Holistic Networker: Autumn 2008

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What is Osteopathic Medicine? Introduction to Sound Healing Master Cleanse without the Cayenne

Eating with the Season DVD Review:

Evolve Your Brain Divinely Inspired Art by Nicole Your Autumn Astrology

Wellness Expo in Addison

October 18-19 image: iStockPhoto/Kateryna Govorushchenko



Empower Your Mind with Alpha Brain Wave Technology “Wants & Needs”

This audio program addresses sugar cravings, portion control, appreciation and respect for the body, and healthy food choices. It also is designed to develop a heightened awareness of the distinction between desires and wants and real physiological and emotional needs and hunger. Once we become aware of our true needs, we no longer mindlessly use food to meet needs other than our physiological needs for nutritional nourishment. One CD $19.95

“Self Love” This audio program contains guided imagery that allows for the opportunity to get in touch with different aspects of the self that may be affecting habits and behavior outside your conscious awareness. In this recording, you are guided to use your imagination to meet the inner guide or higher self, the inner child and the inner teen. By acknowledging these aspects of yourself, accepting them and then bringing them together in harmony, you can then have the experience of self-acceptance and self-love. One CD $19.95

“Mind Mint” This audio program provides an experience where you can gain awareness of thoughts and beliefs that are operating beneath the surface and are affecting your reality. As you listen you go on a metaphorical journey to the garden of your mind where negative thought “weeds” are encountered and replaced by healthy and positive seeds of joy, peach and well-being. One CD $19.95

“Stress Solutions” This audio program explains the mechanism of the stress response and how it affects your physiology. Following are five easy-to-learn exercises that are clinically proven to counter the stress response and can be easily integrated into your healthy lifestyle. One CD $19.95

“Go Grab Your Shoes” This audio program is an upbeat exercise companion; the latin beat combined with classical guitar contains music along with positive affirmations that have the effect of strengthening the will and motivating you to exercise. One CD $19.95

“Sweet Dreams”

Food for Thought (6 CD set) How Does It Work? The Food for Thought CDs empower you to connect with you inner resources to experience comfort and healing. Users can expect immediate relaxation interruption of the stress response, which when prolonged, can cause and/or exacerbate illness. Users can expect an enhanced sense of balanced wellbeing and positive outlook with one exposure, building after repeated use. These CDs incorporate original Healing Music & Sounds from Nature, they contain Linguistic Specific Content and they utilize Binaural Audio to entrain Alpha Brain Waves. The Binaural Audio works as follows: your brain learns best when you are relaxed and alert and in what scientists call an “Alpha State.” It is often called the “super learning” state. When tones at slightly different frequencies are played separately, one into each ear, the difference is perceived as low frequency pulses or “beats.” When the beat frequency corresponds to the “Alpha” range, the brain resonates to it; the brainwaves follow toward that “Alpha” frequency and the brain naturally relaxes into an “Alpha” state, creating a mind-body sense of relaxation and peace. When you listen to these CDs through stereo headphones, the soothing music and nature sounds, in combination with the binaural effect, induce sympathetic frequencies of desired brainwave activity. This helps you quickly reach a peaceful and receptive state in which your subconscious mind is most open to new ideas, new insights and positive change. Sound Science The binaural beat effect was first reported as long ago as the nineteenth century and has been of interest to neurophysiologists investigating the sense of hearing. The “frequency-following response” was first identified in EEG research (Smith, Marsh & Brown, 1975) and is today the subject of widespread study at major universities (including Rutgers University, University of Pennsylvania and the University of Sussex) as well as institutions exploring the frontiers of mind-body medicine. HOW IS It Backed By Science? This treatment is recognized by the National Institutes of Health as an effective and safe mind body therapy. Success has been documented in multiple scientific studies: Harvard Medical School with cardiac patients -found that those that listened to guided imagery had a significant decrease in pain, stress and anxiety and left the hospital two days sooner than those that did not use these therapies. Blue Shield of CA study for surgical patients -showed that patients who listened experienced less pain from surgery, had a reduction in anxiety, and saved the company between $700 - $1200 per patient due to reduced hospital stay and fewer complications. Cleveland Clinic study of hospitalized patients showed those that listened had a significant reduction in pain, stress and anxiety and left the hospital 2 days sooner on average than those that did not listen. Visualization has been used by athletes for years—golfers, batters, swimmers, Olympians, and many others to improve their performance. Ellen Chernoff Simon, M.S., M.Ed., is a Texas State Board Licensed Professional Counselor, a Fellow of the Biofeedback Certification Institute of America, a Fellow of the American Academy of Pain Management, a member of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, and she is certified by the Academy for Guided Imagery.

This is an audio program designed to lull to sleep. The guided meditation is accompanied by the beautiful music of the Brahms’ lullaby. One CD $19.95

Special: Buy all 6 Food for Thought CDs for just $74.95!

CDs by Ellen Simon, MEd, MS, LPC, BCIAC

Call 972-378-1211 to order or visit: www.ShiftingFrequencies.com


Autumn 2008 3



hat does it mean to be patriotic? Does it have something to do with wearing a flag lapel or believing in the War in Iraq?


Publishers Tony Cecala, Ph.D. Felicia Weiss, Ph.D. Holistic Networker® is DFW’s guide for holistic health and personal growth. 28,000 copies are printed quarterly and distributed freely at health food stores, bookstores, cafés, wellness centers and selected retail outlets.

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Holistic Networker PO Box 702956 Dallas, TX 75370-2956 972-403-0940 972-403-1536 info@HolisticNetworker.com www.HolisticNetworker.com

Advertising Information:

See the inside back cover for advertising rates.

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Subscriptions are free or download a free copy at HolisticNetworker.com/magazine

Contents Food Poisoning & Acupuncture.......................8 Eating with the Season ...................................21 Wellness Expo Program Guide .......................23 Introduction to Sound Healing.......................27 Your Autumn Stars..........................................32 Divinely Inspired Art by Nicole .......................35 What is Osteopathic Medicine?......................40 DVD Reviews...................................................42 Master Cleanse without the Cayenne............44 Events/Classifieds ............................................46 Advertising Rates.............................................47

Directory Holistic Forum................4 Alternative Healing.......15 Bodywork.....................16 Bookstores/Gifts ...........16 Childbirth .....................18 Chiropractic..................18 Coaching......................18 Colonics........................18 Counseling/Therapy ....18 Dance/Movement .......18 Dentistry.......................18 Education/Personal Growth.........................20 Environmental Services20 Holistic Centers ............20 Holistic Dentistry ..........20 Holistic Medicine..........20 Holistic Veterinary.........20 Homeopathy................20 Hypnotherapy..............28

Interior Design/ Feng Shui .....................28 Iridology .......................28 Lymphatic Drainage Therapy ........................28 Macrobiotics ................28 Meditation ...................28 Metaphysical Arts & Sciences....................30 Movement ...................30 Nutrition.......................30 Osteopathy ..................30 Products .......................30 Reflexology ..................30 Reiki/Energy Healing....30 Spiritual Organizations.31 Tai Chi / Qigong ..........39 Vedic Astrology ............39 Water Products.............39 Yoga .............................39

Holistic Networker provides an advertising service. We are not responsible for the claims stated by our advertisers. The information in this publication does not constitute medical advice. Holistic Networker is a registered trademark of Holistic Networker, LLC. Copyright © 2008, Holistic Networker, LLC. All rights reserved.

Patriotism comes into sharp focus every four years with both the Olympics and the Elections. With each Olympic medal ceremony, the gold medal winner’s national anthem is played, and the athletes put their hand over their heart while the national anthem plays. In those moments there is really no debate about patriotism; we feel pride and are honored to be a winner. We feel a love for our homeland that goes beyond a political definition of America as the sum of “blue” and “red” states. Unfortunately, patriotism is often confused with nationalism. Patriotism is “love for one’s country”. This expression of love comes from the heart and is represented by “hand over heart”. Nationalism, however, refers to a political concept, an idea often represented by “the hand salute”. It’s fashionable these days to predict the fall of America as a world economic power. I believe that news of our fall is greatly exaggerated. We have much to love about America. Our young country has gifted the world with the invention of electricity, the telephone, air flight, and the internet. How is it that such a young country settled by a ragtag bunch of idealists and settled by poor immigrants from every nation came to be such a global leader? I believe that our power comes directly from our forefather’s wisdom to base our country on high moral standards—certain inalienable rights. In this atmosphere of freedom we foster innovation and creativity that blesses the entire world. As we enter the final weeks of the presidential election I can’t help but notice the commonalities between John McCain and Barack Obama. Both men are mavericks— they often buck their own political parties and do things their own way. They make unconventional choices and promise to bring about change. No matter which way the election goes, I’d say we’re in for an interesting four years. See Cynthia Novak’s Autumn Stars column (on page 32) for her intuitive, astrological, in-depth election coverage. P.S. One of our best-loved practitioners passed this summer. Dr. Lois Vanderhoof died of cancer on July 8. You’ll find a memorial message on page 43. Warm regards,


s I watched the summer Olympics, I found myself marveling at the athletes, who had qualified to represent their country and compete at this event. What was it about these special people that led them to achieve the dream that so many have had and few ever accomplish? Certainly it required years of practice, dedication, self-discipline, and determination. Of course, talent was also involved. Most have had a lot of support from loving family members, friends and coaches. To me all these athletes are winners, just by being at the Olympics. I found it inspiring that so many world records were broken. This suggests that athletes keep getting better over time. Perhaps it is that they expand their vision of what is possible and find ways to enhance their performance. Improvements in swim suits and other equipment certainly help as well. I especially enjoyed the team events. Somehow seeing people aligned on a shared goal and encouraging each other to succeed is so sweet to me. Michael Phelps, who won 8 gold medals, 3 of which were in group events, attributed much of his success to his teammates. Seeing how each member of the relay team swam their absolute best and cheered their teammates on was such a beautiful sight. In any activity the most successful teams are those comprised of people wanting what is best for the group and those able to become more than the sum of their parts. I also marveled at the courage of the gymnasts, many of whom had had previous injuries to overcome. I imagine that many have fallen over and over again while learning their routines on the balance beam, the vault, the uneven bars, etc. Yet they get out there with such fearlessness and determination. How many of us would be able to continually pick ourselves up and go for the gold? Yet, to succeed at anything often requires getting back up when we fall down and finding a way to get back in the game. I love that saying by Captain George M. Moore, Jr. that “A winner is just a loser, who tried one more time”. It was such a joy to watch as history was unfolding. I imagine that many of these athletes’ lives will forever be changed as a result of their participation at this momentous event. Whether they won or lost, I hope all the athletes will treasure the honor of representing their country and of being chosen as one of the best in their field. In the end, what matters most is how we play the game. I hope you will appreciate your opportunities and play well together.

Love & Light, Tony Cecala Felicia Weiss

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Autumn 2008

HolisticForum Tired of Dieting & Exercising and Getting No Results? Desperate to see results, we will try almost any and everything to meet our desired fitness goals. Many people purchase gym memberships and buy into the latest diet fads that hit the market looking for results. Everything from pills to surgery, the media sells us on getting “quick results” to lose weight, to look & feel great…even younger! However, there are two key ingredients that are “musts” when looking for results .Discipline and Commitment! At A Better U Fitness, one of our goals is to help you change the way you think when it comes to health & fitness.

A Better U Fitness - Valley View Mall - Dallas, TX. Personal Training - Fitness Boot Camps - Nutrition. No Gym Fees or Contract. 214.280.6933 www.abetterufitnessgym.com

Imagination? Little Beth and the Snow Angel by Sandy Winnette is filled with a child’s imagination. A little girl goes out into the snow to make her snow angel. She uses her imagination and she makes a wish and her wish comes true. A beautiful Christmas snow angel comes to life and the adventures begin when all the animals in the forest meet the snow angel. Funny and filled with holiday creativity of the late 1800’s. Stories/Sing-a-Longs/Series.

Snow Angels Always Fade Away. A true metaphysical story about psychic development. Order Books. www.sandywinnette.com 817-268-5544

How can CranioSacral Therapy help my life?

How do I become more passionate and joyful? We’re so easily distracted by technology and the business of life that we are becoming less and less in touch with our bodies. Bioenergetics helps us to be aware of our bodies, our breathing, our grounding so that we can make more conscious choices about what we want in our lives as well as what we don’t want.

Sherri Lackman is a Master’s Level Licensed Professional Counselor. She holds membership in the American Counseling Association, the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis, the Dallas Society for Bioenergetic Analysis, and the Heart-Centered Therapies Association. Sherri treats Depression, Bipolar, Anxiety, and Eating Disorders. Her office is located in Richardson, 972-231-4466.

What is Iridology and how can it help me? It has been said that the eye is the mirror of the soul, and that it discloses the different mental and physical conditions of the body; we generally speak of the ‘vivid clear eye’ of the well person, of the ‘anguishing, glaring eye’ of the consumptive; of the ‘broken eye’ of the dead-sick. Various nervous diseases are disclosed by the decreased mobility of the pupil; frequent disturbances of the sight point to diseases of the kidneys (diabetes), as does also the falling out of the eye-lashes. By analyzing the iris of the eye, it is possible to determine the condition of your body by reflex markings found in the corresponding fibers of the iris. Iridology analyzes the iris of the eye to determine the cause of your ill health, in what state it is in, how it arrived there, how to free your body of it, and most of all, when you have freed it. To help you find out the root of your health problem call Iridologist, Edna Craven, DC, BCNP, BCI at 972-256-0004 / dreecraven@earthlink.net (28 yrs. experience). 10% discount with this ad.

What is that octogen-shaped image mean in Feng Shui?

Whether your problems are structural, organic, emotional or neurological, this powerful therapy can facilitate your healing on all levels at once. Its many modes include gentle manipulation of the cranio-sacral system surrounding the central nervous system, including membranes of the skull to relieve any compressions that can cause a myriad of symptoms in the head; using energy via the fascia to restore structural integrity of the body and unwind tension patterns; and using energy combined with positioning and dialoguing to release stored energy from physical and emotional traumas. Best of all, most clients enjoy a much deeper relaxation than with massage.

A foundation of all Feng Shui practices and analysis is the Bagua Map. This magical square contains the mystery and answers of the I Ching, a universe of information. Each sector of the octagon shaped Bagua Map, called a trigram, gua, or kua, has a magnetic direction, a number, a color, an element, a family member, corresponding organs body parts and body systems. Each also represents personality traits, businesses and industries, and is represented cyclically as these energies move in predictable directions over time. Feng Shui uses the Mysteries of the Bagua Map to analyze and diagnose a property to identify precisely what is affecting you, and how to make the changes that can open opportunities for a better life.

Sandy Hanne, R.M.T, has helped thousands of clients change their lives using CranioSacral Therapy. An advanced practitioner, she has studied directly with Dr. John Upledger, founder of the technique. 469-438-8634.

Feng Shui specialist, Karen Ann Tompkins, has worked in hundreds of homes and businesses. Featured on channel 8, WFAA, Good Morning Texas, The Dallas Morning News, D Magazine, Dallas Woman and others, she also teaches classes and is a popular lecturer. She can be reached at 972-669-1595.

What is CranioFascial Integrative Therapy? This therapy recognizes the importance of the integration of the fascial and CranioSacral systems and works to gently release restrictions that may be causing pain, or problems in the immune, nervous, digestive, endocrine or other body systems. Using a very light touch the therapist works to correct the origin of the pain. It has been used to successfully correct infertility, scoliosis, plantar fasciitis, ADD/ADHD, carpal tunnel, fibromyalgia, sports injuries, arthritis, and pain in any area of the body, including migraines. Frankie Burget is a licensed Occupational Therapist and Fellow with the American College of Wellness who has practiced in the DFW area for over 20 years. She has extensive training including Barnes Myofascial Release Centers and Upledger Institute. You may view her curriculum vitae on the About Us page of her website, www.windsongtherapy.com. Please contact her at 817571-8135 or frankie@windsongtherapy.com. Please see bodywork section for more information. Do you know that you’re not alone? Have you lost someone close to you? Are you seeking to heal yourself and/or a relationship? Do you feel stuck in your own life? Do you feel confused, frustrated, lonely? I can help! Allow me to guide you through the situations in your life. Through my personal intuitive readings I can assist you with personal spiritual development, healing relationships and resolving issues around grief and death. As a psychic medium, I integrate Empathic Techniques with Mediumship Skills, Clairvoyance and Channeling accessing higher realms of wisdom and knowledge. Are you ready to take action and make changes to improve your life? Contact Jennifer Farmer for an appointment at 817-690-4208 or jennifer@butterflyspiritconnections.com. Personal and professional services: Personal Readings, Group Readings, Mentoring/Coaching Services, Lecture and Speaking Services and Professional Intuitive Consulting Services. For more info. visit www.butterflyspiritconnections.com.

