2013 Letters to Santa Dear Santa, What have you been doing? How are your elves? For Christmas, I want an XBOX ONE. Please bring my dad a new bike and my mom a new sponge. My sister would like a doll. Love, Adam N. Dear Santa, I would like a remote control jet for Christmas. I also want a Wii, some Skylanders, and a Megatron sword. Love, Jett S.
Logan Newto n sh with Santa (2 aring a laugh 011)
Dear Santa, I want a Barbie and a pony for Christmas. My mom would like a Mickey Mouse doll. Please bring my dad a playstation. Your reindeer are cute. Love, Jadyn W. Dear Santa, For Christmas, I would like a 3-DS, a dog, a cat, and a box of gingerbread so we can make gingerbread cookies. My dad needs some new guns for his job and my mom would like some make-up. How do your reindeer fly? Love, Jaxx
(2009) Macey and Logan Newton
Dear Santa, Please bring me a doll and a play car. I would also like a footbath. My mom wants a new bed, some new pants, and a new refrigerator. Thanks for talking to me on the phone when I called you! Love, Reagan Dear Santa, I would like a toy car, toy dog, and a DS for Christmas. Please bring some gingerbread cookies for my family to eat. Will you bring us a pet bunny? I think the North Pole is awesome! Love, Lorena A. Dear Santa, I want a kitty cat or a baby bunny for Christmas. I would also like an airplane, an Ipod, or an XBOX ONE. I like your reindeer and elves. Love, Ryken B.
Shirley, Pam, and Bo bby Wilson
Dear Santa, Please bring me a dog for Christmas. How do your reindeer fly and pull your sled? Love, Heaven Dear Santa, I want an XBOX ONE for Christmas. My sister would like a doll. I would also like a slinky so I can use it to help me stretch out my words when I am writing. I like your elves. Love, Brendan Dear Santa, I love you. I have a present for you – I will put it under my Christmas tree so you can pick it up when you come. I would like some toy animals from the African Savannah. It would be cool to get a train that goes around the African Savannah. My dad needs a new pair of glasses and my mom likes chocolate bars. Love, Lucas
ilson Pam & Shirley W
Dear Santa, I want a gingerbread man cookie, a Barbie Dream House, a ball, and some books. I would like you to bring my mommy a new blue ring and a new gray watch for my daddy. I like you and Mrs. Claus. Love, Avery Dear Santa, I love you, because you are nice. Thank you for giving presents to people. Please bring me some Monster High dolls. Love, Aysha B.
Gracie, Lane & Stella
Parents are Darre n & Amy Mead of El Dorad Grandparents are Jack & Skip Mead, o Springs, MO Nevada, MO
Dear Santa, For Christmas, I would like you to bring me a bear I can sleep with. I would also like lip gloss, make-up, a doll, and a basketball. Please bring my mom some perfume and a hat for my dad. My brother would like a ball. I like your Santa hat and your sleigh. Love, Emma N. Dear Santa, I like you and your reindeer! I would like a DS, a footbath, and a new Barbie doll for Christmas. Please bring my dad a new computer and a phone. I think my mom would like a costume. Our family also needs a new Christmas tree. Love, Emma Y.
Katie & Kylie Mead
Parents are Doug & Jen Mead of Lee’s Summit, MO Grandparents are Jack & Skip Mead, Nevada, MO
Sweetest Wishes!
Dear Santa, I love you because you bring me presents! Thank you for that helicopter you brought me one time. Please bring me a remote control race car and another helicopter. I want to see your reindeer – I wish I could pet them. I like your seat – I wish I could ride with you. Love, Adam D.
Dear Santa, I miss you! I want Mario Brothers toys for Christmas. My sister likes Cinderella. I really like the North Pole. Love, Bradley Dear Santa, How are you and your reindeer? I would like a toy Power Ranger and some books for Christmas. My brother would like Legos. Love, Dominic Z.
