Networking Times Mar/Apr 2016 Preview

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Build Inner & Outer WEALTH

CREATING an Inclusive CULTURE March/April 2016

VOL 15, ISSUE 1 JAN/ FEB 2016 $7.97 US / $10.97 CAN





Agreement or Alignment?

Dr. Josephine Gross Leaders are responsible for setting and articulating an intent around which people can align, but how to actualize that intent is better left up to each person’s unique strengths and creativity.


WORDS OF WISDOM On Diversity and Inclusion Memorable quotes by Mohandas K. Gandhi, Maya Angelou, Cesar Chavez, and others.


OUR TIMES – PART 1 “How do we create an inclusive culture?” If network marketing leaders could build a stronger culture of inclusion (instead of inadvertently alienating certain groups of people), do you think their teams would grow more quickly? In this column we asked leaders what steps we can take to recognize unconscious bias, embrace differences, and promote inclusion. • Mark Parsekian, A Culture Based on Global Friendships • Marijke Beerens Long, Come from a Place of Equality • Ray Flynn, Diversity at Boston City Hall and in Life

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LEAD INTERVIEW Creating Inner and Outer Wealth Yasuhiko Genku Kimura is a philosopher, Zen Buddhist scholar, and a consultant to international business leaders and organiza-tions. He is founder of Vision-In-Action, a leadership institute with the mission to develop spiritually awake, intellectually sovereign, and emotionally mature business leaders. Yasuhiko believes that networks will be central to the future of business because of their de-sign for creating synergy.


HEART OF BUSINESS Follow Your Joy Last October Eric Worre’s Recruiting Mastery gathered 8,000 entrepreneurs from 85 countries and 173 companies. Shortly after Jordan Adler took the stage, he proceeded to auction off a signed $100 bill to the highest bidder. The winner turned out to be a serial entrepreneur and student of personal development, David C. Martin. His outrageous act of bravery and unbridled generosity transformed the crowd.


MASTER NETWORKER Every Day Is Sunday JJuan Carlos and Hortensia Barrios are top leaders in an international network marketing company. Based in Mexico, they are their company’s #1 earners for Latin America, leading a growing organization of over 100,000 customers and distributors in 42 coun-tries. Juan Carlos was introduced to network marketing at age 22 when he had just started his career as a concert pianist and violinist. Becoming an entrepreneur or business owner had never been on his radar…


MASTER NETWORKER Undercover Networking Based near Berlin, Germany, Erik Muenchmeyer is an international network marketing leader with teams on 5 continents. Erik got started in the mid-90s, but his first company went out of business after a couple of months. This and numerous other challenges caused him to almost give up on the profession, but he kept his eye on his vision of creating solid residual income and financial freedom.


Networking Times




RISING STAR Be True to Yourself Before network marketing, Kanesha Morrison was a stay-athome mom who had tried her hand at little startups without much success. Since age 16 she knew she was an entrepreneur at heart. When she came across a “Work from Home” ad on Craigslist, she was intrigued and started dabbling in network marketing. With lots of patience and encouragement she assembled a small team using Facebook and local networking. Today she has reached an advanced rank in her company and is well on her way to the top.


OUR TIMES – PART 2 “How do we create an inclusive culture?” (continued) • Dennis Kluver, Offering Hope to the World • Kimmy Brooke, a Feeling of Belonging… • Simon Chan, 5 Pillars of a Winning Team Culture


THE CLOSE Network Marketing Unites Don Karn Let’s embrace our similarities and differences with loving hearts, dedicating ourselves to the spirit of inclusion that will make the world a better place for all of us.

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On Diversity and Inclusion

No culture can live, if it attempts to be exclusive. —Mohandas K. Gandhi

Ultimately, America’s answer to the intolerant man is diversity. —Robert Kennedy

I want to appreciate you without judging. Join you without invading. Invite you without demanding. Leave you without guilt. —Virginia Satir

It is time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity there is beauty and strength. —Maya Angelou

We need to help students and parents cherish and preserve the ethnic and cultural diversity that nourishes and strengthens this community—and this nation. —Cesar Chavez

We have learned to say that the good must be extended to all of society before it can be held secure by any one person or any one class. But we have not yet learned to add to that statement, that unless all [people] and all classes contribute to a good, we cannot even be sure that it is worth having. —Jane Addams


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CREATING Inner & Outer WEALTH a conversation with


