Holistic Networker: Summer 2008

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Biofeedback Amma Visits Dallas Live an Inspiring Life

Eating with the Season Interview with a Green Inventor


Divinely Inspired Art by Nicole Your Summer Astrology The Underground Shopper速

Shopping for Health & Fitness Deals

Wellness Expo in Addison

October 18-19




Summer 2008 3


Publishers Tony Cecala, Ph.D. Felicia Weiss, Ph.D. Holistic Networker® is DFW’s guide for holistic health and personal growth. 28,000 copies are printed quarterly and distributed freely at health food stores, bookstores, cafés, wellness centers and selected retail outlets.

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Holistic Networker PO Box 702956 Dallas, TX 75370-2956 972-403-0940 972-403-1536 info@HolisticNetworker.com www.HolisticNetworker.com myspace.com/holisticnetworker myspace.com/wellnessexpo

Advertising Information:

See the inside back cover for advertising rates.

Subscriptions by Mail: Subscriptions are free or download a free copy at HolisticNetworker.com/magazine Contents Amma Visits Dallas............................................8 Inventor Interview: Gregory Taylor.................24 Divinely Inspired Art by Nicole .......................35 Biofeedback.....................................................38 Eating with the Season ...................................40 Your Summer Stars .........................................41 The Underground Shopper® Report...............44 Events/Classifieds ............................................46 Advertising Rates & Information ....................47

Directory Holistic Forum................4 Acupuncture ................16 Alternative Healing.......16 Bodywork.....................16 Bookstores/Gifts ...........18 Childbirth .....................20 Chiropractic..................20 Coaching......................20 Colonics........................28 Counseling/Therapy ....28 Dance/Movement .......28 Dentistry.......................28 Education/Personal Growth.........................28 Environmental Services..30 Holistic Centers ............30 Holistic Medicine..........30 Holistic Veterinary.........30 Homeopathy................30 Hypnotherapy..............30

Interior Design/ Feng Shui .....................32 Iridology .......................32 Lymphatic Drainage Therapy ........................32 Macrobiotics ................32 Meditation ...................32 Metaphysical Arts & Sciences....................32 Movement ...................32 Nutrition.......................34 Osteopathy ..................34 Products .......................34 Reflexology ..................41 Reiki/Energy Healing....41 Spiritual Organizations ..43 Tai Chi / Qigong ..........43 Vedic Astrology ............43 Yoga .............................43

Holistic Networker provides an advertising service. We are not responsible for the claims stated by our advertisers. The information in this publication does not constitute medical advice. Holistic Networker is a registered trademark of Holistic Networker, LLC. Copyright © 2008, Holistic Networker, LLC. All rights reserved.


hen I was a first-grader my girlfriend was the love of my life. One glance from her set my heart a-flutter. The highlight of my day would be to sit near her in class. As summer approached, my heart sank; she lived three miles from me—an impossible distance for a 6-yearold. That summer, I sobbed into my pillow for endless nights—I missed her dearly. I’m certain that she had no such sorrow in her heart; to her, we were merely classmates. The entirety of this love affair was in my imagination. In actuality, our relationships exist entirely in the mental space between our ears. We create beliefs about others and then we look for evidence in the world that reflects those beliefs. Relationships are not only about the unique ideas of two people about each other—these ideas are the relationship. What happens when one person in a relationship moves away, moves on, or dies? Grief—the ego’s reaction to loss—is an entirely personal experience. We can imagine what a person is experiencing, but we can only, truly, know our own grief. If we primarily define ourselves as a role in a relationship: “I am a husband/wife/father/ mother/son/daughter” etc., then, with loss, that role is replaced by an empty space we feel in our heart. The role we were experiencing loses its basis in reality (the other). We’ve lost our reference point for who we were being— we’ve lost the “yin” for our “yang”. We feel lost and confused—we are grief-stricken. Practitioners of Buddhism regularly remind themselves that impermanence is a constant part of life. In learning to let go, we remember that we are not any role or identity, or any one person defined by another. Rather, we are the Source of these ideas. When overcome with grief, some people pray, some go to counseling, and some just get busy. There are many ways to endure the grief that follows a loss. Over time, the anguish and suffering do pass, and are replaced by tranquility and acceptance, and we feel whole again. How tightly we identify with and cling to our ideas and identities ultimately governs how long we suffer. In letting go, we adopt an open mind and heart to the ever-changing circumstances of the world. Warm regards,

Tony Cecala “Only the fairy-tale equates changelessness with happiness....Permanence means paralysis and death. Only in movement, with all its pain, is life.” —Jacob Burckhardt


hat if you only had a few months to live and you knew it? What would you do? How would you live your remaining days? What words of wisdom would you leave behind, especially if you had young children? Such was the dilemma for Randy Pausch, a Carnegie Mellon professor and a married man with three young children, who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and given only a few months to live. His final lecture, which he gave this past September, was videotaped and has been downloaded by over six million people. He was featured on Oprah and on Diane Sawyer and has even given testimony before Congress, as he is doing everything he can to raise public awareness and research funding for pancreatic cancer. He has an incredible website at: http://download.srv.cs.cmu.edu/ ~pausch/ which includes his last lecture, his special on Diane Sawyer, and his day-to-day update page. His lecture, which he really gave for his 3 children to watch when they grow up, was not about death, but about how to live. He pointed out that while we can’t control the cards we are dealt, we can control how we play them. He believes we should never forget our childhood dreams, nor lose the spirit that anything is possible. It’s important that we keep our sense of fun and wonder. He discusses the importance of humility and of how we should value people rather than things. He suggests that we decide early on if we are a tigger (full of fun, energy, and enthusiasm for life) or an eeyore (full of complaints and a negative view of the world). He believes that we should live with integrity. We can do this by telling the truth and by apologizing when we mess up. He points out that there are three steps to an apology. We should say we are sorry, admit it was our fault, and ask how we might make it right. He feels that no one is evil and that if we wait long enough, they will show us their good side. He also discusses the importance of showing gratitude. I found his lecture to be so inspiring. I marvel at how Randy could have chosen to become bitter about his situation. Instead he chose to be an example to others of how to live our lives, even under the most difficult circumstances. As of the writing of this late in May, he is still alive. He has lived far longer than was expected and, of course, he is grateful for that. I hope we all learn to play the cards we’ve been dealt and to follow Randy’s inspiring example.

Love & Light, Felicia Weiss

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Summer 2008

HolisticForum What is Iridology and how can it help me? It has been said that the eye is the mirror of the soul, and that it discloses the different mental and physical conditions of the body; we generally speak of the ‘vivid clear eye’ of the well person, of the ‘anguishing, glaring eye’ of the consumptive; of the ‘broken eye’ of the dead-sick. Various nervous diseases are disclosed by the decreased mobility of the pupil; frequent disturbances of the sight point to diseases of the kidneys (diabetes), as does also the falling out of the eye-lashes. By analyzing the iris of the eye, it is possible to determine the condition of your body by reflex markings found in the corresponding fibers of the iris. Iridology analyzes the iris of the eye to determine the cause of your ill health, in what state it is in, how it arrived there, how to free your body of it, and most of all, when you have freed it. To help you find out the root of your health problem call Iridologist, Edna Craven, DC, BCNP, BCI at 972-256-0004 / dreecraven@earthlink.net (25 yrs. experience). 10% discount with this ad.

What is that octogen-shaped image mean in Feng Shui? A foundation of all Feng Shui practices and analysis is the Bagua Map. This magical square contains the mystery and answers of the I Ching, a universe of information. Each sector of the octagon shaped Bagua Map, called a trigram, gua, or kua, has a magnetic direction, a number, a color, an element, a family member, corresponding organs body parts and body systems. Each also represents personality traits, businesses and industries, and is represented cyclically as these energies move in predictable directions over time. Feng Shui uses the Mysteries of the Bagua Map to analyze and diagnose a property to identify precisely what is affecting you, and how to make the changes that can open opportunities for a better life. Feng Shui specialist, Karen Ann Tompkins, has worked in hundreds of homes and businesses. Featured on channel 8, WFAA, Good Morning Texas, The Dallas Morning News, D Magazine, Dallas Woman and others, she also teaches classes and is a popular lecturer. She can be reached at 972-669-1595.

What is CranioFascial Integrative Therapy? This therapy recognizes the importance of the integration of the fascial and CranioSacral systems and works to gently release restrictions that may be causing pain, or problems in the immune, nervous, digestive, endocrine or other body systems. Using a very light touch the therapist works to correct the origin of the pain. It has been used to successfully correct infertility, scoliosis, plantar fasciitis, ADD/ADHD, carpal tunnel, fibromyalgia, sports injuries, arthritis, and pain in any area of the body, including migraines. Frankie Burget is a licensed Occupational Therapist and Fellow with the American College of Wellness who has practiced in the DFW area for over 20 years. She has extensive training including Barnes Myofascial Release Centers and Upledger Institute. You may view her curriculum vitae on the About Us page of her website, www.windsongtherapy.com. Please contact her at 817571-8135 or frankie@windsongtherapy.com. Please see bodywork section for more information.

Why do I keep attracting certain types of people in my life? Do I have unfinished Karma or lessons with them? Past life regression is a wonderful way to connect with your eternal soul and learn more about recurring patterns and what to make of people who “show up” in your life. They may be in your Soul Group! Through hypnosis, you can access memories of past lives and gain insight into these patterns and people, which are key to understanding the lessons you are learning. And, once you learn the lesson, you don’t have to continue to repeat the situation! A good hypnosis candidate is anyone who is bright, inquisitive and open-minded. Just the fact that you are open to learning more about yourself helps you bridge the gap between your life today and the lives you have lived in other times and other places. After a past life session, one client said, I just feel lighter—as if a huge burden was lifted—I’m no longer afraid.” PJ Spur is a certified hypnotherapist, with advanced training in Past Life Regression and “Life Between Lives” Exploration, and was taught by the teachers who created Dr. Michael Newton’s curriculum for this important regression model. Please contact her at 972-822-4548 or e-mail: soulrevelations7@gmail.com. Learn more at: www.soulrevelations.com

How do I become more passionate and joyful? We’re so easily distracted by technology and the business of life that we are becoming less and less in touch with our bodies. Bioenergetics helps us to be aware of our bodies, our breathing, our grounding so that we can make more conscious choices about what we want in our lives as well as what we don’t want.

Sherri Lackman is a Master’s Level Licensed Professional Counselor. She holds membership in the American Counseling Association, the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis, the Dallas Society for Bioenergetic Analysis, and the Heart-Centered Therapies Association. Sherri treats Depression, Bipolar, Anxiety, and Eating Disorders. Her office is located in Richardson, 972-231-4466.

What is Thai massage? Thai massage is a blend of acupressure, gentle yoga stretches, massage and energy work. The client wears comfortable clothing and lies on the floor on a soft mat. Benefits include: stretching muscles, feeling relaxed, increasing flexibility and reducing stress. Client testimonial: “Thai massage with Suzanne moves you to the center of your own senses...the center of intuition…to the place where you become exactly who you are...Love. -Libba Davis”

Suzanne Miller is a Licensed Massage Therapist and Certified Kripalu Yoga Teacher who has a practice in the Dallas area. She has traveled in the US, Thailand and England to enhance her training and studies of Thai massage. To schedule an appointment, please call 972-319-3661.

Do you know that you’re not alone? Have you lost someone close to you? Are you seeking to heal yourself and/or a relationship? Do you feel stuck in your own life? Do you feel confused, frustrated, lonely? I can help! Allow me to guide you through the situations in your life. Through my personal intuitive readings I can assist you with personal spiritual development, healing relationships and resolving issues around grief and death. As a psychic medium, I integrate Empathic Techniques with Mediumship Skills, Clairvoyance and Channeling accessing higher realms of wisdom and knowledge. Are you ready to take action and make changes to improve your life? Contact Jennifer Farmer for an appointment at 817-690-4208 or jennifer@butterflyspiritconnections.com. Personal and professional services: Personal Readings, Group Readings, Mentoring/Coaching Services, Lecture and Speaking Services and Professional Intuitive Consulting Services. For more info. visit www.butterflyspiritconnections.com.

How can CranioSacral Therapy help my life? Whether your problems are structural, organic, emotional or neurological, this powerful therapy can facilitate your healing on all levels at once. Its many modes include gentle manipulation of the cranio-sacral system surrounding the central nervous system, including membranes of the skull to relieve any compressions that can cause a myriad of symptoms in the head; using energy via the fascia to restore structural integrity of the body and unwind tension patterns; and using energy combined with positioning and dialoguing to release stored energy from physical and emotional traumas. Best of all, most clients enjoy a much deeper relaxation than with massage. Sandy Hanne, R.M.T, has helped thousands of clients change their lives using CranioSacral Therapy. An advanced practitioner, she has studied directly with Dr. John Upledger, founder of the technique. 469-438-8634.

How can I get ready for the upcoming Golden Era on Earth? A spiritual change is taking place on this planet and is causing a lot of meteorological changes. More than ever it is important that your relationship with God be stronger. GOD IS AVAILABLE TO EVERYBODY! You need to clean your thoughts and heal your emotional wounds, so you can be open to change. Olga Gabriela believes that most of us need some form of therapy. A lot of us have issues with our relatives, with social contacts in general, or even with God. Many of us have been deeply wounded emotionally. Many of us learned not to share our pain. As a result many of us walk around carrying the burden of emotional pain and distress. Olga Gabriela is an inborn psychic and medium. She studied hypnotherapy. In 2001 she took the certification course Angel Therapy Practitioner with Dr. Doreen Virtue. She also took Psychosynthesis, a transpersonal psychology with Patrick Harbula. Her office is in Dallas, 1-469-952-7755. For more info visit www.elcentroespiritualom.com

6 HolisticNetworker.com

Summer 2008

Academy of Hypnosis Training Institute and Clinic “If being self-employed is your dream and helping others is your passion, you owe it to yourself to make the call today”

The Trinity Centre of Dallas, located at 3628 Vintage Place, Dallas, TX 75214, is a holistic center offering complementary modalities of healing. Margaret Clench, PhD, RN, Director of the Trinity Centre, has received her PhD in Energy Medicine and Spiritual Healing and has pursued post-doctoral studies with Dr. Caroline Myss. Dr. Clench draws upon these studies and her background of over thirty years working in the healing profession to help her clients through spiritual counseling and education and energy balancing. Modalities offered by Dr. Clench at the Trinity Centre include: The Trinity Table: A hand-crafted oak bed that rotates slowly and comfortably offering a deep state of relaxation and shifts in brain waves and deepening levels of consciousness. Scientific research conducted by Dr. Clench and others suggest that this experience is effective in lowering levels of pain, stress, fatigue, depression, anger and anxiety. GDV: An energy field measuring device, developed by Dr. Konstantin Korotkhov, a Russian scientist, enables individuals to see where they are holding patterns of emotional energy, including anger, grief and unresolved issues. Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland is currently conducting research on the GDV. Spiritual Growth classes and seminars: • Sacred Contracts classes, based on the work of Dr. Caroline Myss, lead you through a detailed exploration of your archetypes and your soul’s contract. • Awakening to Your Inner Voice – an Intuition class • Nurture Your Soul Weekend • Exploring the Woman Within Workshop • Deepening to Spirit, a weekend retreat for women. Contact Dr. Clench at

214 754 8080

Email TrinityDallas1@aol.com website: TrinityTables.org

Now offering LOW LEVEL LASER THERAPY for Weight Loss and Smoking Cessation as an adjunct to Hypnosis Dale E. Emmert, Ph.D., Director American Council of Hypnotist Examiners American Board of Medical Hypnotherapists Assoc. of Registered Behavioral Therapists