What is Thai massage? Thai massage is a blend of acupressure, gentle yoga stretches, massage and energy work. The client wears comfortable clothing and lies on the floor on a soft mat. Benefits include: stretching muscles, feeling relaxed, increasing flexibility and reducing stress. Client testimonial: “Thai massage with Suzanne moves you to the center of your own senses...the center of intuition…to the place where you become exactly who you are...Love. -Libba Davis”

Suzanne Miller is a Licensed Massage Therapist and Certified Kripalu Yoga Teacher who has a practice in the Dallas area. She has traveled in the US, Thailand and England to enhance her training and studies of Thai massage. To schedule an appointment, please call 972-319-3661.


Autumn 2008 5

A Natural Approach to Healing All Aspects of Adult Care


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HOLISTIC LAW A Holistic Approach to the Practice of Law including Family Law, Criminal Defense, and other Law Related matters.

James W. Hunt Attorney at Law

103 Dal Rich Village Richardson, Texas 75080 (SE Corner of Coit and Belt Line Road in Whole Foods shopping center)

972-392-2500 Member - Int’l Alliance of Holistic Lawyers Not certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization

Autumn 2008


Autumn 2008 7

Looking for messages from spirit? Astrological insights? Check out the following

Wellness Expo presentations:

The Trinity Centre of Dallas, located at 3628 Vintage Place, Dallas, TX 75214, is a holistic center offering complementary modalities of healing. Margaret Clench, PhD, RN, Director of the Trinity Centre, has received her PhD in Energy Medicine and Spiritual Healing and has pursued post-doctoral studies with Dr. Caroline Myss. Dr. Clench draws upon these studies and her background of over thirty years working in the healing profession to help her clients through spiritual counseling and education and energy balancing. Modalities offered by Dr. Clench at the Trinity Centre include:

Saturday, October 18th 11:30am Messages from Spirit Dwanna Paul 5:00pm Being a Medium Gary Champion Sunday, October 19th 11:30am Astrology & You Cynthia Novak 3:00pm You Are Not Alone! Jennifer Farmer 5:00pm Angel Messages Dr. Tammy Ledbetter, PhD

The Trinity Table: A hand-crafted oak bed that rotates slowly and comfortably offering a deep state of relaxation and shifts in brain waves and deepening levels of consciousness. Scientific research conducted by Dr. Clench and others suggest that this experience is effective in lowering levels of pain, stress, fatigue, depression, anger and anxiety. GDV: An energy field measuring device, developed by Dr. Konstantin Korotkhov, a Russian scientist, enables individuals to see where they are holding patterns of emotional energy, including anger, grief and unresolved issues. Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland is currently conducting research on the GDV. Spiritual Growth classes and seminars: • Sacred Contracts classes, based on the work of Dr. Caroline Myss, lead you through a detailed exploration of your archetypes and your soul’s contract. • Awakening to Your Inner Voice – an Intuition class • Nurture Your Soul Weekend • Exploring the Woman Within Workshop • Deepening to Spirit, a weekend retreat for women. Contact Dr. Clench at

214 754 8080

[see back cover for details]

Email TrinityDallas1@aol.com website: TrinityTables.org

8 HolisticNetworker.com

Autumn 2008

Food Poisoning can be Alleviated with Acupuncture


cupuncture can treat ongoing conditions like chronic pain and anxiety as well as sudden ailments. Food poisoning is a perfect example of a temporary and unpredictable discomfort that acupuncture is successful in treating. Food poisoning can last for hours or days, and while it can be a fairly harmless (if awful) way to spend a few days, it can also (rarely) be a serious and even deadly condition.

While it can result from different viruses or parasites as well, most food poisoning is caused by the ingestion of harmful bacteria that can lead to gastrointestinal disease. Oriental medicine and acupuncture provide relief from the pain of food poisoning, and can also lessen nausea, increase energy, and help to prevent future incidents. Along with stomach pains, food poisoning usually includes a fever, diarrhea, cramping, and vomiting. Even if the bout of illness clears up on its own after a few days, the digestive track is weakened and the body is exhausted. The first and most basic treatment for food poisoning is hydration and rest. Vomiting and diarrhea can severely dehydrate the body, and a consistent consumption of fluids will help lessen symptoms. Acupuncture can be used to reduce nausea (and in fact, is often used by pregnant women with morning sickness). By aligning one’s qi (the life force each

individual possesses), acupuncture can also strengthen the immune system and digestive tract, paving the way for a faster recovery. Also, by reinforcing the digestive system, a second episode of food poisoning becomes less likely.

“Oriental medicine and acupuncture provide relief from the pain of food poisoning, and can also lessen nausea, increase energy, and help to prevent future incidents“

In traditional Chinese medicine terms, food poisoning is recognized as Dampness and Heat in the stomach and intestines. In Oriental medicine, body conditions like Damp and Heat are usually associated with specific seasons. It is interesting to note that Damp Heat conditions are connected with the summer season in Oriental medicine, and that most reported cases of food poisoning occur in the later summer months through October.

For more information on food poisoning and how traditional Chinese medicine can help, please contact Pacific College of Oriental Medicine at (800) 729-0941, or visit www.PacificCollege.edu


Autumn 2008 9

“Shocking Free Report Reveals How Many Of Chronic Pain, Chronic Fatigue And Fibromyalgia Sufferers Are Now Living Healthy Lives Without Drugs Or Surgery.”

This free report reveals a natural procedure that is giving chronic pain, chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia sufferers their “lives back,” with miraculous results for many. If you suffer from chronic pain, chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia you need this revealing free report that is giving hope to people everywhere. For your free copy, call toll-free 1-800-760-7477, 24 hr. recorded message. SUCCESSFULLY TREATING

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8 Low-Level Laser Therapies $199 (incl. office visits & monitoring) “Highly effective in eliminating Pain” People’s Chiropractic & Wellness Ctr 3200 N MacArthur Blvd #105 Irving, TX 75062




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Autumn 2008

Jewelry and Minerals for the Spirit

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Store Hours Tues-Sat 10:30-6:30 Sun 12-5:30 Closed on Mondays

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972-690-6388 also visit, www.silverpyramid.com

BRING THIS AD FOR 10% OFF For first-time customers only. Excludes books, charts, cards & music. Offer expires:9/30/08


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Autumn 2008 11

12 HolisticNetworker.com

Autumn 2008

“Healing Music” �����������������������������


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Autumn 2008 13

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Are you a holistic practitioner? Ask about bulk pricing and our Liquid R-lipoic acid. © 2008 Masters of Wellness All Rights Reserved

14 HolisticNetworker.com

John Cappello Visionary Classes/Galleries/Parties/Meetups Private readings 214-279-0039 info@VisionaryWorkshop.com www.VisionaryWorkshop.com

Autumn 2008

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Alternative Healing Advanced Cranio Sacral Therapy Sandy Hanne, RMT, Reiki Master Arapaho and Westshore Richardson, TX  469-438-8634  http://healingrainbow.tripod.com

Can't afford Hawaii? Get vacation-quality relaxation while resolving even old and deep body issues, acute or chronic. Bring your biggest challenges, from TMJ, carpal tunnel, whiplash and migraines, to thyroid, female problems and fibromyalgia, injuries, etc. This gentle, warm, fully-clothed technique restores flow and balance, promotes healing, resets the nervous system, enhances flow of CSF, relieves cranial compressions implicated in many disorders, even releases emotional tissue memory from old traumas. Trained directly by Dr. John Upledger, Sandy needs only this versatile work to achieve favorable outcomes for most people. Lives transform in her office; let yours be one of them.

Chair Massage at Central Market

Coit & George Bush Turnpike (190) Plano, TX  www.dfwchairmassage.com

Autumn 2008 15

Healing with Sound

Nancy Byers  972-424-1217  www.soundSOULutions.com

Nancy's Language of Light cellular healing sessions have helped people to overcome their fears, to alleviate depression, to relieve or diminish physical pain and to realize their dreams. While expressing the Language of Light, Nancy is able to "catch" the sound current and to "tune into" the frequency of your soul, like a radio. This provides a sound carrier wave for your intention to manifest. Nancy is also available for ceremonies and groups. Call today and begin living your dreams!

Ion Cleansing Foot Bath

Rosemary McCoy, RMT (ext. 1) Linda Weisiger, RMT, MTI (ext. 6) SE corner of Arapaho and Westshore Richardson, TX  972-479-0690

Water can relieve pain and soothe the body. Aqua Chi technology revolutionizes hydrotherapy by energizing water with healthful negative ions. During your hydrotherapy session, your cells receive bio-energy from the energized water, starting a whole-body releasing/ balancing process.

7 days/week. 10am until 9pm. Come relax with us in the downstairs café.

Massage Therapy

Linda Weisiger, RMT, MTI, Reiki Master SE corner of Arapaho and Westshore Richardson, TX  972-479-0690 Ext. 6

Offering therapeutic massage specializing in Deep Tissue, Reiki, Healing Touch, Sound Wave Therapy, Psycho/Physical Re-education, Neurovascular Balancing, Ion Cleasing Hand/Feet Foot Bath. Corporate Chair Massage Coordination available.

New Hope Health Care

Ricardo B. Tan, M.D. Certified in Traditional Naturopathy 729 N Fielder Rd., Suite B Arlington, TX 76012  817-274-0350  817-274-0360; fax  rictan@att.net  www.newhopehealthcare.us  www.drug-rehab-help.us

OFFERING NATURAL REMEDIES: Preventive medicine, acupuncture, homeopathy, pain management, herbology, bio-oxidation, anti-aging, chelation, detoxification, prolotherapy, nutrition counseling, bioidentical hormone, hyperbaric oxygen, drug-free withdrawal, alcohol rehabilitation.

Natural Wellness Consulting

We combine ancient knowledge with the latest biotechnology If you suffer from a chronic or acute condition we can help you. WE SPECIALIZE IN:


Rev. Carolyn Johnson Spiritualist Minister

Medium • Psychic • Clairvoyant & Tarot Readings Private Phone Sessions • Parties Reiki Master Teacher Certified Healer



“In my many readings with Carolyn, I’ve found her to be very accurate as well as understanding and compassionate.” - Cheryl Hickerson

• Low Energy • Chronic Fatigue/Fibromyalgia • Migraines • Female/Menopausal Problems • Depression/Anxiety/ Poor Sleep • Diabetes • Digestive Problems • High Cholesterol, high Blood Pressure • Autoimmune conditions • Sinus, Allergies, Low Immunity • Thyroid Problems • Autism • Joint Pain

Free 10 minute consultation Tuesdays, 11am-2pm


Lana Petrunin, ND

Doctor of Naturopathy, FMD Certified Iridologist Certified Nutritionist Certified Holistic Practitioner Member, American Naturopathic Medical Association and American Association of Drugless Practitioners More than 20 years of experience in the health care field.

5850 Town & Country Blvd, Bldg 1, Ste 101 • Frisco, Tx

16 HolisticNetworker.com

Autumn 2008

Pranaa Ayurveda Spa & Yoga

Feel what a light, balanced body feels like… The Ida ROLF Method of Structural Integration The Ida Rolf Method of Structural integration is a process of re-education of the body through movement and touch. It systematically releases patterns of stress and impaired function.

Margaret & Mushtaq Certified Ida Rolf Practitioners [advanced therapy available]


Healing with Sound A Language of Light cellular healing session begins with Nancy Byers helping you to determine your heart’s desire for your life at this time. The goal is to align your heart’s desire with your soul purpose. During her expression of the Language of Light, Nancy is able to “catch” the sound current and to “tune into” the frequency of your soul, like a radio. This provides a sound-carrier wave for your intention to manifest. Nancy records her private sessions in order to provide you with a custom audio tape to aid you in manifesting your heart’s desire. Nancy’s sessions have helped people to overcome their fears, to alleviate depression, to relieve or diminish physical pain and to realize their dreams. The Language of Light is an invitation for us to access that deep heart space of knowing who we already are - multi-faceted, spiritual beings. Nancy is available for individual, group or couples sessions.

Call today and begin living your dreams!


Ayurveda | Massage | Yoga LakeSide Market 4017 Preston Road, Suite 532 Plano, TX 75093  972-608-0402  www.pranaa.com

Ayurveda day Spa & Yoga center offering Ayurvedic therapies like Abhyanga warm oil massage, Shirodhara, Lifestyle Consultation, lower back therapy-Kati Basti, Swedana (steam), facial massages, Scrubs, Wraps, Swedish, and Hot Stone Massages.

Bodywork Balanced Energy

Nancy Caponi, RMT, NMT, Reiki Master Locations in Plano and Double Oak, TX  214-668-5620  ncaponi@balanced-energy.com  www.balanced-energy.com

Feel better today! Relieve stress and pain through Therapeutic massage, deep tissue, neuromuscular therapy, myofascial release, cranio-sacral, chakra balancing and Reiki in a tranquil environment. Pregnancy and corporate chair massage also available. Nancy is a Tibetan/Usui Reiki Master and enjoys helping both People and Animals. Reiki and meditation Workshops available. If you're suffering from back/neck pain, stress, Fibromyalgia, TMJ, carpal tunnel, chronic pain, sciatica, painful joints or headaches, call now and get relief.

Energy Dynamics —

Multi-Dimensional Transformational Healing and Spiritual Response Therapy Cynthia R. Shaw, RMT, MTI  972-991-2097  energydynamics@cynthiarshaw.com  www.cynthiarshaw.com

Integrative and intuitive Bodywork/Energy Channelling incorporating guidance from your personal Spiritual Guides to release blocks preventing expression of your highest intent and complete access to total healing. Twenty years in private practice. Remote Healing available.

Frankie Burget, OTR, RMT, CNDT www.windsongtherapy.com Dallas / Fort Worth Area  817-571-8135

Myofascial Release Mastery Level Therapist and Licensed Occupational Therapist. Also skilled in craniosacral, neuromuscular therapy, trigger point, therapeutic massage, QiGong, neuro-developmental treatment, and functional spine stabilization. Providing care for myofascial pain syndrome, fibromyalgia, TMJ, carpal tunnel, headaches, cumulative trauma disorder, pregnancy, and stress. Compassionate care for children with ADD, birth defects, failure to thrive, and special needs.

Kneading Massage

"Need to be Kneaded" at Spiritual Fitness Center Outcalls Available  972-890-2144  itsmetrish@hotmail.com  www.kneadingmassage.net

Reiki • Deep Tissue • Stretching • Swedish & Chair Massage

Living Balanced

Suzanne Miller, RMT, CYT, APP Dallas, TX  972-319-3661 (voice mail)

Provides caring and therapeutic bodywork to balance your mind-body-spirit. Full body, on-site chair and pregnancy massage; Polarity energy practitioner, Certified Yoga Teacher and Certified Thai Massage Therapist; Gift certificates available.

Bookstores/Gifts Angel Cards® & Book Set

by Kathy Tyler & Joy Drake Distributed by Shifting Frequencies  972-378-1211  www.ShiftingFrequencies.com

This is the Special 25th Anniversary Expanded Edition of The Original Angel® Cards & Book Set: Inspirational Messages and Meditations. It contains 72 playfully illustrated cards; a pocket size carrying case; 20 bonus stickers; and a book that contains inspirational messages for keywords, plus meditations, visualizations, and journals to use with the cards.

Messages of Joy

A Celebration in the Diversity of Ideas 190 West Main Street, Suite 102 Lewisville, TX 75057  972-221-8080  joykauf@msn.com

Located in Old Town Lewisville, we offer Crystals, Singing Bowls, Reiki charged Candles Books, Essential Oils, Herbs, Jewelry, Incense, Tarot Cards, wind chimes, and Angel Gifts. Authentic AURA Photos and the Original Art Work of John Pitre and Ciro Marchetti. Drop us a note at joykauf@msn.com to get on our Email list and get regular updates of Classes and Workshops. Come and get smudged!

Silver Pyramid

Jewelry and Minerals for the Spirit Dal-Rich Shopping Center 101 S. Coit, Suite 102 near Whole Foods Richardson, TX  972-690-6388  www.silverpyramid.com

Huge selection of Sterling Silver Jewelry • Quartz Crystals, Amethyst, Moldavite, Phenacite, Zincite, and other energy stones • Crystal Balls • Mystical Pewter Figurines • Singing Crystal Bowls • Fountains, Smudge Sticks, Incense, Runes and more!

Spiritwire Inspirational Works of Art Dan Coppersmith  www.spiritwire.com

POSTERS & BOOKS of inspirational poetry, nature photos and uplifting affirmations. Visit online for a FREE gift that will uplift you now!


Autumn 2008 17

Rolfing® is a process for organizing the structure of our bodies so that we function more effectively. Over the years, our bodies react to trauma, both physical and emotional, by shortening and twisting. This intensifies our struggle with the force of gravity, which results in reduced freedom of movement, an increased likelihood of chronic pain, poor posture and a lessened sense of aliveness and self-esteem. During the basic Rolfing series of ten sessions, the Rolfer manipulates the muscles and fascia (a connective tissue) to free up those places where the client’s structure is constricted or held out of balance. The goal of Rolfing is to organize the client’s physical structure so that his/ her struggle with gravity is minimized. In addition to the physical changes of better balance, more freedom of movement, less stress, better posture and less chronic pain, Rolfing also affects your emotional, mental and spiritual realms. As you feel more supported by your legs, you view the world from a more secure position. You feel an increased sense of self-esteem, and the energy flow of your body is more opened and balanced.

