Suite 203 Dallas, TX 75231  214-341-8742  www.do-online.org/chapek

Hands-on evaluation of body and head by physician, for treatment or prevention, aims to optimize ability to heal & function: NEWBORNS/INFANTS-weak suck, irregular head shape, sleep trouble, fussy, seizures, recurrent ear infection. YOUNG CHILDREN-hyperactivity, learning/ developmental trouble, scoliosis, insufficient space for teeth. PREGNANT WOMEN-helps mothers be more comfortable through pregnancy & labor/delivery be easier. ALL AGES-migraine, asthma, menstrual/female problems, injuries from strains, falls, whiplash. Call us for information.

Spring 2008 39

Products “Healing Music”

By Alan Roubik Distributed by Shifting Frequencies  972-378-1211  www.ShiftingFrequencies.com

Alan’s music has been scientifically tested and endorsed by Dr. Masaru Emoto, author of the “Messages from Water” books. Alan’s CDs are used for pain and anxiety relief, as well as assisting the human immune system.

Side Effects DVD

Distributed by Shifting Frequencies  972-378-1211  www.ShiftingFrequencies.com

This Indie movie called “Side Effects”, starring Katherine Heigl of Grey’s Anatomy, entertains as it illuminates on the workings of the pharmaceutical industry.

Spirit of Water™ DVD

Distributed by Shifting Frequencies PO Box 702956 Dallas, TX 75370-2956  972-378-1211  www.ShiftingFrequencies.com

Inspired by the beautiful crystal photographs of water in Dr. Masaru Emoto’s “Messages from Water” books, award-winning musician, pilot, aerial photographer, and cancer survivor, Craig Peyton, set off on a journey to capture the spirit of water on film. This soothing and meditative nature DVD allows you to experience water in all its forms.

Reflexology Judith Greenwood Reflexologist / LMT Forest/Marsh Lane Area Dallas, TX  214-280-7684

Healing therapies specializing in foot reflexology, Reiki and Sound energy healing, massage, lymphatic drainage, ear candling, Gemstone Energy Medicine, clinical aromatherapy, pre-natal massage, Flow, foot reflexology classes.

Reiki/Energy Healing Energy Dynamics —

Multi-Dimensional Transformational Healing and Spiritual Response Therapy Cynthia R. Shaw, RMT, MTI  972-991-2097  energydynamics@cynthiarshaw.com  www.cynthiarshaw.com

SRT is a system of researching the subconscious mind and soul records to quickly find and release the discordant, limiting ideas and replace them with loving, supportive ideas and beliefs. SRT provides an exacting, powerful, virtually painless and accurate way of changing the landscape of our inner and outer lives. Remote healing available.

Healing Touch

Pamela Mauras-Kelley, Reiki MasterTeacher, Divinity Graduate of Accelerated Creative Force-Quan Yin Creation Center, Hawaii Arlington, TX  817-721-0901  empress3@comcast.net

Experience healing energy grounded in 5th-9th dimensional Ascension/Christ energies and 95 Creative Force energy bodies of Quan Yin, the Ascended Masters & Elohim Angels of Creation. These powerful energies deeply heal, release disruptionary energies and align us in force that gives tremendous enjoyment & empowerment to create what we want. Among other services, I teach Usui Reiki & Portalization of Creative Force. SEE AD.

Restaurants/Bakeries Madras Pavillion

Vegetarian Restaurant 101 S Coit Rd # 359 Richardson, TX 75080-5744  972-671-3672

Experience fine South Indian vegetarian kosher cooking. Serving lunch and dinner 7 days a week. Conveniently located in Richardson off Beltline and Coit.

