Frauscher News 09 2010 EN

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FRAUSCHER-NEWS Edition 06 | September 2010



InnoTrans 2010


Frauscher Advanced Counter FAC

4 | 5 | 6

Track vacancy detection system and more …

Frauscher Branch Offices 7 Magnetic Noise Receiver MNR

8 | 9 | 10

Frauscher-Short-Notes 11

FRAUSCHER-NEWS – Edition 06 | September 2010

face that is transparent, measurable and rateable. Hence we disclosed last year the magnetic interference limitations of our sensors (see FRAUSCHER-NEWS 04/2009). However, we want to take it a step further. We want to provide railway operators and rolling stock manufacturers with a measuring device that allows comprehensible standard rating of the electromagnetic interferences along the rail caused by the different vehicles types. To that effect we have developed a system in cooperation with ÖBB (Austrian Railways), which goes by the name of Magnetic Noise Receiver MNR. Accordingly, the newly developed HF and LF measuring antennas are rail-mounted simply by using rail claws much like our wheel sensors. The measurement data recorded

Dear Readers and Friends,

are then read and evaluated by a PXI system adapted by Frau-

The 6th edition of FRAUSCHER-NEWS is naturally dominated by InnoTrans 2010.

scher. But this does not exhaust the number of all the new presenta-

The leading rail technology event that takes place every two years is for many companies an important milestone to announce innovations or new developments.

tions planned by our Company. Presentations include wheel sensor RSR181, a further development of the RSR180 with plug-in cable, the FDS diagnostics

This also applies to us, as Frauscher Sensortechnik GmbH will introduce at InnoTrans 2010 a number of new products and further developments to any interested visitor of the trade fair and to our valued customers.

systems as well as a detailed update on the state of the art of wheelset detection on grooved rails. InnoTrans is a very international trade fair. We are expecting many of our international customers and partners at our stand

The core of our new developments is our next generation axle counting system: The Advanced Counter. This system, which will not necessarily replace the current ACS2000, does, offer a large number of new options within its range of application, such as the integration with electronic signalling boxes. With a minimum of components and the possibility, for instance, to communicate safely with super ordinate applications using Ethernet interfaces, we have laid the foundation for a new promising generation of systems. By using our proven wheel sensor technology we have achieved a clear reduction in capital expenditure and life cycle cost compared with conventional systems.

and all relevant contacts from Frauscher‘s branch offices in the UK, China, Poland and Austria will be present. We are looking forward to exchanging opinions about the latest products, technological trends and correct system strategy. To this effect please take note of two important events: Our customer evening, Tuesday September 21, 2010, at 6 p.m., presenting Frauscher as a true Austrian company offering Austrian gastronomic specialities, and our lecture on Thursday September 23, 2010, between 3 and 4 p.m. in the Speaker‘s Corner about „Technological challenges for inductive wheel detection and axle counting technology of the future“.

As one of the world‘s leading manufacturers of highly available wheel sensors our Company has a special interest in the standardization of admissible electromagnetic interferences at the vehicle/general infrastructure interface. Work regarding CENELEC standard EN 50238-3 is now showing significant

Ihr Michael Thiel

progress and our Company is collaborating with the EMC research group of DB within the „Sensor System Workgroup“. Yet, we also strive to pioneer a vehicle / wheel sensor inter-

FRAUSCHER-NEWS – Edition 06 | September 2010

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Frauscher Advanced Counter FAC

Track vacancy detection system and more …

The Frauscher Advanced Counter System FAC is the new axle

The central board, the Advanced Evaluation Board AEB (see

counter system generation by Frauscher Sensortechnik GmbH.

figure 3) of the Advanced Counter, not only evaluates the RSR

The necessary development was started back in 2006. The de-

wheel sensor data, but also carries out axle counting and pro-

velopment target was an axle counting system with less com-

vides the clear/occupied indication, which can be output using

ponents and open communication interfaces. This target has

either a serial protocol or relay interfaces.