Dear Santa, I want a toy dragon for Christmas and a Stuffies – it will help me keep my room clean. I would also like to have a sleigh like yours! Love, Carter P. Dear Santa, I want some new cars and a toy sailboat for Christmas. I think your elves are cool because they make toys. Love, Caden R. Dear Santa, I want you to bring me a Dora doll. Please bring my dad new clothes and my mom some make-up. Love, Lexi C. Dear Santa, I love you! I say my prayers at bedtime. I want a truck for Christmas. Love, Tyler P. Dear Santa, Can I please have a cool dirt bike this color (orange)? And a good game table with hockey, pool, with pool sticks and balls, and foose ball, ping pong, and a new Wii, please? New 3DS games and Legends of Chima, Legos , some football gloves and some new power for my shelf elf, please. An air soft gun, please? I know it is a lot, but please, Santa Claus? Please? Thank you. If you give me a dirt bike, like this on my front porch. Your Friend, Jack Dear Santa, Can you please give me an iPod for Christmas? No one will give me an iPod and I really want to have an iPod. Your Friend, Faith
Dear Santa, Can I have a fun horse for Christmas? Your Friend, Athena Dear Santa, Can I please have a dirt bike? I love you. I have been very, very good at first grade. You are good. Your Friend, Montgomery Dear Santa, I hope you get me a fairy Barbie Doll this year and the best Chrstmas ever and I really want a lot of presents this year. Your Friend, BreAnna Dear Santa, This is a reminder if Buddy can please come to my home when Gavin comes to my home on vacation, please. I am going to tell you what I want for Chrstmas. I want a phone, a cool sleigh, a cool reindeer that flies, a cool Barbie, a Barbie Life in the Dream House and school stuff and a lot of folders and cool iPad and one of those cool things that you blow up and it is an animal and also a cool iPod and my one tooth and a picture of you and your elves and reindeer. Your friend, Cadence Dear Santa, Can I have a toy because if you do not get me a toy I will only have one. I want like a lap top very much. I am gonna have lots of clothes. I want a toy car because I never have a toy car. I want a dirt bike because it is fun. I have been a good girl. I have a sister and a borther. They are nice. I have friends. That is Cadence and Faith and Hope and BreAnna. I want a Glow Pet and Santa what I have to have my birthday on Saturday. Your friend, Alyssa Dear Santa, I would want to have a toy that is awesome for me. I would clean for my mom. Do you know that? I do. Ok, Santa. What ever you give to me. Your friend, Kaytlin Dear Santa, Can you please find a blue dirt bike for me and a John Deere toy combine and a blue shelf elf? Your friend, Wyatt
Dear Santa, I want a bow and arrow, crazy bad! And another puppy and a new track and an American Doll, so bad, the big dolls, and a crazy picture of you. I love Santa! Your friend, Brynn
Dear Santa, I have been good. I want an iPod and a helicopter toy. I want a football game and a Batman game. I will leave a donut for you. Your Friend, Conner
Dear Santa, I want a Star Wars toy that you can turn into a Darth Vader. It is cool. And don’t forget, Woody. How do you eat all the childrens’ cookies? How? Your Friend, Colton
Dear Santa Claus, How are your reindeer? I would like Lego friends, an iPod touch, and Miss Me Jeans. These are all of the things I would like for Christmas. You are a nice man. Your friend, Mallarie Y.
