Newsletter - 12/10/2012

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Newsletter Friday, 12th October 2012 Dear Parent, Carer Students and staff have excelled themselves this week during the school Enterprise Week. There are obviously some talented and budding entrepreneurs at Neville Lovett Community School. Break, lunch and after school have seen activities throughout the school from cake sales to games on the Wii and I have, today, spotted several students sporting some very fetching moustaches! Mr Butterworth, Assistant Headteacher, will be providing a full report on all the activities in next week’s newsletter along with the total amount of money raised for our adopted charity, Brain Tumour Research. To date, we have raised an impressive £1,180.59. Our target is £2,740, which will fund a day of research at Portsmouth University. Thank you to all who have supported this exciting new initiative. Nadine Powrie Headteacher Supporting our Students in achieving the best The school are providing a number of additional support sessions for students including Maths Revision Workshops and First Aid training. If you receive a letter regarding any of these, please ensure that the reply slips are returned to the school promptly. Updating Data Please remember that if you change your contact or address details, including email address, the school will need to receive this in writing before we can action any changes. We communicate increasingly via email and text and therefore it is imperative that we have the correct details on our systems. Thank you for your assistance. Year 9 Coffee Afternoon for Parents with Senior Leadership Team There are still a few spaces available for parents to attend the Senior Leadership coffee afternoon on Thursday, 18th October 2012 at 4.00 pm. Please let Mrs Whale know, via email, if you will be attending This is an excellent way for us to share our vision for the school with parents and to listen to your views, which are always important to us. Extra-Curricular Activities When the bell goes at the end of the formal school day, the school holds some excellent extra-curricular activities which are provided without charge. For example, on Wednesday this week there was Art Club, STEM (Science) Club and Homework Club all in action. Students in Science commented: "It is totally epic and everyone should come!" Harrison, Year 7 . "A really good opportunity to learn & enjoy", Ethan, Year 8. STEM is run every Wednesday from 2.30pm - 3.30pm by Mr Snoswell and Mr Herington in B3.... Come along if you are interested in science, technology, engineering or maths and are in years 7,8 or 9.

Newsletter Friday, 12th October 2012 Governors News As a governing body we are always keen to work with other groups within our cluster. We are inviting members of the governing bodies at Ranvilles, Redlands, Wallisdean and St Judes to join us for a training session on 12th November 2012. Elizabeth Webb Chair of Governors Year 11 Learning styles assembly (10th October 2012): This was held by the learning and teaching team who gave an interactive assembly to help year 11 students work out how they can be revising and learning more successfully at this important stage in their school lives. The students learnt how we are all different and just reading notes and text books is not necessarily an effective way of revising and sustaining progress! The QR code takes you to a great website for hints and tips on revision techniques based on a variety of learning styles.

Thank you to all the Year 11 students who booked careers appointments at Year 11 Parent’s Evening. It was a real pleasure to meet you and your parents/carers. The evening was very positive and I was able to help with a number of enquiries relating to college and apprenticeship options. I look forward to meeting you for your careers interviews in the next couple of weeks. Please check with your tutor or Mr Butterworth who will be able to confirm when your appointment will be. I will be in school every Tuesday and Thursday till the end of December. To book an appointment drop in and see me during break, lunchtime or after school in the Careers Room (Room opposite A6). You can also contact me on my work email: I can help you with information, advice and guidance (IAG) on:       

Post 16 Options – College, 6th Form, an apprenticeship or work with training. Higher Education and Post 18 Options. Putting together a CV, interview tips and job search. Finding out what career or job you would like to do. Higher Education and Post 18 Options. Putting together a CV, interview tips and job search. Finding out what career or job you would like to do

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY 16th October 2012 Governors Personnel Committee Meeting 18th October 2012 Year 9 Coffee afternoon with Senior Leadership Team from 4.00 pm to 5 pm 26th October 2012 Inset Day First Aid Training for students studying CCLD 9.00 am to 1.00 pm 26th October 2012 Students depart for Chateau Beaumont 30th October 2012 Students return from Chateau Beaumont 5th November 2012 Inset Day Headteacher Nadine Powrie MA ED Address St Anne’s Grove, Fareham, Hampshire, PO14 1JJ Email Website Telephone 01329 318003

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