Bioenergetic Analysis is a somatic psychotherapy based on a developmental, analytic approach. It utilizes active involvement of the body in psychotherapeutic interventions. In Bioenergetics, we work with grounding, breathing and character structure. Grounding relates to one’s emotional security and personality authority. When we stay in our heads and deny the experience of our bodies, we lose contact with our internal sense of support. Breathing vitalizes and energizes our bodies. Our breathing patterns reveal defensive blocks in the body through muscular constrictions. Breathing increases our capacity for feeling, our energy level and our access to pleasure. Character structure indicates the manner in which we limit the energy flow in our bodies and is indicative of the coping patterns we used to fend off the vicissitudes of growing up. Understanding our character structure gives insight into our defensive posturing, our personal histories and suggests a possible course of therapy. “Bioenergetic Analysis combines the work of the body and the mind to help people resolve their emotional problems”...Alexander Lowen, Founder

If you believe that you could benefit from either of these processes, or if you would like to experience in depth personal growth through a personalized combination of both disciplines, contact Chuck Lustfield, (214) 902-8900 • www.rolfingdallasfortworth.com

Chuck Lustfield, Ph.D. is a Certified Advanced Rolfer, has a M.S. in counseling, is a Licensed Professional Counselor, and a Certified Bioenergetic Therapist. Rolfing® and Rolfer® are registered service marks



“Need to be Kneaded!” Now in Richardson at Spiritual Fitness Center! Trish Daniel, RMT 972.890.2144 itsmetrish@hotmail.com

HealingCircleCenter.org MindBody Integrative Therapy

Tz Stein-Barrett, lcsw, lmt, cyi, cp

214-232-5159 Therapeutic Yoga and Counseling Massage Therapies for Stress Relief and Autoimmune Disorders. medicare/insurances

Cynthia R. Shaw


Energy Dynamics Transformational Body Therapy

See directory listings.

18 HolisticNetworker.com

Autumn 2008

Childbirth Gentle Birth Companions

Nadine Romain, Ph.D., CD (DONA), Yoga Teacher, HypnoBirthing® Practitioner, Certified Hypnotist Dallas Metroplex Area  214-796-5327  gbc2000@juno.com

SPECIAL CARE FOR A SPECIAL EVENT! Prenatal yoga and relaxation, birth doula services, HypnoBirthing® childbirth education and OrthoBionomy® private sessions. Call for RSVP or info packet.

Chiropractic Harvard Chiropractic

Dr. Fran Assaf, B.S., D.C. 11520 N Central Expwy #132 Dallas, TX 75243  214-528-2085  drfran@airmail.net

Hands on healing combining gentle chiropractic alignment with CrainioSacral Therapy for neuromuscular rebalancing and relaxation. Supports the body's healing wisdom on physical, emotional and spiritual levels.

Smith Chiropractic Clinic

Charlotte A. Smith, LMT, BA, DC 316 W. Belt Line Rd, Suite 204 Cedar Hill, TX 75104  972-291-8383

Dr. Smith utilizes Chiropractic, Reflexology, Reiki, Nutrition, and Massage Therapy in order to optimally align the body back into proper order.

The People’s Chiropractic Clinic Edna Craven, D.C., BCNP, BCI 3200 N MacArthur Blvd Ste 105 Irving, TX 75062  972-256-0004

Take the worry out of health problems; learn how to prevent disease, which treatment works best for you, and how to maintain good health. SEE DISPLAY AD.

Coaching Beth Carpenter, ND

Intuitive Life Coach & Traditional Naturopath  512-707-9886  www.healthyhelp4u.com

Are You Feeling Stressed, Anxious, Depressed, or Fatigued? Would you like to know why? Take a Natural Path to Relief! Whether its nutritional changes, intuitive life coaching or both, I'm here to help! 20+ yrs. Mention AHN-08 for $10 off 1-hour consultation.

Catalize Life Coaching & Workshops Melissa Cantrelle  206-550-5047  www.catalize.com

Uplift your self-esteem, discover your life purpose, and bring your inspired visions to life in one on one coaching and playful workshops.



A Balanced Body


Certified Colon Therapist. Closed system using filtered gravity-fed water with abdominal massage & nutritional guidance. Licensed massage therapist, foot reflexologist.

Dr. Evans holds a Ph.D. (UT-Arlington) and two masters degrees (TX A&M; UT-Arlington) in the behavioral sciences and is adjunct professor of social work at Eastfield College.

Cathryn Y. Parnell, LMT, CCT 11333 N Central Expy, Suite 219 Dallas, TX 72243  214-695-7838  ABalancedBodyColonics.com

Alazan Care - All Natural & Healthy Way Lala Nurulina 17810 Davenport Rd Ste 108 Dallas, TX 75252  972-380-4845  AlazanCare.com

COLONICS, MASSAGE & BODYWRAP - Certified Colon Hydrotherapist. FDA Approved Equipment Disposable Sterile Nozzles. *** Special Package of Three Colonics or Massage sessions, $165.*** Call about our other weekly massage and colonic specials!

Balanced Approach Holistic Health Clinic

Physician Directed Facility Oakwood Tower in Uptown Dallas 3626 N Hall #500 @ Welborn Dallas, TX 75219  214-520-0216  www.BalancedApproach.com

We offer both open & closed system colonics. Services available: Live Blood Viewing with Nutritional Consultation, Lymphatic Drainage, Body-Wraps, Oxy-Spa, Ion-foot Cleanse & Stress Release. Detox packages. Rx available at time of service. Package pricing. Open Mon-Sat & some evenings.


Deanna Asencio 9900 N. Central Expressway, Suite 110 Dallas, TX 75231  214-373-4000  www.DallasColonCare.com

One of the only I-ACT Advanced Certified AND Nationally Certified colon therapists in the DFW Metroplex. We use FDA registered equipment and sterile, disposable tubes. Professional, private and discrete environment. Also offering Infra-red Sauna, Vit-Ra-Tox Detox Programs and Parasite Cleanse. Credit Cards Accepted.


Karen Fahey, Certified Colon Therapist 3626 North Hall St @ Welborn Oakwood Tower #818 Dallas, TX 75219  214-821-5703

GENESIS: COLON IRRIGATION AND HERBS: FDA registered equipment. Oxygen and ozone available, clean and sterile facility at all times. Ultra violet purified filtered water used for process. Sessions by appointment only. Hours Tuesday-Saturday. Over 20 years of experience. Visa/Mastercard accepted.

John B. Evans, Ph.D., LCSW 6162 E. Mockingbird Lane, Ste 215 Dallas, TX 75214  214-448-5432  www.dallascounseling.info

Instant Emotional Healing by Peter T. Lambrou, Ph.D and George J. Pratt, Ph.D Distributed by Shifting Frequencies  972-378-1211  www.ShiftingFrequencies.com

Introducing an amazing scientific breakthrough by Drs. Peter Lambrou and George Pratt. These psychologists have evolved a method called Emotional Self-Management™, which is derived from ancient Chinese understandings of acupuncture points and from Western cognitive science. Their invaluable book called, "Instant Emotional Healing", provides an incredible tool to manage one's emotions more positively and effectively.

Life Enhancement Counseling Nancy Byers, LPC  972-424-1217

Sad? Tired? Angry? Out of balance? Thinking, "Surely there's more to life than this". If you're ready to change your life for the better, give me a call. I can help you get back on track and create the life that will nourish your body, mind and spirit.

Dance/Movement Nia Technique

Sherri Lackman, MA, LPC, Cht 304 S. Cottonwood #D Richardson, TX 75080  972-231-4466  sherrilackman@msn.com  www.sherrilackman.com

Experience the joy of movement and the benefits of moving your body! Combining selected movements and concepts from Martial Arts, Dance, and other movement forms, Nia classes offer total body conditioning and joyful expression at the same time. Find out what everyone's talking about! Incredible therapy for chronic pain sufferers. Private sessions available.

Dentistry Center for Dental Wellness Mark Champsi, D.D.S., D.C. 1304 Village Creek Dr, Suite 400 Plano, TX 75093  972-733-3666  www.drchampsi.com

Family Dentistry in a state-of-the-art practice utilizing reduced exposure digital x-rays, intra-oral camera exams, and hair analysis to test for heavy metal toxicity. We are a MERCURY-FREE practice. Treatment for TMJ disorders. SEE DISPLAY AD.


Autumn 2008 19

Experience the Difference of 26 Years in


Mark Champsi, D.D.S., D.C.






• Bio-Compatible Materials Used - White Metal-Free Crowns - Tooth-Colored Fillings - Crowns, Bridges, & Veneers • Mercury-Free Practice • Herbal Therapies Available • Hair Analysis testing for Metal Toxicity • Only Distilled Water Used • TMJ Disorders • Bonding

• Non-surgical Gum Therapy • Root Canal Therapy • Extractions • Metal-Free Teeth Straightening with Invisalign® • Dentures / Metal-Free Partials • Teeth Whitening • Sealants for Kids & Adults • Reduced Exposure Digital X-Rays

• State-of-the-Art Sterilization & Equipment • Intraoral Cameras • Lasers and Arc lights used extensively • Air abrasion (drill-less technology) • Enjoy our modern office with DVD’s, headphones & a view! • Anti-Bacterial & Anti-Fungal Air Purification

Center for Dental Wellness 972-733-3666 1304 Village Creek Dr., Suite 400 (just west of Preston off Plano Pkwy)


Plano Parkway

Suite 400




Come to the Wellness Expo®

October 18-19, 11am-6pm at the Addison Conference Centre

• have an intuitive consultation • experience a medical intuitive reading • get your aura photo taken • connect with your loved ones on the other side • and so much more!

It’s an experience you won’t want to miss! Visit www.wellnessexpo.net to view free online videos of previous Wellness Expo talks.


20 HolisticNetworker.com

Dallas Dental Spa

Lorin Berland, D.D.S. Fellow, American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry Sarah Kim Kong, D.D.S. 2100 Ross, Suite 960 Dallas, TX 75201  214-999-0110  www.dallasdentalspa.com

We use only the most biocompatible materials to preserve the natural dentition, digital radiography to reduce radiation, and distilled water to prevent contamination. We employ a full-time licensed massage therapist to reduce stress for our patients. Dr. Berland is one of the most published dental authorities in the world and has dedicated his practice to providing the best care for his patients. Dr. Berland's unique approach to cosmetic dentistry has been featured on 20/20, Time, and Reader's Digest.

Education/Personal Growth Energy Therapy Program of Ke Kino Institute of Healing Ke Kino Massage Academy (Lic. # MS0173) 1620 Custer Rd Plano, Texas 75075  972-509-5588  www.kekino.com

Premier Energy Curriculum leading to Certificate of Completion or classes can be taken individually. Classes open to anyone interested in expanding their horizons and massage therapists some CE. Carefully selected top experts include; Susan Paige, Energy Program Director, Reiki; Cynthia Pierro, Polarity; Dr. Laurie Powell, Herbology and Energy Systems; Ken Orr, Reflexology; Mark Meyers, Manifesting.

Food for Thought CDs

Distributed by Shifting Frequencies  972-378-1211  www.ShiftingFrequencies.com

When you listen to these CDs through stereo headphones, the soothing music and nature sounds, in combination with the binaural effect, induce sympathetic frequencies of desired brainwave activity. This helps you quickly reach a peaceful and receptive state in which your subconscious mind is most open to new ideas, new insights and positive change. SEE DISPLAY AD.

Environmental Services AOK Computer Recycling

David Gersh , President  214-616-6909  www.aokcomputerrecycling.com

Dispose of your obsolete equipment. Commercial & Residential. Affordable rates. Pick-Up or Drop Off Services. Material recycling exceeds EPA standards. Secure Data Destruction. In compliance with HIPAA. Billing, Inventory, and Certificates of Disposal available to companies. 10% of profits donated to 501(c)3. Member TCEQ, Recycling Alliance of Texas, and the National Recycling Coalition.

Autumn 2008

Holistic Centers Trinity Centre of Dallas, Inc. Margaret Clench, RN, PhD, ThD 3628 Vintage Place Dallas, TX 75214  214-754-8080  TrinityDallas1@aol.com  TrinityTables.org

Dr. Clench offers complementary modalities of healing and facilitates clients' growth through the use of the Trinity Table™, Korotkov Camera Energy Field Analysis, and Bio-Energy Work. In addition to these modalities, she now offers corporate and individual archetype analysis utilizing the techniques developed by Dr. Caroline Myss in her groundbreaking book, Sacred Contracts. Dr. Clench has been certified by Dr. Myss to teach these exciting and insightful techniques.

Holistic Dentistry Health Centered Dentistry Henry Guy, DDS 2701 Osler Drive, Suite 10 Grand Prairie, TX 75051  972-647-4300  henryguydds.com

Mercury-free dental care since 1983. Alternative root canal treatment. Biocompatible, metal-free materials.

Holistic Medicine Alex Bekker, M.D.

Homoeopathy General Practice 6500 E. Mockingbird Ln. Suite 115 Dallas, TX 75214-2483  214-821-3133  a.bekker@sbcglobal.net

Dr. Bekker is a physician with extensive homoeopathic clinical experience. Proper homoeopathic treatment is according to principles based on a holistic understanding of health and disease. Medical insurance covered - out of network provider.

Designer Health Concepts, P.A. Tammy Pon, M.D. 2301 Ohio Dr., Suite 110 Plano, TX 75093  972-992-0289

Dr. Pon is Board Certified in Family Practice and specializes in Functional Medicine. She believes we "have been remarkably and wonderfully made" and combines her medical expertise with outstanding patient care to provide a personalized, holistic approach to your health and wellness. She addresses the causes of your ailment, not just the symptoms.

Karen S. Asbury, MD

Integrative Medicine PO Box 863568 Plano, TX 75086  972-867-7790  www.KarenAsburyMD.com

Dr. Asbury has had extensive training in both Internal Medicine and Alternative Care. Excellence is emphasized in providing personalized care in a warm, compassionate atmosphere. Without the constraints of insurance, Dr. Asbury is able to spend more time with each patient doing a comprehensive health evaluation and individualizing their therapy program with the goal of restoring optimum health. Visit the website at www.KarenAsburyMD.com.

Years To Your Health

Lonnie Redd 503 E 2nd St Irving, TX 75060  972-579-7042  www.yearstoyourhealth.com

An herb shop established in 1983 has built its business on personal service and providing the finest quality products at affordable prices. SEE DISPLAY AD.

Holistic Veterinary Paws & Claws Animal Hospital Dr. Shawn Messonnier, D.V.M. 2145 West Park Blvd. Plano, TX 75075  972-867-8800

Acupuncture and Holistic Animal Health Care Center. Dr. Shawn Messonnier is a nationally known veterinarian, author, and pet care advocate. Through the use of acupuncture, homeopathy, and nutrition, we can treat a variety of conditions that are often considered “hopeless” by conventional medicine. Chronic problems including allergies, cancer, skin infections, and arthritis often respond well to holistic therapies. Visit our website at www.petcarenaturally.com.

Homeopathy Advanced Homeopathy

Glenda Stroup Malone, dht 2060 North Collins Suite 109 Richardson, TX 75080  972-889-1010

Glenda has been in practice for 27 years. Specializing in chronic disease, adults and children. She teaches you how to stay healthy using homeopathy. Call for appointment.

Alex Bekker, M.D.

Homoeopathy General Practice 6500 E. Mockingbird Ln. Suite 115 Dallas, TX 75214-2483  214-821-3133  a.bekker@sbcglobal.net

Dr. Bekker is a physician with extensive homoeopathic clinical experience. Proper homoeopathic treatment is according to principles based on a holistic understanding of health and disease. Medical insurance covered - out of network provider.

Holistic Center of Dallas Regina Edwards, BA, RMT 4144 N. Central Expy Suite 630 Dallas, TX 75204  214-824-4949

Regina Edwards provides Classical Homeopathy consultations. Homeopathy is a form of complimentary medicine using highly diluted natural products to gently enhance healing. The selection of the single remedy is based on unique symptoms, physical sensations and emotional reactions of each individual. Additionally available: Cranio-sacral Therapy, Esoteric Healing and Therapeutic Touch.

Eating with the Season, Part IV: Autumn

by Allie Chee

A Traditional Chinese Medicine Approach to Nutrition


n Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), human emotions and physical health are seen as deeply intertwined—as mutual correlations. As the body houses the mind, nourishing our body allows for proper functioning of the mind and supports clear, positive thought. Positive thought and a healthy mind create a peaceful body that can function with balance. The yin/yang symbol, now well-recognized in the west, symbolizes two aspects of any phenomenon, in this case health, put together and forming the entire phenomenon—the two make the one. TCM includes many traditional practices intended to simultaneously support healthy mind and body functioning, including: herbal medicine, acupuncture, massage, meditation, Qigong, and last but not least, nutrition.