Retreats/Workshops Inward Paths

Scott Martin 17597 County Road 452 Lindale, TX 75771  903-258-3166  scott@inwardpaths.com  www.inwardpaths.com

Couple’s Massage Workshop (get in touch with your partner) Meditation 101 Workshop (learn to relax) Power Journeys to Sacred Locations (new trips all the time)

Spiritual Organizations Christian Science Reading Room Pam Thompson, Manager 1930 N. Coit Road, #120 SE Corner Coit/Campbell Richardson, TX 75080  972-231-0114  csrrrich@gmail.com  www.csreadingroom-richardson.com

Learn how Jesus healed. Explaining and employing his methods, Christian Science has a century-long record of improving the health and changing the lives of thousands around the world. Our caring staff is experienced in spiritual healing and loves to share spiritual insights, either one-on-one or with groups. The Reading Room is a community center for spiritual discovery and a store offering books and products with healing ideas-including the bestseller, “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures”, which teaches how Jesus healed.


40 HolisticNetworker.com

ai Chi is a low impact exercise that brings together movement, breath, balance, awareness, and serenity. As a martial art it involves the synchronization of breathing and thought with flowing movements of the trunk, arms and legs. These graceful movements have been choreographed over the centuries so that by the end of the routine the participant will have turned to face all four directions.

Spring 2008

Tai Chi

When assuming the postures the hips and knees are slightly flexed, the arms move through the air gracefully, while weight is constantly shifted between both feet. Often, balancing on one foot is held for several seconds while slowly turning to face different directions. This requires a dynamic ability to maintain balance, and the endurance to stay erect while moving to a new position. To accomplish this, the mind must be cleared of superfluous thoughts, and become focused on the precise location of each body part as they move through the forms. In this way, Tai Chi becomes a mental exercise in meditation.

Tai Chi follows the tradition of yin and yang with the unity of opposites embodied in the postures. Yin represents negative and yielding power, while yang represents positive power and action. According to tradition, one can not exist without the other. Although they are in opposition, they are simultaneously complementary. Yin and yang movement themes abound in Tai Chi. In some postures the arms are held close to the body in a defensive manner but then open up to lunge outward while turning to a different direction. Weight is constantly being shifted between the legs to advance or retreat. This philosophy of opposites in balance and harmony transcends the physical application of Tai Chi movements. It includes a way of thinking that can be applied to

By Dr. David G. Lancaster, DO, ABHM many situations, from social interactions to mental contemplation. An example of a social application is when two partners in a relationship have a disagreement. If one of the partners holds a righteous position that is unyielding, a lover’s quarrel is bound to occur that results in hurt feelings. If, on the other hand, each partner is willing to discuss their individual positions, a verbal dance may take place when the partners yield their position a little in order to gain something

else that they desire. In the end a balance, or compromise is achieved with the two opposing views. An inward example is the mental sparring one goes through when trying to make a difficult decision. The risk and rewards of the choices are contemplated until a decision is made. Each choice has both positive and negative aspects that need to be considered. Making the correct decision requires mental or spiritual centering that

Photo credit: Photos.com

The word ‘Tai’ translates to “big, extreme,” and ‘Chi’ translates to “excellence.” Together the words ‘Tai Chi’ take on the meaning of “ultimate, eternal existence.”


allows the self confidence that the decision made is truly correct. Although several legends exist about the origins of Tai Chi, it is agreed that it developed approximately 500 years ago in China. Tai Chi has evolved through the generations into several different styles, each carrying the family surname of the contributor. They include: Chen (the oldest), Wu, Sun, and Yang. Chen has large movements that are either quick or slow. Wu is mid-paced with compact movements, whereas the Sun style has quick compact movements. Yang is the most popular with 108 to 128 slow, long movements. A short form known as the Yang 24 is widely practiced in the US and is also the style most researched in the medical literature. Yang 24 was standardized by the Chinese National Council of Sports and Physical Education of the Government of the People’s Republic of China in 1956. It was adopted to reduce the complexity and time required to complete the forms. Regardless of style, Tai Chi requires a focus of attention to the details of the movements that results in a heightened awareness of body to maintain balance and mental centering. Tai Chi can be practiced at any age but is most popular with the older population in China. It requires moderate intensity with estimated demands of 2.6 to 4.6 metabolic units (METs). A metabolic unit is a way to measure cardiac demands during activity. It is defined as the bodies’ use of 3.5 milliliters of oxygen per kilogram of oxygen per minute of activity. In practical terms, lying quietly equals 1.0 MET, standing equals 1.2-1.6 METs, walking 3 mph is 4.3 METs, and jogging is 9 METs. Because of the low to moderate MET range of Tai Chi, it is an ideal form of exercise for those with chronic cardiac conditions. Tai Chi offers an advantage over some exercise forms because it requires no equipment—only a small, quiet space to perform.