What’s the difference between Reconnective Healing™ and The Reconnection™ ? The difference between Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection is basically one of intent. The intent of Reconnective Healing is essentially that of healing, be it physical, mental, emotional, spiritual or on any other level. And, of course, to achieve the degree of healing brought forth via Reconnective Healing, you will, to some extent, experience reconnection as part of the process. It’s this “Reconnection” that allows Reconnective Healing to be so dramatically more comprehensive than the healing “techniques” we’ve had up until now. The intent of The Reconnection is to bring us into the fullness of our inherent connection with the universe. This is done via a two-session experience, commonly referred to as receiving your Personal Reconnection. And, of course, to achieve the degree of reconnection brought fourth via The Reconnection, you will, to some extent, experience healing as part of the process. And, although the two are not completely separate processes, to obtain the full benefits of each, your Reconnective Healing sessions and your personal Reconnection sessions are to be experienced on separate occasions. Jim Nippert, Reconnective Healing Practitioner™, is a catalyst for change and was trained personally by Dr. Eric Pearl, the founder of the technique. 469-877-6578


Summer 2008 7

A Natural Approach to Healing All Aspects of Adult Care


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Summer 2008

AMMA, Celebrated Humanitarian and “God’s Love in a Human Body” to receive thousands in North Texas June 29-30


tireless humanitarian, Mata Amritanandamayi, better known as “Amma” or “Ammachi,” visits Addison, on Sunday June 29 and Monday June 30. She will receive thousands with her blessing – a healing embrace. Considered a living Saint in her homeland, Amma, 54, has quietly gained an extraordinary reputation over the last 30 years as a result of the extensive charitable institutions she has established, and for her personal outreach. Sleeping merely a couple hours per day, she teaches by the constant example of her own life, emphasizing selfless social service. Through her extraordinary acts of love and self-sacrifice, Amma has endeared herself to millions. She tenderly caresses everyone who comes to her, holding them close to her heart. Darshan is a Sanskrit term describing “audience in the presence of a holy person”. In a radical departure from Indian tradition (particularly for a woman), Amma’s darshan consists of a long tender embrace. In India, vast crowds usually assemble to the point where Amma may individually receive and hug over 40,000 people in one day, sitting continuously. She will never turn anyone away, nor charge any money. It is estimated that Amma has given over 26 million hugs in her life. Amma’s compassion crosses all barriers of nationality, race, caste and religion. Amma teaches that the Divine exists in everything – in every person, plant and animal. Perceiving this unity is the essence of spirituality and the means by which to end all suffering. Through this simple, yet powerful message Amma is transforming our world, one embrace at a time.

As Dr. Jane Goodall, while presenting Amma with the 2002 Gandhi-King Award for Non-violence said, “She stands here in front of us: God’s love in a human body.” “She has been compared to Mother Teresa and Mohandas K. Gandhi…” —Washington Post With official NGO status granted by the United Nations, Amma oversees a vast network of charitable activities of three distinct types: 1) direct aid to the needy 2) educational institutions designed to help the underprivileged help themselves, and 3) social programs that serve broader society and the planet. In recognition of her humanitarian endeavors, most recently in the area of disaster relief, Amma received the James Parks Morton Award in 2006. In 2002, Amma was greeted by a roaring standing ovation at the U.N. in Geneva, upon being recognized with the Gandhi-King Award for Non-Violence, an award previously given to Nelson Mandela, Kofi Annan, and Dr. Jane Goodall. Amma was the closing plenary at the 2004 Parliament of The World’s Religions in Barcelona, wherein she emphasized the importance of harnessing “spiritual power” in an effort to rise above religious differences.

It is inspiring to be reminded of what is beautiful and deep about the human spirit.

Program Schedule June 29 & 30 Addison, Texas, Hotel Inter-Continental 15201 Dallas Parkway: Free public programs will take place beginning at 10 am on Sunday, June 29, with a brief meditation, and then Amma’s darshan, which continues into mid-afternoon. Sunday evening, at 7:30 pm, the program starts with a talk, and music led by Amma. Darshan begins around 9:30 pm and goes late into the night; Amma will not leave until everyone who wishes to have her personal blessing has been received. The morning session, Monday June 30, begins at 10:00 am, with a brief meditation, and then darshan, which continues into mid-afternoon. The “Devi Bhava” program, also free and open to all, begins at 7pm on Monday evening. This program also includes a 1-hour ceremony honoring the Divine Mother, and personal blessings from Amma for those present — these blessings continue until the early hours of Tuesday morning. Website Info:

www.ammachidallas.org Dallas Program Information 972-820-6885 or 817-430-3258 email: dwarren108@aol.com

10 HolisticNetworker.com

Summer 2008

“Shocking Free Report Reveals How Many Of Chronic Pain, Chronic Fatigue And Fibromyalgia Sufferers Are Now Living Healthy Lives Without Drugs Or Surgery.”

This free report reveals a natural procedure that is giving chronic pain, chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia sufferers their “lives back,” with miraculous results for many. If you suffer from chronic pain, chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia you need this revealing free report that is giving hope to people everywhere. For your free copy, call toll-free 1-800-760-7477, 24 hr. recorded message. SUCCESSFULLY TREATING

Allergies / Overproduction of Mucus Headaches / Migraines Digestive / Intestinal Disorders Liver / Gallbladder Disorders Pancreas / Diabetes / Sugar Craving Skin Disorders Difficulty Breathing / Chronic Cough Kidney Problems / Frequent Urination Fatigue / Fibromyalgia / Exhaustion Anemia / Circulatory Disorders Cholesterol Endocrine / Glandular Disorders Hormonal Imbalance / Hot Flashes Candida/Yeast Overgrowth/Fungus Immune Deficiency Numbness In Extremities Trembling Hands / Wrist Pain Neck / Back Pain Swollen Joints / Muscle Spasms Leg Cramps / Stiffness Bursitis / Tendonitis / Arthritis / Gout Ringing In The Ears / Dizziness Poor Memory / Poor Concentration Insomnia / ADD / ADHD Cellulite / Wrinkles / Sagging Skin / Fat

THERAPIES & SERVICES Mucus Elimination Acid-Alkaline Balancing Colon / Tissue Cleansing Liver/Gallbladder Flush Nutritional Modification Full Body Detoxification Blood Purification / Chelation Kidney Flush/ Lymphatic Drainage Medicinal Herbs Chiropractic Adjustments Weight Loss / Cellulite Reduction Facial & Body Sculpting Stress Reduction / Energy Building TMJ Correction Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) Pain Relief Ion Cleanse ANALYSIS Comprehensive Physical Exam Body Fluid Analysis (BTA) Iridology Evaluation Surface Electromyography (SEMG) Blood Work (CBC, Matabolic/Lipids) Urinalysis, Thyroid Function Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis

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Weight Loss – Known as the “passive” workout, FAR Infrared Therapy raises your heart rate, core tempurature & metabolism. Up to 1000 calories are burned in a safe & healing environment!

Increased Circulation – By heating the core of the body, and radiating blood to all points of the body, you get the effects of mild exercise in a relaxing environment, great for diabetics!

Skin Purification – as impurities and toxins are removed from the body, a fresh and radiant skin tone is revealed.

Lowered Blood Pressure – American Heart Association endorsed, Far Infrared Therapy provides a safe & enjoyable way to lower hypertension when used 3x a week!

Relieves Fluid Retention – as the body rids itself of toxins by way of a deep and thorough sweat, excess fluids & bloating are relieved.

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12 HolisticNetworker.com

Summer 2008 on eating disorders. She completed her residency at Christus St. Joseph Family Practice Residency Program in Houston in 2005. Since then, she has served as a Locum Tenens Physician throughout DallasFort Worth addressing the medical needs of patients of all ages.

Jayshri Chasmawala, D.O., is a Board Certified Family Practice Physician. After earning a Bachelor of Science at the University of Texas, Austin, TX. Dr. Chasmawala received her Doctor of Osteopathy from University of North Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine in Fort Worth, TX in 2002. In addition, she earned a Masters in Public Health in 2004 where her research focused

Pure Health Family Practice Clinic in Lakewood focuses on preventive medicine in addition to treating acute and chronic illnesses. Dr. Chasmawala treats the whole family, from grandparents to newborns, in a warm, compassionate atmosphere. She adheres to the Osteopathic principles of treating the patient as a whole, not just focusing on the disease. She provides Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment

upon request. Her dual educational background, continuing medical endeavors and interest in weight management will complement her goal to properly address patient’s needs. Dr. Chasmawala is fluent in English, Gujarati, Spanish, and Hindi. Pure Health Family Practice Clinic accepts almost all insurances, including Medicare, Medicaid, and Tricare. Please call the office to confirm that we participate in your plan. Dr. Chasmawala and the Pure Health Staff look forward to serving you and your family.

Pure Health Family Practice 1911 Abrams Parkway, Suite A Dallas, TX 75214

214-824-6700 Mon-Fri 9am-5pm Walk-ins Welcome!

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Individualized personalized audio recordings are available to you FREE as part of your treatment. Ellen’s audio products are currently available at GNC.com, CVS.com, & Amazon.com.

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Summer 2008 13

14 HolisticNetworker.com

Summer 2008

Have you lost all hope of ever achieving permanent weight loss? With NeuroFitness, you will normalize your appetite safely and effectively and reconnect to your natural vitality by supplying your body with critical nutrients essential for building neurotransmitters. Our clients experience improved mental clarity and a heightened sense of happiness as a result of our natural weight loss system! Medically-supervised program that is healthy, effective, and lasting.

Call 214-957-3374 to get started today!


Summer 2008 15

16 HolisticNetworker.com

Summer 2008

Acupuncture Oriental Medicine of North Dallas Linda Campbell, L.Ac. 4416 Spring Valley Rd. Dallas, TX 75244  972-247-3049  naturalhealthinstitute.biz


Rev. Carolyn Johnson Spiritualist Minister

Medium • Psychic • Clairvoyant & Tarot Readings Private Phone Sessions • Parties Reiki Master Teacher Certified Healer



“In my many readings with Carolyn, I’ve found her to be very accurate as well as understanding and compassionate.” - Cheryl Hickerson

Healing Power of COSMIC Forgiveness Heal at a Cosmic level according to Divine Will by attending this transformational event! Nigel Taylor guides 2 powerful inner journeys, directly from Spirit, that bring healing to each soul present and the planet. These journeys provide a key to cosmic forgiveness that expands awareness, uplifts consciousness, and reveals life’s purpose. Nigel’s latest book, Simple Divinity: Discourses with the Dreamer - Vol. 1, hailed by Gregg Braden and James Twyman as “powerful, timely...message of great truth, love, compassion, wisdom...his meditations gave experiences that shook to the core.” www.simpledivinity.nigeltaylor.net DATE: TIME: Location:


Sunday, August 3rd 2:00-6:00 pm Spiritual Fitness Center 1237 Executive Dr. East Richardson, TX 75081 Directions at www.spiritualfitnesscenter.com $65 Prepay

Contact Linda Smith at 972-633-0931 or trinitygold@yahoo.com

Constitutional Facial Acupuncture is a safe, painless and effective treatment for renewing the face as well as the whole body. Fine lines may be entirely erased, deeper lines reduced and bags around neck and eyes firmed.

Alternative Healing Advanced Cranio Sacral Therapy Sandy Hanne, RMT, Reiki Master Arapaho and Westshore Richardson, TX  469-438-8634  http://healingrainbow.tripod.com

Can't afford Hawaii? Get vacation-quality relaxation while resolving even old and deep body issues, acute or chronic. Bring your biggest challenges, from TMJ, carpal tunnel, whiplash and migraines, to thyroid, female problems and fibromyalgia, injuries, etc. This gentle, warm, fully-clothed technique restores flow and balance, promotes healing, resets the nervous system, enhances flow of CSF, relieves cranial compressions implicated in many disorders, even releases emotional tissue memory from old traumas. Trained directly by Dr. John Upledger, Sandy needs only this versatile work to achieve favorable outcomes for most people. Lives transform in her office; let yours be one of them.

Chair Massage at Atlanta Bread Company Campbell and 75 - NW corner Richardson, TX  www.dfwchairmassage.com

New hours: Friday, 6-9pm, Saturday & Sunday, 11am until 5pm. Stop by soon and unwind!

Chair Massage at Central Market

Coit & George Bush Turnpike (190) Plano, TX  www.dfwchairmassage.com

7 days/week. 10am until 9pm. Come relax with us in the downstairs café.

Healing with Sound

Nancy Byers  972-424-1217  www.soundSOULutions.com

Nancy's Language of Light cellular healing sessions have helped people to overcome their fears, to alleviate depression, to relieve or diminish physical pain and to realize their dreams. While expressing the Language of Light, Nancy is able to "catch" the sound current and to "tune into" the frequency of your soul, like a radio. This provides a sound carrier wave for your intention to manifest. Nancy is also available for ceremonies and groups. Call today and begin living your dreams!

Ion Cleansing Foot Bath

Rosemary McCoy, RMT (ext. 1) Linda Weisiger, RMT, MTI (ext. 6) SE corner of Arapaho and Westshore Richardson, TX  972-479-0690

Water can relieve pain and soothe the body. Aqua Chi technology revolutionizes hydrotherapy by energizing water with healthful negative ions. During your hydrotherapy session, your cells receive bio-energy from the energized water, starting a whole-body releasing/ balancing process.

Massage Therapy

Linda Weisiger, RMT, MTI, Reiki Master SE corner of Arapaho and Westshore Richardson, TX  972-479-0690 Ext. 6

Offering therapeutic massage specializing in Deep Tissue, Reiki, Healing Touch, Sound Wave Therapy, Psycho/Physical Re-education, Neurovascular Balancing, Ion Cleasing Hand/Feet Foot Bath. Corporate Chair Massage Coordination available.

Nature's Elements of Health

418 W. Bedford-Euless Rd Hurst, TX 76053  214-517-7277  www.natureselementsofhealth.com

Offering holistic modalities for detoxification, immune enhancement and health restoration, such as Quantum Reflex Analysis™, Bionetic BodyScan, Cell-Resonant Nutrition & Herbal therapies, the Raindrop Technique and the Emotional Repolarization Technique™.

New Hope Health Care

Ricardo B. Tan, M.D. Board Certified Naturopathic Physician 729 N Fielder Rd., Suite B Arlington, TX 76012  817-274-0350  817-274-0360; fax  www.alternativemedicine.com/ricardotan  www.drug-rehab-help.us

OFFERING NATURAL REMEDIES: Preventive medicine, acupuncture, homeopathy, pain management, herbology, bio-oxidation therapy, anti-aging, chelation therapy, detoxification, prolotherapy, nutrition counseling, bioidentical hormone, hyperbaric oxygen, drug-free withdrawal and rehabilitation program for drugs and alcohol addiction.

Bodywork Balanced Energy

Nancy Caponi, RMT, NMT, Reiki Master Locations in Plano and Double Oak, TX  214-668-5620  ncaponi@balanced-energy.com  www.balanced-energy.com

Feel better today! Relieve stress and pain through Therapeutic massage, deep tissue, neuromuscular therapy, myofascial release, cranio-sacral, chakra balancing and Reiki in a tranquil environment. Pregnancy and corporate chair massage also available. Nancy is a Tibetan/Usui Reiki Master and enjoys helping both People and Animals. Reiki and meditation Workshops available. If you're suffering from back/neck pain, stress, Fibromyalgia, TMJ, carpal tunnel, chronic pain, sciatica, painful joints or headaches, call now and get relief.


