Networking Times July/August 2016 Issue Preview

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Find Your Tribe on Social Media Liberty + Responsibility = Freedom Use Technology with Focus and Intention



5 LEADOFF Focus on Responsibility Dr. Josephine Gross Technology gives us incredible tools—and unprecedented power to influence the world. How are we using this power and these tools?


WORDS OF WISDOM People and Technology Memorable quotes by Albert Einstein, Buckminster Fuller, Ellen DeGeneres, and others.


OUR TIMES – PART 1 “How has technology changed your business?” • Tom “Big All” Schreiter, A Better Way • Carrie Dickie, Intention and Discipline • Kathleen Deggelman, A Wealth of Tools • Jackie Ulmer, Effective Social Networking


July/August 2016

COVER STORY Imagine the Future Why would a high-tech telecommunication company choose network marketing to sell its cutting-edge information products? Why is it rewarding people for doing word-of-mouth marketing instead of using old advertising models and distribution systems? “When you have the most advanced technologies,” says company CEO Fabio Galdi, “you need people to spread the news and share their passion, so you can touch as many lives as possible.” Fabio’s approach heralds a paradigm shift for business at large—the recognition that the network marketing model delivers the best return on investment to bring innovative technologies to market.






MASTER NETWORKER Lead with Your Heart Cecil, Hino, and Nani Razon are a mother-and-sons team that started building a network marketing business ten years ago from their home in the Philippines. Living without electricity, without transportation, and with only one family phone, the Razons climbed their way out of debt and poverty, building one of their company’s largest organizations. Whenever the company opened a new market, the Razons would be first to travel there and create a strong foothold working with referrals and cold market prospects. Today the Razons are spearheading their company’s largest team in Africa, adding about 500 new members a day.


MASTER NETWORKER Tigers in the Pacific Rim Chanida and Nat Puranaputra are network marketing leaders from Thailand who have trained hundreds of homebusiness millionaires. Chanida got started in the wellness industry over 20 years ago and occupied top leadership positions in several US-based companies as they opened up Asian markets. Chanida retired Nat once her income had surpassed the salary he was earning as a senior corporate executive. The couple has been enjoying building their business together for the last decade. Recognized as international leaders, they have spoken to and trained large audiences in more than 25 countries.


MASTER NETWORKER Achieve and Believe Lamia Bettaieb is a Gen Y leader who discovered network marketing just five years ago. Born and raised in Tunisia, she always knew she wanted to be a millionaire, even though she had no idea how it would happen. She reached her goal in 2014 when she became a top earner in her company, a US-based innovator in information technology. Achieving her dream taught Lamia an important lesson: money does not bring happiness; helping others does.


HEART OF BUSINESS Liberty’s Calling The Statue of Liberty is a powerful visual reminder to the world that America values human liberty. Dr. Viktor E. Frankl who wrote Man’s Search for Meaning suggested that we also need a symbol that represents responsibility.


FEATURES Inspired by Dr. Frankl’s vision, sculptor Gary Lee Price and the Responsibility Foundation are creating a statue the size of the Statue of Liberty to remind people that rights come with responsibilities. Entrepreneurs of all ages are getting involved to build the Statue of Responsibility on the Pacific coast to bookend the Statue of Liberty on the Atlantic coast. 64

RISING STAR Learn as You Go Tanya O’Matta was born in a small town in Texas as the only child of ambitious, hardworking Hispanic parents. They always encouraged her to work hard and dream big, but she was too shy to act on her dreams and goals. Finding network marketing helped her connect with her inner power. Once she found her company, she reached its top rank in less than a year. Today Tanya leads a thriving international organization spanning four continents.

PERSPECTIVE 68 OUR TIMES – PART 2 “How has technology changed your business?” (continued) • Alex Morton, Some Things Never Change • Cindra Caverley, Find Your Tribe • Debi Granite, Stay Conscious and Focused • Nattida & Chad Chong, Grow and Embrace Change


July/August 2016

THE CLOSE Let Technology Fuel Your Success Joseph T. Bismark Gadgets were made to help us be more efficient, not enslave us. Be watchful and don’t let your technology habits put a strain on your family or business.



