10 sistema mixotropic, uma nova abordagem para um cultivo de camarão lucrativo farshad shischechian

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Advance Shrimp Farming Dr. Farshad Shishehchian Ph.D., Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecology Blue Aqua International President & CEO World Aquaculture Society (WAS), Asia Pacific Chapter President Š 2012 Blue Aqua International All Rights Reserved

Blue Aqua International Š 2012 Blue Aqua International All Rights Reserved

Bringing You the Best Solutions


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Decreasing Productivity and Profitability, Why?

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•Pond aging •Natural productivity •Mineral deficiency •High load of organic matter •Poor management: pond and water feeding, bio-security

•Diseases •Price and competition •Social © 2011 Blue Aqua International All Rights Reserved


Issues & Challenges in Shrimp Aquaculture 
 Diseases *Production costs - Feed/Fishmeal *International market prices Access to disease-free broodstock Production costs - Others Production costs - Fuel Seed stock quality & availability Access to Credit Feed quality and availability Product quality control *International trade barriers Environmental management Banned chemicals / antibiotic use Market coordination Conflicts with other users Public Relations Management Infrastructure

Not Important

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Very Important

I n f e c & o u s* d i s e a s e s* caused* by* pathogenic* organisms:* o  Parasites* o  Fungi* o  Bacteria* o  Virus*

©©*2013*Blue*Aqua*Interna&onal.*All*Rights*Reserved.* 2014 Blue Aqua International All Rights Reserved

Environmental, diseases, caused,by:, o  Mineral,deficiencies, o  pH, fluctua9on, related: stress, o  Toxic, gas, related: stress, o  Low,DO:stress, o  Chemical,toxicity, o  Etc., ‘There, is, oPen, an, environmental, disease, behind, an, infec9ous, disease, outbreak,, such,as,bacterial,infec9on,which,are,mainly,opportunis9c’.,,

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CH:2009' VN:'2010' MY:'2011'


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Pond Aging Syndrome •Water quality and nutrient in shrimp ponds is influenced by the exchange of substances between soil and water

•Soil quality and minerals deteriorates rapidly in semi-intensive and intensive ponds with repeating crops

•Older ponds tend to have lower pH and higher

concentrations of organic matter in bottom soils than newer ones.

•Pond soil exerts a favorable influence on productivity only for a few years

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Pond Aging Syndrome

Declining in productivity over time from pond aging and decreased minerals in pond soil bottom

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Understanding the Current Condition of Pond •Oligotrophic (new) ponds are either freshly built or have aged slowly due good design and proper maintenance procedures. Small ponds can be drained and cleaned every few years this restores them to an oligotrophic condition.

•Mesotrophic (middle aged) ponds have an intermediate level of nutrients and plants. They experience moderate algae blooms on an intermittent basis.

•Eutrophic (old) ponds generally have high nutrient levels,

large amounts of sludge, turbid or cloudy water, and large algae and aquatic plant populations.

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Issues for Mineral Deficiency •Deficient in a necessary mix of essential minerals (Mg, K) and ions in both soil and water

•Limiting growth, survival, productivity and profitability

•Pond-aging syndrome •Insufficient amount, die-off and over bloom of phytoplankton

•Difficulty in molting and soft shelling •Fluctuation of pH © 2011 Blue Aqua International All Rights Reserved

Ionic Composition of Sea Water

•Main six ions in sea water comprise 99.8%, by weight, of salinity

Cl-­‐ 55.3%

SO42-­‐ 7.7%

Ca2+ 1.2%

Na+ 30.8%

Mg2+ 3.7%

K+ 1.1%

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Deficiency of Mineral Ions in Water Deficiency of mineral ions in water causing osmoregulation stress and more energy uptake in shrimp. Reduce growth efficiency Increase FCR Increase mortality Increase production cost

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Phytoplankton Tetraselmis*suecica* !(cells:!10*16!µm!in!length)*

Nitzschia!sp.! !(cells:!12*35!µm!in!length)! !

Haematococcus*pluvialis* (cells:!12*50!µm!in!diameter)*

Skeletonema!sp.! !(cells:!5*12!µm!in!diameter)!

Cyclotella!sp.! !(cells:!7*40!µm!in!diameter)!

Nannochloropsis*oculata* *(cells:!2*4!µm!in!diameter)! *!

Phaeodactylum*tricornutum* *(cells:!6*26!µm!in!length)! *

Isochrysis*sp.* (cells:!4*8!µm!in!diameter)*

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Thalassiosira*pseudonana* !(cells:!3*6!µm!in!diameter)*!

Roles of Phytoplankton in Pond • Affects a survival and growth rate • Affects a number of critical water quality variables in ponds.