Spring 2008 41

There are close to a thousand papers published on Tai Chi. Of these only a handful are well designed. The majority of higherquality studies examine Tai Chi’s effect on balance and cardiovascular outcomes. Fear of falling is common in senior citizens and can lead to activity restriction, decreased social activity, deconditioning, and even an increased risk of falling. Approximately 40% of healthy seniors aged 65 or older fall each year. Half of these result in minor injury, while 10% result in serious injuries requiring hospitalization. A landmark study that provided the first evidence that Tai Chi reduced falls was conducted by Wolf, et al at Emory University. This study randomly assigned 200 older adults into one of three groups: Tai Chi, computerized balance training, or an educational control group. After 15 weeks the Tai Chi group reduced the risk of multiple falls by 47.5%. There was also a reduced fear of falling and a reduction in blood pressure. In 2005, Li et al conducted a six-month randomized control trial to study fall reductions in senior citizens. Two hundred and fifty six people were randomly divided between a Tai Chi group and a stretchingexercise control group. At the end of six months, the Tai Chi group had significantly fewer falls and fewer injurious falls requiring medical treatment when compared to the control group. The participants also had a reduction in the fear of falling and improved functional balance. There are several randomized controlled studies examining the effect of Tai Chi on cardiac function. Young et al, found a reduction in blood pressure following 12 weeks of Tai Chi. Participants were randomized into either a Tai Chi or aerobic exercise groups. Both groups had improvement in blood pressure. However, the difference between the two was that the intensity of the aerobic group was much more demanding. Aerobic mid-exercise heart rates reached an average of 112 beats per minute compared to 75 beats

per minute in the Tai Chi group. The significance of this is that individuals with cardiac conditions, where intensive aerobic exercise is too dangerous, may be able to participate in Tai Chi and still receive similar cardiovascular benefits. Several other studies found significant effects of lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, and a study at Harvard found an improvement of heart function in individuals suffering from congestive heart failure. There are many fine studios in the Dallas/Fort Worth area to learn Tai Chi. Most are offered in martial art studios and community centers. The most important consideration when choosing a teacher is your comfort level with the movements and the rapport with the teacher. There is mounting medical evidence that Tai Chi improves balance and has cardiac benefits. More studies are being conducted with respect to arthritis, osteoporosis, depression and concentration. Out of all the studies on Tai Chi there were very few complicating or adverse effects documented. Tai Chi is a safe and therapeutic exercise that only requires a small quiet space to practice. It is a low impact exercise that brings together movement, breath, balance, awareness, and serenity.

Web Resources

www.nccam.nih.gov/health/taichi/ www.mayoclinic.com/health/tai-chi/SA00087 www.simplyaware.com www.medicinenet.com/tai_chi/article.htm

About the Author

David G. Lancaster, D.O. is a physical medicine and rehabilitation resident at Baylor Institute of Rehabilitation.† He is a diplomat of the American Board of Holistic Medicine. He specializes in musculoskeletal disorders using osteopathic manipulation and conventional treatments. He may be reached at 972-804-6795.

42 HolisticNetworker.com

Spring 2008

Earth Rhythms

Amy Martin 381 Casa Linda Plaza #137 Dallas, TX 75218  info@EarthRhythms.org  www.earthrhythms.org

Presenting experiential events, preserving natural places, and providing help to those in need in North Texas. Events include Winter SolstiCelebrations, Moonlady Nights, and talks and concerts by national spiritual leaders. A green cemetery is being planned. Monthly e-newletter with seasonal/lunar dates, features, more.

St. Clement of Alexandria Liberal Catholic Church Fr. Tony J. Howard, Pastor 202 North Allen Dr., Suite E-114 Allen, TX 75002  972-377-3828  pastor@scalcc.org  www.scalcc.org

“Liberal” means “free”; “Catholic” means “universal.” Bells and Smells, Esoteric Friendly, Open Communion every Sunday at 11am. Liberal Catholic: a relief, not an oxymoron.