On People and Technology

The Internet is remaking us in its own image. We are becoming ever more adept at scanning and skimming, but what we are losing is our capacity for concentration, contemplation, and reflection. —Nicholas Carr

Do what you do best, and link to the rest. —Jeff Jarvis

We expect more from technology and less from each other. We create technology to provide the illusion of companionship without the demands of friendship. —Sherry Turkle

The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn’t being said. The art of reading between the lines is a lifelong quest of the wise. ―Shannon L. Alder

Everybody gets so much information all day long that they lose their common sense. —Gertrude Stein

We already knew that kids learned computer technology more easily than adults, It is as if children were waiting all these centuries for someone to invent their native language. —Jaron Lanier

It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity. —Albert Einstein


Networking Times


Imagine the FUTURE through the eyes of

FABIO GALDI By Dr. Josephine Gross


Networking Networking Times Times

Fabio, tell us a little about your background and how you got started.


n this story, we explore why a hightech telecommunication company based in Miami, Florida chose network marketing to sell its cutting-edge information products; why it is rewarding people for doing word-of-mouth marketing and building relationships, instead of using old advertising models and distribution systems. “When you have the most advanced technologies,” says company founder and CEO Fabio Galdi, “you need people to spread the news and share their passion for innovation, so you can touch as many lives as possible.” Fabio’s approach may herald a paradigm shift for business at large—the recognition that the network marketing business model delivers a better return on investment to bring innovative technologies to market. Fabio’s company is a category-creator that is disrupting “business as usual” by providing its network of distributors with a unique selling proposition, inspiring entrepreneurs around the world to join a pioneer in the network marketing space, as well as in the tech sector.—J.G.

July/August 2016

I’m from Cava dè Tirreni, a small town close to Pompeii and the Amalfi Coast, famous for tourism as it is one of the most beautiful places in Italy. As a child, I was passionate about technology and brimming with creative ideas. At age 11, I was already building electronic devices, including an FM radio transmitter to conduct my own shows. I made lots of new friends, as I was able to transmit my voice to their traditional radio. At age 12, I created my first video game. This was in the mid-eighties before LCD screens and DVD players, when video games were not much more than lights in a box. When I was almost 14, I wanted to get a motorbike, but my father was strongly against it because of safety concerns. I got a traditional bicycle, found some engine parts, and built my own motorbike. Following my passion for electronic communication, I studied computer science in high school. When I was 19, I opened a small computer shop in my hometown. My father invested all his money to help me realize this dream. Since it was the only computer shop in town, I became famous and sold my computers to almost every lawyer, accountant, and other professional. Even now when I go back home, I meet people who remember buying their first computers from me. In the early nineties I recognized the new opportunities and unlimited potential offered by the emerging Internet. I was fascinated with the idea that people were connecting their computers and surfing the web for information that was now available from anywhere in the world. Now, we are so used to this, but back then it was quite revolutionary to be able to search and instantly connect with sites in Russia, China, or the US. I created my own marketing campaign, showing that the Internet was the future and convincing people to subscribe—which meant getting a





Don’t Memorize, INTERNALIZE By Dr. Josephine Gross 22

Networking Networking Times Times


ecil, Hino, and Nani Razon are a mother-and-sons team that started building a network marketing business ten years ago from their home in the Philippines. Living without electricity, without transportation, and with only one phone for the entire family, they climbed their way out of debt and poverty, building one of their company’s largest organizations, called Eagles Alliance. Whenever the company opened a new market, the Razons would be first to travel there and create a strong foothold working with referrals and cold market prospects. Today the Razons are spearheading their company’s largest team in Africa, adding about 500 new members a day. On May 29, 2016, the Razons’ company celebrated its tenth anniversary in the largest indoor dome in the world (according to Guinness Book of World Records) which can accommodate 55,000 people. Last year the Razons’ team made up a quarter of the attendees. Having secured their family’s future, the Razons have their hearts set on educating people around the world in personal development, financial freedom, and self-actualization. They are most passionate about sharing their opportunity with Overseas Filipino Workers, offering them a vehicle to come home to their loved ones and enjoy a life of freedom and prosperity.—J.G.

