Networking Times Jan/Feb 2016 preview

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Serve to SUCCEED

VOL 14, ISSUE 1 JAN/ FEB 2015 $7.97 US / $10.97 CAN

True WEALTH Is Ability

HowJanuary/February to Be a 2016 Better COACH





Ready for Some Tough love?

Susan Sly To become an effective coach, first be highly coachable yourself. Pursue knowledge and leave your ego at the door. The best coaches are students first and teachers second.


WORDS OF WISDOM On Coaching Memorable quotes by John Wooden, Vince Lombardi, Phil Jackson, and others.


OUR TIMES – PART 1 “How do we step up our game as coaches?” • Ray Higdon, My Top 6 Coaching Tips • Denice Chenault, Start with Yourself • Sonia Stringer, Training vs. Transformation • Simon Chan, 10 Steps to Be a Better Coach


January/February 2016

LEAD INTERVIEW Step into Your Power Named the “Entrepreneurial Guru for Women” by Business News Daily, Ali Brown provides business coaching and advice to over 250,000 followers via, her social media channels, and her Glambition® Radio show. For this issues on coaching, we sat down with Ali to pick her brain for her best tips to help network marketing professionals step up their game.






HEART OF BUSINESS Sharing the Bounty of Residual Income Dr. Steven Hryszczuk is an American anesthesiologist who is currently living in rural Honduras where he volunteers his services at a Christian mission hospital. Responding to a need, Steve moved there in January 2015 with his wife and four young children. How was he able to pull this off financially? It all started in 2007, when a friend introduced him to network marketing.


MASTER NETWORKER Serve to Succeed Rob Sperry and Lance Conrad are passionate, purposedriven entrepreneurs who have been business partners ever since they joined network marketing in 2008. Based in Utah, they are both happily married, raising a family, and heading up a dynamic organization in 40 countries. The glue that holds their team together is a unique culture based on humanitarian service and self-development.


MASTER NETWORKER The Best of All Worlds Sandi Watkins is an experienced network marketing leader in a nutritional company based in Utah. From her home in Washington, she leads a growing team of customers and distributors by providing effective systems, no-nonsense coaching, loving support, and visionary leadership. Sandi got started in direct sales over 27 years ago and has been a thriving home-based entrepreneur ever since.


MASTER NETWORKER Always Be Growing Chris D. Estes is a dynamic Gen Y leader who heads up an international network marketing organization from his home in Florida. A high school teacher and sports coach, Chris didn’t want to spend his life raising other people’s children. Looking for a better way, Chris was introduced to network marketing in 2008 by a trusted friend who knew he was open to other streams of income.

Networking Times



RISING STAR Pursue Your Purpose Hayley Hobson was an entertainment lawyer who made the bold move to pursue her passion—health and wellness. She managed several fitness studios in Boulder, Colorado, and built a thriving Pilates and yoga business. In 2011 Hayley added essential oils to her offerings and broke company records by achieving Double Blue Diamond status in a little over two years.


OUR TIMES – PART 2 “How do we step up our game as coaches?”(continued) • Andrea Boulder, Athlete to Entrepreneur • Leslie Hocker, Empower Your Team • Joseph Bismark, Custom Coaching • Lisa Jimenez, Total Immersion Coaching • Pasha Carter, From “Me” to “We” • Kimmy & Richard Brooke, A Quantum Leap Approach


THE CLOSE Be Coachable Garrett McGrath When you stop fighting for your limitations, you become open to the possibility for improvement and the next level of leadership.

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Ready for Some Tough Love? Leave Your Ego at the Door and Be Coachable By Susan Sly


oaching is an essential skill in network marketing success. People will join us if they feel we can competently coach them to achieving great results with our product or opportunity. To become an effective coach, first be highly coachable yourself. Be open and receptive. Pursue knowledge and leave your ego at the door. The most effective coaches are students first and teachers second. One of the greatest coaches of our time is Anthony Robbins. At every event, Tony points out that to this day he is constantly learning from others. One would expect no less since Tony was an acolyte of the late Jim Rohn, a success coach to many of us. This month’s cover girl, Ali Brown, is a business coach to many phenomenal women, including JJ. Virgin and Marie Forleo. Women credit Ali with coaching them to seven-figure success and helping them take their businesses to the next level. Ali is known for her a tough love approach. Sugarcoating the truth is not something great coaches do. When it comes to bringing out the best in us, exceptional coaches have an uncanny way of helping us figure things out, while also pointing out our areas of improvement. Every million-dollar earner in network marketing, myself included, has been coached by someone. The coaching may not be long and intensive—it may just be a few sessions. It can come from an upline team leader, a hired guru, or even a business mentor. Along the way to the top, there is at least one coach each of us can say helped propel us to that next vista. My first coach in network marketing was Jeffery Combs. I cried in our first session and thought, “How am I going to get through this?” Jeff was quick to point out some of my issues, but also extremely helpful in assisting me with getting into a place where I could produce from peace instead of from desperation. After coaching with Jeff for almost a year, my skills and income had grown. Jeff and I became great friends, and my next coach was an NLP master trainer with whom I worked for five years. This person does not coach in the network marketing profession, however by this time I was seeking to develop some additional skills. Today I have coaches for different areas of my life, including a coach to give me stock market trading expertise. Coaches come in many forms, and when they show up, it is our responsibility to listen. Top income earners in our profession didn’t just have coaches, they were coachable. They applied what their coaches said and that is why their income grew. I encourage you to devour this issue on coaching, be coachable to the successful role models around you, and make a commitment to become a better coach yourself. n Susan Sly is a 7-figure earner in network marketing, bestselling author, speaker, and trainer. She has appeared on CNN, CNBC, Fox, ABC Family, and is an editorial advisor for Networking Times. Susan is a mother of five and resides in Scottsdale, Arizona.

