Š Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd 2015. TERMS OF USE Disclaimer: This information is intended solely as a guide for use of Neuchatel products. Before using you should ensure that the product is suitable for use in the specific application. Nothing in this information constitutes a statement of fitness for particular purpose and appropriate expert advice is to always be obtained. Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd makes no warranty regarding the use of this information with non-Neuchatel products. This drawing is the property of Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd. It cannot be copied in any form and must be returned to Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd upon request
Neuchatel 2x10mm Roofing
Proprietary Outlet
Black Sheathing Felt
Hi Bond Prmer
Overflow outlet rebated into substrate and screwed into place with S/S screws
Issue 1
Š copyright 2015 Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd
Asphalt Detailing
File: neu_rnd1 - neuchatel roof outlet detail Scale:
Neuchatel New Zealand 5a Miro Place, Albany 09 441 4595
Neuchatel Roof Outlet Detail
9 June 2015
Š Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd 2015. TERMS OF USE Disclaimer: This information is intended solely as a guide for use of Neuchatel products. Before using you should ensure that the product is suitable for use in the specific application. Nothing in this information constitutes a statement of fitness for particular purpose and appropriate expert advice is to always be obtained. Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd makes no warranty regarding the use of this information with non-Neuchatel products. This drawing is the property of Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd. It cannot be copied in any form and must be returned to Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd upon request
IKOtrim 6065
Neuchatel 13mm Roofing
Neuchatel penetration primer
Neuchatel angle fillet 50mm
Neuchatel 2x10mm Roofing Black Sheathing Felt
Issue 1
Š copyright 2015 Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd
Asphalt Detailing
File: neu_z001 - neuchatel roof trimmed edge parapet detail Scale:
Neuchatel New Zealand 5a Miro Place, Albany 09 441 4595
Neuchatel Roof Trimmed Edge Parapet Detail
9 June 2015
Š Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd 2015. TERMS OF USE Disclaimer: This information is intended solely as a guide for use of Neuchatel products. Before using you should ensure that the product is suitable for use in the specific application. Nothing in this information constitutes a statement of fitness for particular purpose and appropriate expert advice is to always be obtained. Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd makes no warranty regarding the use of this information with non-Neuchatel products. This drawing is the property of Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd. It cannot be copied in any form and must be returned to Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd upon request
Concrete Block Appropriate Silicone Sealant 2 Layers Neuchatel Torch-On Membrane 150 mm minimum
Neuchatel angle fillet 50mm
Neuchatel 2x10mm Roofing 200 mm minimum
Black Sheathing Felt Substrate
Issue 1
Š copyright 2015 Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd
Asphalt Detailing
File: neu_z002 - neuchatel roof blockwork upstand detail Scale:
Neuchatel New Zealand 5a Miro Place, Albany 09 441 4595
Neuchatel Roof Blockwork Upstand Detail
9 June 2015
Š Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd 2015. TERMS OF USE Disclaimer: This information is intended solely as a guide for use of Neuchatel products. Before using you should ensure that the product is suitable for use in the specific application. Nothing in this information constitutes a statement of fitness for particular purpose and appropriate expert advice is to always be obtained. Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd makes no warranty regarding the use of this information with non-Neuchatel products. This drawing is the property of Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd. It cannot be copied in any form and must be returned to Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd upon request
Window / Door Joinery
Neuchatel 13mm Roofing
150 mm minimum
Neuchatel penetration primer Neuchatel angle fillet 50mm Neuchatel 2x10mm Roofing Black Sheathing Felt Substrate
Issue 1
Š copyright 2015 Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd
Asphalt Detailing
File: neu_z003 - neuchatel roof threshold upstand detail Scale:
Neuchatel New Zealand 5a Miro Place, Albany 09 441 4595
Neuchatel Roof Threshold Upstand Detail
9 June 2015
Š Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd 2015. TERMS OF USE Disclaimer: This information is intended solely as a guide for use of Neuchatel products. Before using you should ensure that the product is suitable for use in the specific application. Nothing in this information constitutes a statement of fitness for particular purpose and appropriate expert advice is to always be obtained. Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd makes no warranty regarding the use of this information with non-Neuchatel products. This drawing is the property of Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd. It cannot be copied in any form and must be returned to Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd upon request