Dear Santa, You are the very best. For Christmas I want a scooter and some stuffed animals. Your Friend, Delainey Dear Santa, May I please have a dirt bike, toys, and I really want a 5900695 horse power four wheeler, and a remote control helicopter. How old are you? Your Friend, Geoffrey Dear Santa, I want a toy robot T-Rex. I want a toy cariboo. How much old are you? Your Friend, Avery Dear Santa, I want that little fun block thing what has 11 jewels in it and what comes with a wooden hammer and nail. I want that block what Gracie has. Your Friend, Hope Dear Santa, I would really like a remote control helicopter and a laptop. How are you? Your Friend, Logan Dear Santa, I like Barbie toys and Barbie houses. I like a puppy too. I love puppies. Your Friend, Jasmine Dear Santa, I want a silly dirt bike, Santa. Please! You watch every boy and girl. What do you do? Your Friend, J.D. Dear Santa, I want a funny picture of you and your elf, please and a baby American Doll. I love Christmas! I love you and a Santa Claus coat for my baby dog and a picture of just you. Your Friend, Aubrey Dear Santa, I want a fun trampoline and I want some fun ice skates and I want a fun dirt bike for Christmas. Can you get me all of them pretty, please, Santa? O.K., Santa? Your Friend, Abigale
Dear Santa, How are you? I would love to have an iPhone 5s please. Also I would like to get lots of girl Legos and a Despicable Me Fart Blaster. I hope Mrs. Clause will bake you yummy cookies for your flight! See you next year, Olivia S. Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus? I’ve been a very good girl. May I have a laptop, a new nook, and a black lab like Rebel. I hope you have a good trip! Your friend, Chloe H. Dear Mr. Clause, How are you? This year I would like a sheep so I can ride it. I would also like Dork Diary Books so I can read them. I love to read. Last, I would like some bows so I can wear them. Merry Christmas! Love, Maci Y. Dear Santa, How are you? I would like an iPad, 2 horses and puzzles. I will put the puzzles together. I hope you have a Merry Christmas. Love, Emily L. Dear Santa, How are you? How is weather? I love you Santa. I would like a b.b gun, a nintendo ds that is green, and a remote-control helicopter. Love, Issac J. Dear Santa, How are your elves? Is Mrs. Claus ok? How are your reindeer doing? Are you coming to town tonight? I would like if you could bring me Legos, a red Nintendo ds, and nun chucks for Christmas. I love you, Terrill D. Dear Santa, How are your reindeer? These are some of the things I would like for Christmas; I want a tablet and for Ethan to come home from overseas. I hope Mrs. Claus makes cookies for your flight. Sincerely, Bobby G.
Dear Santa, How are your reindeer? I would like monster high dolls, a stuffed pony and a stuffed zebra. I love you Santa! Thank you for all you do, Emily P. Dear Santa, What are you bringing me for Christmas? I would like an EZ bake oven, My Little Pony, and a Blizzard maker for Christmas. Santa you are the nicest person in the world. Your friend, Jesse M. Dear Santa Claus, How do you get all around the world in one night? I would like a Zoomer dog, a laptop and minecraft for my laptop. You are a nice guy. Love, Bryson J. Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Claus? Is she coming with you? I would like an iPhone 5s. I would also like a dirt bike. I would love a Golden Retriever puppy. Is Rudolph coming with you? Love, Tanner W. Dear Santa Claus , Are you ready for Christmas ? I would like a little laptop, ez bake oven, and ds games .Have a Merry Christmas! Sincerely, Mazie B. Dear Santa, How are your reindeer?For Christmas, I would like My Little Pony Princess Twilight Sparkle talking pony. I would also like the My Little Pony Favorites Pack 2013, and the My Little Pony Royal Ball at canterlot castle playset. You are amazing Santa! Sincerely, Trinity H. Dear Santa Claus, Are you coming to bring me some presents on Christmas eve? How’s the weather up there Santa? Is it going to snow on Christmas Eve? I would like a Xbox, a Nintendo 3D-S (black) and some Lego guys. If I had a Xbox I would play it on the weekends. If I had a Nintendo 3d-s (black) I would take it on car trips and field trips. If I had Lego guys I would play with them all day. You’re a good man. Love, Austin A. Dear Santa, How do your reindeer fly? May I have a glow-in-the-dark Rainbow Dash, a pink Barbie shopping cart, and a Barbie Dream House? I like you a lot Santa Clause! Love, Bethany B. Dear Santa, How do you do it all in one night? I would like an xbox 360, Nintendo DS 3, and a Wii. I love you Santa. Love, George H. Dear Santa, I would like the full version of Minecraft, a BB gun, and a iPhone. How are you reindeer? I hope you have some cookies. Your friend, Malakai O.