January/February 2016



STEP INTO YOUR POWER a conversation with

Ali Brown N

amed the “Entrepreneurial Guru for Women” by Business News Daily, Ali Brown provides business coaching and advice to over 250,000 followers via, her social media channels, and her Glambition® Radio show. During the past five years, Ali has received the honor of being: • Ranked on the Inc. 500 list of fastest growing companies • Named one of the Enterprising Women of the Year by Enterprising Women magazine • Included in the Ernst & Young Class of Entrepreneurial Winning Women • A winner of the Stevie® Award for Women Helping Women • A recipient of the Commitment to Philanthropy award from the Step Up Women’s Network • Dubbed one of Forbes’ Women to Watch • Featured on the season finale of ABC’s Secret Millionaire show


For this issue on coaching, we sat down with Ali to pick her brain for her best tips to help network marketing professionals step up their game.

How did you get started in coaching entrepreneurs? Some people start their careers off knowing exactly what they want to do and who they want to be in the world. I did not. I started following the path everyone around me was taking—going to college and getting a job. I went through about six different jobs in the six years after college, and I thought something was wrong with me. I knew I was smart—I had good grades in school—but I was unhappy at every position. I’m looking around me and going, “Really, is this it? Is this life? Nine to five, then going to the bar and discussing what’s on TV?” I felt pulled to do something greater, and I didn’t know what it was. A turning point for me was realizing that you could work for yourself. I had never thought of that.

Networking Times

January/February 2016





Honor Your Priorities B

orn and raised in Illinois, Dr. Steven Hryszczuk is an American anesthesiologist who is currently living in rural Honduras where he volunteers his services at a Christian mission hospital. Responding to a need, Steve moved there in January 2015 with his wife and four young children. How was he able to pull this off financially? It all started in 2007, when he felt trapped in a job he loved, but that was stealing all his time away from his family. Some weeks it felt like he was living at the hospital, and he missed his kids. He knew he would have regrets if he didn’t make some changes. He prayed for a solution that would allow him to provide for his family without trading all his time for money. When a friend shared a business opportunity with Steve, he resisted at first, but quickly network marketing started to make sense. Steve made a plan, dedicated himself, and three years later, in 2010, he had created a significant recurring income stream. Today, being financially independent allows him to go wherever life calls him. He now considers it a privilege to show others how to follow in his footsteps.


Networking Times

Tell us a little about your background. My parents are Eastern European and I’m a first-generation immigrant to the United States. I grew up in northern Illinois and didn’t go to college right away. In fact, I didn’t even finish high school. I left halfway through my senior year, because I thought school was kind of irrelevant. I wanted to get out into the real world and make money. I was an electrician for many years. My faith became very important in my early 20s, and I felt God had a plan for my life that included more education. I wanted to become a doctor, so I went back

January/February 2016

to school. I wired houses during the day as an electrician while attending community college at night. Fourteen years later I finished as a board certified anesthesiologist from the University of Wisconsin. I became a partner in an anesthesia group in Rockford, Illinois, got married, and we had four children. Everything was going well. I had pretty much accomplished my dream, which was to become a physician. Practicing anesthesia—cardiac, trauma, obstetrical, neuro-anesthesia… —was very rewarding. I enjoyed it for about 50 to 60 hours a week, but some weeks required me to work even



SERVE to SUCCEED Wealth Is Ability




Networking Times Networking Times


ob Sperry and Lance Conrad are passionate, purpose-driven entrepreneurs who have been business partners ever since they joined network marketing in 2008. Based in Utah, they are both happily married, raising a family, and heading up a dynamic organization in 40 countries. The glue that holds their team together is a unique culture based on humanitarian service and self-development. Rob and Lance use a “pull marketing” approach that attracts all age groups and increasingly Generation Y. Seeing this growing youth movement concurs with their belief that the future of network marketing hinges on how well we can engage the most globally connected generation in history. Aligned in this vision, Rob and Lance teach young people around the world how to live balanced lives of growth and contribution.

network marketing and being able to choose their own hours. They thrive on the competitive spirit of being able to be recognized for success at a young age. They love getting involved in service projects and doing things that might be considered goofy or out of the box. They see them as social-media friendly, fun, and engaging.