Food—What Difference Does It Make?

People can easily accept to what degree the things they consume (plants, animals, chemicals) affect their mind/body when the effects are very strong and immediate: plants such as tobacco, coffee beans, and mushrooms of a particularly lively variety, are a few examples. However, people generally don’t understand how much foods can affect their systems when the effects are slower and more subtle in manifesting. This is for several reasons: they may be simply unaware, unfamiliar with or have a dislike of nutrient-rich foods, or they may desire to continue eating foods that are counter to health. Nevertheless, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) food therapy principles, every single food item has an energetic and healing property—warming, cooling, drying, lubricating, etc.—that affects the body as a whole and can more strongly affect particular organ systems, creating great change over the mediumand long-term. World-renowned TCM Dr. Maoshing Ni, in Secrets of Self-Healing, writes, “What you eat probably affects your health more than anything else you do.” With that empowering statement in mind, how do we determine what is best to eat for optimal health from a TCM perspective? Many factors are considered when planning the ideal diet: hereditary issues, individual

constitution, gender and age are those that people in the west would expect to find on the list. However, there are many other factors included in TCM nutrition, including season of the year.

The Seasons—How Do They Affect Us?

Once again, human beings can easily accept how greatly the change of seasons affects the natural world. We all know that trees go dormant in winter, that many animals slow their activity or hibernate in winter, and that spring is a popular time for courtship in the animal kingdom. We humans, though, so often detached in our modern life from the lifecycles of nature, are quite unaware of the great impact the change of seasons can have on our bodies. In September and early fall, we are barraged with “it’s-cold-and-flu-season” advertising. Are we really condemned to sickness just because of the beautiful change of seasons? According to TCM nutrition principles, with such great changes occurring in all of nature, if we are in a weakened state, we could indeed be subject to common, seasonal ailments. The seasons, in TCM, each have a corresponding organ system that is more strongly affected at that time, and we can eat “with the season” to support the health of that organ in particular and the body/mind as a whole. The organs associated with fall are the lung and large intestine. The seasonal ailments related to fall and to those organs are: breathing difficulties and bronchitis, colds and flu, allergies, skin eruptions and constipation. However, if we, along with the other aspects of a healthy lifestyle, eat foods that support the body, we sail happily through the fall season and have prepared ourselves well for winter.

Foods for Fall

The fall season brings cooler weather and to maintain balance, we can adjust the temperature (both the temperature in our western understanding of hot or cold to touch, and the energetic “warming” or “cooling” property) of our foods accordingly. It can be beneficial to begin cutting back and eliminating the cooling foods of summer: raw foods and salads, juices, and abundant fruits. Frozen foods and drinks

are never recommended and should be mostly avoided in fall. Other cooling and dampening foods (greasy, refined and fried foods, frozen drinks and dairy) can lead to ailments such as sinus infections, cough with mucus, and stuffy nose. Begin eating more warming and cooked foods. As we’d cut back in spring and summer, we can begin now to increase protein consumption. Replace salads with lightly steamed vegetables and soups, and eat cooked foods with warming spices. Of particular benefit are yams, carrots, winter squash, bok choy, broccoli, leek, beets, and pumpkin; barley, wild rice, and whole grains; garlic, ginger, rosemary, sage, and thyme; and seasonal fruits. With the globalization of the food industry, it can be difficult to know what food is harvested locally and at what time of year. Some of the most beneficial (and delightful) fruits harvested in The United States during fall are: pomegranate (season: SeptemberJanuary), cranberries (usually harvested in October), and apples and pears (harvested in late summer / fall). Fruits can be cooked with cinnamon or cardamom to “warm” them and to prevent mucus formation. Doesn’t just the thought of apples baking with cinnamon conjure up beautiful images of fall and imbue the body with warmth? Finally, here is a classic TCM recipe to have on hand this season. To support the lungs in fall in the event of dry cough: core a pear, pour rock sugar in the center, bake until soft, and enjoy! This is the forth and final article in a series that covers eating with the seasons. For all articles in this series, visit: HolisticNetworker.com/wp/author/allie/ These are general guidelines for people in a state of balance and good health. Though season is considered, when there is any disharmony, a person’s individual constitution and current state take precedence over time of year when making food recommendations.

Allie Chee is a Certified Chinese Medicine Nutritionist and can be contacted at: question@askalliechee.com

Wellness Expo ®

October 18-19, 11am-6pm • Addison Conference Centre • 15650 Addison Road • Dallas, TX

Program Guide 972-378-3770 WellnessExpo.net

Door Prizes Mountain Bike Dr. Erin Van Veldhuizen....214-952-3933 Van Family Chiropractic

Free initial Exam, Adjustment, & Ionic Detox Footbath Dr. Amelie Biskup ......940-594-0795

Seize the Moment with a Round Trip ticket Airfare Pierre Sergio..............972-755-1693

Body Harmony Chiropractic

Large Wellness Basket and free exam and XRay. ($1500 value) Jennifer Kemodle.......972-644-4744


Enriching Others, LLC

ASAP Spinal Healthcare

Fridge Pack- 30- 3 oz Bottles of ZRII Harvey Stephens.......972-816-4156 Free Voice Map Session (Value $125) Matt Kramer...............415-760-6068 Emotional Healing w/ Voice Mapping

Sterling Silver Earrings Tara Brezic.................214-837-5650 The Gypsy Wagon

Sterling & Stone Pendant Naomi Hunter ............214-662-1137

LoveWar Designs Handcrafted Jewelry

Book:"Strength of the Spirit" ...................................512-707-9886 Beth Carpenter


Addison Conference Centre

• I-635 to the North Dallas Tollway • go North, exit Beltline Rd • go West 2 blocks to Addison Rd, • go 3 blocks north to Addison Circle • go right on Addison Circle • on left side of the street • next to the Addison water tower, 15650 Addison Road

Ziba CD Jodi Roberts/Cornell Kinderknecht ........... 512-788-1236/214-452-8963

Crystal Pat Cook & Tray Bradford ...................................214-327-3241 Power of the Rainbow

Ionic hydrotherapy detox footbath session Dr. Julie Royal, DC ....214-324-5800 Royal Wellness Center

Free Nutrition Assessment Shefali Ajmera, MS, RD, LD ...................................972-385-0554 WEBNUTRI.com

Free initial Exam, adjustment, & ionic detox footbath Dr. Jennifer Beights ...817-488-4466 Wholistic Healing Chiropractic

FREE Pilates hour session with Large Equipment Personal Training (5 Prizes) Cecilia Borders ..........214-763-5199 Pilates for Any Body

Elderberry Concentrate David Ross ................682-561-4160 Wyldewood Cellars

One Cosmic Giggle

Sponsored by:


Produced by:

Holistic Networker



Wellness Expo 速

SATURDAY: Lectures & Demonstrations 11:30 AM Messages from Spirit Dwanna Paul 972-398-7855 This is an uplifting demonstration of Mediumship, which will relay messages from the Spirit realm. Dwanna will connect with members of the audience to bring insightful and loving comfort from Guides, Angels, and Loved Ones. Dwanna is a nationally recognized Trance Medium, Channel, Healer and Teacher. She has over 35 years of experience working with her spirit guides to bring comfort and relief to a countless number of people. Dwanna has appeared on numerous TV and radio shows, including national appearances on CBS, Fox, and A Current Affair. 12:30 PM Healing with Sound Nancy Byers 972-424-1217 Nancy will demonstrate the Language of Light, which is a vibrational healing technique. After experiencing the Language of Light, many report feeling more empowered, having a sense of remembering the essence of who they really are, and experiencing a sense of physical well-being. Over the last 14 years, Nancy has developed an ability to express this language. She has helped hundreds of people all over the world with her gift. 1:00 PM The Transforming Power of HU Eckankar of Dallas 972-820-0530 Singing HU, A Love Song to God, can expand your awareness and help you experience divine love. This simple spiritual exercise has helped people of many different faiths open their hearts more fully to the uplifting presence of God. It is for those who desire spiritual love, freedom, wisdom, and truth. Eckankar, Religion of the Light and Sound of God, teaches that each of us is Soul, a spark of God sent to this world to gain spiritual experience. Eckankar teaches simple spiritual exercises to help you begin your journey of spiritual healing today.

1:30 PM Relieving Fibromyalgia's Effects w/ Fascial Integrative Therapy Frankie L. Burget, OTR, RMT, CNDT 817-571-8135 Taking Myofascial Release principles further into the myofascial system and integrating sensory, neurological, and kinetic factors into a whole body approach and addressing the fascial system to re-educate the body for sustained relief of pain and dysfunction. Frankie Burget is a licensed and National Board Certified Occupational Therapist and Mastery Level Senior Instructor and Coordinator with Myofascial Release Centers and owner of Windsong Therapy and Wellness, Inc. in Bedford, TX.

2:30 PM Releasing Your Power Dr. Gary Berman, PhD, DC 972-404-8650 Medical Mysticism is the union of body/mind/ spirit with universal energy and a method of communicating with this energy to help you heal physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Dr. Berman, medical mystic and holistic doctor with advanced and professional degrees in physics, engineering, and chiropractic, has incorporated 24 years of studies in science, nutrition, and metaphysics into transformational new systems and techniques.

4:00 PM Yoga Demonstration and Class Ki Steelman, BA, CST, CHT 214-228-4009 Come join us outside on the lawn where you can learn simple yoga poses that improve flexibility, quiet your mind, and bring you back to your center. Ki has been in health and wellness since 1990. Ki is a Certified Strength Trainer and Registered Yoga Teacher, Board Certified Hypnotherapist, Personal Coach for Success, and Corporate Wellness Seminar Leader.

4:30 PM Student Dance Performance 3:00 PM Centre for Dance Learning to Hear the Direction 972-267-1600 of Spirit Come join us outside on the lawn where you 2:00 PM Sheryl Hardin, Author, Unity Chaplain can enjoy dance performances by students Wellness for Less from the Centre for Dance. Students from 214-457-8597 Sue Goldstein, The Underground three age groups will perform routines. The Sheryl Hardin is the author of "Into Nothing" and "Contacting God: The Path to God through Centre for Dance provides dance education Shopper速 in many forms, vocal training, physical fitness, Prayer". She also serves the Unity Church of 469-293-SHOP (7467) nutrition, and acting. Dallas as Chaplain and is the Director of the You only have to be sick of paying high prices for everything! Sue is totally devoted to Spiritual Writer's Association. 5:00 PM bargains-how to find them, where to find them, 3:30 PM Being a Medium when to look for them, who to know, what to avoid. Sue Goldstein, The Diva of Discounts, The 5 Principles of Disease Gary Champion has made bargain-hunting her life for 36 Prevention 214-636-7546 years and is the founder of the Underground Gary will demonstrate actual gallery style Shopper速. With more than 75 market-specific Dr. Joshua Ferrell, DC readings for various audience members. 214-618-9355 and national shopping guidebooks, Sue is In addition, Gary will answer any audience the most prolific author in this genre. Sue has Dr. Ferrell's mission is to educate the questions about his personal experiences appeared on hundreds of talk shows. Listen to community on how to live healthy and happy serving as a medium. Gary has received lives. As one of the founders of Well 4 Life Sue on the radio every Saturday from 10ammessages since the age of 6. As a 12pm on KVCE 1160AM. Visit her website at: Centers, Dr. Ferrell has been featured as a professional psychic medium, he works with health advisor on Good Morning Texas, and undergroundshopper.com your guides or loved ones who have passed has presented his workshop series to locally to resolve past issues, to find closure and known businesses. Dr. Ferrell has a passion for serving the community through education. healing, and to communicate messages they feel you need to hear.

Saturday & Sunday, October 18-19, 2008


SUNDAY: Lectures & Demonstrations 11:30 AM Astrology & You Cynthia Novak 817-261-2984 Join Cynthia as she shares her insights on how planetary alignments can affect your life. Cynthia Novak combines over twenty years of astrological and spiritual study to bring you practical, heart-centered information. 12:00 PM Angel Guided Healing Rodica Alecu, Ph.D. 817-714-2187 The participants will be given self empowering tools to enable them to communicate with the Angels in order to heal and harmonize under Divine Guidance every aspect of life. Rodica Alecu holds a PhD degree in Nuclear Physics and has worked as a medical physicist for 22 years at various Radiation Oncology Departments. In addition to her medical physics work, Rodica is an Angel Therapy Practitioner速 certified by Doreen Virtue, PhD and a Soul talk facilitator. 12:30 PM Colors & Ionization Donna Reis, Certified Chromatologist, CNHP 817-788-9451 What is Ionization? What is it that the Ionic Foot Spas actually do? Does Ionization benefit our health? Why does the water change color? What do the colors mean? Donna will answer these questions and more. Donna is a Certified Chromatologist, CNHP, Certified Ionic Researcher, and Certified in Emotional Release with Essential Oils. 1:00 PM Stress & Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome Dr. Julie Royal, DC 214-324-5800 Are you frequently stressed about money, health, relationships or your job? Find out how stress can burn out the adrenals & lower immune function AND what to do about it! Dr. Julie Royal has been studying and practicing the art & science of transformation since 1977. Today her integrated approach to Natural Wholistic Healing and Life Wellness Coaching is evident in the care of her patients, integrating chiropractic with life-changing coaching, concepts and state-of-the-art techniques.

1:30 PM The Energetic Patterns of Disease Dr. Rita Louise, PhD, ND 972-475-3393 Host of Just Energy Radio, Dr. Rita Louise, Ph.D., N.D. is a Naturopathic Physician, Medical Intuitive, Clairvoyant and founder of the Institute of Applied Energetics. Author of the book, "Avoiding the Cosmic 2x4", she represents the leading edge of holistic health and mind/body healing. 2:00 PM Reading Your Body for Health Dr. Fran Assaf, DC 214-528-2085 For thousands of years before diagnostic tests were in existence, Face Reading was used to evaluate health or illness. Dr. Fran Assaf will be presenting the basics of face reading and give clues to interpreting messages from the body to improve health. Dr. Assaf is a holistic chiropractor who supports her patients' health with gentle adjustments, hands-on therapies, and extensive knowledge of toxicity issues and strategies for detoxification. 2:30 PM Hidden Fungal & Yeast Infections: Tests & Treatments Dr. Lewis Cone, DC 972-880-8541 The epidemic of fungal and yeast infections is rampant in Dallas. Learn how it affects men, women and children with fatigue, headaches, mood swings, food allergies, insomnia, weight problems, and more. Find out how to test for it, how to treat it, how long it takes to get rid of it, and how to identify if you are sick from your house or your spouse! Dr. Cone is a Chiropractor and Nutritionist. His practice primarily focuses on nutrition, ranging from colds to autoimmune disease.

3:00 PM You Are Not Alone! Jennifer Farmer 817-690-4208 Have you lost someone close to you from death? Join Jennifer, a psychic medium, in a gallery group reading. Jennifer is a nationally known Psychic Medium. Jennifer travels all over the United States and abroad providing readings and assisting others with personal spiritual development, healing relationships and resolving issues around grief and death. Jennifer has attended Arthur Findlay College, the world's foremost college for the advancement of Spiritualism and Psychic Sciences. 3:30 PM Spiritual & Practical Benefits of Meditation Ananda Meditation & Yoga Center 972-248-9126 By quieting the mind and deeply relaxing the body, the meditator experiences deep states of inner peace, and ultimately, union with the Divine. Research on meditation has shown significant improvements in mental health, memory and concentration, as well as many physical benefits. Sue Chadwick is the Director of Ananda Center and has taught meditation and yoga practices for over 10 years. She has been a guest speaker/teacher at Medical City Hosptial, the University of North Texas and yoga centers in the DFW area, Arizona and California.

4:00 PM Essential Oils for Every Home & Every Body Nancy Knittle 972-442-7388 Discover the versatile essences from nature for everything from first aid, stress relief, home fragrance, household cleaning, to pet care. Keep your family and pets healthy with these fragrant natural solutions. Nancy has grown and studied the various ways to use herbs for the past 25 years, which later led to her becoming interested in the usage of essential oils. She has studied essential oils in the US, Egypt, France, Mexico and Ecuador. Nancy is an independent sales representative for Young Living Essential Oils, the world leader in essential oils. www.youngliving.com/3907 4:30 PM Eat the Truth Coco Gray 214-432-5600 Coco will discuss how you can eat well on a budget. Coco holds a BS in Food and Nutrition from Texas Woman's University and is the founder of Eat the Truth, a local nutrition education company specializing in worksite wellness programs and healthy cooking classes. www.eatthetruth.com 5:00 PM Angel Messages Dr. Tammy Ledbetter, PhD 972-355-2313 In this workshop, learn how to release blocks, receive messages, and manifest the divine guidance from your Angels through enlightening demonstrations and exercises. Dr. Tammy Ledbetter, PhD, who is certified in Angel Therapy速 by Doreen Virtue, uses her gift as an Angel Intuitive along with her formal training in transformational leadership to guide clients through major and minor life challenges.