• Dissolved oxygen • Carbon dioxide • pH cycles • Concentration of nitrogenous water products such as Ammonia and Nitrite.

• Enhancing decomposition of organic matters accumulated in the pond

• Stabilizing water temperature © 2011 Blue Aqua International All Rights Reserved

Roles of Phytoplankton in Pond Phytoplankton!



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Management of Water Color

•management of the composition and the amount of phytoplankton.

•create an abundant natural food basis and stabilize the environment of the culture pond.

•Reduce the pH fluctuation •Improve the water quality by controlling the nutrient •N/P •Minerals
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•The elemental composition of phytoplankton is similar to the ocean: 16N:1P (Redfield Ratio).

•However, the N:P ratio of 16 for phytoplankton is not a universal optimal value

•The N:P ratio is not fixed in the environment and this is mainly due to the inflow of nutrients from anthropogenic sources such as fertilizers and runoff containing nutrient rich waste (e.g. effluent).

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Type nitrogen-fixing (Blue-Green) Green Diatom Red Algae Dinophyceae Blue Green

N:P 42-125 ~30 ~10 ~10 ~12 less than 10

•The optimal N:P ratio will vary from 8.2 to 45.0, depending on the ecological conditions.

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Over Bloom !!! Moderate bloom is desirable • A high density of phytoplankton is not desirable in culture ponds.

• Ponds

with heavy "blooms" of phytoplankton exhibit wide shifts in dissolved oxygen concentrations from day to night with readings at sunrise approaching levels that can be stressful to fish and shrimp

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Phytoplankton Die-off A phytoplankton crash will adversely affect critical water quality variables. After a crash,

• Dissolved oxygen levels will decrease

• pH will decrease • Carbon dioxide, ammonia, and nitrite levels will increase.

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Phytoplankton – A Waste Manager in Ponds • Phytoplankton utilizes nitrogenous waste products in the form of ammonia and nitrite as nutrient sources for growth.

• This serves to maintain the concentrations of total ammonia

and nitrite in ponds at low or moderate levels during periods of active phytoplankton growth.


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Effects of pH in natural food bloom and maintenance

Photosynthesis: process of converting light energy to chemical energy and storing it in the bonds of sugar that occurs in plants, algae and some bacteria. Photosynthesis breaks down CO2, and increases pH. CO2 solubility much higher than O2 solubility Atmospheric CO2 dissolves in water and carbonic acid (H2CO3) is produced: CO2(g) => CO2 (aq) + H2O => H2CO3 (aq) => HCO3-(aq) + H+ => CO3-(aq) + H+

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Ca(HCO3 ) 2 bicarbonate

CaCO3 carbonate

HCO3 -

CO3 2-

mole fraction

0.75 H2 CO3 and


free CO2

0.25 .

0.00 4









pH range regulates algal CO2 assimilation, crucial for photosynthesis, and thus, their growth Š 2012 Blue Aqua International All Rights Reserved

pH Definition pH or potential Hydrogen is a measure of acidity (hydrogen ions) or basicity of an aqueous solution

pH scale ranges from 0 to 14 and a solution according to its pH is defined in neutral, acidic or basic

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Definition of pH, pOH, pKw, pKa, pKb

• The p" factor" is defined as the log of whatever quantity that follows the symbol. The "p" is an operator.

• It communicates the instruction to calculate the negative log of any quantity that follows the symbol.

• The definition of pH in equation form is

pH = -log [H3O+]! •

pH = -log[H1+] where [H1+] means the molar concentration of hydronium ions, M = moles / liter

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pH Range pH range for aquaculture purposes: 6.5 - 9.0 Death


Desired range for fish production






pH > 9.0

Ammonium converted into ammonia and BGA toxins negative effects

pH < 6.5

Heavy metal release from sediments Optimal pH in the pond: 7.5 - 8.5

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pH Range pH strongly influenced by photosynthesis and respiration DENSE BLOOM 10


8 SPARSE BLOOM 7 Sunrise

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pH buffering with alkalinity Total Alkalinity is the capacity of water to neutralize acids (HCO3-, CO3- and OH-), thus its buffering capacity Expressed as milligrams per liter (ppm) of equivalent calcium carbonate (CaCO3)

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Alkalinity measurement and hardness concept Š 2012 Blue Aqua International All Rights Reserved

Alkalinity and Hardness alkalinity


Total titratable bases

Total divalent salts

bicarbonate HCO3-

calcium Ca2+

magnesium Mg2+

Calcium carbonate

Magnesium bicarbonate

Magnesium carbonate


Mg( HCO3 )2

Mg CO3

carbonate CO23-

Calcium bicarbonate Ca( HCO3 )2

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Common practices for pH stabilization Bioavailable mineral addition N:P control Nutritious and balanced phytoplankton bloom Overbloom and phytoplankton die-off prevention Blue Green Algae growth prevention Probiotic application Organic matter decomposition Soil bottom pH regulation Phytoplankton Growth Control

