Newsletter - 11/05/2012

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11th May 2012

Dear Parents/Carers, We continue to provide as much support as possible for our students during this important exam period. Following the success of a Year 11 Revision techniques day in early January, the school agreed to provide the same for our Year 10 students. Eventually all our students will have had revision technique training with they will find invaluable as they sit their exams. Please continue to look at the website for up to date information regarding the school. Nadine Powrie Headteacher Changes to Lunchtimes during Exam period Please note that the school will have early lunch at 12.25 – 13.00 each day during the GCSE exam period. The timing of the school day will therefore be as follows: Tutor Period 08.40 – 09.05 Period 1 09.05 – 10.05 Period 2 10.05 – 11.05 Break 11.05 – 11.25 Period 3 11.25 – 12.25 Lunch 12.25 – 13.00 Period 4 13.00 – 14.00 Period 5 14.00 – 15.00 GCSE exams will take place 14th May 2012 to 27th June 2012 inclusive.

Congratulations Kerri Briggs, Year 11 Student who has been involved in a music video with her dance group ‘Synchronize’ and has been filmed by a London News company.

History and Geography Reminder History revision sessions take place every Thursday in A14 for year 11 and in A10 for year 10. The Exam is 12th June. Geography revision sessions are on Thursday for year 11 in A11. The exam is 18th June). Sessions for Year 10 are on Wednesday and their exam is 14th June. Students should be encouraged to attend these additional sessions.

Baroness Visit On Friday, 11th May Year 10 welcomed Baroness O’Cathain to school as part of the Peers in Schools project. The Baroness spent an hour explaining the role of the House of Lords and answering student questions.

Enterprise The school shop will be situated in student services, the opening date TBC. The shop will sell stationary, uniform and photo prints using a state of the art 'edu' printer. A competition for students starting Friday 11th May...can they name the school shop and develop a logo.

School Day Our governing body is exploring a different school day for September 2012. It will consult with parents, staff, local schools and the local authority on our proposal to change the school day/school sessions and will take into account any responses before making their final decision.

Year 10 Revision Day Following the positive feedback from Year 11 students to the Revision Day we held for them the school asked the same company to return to provide the same sessions for our Year 10 students. All sessions took place in the school hall and were presented by Karim al Abbas of Enlighten Education.

11th May 2012


Anna McArdle - MacMillan Cancer Research Anna is a Year 11 student who this year will be hiking the North Pennine Way in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. If you wish to make a donation to support Anna in this quest please go to Students of the week Year 7: Rachel Eveleigh for a vast improvement in her attitude to learning over the last 2 months. Year 8: Toby Roe for all the amazing extra-curricular activities he does and for coming 10th in the county for his athletics. Year 9: Jack Crawford for being a good buddy to a new student in year 9. Year 10: Louis Crook in 10A for winning the Maths challenge in April. Year 11: Dan Bailey, Tony Boodhram , Andy King, Jake Cushing and Michael McConnell for running an excellent staff circuit session after school. Nominated by Mr Collins. Student Aspirations Year 7: Yasmine Millard has a real desire to become either a day care person or a foster carer looking after young children. One of her friends was put into foster care and she knows how important it is to be in a place where people carre for you. Yasmine knows she needs to get good grades in a lot of subjects and get an all round good education. She also knows that the school can help a lot by getting her the good grades she needs. Year 8: Francis Guzman would like to be a train designer. He knows that in order to achieve this he must do well in maths, science and technology. He is unsure of what he needs to do in terms of options for college, to help him to achieve this - but has chosen a range of GCSE options such as engineering/product design to help him track this. Year 9: Ralfs Circenis wants a job as an estate agent as he thinks it would be interesting seeing inside other people’s houses. He’d especially like to sell expensive houses and make lots of money doing so. He knows he needs 5A* - C grades especially in Maths and English. He will go to college and possibly do a course in business. Year 10: Craig Toomer would like to become a scientist but is unsure which field he wants to go to. However, to achieve this he realises that he will need to follow on from his studies her and go on to college and University, so he will continue to work hard to ensure that this happens. Year 11: Anna Wiley has ambitions to be a Lawyer. To achieve this she is aware that she needs to obtain good grades at school and the good grades at college. Anna will then attend University to study law.

Governor News (Liz Webb, Chair of Governors) The Governing Body would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr Wilfred Phillips for his service to the school during his time with us as a governor. Mr Phillips term of office ends in July. Governors terms of office are 4 years and Mr Phillips has been with us for 8 Years. During his time with the school he has held the post of both Vice-Chair and Chair of the Finance Committee. We wish him well for the future.

Important Dates for your diary Saturday, 12th May 2012

Year 9 and 10 French Revision Session

Saturday, 26th May 2012

Year 11 English Revision Session

Friday, 1st June 2012

Last day before Half Term Break: (Non-Uniform day for Brain Tumour Research)

Monday, 11th June 2012

Students Return to school

Saturday, 9th June 2012

Maths Revision Year 11

Sunday, 10th June 2012

Maths Revision Year 11 Headteacher Address Email Website Telephone

Nadine Powrie MA ED St Anne’s Grove, Fareham, Hampshire, PO14 1JJ 01329 318003

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