You have been successful in multiple companies. What’s your team demographic? How do you attract mainly young people?

ROB: Gen Y is more humanitarian-driven than any other generation. The old way was often to donate money as a way of buying peace of mind without getting involved. The younger generation wants to get in on the action. You see them travel all around the world helping people, because they enjoy serving and get an experience that changes their life. The world has never been more connected through technology, however people feel more disconnected than ever. They spend their days texting and on social media. They miss having live interactions and are hungry for personal connection—real life experiences!

LANCE: When we got started, we had mostly baby boomers, because we were taught to look for successful business people with a lot of life experience. Over time, that shifted to where we now attract all demographics, but we see a huge shift in the profession coming with the Gen Y movement. It is the most naturally networked generation in history. They grew up on social media. They thrive on it. While I started with 10 names in a flip phone, we rarely get somebody in their 20s who doesn’t have 300 to 500 friends they’re communicating with on a daily basis through one of their social media platforms. Our demographic has increasingly become “young and fun.” It’s not that we’ve shunned the existing leaders, the 40-, 50-, 60-year olds, but our culture attracts a lot of young people. They love the pay-for-performance business model of

LANCE: Gen Y would rather make $30,000 a year and work when they want, how they want, than make $50,000 a year and have a job where they don’t get to take time off or travel with their friends. Life becomes more about freedom and lifestyle. One big myth is that Gen Y shuns work. In our experience, they work harder than any group we’ve ever had, as long as they have a purpose and passion. Working to them is hanging out with friends, which they do till 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning, because they’re always networking. They prioritize humanitarian service, recognition, learning, and travel over making money. When you offer them a vehicle that provides all these things, they’ll outwork everyone. Our strategy is not to focus on one age group. We are an all-inclusive team. We teach the baby boomers and the Gen Xers the value of Gen Y. All

January/February 2016 January/February 2016




ALL WORLDS Travis & Sandi Watkins


Networking Times

Making a Difference TOGETHER


andi Watkins is an experienced network marketing professional and leader in a young nutritional company based in Lehi, Utah. From her home in Spokane, Washington, Sandi leads a growing team of customers and distributors by providing effective systems, no-nonsense coaching, loving support, and visionary leadership. Sandi got started in direct sales over 27 years ago and has been a thriving business owner and home-based entrepreneur ever since. Her focus has always been on opportunities that would allow her to leverage her time as a busy mom raising and homeschooling seven children. Passionate and animated when on stage, Sandi exudes a quiet confidence in private, rooted in her belief that network marketing is the best profession to be in. She knows from experience it’s a viable business with unlimited income potential regardless of the economic climate, and that anyone can build it as long as they apply some basic principles, proven methods, and unwavering dedication. After being a single mom, Sandi met her soulmate around the same time she found her current company in 2013. Travis and Sandi are looking forward to expanding their business, taking their children to see the world, and making a difference together.

How did you get started in the business? In 1988, I was attending cosmetology school. I had gone to trade school before, but I wasn’t as happy with my choice as I thought I would be. At my first opportunity meeting I loved the idea that I could work for myself—create my own schedule, my income, my team, and an environment conducive to raising a family. I’d always been entrepreneurial. As early as in 6th grade, I’d make bracelets, add price tags, and sell them at school so I could always tuck some money away to do things I wanted to do. After I went to beauty school, I wanted to eventually own a salon, but quickly realized what that entailed and that it wouldn’t give me the freedom I was looking for. I jumped into that first opportunity and got started the very next day. I was hungry and openminded. I loved the fact that the company pro-

January/February 2016

vided a structure and a routine, and that I had somebody who was mentoring me. From the beginning I understood that this was a viable business and I treated it as such. The gal who enrolled me was a pink Cadillac driver. She had two small children and a home office. She was an excellent role model. I did that for four years before I joined another opportunity.

What made the second opportunity a better fit? My first company was inventory-driven. That was a lot of work. When I moved from California to Washington, I was pregnant with my third child and no longer liked the idea of carrying inventory. There was a leader in this area who introduced me to her company, which sold toys. I wasn’t afraid to change, because I already knew how to create money in direct sales. I still kept my first



Always Be GROWING Chris D. Estes

Be Intentional & CONSISTENT


Networking Times

Keynoting at company event in Utah, 2015


hris D. Estes is a dynamic Gen Y leader who heads up an international network marketing organization which he started from his small home town in central Kentucky. His calling to help others develop their talents and reach their potential led him to a successful career in education, teaching, and coaching sports. When Chris’s first child was on the way, he realized he didn’t want to spend his life raising other people’s children and opened his mind to other streams of income. In 2008 a trusted friend shared an opportunity with him to build a business on a part-time basis that would allow him in a short amount of time to have the choices and options he never would have with traditional employment. His third year in the business, Chris was able to quit his job and earned one million dollars doing network marketing full time. Chris currently travels the world speaking, training, mentoring, and living out his motto, “Service to many leads to greatness.”