Summer 2008 17

Natural Wellness Consulting

We combine ancient knowledge with the latest biotechnology If you suffer from a chronic or acute condition we can help you. WE SPECIALIZE IN:

• Low Energy • Chronic Fatigue/Fibromyalgia • Migraines • Female/Menopausal Problems • Depression/Anxiety/ Poor Sleep • Diabetes • Digestive Problems • High Cholesterol, high Blood Pressure • Autoimmune conditions • Sinus, Allergies, Low Immunity • Thyroid Problems • Autism • Joint Pain

Free 10 minute consultation Tuesdays, 11am-2pm


Lana Petrunin, ND

Doctor of Naturopathy, FMD Certified Iridologist Certified Nutritionist Certified Holistic Practitioner Member, American Naturopathic Medical Association and American Association of Drugless Practitioners More than 20 years of experience in the health care field.

5850 Town & Country Blvd, Bldg 1, Ste 101 • Frisco, Tx

Comprehensive Natural Health Center Help you heal yourself and add power to your body. • Infertility

• Correct Posture

• Weight Loss

• Tendonitis

• Migraine Headaches

• Neck & Back Pain Expert

• Deep Tissue Acupressure

• Allergies

• Neck & Back Pain

• Asthma

• Bell’s Palsy

• Insomnia

• Incontinence • Pain Management



Park Indep.

United Healthcare Beech Street Network Blue Cross Blue Shield First Health PHCS Network Provider

2729 W 15th St.

NE Corner 15th & Independence Plano, TX 75075


• All Types of Pain

15th St


Shelley Tsai

L.Ac., Dipl. OM, R.N., Midwife Texas Lic. #AC00140

16 years professional clinical experience, 30 years experience as a healing practitioner


18 HolisticNetworker.com

Summer 2008

Energy Dynamics —

Feel what a light, balanced body feels like… The Ida ROLF Method of Structural Integration The Ida Rolf Method of Structural integration is a process of re-education of the body through movement and touch. It systematically releases patterns of stress and impaired function.

Margaret & Mushtaq Certified Ida Rolf Practitioners [advanced therapy available]


Healing with Sound A Language of Light cellular healing session begins with Nancy Byers helping you to determine your heart’s desire for your life at this time. The goal is to align your heart’s desire with your soul purpose. During her expression of the Language of Light, Nancy is able to “catch” the sound current and to “tune into” the frequency of your soul, like a radio. This provides a sound-carrier wave for your intention to manifest. Nancy records her private sessions in order to provide you with a custom audio tape to aid you in manifesting your heart’s desire. Nancy’s sessions have helped people to overcome their fears, to alleviate depression, to relieve or diminish physical pain and to realize their dreams. The Language of Light is an invitation for us to access that deep heart space of knowing who we already are - multi-faceted, spiritual beings. Nancy is available for individual, group or couples sessions.

Call today and begin living your dreams!


Multi-Dimensional Transformational Healing and Spiritual Response Therapy Cynthia R. Shaw, RMT, MTI  972-991-2097  energydynamics@cynthiarshaw.com  www.cynthiarshaw.com

Integrative and intuitive Bodywork/Energy Channelling incorporating guidance from your personal Spiritual Guides to release blocks preventing expression of your highest intent and complete access to total healing. Twenty years in private practice. Remote Healing available.

Energy Healing

Kari Love Avery, Licensed Massage Therapist/Instructor Licensed Acupuncturist- Natl. and State Dallas/Lovers Lane Area  214-769-0067 cell for more info or appts.  Spa # 214-352-8800 for receptionist

Only practicing, authorized practitioner and teacher of Krashada Acupressure Therapy in DFW. Krashada helps to dispel present or past life blocks; aids in the circulation of nerve and joint fluids; clears and balances energy centers.

Frankie Burget, OTR, RMT, CNDT www.windsongtherapy.com Dallas / Fort Worth Area  817-571-8135

Myofascial Release Mastery Level Therapist and Licensed Occupational Therapist. Also skilled in craniosacral, neuromuscular therapy, trigger point, therapeutic massage, QiGong, neuro-developmental treatment, and functional spine stabilization. Providing care for myofascial pain syndrome, fibromyalgia, TMJ, carpal tunnel, headaches, cumulative trauma disorder, pregnancy, and stress. Compassionate care for children with ADD, birth defects, failure to thrive, and special needs.

Kneading Massage

Bookstores/Gifts Angel Cards® & Book Set

by Kathy Tyler & Joy Drake Distributed by Shifting Frequencies  972-378-1211  www.ShiftingFrequencies.com

This is the Special 25th Anniversary Expanded Edition of The Original Angel® Cards & Book Set: Inspirational Messages and Meditations. It contains 72 playfully illustrated cards; a pocket size carrying case; 20 bonus stickers; and a book that contains inspirational messages for keywords, plus meditations, visualizations, and journals to use with the cards.

Angel Workshop Gift & Bookstore

collectibles, keepsakes & messages from above... 2021 Justin Rd., #223 Flower Mound, TX 75028  972-355-2313  drtammy@tx.rr.com

Dr. Tammy, certified in Angel Therapy® & Advanced Mediumship by Dr. Doreen Virtue, has created an Angel Gift & Inspirational Bookstore that is a safe & nonjudgmental sanctuary for those seeking spiritual growth and transformation. Weekly workshops & sacred circles. SEE DISPLAY AD.

Messages of Joy

A Celebration in the Diversity of Ideas 190 West Main Street, Suite 102 Lewisville, TX 75057  972-221-8080  joykauf@msn.com

Located in Old Town Lewisville, we offer Crystals, Singing Bowls, Reiki charged Candles Books, Essential Oils, Herbs, Jewelry, Incense, Tarot Cards, wind chimes, and Angel Gifts. Authentic AURA Photos and the Original Art Work of John Pitre and Ciro Marchetti. Drop us a note at joykauf@msn.com to get on our Email list and get regular updates of Classes and Workshops. Come and get smudged!

"Need to be Kneaded" at Spiritual Fitness Center Outcalls Available  972-890-2144  itsmetrish@hotmail.com  www.kneadingmassage.net

Silver Pyramid

Living Balanced

Huge selection of Sterling Silver Jewelry • Quartz Crystals, Amethyst, Moldavite, Phenacite, Zincite, and other energy stones • Crystal Balls • Mystical Pewter Figurines • Singing Crystal Bowls • Fountains, Smudge Sticks, Incense, Runes and more!

Reiki • Deep Tissue • Stretching • Swedish & Chair Massage

Suzanne Miller, RMT, CYT, APP Dallas, TX  972-319-3661 (voice mail)

Provides caring and therapeutic bodywork to balance your mind-body-spirit. Full body, on-site chair and pregnancy massage; Polarity energy practitioner, Certified Yoga Teacher and Certified Thai Massage Therapist; Gift certificates available.


Tammy Gersh  214-564-7795  tammysemail@verizon.net  www.xaler.com

Injury & Chronic Pain Resolution; Relaxation, Peace. Feel the stillness of you.

Jewelry and Minerals for the Spirit Dal-Rich Shopping Center 101 S. Coit, Suite 102 near Whole Foods Richardson, TX  972-690-6388  www.silverpyramid.com

Spiritwire Inspirational Works of Art Dan Coppersmith  www.spiritwire.com

POSTERS & BOOKS of inspirational poetry, nature photos and uplifting affirmations. Visit online for a FREE gift that will uplift you now!


Rolfing® is a process for organizing the structure of our bodies so that we function more effectively. Over the years, our bodies react to trauma, both physical and emotional, by shortening and twisting. This intensifies our struggle with the force of gravity, which results in reduced freedom of movement, an increased likelihood of chronic pain, poor posture and a lessened sense of aliveness and self-esteem. During the basic Rolfing series of ten sessions, the Rolfer manipulates the muscles and fascia (a connective tissue) to free up those places where the client’s structure is constricted or held out of balance. The goal of Rolfing is to organize the client’s physical structure so that his/ her struggle with gravity is minimized. In addition to the physical changes of better balance, more freedom of movement, less stress, better posture and less chronic pain, Rolfing also affects your emotional, mental and spiritual realms. As you feel more supported by your legs, you view the world from a more secure position. You feel an increased sense of self-esteem, and the energy flow of your body is more opened and balanced.

Summer 2008 19

Bioenergetic Analysis is a somatic psychotherapy based on a developmental, analytic approach. It utilizes active involvement of the body in psychotherapeutic interventions. In Bioenergetics, we work with grounding, breathing and character structure. Grounding relates to one’s emotional security and personality authority. When we stay in our heads and deny the experience of our bodies, we lose contact with our internal sense of support. Breathing vitalizes and energizes our bodies. Our breathing patterns reveal defensive blocks in the body through muscular constrictions. Breathing increases our capacity for feeling, our energy level and our access to pleasure. Character structure indicates the manner in which we limit the energy flow in our bodies and is indicative of the coping patterns we used to fend off the vicissitudes of growing up. Understanding our character structure gives insight into our defensive posturing, our personal histories and suggests a possible course of therapy. “Bioenergetic Analysis combines the work of the body and the mind to help people resolve their emotional problems”...Alexander Lowen, Founder

If you believe that you could benefit from either of these processes, or if you would like to experience in depth personal growth through a personalized combination of both disciplines, contact Chuck Lustfield, (214) 902-8900 • www.rolfingdallasfortworth.com

Chuck Lustfield, Ph.D. is a Certified Advanced Rolfer, has a M.S. in counseling, is a Licensed Professional Counselor, and a Certified Bioenergetic Therapist. Rolfing® and Rolfer® are registered service marks

Cynthia R. Shaw


Energy Dynamics Transformational Body Therapy

See directory listings.



“Need to be Kneaded!” Now in Richardson at Spiritual Fitness Center! Trish Daniel, RMT 972.890.2144 itsmetrish@hotmail.com

20 HolisticNetworker.com

Summer 2008

Childbirth Gentle Birth Companions

Nadine Romain, Ph.D., CD (DONA), Yoga Teacher, HypnoBirthing® Practitioner, Certified Hypnotist Dallas Metroplex Area  214-796-5327  gbc2000@juno.com

SPECIAL CARE FOR A SPECIAL EVENT! Prenatal yoga and relaxation, birth doula services, HypnoBirthing® childbirth education and OrthoBionomy® private sessions. Call for RSVP or info packet.



An evening of food, drink, music, singing, stories, parables, short films, and prize drawings. By men. For men. Headliner Michael Gott has shared the stage with Dr. Wayne Dyer, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson and others. Michael has developed his own unique style borrowing from his background in pop, musical theatre, classical piano, jazz, and more. Phillip ‘Van’ VanGarrick, moved from Southern Colorado and now lives in the DFW area. Spirited Native American flute accompanied with guitar, synthesizer, and world instruments in Latin, Jazz, Spiritual and Improvisational modes are his trademarks.

When: Saturday, August 9, 7pm Where: Center for Spiritual Living 4801 Spring Valley Rd, Suite 115 Dallas, TX 75244 Cost: $15 (in advance)** $20 (at the door) **Order your tickets online at: www.gatherthemen.com

Questions? Call 972-535-8901 Sponsored by: Dream Café · Sports and Spine Chiropractic · Center for Spiritual Living

Harvard Chiropractic

Dr. Fran Assaf, B.S., D.C. 11520 N Central Expwy #132 Dallas, TX 75243  214-528-2085  drfran@airmail.net

Hands on healing combining gentle chiropractic alignment with CrainioSacral Therapy for neuromuscular rebalancing and relaxation. Supports the body's healing wisdom on physical, emotional and spiritual levels.

The People’s Chiropractic Clinic Edna Craven, D.C., BCNP, BCI 3200 N MacArthur Blvd Ste 105 Irving, TX 75062  972-256-0004

Take the worry out of health problems; learn how to prevent disease, which treatment works best for you, and how to maintain good health. SEE DISPLAY AD.

Coaching Catalize Life Coaching & Workshops Melissa Cantrelle  206-550-5047  www.catalize.com

Uplift your self-esteem, discover your life purpose, and bring your inspired visions to life in one on one coaching and playful workshops.


Summer 2008 21

Jewelry and Minerals for the Spirit

SILVER PYRAMID • Huge selection of Sterling Silver Jewelry • Quartz Crystals, Amethyst, Moldavite, Phenacite, Zincite, and other energy stones • Large Selection of Gems & Minerals & Crystal Balls • Mystical Pewter Figurines, Amy Brown Fairies • Singing Crystal Bowls • Pendulums, Sage Smudge Sticks, Incense, Oils, Runes, Tarot Decks, and more!

Store Hours Tues-Sat 10:30-6:30 Sun 12-5:30 Closed on Mondays

Dal-Rich Shopping Center 101 S. Coit, Ste. 102 • Richardson At Coit & Belt Line Near Whole Foods

972-690-6388 also visit, www.silverpyramid.com

BRING THIS AD FOR 10% OFF For first-time customers only. Excludes books, charts, cards & music. Offer expires:9/30/08


HUMANITY UNITES BR I L L I A N C E A new model for business and humanitarian giving Your monthly purchase: • Feeds 3, educates 3, provides clean water for 10, sustainability training for 16, funds pooled microloans • Provides empowerment training to you with the world’s most inspirational teachers including Rev. Michael Beckwith, Jean Houston, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Mark Victor Hansen, and more • Comprises an exponential giving component which rewards you for inspiring others to join the vision • Includes access to social networking, mastermind groups, and automated marketing to support your brilliance Learn how HUB can help you live with passion, purpose and prosperity. Co-create a new world NOW at:

http://connected.hubhub.org/ For more information, contact Georgia Pierce 972-495-0942 • georgiap@hubhub.org Where We Connect To Change Our World

22 HolisticNetworker.com

Summer 2008

Empower Your Mind with Alpha Brain Wave Technology “Wants & Needs”

This audio program addresses sugar cravings, portion control, appreciation and respect for the body, and healthy food choices. It also is designed to develop a heightened awareness of the distinction between desires and wants and real physiological and emotional needs and hunger. Once we become aware of our true needs, we no longer mindlessly use food to meet needs other than our physiological needs for nutritional nourishment. One CD $19.95

“Self Love” This audio program contains guided imagery that allows for the opportunity to get in touch with different aspects of the self that may be affecting habits and behavior outside your conscious awareness. In this recording, you are guided to use your imagination to meet the inner guide or higher self, the inner child and the inner teen. By acknowledging these aspects of yourself, accepting them and then bringing them together in harmony, you can then have the experience of self-acceptance and self-love. One CD $19.95

“Mind Mint” This audio program provides an experience where you can gain awareness of thoughts and beliefs that are operating beneath the surface and are affecting your reality. As you listen you go on a metaphorical journey to the garden of your mind where negative thought “weeds” are encountered and replaced by healthy and positive seeds of joy, peach and well-being. One CD $19.95

“Stress Solutions” This audio program explains the mechanism of the stress response and how it affects your physiology. Following are five easy-to-learn exercises that are clinically proven to counter the stress response and can be easily integrated into your healthy lifestyle. One CD $19.95

“Go Grab Your Shoes” This audio program is an upbeat exercise companion; the latin beat combined with classical guitar contains music along with positive affirmations that have the effect of strengthening the will and motivating you to exercise. One CD $19.95

“Sweet Dreams”

Food for Thought (6 CD set) How Does It Work? The Food for Thought CDs empower you to connect with you inner resources to experience comfort and healing. Users can expect immediate relaxation interruption of the stress response, which when prolonged, can cause and/or exacerbate illness. Users can expect an enhanced sense of balanced wellbeing and positive outlook with one exposure, building after repeated use. These CDs incorporate original Healing Music & Sounds from Nature, they contain Linguistic Specific Content and they utilize Binaural Audio to entrain Alpha Brain Waves. The Binaural Audio works as follows: your brain learns best when you are relaxed and alert and in what scientists call an “Alpha State.” It is often called the “super learning” state. When tones at slightly different frequencies are played separately, one into each ear, the difference is perceived as low frequency pulses or “beats.” When the beat frequency corresponds to the “Alpha” range, the brain resonates to it; the brainwaves follow toward that “Alpha” frequency and the brain naturally relaxes into an “Alpha” state, creating a mind-body sense of relaxation and peace. When you listen to these CDs through stereo headphones, the soothing music and nature sounds, in combination with the binaural effect, induce sympathetic frequencies of desired brainwave activity. This helps you quickly reach a peaceful and receptive state in which your subconscious mind is most open to new ideas, new insights and positive change. Sound Science The binaural beat effect was first reported as long ago as the nineteenth century and has been of interest to neurophysiologists investigating the sense of hearing. The “frequency-following response” was first identified in EEG research (Smith, Marsh & Brown, 1975) and is today the subject of widespread study at major universities (including Rutgers University, University of Pennsylvania and the University of Sussex) as well as institutions exploring the frontiers of mind-body medicine. HOW IS It Backed By Science? This treatment is recognized by the National Institutes of Health as an effective and safe mind body therapy. Success has been documented in multiple scientific studies: Harvard Medical School with cardiac patients -found that those that listened to guided imagery had a significant decrease in pain, stress and anxiety and left the hospital two days sooner than those that did not use these therapies. Blue Shield of CA study for surgical patients -showed that patients who listened experienced less pain from surgery, had a reduction in anxiety, and saved the company between $700 - $1200 per patient due to reduced hospital stay and fewer complications. Cleveland Clinic study of hospitalized patients showed those that listened had a significant reduction in pain, stress and anxiety and left the hospital 2 days sooner on average than those that did not listen. Visualization has been used by athletes for years—golfers, batters, swimmers, Olympians, and many others to improve their performance. Ellen Chernoff Simon, M.S., M.Ed., is a Texas State Board Licensed Professional Counselor, a Fellow of the Biofeedback Certification Institute of America, a Fellow of the American Academy of Pain Management, a member of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, and she is certified by the Academy for Guided Imagery.

