Newsletter Friday, 17th May 2013 Dear Parent/Carer The exam season has now started in earnest and there continue to be daily revision sessions to support the exam preparation of our students. We will keep you up to date of revision sessions during the half term break via the newsletter. It was with pleasure that a letter was sent this week confirming that there will be a Year 11 Leavers assembly on Wednesday, 12th June 2013 at 11.15 am. The student’s leavers hoodies look great and it is lovely to see them being worn around the school with such pride. I promised to keep you up to date with the work on the refurbishment of the DT Rooms. You will see from the pictures that the old equipment has now been removed and structural work is now being completed. We are on target with the schedule of the work. This will be a fabulous learning environment for Product Design. Nadine Powrie Headteacher Award Nomination for Student Congratulations to Sophie Sillence, Year 9, who has been invited to attend an award ceremony at Ferneham Hall. Sophie has been nominated for the ‘Outstanding Technical Skills Award’, for which she has been shortlisted, and also for the ‘Young Student of the Year Award’. The school would like to congratulate Sophie on these nominations. Geography Field Trip There will be field trips next week for Year 10 Geography students. Letters home have been sent via pupil post. Please return the completed forms to Miss Allbut by Monday, 20th May 2013. Sturdy footwear is required. Laura Allbut, Head of Humanities Year 11 Exam Support Sessions We have arranged the following sessions for targeted Year 11 students. Invitation letters to students have been sent: English:
Wednesday, 29th May 2013 split over two sessions 9 am to 12 noon and 1 pm to 3 pm
Tuesday, 28th May 2013 from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm and 1 pm to 4 pm
Saturday, 8th June 2013 from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm and 1 pm to 4 pm
Year 11 Exam Timetable
Duration of exam
Monday, 20 May 2013
1.30 pm
1 hour
Thursday, 23 May 2013
9.00 am
1 hour
Friday, 24 May 2013
9.00 am
1 hour
Half Term Weekly Attendance: Week Commencing 06.05.13 Mon 06/05 Attendance figure
Tue 07/05 94.34%
Wed 08/05 94.31%
Thurs 09/05 94.30%
Fri 10/05 94.29%
Total 94.31%
Attendance figures are closely monitored each week. Current figures would be considered Outstanding by Ofsted.
Newsletter Friday, 17th May 2013 Governor News The Governor Personnel Committee met on Tuesday, 14th May 2013. The purpose of this extra meeting was to discuss the reconstitution of the governing body. This is a requirement for the Academy and the new governing body will take effect from 1st September 2013. The decision of the committee will be presented formally to the Full Governing Body at their meeting on 21st May 2013 where ratification will be sought. Elizabeth Webb, Chair of Governors PE News On Wednesday, 15th May four year 10 students attended the Gosport and Fareham schools athletics competition. The purpose of the event was to allow our GSCE PE students, who are looking to offer athletics as one of their practical scores, the opportunity to compete against each other. We had a successful afternoon and the results are as follows Josh Roberts
2nd in the 1500m with a time of 5.09.
Jack Stroulger
1st in the triple jump with a jump of 11.48 and 3rd in the 200m with a time of 26.71
Danny Knee
3rd in the long jump with a jump of 5.35 which is a Personal Best
Aaron Smith
5th in the long jump with a jump of 4.78
Josh and Jack will now represent Gosport and Fareham at the County Championships on Saturday June 8th. A great achievement, well done! Chris Collins, Head of PE Students in Print (ÂŁ7.99) The following students submitted stories and poems for inclusion in a school book that has been published by Scholastic: Sophie Ray, Allana Harrison, Amy Ashcroft, Max Ayling, Shannel Brigham, Aaron Buchan, Jordan Conway, Harry Coombs, Ryan Crooks, Abygail Cushing, Shannon Darvill, Charlie Dawkins, James Fryer, Katie Green, Cody Heiford, Grace Henderson, Danielle Hinchley, Lizzie Howell, Daisy Hutchings, Michael Jarwood, Courtney Lewis, Leif Lishman, Bailey Maggs, Laura Mead, Elliot Nash, Amy Pell, Jacob Pilley, Louse Pilley, Daniel Price, Ffion Reidy, Patrick Stafford, Sam Rawlings, Aaron Sawyer, Holly Sillence, Abbie Spratt, Atlanta Starkey, Billy Stephens, Patrick Steward, Fred Street, Robbie Symes, Ross Tinney, Sam Traves, Nathan Unstead, Sophie Watkins, Hadrian Watson, Melody Watson, Chris Whiffin, Lucy Williams, Hollie Woods, Sam Woods
Please order your copies via Miss Richardson in the English Department. Cheques to be made payable to Hampshire County Council. Deadline for orders is Friday, 24th May 2013. Jackie Richardson, 2nd in English
MEASLES - A message from the School Nursing Team The school nursing team have asked us to remind all parents to check that their children have had their 2nd MMR injection. The outbreak of measles in Wales is a reminder of the seriousness of this illness and all parents are recommended to check with their GP that children are fully immunised.
Dates for your Diary 27th May to 31st May 19th June 26th June 19th July
Half Term break Year 9 Parents Evening 4.00 pm to 7.00 pm Year 7 Parents Evening 4.00 pm to 7.00 pm Last Day of Summer Term
Headteacher Address: Website: Telephone Email:
Nadine Powrie MA ED St Anne’s Grove, Fareham, Hampshire, PO14 1JJ 01329 318003