Who introduced you to network marketing? I grew up in a rural area in central Kentucky. I bought my first car with money I earned from raising a tobacco crop. Working hard was a value my parents always instilled in me and my brother, and I believe it is at the root of all my success. I’m a sports guy by trade. I’ve been an athlete my whole life. I played college baseball. I’m competitive and like to win. I always tell people, “It’s never too late to start, it’s always too late to wait.” Once I graduated from college with a degree in education, I picked up tennis for the first time, as well as cycling and swimming, and I began to compete in these sports. I was a teacher and coach for eight years be-

January/February 2016

fore I got involved in network marketing. I had been introduced when I was in college, but the timing wasn’t right. I was focused on baseball and majoring in “girls.” I wasn’t open to what network marketing had to offer, or the options and choices it provided. In 2000 I began teaching and coaching in the public school system. In 2008 a colleague and friend of mine introduced me to a network marketing company that sold a health product. He wasn’t involved in the company himself, but he knew I was into health and fitness, and that I was open to creating other streams of income. Because I trusted and respected him, I took a look at the product and the company. Right away I began thinking of all the people this could benefit—family, friends, and colleagues. The more I learned about network marketing, the more impressed I was. I saw it as an opportunity that could take people like me, a schoolteacher and coach, and give them a real chance, a real vehicle to have time and financial freedom.



PURSUE Your Passion

F Hayley Hobson Creating Whole Life Health


ive years into a promising law career, Hayley Hobson realized all she was doing was pushing papers from her desk to another lawyer’s desk. She chose law thinking she’d be helping people and be well compensated for it. While she did make good money, most of it went to school loans, so she never felt she was getting ahead financially. And she certainly didn’t seem to be making an impact. Hayley had always been into health and fitness. Triathlon training was what kept her sane through law school. When she switched gears and gave up law, everyone, including her parents, thought she was crazy. But Hayley knew a career in law would never give her what she wanted. Burnt out working 12-hour days and left with no sense that she was making a difference, she quit and never looked back.

Networking Times

Hayley built up her reputation as a yoga and Pilates instructor and found herself in Boulder, Colorado, a few years later with a full roster of private clients and managing a health club. This time, she was helping people transform their health and that felt good, but she was still working 12-hour days. “I felt as though my life was controlled by my clients,” she says. “If I took a day off, I didn’t make money. If someone canceled an appointment, I had to rebook them immediately or lose that income. While I felt more satisfied on one level, I was locked into this dollars-for-hours model that was no better than the weekly paycheck from the law firm.” Then, two years after the birth of her daughter, on Christmas Day, Hayley got sick. “I was working harder and harder, trying to divide my time between my family and my business, and my body just stopped working.” Her doctor ran tests and found nothing. In desperation, she went to see a naturopath she’d heard a lot about over the years. He took her pulse and said her body was in a permanent state of fight or flight, and that all her organs were shutting down. He told her she needed to change her life if she wanted to see her daughter grow up.

Hayley realized everything she knew about herself and what she wanted was wrong. Everything she knew about making money was wrong. To save her life, she had to find a way to be in control of her health, her time, and her finances. Hayley first focused on rebuilding her health. She started reducing stress and inflammation by exercising daily without pushing herself. She began getting quality sleep and eating a plant-based diet, including juicing. She looked at toxins in her home and in the products she was using and looked for natural alternatives. She also started using essential oils to support her immune system and prevent inflammation, to encourage herself to relax, and to replace any chemical-laden cleaning and personal care products she had been using. “The impact on my body was immediate and profound,” she says. “But I also knew I had to find a way to change the way I worked, or I’d find myself right back on the doctor’s table. Stress was rampant in my life.”

To lower her stress levels, Hayley took a leave of absence from work. It was the first time in her life that she was 100 percent in charge of how she spent her Instead of being devastated by the news, days. That break Hayley burst into tears of relief. “I finally knew showed her she had what was wrong, so now I could fix it! What was to find a way to make wrong was my whole life…” money completely on

Hayley’s 5 Factors for Success • I took control of my whole life—my health, my time, and my income. • I shifted my mindset about money and how to generate income. • I focused on my online presence and being known as a trusted expert. • I invested in the success of my team. • I got rid of all the excuses that had me settle for what was possible.

January/February 2016


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