This is an audio program designed to lull to sleep. The guided meditation is accompanied by the beautiful music of the Brahms’ lullaby. One CD $19.95

Special: Buy all 6 Food for Thought CDs for just $74.95!

CDs by Ellen Simon, MEd, MS, LPC, BCIAC

Call 972-378-1211 to order or visit: www.ShiftingFrequencies.com

Interview with Green Inventor Gregory Taylor What is the KVAR device and what problem does it solve? Well KVAR is defined as reactive (non-working) power. The KVAR unit itself is an energy controller device and it solves many problems, but the number one thing it does is it slows down the electric meter legally. It reduces the wasted energy in our homes and stores that energy in order to be used in your home more efficiently later on. It decreases the kilowatt usage in your home and a customer starts saving the instant it is installed in their home. In essence your meter (what I like to call the cash register for the power company) starts showing your actual kilowatt usage and you start paying less on your electric bill.

Studies conducted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency determined that the Electro Magnetic Field (EMF) emissions we are exposed to daily in and around our home and work places that are emanating from regular household and office appliances have a very dangerous affect upon the human body. In one of those studies they found a connection between exposure to electromagnetic fields and human cancer. The KVAR unit will drastically reduce the amount of EMF of up to 40% after installation! I’m passionate about helping our environment and it feels so good knowing that this product does just that! Electricity is one of the biggest producers of carbon emissions, so every time you make a cup of coffee or turn on the television you are adding to global warming. With the KVAR unit installed you will prolong the life of the motors in your home, reduce your electrical bill, and provide a safer environment in the reduction of the EMF (Electro-Magnetic Field) emitted by the motors by up to 40% and reduce your carbon footprint factor that contributes to global warming. As an added benefit, your home or business is also amperage surge protected. How does it work? It is a box of capacitors. A capacitor is a device that stores electrical energy and releases the power to an engine or system as needed. Once the KVAR is installed, an electrical motor draws energy from the KVAR instead of directly from an electrical circuit fed by a utility company. Capacitors have been around for over 150 years. That’s nothing new. Utilizing the use of the capacitors within this invention allows the KVAR unit to store the energy directly coming in at the power source until it is needed. That energy, which is constantly being drawn from by the amount of electricity being used to run the home or business is regulated by the capacitors within the KVAR unit giving you

100% optimization of what you need versus the amount of energy you currently waste when pulling your electricity directly from the power source. That excess waste of electricity that you currently receive from the power company is expelled off from the motors in your home or business in the form of heat and makes the motors work harder and shortens their life span. The KVAR unit actually extends the life of your appliances. How has this technology been proven? This technology has been tested by NASA, Canadian Standards Association, Honeywell, Underwriters Laboratory, Lakeland Electric, US Department Of Energy, and Washington State University. Each one of these entities has performed extensive testing on our units and have certified that it does what we say it does. Our certifications include: Cleaner and Greener Certified, NASA tested and approved, U.S. Green Building Council, UL Listed, RoHS Compliant, and CSA certified. Cleaner and Greener also certified us because none of the products used to make the KVAR harm the environment in any way. Even down to the smallest screw, everything that is used to make this device is very environmentally friendly.

Where is it used? These units are used in residential, commercial, and industrial buildings. They are installed right next to the breaker box in your home or business between the panel and the electrical meter. One KVAR unit is usually all you need for your whole house unless your home has two panel boxes and a lot of square footage. In businesses, the KVAR units are custom fit to each motor in order to optimize the electricity to its fullest capacity and usability. What kind of results have people had? People are seeing great savings on their electric bill. We have seen people save even 50% on their electric bill, though the average savings tend to be about 17-20%. The trend seems to be that the older the home, the bigger the savings. We have had large companies such as Budweiser and NASA install these in their facilities and see large savings, along with school districts and thousands of residents who are all saving on their electricity. What led you to develop the KVAR device? My experience and training in the Electrical Engineering field led me to develop this. I worked for the power company for some time

KVAR® EC Unit and I saw that they were using this technology all of the time to benefit them and send energy back to their facilities, but they weren’t doing this for the consumer. I wanted to do something that would help and benefit the consumer and empower them and take away the power and the control from the power company. I knew it would be something that would be for the good of our environment and for the good of mankind. Is there anything else you’d like to share with us? Many people wonder how they can go green, but sometimes those options tend to be kind of pricey and people are finding that this product has such a great return on investment (usually 6-12 months) that it is one of the least expensive ways to do it and start benefitting from it immediately. In fact, after getting the U.S. Green Building Council stamp of approval, we have had many builders who are now putting these in their homes that they build. I love that it is a Made in the USA product and we are so confident about the benefits that we give them a 6 month money back guarantee—if they see no savings on their electric bill in that time, they can return it for a full refund. It is so exciting to hear one customer after another comment on how thrilled they are to be saving on their electricity. It really comes down to the consumer deciding if they want to keep the money they are being billed every month for electricity they don’t even use, or do they want to keep giving their hard earned money to the power company?

Gregory Taylor has a degree in Electrical Engineering. He began working on the KVAR® EC in the late 80’s. He completed it in 1995 and received a patent on his invention at that time. For more information contact Go Green Energy Savers at 972-838-7383. Give discount code: SF444 for special pricing.

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Summer 2008 27

Ayurveda Sister Science of Yoga:

Timeless and practical wisdom of health and healing Seminar Featuring:

• Diet and Life Style Education • Personal Body Constitution • Pulse Reading and Interpretation Sat., July 26, 2008 — 9am-5pm at Divine Yoga Center (Lunch on your own or BYOL)

Presented by

Ambika Cynthia Copple Dean of the Mount Madonna Institute College of Ayurveda Director of Lotus Holistic Health Institute and President of Lotus Herbs

Cost: $104 (by July 20) $130 (at door)

Personal Consultations Available July 25 and July 27 (Times limited—Additional Fee) (call 817-481-5657 to schedule private

Sponsored by:

Divine Yoga Center

(Seminar Reservations) 3280 W. Southlake Blvd. Southlake, Tx 76092 www.divineyogacenter.com 817-431-9642 and

Meditation Center for Peace

consultations and order personal dosha test)

Amrita Kaye Estell 817-481-5657

Why Pay More for a Web Site? You want a web site, but who do you trust to build it? ...and why is it so expensive? Is the uncertainty, the cost, and the hassle of making a web site keeping you from joining the information age? Don’t pay $3000, $2000, or even $1000 for an old-fashioned static web site! This summer, I’m building dynamic, search-engine optimized websites for holistic practitioners and small business owners for only $500 each. What do you get for $500? You get a five-page web site built from your choice of attractive designs. The site includes a contact form, advanced traffic statistics, weekly backups, and a blog for posting articles and announcements. You also get instructions on how you (or your staff) can add new pages and upload articles. Contact Tony Cecala at www.TonyCecala.com/contact and reserve your $500 web site today.* First 25 clients get free domain name research & registration, and one free year of site hosting ($248 value). *limited time offer

28 HolisticNetworker.com

Colonics Alazan Care - All Natural & Healthy Way Lala Nurulina 17810 Davenport Rd Ste 108 Dallas, TX 75252  972-380-4845  AlazanCare.com

COLONICS, MASSAGE & BODYWRAP - Certified Colon Hydrotherapist. FDA Approved Equipment Disposable Sterile Nozzles. *** Special Package of Three Colonics or Massage sessions, $165.*** Call about our other weekly massage and colonic specials!

Balanced Approach Holistic Health Clinic

Summer 2008

Oxyzone@Whole Body Healing Center

Pat Wesley, Certified Colon Therapist, I-ACT & Nationally Certified 200 North Mill St Lewisville, TX  972-333-9992  www.colonicsindallas.com

GENTLY cleanse the colon using the state of the art FDA registered equipment, closed systems, disposable tubes & speculums. Relax in sterile, private environment. Therapist present at all times. Abdominal massage and modern reflexology. Credit cards accepted. Other therapies: Ion Cleanse.


Physician Directed Facility Oakwood Tower in Uptown Dallas 3626 N Hall #500 @ Welborn Dallas, TX 75219  214-520-0216  www.BalancedApproach.com

Biofeedback Counseling & Treatment Center


Instant Emotional Healing

We offer both open & closed system colonics. Services available: Live Blood Viewing with Nutritional Consultation, Lymphatic Drainage, Body-Wraps, Oxy-Spa, Ion-foot Cleanse & Stress Release. Detox packages. Rx available at time of service. Package pricing. Open Mon-Sat & some evenings.

Deanna Asencio 9900 N. Central Expressway, Suite 110 Dallas, TX 75231  214-373-4000  www.DallasColonCare.com

One of the only I-ACT Advanced Certified AND Nationally Certified colon therapists in the DFW Metroplex. We use FDA registered equipment and sterile, disposable tubes. Professional, private and discrete environment. Also offering Infra-red Sauna, Vit-Ra-Tox Detox Programs and Parasite Cleanse. Credit Cards Accepted.


Karen Fahey, Certified Colon Therapist 3626 North Hall St @ Welborn Oakwood Tower #818 Dallas, TX 75219  214-821-5703

GENESIS: COLON IRRIGATION AND HERBS: FDA registered equipment. Oxygen and ozone available, clean and sterile facility at all times. Ultra violet purified filtered water used for process. Sessions by appointment only. Hours Tuesday-Saturday. Over 20 years of experience. Visa/Mastercard accepted.


Lila Meyers, CNHP, RMT, CCT Certified Colon Hydro-Therapist Registered Massage Therapist, Certified Natural Health Professional 5510 Abrams Rd Suite 125 Dallas, TX 75214  214-288-(HEAL) 4325  www.healthsidetherapy.com

Gentle, safe colon cleansing with multi-filtration and pressure regulation. Disposable instruments, and a Closed System insures your personal comfort and safety. Abdominal massage, acupressure and nutritional guidance with each session. Package Discounts. Also Offered: Oriental Therapy, Iridology, Ion Cleanse, Body Wraps, Massage, RainForest Herbs. Open TuesSat By Appointment. Visa, Master Card.

2007 North Collins #509A Richardson, TX 75080  972-880-0102  www.wechoosewellness.com

Live Your Dreams, Let go of Obstacles! Unique & powerful treatment combines alpha/theta brainwave therapy with hypnosis. Treatment for: Weight loss Stress - Anxiety and Panic - Depression - Relationship Loss - Pain - Addictions and Habits - Individualized personalized recordings available for you at no extra cost.

by Peter T. Lambrou, Ph.D and George J. Pratt, Ph.D Distributed by Shifting Frequencies  972-378-1211  www.ShiftingFrequencies.com

Introducing an amazing scientific breakthrough by Drs. Peter Lambrou and George Pratt. These psychologists have evolved a method called Emotional Self-Management™, which is derived from ancient Chinese understandings of acupuncture points and from Western cognitive science. Their invaluable book called, "Instant Emotional Healing", provides an incredible tool to manage one's emotions more positively and effectively.

Dance/Movement Nia Technique

Sherri Lackman, MA, LPC, Cht 304 S. Cottonwood #D Richardson, TX 75080  972-231-4466  sherrilackman@msn.com  www.sherrilackman.com

Experience the joy of movement and the benefits of moving your body! Combining selected movements and concepts from Martial Arts, Dance, and other movement forms, Nia classes offer total body conditioning and joyful expression at the same time. Find out what everyone's talking about! Incredible therapy for chronic pain sufferers. Private sessions available.

Dentistry Center for Dental Wellness Mark Champsi, D.D.S., D.C. 1304 Village Creek Dr, Suite 400 Plano, TX 75093  972-733-3666  www.drchampsi.com

Family Dentistry in a state-of-the-art practice utilizing reduced exposure digital x-rays, intra-oral camera exams, and hair analysis to test for heavy metal toxicity. We are a MERCURY-FREE practice. Treatment for TMJ disorders. SEE DISPLAY AD.

Dallas Dental Spa

Lorin Berland, D.D.S. Fellow, American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry Sarah Kim Kong, D.D.S. 2100 Ross, Suite 960 Dallas, TX 75201  214-999-0110  www.dallasdentalspa.com

We use only the most biocompatible materials to preserve the natural dentition, digital radiography to reduce radiation, and distilled water to prevent contamination. We employ a full-time licensed massage therapist to reduce stress for our patients. Dr. Berland is one of the most published dental authorities in the world and has dedicated his practice to providing the best care for his patients. Dr. Berland's unique approach to cosmetic dentistry has been featured on 20/20, Time, and Reader's Digest.

Dental Arts of Plano

Nevein E. Amer, D.D.S. 4701 W. Park Blvd. Suite 201 (Next to Studio Movie Grill and above Sushi Awaji) Plano, TX 75093  972-985-4450  www.DentalArtsofPlano.com

Mercury-Free Practice • Complimentary Mercury removal consultation • Invisalign • Waterlase Laser Dentistry • Cosmetic Dentistry • Zoom Teeth Whitening • Crown & Bridge • Root Canals, Veneers • Convenient Financing • Dentures • Lumineers and Implants • Friendly Staff • Most Insurance Accepted

Education/Personal Growth Academy of Hypnosis Training Institute & Clinic Dale E. Emmert, Ph.D., Director  214-542-0067  drdaleemmert@yahoo.com  www.academyhypnosis.com

Are you ready to change your life? "Gift" your life with the fulfillment it deserves. Join us and learn how to not only make a difference in your own life, but the lives of others. We are certified to offer training in hypnosis and to also provide CEU credits to practitioners. Train to be a Hypnotist, Master Hypnotist and Clinical Hypnotherapist. Quantum Touch® certification also available.