July/August July/August 2016 2016

Who introduced you to the business? HINO: The scenario was quite funny, because I had a closed mind towards network marketing. My mom had invited me numerous times, but I always said no. She had been involved in a lot of direct sales and network marketing companies in the Philippines. I knew what my mom was earning, and I doubted this business could change our lives for the better. We were barely surviving at that time. I was forced to work at a young age to help my parents, because our family was going through “a dark age.” My mom will explain why we call it that. Even though I was a working student, this time she convinced me to attend, with my brother. She told us we were going to a birthday party. We were surprised when we saw this party had almost 300 people. She told us we would sit in front, which got us excited because it meant we would be near the food. We looked around, but there was no food. Our greatest fears came true: we had been kidnapped into a network marketing seminar. We attended the meeting by force. For two hours, it was grueling. Thankfully the speakers were good, because they were top network marketers and owners of the company. But nothing they said registered in my mind, because I was thinking about food. What opened my mind was when the last speaker pointed out that in network marketing, no one asks you about your background. It doesn’t matter if you are a high school graduate, college graduate, what race you are, how much money you have, or how old you are. They don’t discriminate. They only ask, “Who has dreams? Who wants to build a better future? Who wants to be financially free?” That struck me. It touched my heart. It made me respect the speaker, and I fell in love with network marketing, at 18 years old.



TIGERS in the



Puranaputra Mastering the Skills By 32Dr. Josephine Gross

Networking Times


hanida and Nat Puranaputra are network marketing leaders from Thailand who have trained hundreds of home-business millionaires in the ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) and beyond. Chanida got started in the wellness industry over 20 years ago and occupied top leadership positions in several US-based companies as they opened up Asian markets, continually strengthening the professional image of network marketing as its presence grew in those regions. Nat was doing the business part time, but quit his job as a senior corporate executive once Chanida’s income surpassed his. The couple has been enjoying building their business together for the last decade. Today widely recognized as international leaders, they have trained and spoken to large audiences in more than 25 countries. The Puranaputras recently joined a young company they selected based on its innovative products and global vision. They launched their business in Thailand and quickly reached the top of the compensation plan. They are rapidly expanding throughout Southeast Asia and into the US, where they reside part of the time, as do their children and grandchildren. The Puranaputras dedicate their lives to helping others achieve financial freedom and time with family, two values they hold close to their hearts. Nat and Chanida’s Asian humility combined with their international business flair have enticed thousands of entrepreneurs around the world to dream big and take inspired action. —J.G.

“A Business Bigger Than Ourselves” Nat and Chanida moved from Thailand to Los Angeles in 1979 so Chanida could pursue her education. While getting her MBA, she worked in the hotel business and became a reservations manager for a five-star Japanese hotel. She loved her job, but after maxing out her income potential there, she resigned to start a Thai restaurant with Nat. “We felt it was the only business we knew how to do,” she says. “We invested all our savings, thinking that owning a business would give us more freedom. The opposite was true.” During that time, in 1989, a gentleman approached the Puranaputras about life insurance. Since they now had three children, Chanida and

July/August 2016

Nat decided to buy it, not knowing it was network marketing. As soon as they received their policy, the sales rep said, “You no longer have to pay for this, if you can introduce me to some people. Our company lets you build a part-time business. Come to our meeting and you will understand how you can earn sales commissions and overrides.” Chanida felt it was worth checking out, so she attended a meeting and filled out an application. When she came home, Nat tried to talk her out of doing the business, but she didn’t listen. Instead, she started sharing the opportunity with some friends and contacts. Whenever she would mention the business to




Lamia Bettaieb THE POWER OF PURE

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POSITIVITY By Dr. Josephine Gross