Wellness Expo ®

October 18-19, 11am-6pm • Addison Conference Centre • 15650 Addison Road • Dallas, TX Exhibitors (as of early-September) A Beautiful You

Dr. Rita Louise, ND, PhD

Live Healthier & Longer

Van Family Chiropractic

Dare to Reshape your Body Instantly with Body Magic

Medical Intuitive Evaluations

Cleanse, lose weight & regenerate damaged cells.

The most holistic, neurologically-sound chiropractic care.

Queen Iawia..................................214-914-0657

A Helping Hand

Cathy Battle ..................................214-507-3636


Dwanna Paul


Dave Larson..... 940-325-4373/cell817-219-0569

LoveWar Designs Handcrafted Jewelry

Psychic counseling Tarot & Astrology services

Spiritual Medium, healer, Teacher, www.DwannaPaul.com

A New You-Massage Plus

Eckankar of Dallas

Messages of Joy

Lumphatic Drainage Therapy/Classes

Religion of the Light and Sound of God

Spiritual Center, Books, Jewelry, Crystals, Gifts

Don M. Williams ............................817-925-8933


Ageless Beauty DFW

Ellene Leigh

Latest Technologies on beauty and health

Spiritual Medium and Card Reader.

Mona Soliman ...............................972-743-1383

Amazon Herb Company

Ron Bond......................................281-363-2001 Pure Wildcrafted Herbal Foods from the Amazon Rainforest.

Ananda Meditation & Yoga Center

Sue Chadwick ...............................972-248-9126 Classes, Workshops, Sunday Fellowship, Peace, Joy!

Angel Workshop

Dr. Tammy Ledbetter, Ph.D. ..........972-355-2313 Angel collectibles & keepsakes, Angel Readings

Arbonne International

Molly Laughlin ...............................214-298-7195

Vegan Swiss Skincare, Hybrid Nutrition, Bio-Identical Progesterone, Detox Spa

Aroma Therapeutics

Molly Meloy Kelly, PhD..................817-994-3657

Aromatherapy/Reflexology Classes/Supplies & More!

ASAP Spinal Healthcare

Jennifer Kemodle ..........................972-644-4744 Your place to a healthier spine.

Beloveds Mercantile

Sharon Cansler .............................817-366-2827 Fair trade accessories & teas

Beth Carpenter

......................................................512-707-9886 Intuitive Life Coach, Tarot, Angels, EMPP

Body Harmony Chiropractic

Dr. Amelie Biskup..........................940-594-0795 Chiropractic & wellness care for the entire family.

Butterfly Spirit Connections

Jennifer Farmer.............................817-690-4208 Psychic Medium, Intuitive Clairvoyant Readings, www.butterflyspiritconnections.com

Chiro Care of Frisco

Dr. George Hoogeveen, DC ..........972-335-7994

ProAdjuster- Comfortable, Consistent, Computerized

Color Vision

Donna Reis ...................................817-788-9451 Aura Photos- Essential Oils- Wellness Equipment

Cook for Life


Naomi Hunter................................ 214-662-1137 Genuine Crystal, Stone, and Sterling Jewelry

Joy Kauf........................................972-221-8080

North Dallas Therapeutic Center

Pam Stevens.................................972-458-8300

Harvey Stephens ..........................972-816-4156 ZRII the original Amalaki Drink Supplement

DFW Custom Wellness

Brad or Laveda Simmons..............214-770-2613 Customized Nutritional Supplements

Dotson Chiropractic

John Dotson, D.C..........................972-385-1484 Chiropractic & Acupuncture


Chiropractic & wellness care for the entire family.

Free allergy, toxin, infection, scar screenings.

Multi-Dimensional Transformational Healing

One Cosmic Giggle

Jodi Roberts/Cornell Kinderknecht ...............................512-788-1236/214-452-8963

Windsong Therapy & Wellness, Inc.

Cynthia Shaw................................972-991-2097

Enriching Others, LLC

Your Personal Nutrition Coach

Dr. Jennifer Beights.......................817-488-4466

Frankie L. Burget, OTR, RMT, Ml, CNDT, FAc ......................................................817-571-8135

Pierre Sergio.................................972-755-1693

Transformation through sound creating collaborative consciousness

Fascial Integrative Therapy

Essential Solutions

People’s Chiropractic & Wellness Ctr

David Ross ...................................682-561-4160

Kangen Alkaline Antioxidant Water Generator

Eldon Knittle..................................972-442-7388

Essential oils, nutritional supplements, personal care.

Dr. Edna Craven, D.C. ..................972-256-0004

Gary Champion, Psychic Medium

Power of the Rainbow

Gary Champino.............................214-636-7546 Psychic Medium

Iridology, Fat Analysis, Blood Pressure

Pat Cook & Tray Bradford .............214-327-3241 Metaphysical Crystals, Gems & Minerals

Samara Zitnik, Independent Affiliate321-745-5070

Quantum Quest Shamanic Journey

Gerrit Woning, Ex. Dir.

Author, Astrologer, Psychic, Entrepreneur, www.Pachamamaoneworld.com

Stem Enhance™ Stem Cell Nutrition

Radiant Herb & Tea Lounge

Genewize Life Sciences

DNA Guided Personalized Nutritional Supplements


Grapevine Chiropractic/ Taylor Family Chiropractic

Dr. Christy Porterfield....................817-310-3937 Corrective Chiropractic Care

Green Mountain Energy

Greg Brown...................................214-298-6924 100% Pollution Free Electricity

Healing with Sound

Nancy Byers..................................972-424-1217 The Language of Light-A vibrational healing technique.

Holistic Networker

www.HolisticNetworker.com .........972-403-0940 Free guide to wellness & personal growth

Holographic Sound Healing

Paul Hubbert, MA..........................512-891-7887 Practitioner Certification Training. www.HolographicSound.com

Debi Langton.................................214-793-4178

Ionic Dynamo

Ion Spa Detox Foot Bath

Ki Steelman, BA, CST, CHT

YogaKi, LLC ..................................214-228-4009 Personal Coach & Board Certified Hypnotherapist.

Kneading Massage

Trish Daniel...................................972-890-2144 Reiki • Deep Tissue • Stretching • Swedish & Chair Massage

Wyldewood Cellars

Elderberry Juice Concentrate/Nature’s Sunshine Herbs


Pam & Charlie Crow......................972-446-2472 Dietary juice supplement rebuilds health naturally.

Xocai- The Healthy Chocolate

John Hopkins ................................940-691-0825 Highest Antioxidant food on the Planet

Maria Gurule .................................719-219-3776

Mark Ambrosio ..............................972-385-7222 Healthy Retreat for Body & Mind

Literature Table A New You-Massage Plus

Don M. Williams ............................817-925-8933

Reflexology by Tony

Lumphatic Drainage Therapy/Classes

Treat your feet for overall Health

Molly Meloy Kelly, PhD..................817-994-3657

Tony or Blanche ............................214-223-9997

Aroma Therapeutics

Royal Wellness Center

Aromatherapy/Reflexology Classes/Supplies & More!

Chiropractic/Alchemy of Mind, Body & Spririt

Harvey Stephens ..........................972-816-4156

Dr. Julie Royal, DC........................214-324-5800


Sandy Hanne, RMT, Reiki Master

ZRII the original Amalaki Drink Supplement

Advanced Cranio-Sacral Therapy, Massage

Religion of the Light and Sound of God


Eckankar of Dallas


Scott Hood

Energy Dynamics

Spiritual Medium and Card Reader.

Multi-Dimensional Transformational Healing


Spirit Emergence

Bob & Cindy Deering.....................972-516-0303 Unlock Stored Negative Emotional Blockages

Michael Mason..............................281-344-7559


VIBE All Natural Liquid Vitamins/Minerals.

Energy Dynamics

Crystals, minerals, tingshas, statues, jewelry

Yoga, Tai Chi, Holistic Martial Arts, Brain Management

Zelda Russell ................................214-328-8812

Dr. Cone, DC.................................972-880-8541

Kinetic Chromotherapy, Himalayan Salt Lamps & Jewelry

Renata Petrylient .......................... 972-687-0011

VIBE-all-in-one Liquid Vitamin/ Minerals

Wholistic Healing Chiropractic

Self Healing w/ Voice Bio Feedback. www.mkvoicemap.com

Infant Massage Parent Educator

Dahn Yoga Center

All natural healing and energizing whole food product.

Nutritional Healing Center of Dallas

Matt Kramer ..................................415-760-6068

Crystal Quartz Depot, Inc.

Wayne Darling ..............................210-867-5680

Pat Zickefoose ..............................972-617-2567

Shefali Ajmera, MS, RD, LD ..........972-385-0554

Hugs n Kisses Massage 4 Kidz

Teaches nutrition and cooking for health


Craniosacral-Come Experience This Relaxing Technique

Emotional Healing v/ Voice Mapping

Spirit Quest Associates

Debbie Mouser..............................469-387-7695

Dr. Erin Van Veldhuizen ................214-952-3933

Chris & Ginger Pennell..................832-797-1888

Texas Beautiful Image

Kelly Cates...................... 817-416-6934 ext. 101 Microcurrent Anti-aging facial & body sculpting

The Gypsy Wagon

Tara Brezic....................................214-837-5650 Handcrafted Designer Jewelry & Eclectic Gifts

Cynthia Shaw................................972-991-2097

HeBei Chinese Martial Arts Institute

Wuzhong Jia .................................214-547-7663

Holistic Networker

www.HolisticNetworker.com .........972-403-0940 Free guide to wellness & personal growth


Christi Roberts ..............................972-838-7383 Save up to 25% on your electric bill. Give discount code SF444.

Messages of Joy

Joy Kauf........................................972-221-8080

The Holistic Warrior

Spiritual Center, Books, Jewelry, Crystals, Gifts

Readings, Energy Balancing, Dream Interpretation

Cecilia Borders..............................214-763-5199

Thomas Nolan, III, Ph.D................405-360-1700

Pilates for Any Body


The Underground Shopper®

Affordable Personal Pilates Training Equipment Studio

Save up to 25% on your electric bill. Give discount code SF444.

Living the good life- at half the price!

Quantum Quest Shamanic Journey

Christi Roberts ..............................972-838-7383

Sue Goldstein ...............................469-293-7467

The Wellness Institute

Rebecca Ketner/ marketing...........214-618-9355 Wellness Health Screening

Maria Gurule .................................719-219-3776 Author, Astrologer, Psychic, Entrepreneur, www.Pachamamaoneworld.com

Introduction to Sound Healing HolisticNetworker.com

Autumn 2008 27


ound Healing is a relatively new discipline in the healing world, yet transformation through sound has been part of human life from the beginning. Nature sounds, song, voice, chants, pounding two rocks together, hitting a hollow log with a stick are all ways in which our ancestors used sound to create ceremony and transformation. In modern society, music as a part of ceremony is commonplace. For example, religious services, presidential inaugurations, sporting events, and ribbon-cutting ceremonies all incorporate music as part of their event to either bring spectators into the feel of the moment or to reflect on and absorb what they just saw or heard. According to sound healer Kenny Parker (www.sacredsoundhealing.com) “Sound is primal. Quantum physics and science are only now discovering what the mystics and ancient cultures knew long ago: the matrix for the Universe is a seamless super-conscious energy field, composed of light, sound and celestial harmonics. Plato called this sound “the Music of the Spheres.” Eastern cultures refer to it as the “Divine Melody” or “Sacred Sound.” In Christian teachings, it is called ‘the Word.’” Creation myths from indigenous cultures —Aboriginal, Christian, Hindu, Mayan, Native American—say that creation started with the word, usually chanted. Breath and sound creates reality. A Native teacher by the name of Joseph Rael (www.peacechamber.com/joseph.htm) taught me many years ago, before music came into my life as the modality of healing, that I think it, I speak it, I create it. Be accountable and responsible for my creations. The most basic form of sound healing begins with the voice. In healing sessions this is an exploration of belief systems, thoughts, shadows and the setting of clear intention as a container for the transformation the music facilitates. Sound healers use a variety of instruments to bring a state of resonance to the client. Instruments include the voice, tuning forks,

rattles, Tibetan and crystal bowls, drums, flutes, didgeridoos, harps, piano and gongs. As a sound healer dis-ease is seen as lack of balance and harmony. Paul Hubbert (www.holographicsound.com) says “certain tones represent perfect health or balance. When our body is in dis-ease, we are literally out of tune, or vibrating off key. Disharmony can manifest mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically. I use ancient Tibetan bowls and gongs. The gongs screech and the bowls sound dissonant before the client’s balance and harmony is reached. When working with Cornell Kinderknecht on flutes (www.cornellk.com) the bowls or gongs and flutes build a resonance on and over certain parts of the body that are out of tune. Once we have reached harmony the instruments play a symphony with the body reflecting the auditory beauty of health and balance. Through the original intention we reach into the place Quantum physicists call the Field or the Matrix. Sound Healing is an intentional transformation of this Field. Everything is vibrational frequency in this field. The matrix holds frequencies of peace, unconditional love and perfect health as possible realities. Through sound healing: clear thoughts, clear words, clear vibrant energy and sacred prayerful music, we choose these realities. We bring our vibrational frequency into the state of health, peace and love. The use of music reaches into a part of our experience that goes beyond logical thinking and the ego’s attachment to control. The body and brain release endorphins and relax. The brain waves can go into an alpha, daydreaming, creative and relaxed state, into theta - the state of dreaming, meditation and subconscious. Music becomes the avenue for the brain to let go of the hustle of our

everyday thought patterns (“Where do I need to be in an hour?”, “I need new shoes.”, “How long will this take?”) and become fully engaged and concentrate on our intentions. People often fall asleep (the delta state) during healing concerts and sessions, especially with the use of the big gongs at their heads. Raymond Bahr MD - Director of Coronary Care at St Agnes Hospital in Baltimore states in Mitchell Gaynor’s book Sounds of Healing “half an hour of music produces the same effects as ten milligrams of valium.” Dr. Gaynor is an oncologist in New York City who begins each of his consultations for cancer therapy with a crystal or Tibetan bowl and toning by the patient. The modality of sound healing is being used in both alternative healing and mainstream applications. Sound healing is a powerful and enjoyable tool for bringing harmony to all aspects of health-spiritual, mental, emotional and physical. ————————————————— Jodi Roberts is a sound healer and concert musician who uses sound to weave a meditative, ceremonial experience of peace, joy and beauty. She is a cultural anthropologist trained in cross-cultural shamanic ceremony & healing, spiritual counseling, energetic healing, Zen meditation, Tibetan sound healing, Holographic Sound Healing, Action Method Training, Ropes Course Facilitation and Reality Creation. She and Cornell Kinderknecht have One Cosmic Giggle as their vehicle for transformation through sound to create collaborative consciousness. www.onecosmicgiggle.com. Please come visit our booth and Paul Hubbert’s booth at the Wellness Expo in Addison TX October 18th and 19th.

28 HolisticNetworker.com

Autumn 2008


Nadine Romain, Ph.D., Certified Hypnotherapist, HypnoBirthing® Practitioner Office in Dallas Lakewood Area  214-796-5327  www.alphahypnosis.biz

Looking for the Life you were meant to live? Let me help you help yourself and regain control for life-long changes! Releasing habit patterns - Stress, Fear, Anxiety release - Metaphysical Counseling - Abundance - and much more... Available for corporate group. Call for an appointment today!

Counseling Services

Sherri Lackman, MA, LPC, Cht 304 S. Cottonwood #D Richardson, TX 75080  972-231-4466  sherrilackman@msn.com  www.sherrilackman.com

Discover how hypnotherapy can gently explore issues that have caused unhealthy behavior and poor decisions in the past. Hypnosis allows access to the unconscious in the altered state so that issues can be resolved more quickly and efficiently than with talk therapy.

Journey Between Lives

Carole Layman, LMSW, CHt PO Box 171102 Arlington, TX 76003-1102  817-557-0008  www.journeybetweenlives.com

SPIRITUAL REGRESSIONS. Past Life AND Life Between Lives Therapy. Stop guessing and visit the Spirit World for definitive answers regarding your current life as well as your Soul Life! Discover your Guides, Soul Group, Life Purpose and more!

Soul Revelations

P.J. Spur, CHt. 320 Decker Drive, Suite 100 Irving, TX 75062  972-822-4548  www.soulrevelations.com

Past Life Regressions and Life Between Lives Explorations. Navigate your life, meet your Spirit Guides and Angels, and tap into your Higher Self to make changes and reveal a better tomorrow...with hypnosis. Special sessions for children to deal with fears, sleep disturbances and self confidence.

Interior Design/Feng Shui Feng Shui Designs

Inga Chandler  972-991-8885  www.fengshuidesignsconsultations.com

*Hypnosis Sessions *Past Life Regression *Travel Arrangements *Tarot Readings *Tarot Classes

Inga Chandler has studied with over 62 Eastern and Western Feng Shui masters since 1989, and integrates Feng Shui principles from a minimum of 14 primary schools into each consultation. She is certified through the American Feng Shui Institute, is a graduate of The Sheffield School of Interior Design, is a Texas Real Estate Broker, a nationally certified CAPS Designate, and has completed Level 1 Training through the Kushi Institute.