Energy Therapy Program of Ke Kino Institute of Healing Ke Kino Massage Academy (Lic. # MS0173) 1620 Custer Rd Plano, Texas 75075  972-509-5588  www.kekino.com

Premier Energy Curriculum leading to Certificate of Completion or classes can be taken individually. Classes open to anyone interested in expanding their horizons and massage therapists some CE. Carefully selected top experts include; Susan Paige, Energy Program Director, Reiki; Cynthia Pierro, Polarity; Dr. Laurie Powell, Herbology and Energy Systems; Ken Orr, Reflexology; Mark Meyers, Manifesting.

Experience the Difference of 26 Years in

FAMILY DENTISTRY and COSMETIC DENTISTRY • Bio-Compatible Materials Used - White Metal-Free Crowns - Tooth-Colored Fillings - Crowns, Bridges, & Veneers • Mercury-Free Practice • Herbal Therapies Available

• Bonding

• Air abrasion (drill-less technology)

• Non-surgical Gum Therapy • Root Canal Therapy





• Reduced Exposure Digital X-Rays

• Lasers and Arc lights used extensively

• TMJ Disorders

from $199.00!!

• Sealants for Kids & Adults

• Intraoral Cameras

• Only Distilled Water Used D.D.S., D.C.

• Teeth Whitening

• State-of-the-Art Sterilization & Equipment

• Hair Analysis testing for Metal Toxicity

Mark Champsi,

• Dentures / Metal-Free Partials

• Extractions

• Enjoy our modern office with DVD’s, headphones & a view!

• Metal-Free Teeth Straightening with Invisalign®

• Anti-Bacterial & Anti-Fungal Air Purification



Center for Dental Wellness 972-733-3666 PLANO

Plano Parkway P R E S T O N


Suite 400


1304 Village Creek Dr., Suite 400 (just west of Preston off Plano Pkwy)



30 HolisticNetworker.com

Food for Thought CDs

Distributed by Shifting Frequencies  972-378-1211  www.ShiftingFrequencies.com

When you listen to these CDs through stereo headphones, the soothing music and nature sounds, in combination with the binaural effect, induce sympathetic frequencies of desired brainwave activity. This helps you quickly reach a peaceful and receptive state in which your subconscious mind is most open to new ideas, new insights and positive change. SEE DISPLAY AD.

Environmental Services AOK Computer Recycling

David Gersh , President  214-616-6909  www.aokcomputerrecycling.com

Dispose of your obsolete equipment. Commercial & Residential. Affordable rates. Pick-Up or Drop Off Services. Material recycling exceeds EPA standards. Secure Data Destruction. In compliance with HIPAA. Billing, Inventory, and Certificates of Disposal available to companies. 10% of profits donated to 501(c)3. Member TCEQ, Recycling Alliance of Texas, and the National Recycling Coalition.

Holistic Centers Trinity Centre of Dallas, Inc. Margaret Clench, RN, PhD, ThD 3628 Vintage Place Dallas, TX 75214  214-754-8080  TrinityDallas1@aol.com  TrinityTables.org

Dr. Clench offers complementary modalities of healing and facilitates clients' growth through the use of the Trinity Table™, Korotkov Camera Energy Field Analysis, and Bio-Energy Work. In addition to these modalities, she now offers corporate and individual archetype analysis utilizing the techniques developed by Dr. Caroline Myss in her groundbreaking book, Sacred Contracts. Dr. Clench has been certified by Dr. Myss to teach these exciting and insightful techniques.

Holistic Medicine Alex Bekker, M.D.

Homoeopathy General Practice 6500 E. Mockingbird Ln. Suite 115 Dallas, TX 75214-2483  214-821-3133  a.bekker@sbcglobal.net

Dr. Bekker is a physician with extensive homoeopathic clinical experience. Proper homoeopathic treatment is according to principles based on a holistic understanding of health and disease. Medical insurance covered - out of network provider.

Anne Coleman, MD, PA 375 Municipal Dr, Suite 128 Richardson, TX 75080  972-669-4111

Dr. Coleman and her staff strive to Educate, Equip, and Empower patients to recognize and achieve their personal health goals through lifestyle changes. This process of biotransformation requires the patients overall commitment to adhere to comprehensive testing both conventional and functional, nutritional supplementation, modification of diet, and the right balance of exercise and relaxation.

Summer 2008

Designer Health Concepts, P.A. Tammy Pon, M.D. 2301 Ohio Dr., Suite 110 Plano, TX 75093  972-992-0289

Dr. Pon is Board Certified in Family Practice and specializes in Functional Medicine. She believes we "have been remarkably and wonderfully made" and combines her medical expertise with outstanding patient care to provide a personalized, holistic approach to your health and wellness. She addresses the causes of your ailment, not just the symptoms.

Karen S. Asbury, MD

Integrative Medicine PO Box 863568 Plano, TX 75086  972-867-7790  www.KarenAsburyMD.com

Holistic Veterinary Paws & Claws Animal Hospital Dr. Shawn Messonnier, D.V.M. 2145 West Park Blvd. Plano, TX 75075  972-867-8800

Acupuncture and Holistic Animal Health Care Center. Dr. Shawn Messonnier is a nationally known veterinarian, author, and pet care advocate. Through the use of acupuncture, homeopathy, and nutrition, we can treat a variety of conditions that are often considered “hopeless” by conventional medicine. Chronic problems including allergies, cancer, skin infections, and arthritis often respond well to holistic therapies. Visit our website at www.petcarenaturally.com.

Homeopathy Advanced Homeopathy

Dr. Asbury has had extensive training in both Internal Medicine and Alternative Care. Excellence is emphasized in providing personalized care in a warm, compassionate atmosphere. Without the constraints of insurance, Dr. Asbury is able to spend more time with each patient doing a comprehensive health evaluation and individualizing their therapy program with the goal of restoring optimum health. Visit the website at www.KarenAsburyMD.com.

Glenda Stroup Malone, dht 2060 North Collins Suite 109 Richardson, TX 75080  972-889-1010

Nancy Wiese, D.O.

Alex Bekker, M.D.

Art of Health 6220 Campbell Road (just east of Preston) Suite 203 Dallas, TX 75248  214-295-5782  ArtofHealthonline.com

Finally, a simple approach for your hormonal imbalance… Take the mystery out of the overwhelming information and gain a customized approach for your needs. Call about our Summer Special.

Vara Kantipong, MD

Natural Health and NAET Center 3105 W 15th, Suite C Plano, TX 75075  972-867-7915  www.DrKantipong.com

Dr. Kantipong practices NAET, nutrition, First Line Therapy, bio-identical hormone replacement, Holistic approach to chronic illnesses and allergy. Great results are seen in those who are committed and persevere in the journey to good health and vibrant energy. Visit the website www.drkantipong.com

Years To Your Health

Lonnie Redd 503 E 2nd St Irving, TX 75060  972-579-7042  www.yearstoyourhealth.com

An herb shop established in 1983 has built its business on personal service and providing the finest quality products at affordable prices. SEE DISPLAY AD.

Glenda has been in practice for 27 years. Specializing in chronic disease, adults and children. She teaches you how to stay healthy using homeopathy. Call for appointment.

Homoeopathy General Practice 6500 E. Mockingbird Ln. Suite 115 Dallas, TX 75214-2483  214-821-3133  a.bekker@sbcglobal.net

Dr. Bekker is a physician with extensive homoeopathic clinical experience. Proper homoeopathic treatment is according to principles based on a holistic understanding of health and disease. Medical insurance covered - out of network provider.

Holistic Center of Dallas Regina Edwards, BA, RMT 4144 N. Central Expy Suite 630 Dallas, TX 75204  214-824-4949

Regina Edwards provides Classical Homeopathy consultations. Homeopathy is a form of complimentary medicine using highly diluted natural products to gently enhance healing. The selection of the single remedy is based on unique symptoms, physical sensations and emotional reactions of each individual. Additionally available: Cranio-sacral Therapy, Esoteric Healing and Therapeutic Touch.


Nadine Romain, Ph.D., Certified Hypnotherapist, HypnoBirthing® Practitioner Office in Dallas Lakewood Area  214-796-5327  www.alphahypnosis.biz

Looking for the Life you were meant to live? Let me help you help yourself and regain control for life-long changes! Releasing habit patterns - Stress, Fear, Anxiety release - Metaphysical Counseling - Abundance - and much more... Available for corporate group. Call for an appointment today!


Summer 2008 31

HYPNOSIS WORKS! Weight Reduction Smoking Cessation Anxiety Elimination Fitness Performance Enhancement

Ki Steelman Board Certified Hypnotherapist Personal Coach for Success

• Past Life Regressions • Life-Between-Lives Therapy • Connecting With Your Guides www.journeybetweenlives.com Carole Layman, LMSW Certified Hypnotherapist

Achieve Your Goals Today. Call Now!

(817) 557-0008 or (817) 455-6642


Your journey starts here!


HOLISTIC LAW A Holistic Approach to the Practice of Law including Family Law, Criminal Defense, and other Law Related matters.

James W. Hunt Attorney at Law

103 Dal Rich Village Richardson, Texas 75080 (SE Corner of Coit and Belt Line Road in Whole Foods shopping center)

972-392-2500 Member - Int’l Alliance of Holistic Lawyers Not certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization

32 HolisticNetworker.com

Clinical/Medical Hypnotherapist Dale E. Emmert, Ph.D., CCHt., RBT.  214-542-0067  drdaleemmert@yahoo.com  www.academyhypnosis.com

"When you change the way you think about things, the things you think about change". - Dr. Wayne Dyer. Dr. Emmert is a member of the American Board of Behavioral Therapists and for years has assisted clients in the areas of Smoking Cessation, Weight Management, Fears & Phobias, Emotional Freedom, Sports Enhancement and anxieties related to Memory and Test Taking. Dr. Emmert is also a Pain Management specialist certified by the American Board of Medical Hypnotherapists as a Hypnotic Anesthesiologist.

Counseling Services

Sherri Lackman, MA, LPC, Cht 304 S. Cottonwood #D Richardson, TX 75080  972-231-4466  sherrilackman@msn.com  www.sherrilackman.com

Discover how hypnotherapy can gently explore issues that have caused unhealthy behavior and poor decisions in the past. Hypnosis allows access to the unconscious in the altered state so that issues can be resolved more quickly and efficiently than with talk therapy.

Journey Between Lives

Carole Layman, LMSW, CHt PO Box 171102 Arlington, TX 76003-1102  817-557-0008  www.journeybetweenlives.com

SPIRITUAL REGRESSIONS. Past Life AND Life Between Lives Therapy. Stop guessing and visit the Spirit World for definitive answers regarding your current life as well as your Soul Life! Discover your Guides, Soul Group, Life Purpose and more!

Soul Revelations

P.J. Spur, CHt. 320 Decker Drive, Suite 100 Irving, TX 75062  972-822-4548  www.soulrevelations.com

Past Life Regressions and Life Between Lives Explorations. Navigate your life, meet your Spirit Guides and Angels, and tap into your Higher Self to make changes and reveal a better tomorrow...with hypnosis. Special sessions for children to deal with fears, sleep disturbances and self confidence.

Interior Design/Feng Shui Feng Shui Designs

Inga Chandler  972-991-8885  www.fengshuidesignsconsultations.com

Inga Chandler has studied with over 62 Eastern and Western Feng Shui masters since 1989, and integrates Feng Shui principles from a minimum of 14 primary schools into each consultation. She is certified through the American Feng Shui Institute, is a graduate of The Sheffield School of Interior Design, is a Texas Real Estate Broker, a nationally certified CAPS Designate, and has completed Level 1 Training through the Kushi Institute.

Summer 2008

Karen Ann Tompkins

Feng Shui With Karen Ann  972-669-1595  972-644-1526; fax  karenanntompkins@comcast.net  www.FengShuiWithKarenAnn.com

Karen Ann has studied with Masters worldwide, and practices classical Feng Shui. This analytical and diagnostic approach is specific to each property, each person, and includes the influences of time.

Nirmala Designs - Meditation and Prayer Room Design Surinder Moore  972-805-3693  www.PersonalPrayerRooms.com

Call for a FREE initial consultation to have a Prayer, Meditation or Puja Room or Space created in your home.

Iridology The People’s Chiropractic Clinic Edna Craven, D.C., BCNP, BCI 3200 N MacArthur Blvd Ste 105 Irving, TX 75062  972-256-0004

24 years experience. Jensonian and Holistic Iridology. Accurate iris reading. Complete written Report Of Finding with pictures. Nutritional Consultation. See ad for additional services.

Lymphatic Drainage Therapy Lymphatic Drainage Therapy Don M. Williams, LMT, MTI, CEP  817-925-8933

Remove toxins, increase energy, feel lighter with this therapy; upper body (lungs, liver, bladder, uterus/ prostate, breasts). Gentle, but effective; amazing therapy.

Macrobiotics Macrobiotic Center Margaret Lawson  903-786-9100

Macrobiotic BED AND BREAKFAST NOW OPEN (about one hour North of Dallas). Cooking Classes, Counseling, Books, Supplies. Email macro@airmail.net for brochure.

Natural Health Care Services

S.V. "Ami" Amagna, MSc, RMT, CNHP Carrollton, TX (Marsh/Rosemeade Area)  972-492-6651

Macrobiotic counseling to develop a dietary program for overcoming your health problems • Shiatsu-based energetic bodywork to relieve stress/pain and restore good health by revitalizing organs and systems • Medical Qi Gong self-healing exercises • External Qi therapy (palm healing) • Guidance on supplements, herbs and homeopathic remedies.

Meditation Ananda Meditation & Yoga Center Sue Chadwick 4901 Keller Springs Rd. #103 Addison, TX 75001  972-248-9126

Beginning Meditation 5-week class series - learn to calm your mind, develop concentration, access inner peace. Simple, effective, proven techniques based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda. SEE DISPLAY AD.

Metaphysical Arts & Sciences Dallas Psychic Fair

Holiday Inn Select - North Dallas (LBJ West bound access road just past Josey Ln)  469-463-1810  dallaspsychicfair@gmail.com  dallaspsychicfair.com

Over 50 professional psychic readers, vendors and wellness practitioners. Held the 1st Sunday of every month 12 - 6 pm. Admission - $7.00, all readings $10.00 ea.

Dream Work

John Stone Dallas, Texas  214-908-6261  www.consciousdreaming.org

Local author John Stone offers workshops, books, private study and apprenticeships in Lucid Dreaming and Out of Body Travel. See website for Vision Quest Preparation.

Intuitive Astrologer and Tarot Reader Cynthia Novak  metro 817-261-2984

Intuitive astrologer and Tarot reader, Cynthia Novak provides detailed, informative, tape-recorded sessions. All are heart-centered and process oriented.

Psychic and Author

Lai Ubberud Winner of the Award "Best Psychic of 2005" by The Houston Press  832-646-3297  www.laiubberud.com

Psychic, Tarot, Past Lives, Channeling, Exorcisms, Angels, Haunted Houses, Author of "Celebrity Pets Tell All"

Movement MoveStudio

Move and be moved! 17062 Preston Rd. Suite 108, at Campbell Dallas, TX 75248  972-732-0206  staff@movestudio.com  www.movestudio.com

Ready for a new fitness alternative? Engage, challenge and inspire your mind, spirit and body in our serene and inspiring environment. Bellydance, jazz, modern, Nia, TranceDance, Ecstatic dance and other drop-in classes for grown-ups. Stretch, strengthen, improve posture and alleviate back pain with intelligent, holistic Pilates exercise. Full Pilates equipment studio. Got yoga? Improve physical fitness, flexibility, mental clarity, relaxation, stress management and well-being at any age. Hatha, restorative, prenatal yoga classes and more. Group, semi-private and private Pilates & yoga instruction with certified, experienced teachers. MoveStudio also hosts a number of concerts, community events and workshops for body, mind & spirit, each month. Visit our website often to see what we're up to. You'll love the way you move!