Networking Times


amia Bettaieb is a Gen Y leader who discovered network marketing just five years ago. Born and raised in Tunisia, she always knew she wanted to be a millionaire, even though she had no idea how it would happen. She reached her goal in 2014 when she became a top earner in her company, an Italian-based innovator in information technology. Achieving her dream taught Lamia an important lesson: money is not what brings happiness. “What does,” she says, “is being a catalyst for change in people’s lives.” Today Lamia is obsessed with helping prospects and business partners see what she sees: that we can create any dream we set our mind on with focus, faith, conviction, and determination. For Lamia, this meant first building a large network of Facebook friends, then moving to another country, and now flying around to world to visit with her teams on five continents. There is nothing she would rather do, she says, “until my God shows me my next assignment.” Not sure what that may entail, she has a feeling it will be fueled by her passion for empowering women and teaching others about the Law of Attraction and the power of positive energy.—J.G. “I’m Going to Be Rich and Famous” Lamia grew up in South Tunisia with three brothers and one sister in a modest and conservative family. Her parents instilled in her a love for art and education through the acquisition of knowledge and culture. Whenever Lamia and her brothers would talk about the future, she told them how one day she would be rich and famous; how a great opportunity awaited her that would completely change her life, even though she had no idea how to picture it. When Lamia’s teacher would ask her what she dreamed of doing as a grown-up, all she would say is, “I’m going to be rich and famous!” Other children made fun of her, as they had ordinary dreams and realistic ambitions, but little Lamia kept repeating her mantra with a confident smile and resolute spirit. Teachers and other grownups dismissed her answer as a typical fantasy that occurs during childhood. Growing up, Lamia stuck to her dream of wealth and fame. Her belief increased with the years, to the point of making her family think that Lamia suffered from some mental illness, especially when she refused to go to work for

July/August 2016

someone else. For her, taking a job meant oppression and limits, having to content herself with low wages, and accepting directives from others. Lamia loved school, so after receiving her baccalaureate she moved to the capital Tunis and attended art school. Upon graduating, she continued and earned another degree in international commerce. In the meantime, she was always on the lookout for opportunities to make money, for instance by buying and selling clothes. She never took a job and much preferred to gain experience for when her real opportunity would find her and put her on the path to become a millionaire.

A Moment of Radical Change When Lamia was 24 years old, her life was shaken up by a tragic event: she suddenly lost her parents. She now was left to care for her younger brothers and sister by herself. Challenged by her circumstances, she was able to overcome those moments of suffering and solitude with an immense faith in herself and in life. Despite everything, she was more than ever determined to achieve what others considered pure madness: fame and wealth. But how and when?

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Liberty’s CALLING A conversation with GARY LEE PRICE, Sculptor of the Statue of Responsibility & LEESA PRICE, Executive Director of the Responsibility Foundation

By Dr. Josephine Gross 50

Networking Networking Times Times


f you’ve read Dr. Viktor E. Frankl’s book Man’s Search for Meaning*, you may remember it explains and illustrates how most atrocities, wars, and tragedies happen because people are too focused on their rights, while forgetting about the responsibilities that come with those rights. Dr. Viktor E. Frankl felt many of us are guilty of this, without thought of how it might affect other people or nations. By adding responsibility to the equation, he said, we get true freedom. This idea prompted him to start a movement that would inspire people’s hearts and minds to focus equally on our responsibilities as we do on our rights, if we are to create lasting happiness and peace. One man who caught this vision was Dr. Stephen R. Covey. He and Dr. Viktor E. Frankl became fast friends. Stephen Covey wanted to put this idea in motion, not just talk about it. Every movement has a symbol. The symbol for our rights here in America is the Statue of Liberty in the New York harbor. It’s a giant visual reminder to the world that America values human liberty. Dr. Viktor E. Frankl suggested that we also need a symbol that represents responsibility. Today the Responsibility Foundation is in the process of creating a statue the same size as the Statue of Liberty. More than a monument, it’s a movement to remind people of all ages that rights come with responsibilities. The Statue of Responsibility will be placed on the Pacific coast to bookend the Statue of Liberty on the Atlantic coast. To create the statue, Steven Covey commissioned a world-renowned sculptor from Utah, Gary Lee Price. We recently sat down with Gary and his wife Leesa as they told the story of how the piece came to life, how the movement took off “like a tsunami,” and why they believe it is the perfect cause for network marketers to rally behind.—J. G.