been achieved. Additionally, the FAC system provides the possibility to input diThe main features of the system are as follows:

gital data that are independent from axle counting, using the input/output/extention boards IO-EXB (see figure 4) and to output

integration of wheel sensor signal evaluation, safe axle

them at other IO-EXB’s (e. g. transmission of block arguments).

counting and output of the safe clear/occupied status

Furthermore, the Frauscher Advanced Counter System FAC can

on a single board

also be integrated into the Frauscher Diagnostics System FDS

communication between all components using a CAN bus possibility to communicate with super ordinate systems (signalling box, level crossing, etc.) or adjacent systems using serial interfaces possibility for user-friendly queries of status data of the equipment using an optional touch screen possibility for decentralised placement of boards along the rail

FRAUSCHER-NEWS – Edition 06 | September 2010

Functional design The FAC system comprises of at least the following boards: Power supply board PSC (see figure 2), which processes the externally provided voltage supply and protects the system Evaluation boards AEB (see figure 3), one per wheel sensor and which can be configured for section counting Communication interface board COM to link geographically dispersed track sections of the FAC as well as for safe serial communication or the adequate number of input/output/extention boards IO-EXB (see figure 4) for the necessary relay interfaces All boards of the FAC system are mounted in 19“ board racks. The evaluation boards AEB of the Advanced Counter communicate via CAN bus.

Figure 1: Block Diagram FAC - Single Track Section

Configuration of the track sections can be carried out electively using DIP switches on the configuration board CO-EXB or a

The communication interface board COM, equally connected

configuration file.

to the CAN bus, provides an Ethernet interface, which in turn provides a safe clear/occupied indication for further proces-

Over longer distances the communication interface boards

sing. Alternatively, the clear/occupied indication can also be

COM communicate via Ethernet. Ethernet connections can be

output by the input/output/extention boards IO-EXB connected

established using e. g. LWL or DSL modems. It is also possible

to the evaluation boards AEB.

to use existing communications networks, provided they comply with class 5 or less as set forth in EN 50159-2.

In addition, the communication interface board COM allows connection of the FDS diagnostics system by Frauscher to the

The power supply board PSC provides the necessary voltage

Advanced Counter System FAC. The FDS system allows log-

for the CAN bus and protects the interface boards (up to 19

ging and evaluation of relevant data. The user interface for the

AEB evaluation boards) of the Advanced Counter against over-

FDS is a web browser.


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Figure 2: FAC Power Supply with Crowbar PSC

Figure 3: FAC Advanced Evaluation Board AEB

Figure 4: FAC Input/Output/Extention Board IO-EXB

FRAUSCHER-NEWS – Edition 06 | September 2010

Frauscher Advanced Counter FAC

Track vacancy detection system and more ‌


Figure 5: Board Rack FAC

Applications Due to the functional modularity and flexible scalability using

Integrated in efficient electronic signalling boxes the FAC sys-

the Ethernet interface, the Frauscher Advanced Counter FAC

tem offers all its options with minimal hardware, secure sus-

system can be configured for all conceivable applications.

tainable communication and maximum flexibility. Customised interfaces are developed individually in cooperation with the

From small central systems with direct relay outputs and touch

respective system vendor and based on the interface environ-

screen to complex systems in clusters distributed locally along

ment specified.

the track and networked via Ethernet; anything is possible. As system complexity increases, savings in space, energy and ca-

The development by Frauscher of communication and interface

pital expenditure also increase significantly compared with con-

standards specified by the different railway operators is either in

ventional axle counting systems.

progress or already implemented.

Figure 6: Block Diagram FAC - Station

FRAUSCHER-NEWS – Edition 06 | September 2010

Frauscher Branch Offices Optimal support for Frauscher customers and projects has always been a focal point of the Company‘s business philosophy. This objective has been achieved for many years now either through cooperation with partners in different countries or by establishment of branch offices for sales and services.