Universal Light of Christ Church

Rev. Pat Raimondo 6117 Graham St. Lake Worth, TX 76135  817-237-7840  ULCCPatRaimondo@yahoo.com  www.UniversalLightofChristChurch.org

Sunday Service: 11:00am • Classes: The Teachings of Light • Two locations: Florida / Texas • Intuitive Consultations Available

Ranjana’s Yoga & Bodyworks

Ranjana - RYT 500 - 60 years Exp. Enjoy classic Hatha Yoga Meditation Massages with Reflexology - Shirodhara Ear Candling & Waxing


www.ranjanasyoga.com 13614 Midway Rd, Ste 101 · Dallas, TX 75244

Healing Touch

Natural healing for body, mind & spirit

Pamela Mauras-Kelley Usui Reiki Master & Teacher

(817) 721-0901

Email: empress3@comcast.net Arlington TX Reiki - Distance Healing - Reiki for Pets Creative Force Energy Attunements Chakra Balancing - Aromatherapy Bach Flower Remedies - Native & Full Moon Ceremonies, Readings & more

Tai Chi / Qigong Ranjana’s Yoga and Bodyworks Ranjana Pallana 13614 Midway Rd @ Alpha Suite 101 Dallas  972-233-4377  yogagani@swbell.net  www.ranjanasyoga.com

Hatha yoga, Tai Chi, meditation, massages & waxing.

Vedic Astrology Intuitive Astrologer and Tarot Reader Cynthia Novak  metro 817-261-2984

Intuitive astrologer and Tarot reader, Cynthia Novak provides detailed, informative, tape-recorded sessions. All are heart-centered and process oriented.

Yoga Alpha-Omega Yoga Teacher Training Sheri Cherokee, E-RYT 500 Ro Chapa, E-RYT 200  214-226-5247  www.alpha-omegayoga.com

Become an RYT 200 hr. Yoga Alliance Certified Instructor. CEU hours available. Be an inspiration to others or deepen your practice.


Carol A. Stall, MA, E-RYT-500 Richardson, North Dallas and Plano  469-441-7064  carol@namasteusa.us  www.awakenwithyoga.us  www.namasteusa.us

Experience Hatha Yoga to unify body, mind, and spirit. Grow stronger, more flexible, more balanced. Awaken inner awareness. Improve breathing patterns, and experience deep, restorative relaxation. Classes, workshops, retreats, and teacher training.

Pranaa Ayurveda Spa & Yoga Ayurveda | Massage | Yoga LakeSide Market 4017 Preston Road, Suite 532 Plano, TX 75093  972-608-0402  www.pranaa.com

Gentle therapeutic styles like Kripalu and Viniyoga. Basic and advanced yoga classes, yoga for back pain, kids yoga, Beginner series, private yoga session and meditation.

Private Yoga Instruction Ki Steelman, BA, CST, CHT  214-228-4009  www.YogaKi.com

Private yoga instruction for men, couples, seniors, anyone injured. Enjoy an hour of Yoga, Nutrition, Hypnosis, Reiki or Stress Management Education.

Private Yoga Instruction Sheri Cherokee, E-RYT 500  214-226-5247  www.alpha-omegayoga.com

Private yoga instruction for all levels. Over 30 years experience.

Priya Yoga and Nia Studio Lynda “Cricket” Hackney 6421 Southwest Blvd. Benbrook, TX 76132  817-570-9906  www.priya-yoga.com

Offering a gentle but powerful practice, promoting selfhealing through joyful movement. Yoga classes. Nia classes. Private yoga sessions. Thai yoga massage. Yoga teacher training program.

Author Interview: Gina Mazza Hillier Q. How does the EM, NM lifestyle apply to creativity?

A. For various reasons as we progress through life, our creative spirit can become shrouded, squelched, devalued, injured or ignored altogether. Forced to choose between our heart’s desires and everyday practicality, we often deny that creative part of ourselves or put it on a shelf to be tended to “some day.” Embracing the book’s 7-step path will enable you to uncloak your passionate nature. In time, you will become as prolific as you wish to be—in your art, in your heart, and in your life.