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asuhiko Genku Kimura is a philosopher, Zen Buddhist priest and scholar, a teacher of spiritual philosophies of the East and the West, and a consultant to international business leaders and organizations. Yasuhiko has a unique ability to integrate Western scientific thought with intuitive Eastern spiritual insight to bring about radical and lasting transformation. Through his Zen-like, Socratic method of inquiry and dialogue, he awakens the highest level of creativity in people, which leads to effective action and breakthrough results. In 2003 Yasuhiko established Vision-InAction, a sapient circle of thought leaders that develops and implements creative, innovative, and transformative approaches to global challenges that open a new evolutionary pathway for humanity. In 2005, he further established the Vision-In-Action Leadership Institute to develop spiritually awake, intellectually sovereign, and emotionally mature business leaders. Yasuhiko believes that networks will be central to the future of business because of their design for creating synergy. He points to humanity’s need for a transcultural approach, which is based on “alignment beyond agreement.” In the old paradigm, humans are unable to work together when they don’t agree or share the same opinions. However, agreement is not necessary for collaboration or synergy. What we need is alignment, which means sharing the same intention. In transcultural networks, synergy happens in the most powerful ways when individuals align in intention, while being empowered to think creatively and act autonomously.

By Dr. Josephine Gross

March/April 2016

Yasuhiko, how did you get started in the work you do?

When I was 16 years old, I had a deep spiritual experience, which led me to study Buddhism and Eastern philosophy. I was ordained a Buddhist priest at 21 in the Soto school of Zen Buddhism in Japan and then spent three years in India studying ancient Indic and contemporary Eastern philosophies. I visited many spiritual places like Varanasi and Rishikesh. What struck me as I traveled around India is that everywhere I turned I found endemic poverty. As a young man in my mid-20s I began to question, “What relevance does my spiritual experience or study of philosophy have for the future of humanity?” In 1980 I was on my way to visit Mother Teresa’s mission in Calcutta (Kolkata), known for having perhaps the worst abject poverty at that time. A few days before I left Bombay (Mumbai), I read an article in a newspaper about Pope John Paul II’s historical first trip to his native Poland one year prior (June 2 –June 10, 1979). I learned that the trip cost tens of millions of dollars. When I arrived at the mission in Calcutta, I asked a nun, “Is Mother Teresa Catholic?” (I knew the answer but asked anyway.) “Yes,” said the nun. “Is she a friend of Pope?” “Yes, they are close,” she replied. I said, “Do you know the size of the wealth the Catholic Church owns? Why doesn’t Mother Teresa ask the Church to invest money in building hospitals and schools to help people who are suffering from poverty and disease? You could make a real difference in the city of Calcutta and all over the country using the influence and prestige of Mother Teresa. Many doctors and teachers from all over the world will come to volunteer their professional expertise to serve the cause.” Then I told her, “You don’t need to be a jerk to be rich, and you don’t need to be poor to be spiritual.” It surprised me that I said this, as I had no business background. It just came out of my



Follow Your JOY How JORDAN ADLER Raised $3.2 MILLION for the Starkey Hearing Foundation in Just 8 Minutes‌ 28

Networking Times


ast October in Las Vegas we saw the largest generic training event in the history of network marketing to date. Eric and Marina Worre’s Recruiting Mastery 2015 gathered 8,000 eager entrepreneurs from 85 countries and 173 companies, who came together to learn from the biggest leaders and top earners in the profession. On Thursday morning prosperity guru and thought leader Bob Proctor taught the audience how to recondition the mind for creating the results we desire, showing that everything we want, or don’t want, is merely a few thoughts away at all times. That evening, bestselling author and financial forecaster Robert Kiyosaki warned against the biggest crash in the economy that’s yet to come, and how small business owners are perfectly positioned not only to protect themselves, but even to thrive in times of economic uncertainty. With each passing day and every unfolding session, the energy in the room seemed to rise to new and unparalleled levels of excitement. Friday night appeared to be the ultimate highlight of the weekend, with Tony Robbins delivering a two-hour training on how to elevate your state so you feel unstoppable and magnetically attract people and business. However, what happened Saturday afternoon blew the lid off many people’s minds, as they witnessed a turn of events that could only have been orchestrated by an invisible hand that knows no limits. Shortly after keynote speaker and bestselling author Jordan Adler took the stage, he proceeded to auction off a signed $100 bill to the highest bidder. The winner turned out to be a serial entrepreneur and student of personal development, who up till then had been quietly taking notes from his seat in the VIP section. His name is David Martin, and his outrageous act of bravery and unbridled generosity transformed the crowd, inspiring individuals to go out and earn more so they could contribute to the degree he did. Read on for a detailed description of the event, followed by a conversation between Jordan and David as they look back and try to capture in words some of the magic that occurred, some lessons gleaned, and some visions that are crystalizing.—J.G.