Karen Ann Tompkins

Feng Shui With Karen Ann  972-669-1595  972-644-1526; fax  karenanntompkins@comcast.net  www.FengShuiWithKarenAnn.com

Karen Ann has studied with Masters worldwide, and practices classical Feng Shui. This analytical and diagnostic approach is specific to each property, each person, and includes the influences of time.

Iridology The People’s Chiropractic Clinic Edna Craven, D.C., BCNP, BCI 3200 N MacArthur Blvd Ste 105 Irving, TX 75062  972-256-0004

24 years experience. Jensonian and Holistic Iridology. Accurate iris reading. Complete written Report Of Finding with pictures. Nutritional Consultation. See ad for additional services.

Lymphatic Drainage Therapy Lymphatic Drainage Therapy Don M. Williams, LMT, MTI, CEP  817-925-8933

Remove toxins, increase energy, feel lighter with this therapy; upper body (lungs, liver, bladder, uterus/prostate, breasts). Gentle, but effective; amazing therapy.

Macrobiotics Macrobiotic Center

Margaret Lawson  903-786-9100  macrobioticteacher@gmail.com  www.MacrobioticCenter.com

Macrobiotic Cooking Classes • Macrobiotic Counseling • Books and Supplies • Macrobiotic bed and breakfast now open! Email macrobioticteacher@gmail.com for brochure.

Natural Health Care Services

S.V. "Ami" Amagna, MSc, RMT, CNHP Carrollton, TX (Marsh/Rosemeade Area)  972-492-6651

Macrobiotic counseling to develop a dietary program for overcoming your health problems • Shiatsu-based energetic bodywork to relieve stress/pain and restore good health by revitalizing organs and systems • Medical Qi Gong self-healing exercises • External Qi therapy (palm healing) • Guidance on supplements, herbs and homeopathic remedies.

Meditation Ananda Meditation & Yoga Center Sue Chadwick 4901 Keller Springs Rd. #103 Addison, TX 75001  972-248-9126

Beginning Meditation 5-week class series - learn to calm your mind, develop concentration, access inner peace. Simple, effective, proven techniques based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda. SEE DISPLAY AD.


Autumn 2008 29

HYPNOSIS WORKS! Weight Reduction Smoking Cessation Anxiety Elimination Fitness Performance Enhancement

Ki Steelman Board Certified Hypnotherapist Personal Coach for Success

• Past Life Regressions • Life-Between-Lives Therapy • Connecting With Your Guides www.journeybetweenlives.com Carole Layman, LMSW Certified Hypnotherapist

Achieve Your Goals Today. Call Now!

(817) 557-0008 or (817) 455-6642


Your journey starts here!


Saturday, October 18th, at the Wellness Expo Come join us outside on the lawn at 4:00pm for Ki Steelman’s Yoga Demonstration and Class. Learn simple yoga poses that improve flexibility, quiet your mind, and bring you back to your center. At 4:30pm enjoy Student Dance Performances by students from the Centre for Dance.

30 HolisticNetworker.com

Metaphysical Arts & Sciences Dallas Psychic Fair

Holiday Inn Select - North Dallas (LBJ West bound access road just past Josey Ln)  469-463-1810  dallaspsychicfair@gmail.com  dallaspsychicfair.com

Over 50 professional psychic readers, vendors and wellness practitioners. Held the 1st Sunday of every month 12 - 6 pm. Admission - $7.00, all readings $10.00 ea.

Heal Emotional Wounds

Olga Gabriela, Psychic and Medium  1-469-952-7755

Olga Gabriela is an inborn psychic and medium. She studied hypnotherapy, and is a certified Angel Therapy Practitioner. Call Olga today for help with emotional wounds, and relief from emotional pain and distress.

Intuitive Astrologer and Tarot Reader Cynthia Novak  metro 817-261-2984

Intuitive astrologer and Tarot reader, Cynthia Novak provides detailed, informative, tape-recorded sessions. All are heart-centered and process oriented.

Maria Gurule, Shaman, Author, Astrologer Quantum Quest Shamanic/Goddess Journeys  719-219-3776  maria_gurule@comcast.net  www.PachamamaOneWorld.com

Journeys: Machu Picchu; Lake Titicaca, Bolivia. Ecuador-The Galapagos, Maui- Celebrating the Goddess 1/09 BOOK CD & MP3-CD: www.PachamamaOneWorld.com

Psychic and Author

Lai Ubberud Winner of the Award "Best Psychic of 2005" by The Houston Press  832-646-3297  www.laiubberud.com

Psychic, Tarot, Past Lives, Channeling, Exorcisms, Angels, Haunted Houses, Author of "Celebrity Pets Tell All"

Movement MoveStudio

Move and be moved! 17062 Preston Rd. Suite 108, at Campbell Dallas, TX 75248  972-732-0206  staff@movestudio.com  www.movestudio.com

Ready for a new fitness alternative? Engage, challenge and inspire your mind, spirit and body in our serene and inspiring environment. Bellydance, jazz, modern, Nia, TranceDance, Ecstatic dance and other drop-in classes for grown-ups. Stretch, strengthen, improve posture and alleviate back pain with intelligent, holistic Pilates exercise. Full Pilates equipment studio. Got yoga? Improve physical fitness, flexibility, mental clarity, relaxation, stress management and well-being at any age. Hatha, restorative, prenatal yoga classes and more. Group, semi-private and private Pilates & yoga instruction with certified, experienced teachers. MoveStudio also hosts a number of concerts, community events and workshops for body, mind & spirit, each month. Visit our website often to see what we're up to. You'll love the way you move!

Autumn 2008

Nutrition Euphoria Smoothie

Smoothie • Coffee • Boba Tea 4701 W. Park Blvd. #106 (bt Preston & Ohio) Plano, TX 75093  972-769-0301

Smoothie Heaven! Freshest tasting smoothie in the market. The explosive, full rich flavors will excite and tantalize your taste buds. We provide delicious, high quality beverage and foods that are good for your health, mind and body. Fruit Smoothies: 100% Natural, No Preservative, No Fat, No added cane Sugar, vitamin & mineral fortified. Chai Tea, Boba (Bubble) Tea, Espresso/Cappucino: Italian D'Oro, Stuffed Soft Pretzels, Healthy snacks, Nutritional Supplements.

Nature's Sunshine

Ben Koch, Independent Distributor  972-746-3711  Bluegardenhealth@mynsp.com  www.mynsp.com/bluegardenhealth

Vitamins, supplements, herbs, essential oils, skincare and more. Over 500 products, including Chinese, homeopathic, Ayurvedic, etc. For the whole family, including pets! Browse and order online or call for more information.

Osteopathy Cranial Osteopath

Liz Chapek, D.O. 6760 Abrams Road, Suite 203 Dallas, TX 75231  214-341-8742  www.do-online.org/chapek

Hands-on evaluation of body and head by physician, for treatment or prevention, aims to optimize ability to heal & function: NEWBORNS/INFANTS-weak suck, irregular head shape, sleep trouble, fussy, seizures, recurrent ear infection. YOUNG CHILDREN-hyperactivity, learning/ developmental trouble, scoliosis, insufficient space for teeth. PREGNANT WOMEN-helps mothers be more comfortable through pregnancy & labor/delivery be easier. ALL AGES-migraine, asthma, menstrual/female problems, injuries from strains, falls, whiplash. Call us for information.

Products Dr. David R. Hawkins' books

Distributed by Shifting Frequencies  972-378-1211  www.ShiftingFrequencies.com

Dr. Hawkins has devoted his life to the spiritual evolution of mankind. His books utilize muscle testing, as this well-established science provides an objective basis for distinguishing truth from falsehood. Introducing Dr. Hawkins' 7th book, "Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man". SEE DISPLAY AD.

Go Green Energy Savers Christi Roberts  972-838-7383  www.energysaver.tv

Save up to 25% on your electric bill, while helping to save the environment. KVAR® EC fine tunes electrical systems to reduce non-productive and wasted electricity, giving you cost-effective energy! Give discount code: SF444 to get special pricing. SEE DISPLAY AD.

Reflexology Judith Greenwood Reflexologist / LMT Forest/Marsh Lane Area Dallas, TX  214-280-7684

Healing therapies specializing in foot reflexology, Reiki and Sound energy healing, massage, lymphatic drainage, ear candling, Gemstone Energy Medicine, clinical aromatherapy, pre-natal massage, Flow, foot reflexology classes.

Reiki/Energy Healing Energy Dynamics —

Multi-Dimensional Transformational Healing and Spiritual Response Therapy Cynthia R. Shaw, RMT, MTI  972-991-2097  energydynamics@cynthiarshaw.com  www.cynthiarshaw.com

SRT is a system of researching the subconscious mind and soul records to quickly find and release the discordant, limiting ideas and replace them with loving, supportive ideas and beliefs. SRT provides an exacting, powerful, virtually painless and accurate way of changing the landscape of our inner and outer lives. Remote healing available.

Healing Touch

Pamela Mauras-Kelley, Reiki MasterTeacher, Divinity Graduate of Accelerated Creative Force-Quan Yin Creation Center, Hawaii Arlington, TX  817-721-0901  empress3@comcast.net

Experience healing energy grounded in 5th-9th dimensional Ascension/Christ energies and 95 Creative Force energy bodies of Quan Yin, the Ascended Masters & Elohim Angels of Creation. These powerful energies deeply heal, release disruptionary energies and align us in force that gives tremendous enjoyment & empowerment to create what we want. Among other services, I teach Usui Reiki & Portalization of Creative Force. SEE AD.


Autumn 2008 31

Spiritual Organizations

Beginning Meditation

Christian Science Reading Room

(5-class Series – $90) ~Pre-registration Required~ Wednesdays, Oct 22 - Nov. 19

Pam Thompson, Manager 1930 N. Coit Road, #120 SE Corner Coit/Campbell Richardson, TX 75080  972-231-0114  csrrrich@gmail.com  www.csreadingroom-richardson.com

Learn how Jesus healed. Explaining and employing his methods, Christian Science has a century-long record of improving the health and changing the lives of thousands around the world. Our caring staff is experienced in spiritual healing and loves to share spiritual insights, either one-on-one or with groups. The Reading Room is a community center for spiritual discovery and a store offering books and products with healing ideas-including the bestseller, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures", which teaches how Jesus healed.

Earth Rhythms

Amy Martin 381 Casa Linda Plaza #137 Dallas, TX 75218  info@EarthRhythms.org  www.earthrhythms.org

Presenting experiential events, preserving natural places, and providing help to those in need in North Texas. Events include Winter SolstiCelebrations, Moonlady Nights, and talks and concerts by national spiritual leaders. A green cemetery is being planned. Monthly e-newletter with seasonal/lunar dates, features, more.

St. Clement of Alexandria Liberal Catholic Church Fr. Tony J. Howard, Pastor 202 North Allen Dr., Suite E-114 Allen, TX 75002  972-377-3828  pastor@scalcc.org  www.scalcc.org

Ananda Yoga® Classes

Based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda

Meditation & Yoga Center

4901 Keller Springs Rd #103, Addison, TX 75001 (1-1/2 blocks West of the Tollway)

$50/month or drop-in $10/class Wednesday & Friday @ Noon Tuesday & Thursday @ 6:15 pm

“The Healing Power of Sound” Experiential Workshop, Sat, Oct 4, 9:30am-12:30pm

Group Meditations every Tuesday, 7:30-9pm

Sunday Worship Service

Meditation and Purification Service 9:00-9:45 am 972-248-9126 Worship Service e-mail: anandadallas@aol.com 10:00am - 11:15am website: anandadallas.org Includes brief meditation, ALL ARE WELCOME! chanting, Bible & Bhagavad Gita reading, Festival of Light Please call or email for Free Calendar

"Liberal" means "free"; "Catholic" means "universal." Bells and Smells, Esoteric Friendly, Open Communion every Sunday at 11am. Liberal Catholic: a relief, not an oxymoron.

Universal Light of Christ Church

Rev. Pat Raimondo 6117 Graham St. Lake Worth, TX 76135  817-237-7840  ULCCPatRaimondo@yahoo.com  www.UniversalLightofChristChurch.org

Sunday Service: 11:00am • Classes: The Teachings of Light • Two locations: Florida / Texas • Intuitive Consultations Available

Healing Touch

Natural healing for body, mind & spirit

Pamela Mauras-Kelley Usui Reiki Master & Teacher

(817) 721-0901

Email: empress3@comcast.net Arlington TX Reiki - Distance Healing - Reiki for Pets Creative Force Energy Attunements Chakra Balancing - Aromatherapy Bach Flower Remedies - Native & Full Moon Ceremonies, Readings & more

Cynthia Novak Intuitive * Astrologer * Tarot-Reader Readings from the Heart

Providing Detailed, Personal and Predictive Information Remind you why you are here Help you plan where you are going www.cynthianovak.com

metro (817) 261-2984 New! Classes in VEDIC Astrology and Tarot

The Most Personal and Practical Gift!

32 HolisticNetworker.com

Autumn 2008

from the fear, take a deep breath and remember that destiny is within our grasp. We can bend our plans to move with life as we meet it.

Your Autumn Stars by Cynthia Novak Are We in The Grasp of Destiny or is Destiny In Our Grasp?

No matter which party wins, there is a politician with long experience and a partner with comparatively no experience running. We will manifest change, but do we trust the process? Ultimately that’s what we must do because to fear it and “them” is to be tossed around by the fates. To embrace the process and play a part is to be part of Destiny and to be empowered.

rom the beginning of Autumn until December 17th, all of the visible planets will be on one side of the ecliptic path. Since the Moon runs around the heavens every month, she’ll venture out of the grasp of the great serpent, which is the way Hindu astrologers describe this formation. What this means literally is the visible or “personal” planets are all on one side of the heavens. The heavens are divided by the ecliptic. It’s called a “great serpent” because if you were to mark the points where the Moon rises and falls on the ecliptic path, it would appear to undulate. It doesn’t take an astrologer to note that this period of time encompasses the remainder of the Presidential Election. Now that we have Barak Obama as the Democrat’s nominee and Sarah Palin as the Republican VP choice of political maverick John McCain, there is no doubt that we are making history and something big has the nation and the electorate in its grasp.

As the Moon pulls away from the other visible planets, we get some distance or perspective on the election and our fear or faith in the process. We are tested as the Moon pulls into them. The test is rather like the test of a small boat in the ocean. Will you ride with the waves or fear them: Can you trust your skills and those of your fellow citizens while you navigate the power of an election? Remember, in a democracy the other party wins some of the time....smiles. Are you part of the nation no matter what, or separate from it in spirit or in action? It’s tricky because fear is easier to come by when it’s broadcast to you by the opposing parties. There is only one thing that is certain: “We the People” will make history with our choice. It can go either way, but no matter which party wins, their candidate has already rebelled against the party of the past and is moving forward. It is exciting that we can each remain emotionally afloat. Here is a list of dates where the Moon moves into and out of the grasp: In- Oct. 1, Out- Oct. 9th; In- Oct. 21, Out- Nov. 5; In- Nov. 18, Out- Dec. 2.

If the Moon is our perceptions and she moves around the heavens quickly, this is the way out of fear and into trust. This is how we experience life and, ultimately, accept that change is part of life and not merely a campaign slogan. We lay out our plans and act accordingly. However, we are tested by change as we accept that at times we feel very out of control. We must learn to bend with the great serpent or fall under the weight of the unexpected. The challenge is to detach

The big areas of action in the heavens are 15-30 degrees of Sagittarius where Jupiter brings in abundance and throws it to the same segments of Aries, Gemini and Leo. The more challenging zone is 22-30 of Leo and Aquarius where Saturn (the structure) and Uranus (the unexpected) planets push against your plans and push you to change direction. This also spills onto the same segments of Scorpio and Taurus. These are all in your Vedic chart.


