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Newsletter Friday, 14th September 2012 Dear Parent, Carer We have been delighted to welcome so many parents this week to our Open Week and Open Evening. Feedback from parents and their children has been excellent and we look forward to seeing the children at our taster and transition weeks next year. Mr Butterworth, Assistant Headteacher will be visiting all our primary schools to ensure a smooth transition by working closely with staff and pupils. In the newsletter last week I reported that French TV Station (TF1) visited the school, following our excellent exam results in the summer, and to see our 3R’s of Respect, Resilience and Responsibility. The broadcast is now available for you to view on the school website under media gallery/television. Students have settled well into the new school year and our new members of staff are already contributing to maintaining our rapid and sustained progress to provide the best education for your children. Parents should be aware that we are continuing to update our school website, which is a rich source of information. In response to parent feedback we are pleased to inform you that there is now a homework timetable under the parents section of the website so you can keep track of your child’s homework. The school website address is Nadine Powrie Headteacher E Portal Logins Thank you to all parents who have returned their completed data checking sheets. It is very important that we are notified of any changes to phone numbers, emails or addresses as soon as possible so that we can continue to communicate effectively with parents. New Parental Login information will be sent to you via email once all the revisions have been made to our system. Thank you for your assistance. Mr A Payne, Head of Management Information Systems (MIS) MFL NEWS Year 11 French Controlled assessments will take place as follows: Writing: 4th October 2012 Writing: 13th November 2012 Speaking: 5th December 2012 Château Beaumont: this trip will take place from Friday, 26th to Tuesday, 30th October 2012. The deadline for payment is 20th September 2012 and a letter with further details will be sent to parents of those participating on 24th September 2012. Miss Ameaux, Head of Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) Open Evening On Thursday, 13th September 2012 we held our Open Evening. Parents attended from many primary schools in the area including, Ranvilles, Redlands, Wallisdean, St Judes, Orchard Lea, Titchfield and Locks Heath. Mrs Lowe, Assistant Headteacher, English Department, arranged a Shakespearean performance for the evening involving Year 11 students who produced re-enactments of their own interpretations of various scenes from Shakespeare’s plays. The performance was very popular and a transfer to the West End may follow! Mrs Lowe is pictured right with the rest of the cast.

***IMPORTANT UPDATE *** Inset days. The school Inset days have been changed slightly from those provided in last terms newsletter. Please amend your diaries accordingly. The revised dates are: Monday, 3rd September 2012 Monday, 22nd July 2013 Friday, 26th October 2012 Tuesday, 23rd July 2013 Monday, 5th November 2012

Newsletter Friday, 14th September 2012 SCHOOL NEWS Congratulations! Anna McArdle, former Year 11 student, successfully completed a 100 mile hike to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Research, raising over £500. If you wish to make a donation please contact Well done Anna and congratulations on this achievement. Prison, me, No way! This Yorkshire based group travel the country visiting schools as part of the PSHE curriculum to explain to students what can be the consequences of their actions. Year 8 students found the event to be informative and enjoyed the role play activities which were involved. Fareham College Fareham College have launched their new website which can be found at The site contains useful information for parents and students regarding the opportunities available to them as well as dates of Open Evenings.

Year 10 Work Experience Event If you are a year 10 parent please attend the work experience registration event in the school hall at 5.30pm with your son/ daughter. On this day your son/daughter will be able to register for work experience. We are offering this before any other school in Hampshire so they have a better chance of getting their first placement choice. We have started a contract to work with the Education Business Partnership to provide our students with careers advice over the next few years. Our onsite careers advisor is Eleanor Cameron who is vastly experienced in this field. Mr Butterworth is overseeing the work EBP will be doing with our students. Eleanor will be in school on Tuesdays and Thursdays and will be based in Mr Edwards old office opposite A6. She will be starting interviews of year 11 students commencing Tuesday 18th September. This is her email if you need to contact her regarding a student please copy Neil Edwards, Andrew Campbell and Mr Butterworth into all your correspondence.

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY 20th September 2012 20th September 2012 20th September 2012 24th September 2012

Château Beaumont Payments due today Year 10 Work Experience Event school hall (5.30 pm) Year 11 Bring a Parent to Science Evening Letters home re Château Beaumont trip

Headteacher Address Email Website Telephone

Nadine Powrie MA ED St Anne’s Grove, Fareham, Hampshire, PO14 1JJ 01329 318003

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