Summer 2008 33

Beginning Meditation

(5-class Series – $90) ~Pre-registration Required~ Mondays, June 23 - July 21 & Sept 8 - Oct 6 Wednesdays, July 30 - Aug 27

Ananda YogaÂŽ Classes

$50/month or drop-in $10/class Wednesday & Friday @ Noon Tuesday & Thursday @ 6:15 pm

Based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda

Workshops: Restorative Yoga, Chakras, Yoga Philosophy

Group Meditations

Healing Touch

Natural healing for body, mind & spirit

Pamela Mauras-Kelley Usui Reiki Master & Teacher

(817) 721-0901

Email: empress3@comcast.net Arlington TX Reiki - Distance Healing - Reiki for Pets Creative Force Energy Attunements Chakra Balancing - Aromatherapy Bach Flower Remedies - Native & Full Moon Ceremonies, Readings & more

Meditation & Yoga Center

4901 Keller Springs Rd #103, Addison, TX 75001 (1-1/2 blocks West of the Tollway)

every Tuesday, 7:30-9pm

Sunday Worship Service

Meditation and Purification Service 9:00-9:45 am 972-248-9126 Worship Service e-mail: anandadallas@aol.com 10:00am - 11:15am website: anandadallas.org Includes brief meditation, ALL ARE WELCOME! chanting, Bible & Bhagavad Gita reading, Festival of Light Please call or email for Free Calendar

Cynthia Novak Intuitive * Astrologer * Tarot-Reader Readings from the Heart

Providing Detailed, Personal and Predictive Information Remind you why you are here Help you plan where you are going www.cynthianovak.com

metro (817) 261-2984 New! Classes in VEDIC Astrology and Tarot

The Most Personal and Practical Gift!

34 HolisticNetworker.com

Nutrition Euphoria Smoothie

Smoothie • Coffee • Boba Tea 4701 W. Park Blvd. #106 (bt Preston & Ohio) Plano, TX 75093  972-769-0301

Smoothie Heaven! Freshest tasting smoothie in the market. The explosive, full rich flavors will excite and tantalize your taste buds. We provide delicious, high quality beverage and foods that are good for your health, mind and body. Fruit Smoothies: 100% Natural, No Preservative, No Fat, No added cane Sugar, vitamin & mineral fortified. Chai Tea, Boba (Bubble) Tea, Espresso/Cappucino: Italian D'Oro, Stuffed Soft Pretzels, Healthy snacks, Nutritional Supplements.

Juice Zone Café

3839 McKinney Ave Suite 130 Dallas, TX 75204  214-522-9663  www.jzone-dfw.com

Get an energy boost with fresh juiced drinks, healthy, natural, smoothies, and tasty wraps. Located in the West Village facing Blackburn Street. Plenty of parking.

Nature's Sunshine

Ben Koch, Independent Distributor  972-746-3711  Bluegardenhealth@mynsp.com  www.mynsp.com/bluegardenhealth

Vitamins, supplements, herbs, essential oils, skincare and more. Over 500 products, including Chinese, homeopathic, Ayurvedic, etc. For the whole family, including pets! Browse and order online or call for more information.

Summer 2008

Osteopathy Cranial Osteopath

Liz Chapek, D.O. 6760 Abrams Road, Suite 203 Dallas, TX 75231  214-341-8742  www.do-online.org/chapek

Hands-on evaluation of body and head by physician, for treatment or prevention, aims to optimize ability to heal & function: NEWBORNS/INFANTS-weak suck, irregular head shape, sleep trouble, fussy, seizures, recurrent ear infection. YOUNG CHILDREN-hyperactivity, learning/ developmental trouble, scoliosis, insufficient space for teeth. PREGNANT WOMEN-helps mothers be more comfortable through pregnancy & labor/delivery be easier. ALL AGES-migraine, asthma, menstrual/female problems, injuries from strains, falls, whiplash. Call us for information.

Products Dr. David R. Hawkins' books

Distributed by Shifting Frequencies  972-378-1211  www.ShiftingFrequencies.com

Dr. Hawkins has devoted his life to the spiritual evolution of mankind. His books utilize muscle testing, as this well-established science provides an objective basis for distinguishing truth from falsehood. Introducing Dr. Hawkins' 7th book, "Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man". SEE DISPLAY AD.

Go Green Energy Savers Christi Roberts  972-838-7383

Save up to 25% on your electric bill, while helping to save the environment. KVAR® EC fine tunes electrical systems to reduce non-productive and wasted electricity, giving you cost-effective energy! Give discount code: SF444 to get special pricing. SEE DISPLAY AD.

"Healing Music"

By Alan Roubik Distributed by Shifting Frequencies  972-378-1211  www.ShiftingFrequencies.com

Alan's music has been scientifically tested and endorsed by Dr. Masaru Emoto, author of the "Messages from Water" books. Alan's CDs are used for pain and anxiety relief, as well as assisting the human immune system.

Side Effects DVD

Distributed by Shifting Frequencies  972-378-1211  www.ShiftingFrequencies.com

This Indie movie called "Side Effects", starring Katherine Heigl of Grey's Anatomy, entertains as it illuminates on the workings of the pharmaceutical industry.

Life Companions

When you meet someone special it adds new colors to your life. You feel alive and the energy is strong between you. All relationships have a flow and a rhythm.

Now is the time to strengthen the relationships that are most important to you.

Adding new energy and vitality is what makes partnerships continue to grow and flourish.

Pay special attention to the connections that you have created. Don’t let them slip away or become complacent.

See how beautiful and integral people are to your growth and joy.

There are many lessons to learn and new beginnings will come into view. Reconnect with your life companions in a deeper way.

Divinely inspired art by Nicole Mizoguchi, © 2008 • www.nicolemiz.com • mail@nicolemiz.com

36 HolisticNetworker.com

heroes fighting to solve the environmental challenges we all face. Six times a year members receive a DVD with 3 – 6 films that will inspire them to get involved to make a difference. “I’m proud to support the Earth Cinema Circle, their environmentally friendly films remind us how precious our planet truly is. They provide the best educational and entertaining environmental films that will change the way you see and live in the world and inspire you to become part of the solution, not the problem,” says Ed Begley, Jr. noted environmentalist and actor. The Earth Cinema Circle, a new subscription-based DVD club, has been created to meet the growing demand for films with powerful and inspiring messages. Co-founded by Gaiam and Spiritual Cinema Circle, the Earth Cinema Circle (ECC) offers hard-tofind, family-friendly films that focus on the environment, wildlife, eco-travel, sustainability, healthy “green” living and the


Summer 2008

The current collection includes the documentary Power Shift, narrated by Cameron Diaz. In this film we learn about eco-friendly building designs, alternative power supplies and the path towards a brighter, cleaner, healthier planet for ourselves and for future generations. Three additional films are included. To learn more please visit www.earthcinemacircle.com

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“Healing Music” �����������������������������


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38 HolisticNetworker.com


ike grocery stores stocking organic food and fitness fans flocking to yoga, medicine is going back to the future—with biofeedback.

Summer 2008

By Dr. David G. Lancaster, DO, ABHM

A typical biofeedback session begins with a detailed patient history and a discussion of treatment goals. The setting is usually a quiet room with soothing light and comfortable seating. A therapist instructs the patient throughout the session to focus on making the desired change. A computer provides feedback in the form of a videogame or musical pitches. Sessions last from 30 to 60 minutes and the number of treatments varies from five to 30 sessions, depending on the complexity of the condition being treated. In between sessions the patient is encouraged to practice the techniques at home to maximize the therapeutic benefit. There is no license needed to practice biofeedback in the United States. Currently the Biofeedback Certification Institute of America is the only certifying agency for healthcare professionals. It requires supervised clinical hours and a passing score on the certifying examination.

image: iStockphoto.com/Dan Brandenburg

Biofeedback uses modern technology combined with meditation and relaxation to provide real-time information about automatic processes in our bodies—such as heart rate or brain waves—that we normally are not aware of. It converts this information into sound or a picture that a patient can use to regulate her body. Eventually the patient learns to use her mind, thoughts, and emotions to alter her biological process. This puts the patient in control of her body. It may also help to reduce or eliminate the need for medication, or treat conditions that don’t respond well to medication. Because it is non-invasive, biofeedback is very safe, with practically no adverse reactions on record.

The first clinical use of biofeedback was in the 1960s, for urinary incontinence. Now biofeedback is being used to treat high blood pressure, headaches, chronic pain, stress, heart disease, Raynaud’s disease, constipation, stroke, asthma, and other chronic issues. There are six basic forms of biofeedback. All of them can lead to a path of self discovery by uncovering the power that our thoughts and emotions have over our health. Electromyography (EMG) uses electrodes to measure and provide feedback

of muscle tension. It has been used to treat back pain, tension headaches, jaw pain, joint pain, and blood pressure. Electroencephalography (EEG) measures brain waves. Different frequencies of brain wave activity are associated with mental states such as light or deep sleep, concentration, wakefulness, and relaxation. It is used to treat anxiety, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, insomnia, epilepsy and addiction. Heart-rate-variability biofeedback measures small beat-to-beat changes of the heart rhythm. The variability can be


altered by deep breathing or emotional states, and it is theorized to be an indirect measurement of the “autonomic” nervous system, which controls processes in our visceral organs and blood vessels that are not under our voluntary control. This kind of biofeedback is used to treat cardiovascular disease, stress, pain, headaches, and blood pressure. Thermal biofeedback uses a sensor to measure skin temperature. The temperature fluctuates with emotional states such as stress or relaxation. This is another indirect measure of the autonomic nervous system, and it is used to treat headaches, blood pressure, stress, anxiety, pain, and Raynaud’s disease. Glavanic skin response is an indirect measure of the autonomic nervous system that monitors sweat gland activity. It is used for anxiety, emotional disorders, blood pressure, and pain. Slow controlled breathing biofeedback is used to treat blood pressure and for relaxation. It regulates heart rate variability and the autonomic nervous system. Prior to the modern era of medicine, our mind and thoughts were inseparable from our body. This interconnectedness was observed by many cultures and played a central role in the diagnosis and treatment of ailments. In western medicine, as science and technology rapidly advanced, our mind was perceived as separate from the rest of our body in the diagnosis and treatment of disease. Science requires quantifiable observations and reproducible experiments. Thoughts and feelings are difficult, if not impossible, to measure and thus they were discarded as irrelevant. In contrast, medical and surgical diagnosis and treatment outcomes are easy to record and measure. Biofeedback is difficult to study because of the variability of how it is administered. Still, the medical literature over the past several decades has been accumulating with some favorable results. Although most of the studies are

Summer 2008 39

small, there are enough of them to be statistically evaluated in meta-analyses. This is a way to group several studies together to see if there is an overall trend or common outcome. A meta-analysis in the Journal of Pain found strong evidence of the effectiveness of biofeedback as a treatment for migraine headaches. It examined 55 studies with a total of 2,229 patients. The authors concluded that biofeedback can be used to prevent migraines. Specifically, they found that the frequency and duration of headaches were reduced more than with medicationintake and that it reduced anxiety and depression. This suggests a prophylactic potential of biofeedback. These effects were not only immediate but were maintained and somewhat enhanced over time. The literature of biofeedback’s effectiveness in treating chronic back pain is mixed, although a recent study by Flor found that biofeedback reduced pain, interference with activities of daily life, distress, and health care use. Biofeedback is also being studied as part of the treatment of fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is a syndrome of widespread pain that usually affects women between 20-60 years of age. Several small studies have found a reduction in the number of tender points, pain intensity, morning stiffness, and depression. Biofeedback has been studied more extensively for the treatment of high blood pressure than for any other cardiac condition. Yucha’s 2001 review of 23 randomized control trials found that biofeedback lowered systolic blood pressure by 6.7 mm Hg and diastolic by 4.8 mm Hg. Nakao’s 2003 review of 22 randomized controlled trials also found similar reductions in blood pressure, and Kranitiz’s review in 2004 found that in general larger and more consistent blood pressure lowering effects have been observed in biofeedback therapies that involve slow controlled breathing guidance.

The relaxation techniques used while performing biofeedback are similar to those commonly used in Eastern disciplines. They involve slow, controlled breathing with a focus on a mantra or on various parts of one’s body. Extensive research by Lehrer and Vaschillo found that slow breathing between three and nine times a minute can increase heartrate variability, which is a reflection of a balance of the autonomic nervous system. This increase in heart-rate variability has been shown to decrease anxiety and ease depression as well as lower blood pressure. Although these relaxation techniques can be done without biofeedback, the use of a biofeedback machine helps to individualize the techniques. The machine helps the patient achieve the correct breathing rate and guides them to the most efficient way to mentally relax. Biofeedback is a form of mind-body medicine that has its roots in meditation and relaxation techniques, but uses modern scientific instrumentation to help guide a person to a desired state of balanced mind and body. Studies overwhelmingly conclude that it is safe. It empowers patients to take a more active role in treating disease and maintaining health and can lead to a path of self-discovery by uncovering the power that our thoughts and emotions have over our body.

Web Resources www.mayoclinic.com/health/biofeedback/SA00083 www.bcia.org/ www.aapb.org

About the Author

David G. Lancaster, D.O. is a physical medicine and rehabilitation graduate of Baylor Institute of Rehabilitation.† He is a diplomat of the American Board of Holistic Medicine and specializes in musculoskeletal disorders using osteopathic manipulation and conventional treatments. He may be reached at 972-804-6795.

Eating with the Season, Part III: Summertime Why do we cheat on ourselves?

As I was writing this weekend, my ten-year old son approached my desk and said he had “a confession”. That always peaks a mother’s interest. He said, “I was really looking forward to my friend’s slumber party so I could celebrate by having cake and soda. Then I realized that it might be a dumb thing to do, celebrating by putting garbage in my body.” Out of the mouth of babes comes the truth! Fanaticism in any pursuit, including our diet, would be against Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) principals and guidelines, but we do reach a new level of gratitude, awareness, and health when we relish all our nutrient-rich meals and don’t look forward to cheating on ourselves as a reward for all the good we’ve done prior. In this article, Part III in our series Eating with the Season, we’ll look at what TCM nutrition recommends as the best foods to eat in summer for those wanting to reward themselves with the most appropriate, nurturing foods possible. But first, let’s take a look at this time we call summer.

Summer time = Fire Time

The sun emits short-wave radiation that enters the Earth’s atmosphere in the form of UV (ultraviolet), visible light, and infrared radiation. In the Northern Hemisphere, summer occurs in June, July, and August and that is the time when we experience the longest and warmest days of the year—more hours of and more intense radiation than any other time of year. Thus, the word most associated with summer in TCM is “heat”. In 2008, our longest day will be June 20 (but that won’t be the hottest day—since temperature lags heat input). In Texas, the hottest day on record was 120 degrees on August 12, 1936, and August is the month we usually experience the most extreme heat. We see the obvious affects of heat in our external world: grass seems to grow a-foota-minute and then burns to a crispy brown; trees at the extreme of their energy expansion are heavy, laden with fruit; and animals of all kinds reduce their energy output and flock to shade and watering holes. With our air conditioners and iced tea, humans believe we’re less subject to the effects of summer, but TCM acknowledges our place in nature and how people are also strongly affected by the seasons, and in this case, the effects of summer heat.

Summer Afternoon

Our “Fire Element” and its organs, the heart and small intestine, are associated with and strongly affected in summer. The emotion associated

with the heart is joy, and with the expansion of energy and increased circulation and heat of summer, we can experience joy in the desire to spend more time outdoors, more time playing with friends and family, and by completing projects started in spring. To test the point, just say the word “summer” to a friend and ask them what comes to mind!