Jupiter remains unusually strong until mid-December: Jupiter is all about the law so the Supreme Court is in the news and active this season. Jupiter is beliefs, politics and optimism. It supports the Market and stimulates spending. Jupiter is acting, media and PR. With Jupiter moving fast and strong, it’s easy to see that a fortune will be spent on ads for the candidates by overt and covert groups. However, Jupiter is the big picture and excitement for the future. It suggests that the candidates and “We the People” are interested in where we as a nation are going and how we’ll get there. This is not the usual election so ask big questions and search for the answers. I hope the media will ask, too...we deserve a big and optimistic vision with a detailed plan on how to get there. October: October begins with Venus strong through the 13th. She recently crossed Mars, starting a new phase in relationships. Let’s just say that the planet of love and money is spending some of what she’s got on primping. She is a creative planet, so she can get that fresh face and brighten up her wardrobe and her home on a budget. On the 14th she moves into a sweet give and take mutual reception with Mars. Their embrace will linger through November 7th. Venus is ready for a partner, but she is also ready to meet and mingle for a time before she decides. Mars is willing to chase and the anticipation is strong. This is good for romance and for refreshing the love you already have. Apply it to your resume and you will find fresh ways to look at what you’ve learned in the past. Apply it to your business and feel the love as you take in the praise of clients, both new and old. Jupiter helps as he is the ultimate optimist and he’s moving forward now. In fact, he’ll gain momentum through the rest of the year. If you have a class you’ve wanted to take or a group you thought about attending, get out the door and go! Mercury, the communication planet, is retrograde until the 15th. Be sure to repeat all numbers and confirm your reservation. Back up your computer and store up on batteries for your phone. If


you aren’t sure of the directions to your meeting, then you had better double check with two different online map/ direction services. It would be wise to talk to a person, too. If you’re thinking of changing your internet service, wait until after the 15th. Until then, wait amongst loads of disgruntled customers looking for a better way. Of course, if you are in sales, this is a time for great opportunity and the best day of all is the 15th, when Mercury goes direct! Just don’t forget that this period of time is when the mind longs for silence (which, of course, is why you accidentally flushed your phone). There is no better time to revisit plans that veered away from your planned path. There is also no better time to redo and renew your personal ad, or rework your business plan or replay your spiritual tapes... . November: Romance is playful and we are all distracted by the election. On the 7th, folks get down to business. Mars pulls into his own constellation of Scorpio for the remainder of the year. This is a fierce place for competition and this transit of Mars in the last 7 years has been associated with aggressive military action in Iraq. Hopefully, that will not be true this time. This is a strong period for clear, decisive action in every area. It is also one where it’s easy to be misled by your opponent. That might not be a big deal if you’re playing chess with resin figures. However, if you’re trying to win the big deal or the love of your life, then it’s better to be honest and direct, but also to remain aware that your opponent may not be. Simply put, show up and do your best, but keep your antennae tuned in to your surroundings. December: There is a very delicate or perhaps volatile combination of planets forming. Mars is strong. He’s good at action, aggression and service. Sometimes Mars pulls into a stressful aspect with Uranus and unexpected events happen or are uncovered. Sometimes he pulls into a stressful aspect with Saturn and fear sends the Market down or prompts reaction from fear. When all three are combined we, at the least, feel vulnerable to the forces

Autumn 2008 33

of life and death. We sense that some things are out of our control and we react. If something doesn’t feel right, then trust your first hunch and move away. The election will stir emotions for the losing party and its followers. It’s up to us all to trust and to keep our eyes open. The change already happened, yet a reaction could be extreme. There is no month where it is more important to keep your faith and hold your spiritual center. This may only be a collective fear or a threat. I assume that Al Qaeda will make threats throughout the election to try to influence the parties. However, if there is a deranged person, who wants to make history, then I believe he’ll make his move at this time. I pray that he’ll be stopped. From December 12th until the 19th, Mars makes a stressful transit to Barak Obama’s Mars as Saturn sits upon his Mars and Uranus opposes it. This is an eerie combination reminiscent of the transits to JFK’s birth chart when he was assassinated. Assuming that the times of birth we have for both men are accurate, both were born with a powerful Mars placed in the 8th house of life and death. Will Obama follow in JFK’s footsteps to win the election and then go quickly to the grave? I hope not. I feel certain that those protecting him will give him good coverage and he will be wise. Perhaps, though, there will be an attempt and threats. The source of the threats will surprise him and all of us.

If we pay attention we’ll feel the wobble. After the 15th Mars pulls onto Pluto and the New Moon on the 27th has the potential to bring us together through great emotion and possibly suffering. The New Moon with Pluto and Mars are in a lunar mansion that deals with creation that follows destruction. Throughout the holidays we are reminded that we are one nation. I hope that these are only fears and threats. Do your part to remain aware of your surroundings. I would definitely check within before traveling. I hope that this is the time when we prepare for the gifts of political change, while we remain alert to those who would stop at nothing to see us fail. It is a delicate month for the Market. Fear is in the air and the Market usually struggles when investors are afraid. It is possible that we will lose a powerful public/political figure at this time and it will bring us together. It is likely that that person will have already retired, but it will still stir emotion. Senator Kennedy has cancer: He’s the first to come to mind. Please know that I do not believe that we as astrologers can predict life or death. When I looked back in history to a time when Mars joined Pluto in this mansion, Mula. I had to go all the way back to November 1760. Here are a few fascinating bits of history from 1760. I found letters written by John Adams as he pondered the importance of working hard in the world as a young man, but becoming a judge later. He spoke of age as a time when the [continued on next page]

34 HolisticNetworker.com

[continued from page 33] mind is cluttered, and youth when it is essentially free. George Washington wrote mundane letters of daily life. Nothing foreshadowed the Revolution to come just 16 years later. In Europe, Enlightenment was the rage. In China, Canton became the only port licensed to do business with Europe. In the Americas we had the end of French Resistance in North America and Britain gained control of much of French America. The Boers settled in South Africa. We see change and movement and a shift in control of what would become the U.S. This mansion of Mula was also triggered in the first 3 months of 2008. We felt the grip of economic fear, but we are still moving on. Perhaps it is the morbid nature of man to find the worst in the times we live; then, remember them as “the good ol’ days!” Great smiles arise from the irony of life and a vote to celebrate this moment. Let’s embrace it. We do hold destiny in our grasps. The Race: As I write this, the race has been pretty gentlemanly. Both candidates have made a promise that their people will not attack the other’s spouse. They are both vying for media attention. Obama has been the media darling. McCain was the old dog with little wow factor. Then there was the Saddleback interview where McCain was the clear winner, followed by the Obama extravaganza where tens of thousands of people crammed MileHigh stadium and more wished they could get in to be a part of history. Then that was trumped by McCain’s pick of 44-year-old Sarah Palin, governor of Alaska. Wow! One thing is certain: there will be an inexperienced man in the Oval Office on January 20th or an inexperienced woman one heartbeat away. Both men have defied their respective Parties and taken destiny in their hands and held it to this point. Both will leave politics changed for the better. Both have made history.

Autumn 2008

The media will now divide its attention between the two candidates and their running mates. Both will be motivated to name wise advisers, who will be there to make up for lacking resumes and time on earth. Both will shake hands and put forward their platforms and philosophies and strategies. “We the People” will ultimately choose and I honestly can’t say which one will win based upon their transits. Both candidates have very difficult transits on Election Day. Both have some wonderful transits on Inauguration Day. This usually isn’t this difficult. Usually one has more wonderful...or worse transits than the other, but this time it’s a draw. The loser will leave the election with enormous power in the Senate and on the lecture trail. The winner will likely reach across party lines to the loser in a show of national unity. Election Day will be hard on both and the scandal mongers or PACs will throw plenty of dirt around. It’s up to these two men to remain gentlemen as they ask for our votes of confidence in their respective plans for the future of our nation and it is up to us to take our votes seriously and to consider carefully. There is so much change in the air. It’s hard to imagine that Obama will not win. Biden’s chart looks pretty darned good for both the election and inauguration. Palin’s chart does not. I don’t know if she’ll make it through November. She is tough and driven, but Neptune lingers on her Sun, Mars and Saturn conjunction. The scandals have only just begun. It will take great effort to rise above them; however she is forever in the history books. If I had to pick one chart of the 4 as the big winner, it would be Joe Biden’s. The second is McCain’s, the 3rd Obama’s and the last is Palin’s. Obama’s chart looks good on inauguration day, so I’m betting that he’ll still be here no matter how many astrologers predict otherwise. McCain has some wonderful aspects, so I’ll say that he still looks good after the election and has great power even if Obama wins (and that sounds a little crazy to me as I write this). If McCain wins, I believe he’ll reach over to Obama.

Obama will have great legislative power in the Senate...or McCain will! This is a really hard one to call, so I’ll end by saying I honestly don’t know by looking at their charts. It is really up to the voters to choose a philosophy and political plan for the future. It is up to us to insist our leaders embrace and create our destiny with us, not instead of us. “We the People” have an historic and immediate call to faith in the process. It is not the stars, but “you” and “me” and “he” and “she” and “they” that ultimately reveal our destiny at this time. Both men are wise and able, but it is the people who choose in a democracy. We get to cast our votes for destiny and direct our thoughts so we are not trapped by the hands of fate. I leave you with the immortal words of Shakespeare: “The fault is not in the stars...but in our selves.” (Julius Caesar). I also end this with a reminder: This autumn may cycle between periods where you feel great personal power and those where you feel whipped like a dingy on the ocean waves. Through it all, we ask: “Am I in the grasp of the great serpent or am I taking hold of destiny with each choice, action and faith in the process of life and change?” This is history folks; it is now.

Cynthia Novak is a professional astrologer. She can be contacted at metro 817-261-2984. Read Cynthia’s daily astrological message at www.HolisticNetworker.com/dailymessage/ or see www.CynthiaNovak.com Come hear Cynthia’s talk at the Wellness Expo on Sunday, October 19 at 11:30am entitled “Astrology & You”.

Transformation Time

Again the light stirs rising from the internal world. Energies that were sleeping now awaken. It feels different, dynamic and unsettling.

Such a change can be confusing and the light may seem overpowering.

Shift from being busy and scattered to being calm and focused.

But this is a necessary shift to a new beginning.

This brings a more gentle flow and allows the light to take its course.

Everything is in order as it should be. It’s an expansion and integration of something new.

Divinely inspired art by Nicole Mizoguchi, © 2008 • www.nicolemiz.com • mail@nicolemiz.com

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38 HolisticNetworker.com

Autumn 2008

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Autumn 2008 39

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40 HolisticNetworker.com

Autumn 2008

What Is Osteopathic Medicine?

By Dr. David G. Lancaster, DO, ABHM


ndrew Taylor Still, MD knew that there was a better way to practice medicine. In the mid-1800’s he watched helplessly as three of his children died of meningitis. Even though he was a physician, he could do nothing to save their lives. Conventional medicine at that time had little to offer for effective treatments. Common practices included blood-letting, mercury compounds, narcotics, and alcohol-based drugs. These unsophisticated treatments often killed the patient before the disease did. He began to search for better treatment methods that promoted a more holistic approach. In 1874 he founded the field of Osteopathic Medicine. Emphasis on a healthy lifestyle and prevention is at the core of Osteopathy, as exemplified by one of Dr. Still’s famous aphorisms, “To find health should be the object of the doctor. Anyone can find disease.” The roots of Osteopathy stem from the view that the physician should treat the person as a whole, not just the symptoms of a disease. The philosophy of Osteopathy can be summed up in the following four principles: 1. The body is a unit: the person is a unit of body, mind, and spirit. 2. The body is capable of selfregulation, self-healing, and health maintenance. 3. Structure and function are reciprocally interrelated.

4. Rational treatment is based upon disposed of without the buildup an understanding of the principles of toxins. This allows our body’s of body unity, self-regulation, and natural defense system to function the interrelationship of structure optimally. and function. By Dr. David G.believed Lancaster, Dr. Still thatDO, usingABHM musDr. Still worked extensively with culoskeletal manipulation would the musculoskeletal system and promote the body’s innate ability connective tissue, known as fascia. to heal itself. He emphasized this He realized the significance of how approach rather than using medicathe body’s structure is intimately tions. He developed Osteopathic related to how the body functions, Manipulative Treatment (OMT) as and understood the importance of a tool to address the relationship of unrestricted blood and lymphatic structure and function to maintain flow in the maintenance of health. health. Practitioners of OMT spend This insures that enough nutrients many years developing the palpaare delivered throughout the tory skills needed to diagnose and body, and that each cell’s waste is treat patients. Doctors of Osteopathy


(DO) are able to feel with their hands the slight nuances of different tissue texture changes in muscles and fascia that may represent disease states within the body. These changes are sometimes so subtle that it is like being able to feel a thin string under a thick telephone book. There are many types and styles of OMT. Some are very gentle and involve holding parts of the body in positions that allow muscles and fascia to relax. Other manipulations are more direct and require the patient to actively contract muscles. The physician may apply pressure to affect deep tissues and organs, and to adjust bony alignments. An OMT treatment can last from 15 to 60 minutes. This allows enough time for the physician to obtain a history from the patient, perform a physical exam, and plan and implement a treatment.

A type of OMT developed by William Garner Sutherland, DO (1873-1954) is known as cranial manipulation. This is very difficult to master because it involves palpating subtle fluid pulsation in the body. These rhythmic pulsations are believed to be generated by the flow of cerebral spinal fluid. The fluid is produced deep within the brain and it bathes the brain and nervous system. Once appreciated, this rhythmic pulsation can be felt almost anywhere in the body, and can be used as a valuable tool in diagnosing and treating fascial restrictions.

OMT requires a tremendous personal commitment to learn and takes years to perfect. In my experience I have found that the physicians who use OMT spend more time with their patients and develop great patient/physician relationships.

Autumn 2008 41

DOs…are licensed in all 50 states, with the same rights and privileges as granted to MDs. This includes directing and managing all aspects of medical care, performing surgery, and prescribing medication. To train Doctors of Osteopathy, Dr. Still founded the American School of Osteopathy in Kirksville, Missouri in 1892. Not only was Osteopathy a radical departure of orthodox medicine at that time, it confronted the social norms as well. The first graduating class of 21 students included 5 women. This occurred in a time when women were not accepted into U.S. medical schools.

Currently there are 28 Osteopathic schools and close to 60,000 Osteopathic Doctors in the U.S. Over half of the DOs practice in primary care and are licensed in all 50 states, with the same rights and privileges as granted to MDs. This includes directing and managing all aspects of medical care, performing surgery, and prescribing medication. Osteopathic training takes between 7 to 11 years to complete, depending on the specialty. After finishing four years of Osteopathic medical school, graduates then enter into a one year internship where they work as house physicians in a teaching hospital. This is typically the most grueling year with long sleepless hours of work. After the internship they may enter into a residency program for two or more

years. Residency specialization ranges from family practice, internal medicine, pediatrics, radiology to physical medicine and rehabilitation and general surgery. After residency DOs may then do a fellowship to further sub-specialize in a variety of areas such as plastic surgery, spinal cord injury, pain, or cardiology.

Osteopathic physicians must complete many years of school and training before they can practice medicine, and then they must continue to learn to maintain their skills. After this intensive training, DOs have a solid understanding of how all the body’s systems are interconnected and how each system affects the others. DOs bring a unique approach to comprehensive care by using Osteopathic manipulation as a valuable tool to diagnose and treat patients. They practice with a “whole person” approach by viewing the body as more than just the sum of its parts and treat the person, not just the symptoms. Web Resources www.osteopathic.org www.do-online.org www.academyofosteopathy.org www.aacom.org www.cranialacademy.com www.sctf.com

About the Author David G. Lancaster, D.O. is a physical medicine and rehabilitation graduate of Baylor Institute of Rehabilitation.† He is a diplomat of the American Board of Holistic Medicine and specializes in musculoskeletal disorders using osteopathic manipulation and conventional treatments. He may be reached at 972-804-6795.

42 HolisticNetworker.com

Autumn 2008

DVD Reviews Evolve Your Brain: The Science of Changing Your Mind

Water Presented by Intention Media in association with Voice Entertainment and Masterskaya Productions

2 Hour Seminar Presented by Joe Dispenza, DC Some of you might be familiar with Dr. Dispenza from the “What the Bleep Do We Know!?” and “What the Bleep!? - Down the Rabbit Hole” movies. In this DVD, which was filmed in Sydney, Australia, Dr. Dispenza discusses how we can make changes in our lives. He says, “Change is to think and act differently in the same set of circumstances” and points out that this takes an act of will. He believes that “The greatest habit we have to break is the habit of being ourselves”. By changing our thinking and learning to think outside the box, we are able to make new connections in our brain. This is important as “We tend to think the way we feel and feel the way we think”. By learning to think in a manner, which is greater than how we feel, we are able to make changes in our lives. Dr. Dispenza discusses some fascinating scientific studies, which demonstrate how our brains work and how new ways of thinking can lead to change. He has also spent the past 8 years studying people, who have had spontaneous remissions from life threatening illnesses. He has been able to determine four common factors, which he believes has led to their recovery. From these studies we can appreciate how learning to think in new ways affects our body and allows our body and mind to work together in new ways. As Dr. Dispenza points out, our main job in life is to modify our behavior and to learn to do things better. This is how we evolve and grow and how we are able to create the life we wish to experience. I highly recommend this DVD to anyone on a spiritual path, who would like to make positive changes in their lives. I found it to be enlightening, practical and inspiring. It is a wonderful reminder of the power we all have to live a happy and fulfilling life and it is a great tool to help us on our journey. Reviewed by Felicia Weiss, Ph.D.

