13th January 2012
Dear Parents/Carers, I would like to congratulate the Maths and Science Departments for the results on the early entries and modular exams. The students were congratulated in a special assembly and pizzas were provided as a reward. We are taking a group of Year 11 Science Students to Trinity College, Oxford for an intensive revision day on 19 January 2012. A tour of the facilities has also been arranged. As you can see, we are continuing our strive to become an outstanding school. Nadine Powrie Headteacher Important Information: Celebrating our results for early entries in Maths and modular results in Science Maths: early entries’ results put us on 58% A*-C, a in increase of 10% as we were on 48% at this time last year. August results were 71.3% which was an increase of 22.3% between November and the Summer. If we follow the same trend (and we will), then we hope to be on 80% for Maths when the August results are published. We could even get 83% looking at the potential. Science: we are pleased to say that we have improved by 15% (from 40% to 55%) for Year 11 and 20% (from 20% to 41%) for Year 10. We are hoping to hit 67% in the summer with our Year 11 on 2 A*-C in Science which would put us above national average. These results keep us on course to achieve the school targets, 100% 5A*-C and 70% 5A*-C including English and Maths. A huge thank you to all those who contributed to these results and congratulations to the students! Year 8 Options Choices Key dates: The deadline for year 8 options choices is approaching, please remember these key dates: Thursday 15th March: Year 8 Options Assembly, students will receive information booklet and options form Friday 16th March: Year 8 Parents Evening Wednesday 23rd March: Year 8 Options Fayre all non core subjects and Head of Year Wednesday 30th March: Deadline for option forms returned to MISTeam via your form tutor The Neville Lovett Community School 2012 Olympic Challenge With London 2012 fast approaching the Neville Lovett Olympic challenge has been designed as our school legacy for the games. Students and staff will compete head to head in a race against time to earn all five Olympic badges by July 1st 2012. The aim of the challenge is for students and staff to complete 2012 minutes of extra-curricular activity across the whole school. Badges will be awarded at a series of milestones and these will be received in assemblies by students and staff. The milestones are: 600 min-blue badge, 900 min-yellow badge, 1200 min-black badge, 1800 mingreen badge, 2012 min or above-red badge. In order for students to complete the challenge they will need to commit to at least two hours a week of extra curricular/lunchtime activity. Students and staff have the opportunity to attend a variety of enrichment programmes at Neville Lovett both after school and at lunchtimes, the enrichment programme can be viewed via the school website. Students will be given the opportunity to track their progress each week on a tutor score board, on a board in the reception and on the school website. We have also applied for Olympic/Paralympic tickets through the Get Set Network, if we are successful and receive 30 tickets the first 30 students to complete the challenge will be given the opportunity to go and watch the event. We will also be challenging students to earn all seven Olympic/Paralympic values reward cards. These rewards can be earned in any lesson when a student or group of students consistently promote a particular value. The seven Olympic/ Paralympic values are: friendship, excellence, respect, courage, determination, inspiration and equality. These values will be displayed in all classrooms and there will be a focus on each value over a set period of time.
13th January 2012
Newsletter This Week’s Events:
Parents Teacher Association The first meeting took place On Tuesday, 10 January 2012. Michele Gattrell has kindly offered to stand as Chair with Jo Lewis as Vice-Chair. We need to appoint a Secretary and FiTreasurer. Please contact Helen Whale at the office if you would like to take on one of these important roles. A number of excellent ideas were suggested and further details will follows.
Students of the week Year 7: Tyler Hayward, coming back from a difficult previous term, and working in a positive and enthusiastic manner whilst managing his behaviour. Year 8: Congratulations to the following students who achieved 100% attendance last term: Aaron Blay, Shay Cook, Bradley Green, Ellis Gregory, Finley Hoskins, Courtney Lewis, Joshua Maginnis, Louise Noonan, Jacob Pilley, Owen Piper, Eleanor Price, Daniel Regnard, Roe Toby, Kevin Scaria, Rachel Stansfield, Lewis Stocks, Samantha Sturdey, Benjamin White, Emily Winter, Megan Wolfe. Year 9: Lauren Conway for her efforts in the cross country championship. Well done Lauren you are setting a great example to our younger athletes. Year 10: Jake Osborne for helping another, younger, student Year 11: Callum McInally, who has been selected for the Hampshire Under 16 Hockey squad and will start training with them at the end of the month.
January 2012 Mon
Sun 1
3 Inset Day
4 First day of
6 Headteacher’s
18 Chemistry 19 Yr. 10 EBP Parents 20 Info Session on work 1F 1H experience
10 English 2H 11
17 History— International relations
Coffee Afternoon 2012 from 4 pm to
12 Biology 1F 1H
Science focus day 23 History— Germany
24 Geography 25 Biology 1h 1F
26 Chemistry 2F 2H 3H
30 Physics 1H 31 2F 2H 3F 3H *The dates in green are the Year 11 January Exam Dates. Headteacher Nadine Powrie MA ED Address St Anne’s Grove, Fareham, Hampshire, PO14 1JJ Email Website Telephone 01329 318003