The Effects of Summer Heat

Summer heat occurs from the combination of heat and humidity of summer and manifests in an uprising and spreading out of the body’s internal heat, causing thirst, red face, headache, heat stroke, allergies, digestive upset, sluggishness, heart palpitations, and many other ailments. People with excess heat in the body are often irritable, impatient, and restless.

What to Eat to Beat the Heat

Perhaps the first thought when eating to counter summer heat would be: eat all the cold you can. While cold foods are on the list, it’s not that simple. Excess of any kind in TCM leads to disharmony and ailments. In general, lighter foods that are cooling and easy to digest are at the top of the menu in summer. This list includes eating fruits, greens, grains, legumes, and drinking room-temperature or warm herbal teas (not hot and not iced). Some of the recommended herbal teas are mint, chrysanthemum, and hibiscus; and green tea is a cooling, refreshing summer drink, as well.

by Allison Ellis

In the States, many people are unfamiliar with mung beans, and since they are one of the most valuable gems in our TCM culinary treasure, below you will find an introduction and a few delicious ideas for preparing them. Mung beans are small, round, and have a green skin and yellow inside. They are eaten whole, split, hulled, with skin on, and sprouted. They are used in TCM to quench thirst, detoxify, and clear heat. They are native to India and if not in your local grocery, they can be found in Chinese, Middle Eastern, and Indian grocery stores as Moong Dal.

How to Prepare Mung Beans

There are dozens of easy, quick combinations to make a delicious meal of whole mung beans. They do not require soaking and can be boiled or cooked in a pressure cooker. If you boil them, use 3 cups of water for every 1/2 cup of beans and cook for 30-40 minutes. Stir occasionally while cooking and add water if necessary. If foam forms while cooking, skim off and discard. Your beans are done. That’s faster than getting in the car and fetching fast-food! You can now do one of hundreds of things such as: • Add cooked white or brown rice (1:1 or 2 parts rice to 1 part beans) • Add any of these chopped herbs: parsley, cilantro, rosemary, sage, thyme, tarragon • Add chopped and steamed greens (spinach is especially tasty) • Add spices such as turmeric, cumin, and coriander. These can be lightly sautéed in a small amount olive oil or ghee (clarified butter) to release the flavor and then poured over the bean mixture.

Meats, particularly beef and lamb, are very warming and should be significantly reduced or avoided in summer. Alcohol, frozen foods, hot spices, and fried greasy foods are not going to do you any favors either. Texans sure do love to sit in the summer sun with chips & salsa and a frozen margarita, but take heed: that’s a What to Eat in Autumn recipe for southern dis-comfort. Why not frozen Come autumn, our energy will begin receding drinks? Though they are cold, the body must back into the body and our focus will turn from increase metabolic action to digest them and the heart to the organ of fall—the lungs. Foods By Dr.that David G.“inward” Lancaster, ABHM have an energyDO, and that support the net result is more internal heat. the lungs are recommended. To find out what An excessive amount of cooling foods can those are, look for the fall issue of The Holistic harm digestion and lead to reduced immunity, Networker and Part IV of our series, Eating with fatigue, and loose stool. While they are on the the Season. If you missed Part II in the series list, don’t over-do salads, raw foods, or juices that offered a TCM nutrition guide for spring, and smoothies. visit: holisticnetworker.com/wp/234/ Two foods at the top of the list for beating summer heat are watermelon and mung beans. Since everyone is familiar with watermelon, we’ll just add one point here. TCM does not recommend excessive juice consumption, but big fans of juicing recommend that you include the rind to take advantage of the great nutrients in watermelon.

These are general guidelines for people in a state of balance and good health. Though season is considered, when there is any disharmony, a person’s individual constitution and current state take precedence over time of year when making food recommendations.

Allison Ellis is a Certified TCM Nutritionist and can be reached at 626.497.9195


Your Summer Stars by Cynthia Novak


elcome summer with the promise of heat, fun and economic rebuilding. July starts with a New Moon on the 2nd, just in time for America’s annual birthday party. The economy struggles with inflation and there is fear of foreign dollars. However, there is an excitement for what is to come through the Presidential Election. That collective enthusiasm is part of the spark of resilience that this nation and her economy are known for. Change is in the air and in the heavens. Jupiter, the optimistic guru, slows to a halt; resiliency is the word this summer. Look to the sky and if your eyes are very sharp, you can see the planet Jupiter in the constellation Sagittarius. He’s so close to the Earth; he appears to move backwards. From July 1st until October 1st he moves just 6 degrees! Jupiter lingers in a lunar mansion that deals with goading or prodding the self or soul to a perspective greater than the self. Here, Jupiter is the proverbial push off the collective couch. Jupiter is the high minded-coach who motivates us to pull for the team to something greater. Sure, you can choose to ignore lofty ideals in favor of cynicism, but the latter is so full of isolation and inertia that it really does pay to reach for more. Jupiter is the planet of society and collective civility. We can give civility to each other, but we may need a gentle reminder from our mentors, Founding Fathers and Presidential candidates. Will you reach beyond your desires? Are you ready to play a part in the future? Look to the constellation Leo. There you’ll find Saturn, the planet of structures and tenacity. Jupiter governs gold, but Saturn governs lead. Saturn is everywhere. He is the tick, tick, tick of time on the mortal clock of life. Resiliency is born from Saturn’s obstacles

Summer 2008 41

and shared through Jupiter’s broad soulful excitement for the future. One by one, Mars, Venus, Mercury the Sun and Moon will cross Saturn, then receive the gift of opportunity from Jupiter. Simply put, we are tested by mortal fears of lack or mortality. We come to appreciate each other and want to share that. The knowledge that we are all in this home, job, town, nation or world offers an inspired resiliency. The Conventions fall just as these aspects, or potentials, move through. The Summer begins with the sense we are somehow alone. That is the frustration of Mars on Saturn. It feels in some way like having one foot on the brake and another on the gas. However, as the Summer comes to an end, We the People are working together. The momentum is palpable. Those of you who are really tuned in will feel it first. In fact, you’ll only feel the Mars Saturn as a call to determined spiritual awareness and inner action. The first planet to cross Saturn is Mars, the Planet of action, service, competition and even war. This is how we start the Summer that begins with separation, but ends with unity. The Presidential Election really is different this time. The Conventions will be lively and the Democrats will be compelled to be more Democratic. Even those disinterested by politics will tune in. Both Parties are challenged to meet the needs of their constituents and both candidates are wild cards. Jupiter is politics and Saturn is structure and order. The USA is making a shift, but you might not notice if you don’t think it’s possible.

July: Jupiter faces Venus as the month begins.

Reflexology Judith Greenwood Reflexologist / LMT Forest/Marsh Lane Area Dallas, TX  214-280-7684

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Reiki/Energy Healing Energy Dynamics —

Multi-Dimensional Transformational Healing and Spiritual Response Therapy Cynthia R. Shaw, RMT, MTI  972-991-2097  energydynamics@cynthiarshaw.com  www.cynthiarshaw.com

SRT is a system of researching the subconscious mind and soul records to quickly find and release the discordant, limiting ideas and replace them with loving, supportive ideas and beliefs. SRT provides an exacting, powerful, virtually painless and accurate way of changing the landscape of our inner and outer lives. Remote healing available.

Healing Touch

Pamela Mauras-Kelley, Reiki MasterTeacher, Divinity Graduate of Accelerated Creative Force-Quan Yin Creation Center, Hawaii Arlington, TX  817-721-0901  empress3@comcast.net

Experience healing energy grounded in 5th-9th dimensional Ascension/Christ energies and 95 Creative Force energy bodies of Quan Yin, the Ascended Masters & Elohim Angels of Creation. These powerful energies deeply heal, release disruptionary energies and align us in force that gives tremendous enjoyment & empowerment to create what we want. Among other services, I teach Usui Reiki & Portalization of Creative Force. SEE AD.

Reconnective Healing™ and The Reconnection™

They are both big spenders and there is plenty Jim Nippert, Reconnective Healing of money flying around during the holiday Practitioner™  469-877-6578 weekend. By the 8th economic bad news could Reconnective Frequencies connect us to the natural send a little shudder through you, but it will energy gridlines, enable spiritual and evolutionary enhance and fuel renewal function of the not last. July starts off filled with enthusiasm, advancement, body, and increase vibratory levels for healing & but the Market is not as fearless as we thought. development. Soon, Mars, the planet of action, will cross Saturn, the planet of responsibility. We the People are challenged to take responsibility as July comes to an end. This is the perfect month to develop a business idea. You see what we “need.” The 2nd and 3rd weeks are Tammy Gersh great to tackle a big task. Put your head down and chip away at it until it becomes a work Ortho-Bionomy of art. By the 25th, things are looking up. Thalassotherapy The last week of July is most interesting for Hydrotherapy relationships. Talk about destiny! Venus, the planet of love, crosses through the eclipse path 214.564.7795 as July comes to an end. There is no better time to use positive faith, love and heartfelt love to www.oceanna.biz [continued on next page]

42 HolisticNetworker.com

Summer 2008

[continued from page 41] heal. That does mean you do the loving as well as expect it. It’s better to turn the cosmic plan for love over to a higher source. This month it truly does feel like destiny. Great Smiles

August: A Total Solar Eclipse comes on the 1st. It covers the Northern Hemisphere and should be most visible in the far Northern regions of Canada, The Arctic and partially visible across Europe and the Eastern Block. The big news will be about Arctic drilling and Global Warming. Expect surprising news and actions. This Eclipse falls on the planet Mercury and “news” is part of communications. However, Mercury also deals with business. The big talk will be the international market place with an emphasis on the areas illuminated by the eclipse. This is a cooperative lunar mansion that deals with enlightened action and prosperity. There is plenty of talk about global business, however, the near future is all about local business. The Lunar Eclipse on the 16th finds the planets Mercury, Saturn and Venus all together. Jupiter, the big picture planet, offers the big picture to all who will look. This should translate into peace talks from the boardroom, to the bedroom, to political power brokers. We truly are greater when we work together for a shared ideal. Politicians aren’t the only ones who know we have to cooperate to get things done. By the end of August, the Presidential Race is teaming with energy again. The Lunar Eclipse on McCain’s chart suggests that he is unusually lively this month. Just as the visible planets cross Saturn, the Conventions are held. The Democrats have theirs the 25th28th. Expect surprises everywhere. The only thing that is certain is it will make history. The convention falls in the dark, slow phase of the Moon. This should calm the crowds and help them reach for inspired, spiritual union.

September: We find ourselves in the Grasp of Destiny. All the visible planets are on one side of the ecliptic. The Moon stays with them through the 13th, then has two weeks on the other side. Expect the first half of the month to be filled with excitement and the passion of history unfolding before us. The next 2 weeks is all about trying to figure out the details of how to do it and the ramifications of our collective action. Whew! That is bigger than the office drama. The potential for positive change from the economy to the world stage is here. Excitement fills the air as the summer comes to an end. The faster moving planets have pulled away. This month we anchor what

we’ ve learned. Saturn and Jupiter are both moving so slowly that they work as one. If Jupiter is the big picture, Saturn is the beauty of little details. If Jupiter is the ideals of a Party or group, Saturn is the foundation that the big ideas are built upon. Saturn shows us where we need to cut in order to finance Jupiter’s New Deal. Jupiter helps us reach beyond immediate gratification for a plan for the future. This isn ’t a given, but it is a powerful potential when we reach for something big like the ideas this nation was built upon. September is all about the future. Jupiter is expansion, Saturn contraction. We are giving birth. It’s the start of a school year and the big push for the Presidential race. The Republicans have their convention from the 1st to the 4th during a dynamic New Moon energy. They might offer an economic plan that the people can grab onto. I wonder if they hired an astrologer for some added astro oomph?

The Race: It appears that the candidates get some down time in July. McCain has some frustrating transits that suggest to me that he’s not overjoyed about his running mate. I still think it will be Romney. McCain is a bit of a wildcard. He was born with Uranus, the revolutionary, in stressful aspect to Mars, the planet of action and service. This will probably be his last run and he will make it memorable. August and September are full of action as the “old dog” courts “the People.” In the meantime, Obama and Hillary make history. As I write this, it sounds pretty crazy, but I’m betting that he offers and she accepts the VP slot. I don’t think it will happen soon, but perhaps in August, just before the Convention. With his charisma and her strength, they will continue to draw attention. I expect her to accept the VP slot after negotiating to be an unusually powerful VP. Obama gets to breathe in July, then he comes out onto the world stage. Obama has some tricky transits, however, the one thing

that is certain about the Uranus transit to his natal Mars is that it is innately unpredictable. If folks are talking about his demise that’s not what will come. Uranus is revolutionary and playful in everyway. It’s difficult to relax when you have a Uranus transit because you desperately want to be free. However, when you represent a huge nation and a party you are never totally free from scandal, criticism and, of course, the pull of “the party.” What makes these candidates and this election so refreshing is their innate destiny to facilitate change. If you think things are going to be the same ol’ same ol’, just park your cynicism on the couch while you watch. Plenty of folks are ready to participate from the left and right. Both candidates have reached across party lines in the past. Are you ready for that stretch? Will you reach beyond party lines for the best candidate? I’ll bet that happens in many ways across the land this fall, and in September we watch history being made as the Race carries us with it.

Love and Money: July begins with a little reckless spending and romance. That quickly slows, but comes back in September. Then, Venus and Mars join Mercury in the heavens. There is plenty of talk and action in the areas of love and money. In fact, we will look back on the Summer of 2008 as the birth of something exciting. We are ready to reach out, too. This gets stronger as the month goes on, but if I were going to look for love and plan for more money, I would take action anytime, but definitely on the 10th of September. Cynthia Novak is a professional astrologer. She can be contacted at metro 817-261-2984. Read Cynthia’s daily astrological message at www.HolisticNetworker.com/dailymessage/ or see www.CynthiaNovak.com Come hear Cynthia’s talk at the Wellness Expo on Sunday, October 19 at 11:30am entitled “Astrology and You”.


Spiritual Organizations Breath of Life (Interfaith Mindfulness Fellowship) Br. ChiSing, M.Div., M.A., Spiritual Director P.O. Box 863961 Plano, TX 75086  ChiSing@InterMindful.com  www.InterMindful.com

Interfaith meditation and mindfulness inspired by the Universal Wisdom and Compassion of Buddhist Spirituality and our beloved teacher, Thich Nhat Hanh. Gatherings every Sunday, 5:30 p.m. at Unity Church of Dallas include meditation, music, teachings, sharing and community-building. Beginner-friendly and open to people of all ages, religions, genders, ethnicities, and orientations. American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation available every Sunday. Details at www.InterMindful.com

Christian Science Reading Room Pam Thompson, Manager 1930 N. Coit Road, #120 SE Corner Coit/Campbell Richardson, TX 75080  972-231-0114  csrrrich@gmail.com  www.csreadingroom-richardson.com

Learn how Jesus healed. Explaining and employing his methods, Christian Science has a century-long record of improving the health and changing the lives of thousands around the world. Our caring staff is experienced in spiritual healing and loves to share spiritual insights, either one-on-one or with groups. The Reading Room is a community center for spiritual discovery and a store offering books and products with healing ideas-including the bestseller, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures", which teaches how Jesus healed.

Earth Rhythms

Amy Martin 381 Casa Linda Plaza #137 Dallas, TX 75218  info@EarthRhythms.org  www.earthrhythms.org

Presenting experiential events, preserving natural places, and providing help to those in need in North Texas. Events include Winter SolstiCelebrations, Moonlady Nights, and talks and concerts by national spiritual leaders. A green cemetery is being planned. Monthly e-newletter with seasonal/lunar dates, features, more.