Q. What else will this process afford me?

A. Speaking from experience, I can say that it will give you a fresh, bold, fearless inner confidence. It will help you to dissolve resistances, release expectations, intend greatness and embrace immensity. In short, you will live larger, with more surety of purpose.

Q. What does the EM, NM process of awakening consist of?

A. The book (and our workshops) gently guide others through the 7 incremental steps: Intention, Daily Practice, Paying Attention, Turning Within, Working with a Mentor, Witnessing—and finally, Integration. Each concept alone is life-changing. Taken together, they are nothing short of transformational. By the time you have assimilated these seven concepts, your life will not look, feel or be the same.

Q. How do I begin?

Q. What is the meaning behind the book’s title?

A. Everything Matters, Nothing Matters is a provocative life mantra for moving beyond what I call a “sepia-tone version of life” and into a more vivid, multicolored existence. With prismatic living, we are in gratitude for all things. Everything Matters – every dewdrop, every triumph and tragedy, every emotion, every living being. Even the profane is sacred. AND, at the same time, Nothing Matters because from the highest, most loving perspective, there really is no good or bad,

right or wrong, us or them. Everything is a blessing. The beauty of this paradox is a simple blueprint for how to be “Alive” with a capital A.

Q. So the book discusses how everything is interconnected and the value of synchronicity in our lives? A. Yes, it reveals how to connect the dots in your life and—beyond that—how to recognize when the dots are connecting themselves.

Gina Mazza Hillier

A. One place to start is to work with the action items at the end of the book. They will serve to clear your creative channel and access realms of higher creativity, as well as lead you to a creative encounter with your life’s higher story. Good luck, have fun and know that you are loved.

44 HolisticNetworker.com

The Underground Shopper

Spring 2008


Shops for Health and Fitness Deals By Sue Goldstein Dr. Yvonne Lewis

Cynthia Pierro

Herb Mart


By Appt. Only


2626 N. Hall St., Suite 617 Dallas, TX 75219 By Appt. Only


For years Yvonne Lewis had a fascination and inquisitiveness about natural medicine. She earned a Masters in Social Work,(MSW), which started her journey on investigating nutrition, supplements and natural therapies thus leading her to write her first book, “Where’s the Toast? “A Woman’s Guide to Managing Menopause Naturally.” She has had extensive training in the area of women’s health with some of the most powerful health and nutritional practitioners. She also has a Doctor of Naturopathy degree from the Trinity College of Natural Health and completed her studies at the North Texas School of Swedish Massage, certified in all kinds of other natural healing therapies such as reflexology, acupuncture and more. So if you’re in pain or want to reevaluate why you’re not feeling well, Dr. Lewis is in private practice for consultations, speaking engagements and holistic therapies. She cured my toothache within seconds. She is also a gold and platinum album vocalist - singing with Quincy Jones, Roberta Flack, Luther Vandross, Whitney Houston, I mean … she has many talents. You might recognize her voice as the jingle singer on Quaker Oats, Wrigley’s Spearmint Gum, Chic Jeans, Burger King, Special K, Dodge, Ford...well, the list is endless. On TV, she co-hosted Praise the Lord Show and a Gift of Love, a Christmas special that aired on the Fox Network. She has performed on “The Tonight Show,” “Saturday Night Live” and David Letterman and others. Now she’s devoting her efforts to holistic health.

214/351-5528 Dallas


Cynthia Pierro has so many initials by her name, you may think there’s no letter left. She is so diversified in the healing arts, you’ll wonder how she found time to engage is so many modalities. She’s got credentials as a: MIT, RPP, NLP but if you don’t know what they mean, one thing is obvious...when you meet her, her love of healing is written all over her face. Holistic health modalities can help most everyone. Cynthia is a Registered Polarity Practitioner with the American Polarity Therapy Association, a certified Neuro-linguistic Programmer, a Licensed Massage therapist & instructor and a certified Aromatherapist. She is a teacher and a practitioner of wellness with more than 20 years of experience. Through Taoist Healing Love, and other wellness disciplines, Cynthia easily guides you to more playful states of being, while still feeling comfortable. Don’t you deserve loving relationships? More serenity in your life? Learn more about her activities by going to her website.