Jordan Adler holding a $100 bill

March/April 2016

Event organizers Eric & Marina Worre





Networking Times


uan Carlos Barrios and his beautiful wife Hortensia are Diamond Directors in one of the fastest growing network marketing companies in the world today. Living in Mexico with their two young children, they are their company’s #1 income earners for Latin America, leading a growing organization of over 100,000 customers and distributors in 42 countries, most of which they have visited in the past year. Juan Carlos was introduced to network marketing at age 22 when he had just started his career as a concert pianist and violinist. Becoming an entrepreneur or business owner had never been on his radar, but when his brother introduced him to a network marketing opportunity, Juan Carlos was moved by the same feeling that had made him decide to become a musician at the age of eight. His passion to bring joy and freedom to the lives of others drew him in and kept him going through the many challenges he faced on his journey. Thanks to their hard work and focus, Juan Carlos and Hortensia have created a lifestyle that allows them to travel as a family and share with others the joys of time and financial freedom. They love showing and teaching people that when you take full responsibility for your life, no dream is impossible.—J.G.

When and how did you get started in the It was mostly an emotional decision. It business? touched your heart. JUAN CARLOS: My younger brother attended a meeting and joined our first company in 1990. He came home very excited and right away planned his “business launch” in our parental home. Nobody showed up for his presentation, so he asked me if I could be his guest. When I saw the opportunity I had zero interest, as I couldn’t connect it to anything I was doing at the time. Music is a completely different world from speaking or selling products or inviting people. I could not see myself doing this at all. My brother who was smart—or naïve—took me to the next event, which was a seminar. This was a real eye-opener for me: I was blown away by the trainers’ ability to inspire people, give them hope, and help them see and fight for creating a better life. I saw how network marketing is an environment where people can grow personally, and a vehicle that can bring them financial freedom. During that seminar I made the decision to join. It was 25 years ago.

March/April 2016

JUAN CARLOS: Exactly. Mentally this didn’t fit into my life at all: I didn’t have the time, I didn’t have the talents, I didn’t have a network of people. I didn’t know the products, I was not a salesperson, I’d never spoken in front of people. I was very shy. But what I saw was a platform that could help me develop myself and learn about success principles, and especially the possibility to offer this one day to other people. There is a parallel here with how I fell in love with music. When I was a young boy, I heard a girl play the piano, and I observed myself getting so excited just by listening to one person moving her fingers and putting out into the environment a combination of notes that creates this beautiful thing called music. That day I told my mom I wanted to be a musician, because I wanted to create that feeling for myself and others. At that seminar, when I saw those speakers bringing hope to the audience, a desire sprung up in my heart, “What if one day I could be on



g n i k r o w t e N r e v o c r e r d e n y U e m h c n e u t M u o k Eri s Not Ab G It’ N I L the B 52

Networking Times


orn and based near Berlin, Germany, Erik Muenchmeyer is an international network marketing leader with teams on all five continents. Erik got started in the mid-90s, but his first company went out of business after a couple of months. This and numerous other challenges caused him to almost give up on the profession, but he kept his eye on the vision that was born the first time he heard about passive income and financial freedom. His search for a better way led him to an established health and wellness company in the early 2000s. After many defeats and several years of learning, the success he had envisioned finally came. Over the next 14 years, he built organizations with more than 100.000 consultants moving huge volumes of sales. More learning experiences ensued, and he went back to searching the market for an opportunity he could call “home.” In 2013 Erik founded United Global Team, which quickly became the fastest growing organization in his company. Erik’s goal is to have over 1 million customers within the next five years. Erik and his leaders are dedicated to helping others succeed by providing them with online recruiting systems, multilingual training tools and support, and live events around the world.—J.G.