Official 2008 Selection of the Maui Film Festival and the Gaia Film Festival

Water is the most common substance on Earth, yet we are only at the beginning of understanding its vast potential. It contains many unusual physical properties, most notably that its density increases below freezing and contracts above freezing. In addition, it is the only substance that can exist as a liquid, a solid and a gas. Water has a memory—it receives and makes an imprint of whatever occurs in it. We know that without water there would not be life. In this film, scientists from around the world share their research findings about water. In addition, philosophers and theologians discuss their thoughts and ideas about this incredible substance. They provide scientific research results, as well as real life examples of how water is affected by the power of prayer, by our thoughts and by our “water purification” methods. This film helped me to learn a new respect and appreciation for water, as well as the value of drinking good, well-structured water. We also gain an understanding of what we can do to enhance our experience with water in our daily lives. This film did a beautiful job of making the substance of water come alive. It combined the scientific and the spiritual, along with beautiful cinematography. I found it fascinating to learn more about water, a substance that is important to all of us. Reviewed by Felicia Weiss, Ph.D. “Just as with the film “What The Bleep”, “WATER” shows us through science that our thoughts have an effect on our external reality. Imagine the possibilities when people realize their own potential for creativity. Films like this give me hope that there is an emergence of collective intelligence that can solve the problems of the world.” —Deepak Chopra, MD


Autumn 2008 43

Lois “Lolo” Marie Vanderhoof, DC

1947 – 2008 Dr. Lois passed away in Plano, Texas, on July 8, 2008, after losing her battle with cancer. Born in Worcester, MA, on April 17, 1947 to Bertram Anderson and Marie Leda Fournier, both deceased, Lois is survived by three younger sisters: Elizabeth Anderson of Brunswick, GA; Denise Robin Stewart of Little Elm, TX; Joyce A. Morrow of Crofton, MD, as well as several nieces and nephews. Lois’ constant drive and limitless energy were an inspiration to everyone she knew. Lois graduated from St. Peter’s Central Catholic High School in 1964, and received her Bachelor of Arts degree from Anna Maria College, Paxton, MA in 1968. In 1976, she graduated Summa Cum Laude with her Doctorate degree from the Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, IA. She was salutatorian of her class and member of the Pi Tau Delta international honor society. Dr. Lois operated a successful private chiropractic practice in Worcester, MA until 1981.

After moving to Dallas in 1982, Lois continued to serve others through chiropractic. In 1996, she received her certification as a clinical nutritionist from the Board of the International and American Association of Clinical Nutritionists. She focused on nutrition as a way to help people achieve optimum health through her business, Applied Nutrition Concepts in Plano, Texas. Some of her numerous positions, memberships and endeavors included: Diplomate of the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners; Treasurer of the Massachusetts Chiropractic Society; Vice President of the Worcester County Chiropractic Society; member of the Dallas Women in Executive Leadership; member of Netweavers Frisco; and graduate of Leadership Plano, Class 17. Lois was named one of the “Outstanding Young Women of America” in 1977 for distinguishing herself in her profession and community. She was an active member of the Plano Chamber of Commerce and was a regular attendee of the Plano Chamber Women’s Division.

Lois was an avid horsewoman for more than 30 years. She leaves behind her proudest accomplishment and most beloved quarter horse, Capriccio.

It was our great pleasure to know Dr. Lois. She was a long-time friend of Holistic Networker and gave several valuable presentations at the Wellness Expo. She was a dedicated professional, whose joie de vivre was an inspiration. She will be greatly missed. –Tony & Felicia ——————————————— To view a journal of her last few weeks of life, and to sign the guestbook, please visit: www.caringbridge.org/visit/loisvanderhoof To see a video presentation that Dr. Lois gave in 2006 visit: www.holisticnetworker.com/media/ (enter “vanderhoof” in the search box) Memorial donations may be paid by check to the “Vanderhoof Horses Trust” c/o Kara Miller, 8823 Lavalle Lane Dallas, Texas 75243

Master Cleanse without the Cayenne

During this last year what I have also come to know is that there are those that cannot tolerate the cayenne because they are unaccustomed to spice. I had never considered this possibility since I’m from Texas and spice is just a part of cuisine around here. So this article is dedicated to those that would like a gentler and smoother version. With the original recipe it says you can take the cayenne in capsule form, but I find that it burns the stomach when the capsules open up in the stomach.

Ingredients: 6-10 Lemons Raw Agave Nectar - no more than 1/2 cup Niacin Water – 10-13 ounces Humic Minerals – 4 ounces Fulvic Acid – 10 ounces Gelled Chia Seeds – 1 1/4 cup Filtered Water – 2 1/2 - 3 quarts (fill up) Aloe Vera Juice – OPTIONAL – 10 ounces (George’s Fractionally Distilled Liquid)

Duration: 7-10 days

How to begin: If you generally eat a healthy diet, tighten up your diet even more for 3 days prior to starting the master cleanse. Preferably eating mostly salads. Limit the fruit. If your diet is Standard American Diet, (SAD) then it will be best to begin cleaning up your diet for a few months first. Call a holistic practitioner before you get started. The day before you begin the cleanse, don’t eat after 3:00 p.m. The night before take a moment to make the niacin water, and gel the chia seeds.

Niacin water:

Twin Labs, Yeast Free 1000 mg. Open one capsule up and empty into a 1quart bottle and fill with filtered water, shake and put in the refrigerator.

Gelled Chia Seeds: Add 1/4 cup chia seeds to 1-quart of filtered water. I prefer to mix it in a glass jar with a tight fitting lid. Shake the jar (with the chia seeds and water) really well. Wait 10-15 minutes and shake again. Shake a third time in another 10-15 minutes. After that place jar in the refrigerator Very few people like to make it up per glass, so making a gallon for the day makes the most sense. Four quarts makes a gallon. In the morning mix the ingredients listed above, and shake. Drink this throughout the day. You can have as much filtered water, as you would like too. Why did I use agave nectar instead of Grade B maple syrup? Raw agave nectar has a low glycemic index and is safe for diabetics to take. Even though maple syrup does have minerals it doesn’t have as many minerals as I’d like, so this is why I add the Humic Minerals and Fulvic Acid. Both of these minerals come from deep within the earth. Rumor has it that Fulvic acid breaks down and washes away malignancies in the body. Why do I use Niacin Water? Niacin is a B vitamin and dilates the blood vessels thus increasing flow of blood throughout the body. Because of this the body is able to absorb and cleanse better. Cayenne is a dilator too, but this recipe is without the cayenne. Why do I use gelled chia seeds? Chia seeds are considered an endurance food, keeping the body hydrated. And it keeps the intestines and colon moving, which is what we want. In the original master cleanse it is suggested to use laxative teas. Well for me drinking more liquid is a challenge. I’d rather add the chia seeds and let them do the work. Just shake before you drink so you get some of those magical little seeds. (You can read more about chia seeds on my website on the product page.) Why would I add Aloe Vera Juice? Aloe Vera and its uses are recognized since early biblical times for its many healing properties including being very soothing and lubricating to the inside of our bodies. George’s is able

to capture the benefits of Aloe Vera without having to add preservatives like other companies. And George’s is consistent in taste and doesn’t have to be refrigerated. If you wish to add the Epsom salt flush too, you can. It is used in the master cleanse. All you do is mix 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt or 1 tablespoon of sea salt to 1 quart of water. Shake it well and drink it in the morning or later in the evening. This creates a saline that will flush out the bowels and lymph nodes throughout the elimination system. This can be done daily during the 7-10 day cleanse. The stools will be really watery plus it helps to dislodge mucous and petrified waste within the colon. The greatest thing about keeping a body clean is that it keeps the parts working without all the creaks and groans. If you clean now, you reduce the chance of anything accumulating and forming anything life threatening. As you know I have to add the disclaimer, so here we go: In no way has the statements written been approved by the FDA, AMA and/or other such agencies. And this is by no means for the purpose of diagnosing, treating, alleviating, mitigating, curing, preventing, or caring for “disease” in any way or manner whatsoever.

My office carries the chia seeds, humic minerals, fulvic acid, and George’s Aloe Vera for your convenience. www.healthyhelp4u.com May Our Bodies, Minds and Souls Upgrade, so it is easier for us to think, live and love to our fullest. Here’s to All that is Good, Beth Beth Carpenter, N.D., is a traditional naturopath, medical intuitive and intuitive life coach that has studied many types of healing modalities for 20+ years. She left the legal field in the mid-nineties to work full time in natural, complementary, intuitive, and energy medicine. Beth believes in taking the Natural Path to Relief! She has helped thousands achieve health, clarity, peace and understanding of their life and divine direction. Office: 512-707-9886 Website: www.healthyhelp4u.com

Lemon Photo by Meliha Gojak


any of us who are involved in healthier lifestyles know and use different internal cleanses on a yearly basis. And one of the more popular ones is the Master Cleanse. Hundred of times a year I’m asked if this is a good cleanse, and, yes, the famous lemon and cayenne mix is fantastic for ridding the body of mucous and toxic waste although it is hard on the teeth. It is best to brush the teeth after drinking the master cleanse.

by Beth Carpenter, N.D.

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Events & Classifieds Online at HolisticNetworker.com/events October 3-5 WITCHSTOCK: A Wiccan Event www.celticgroves.org 18-19 WELLNESS EXPO® in Addison produced by the Holistic Networker®. This two-day, indoor/ outdoor event will be held on Saturday & Sunday, 11am-6pm, Addison Conference Centre, 15650 Addison Rd, 3 blocks north of Beltline, two blocks west of the Tollway. Call 972-378-3770 or email: expo@HolisticNetworker.com for information about exhibiting or attending. SEE AD ON BACK COVER or see our web page at www.WellnessExpo.net Ongoing Every 2nd Thursday FREE Visualization Workshop led by an Avatar Master and a Life Coach. 7-9pm at Center for Spiritual Living. www.catalize.com/ workshops 214-662-3159 Tuesday Nights Development Circle. 7:30-9:00pm. Cost $40. Reserve your space by calling 972-398-7855 Every 1st & 3rd Tuesday John Cappello...Visionary...Presents Views From The Other Side. Gallery at 7PM, $20. The Gallery is a special time when amazing information comes to us from the Spirit World. Come and join us! Positive Touch: 972-480-0678, 504 Business Parkway, Richardson, Texas 75081 Every Thursday MEDITATION AND SPIRITUAL LIVING CLASS. Based on the Kriya Yoga tradition. 7:00-8:15 p.m. Location: NRH Professional Bldg., 4109 Cagle Drive, Suite C, North Richland Hills, TX 76180. Donation basis. For more info: Ilene 817-267-9305 or idill@airmail.net Affiliated with Center for Spiritual Awareness, Lakemont, GA; Director, Roy Eugene Davis, a direct disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda Web site: www.csa-davis.org Thursday Nights “Circle of Light” 7:30pm. A Weekly Development Circle that provides a safe and supportive environment for students to practice their mediumship. A gentle and calm atmosphere to work in. The Circle will be held in a dark room to help aid the student to recognize the subtle energies of the Spirit Dimensions. 972-398-7855 Monthly Monthly Satsang with Carol Stall and Jenifer McKenzie offers deep meditation and inspiring spiritual conversation. $15 Love Offering. Contact Carol for details. 469-441-7064 shantishanti@verizon.net Monthly Multi-Dimensional Healing in Massage CEUs for Massage Therapists/Open to the public. Classes are held each month. Contact Cynthia R. Shaw for workshop details. 972-991-2097 or cynthiarshaw@aol.com Monthly Vegetarian Society of DFW is now called VegetarianDallas. It holds monthly fun educational dinner meetings and potluck for members and nonmembers alike. 214-432-5480 or www.vegetariandallas.com Ongoing Angel Guided Healing Circles every 3rd Tuesday, 7 PM, 5100 Hwy 121, Colleyville TX. Connect and heal with the Angels. Prizes! 817-714-2187. www.angelguidance.org. Ongoing FREE MYSTICAL FAIR every 2nd and 4th Saturday. Readers, Healers, Psychic’s and Mediums. AURA photos. Messages of Joy, 190 W. Main St, Lewisville, TX 75057. Phone 972-221-8080. myspace.com/messagesofjoy

Ongoing Individual Angel Therapy sessions, Biofeedback and Certification course for Angel Guided Practitioners every 1st Saturday, Colleyville, TX. 817-714-2187. www.angelguidance.org. Ongoing Mediumship Development Level 1 - Discover your Spiritual gifts, open the dimensional doorway between you and Spirit. In a relaxed atmosphere you will practice meditation techniques while aligning the subtle energies of the Chakras and auric field • Opening to the flow of Spirit, Spirit Circles • Principles of communication • Meeting your Guides. Cost $150.00. Details 972-398-7855 Ongoing Mediumship Development Level 2 Mediumship workshop designed for previous students that will empower you to define a deeper connection with your Spirit Helpers. Cost $150. Call for reservations 972-398-7855 Ongoing Mediumship Development Level 3 Mediumship Development Level 3 is to take students to a level of the understanding of the Spiritual Self with a clearer and deeper connection with Spirit. Cost $170. Call 972-398-7855 for information and reservations. Ongoing Yoga Teacher Training: Namaste USA 200 hour program. Yoga Alliance registered. Monthly training events. 469-441-7064. www.namasteusa.us Space Available MEETING/WORKSHOP SPACE AVAILABLE. Richardson location. In the vicinity of Hwy I-75 and Spring Valley. 972-480-0678. OFFICE & WORKSHOP SPACE. Hwy I-75 and Spring Creek. 214-492-3713 Space Available WORKSHOP SPACE AVAILABLE. Yoga studio in Plano available to practitioners of alternate therapy for workshops & discussion groups. Call 972-342-5585. Classifieds Thomas Terlikowski of Positive Touch Inc. You know him as the man who started and popularized the on site massage program via the Richardson, Whole Foods Market, Christmas of 1988. Teacher, Inventor and now Author of, “Backstreets” Enjoy reading, a coming of age story, mixed with the characters from all walks of life in his 25 years as a barber stylist in downtown Chicago to the present. Order “Backstreets” through: www.wordtechs@gmail.com Regain Your Youth! ‘Natural Cellular Defense’ made of zeolite with strong negative charge sucks toxins out--relieving / eliminating hundreds of ailments. Incredible# testimonials: www.liquidzeolite.org Natural Cellular Defense changed my life & will yours, too! Details/ Order: 1-866-699-2467 (member#: 998837)/ www.mywaiora.com/998837 Save up to 25% on your electric bill, while helping to save the environment. KVAR® EC fine tunes electrical systems to reduce non-productive and wasted electricity, giving you cost-effective energy! Contact Christi Roberts with Go Green Envergy Savers at: 972-838-7383. www.EnergySaver.tv Give discount code: SF444 for special pricing. SEE DISPLAY AD. Sea Biotics: Unique marine oil from Norway starts relieving degenerative diseases ‘day one’! Testimonials/media websites/awards: 1-800-608-3055 Ext. 1-6 / www.seabiotics.tv Details/Order: 1-800-572-7321 (Discount Code: whitelotus) or www.seabiotics.com/whitelotus

16th annual

2008 Winter SolstiCelebration theme: Worthy

Friday December 19, 2008 doors open at 6 pm service from 7 to 9 pm Yule Fest from 9 to 10 pm Cathedral of Hope 5910 Cedar Springs at Inwood northeast corner, access from Nash St. off Inwood map & complete printable driving directions: http://www.cathedralofhope.com/NetCommunity/ Page.aspx?&pid=313&srcid=30 $5 donations requested, discount for seniors & kids (For advance tickets via credit cards, visit the Earth Rhythms store. Childcare available for $5 per child. The service will be signed for the deaf. Please bring a flashlight to participate in the light service! We’ll be accepting donations of canned meat, fish and saltine crackers for the Cathedral of Hope food pantry. A presentation of Earth Rhythms www.earthrhythms.org What is Winter SolstiCelebration? Whole-bodied and experiential ~ singing, dancing, chanting and movement. Incredible performances ~ music from opera to folk ~ modern and Middle Eastern dance ~ poetry and storytelling. Active and alive spirituality ~ participatory rituals ~ full-bodied ceremonies. Come Early ~ Hear the debut airing of the new CD compilation “The Sound of Earth Rhythms: Spiritual Music from SolstiCelebration and Moonlady Night” ~ Shop the silent auction ~ Visit the peace table ~ Get to know our sponsors. Stay for the Yule Fest ~ Enjoy a Feast of Nuts, Fruits & Grains ~ Dance to an electronic groove band ~ Interact with roving characters ~ Get your picture taken with Father Winter. Core SolstiCelebrator Performers include: ~ singer-songwriter Annie Benjamin ~ vocalists Lainey Bernstein, Charity and Robin Hackett ~ the dreamsicles (Cary Cooper & Tom Prasada-Rao) ~ storytellers Gene and Peggy Helmick-Richardson ~ trumpeter Freddie Jones ~ percussionist Michael Kenny with Drums Not Guns ~ flutist Cornell Kinderknecht with keyboardist Cynthia Stuart ~ ritualist and writer Amy Martin ~ harpist Geoffrey Ricketts with baritone Matt Woodbury ~ Sultan’s Dreams, dance ensemble Guest 2008 SolstiCelebrator Performers ~ Elledanceworks ~ Michael Gott, vocalist and composer ~ Jodi Roberts, temple bowls ~ Mad Swirl, performance poetry and music

Holistic Networker PO BOX 702956 • Dallas, TX 75370-2956 972-403-0940 • 972-403-1536 / fax

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