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ORP Measure of the cleanliness of water and its ability to down contaminants

Range of –2,000 to + 2,000 and millivolts (mV) units

Meters measure electrical potential, indirect measurement of dissolved oxygen

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Oxidation-Reduction Potential Redox potential can measure how reduced and anaerobic sediments are relative to the water over them. At the surface of the mud exposed to oxygenated water the redox potential should be in the range of 250 to 500 mV. This oxidized layer would extend a fraction of an inch into the sediment where it would change in color from brown to black as the redox potential fell into the negative range, once it reached -400 mV, the sediment is strictly anaerobic. Hypoxic conditions give a negative reading, the ORP index has been referred to as a "pollution index", since water receiving organic pollution tends to be more hypoxic. Low ORP readings from the water column indicate a level of reducing substances that can have negative affects on shrimp/fish.

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Oxidation-Reduction Potential Aerobic O2 + 4e-­‐ + 4H+ à 2H2O 600-­‐400 mV vs. Eh Anaerobic 2NO3-­‐ + 10e-­‐ + 12H+ à N2 + 6H2O 500-­‐200 mV vs. Eh MnO2 + 2e-­‐ + 4H+ à Mn+2 + 2H2O 400-­‐200 mV vs. Eh Fe(OH)3 + e-­‐ + 3H+ à Fe+2 + 3H2O 300-­‐100 mV vs. Eh SO4= + 8e-­‐ + 10H+ à H2S + 4H2O 0.0 -­‐ -­‐150 mV vs. Eh

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ORP In oxidative conditions, positive ORP levels (above 0 mV), the higher the ORP level, the higher ability the water has to destroy foreign contaminants such as microbes, or carbon based contaminants

ORP Level (mV)



No practical use




Cooling Towers


Swimming pools


Hot Tubs


Water Disinfection


Water Sterilization

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I do like Oxidized soil!!!

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I don’t like Reduced soil!!!!

The Nitrogen Cycle: • In contrast to carbon, elements

such as nitrogen, sulfur, and iron are taken up in the form of mineral salts and cycle oxidoreductively.

• These element cycles are referred to as the mineral cycles.

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Air# Water#



Bacteria# Blue-green#algae#




Phytoplankton# Macrophytes#

NO2-# NH4+#

Assimilation# Excretion#

Urea# Ammonification# © 2011 Blue Aqua International All Rights Reserved

Animal## Zooplankton# Death#


Organic#matter# in#decomposition#




Oxidation Reactions of Nitrifying Bacteria

Oxidation Reaction

Genus Responsible for the Oxidation Reaction

NH+4 +1.5O2

NO-2 + H2O 2H+


NO-2 + 0.5O2



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Comparison of Carbon and Energy Substrates for Organotrophs and Nitrifying Bacteria

Carbon/Energy Substrate


Nitrifying Bacteria

Carbon source

Organic wastes

CO2 as alkalinity

Carbon source removal

Decrease cBOD

Decreases alkalinity/pH

Energy source

Organic wastes

NH+4 and NO-2

Energy source removal

Decreases cBOD

Decreases nBOD

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ORP levels determine natural productivity and benthos biodiversity Negative ORP

anaerobic conditions (fermentation)

Positive ORP

aerobic conditions (respiration)

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Oxygen Requirement FCR

KG O2/Kg Feed













Assumptions: Feed is 45% C and 5% N; shrimp are 11% C and 2.86% N.

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Feed used and feed BOD for 5,000 kg shrimp/ha/yr at various FCRs. FCR

Feed used (kg/ha/yr)

BOD (kg O2/ha/yr)



















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Estimated Aeration Requirement for Maintaining minimum 3 ppm DO Maximum Daily Feeding Rate (kg/ha)

Aeration Requirement (KW/ha)

Maximum Daily Feeding Rate (Kg/ha)

Aeration Requirment (KW/ha)





















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Pond Management

Aeration Management

Aerator depth in the water

Optimal depth of 2’’

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Low deep only creates water splash and no current

Pond Management

Aeration Management

Engine set-up and performance 67.3%

E Energy 100%

Electric Motor 
 (1450 RPM)

Pulley, Belt, and Gear

Lose Energy at Motor 32.7%

 38.4% Shaft System

Lose Energy at Pulley and Gear 28.9%

Lose Energy at Shaft 6.2%

Fast rpm also creates water splash and no current, 80-120 rpm recommended. © 2012 Blue Aqua International All Rights Reserved