Frauscher Polska Sp. z o.o. – Poland The Polish branch office Frauscher Polska Sp. z o.o. with head office in Katowice was founded back in 1998. Over the years the company succeeded in establishing itself in the Polish market, wherefore, naturally, many projects now feature axle counting technology by Frauscher. To mention but a few reference projects: E139 line E20 line CMK line Janusz Mikolajczyk Managing Director

Daniel Pytlik Head of Technical and Sales Department

Frauscher UK Ltd. – UK The already successful business development in the UK is also handled and expanded by a branch office. Frauscher UK Ltd. was founded in April 2010 in Yeovil, Somerset. Among other projects Frauscher UK Ltd. supplies services to the London Underground.

Richard Colman Managing Director

Frauscher Sensor Technology (Beijing) Co. Ltd. – China 6 | 7

For the successful support of the rapidly growing Asian market Frauscher Sensor Technology (Beijing) Co. Ltd. was recently established in Beijing. One of first projects of Frauscher Sensor Technology (Beijing) Co. Ltd. regards Yizhuang line and Changping line of Beijing subways.

David Townsend Managing Director

FRAUSCHER-NEWS – Edition 06 | September 2010

Magnetic Noise Receiver MNR

The idea for the development of the Magnetic Noise Receiver

to be difficult, because first it was necessary to generate a noise

MNR is actually a few years old and came about when Frau-

spectrum that had to be recorded using a Helmholtz coil. After

scher Sensortechnology became an active member of the DB

adequate adaptations of the MNR the first field test together

workshop dedicated to the electromagnetic radiation of vehic-

with ÖBB was soon under way.

les within the frequency range of sensor systems. The „Sensor systems workgroup“ is an offspring of that workshop. The cor-

So as to achieve optimal linearity the required frequency range

rect measuring process for recording and evaluation of magne-

had to be captured by two antenna systems, operating simulta-

tic interference fields was the topic of many discussions.

neously if required. Recordings in the lower frequency range are made by the MNR-LF probe. The higher frequencies are recor-

Since there is still no measuring device able to record all three

ded by the MNR-HF probe and cover all three axis (X-Y-Z).

axes of the interference fields in a single measurement cycle, Frauscher has used its experience in the field of sensor techno-

A MNR probe (see figure 8) comprises, besides the recording

logy in order to develop a measuring device that complies with

coils, all electronics necessary to linearise frequency response.

the following requirements:

This allows measurement results with amplitude deviations of < 1,5 dB.

easy mounting and erection of the measuring device fast commissioning affording minimal time at rail

The preamplifier equally integrated into the MNR with

resistance against current stress loads at the rail

downstream anti-aliasing filter allows the transmission of the

coverage of the complete frequency range of 10 kHz to

measurement data through shielded cables and over longer di-

1,3 MHz

stances (approx. 25 m). This procedure allows the MNR recor-

admissible deviation < 1,5 dB

der to be operated away from the probe, i. e. outside the danger

3D detection of measuring fields in a single test run

zone of the rail.

automatic start and stop of measurements recording of traversing speed and provision of a normal time stamp

The MNR recorder (see figure 8) is a highly precise analogue recording device. The collected analogue data are evaluated on-

online evaluation of measurement data in compliance with

line by a processor. Calculation results and analogue data can

EN 50238-3 (2009) and comparison with maximum admis-

be saved to the hard disk of the mobile processor. Operation

sible threshold values

and online evaluation do not require any other external devices,

online evaluation of measurement data using FFT analysis

such as a laptop (see figure 7).