Concrete Block Neuchatel 13mm Roofing Neuchatel penetration primer
Proprietary Roof Drain
Neuchatel 2x10mm Roofing Black Sheathing Felt Substrate
Issue 1
Š copyright 2015 Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd
Asphalt Detailing
File: neu_z004 - neuchatel roof parapet outlet detail Scale:
Neuchatel New Zealand 5a Miro Place, Albany 09 441 4595
Neuchatel Roof Parapet Outlet Detail
9 June 2015
Š Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd 2015. TERMS OF USE Disclaimer: This information is intended solely as a guide for use of Neuchatel products. Before using you should ensure that the product is suitable for use in the specific application. Nothing in this information constitutes a statement of fitness for particular purpose and appropriate expert advice is to always be obtained. Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd makes no warranty regarding the use of this information with non-Neuchatel products. This drawing is the property of Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd. It cannot be copied in any form and must be returned to Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd upon request
Neuchatel 2x10mm Roofing Black Sheathing Felt Paving Tile Paving Edge Neuchatel penetration primer Cover Flashing Neuchatel 13mm Roofing Protection surface Appropriate permeable protection membrane Drainage Gravel Neuchatel angle fillet 50mm Metal Grating Paving Tile Paving Support
Substrate Black Sheathing Felt Neuchatel 2x10mm Roofing
Issue 1
Š copyright 2015 Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd
Asphalt Detailing
File: neu_z012 - neuchatel roof podium change of level detail Scale:
Neuchatel New Zealand 5a Miro Place, Albany 09 441 4595
Neuchatel Roof Podium Change of Level Detail
9 June 2015
Š Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd 2015. TERMS OF USE Disclaimer: This information is intended solely as a guide for use of Neuchatel products. Before using you should ensure that the product is suitable for use in the specific application. Nothing in this information constitutes a statement of fitness for particular purpose and appropriate expert advice is to always be obtained. Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd makes no warranty regarding the use of this information with non-Neuchatel products. This drawing is the property of Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd. It cannot be copied in any form and must be returned to Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd upon request
Appropriate Silicone Sealant Cover Flashing Neuchatel 13mm Roofing Neuchatel penetration primer Drainage Gravel Appropriate permeable protection membrane Neuchatel angle fillet 50mm Metal Grating Paving Tile Paving Support
Substrate Black Sheathing Felt Neuchatel 2x10mm Roofing
Issue 1
Š copyright 2015 Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd
Asphalt Detailing
File: neu_z013 - neuchatel roof podium to concrete upstand Scale:
Neuchatel New Zealand 5a Miro Place, Albany 09 441 4595
Neuchatel Roof Podium to Concrete Upstand
9 June 2015
Š Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd 2015. TERMS OF USE Disclaimer: This information is intended solely as a guide for use of Neuchatel products. Before using you should ensure that the product is suitable for use in the specific application. Nothing in this information constitutes a statement of fitness for particular purpose and appropriate expert advice is to always be obtained. Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd makes no warranty regarding the use of this information with non-Neuchatel products. This drawing is the property of Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd. It cannot be copied in any form and must be returned to Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd upon request
IKOtrim 6065 Neuchatel 13mm Roofing Neuchatel penetration primer Drainage Gravel Appropriate permeable protection membrane Neuchatel angle fillet 50mm Metal Grating Paving Tile Paving Support
Substrate Black Sheathing Felt Neuchatel 2x10mm Roofing
Issue 1
Š copyright 2015 Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd
Asphalt Detailing
File: neu_z014 - neuchatel roof upstand to concrete trimmed edge Scale:
Neuchatel New Zealand 5a Miro Place, Albany 09 441 4595
Neuchatel Roof Upstand to Concrete Trimmed Edge
9 June 2015
Š Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd 2015. TERMS OF USE Disclaimer: This information is intended solely as a guide for use of Neuchatel products. Before using you should ensure that the product is suitable for use in the specific application. Nothing in this information constitutes a statement of fitness for particular purpose and appropriate expert advice is to always be obtained. Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd makes no warranty regarding the use of this information with non-Neuchatel products. This drawing is the property of Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd. It cannot be copied in any form and must be returned to Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd upon request
Concrete Block Appropriate Silicone Sealant 2 Layers Neuchatel Torch-On Membrane Drainage Gravel Appropriate permeable protection membrane Neuchatel angle fillet 50mm Metal Grating Paving Tile Paving Support
Substrate Black Sheathing Felt Neuchatel 2x10mm Roofing
Issue 1