St. Clement of Alexandria Liberal Catholic Church Fr. Tony J. Howard, Pastor 202 North Allen Dr., Suite E-114 Allen, TX 75002  972-377-3828  pastor@scalcc.org  www.scalcc.org

"Liberal" means "free"; "Catholic" means "universal." Bells and Smells, Esoteric Friendly, Open Communion every Sunday at 11am. Liberal Catholic: a relief, not an oxymoron.

Summer 2008 43

Universal Light of Christ Church

Rev. Pat Raimondo 6117 Graham St. Lake Worth, TX 76135  817-237-7840  ULCCPatRaimondo@yahoo.com  www.UniversalLightofChristChurch.org

Sunday Service: 11:00am • Classes: The Teachings of Light • Two locations: Florida / Texas • Intuitive Consultations Available

Tai Chi / Qigong Ranjana's Yoga and Bodyworks Ranjana Pallana 13614 Midway Rd @ Alpha Suite 101 Dallas  972-233-4377  yogagani@swbell.net  www.ranjanasyoga.com

Hatha yoga, Tai Chi, meditation, massages & waxing.

Vedic Astrology Intuitive Astrologer and Tarot Reader Cynthia Novak  metro 817-261-2984

Intuitive astrologer and Tarot reader, Cynthia Novak provides detailed, informative, tape-recorded sessions. All are heart-centered and process oriented.

Yoga Alpha-Omega Yoga Teacher Training Sheri Cherokee, E-RYT 500 Ro Chapa, E-RYT 200  214-226-5247  www.alpha-omegayoga.com

Become an RYT 200 hr. Yoga Alliance Certified Instructor. CEU hours available. Be an inspiration to others or deepen your practice.


Carol A. Stall, MA, E-RYT-500 Richardson, North Dallas and Plano  469-441-7064  carol@namasteusa.us  www.awakenwithyoga.us  www.namasteusa.us

Experience Hatha Yoga to unify body, mind, and spirit. Grow stronger, more flexible, more balanced. Awaken inner awareness. Improve breathing patterns, and experience deep, restorative relaxation. Classes, workshops, retreats, and teacher training.

Private Yoga Instruction Ki Steelman, BA, CST, CHT  214-228-4009  www.YogaKi.com

Private yoga instruction for men, couples, seniors, anyone injured. Enjoy an hour of Yoga, Nutrition, Hypnosis, Reiki or Stress Management Education.

Private Yoga Instruction Sheri Cherokee, E-RYT 500  214-226-5247  www.alpha-omegayoga.com

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The Underground Shopper


Shops for Health and Fitness Deals By Sue Goldstein

Allergy Clean Environments 1387 W. Campbell Rd. Richardson, TX 75080 972/503-9688; 800/882-4110 Mon-Sat 10-6 www.allergyclean.com

Halo Leaf of Life 8528 Davis Blvd., Suite 134-175 North Richland Hills, TX 76180 24/7 817/788-2468 www.haloleafoflife.com

If you’ve been diagnosed with allergies (or asthma) your doctor may have given you a catalog from this company. They’ve been providing customers with allergy-proofing products since 1990 and have worked with thousands of allergy and asthma sufferers. From home to work environments, they test and use every product they sell. So take a deep breath and relax..they’ve tested each and every product and they work. They sell a terrific selection of products specifically designed to eliminate or reduce those things that you might suffer from. You’ll find their information helpful. There’s also a good section on controlling common household irritants. They have some custom-size products available for special order, too. Samples: Anti-allergy cotton gloves, Asthma educational books, Box spring and mattress protectors, Compressordriven nebulizers, Disposable pillow and comforter encasings, Dust and pollen masks, Filters and filter system, HEPA air cleaners, Humidity gauges, Mattress encasings, ULPA and HEPA vacuums and bags and more. They are the sister company to the Allergy, Air and More chain of retail stores with locations in Dallas/Fort Worth and Austin. Unlike other mail order or Internet companies, they interface with asthma and allergy sufferers daily. So whether you’re ordering by phone, online or in person, they have the background and experience to deliver relief. They know how to clean up your act...and your home or office.

What do you get when you meld a PhD in chemistry, who might be nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize, who also sings karaoke every Friday night? A scientist who has many talents, that’s for sure. His name is Dr. William Clark (Dr. Bill to his friends). He has developed a high quality anti-oxidant drink as well as a nutritional drink, but the main ingredient is “antioxidant”! He holds a patent on the formulation. Though there are other products made from the olive leaf, theirs is the ONLY one made fresh (and that’s a big deal in olive leaf circles). Based on scientific research by this chemist, it’s manufactured at the highest industry standards. Want to live the good life for a lot longer than any of your neighbors? What about competitors? There is none. Their big claim to fame is that there’s over 140,000 ORACS per liter. Don’t worry if you don’t know what an ORAC is. Go to their website for further scientific education.

Dr. Bill co-owns the largest olive tree grove in the world. Check to see if their introductory offer is still in effect. Current introductory offer is “Buy two get one FREE.” Then Consider Halo...the leaf of life from Dr. Bill (Clark). One ounce serving is equivalent to the anti-oxidant potency of 10+ servings of fruits and vegetables, but it doesn’t stop there. Its other active ingredients include aloe, pomegranate, Caucasian blueberry leaf, arctic root, kombu sea vegetation and green tea. Talk about a wonder sip. Buy two, get one FREE. Now that’s my kind of drink. And looking and feeling great is just what Dr. Bill intended for all underground shoppers who want to live the good life...for less. It’s affordable and oh, so delicious.


Rainforest Oxygen Spa 717 Lingco, Suite 203 Richardson, TX 75081 972/761-0303 By Appt.Only www.islandayspa.com Talk about an Oooooooooooh and Ahhhhhhhhhh experience. Sherrie Kreger, staff and crew, (and husband, too) have created one of the most unique healing Nirvanas that takes you away to an island in the South Pacific -- only it’s right off Central Expressway. Get away from it all and take in the full spectrum of day spa procedures that are offered at this talented oasis. Since the early ‘90s, Steve Kreger (Sherrie’s husband) founded the Island Day Spa and has been a massage therapist of world renown since 1992. His clientele reads like a “Who’s Who” in the Metroplex. From celebrities to high profile executives, he has been a sought after therapist from hospitals to physical rehabilitation centers. Check out your insurance policy and see if massage is covered. If so, ask your doctor to write you a prescription for what ails you. Three other therapists at the spa provide an entire menu of massages, from chair massage to “hot rocks,” there’s none better. But it’s the exclusive Rainforest Oxygen Spa that sets them apart from the crowd. In fact, Sherrie is the one that trains others how to use the Steam Cabinet in their spas. This Russian steam cabinet treatment takes 30 minutes and boy, does it give a person a boost -- from relaxing those muscles, to speeding your metabolism. (Did I say that? You mean sitting in a steam cabinet and sweating will burn calories? I’ll be right back. I’ve got to get an appointment now!) Are you suffering from being in the “pore” house? This will be the best $40 you will ever spend. It will set you free. Free from many of the aches and pains we suffer on a daily basis. And while you’re sweating it out, Sherrie will be talking to you about taking baby steps into making some lifestyle changes --and teaching you how to do it. There are fully-equipped private therapy rooms, a spa treatment room with an aromatherapy steam cabinet, scrub table and shower. Try it today and forget taking two aspirins and going to bed. It may be better than what the doctor ordered.

Summer 2008 45

Years to Your Health 503 E. 2nd Street Irving, TX 10-5 972/579-7042; 800/860-7042 www.yearstoyourhealth.com

Cheers to Years to Your Health. They’re alive and well, after more than 20 years, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. You will get an education because owner Lonnie Redd and her colleagues are very knowledgeable about vitamins, herb, and other natural healing alternatives. Open your eyes to more than 500 botanicals at 30 to 40 percent less than traditional health food stores. Serve up one of the largest selections in the country of bulk herbs, pot-pourris, spices, teas and candles. Herbs are their spice of life and they carry powdered versions to capsules. They also have homeopathic aids, tinctures, essential oils and flower remedies, cosmetics and environmentally-safe products. A selection of quartz crystals and gemstones, tissue-cleaners, massage oils, astrological charts, flower essences, vibrational medicine, mysticism and herbs for health and spiritual use. You never know what may work. Tea blends are intriguing especially for those that induce sleep like their “Night-Time Tea” for $2.60/ounce. Check it all out! And if you want to get help with your addiction to chocolate or sweets, take it from one who’s been there and done that...gymnna works and if you are having trouble sleeping, withania is another alterative. My what potions are available to insure you have many more years of good health. Try them. They just may help.

Since 1972, Sue Goldstein has written over 75 books on where to get the best buys and how to live the good life for less. She is a frequent contributor to local television and a regular on The Today Show. She also is the host of her own radio show on 1160 AM from 10am-Noon each Saturday as well as a frequent guest speaker and consultant to the off-price industry nationally. She is an expert on the subject of self-publishing and how to get free promotion of which she is well-known. Remember the 99 cent wedding? Come hear Sue’s talk at the October Wellness Expo on “Wellness for Less”. Visit her website at: www.undergroundshopper.com

Events & Classifieds

See the latest event listings online at HolisticNetworker.com/events



29-30 AMMA visits Dallas. Hotel Intercontinental, Addison, TX. Visit ammachidallas.org or call 972-820-6885 or 817-430-3258

3-5 WITCHSTOCK: A Wiccan Event www.celticgroves.org

July 19-20 Body Mind & Spirit Expo has become the largest health and wellness expo in the United States. BMSE creates an arena for the general public to increase their knowledge of alternative health and metaphysical topics. Coming to Dallas on July 19-20 at the Richardson Civic Center, Body Mind & Spirit brings to life a positive, healing environment. Visit www.bmse.net for more details and a coupon for $2 off. 541-482-3722 26 Ayurveda Sister Science of Yoga: Timeless and practical wisdom of health and healing. Presented by Ambika Cynthia Copple. 9am-5pm at Divine Yoga Center. Seminar Featuring: Diet and Life Style Education - Personal Body Constitution - Pulse Reading and Interpretation. Personal Consultations Available July 25 and July 27 (Times limited - Additional Fee) (call 817-481-5657 to schedule private consultations and order personal dosha test). Cost: $104 (by July 20) $130 (at door). Sponsored by: Divine Yoga Center (Seminar Reservations) 3280 W. Southlake Blvd. Southlake, Tx 76092 www.divineyogacenter.com 817-431-9642 and Meditation Center for Peace Amrita Kaye Estell 817-481-5657

August 9 GATHER THE MEN: A concert celebrating men’s empowerment Saturday August 9th. at 7:00pm. To be held at The Center for Spiritual Living in North Dallas. Join us for an evening of food, drink, music, singing, stories, parables, short films, and prize drawings. For men. By men. Register online at www.gatherthemen.com.

18-19 WELLNESS EXPO® in Addison produced by the Holistic Networker®. This two-day, indoor/outdoor event will be held on Saturday & Sunday, 11am-6pm, Addison Conference Centre, 15650 Addison Rd, 3 blocks north of Beltline, two blocks west of the Tollway. Call 972-378-3770 or email: expo@HolisticNetworker.com for information about exhibiting or attending. SEE AD ON BACK COVER or see our web page at www.WellnessExpo.net

Ongoing Every 1st & 3rd Tuesday in August & September John Cappello...Visionary...Presents Views From The Other Side. Gallery at 7PM, $20. The Gallery is a special time when amazing information comes to us from the Spirit World. Come and join us! Positive Touch: 972-480-0678, 504 Business Parkway, Richardson, Texas 75081 Every Thursday MEDITATION AND SPIRITUAL LIVING CLASS. No class August 28 & September 4 Based on the Kriya Yoga tradition. 7:00-8:15 p.m. Location: NRH Professional Bldg., 4109 Cagle Drive, Suite C, North Richland Hills, TX 76180 Donation basis. For more info: Ilene 817-283-0021 or idill@airmail.net Affiliated with Center for Spiritual Awareness, Lakemont, GA; Director, Roy Eugene Davis, a direct disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda Web site: www.csa-davis.org Monthly Multi-Dimensional Healing in Massage CEUs for Massage Therapists/Open to the public. Classes are held each month. Contact Cynthia R. Shaw for workshop details. 972-991-2097 or cynthiarshaw@aol.com

Monthly Vegetarian Society of DFW is now called VegetarianDallas. It holds monthly fun educational dinner meetings and potluck for members and nonmembers alike. 214-432-5480 or www.vegetariandallas.com Ongoing FREE MYSTICAL FAIR every 2nd and 4th Saturday. Readers, Healers, Psychic’s and Mediums. AURA photos. Messages of Joy, 190 W. Main St, Lewisville, TX 75057. Phone 972-221-8080. myspace.com/ messagesofjoy Ongoing Yoga Teacher Training: Namaste USA 200 hour program. Yoga Alliance registered. Monthly training events. 469-441-7064. www.namasteusa.us

Space Available MEETING/WORKSHOP SPACE AVAILABLE. Richardson location. In the vicinity of Hwy I-75 and Spring Valley. 972-480-0678. OFFICE & WORKSHOP SPACE. Hwy I-75 and Spring Creek. 214-492-3713

Classifieds Save up to 25% on your electric bill, while helping to save the environment. KVAR® EC fine tunes electrical systems to reduce non-productive and wasted electricity, giving you cost-effective energy! Contact Christi Roberts with Go Green Envergy Savers at: 972-838-7383. Give discount code: SF444 for special pricing. SEE DISPLAY AD. WEAR YOUR FAVORITE YOGA POSE! Fun, informative white 100% cotton T-shirts designed by Registered Yoga Teacher. Front: colorful yoga cartoon glyph; Back: list of five reported pose benefits. Sanskrit and English pose names on both sides. Available in 7 designs, 4 adult sizes. See/order them at www.rdale.net

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Wellness Expo ®

Sat/Sun, October 18-19, 11am-6pm • Addison Conference Centre




Reading Your Body for Health


The 5 Principles of Disease Prevention


The Energetic Patterns of Disease


Dr. Fran Assaf, DC

Dr. Joshua Ferrell, DC

Dr. Rita Louise, PhD, ND

Wellness for Less

Sue Goldstein, The Underground Shopper®

You Are Not Alone!




Holistic Networker 972-378-3770 WellnessExpo.net Sponsored by:



ADMISSION ONLY $5/day Adults over 65 FREE Children under 12 FREE FREE Parking

Sheryl Hardin, Author, Unity Chaplain

Spiritual & Practical Benefits of Meditation Ananda Meditation & Yoga Center

Say Yes to Yourself Marianna Olszewski, Success Coach

Messages from Spirit Dwanna Paul

Jennifer Farmer

Colors & Ionization

Hidden Fungal & Yeast Infections: Tests & Treatments

Astrology & You

Donna Reiss, Certified Chromatologist, CNHP

Dr. Lewis Cone, DC

Cynthia Novak

Angel Messages

Healing with Sound

Dr. Tammy Ledbetter, PhD

Nancy Byers

Relieving Fibromyalgia’s Effects w/ Fascial Integrative Therapy

The Transforming Power of Hu

Frankie L. Burget, OTR, RMT, CNDT


Learning to Hear the Direction of Spirit

Eckankar of Dallas

and more...

SAVE $1 or more



to the Addison Conference Centre

• I-635 to the North Dallas Tollway, • go North, exit Beltline Rd, • go West 2 blocks to Addison Rd, • go 3 blocks north to Addison Circle. under the Addison Water Tower at 15650 Addison Road

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