4010 W. 15th Street Plano, TX 75093 Mon-Sat 10-7; Sun 12-6 www.herbmarttx.com

Spice up your life the natural “whey” at the Herb Mart. and save 50 percent on NATURE’S WAY which is one of the reasons our blood coagulates when we see their prices. Their everyday low prices make living an alternative life style almost worth living. And prices here are so much healthier than others. All name brand products (herbs, vitamins and minerals) are discounted with store personnel knowledgeable about each potential power. Choose your weapon in products from EMERGEN-C, GREEN MAGNUM, METABOLIFE, PRO-GEST CREAM, RICE DREAM -- then dream on. Check website for additional locations: Mesquite 3330 N. Galloway, Suite 150, 972/270-6521

Dallas 6464 East Northwest Hwy (Medallion Center) Suite 335, 214/370-8120

Order in person, or relax and have them delivered to your mailbox.


Organic Healthy Lifestyle with Nancy Addison Dallas By Appt. Only 972/949-2296


When you raise two of the healthiest kids in town, and your pediatrician applauds you, you must have done something right. And Nancy Addison is living proof that you can live the good life and maintain good health every step of the way. As a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition which is affiliated with Columbia University, she also studied at Le Cordon Bleu Culinary School in London, England combining her love of healthy living and gourmet cooking. Too, she is a graduate of Hollins University in Roanoke, Virginia. But her real passion (besides rescuing wild life is teaching others how to live a full and rich life without harming the environment or injesting harmful products. She is living proof of maintaining a healthy lifestyle as she practices what she preaches. Let her review your eating and lifestyle habits and I guarantee she’ll motivate you to jump on the organic bandwagon. You won’t be sorry. Her enthusiasm is infectious and you can’t help but want her recipes as they are delicious. Let her teach you how to improve your eating habits so you’ll feel confident in choosing and preparing better food for yourself and your family. In doing so, you’ll be amazed at the remarkable increase in your energy and vitality. Stop those out-of-control cravings and binges. Feel better about your body and maybe even achieve your ideal weight. Everything then will fall into place as you experience an increase in the overall well-being. Whatever your concerns, her job is to help you find which food and lifestyle choices will work best for you. When diet changes, everything changes. It’s a truly holistic approach to life. Make your appointment online for your FREE consultation.

Spring 2008 45

A Link for Life

2755 Valley View Lane Farmers Branch 75234 972/241-LIFE (5433)


Tamela Johnston and her husband Rob are THE miracle workers if you’re not feeling your optimal best. Tamela holds all of the necessary credentials and certificates to be a RMT and CPT, registered massage therapist and certified personal trainer. She has had extensive training going back to 1992 when she first graduated from the Austin School of Massage. Her training and additional coursework fills up three or four pages. Too, she is an instructor in both disciplines which puts her into a class of experts that few in the Metroplex can even come close. Whether you use her skills out on location or at her facility, she can help you personally achieve optimal success in body and mind. And so can her husband though her deals in communication and your brain waves. Don’t ask. Just do as they say for any ache or ailment.

Since 1972, Sue Goldstein has written over 75 books on where to get the best buys and how to live the good life for less. She is a frequent contributor to local television and a regular on The Today Show. She also is the host of her own radio show on 1160 AM from 10am-Noon each Saturday as well as a frequent guest speaker and consultant to the off-price industry nationally. She is an expert on the subject of self-publishing and how to get free promotion of which she is well-known. Remember the 99 cent wedding? Come hear Sue’s talk at the Wellness Expo on Saturday, April 19 at 1pm on “Living the Good Life at Half the Price”. Visit her website at: www.undergroundshopper.com

Events & Classifieds April 19-20 WELLNESS EXPO/EARTHFEST in Addison produced by the Holistic Networker®. This two-day, indoor/outdoor event will be held on Saturday & Sunday, 11am-6pm, Addison Conference Centre, 15650 Addison Rd, 3 blocks north of Beltline, two blocks west of the Tollway. Call 972-378-3770 for information about exhibiting or attending. SEE AD ON BACK COVER or see our web page at www.WellnessExpo.net