Š copyright 2015 Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd
Asphalt Detailing
File: neu_z015 - neuchatel roof podium to blockwork upstand detail Scale:
Neuchatel New Zealand 5a Miro Place, Albany 09 441 4595
Neuchatel Roof Podium to Blockwork Upstand Detail
9 June 2015
Š Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd 2015. TERMS OF USE Disclaimer: This information is intended solely as a guide for use of Neuchatel products. Before using you should ensure that the product is suitable for use in the specific application. Nothing in this information constitutes a statement of fitness for particular purpose and appropriate expert advice is to always be obtained. Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd makes no warranty regarding the use of this information with non-Neuchatel products. This drawing is the property of Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd. It cannot be copied in any form and must be returned to Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd upon request
Neuchatel penetration primer Neuchatel 13mm Roofing Neuchatel angle fillet 50mm Appropriate permeable protection membrane Drainage Gravel Metal Grating
150 mm minimum
Paving Tile Paving Support
Substrate Black Sheathing Felt Neuchatel 2x10mm Roofing
Issue 1
Š copyright 2015 Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd
Asphalt Detailing
File: neu_z016 - neuchatel roof podium to threshold upstand detail Scale:
Neuchatel New Zealand 5a Miro Place, Albany 09 441 4595
Neuchatel Roof Podium to Threshold Upstand Detail
9 June 2015
Š Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd 2015. TERMS OF USE Disclaimer: This information is intended solely as a guide for use of Neuchatel products. Before using you should ensure that the product is suitable for use in the specific application. Nothing in this information constitutes a statement of fitness for particular purpose and appropriate expert advice is to always be obtained. Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd makes no warranty regarding the use of this information with non-Neuchatel products. This drawing is the property of Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd. It cannot be copied in any form and must be returned to Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd upon request
Pipe or Post Metal overflashing Neuchatel 13mm Roofing
Appropriate protection membrane
Neuchatel penetration primer
Drainage Gravel 150 mm minimum
Metal Grating Paving Tile Paving Support
Black Sheathing Felt
Neuchatel 2x10mm Roofing
Neuchatel angle fillet 50mm
Issue 1
Š copyright 2015 Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd
Asphalt Detailing
File: neu_z017 - neuchatel roof podium to pipe detail Scale:
Neuchatel New Zealand 5a Miro Place, Albany 09 441 4595
Neuchatel Roof Podium to Pipe Detail
9 June 2015
Š Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd 2015. TERMS OF USE Disclaimer: This information is intended solely as a guide for use of Neuchatel products. Before using you should ensure that the product is suitable for use in the specific application. Nothing in this information constitutes a statement of fitness for particular purpose and appropriate expert advice is to always be obtained. Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd makes no warranty regarding the use of this information with non-Neuchatel products. This drawing is the property of Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd. It cannot be copied in any form and must be returned to Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd upon request
Concrete Block Neuchatel penetration primer Neuchatel 13mm Roofing Proprietary Roof Drain Drainage Gravel Metal Grating Paving Tile Paving Support
Substrate Black Sheathing Felt Neuchatel 2x10mm Roofing
Issue 1
Š copyright 2015 Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd
Asphalt Detailing
File: neu_z018 - neuchatel roof podium to corner outlet detail Scale:
Neuchatel New Zealand 5a Miro Place, Albany 09 441 4595
Neuchatel Roof Podium to Corner Outlet Detail
9 June 2015
Š Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd 2015. TERMS OF USE Disclaimer: This information is intended solely as a guide for use of Neuchatel products. Before using you should ensure that the product is suitable for use in the specific application. Nothing in this information constitutes a statement of fitness for particular purpose and appropriate expert advice is to always be obtained. Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd makes no warranty regarding the use of this information with non-Neuchatel products. This drawing is the property of Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd. It cannot be copied in any form and must be returned to Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd upon request
Proprietary rainwater outlet Paving Support Paving Tile
Neuchatel 2x10mm Roofing Black Sheathing Felt Sand cement screed for slope formation Substrate
Issue 1
Š copyright 2015 Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd
Asphalt Detailing
File: neu_z019 - neuchatel roof podium to floor outlet detail Scale:
Neuchatel New Zealand 5a Miro Place, Albany 09 441 4595
Neuchatel Roof Podium to Floor Outlet Detail
9 June 2015