Who introduced you to the business 20 For me, it was just a bad experience. I saw the years ago? potential. My intent going forward was to look for Being an athlete, I was spending a lot of time at the Wakeboard Cable Park near Berlin, a popular hangout for young people in the summertime. My best friend there told me he had been invited to a meeting by a professional networker. Since my friend was totally new to the business, he asked me to come along. A few days later I found myself in a hotel lobby listening to a guy who was drawing pictures of a business structure on a piece of paper. He was representing an American telecom company. I was a student working full time and pretty broke at the time. I left for work in the morning before dawn and came home after dark. I had no time for hobbies or fun. I hated it, so someone telling me, “You can earn a lot of money part-time and be free,” was like a dream. I saw immediately how this was completely different from a normal job. Young and inexperienced, I got excited and jumped in. Sadly, two months later the company collapsed. I didn’t earn much money, but I had signed up a significant number of people, which got me really motivated. After our company folded, my best friend decided, “I’m never doing network marketing again.”

March/April 2016

a company that was more stable. While looking around I continued working regular jobs. In 2000 I joined a company that sold financial products and services. It was an extended network from the biggest German bank. This was where I had my first big success. I recruited some of my friends and we built a big business without any experience. I made a lot of money really fast, which made me feel like a king, but one year later I was broke. The banking sector went into a worldwide crisis, and selling financial products was no longer lucrative. When people stopped paying for the products, we had to pay some of the money back to the company, so I lost most of the income I had made.

How did you transition into health and nutrition? While I was building the financial business, some networkers invited us to check out their nutritional products, so we started consuming them. We joined the company and built it a little on the side, making an extra 200 or 300 Euros a month. The income was insignificant compared to what we were making in the financial business, where we were used






Kanesha Morrison: From Broke & Broken to


efore network marketing, Kanesha Morrison was a stayat-home mom who had tried her hand at little startups without much success. Since age 16 she knew she was an entrepreneur at heart. She also needed to be part of a community of likeminded people to persevere in the face of numerous challenges. When Kanesha came across a “Work from Home” ad on Craigslist, she was intrigued and started dabbling in a few network marketing companies. It wasn’t until she met her current upline, Amber Voight, that she understood she had to overcome some deep-rooted limiting beliefs before she could create the life she desired. Kanesha committed and went to work on herself. With lots of patience and encouragement she assembled a small team using Facebook and local networking. Today she has reached an advanced rank in her company and is well on her way to the top, while inspiring and helping other moms and families to attain a level of time and financial freedom they never dreamt was possible.

Networking Times

With her husband Chris and their young family in Tennessee, 2015

Originally from Mississippi, Kanesha moved around a lot of as a child in different parts of Atlanta, GA, which she considers her home state. She was raised in a single-mother household with her three siblings. “My mother was very ambitious,” says Kanesha. “She saw her dreams and went for them with four kids in tow. We lived in the best home possible for a middle class family and owned whatever car my mother had set her mind on.” Kanesha became pregnant as a teenager and dropped out of college because of health issues. “My baby was so excited to meet mommy I started to dilate at 16 weeks. With low blood counts and high blood pressure, I was on strict bedrest, unable to earn a living, and bored out my mind.” Without any savings and often lacking money for food, Kanesha and her husband were struggling to make ends meet. “Living in a small, roach-infested home was not the idea my mom had for her daughter,” says Kanesha. “She worried so much about me, but I knew I had a dream that would one day come true, and I would just have to stick it out until things got better.” Kanesha’s husband was working as hard as he could, but at minimum wage it was difficult to get ahead. Desperate to make extra money, Kanesha made a couple of attempts at starting her own business, like creating her own t-shirt line, but nothing worked and the investments she made put her even deeper in debt. “I also was a job hopper,” she says. “You named it, I tried it. I worked as a childcare provider for two years. I did debt collection. I worked at a law firm for a year, then in fast food. A few weeks into each job, I would want to be home with my kids, so I would quit.

March/April 2016

Then bills would pile up, so I would go back to work.” By age 22, Kanesha had three children under the age of five and no paycheck. “Living off my hubby, I wasn’t raised that way,” she says. “I was broke and broken. I really wanted to own my own time. I knew $8.00 an hour was not going to pay the bills and create the life I was longing for. I wanted to be the owner and do things my way.” When Kanesha found network marketing, she was sold on the promise of freedom. Her children needed her daily, and her husband’s salary was so low they could not afford childcare. “With state assistance being denied, I knew it was the right thing for me to do,” she says. “I jumped in and out of network marketing for three years. I would always make my starter kit money back, but never made a long-term commitment.” Kanesha knew that in order to succeed she had to reprogram her mind. “I had to tell myself I was worthy and could do this. Although I had worked with other leaders before, my upline Amber Voight was the first to ever reach down and help me. When she added me to her Facebook group, I finally felt a part of something bigger.”

Getting Started To help Kanesha change her belief system, Amber


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