Dear Santa, How are the elves? I would like a monster high maker for Christmas and a D.S. for Christmas. Can I have a diary that my sister has to get your passwords? I will leave you cookies and milk. Your friend, Erica Dear Santa, How are you? I would like a hamster for Christmas. Also I would like a laptop. I will leave you milk and cookies. Your friend, Graham Dear Santa, I hope you have a good Christmas. I would like a computer for me. I also want a X Box 360. And a lot of Legos. I will leave you milk and cookies. Your friend, Bodie Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? I would like a D.S. for Christmas. Also, I would like a 2013 Holday Barbie. How are you doing? Your friend, Jacey Dear Santa, How are the reindeer and how are you? I would like to have a puppy and a new Holiday Barbie for Christmas and a bike. I will leave you cookies and milk. Your friend, Kaylee Dear Santa, How are you doing today? I would like a 2013 Holiday Barbie and a horse. I will leave you some goodies. Your friend, Alyssa Dear Santa, How are the elves? I would like the new lady doll. I would like a new doll. Also I would like an iPhone 5 and I would like a Frozen doll. Thank you, Santa. Your friend, Kadynce Dear Santa, I have been good. Can I please have a laptop and phone? Can Briant have a Play Station? I will leave you milk and coookies. Your Friend, Isabell Dear Santa, I want to know when you are going to bring the presents. Now lets do the presents. I would like a zombie target and an army force gun. Also, I would like a brown arrow and a cat and a pocket knife. How are you doing? Your friend, Preston Dear Santa, I love you. I would like an D.S. and a X-Box How are you? Your friend, Jacob Dear Santa, How are the elves? I would like an iPod. I will leave milk and cookies. Your friend, Brayden
Dear Santa, How are your elves? I love you Santa Clause. Can I have an xbox? Can I have a Total Drama All-Stars? Can I have a 4-wheeler? Love, Robbie F.
Dear Santa, How are the reindeer? Can I have a DS and a BB gun and can I have my drivers liscense? I will leave milk and brownies. Your friend, Ethan
Dear Santa Claus, How are you? I want a laptop. How are your elves? I love Mrs. Claus. Love, Zoey R.
Dear Santa, I will leave you cookies and milk. I would like a Barbie house with an elevator. I want to see your reindeer. Your friend, Brianna
Dear Santa, How are your reindeer doing? For Christmas I would like a 4-wheeler, a dump truck, and an xbox game. Your elves are cute! Love, Dannon D. Dear Santa, I would like a dog for Christmas. I want one that won’t run out in the road. I would like a toy tractor. I also would like a play truck and an Ipod. Thanks! Cort A. Dear Santa, I want a dog for Christmas. I want a black dog. I have been a good boy this year. I will leave cookies for you. Your friend, Vincent Dear Santa, How are you doing? I would like a baby brother. Can I have a D.S. and an X-box please. I would love a PS3 please Santa. Your friend, Jannessa Dear Santa, I want presents for Christmas. I want girl toys. I have not been so good this year. I will try to be good. I love you Santa. Your friend, Tamera Dear Santa, How are you Santa? I would want a D.S. and some BBs. How are the reindeer? Bye. Your friend, Kason
Dear Santa, How is Rudolph? Can I please have the new Jurassic Park Dino Showdown Hasbro toy? Please bring treats for the puggies. Love, Barrett Dear Santa, I would like a DS and some Sonic figures, please. I love you, Santa! Love, Dante Dear Santa, I will like to have Buzz. A real one, please. I will be good. Your friend, Kameran Dear Santa, I would like a battery operated 4-wheeler. What do your reindeer eat? Love, Alex W. Dear Santa, I want a baby doll. What color are your elves hats? Love, Alexis C. Dear Santa, I want a silly doll. Thank you for bringing our presents. Love, Alyssa M. Dear Santa, I want a real guitar and makeup. I love you!! Love, Bailey C.
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