Š Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd 2015. TERMS OF USE Disclaimer: This information is intended solely as a guide for use of Neuchatel products. Before using you should ensure that the product is suitable for use in the specific application. Nothing in this information constitutes a statement of fitness for particular purpose and appropriate expert advice is to always be obtained. Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd makes no warranty regarding the use of this information with non-Neuchatel products. This drawing is the property of Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd. It cannot be copied in any form and must be returned to Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd upon request
Paving Tile
Paving Support
Black Sheathing Felt Neuchatel 2x10mm Roofing
Cover Flashing Expanded metal lathing mechanically fixed Vapor Control Layer
Timber Batten
Fascia Board Substrate
Issue 1
Š copyright 2015 Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd
Asphalt Detailing
File: neu_z020 - neuchatel roof podium to roof edge detail Scale:
Neuchatel New Zealand 5a Miro Place, Albany 09 441 4595
Neuchatel Roof Podium to Roof Edge Detail
9 June 2015
© Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd 2015. TERMS OF USE Disclaimer: This information is intended solely as a guide for use of Neuchatel products. Before using you should ensure that the product is suitable for use in the specific application. Nothing in this information constitutes a statement of fitness for particular purpose and appropriate expert advice is to always be obtained. Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd makes no warranty regarding the use of this information with non-Neuchatel products. This drawing is the property of Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd. It cannot be copied in any form and must be returned to Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd upon request
Metal overflashing min. 5° slope Timber packer for min. 5° slope formation Vapor Control Layer Neuchatel 13mm Roofing Neuchatel penetration primer Drainage Gravel Appropriate permeable protection membrane Neuchatel angle fillet 50mm Metal Grating Paving Tile Paving Support
Substrate Black Sheathing Felt Neuchatel 2x10mm Roofing
Issue 1
© copyright 2015 Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd
Asphalt Detailing
File: neu_z021 - neuchatel roof podium to parapet with cap flashing Scale:
Neuchatel New Zealand 5a Miro Place, Albany 09 441 4595
Neuchatel Roof Podium to Parapet With Cap Flashing
9 June 2015
Š Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd 2015. TERMS OF USE Disclaimer: This information is intended solely as a guide for use of Neuchatel products. Before using you should ensure that the product is suitable for use in the specific application. Nothing in this information constitutes a statement of fitness for particular purpose and appropriate expert advice is to always be obtained. Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd makes no warranty regarding the use of this information with non-Neuchatel products. This drawing is the property of Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd. It cannot be copied in any form and must be returned to Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd upon request
Concrete Block Appropriate facade system Ventilated Cavity Flashing Neuchatel 13mm Roofing Appropriate permeable protection membrane Drainage Gravel Metal Grating 150 mm minimum
Paving Tile Paving Support
Substrate Black Sheathing Felt Neuchatel 2x10mm Roofing Neuchatel angle fillet 50mm Neuchatel penetration primer Issue 1
Š copyright 2015 Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd
Asphalt Detailing
File: neu_z022 - neuchatel roof podium to wall upstand Scale:
Neuchatel New Zealand 5a Miro Place, Albany 09 441 4595
Neuchatel Roof Podium to Wall Upstand
9 June 2015
Š Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd 2015. TERMS OF USE Disclaimer: This information is intended solely as a guide for use of Neuchatel products. Before using you should ensure that the product is suitable for use in the specific application. Nothing in this information constitutes a statement of fitness for particular purpose and appropriate expert advice is to always be obtained. Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd makes no warranty regarding the use of this information with non-Neuchatel products. This drawing is the property of Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd. It cannot be copied in any form and must be returned to Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd upon request
Proprietary rainwater outlet Neuchatel 2x10mm Roofing Black Sheathing Felt
Sand cement screed for slope formation Substrate Down pipe
Issue 1
Š copyright 2015 Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd
Asphalt Detailing
File: neu_z023 - neuchatel roof flat outlet detail Scale:
Neuchatel New Zealand 5a Miro Place, Albany 09 441 4595
Neuchatel Roof Flat Outlet Detail
9 June 2015
Š Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd 2015. TERMS OF USE Disclaimer: This information is intended solely as a guide for use of Neuchatel products. Before using you should ensure that the product is suitable for use in the specific application. Nothing in this information constitutes a statement of fitness for particular purpose and appropriate expert advice is to always be obtained. Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd makes no warranty regarding the use of this information with non-Neuchatel products. This drawing is the property of Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd. It cannot be copied in any form and must be returned to Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd upon request