*Published in 1946, Man’s Search for Meaning ranks among the 10 most influential books in the United States based on a survey conducted by the Library of Congress. At the time of the author’s death in 1997, the book had sold over 10 million copies and had been translated into 24 languages. 51



Tanya O’Matta

Cultivate Friendships & Trust


anya O’Matta was born in McAllen, a small border town in Texas, as the only child of ambitious, hardworking Hispanic parents. They always encouraged her to work hard and dream big, but she was too shy to act on her dreams and goals. Finding network marketing helped her connect with her inner power and overcome her limiting beliefs. Once she found the right company, she reached its top rank in less than a year. Today she leads a thriving international organization spanning four continents.

Tanya got married at a young age to her husband Gabe, then a Staff Sergeant in the US Air Force. “Military life took a toll on us as newlyweds,” she says. “Not only did we struggle to make ends meet, we were often separated for long periods of wartime deployments.” Finishing college became a challenge for Tanya due to the ever-changing military assignments. When Gabe was transferred to Germany, Tanya chose to make the most of their assignment there by traveling around Europe, putting off her education for when she would be back in the US.


Networking Times

Top 3 Success Tips • Do not wait for your starter kit to arrive to launch Three years into her marriage, Tanya your business. You will never feel as much hope, became pregnant with identical twins. excitement, and drive as you feel during those first Halfway into her pregnancy, she was hosdays, so jump and learn to fly on your way down. pitalized for preterm labor and stayed • Becoming a sponge is important, but if you are there until her babies were born at 30 soaking it all up and never take action, all you weeks. become is a book sitting on a shelf. “The struggle of my pregnancy was • Journal your journey so that on your dark days, minuscule compared to what we endured you can look back and feed off that initial once my boys were born,” she says. excitement. I have stacks of journals and “After nine weeks in the NICU, revisit them regularly. They are worth many complications, tears, and gold to me! ultimately triumphs, our babies came home. My top priority was to stay home with them, as they had some staying home, now that my health issues due to their sons had reached school age.” premature births.” When the products arrived, This experience led Tanya Tanya was so pleased with the and her husband to reevaluate results that she asked her friend their lives and Gabe made the choice to start an online party for her. This to leave the military to be closer to his famwould give Tanya a chance to earn free ily. After 11 years in the Air Force, he entered the products as the hostess. Just two hours into the civilian world with no job, no degree, and no savings. party, seeing the potential of using social media “We took the biggest risk of our lives and platforms to gain sales and build a team, Tanya headed back to Texas,” says Tanya. “Gabe worked signed up as a business builder herself. full time while attending college out of town, and “I made the decision to jump in and learn as I became a part-time single mom. Tired of living I went,” she says. “I saw no reason to wait for my paycheck to paycheck, I searched for ways to earn starter kit to come in, so I studied the material money from home.” and got started right away. I immersed myself in every company training and team call. I asked for Looking for a Business my upline tree so I could get to know the leaders Tanya dabbled in jewelry sales, but lacked ex- and mirror them.” perience to run a successful business. When she Within the first couple of months, Tanya was heard of network marketing, she tried two compa- pushing through promotions. Needing preparanies, but quit before she had a chance to learn the tion and training for leadership positions, she ins and outs of the business. In January 2014, she came across Whitney Husband’s Elite Training saw some social media posts by a friend who was program, which helped her reach the top rank in selling products that intrigued her. her company in just nine months. “I ordered them mainly because she was relentlessly insisting I try them,” says Tanya. “I also saw Learning Experiences an opportunity to make some extra income while Reflecting back on her journey, Tanya says her big-

July/August 2016


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