May 8 See Sylvia Browne Live with Colette Baron-Reid for the “Temples on the Other Side” 2008 Lecture Tour. 7pm-10pm at the Dallas Convention Center. Space is limited. Call 800-654-5126 or visit www.sylvia.org


Monthly Multi-Dimensional Healing in Massage CEUs for Massage Therapists/Open to the public. Classes are held each month. Contact Cynthia R. Shaw for workshop details. 972-991-2097 or cynthiarshaw@aol.com Monthly Vegetarian Society of DFW is now called VegetarianDallas. It holds monthly fun educational dinner meetings and potluck for members and nonmembers alike. 214-432-5480 or www.vegetariandallas.com Ongoing FREE MYSTICAL FAIR every 2nd and 4th Saturday and Sunday. Readers, Healers, Psychic’s and Mediums. AURA photos. Messages of Joy, 190 W. Main St, Lewisville, TX 75057. Phone 972-221-8080 Ongoing FREE Rudra Meditation as taught by Swami Rudrananda (Rudi). Near Coit/Campbell. Wed. 7pm, Sat. 9am. Hu Resnick 972-669-8798. Ongoing Yoga Teacher Training: Namaste USA 200 hour program. Yoga Alliance registered. Monthly training events. 469-441-7064. www.namasteusa.us

3-5 WITCHSTOCK: A Wiccan Event www.celticgroves.org

Space Available

Ongoing Every 3rd Tuesday John Cappello...Visionary... Presents Views From The Other Side. Gallery at 7PM, $20. The Gallery is a special time when amazing information comes to us from the Spirit World. Come and join us! Positive Touch: 972-480-0678, 504 Business Parkway, Richardson, Texas 75081 Every Thursday MEDITATION AND SPIRITUAL LIVING CLASS. Based on the Kriya Yoga tradition. 7:00-8:15 p.m. Location: NRH Professional Bldg., 4109 Cagle Drive, Suite C, North Richland Hills, TX 76180. Donation basis. For more info: Ilene 817-267-9305 or idill@airmail.net Affiliated with Center for Spiritual Awareness, Lakemont, GA; Director, Roy Eugene Davis, a direct disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda Web site: www.csa-davis.org

Elegant office available within our studio complex with great ambiance and offering potential clientèle of yoga practitioners. Ideally suited for individual practitioners/specialists of alternative therapy. Our refurbished studios available on rent for Workshops, meetings or discussion groups. Excellent location LBJ/Preston Road with ample parking. Yoga for Life 12835 Preston Rd, Suite #427, Dallas, TX 75230 Tel #: (972)-392-9642 Email: yfl_dallas@yahoo.com MEETING/WORKSHOP SPACE AVAILABLE. Richardson location. In the vicinity of Hwy I-75 and Spring Valley. 972-480-0678. WORKSHOP SPACE AVAILABLE. Yoga studio in Plano available to practitioners of alternate therapy for workshops & discussion groups. Call 972-342-5585.

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Native Teachings Medicine Card Readings Sweat Lodge Vision Quests Lucid Dreaming John Stone 214-908-6261 www.lulu.com/todream

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Wellness Expo w/ EarthFest

Your Astrology: Now Online



April 19-20 See Program Guide pages 23-26

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Eating with the Season: Springtime

Tai Chi: The Perfect Exercise?


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Wellness Expo with EarthFest in Addison ®






Holistic Networker 972-378-3770 WellnessExpo.net Sponsored by:






ADMISSION ONLY $5/day Adults over 65 FREE Children under 12 FREE FREE Parking

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to the Addison Conference Centre

• I-635 to the North Dallas Tollway, • go North, exit Beltline Rd, • go West 2 blocks to Addison Rd, • go 3 blocks north to Addison Circle. under the Addison Water Tower at 15650 Addison Road MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR THE FALL WELLNESS EXPO, OCTOBER 18-19, 2008

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