Black Sheathing Felt Neuchatel 2x10mm Roofing
Cover Flashing Expanded metal lathing mechanically fixed Vapor Control Layer
Timber Batten
Fascia Board Substrate
Issue 1
Š copyright 2015 Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd
Asphalt Detailing
File: neu_z024 - neuchatel roof edge gutter detail Scale:
Neuchatel New Zealand 5a Miro Place, Albany 09 441 4595
Neuchatel Roof Edge Gutter Detail
9 June 2015
© Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd 2015. TERMS OF USE Disclaimer: This information is intended solely as a guide for use of Neuchatel products. Before using you should ensure that the product is suitable for use in the specific application. Nothing in this information constitutes a statement of fitness for particular purpose and appropriate expert advice is to always be obtained. Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd makes no warranty regarding the use of this information with non-Neuchatel products. This drawing is the property of Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd. It cannot be copied in any form and must be returned to Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd upon request
Metal overflashing min. 5° slope Timber packer for min. 5° slope formation Vapor Control Layer
Neuchatel 13mm Roofing
Neuchatel penetration primer Neuchatel angle fillet 50mm Neuchatel 2x10mm Roofing
Black Sheathing Felt
Issue 1
© copyright 2015 Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd
Asphalt Detailing
File: neu_z025 - neuchatel roof to upstand with cap flashing Scale:
Neuchatel New Zealand 5a Miro Place, Albany 09 441 4595
Neuchatel Roof to Upstand With Cap Flashing
9 June 2015
Š Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd 2015. TERMS OF USE Disclaimer: This information is intended solely as a guide for use of Neuchatel products. Before using you should ensure that the product is suitable for use in the specific application. Nothing in this information constitutes a statement of fitness for particular purpose and appropriate expert advice is to always be obtained. Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd makes no warranty regarding the use of this information with non-Neuchatel products. This drawing is the property of Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd. It cannot be copied in any form and must be returned to Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd upon request
Concrete Block
Appropriate facade system Ventilated Cavity Flashing
Neuchatel 13mm Roofing
35 mm min.
Neuchatel angle fillet 50mm
Neuchatel 2x10mm Roofing
Black Sheathing Felt
150 mm min.
Neuchatel penetration primer
Issue 1
Š copyright 2015 Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd
Asphalt Detailing
File: neu_z026 - neuchatel roof to ventilated wall upstand Scale:
Neuchatel New Zealand 5a Miro Place, Albany 09 441 4595
Neuchatel Roof to Ventilated Wall Upstand
9 June 2015
Š Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd 2015. TERMS OF USE Disclaimer: This information is intended solely as a guide for use of Neuchatel products. Before using you should ensure that the product is suitable for use in the specific application. Nothing in this information constitutes a statement of fitness for particular purpose and appropriate expert advice is to always be obtained. Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd makes no warranty regarding the use of this information with non-Neuchatel products. This drawing is the property of Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd. It cannot be copied in any form and must be returned to Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd upon request
Neuchatel 2x10mm Roofing
Black Sheathing Felt
Neuchatel penetration primer
Neuchatel 13mm Roofing
Neuchatel angle fillet 50mm
Black Sheathing Felt
Neuchatel 2x10mm Roofing
Issue 1
Š copyright 2015 Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd
Asphalt Detailing
File: neu_z027 - neuchatel roof change of level detail Scale:
Neuchatel New Zealand 5a Miro Place, Albany 09 441 4595
Neuchatel Roof Change of Level Detail
9 June 2015
Š Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd 2015. TERMS OF USE Disclaimer: This information is intended solely as a guide for use of Neuchatel products. Before using you should ensure that the product is suitable for use in the specific application. Nothing in this information constitutes a statement of fitness for particular purpose and appropriate expert advice is to always be obtained. Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd makes no warranty regarding the use of this information with non-Neuchatel products. This drawing is the property of Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd. It cannot be copied in any form and must be returned to Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd upon request
Appropriate Silicone Sealant Cover Flashing
Neuchatel 13mm Roofing Neuchatel penetration primer Neuchatel angle fillet 50mm
Substrate Black Sheathing Felt Neuchatel 2x10mm Roofing
Issue 1
Š copyright 2015 Neuchatel New Zealand Ltd
Asphalt Detailing
File: neu_z028 - neuchatel roof concrete upstand detail Scale:
Neuchatel New Zealand 5a Miro Place, Albany 09 441 4595
Neuchatel Roof Concrete Upstand Detail
9 June 2015