Motor-shaft union reduces energy loses

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Fence and bird net are biosecurity barriers that prevent from invasion of disease-carrying organisms such as birds, snails, reptiles or other fish. Š 2012 Blue Aqua International All Rights Reserved


Feeding area is the most transited area in the pond surroundings and it is necessary to increase the preventive measures because of the transit itself and feed management. Š 2012 Blue Aqua International All Rights Reserved

Carrying Capacity Carrying capacity is defined as the measure of the number of individuals of any species that a particular environment can support. Density or

Environmental Resistance Carrying Capacity

Biological Potential

Stabilized Population Limit


In other words it refers to the maximum number of individuals that the environment can sustain. Time

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Increasing Carrying Capacity

• Reduce organic matter load in the pond • Probiotic • Remove load • Control feed • Control phytoplankton bloom • Improve mineral content and balance © 2011 Blue Aqua International All Rights Reserved


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Environmental modulation pH

C:N ratio



Nutrients N:P ratio

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Probiotic application

Natural food (Phytoplankton , Zooplankton and Benthos)

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Microorganisms classification in a shrimp pond •

Autotrophy • Photoautotrophy: •

energy from light (phytoplankton)

Chemoautotrophy: energy from inorganic chemical reactions (nitrifying bacteria)

Heterotrophy: organic carbon as energy source (heterotrophic bacteria, or probiotic)

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Microorganisms classification in a shrimp pond Heterotroph

Shrimp Phytoplankton, Zooplankton Bacterial Communities (Probiotics or Pathogens) Fish and feed waste, Dead Phytoplankton Š 2012 Blue Aqua International All Rights Reserved

Autotroph/ Heterotroph

Autotroph/ Heterotroph

Pond and water development in shrimp farming Autotrophic microorganisms predominance

Pond preparation Mineral application (N:P ratio) Initial culture with low feed application

Inorganic matter

Stocking Harvest Š 2012 Blue Aqua International All Rights Reserved

Š 2012 Blue Aqua International All Rights Reserved

Pond and water development in shrimp farming Organic matter build up Probiotic application (C:N ratio) Heterotrophic microorganisms predominance

Mid- and late-culture

Organic matter

Stocking Harvest Š 2012 Blue Aqua International All Rights Reserved

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Phytoplankton (N:P)

Bacteria (C:N)

Inorganic matter

Phytoplankton phase Phytoplanktonprobiotic phase Š 2012 Blue Aqua International All Rights Reserved

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Organic matter

Probiotic phase

Pond preparation based on pH stabilization, disinfection and bioavailable mineral supply. Abundant natural food basis, green algae and diatoms, obtained through N:P ratio modulation. Water and pond bottom stabilization for PL stocking with no stress induction.

Phytoplankton (N:P)

Bacteria (C:N)

Phytoplankton phase Š 2012 Blue Aqua International All Rights Reserved

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Gradual organic matter accumulation due to feeding is decomposed by aerobic and facultative anaerobic bacteria.

Phytoplankton (N:P)

Bacteria (C:N)

Probiotic application rate increase to break down excess organic matter and avoid a n a e r o b i c / H2S conditions. Prevention of excessive phytoplankton bloom and die-off. Š 2012 Blue Aqua International All Rights Reserved

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Phytoplankton-probiotic phase

N i t r i f i c a t i o n enhancement to reduce toxic effects of n i t r o g e n o u s compounds, facilitated by a high ORP of +100 and +350 mV.

Phytoplankton (N:P)

Bacteria (C:N)

Suppression of pathogenic bacteria.

Phytoplankton-probiotic phase Š 2012 Blue Aqua International All Rights Reserved

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Less phytoplankton in water, heterotrophic bacteria and nitrifying bacteria promoted to ensure stable water quality.

Phytoplankton (N:P)

Bacteria (C:N)

High organic load and bacterial activity. Elevated toxic nitrogenous compounds require a high rate of ammonification and nitrification. Š 2012 Blue Aqua International All Rights Reserved

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Probiotic phase


es a h p c 2 o i b o Pr

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Phyto plank tonprobi o2c-p hase-

A D V A N C SYST E M D © 2012 Blue Aqua International All Rights Reserved

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The Advanced System

BLUE AQUA’S ORIGINAL INNOVATION © 2012 Blue Aqua International All Rights Reserved

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Blue Aqua

Mobile Application

Contact us: Dr. Farshad Shishehchian www.blueaquaint.com farshad.shishehchian@blueaquaint.com facebook: Blueaqua Int https://www.youtube.com/user/BlueAquaInt Š 2013 2012 Blue Aqua International All Rights Reserved

Thank You Blue Aqua International

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