Product requirements were reviewed in cooperation with Aust-

EN 50238 stipulates that especially those frequency ranges re-

rian Railways (ÖBB). Shortly after, the first prototype was ready

served for sensors must be viewed in detail and assessed in

to be tested under laboratory conditions. However, this proved

compliance with the diagrams forming part of EN 50238. Based

FRAUSCHER-NEWS – Edition 06 | September 2010

on the reference diagram the evaluation can be immediately interpreted as measurement result (see figure 9). However, knowing and displaying the residual spectrum is also of interest to infrastructure operators and vehicle manufacturers as rail vehicle licensing conditions also include interference spectra outside the preferred sensor frequencies. For this purpose the evaluation algorithm of the MNR recorder was expanded with a FFT analysis (see figure 10). This affords a continuous display of the entire emission spectrum. Thus, the MNR probe with a MNR recorder is also suitable for lasting deployment at the rail (e. g. at check points) for the permanent monitoring of passing rolling stock. The measuring device is monitored by means of a Helmholtz coil.

Figure 7: MNR Probe and MNR Recorder with Monitor

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Figure 8: Block Diagram MNR

FRAUSCHER-NEWS – Edition 06 | September 2010

Magnetic Noise Receiver MNR Figure 9: Analysis according to EN 50238 MNR

Figure 10: FFT-Analysis MNR

Summary of advantages: 3D recording of the interference field in a single run one traversing cycle is enough to record the entire frequency range compatibility measurements according to EN 50238-3 with just one measuring device possibility to display the entire interference spectrum evaluation as per EN 50238 by comparison with the diagrams on site

FRAUSCHER-NEWS – Edition 06 | September 2010

Frauscher-Short-Notes Business development in China CRCEF, a company of the CRSC Group has signed a cooperation agreement with Frauscher Sensortechnik GmbH regarding the integration of Frauscher wheel detection components into the new axle counting system of the JZ.GD series. The system is to allow deployment for all applications (subway, main line and high speed lines) and is based on the world-wide proven wheel sensor and evaluation technology by Frauscher. This cooperation agreement continues the long-standing partnership of the two companies and is an important element in the business development of Frauscher Group in China.

New evaluation as Q1 Supplier to DB AG

L&B certified as Frauscher Service Partner

For several years now, Frauscher Sensortechnik GmbH has

L&B Leit- und Sicherungstechnische Dienstleistungs-GmbH

been audited by DB AG to maintain its supplier status and has

was certified as Frauscher Service Partner in July 2010. In

again met the Q1 supplier requirements of Deutsche Bahn AG.

this quality L&B renders services on behalf of Frauscher Sen-

Besides certification according to standards ISO 9001, ISO

sortechnik GmbH, especially in German-speaking countries.

14001 and OHSAS 18001 this evaluation by DB AG is an im-

Equipment manufacturers and railway operators will benefit in

portant commendation for our Quality Management System.

future as response time for service support improve.

New board production line launched May 2010 saw the start of manufacture of the board production in its new premises (see figure 11). The new conditions increase production capabilities and optimise the flow of materials during the production process. Another advantage of the new production area is the expansion and improvement of the switching cabinet production (see figure 12). The pillar jib crane mounted in that area supports both production and packing/delivery of the axle counting systems mounted into the switching cabinets.

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Figure 11: Board Production

Figure 12: Switching Cabinet Production

FRAUSCHER-NEWS – Edition 06 | September 2010

Frauscher Sensortechnik GmbH Gewerbestraße 1 | 4774 St. Marienkirchen | AUSTRIA | T: +43 7711 2920-0 | F: +43 7711 2920-25 M:

Frauscher Polska Sp. z o.o. uI. Przemysłowa 10 | 40-020 Katowice | POLAND M:

Frauscher UK Ltd. Suite 5 | Yeovil Innovation Centre | Barracks Close Copse Road | Yeovil | Somerset BA22 8RN | UNITED KINGDOM M:

Frauscher Sensor Technology (Beijing) Co. Ltd. 2610 Full Tower | No. 9 Dongsanhuanzhonglu | Chaoyang District | Beijing 100020 | CHINA M:

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