18th May 2012
Dear Parents/Carers, As a result of feedback from staff, students and parents, we have chosen to have a topic each week as a focus to this newsletter. This week Miss Willis, Assistant Headteacher, has provided information for parents on Assessment for Learning. We hope you will find this interesting and informative. Details of a survey on assessment for completion by parents and students are also included. Nadine Powrie Headteacher History and Geography Reminder Geography revision guides for all Year 9 and 10 students are available for ÂŁ3.25. Students need to see their class teacher for more details, orders for this year are being taken up until half term. Geography revision for Year 10 will take place every Wednesday until the exam on 14the June. Revision sessions for Year 11 students will take place every Thursday and the exam date is 18th June. History Revision sessions for Years 10 and 11 are every Thursday with the exam on 12th June. Year 11 Maths revision workshop Do you want a revision booster to support your final preparation for your maths exam? There will be a Saturday revision workshop between 9.30am and 1pm on 26th May 2012. We look forward to seeing you there. Can you please let your Maths Teacher know if you wish to attend. Year 11 Revision - going the extra mile. This week a group of Year 11's worked with the Hampshire Maths advisor. They did a hands on revision workshop geared towards supporting them in achieving their C grades and above. What does assessment for learning (AFL) mean to you and your child? Assessment for learning happens all the time. It is a two way process between your child and their teachers. In every lesson what your child is going to learn is displayed, discussed and referred to throughout so they are clear about what they are aiming to achieve, why and what is expected of them. Classrooms have displays of level and grade descriptors so your child can identify where they are now and what they need to do to improve and achieve the next level. Students are encouraged to reflect on their learning. This promotes their independence, communication skills and progress. Students are given feedback by their teachers during lessons to allow them to make progress; they will also get written feedback on their work. At Neville Lovett we have an assessment policy where work has to be marked over a two week cycle. Effective marking and feedback relates to what your child has learnt, encourages a dialogue and informs them what they have done well and what they need to do to improve and make progress. As part of the assessment process your child also has examination type assessments. In the recent Year 10 product design mock exam every child received a four page feedback of what they had achieved and what they needed to do to improve in preparation for their exam in June. After all assessments our students are encouraged to identify what they have done well and what they need to do to move forward. The whole assessment process is designed to empower your child to take control of their own learning. I hope this report has given you an insight into assessment at Neville Lovett. If you have any questions or would like to discuss assessment further then please contact me directly at Assessment and Feedback Survey Can I please ask all parents/carers and students to follow the link under latest news on the website and complete a Parent survey on assessment and feedback. The survey will go live on Monday 21st May and will close on Monday 28th May. I look forward to seeing your responses. Thank you. A.Willis (Assistant Head in charge of AFL and Maths)
18th May 2012
Newsletter Congratulations to our Amazing Students
Caterlink Competition: The winner of the Caterlink Sandwich is Shannon Dell 7M with her BBQ Bacon & Cheese Baguette. Her baguette will be on sale and she can choose a free baguette or sandwich every day next week as her prize. S McCulloch Operations Manager, Caterlink. Athletics Championships: Jack is a Year 9 student who took part in the Athletics Championships at the Mountbatten Centre over the weekend, and came third in the Long Jump. He will now be representing Hampshire in Oxford on the 26th May. This is a brilliant achievement as he has been training for months for this.
Anna McArdle - MacMillan Cancer Research Anna is a Year 11 student who this year will be hiking the North Pennine Way in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. If you wish to make a donation to support Anna in this quest please go to Thank you.
Students of the week Year 7: Ross Tinney for his fantastic attitude towards all of his lessons and during tutor time. Ross gets involved in all aspects of school life and is a credit to Year 7 and Neville Lovett Community School. Well done Ross
Year 8: Harriet Robinson for her consistent “Go for it” attitude and ability to remain cheerful through anything. You are a treasure to have in my year group Harriet. Year 9: Jack Stroulger for his success in the Athletics championships. Year 10: Hadie Watson is student of the week for the way she participated when on the Calshot trip, she certainly got stuck in especially when she got out of her craft and stepped into the mud! Year 11: Andrew Lippiatt (11T) for showing an excellent attitude/effort in tutor with continuous revisioin as well as supporting others.
Student Aspirations Year 7: Darcy Gander would like to be a scientist. Darcy knows that she has to go to college and on to university. She specifically would like to work in the forensic area of science. Year 8: Abigail Rigley would like to work in or on a magazine. She would like to do this because she is interested in writing about fashion.
Governor News (Liz Webb, Chair of Governors) Governors were delighted this week to welcome Mr Martyn Chadderton to the Governing Body as our new Community Governor. Our first Full Governing Body meeting of the Summer took place on Tuesday, 15 May 2012. There are two Full Governor meetings scheduled for each term.
Important Dates for your diary Saturday, 26th May 2012
Year 11 English Revision Session
Saturday, 26th May 2012
Year 11 Maths Revision Session
Friday, 1st June 2012
Last day before Half Term Break: (Non-Uniform day for Brain Tumour Research)
Monday, 11th June 2012
Students Return to school
Saturday, 9th June 2012
Maths Revision Year 11
Sunday, 10th June 2012
Maths Revision Year 11 Headteacher Address Email Website Telephone
Nadine Powrie MA ED St Anne’s Grove, Fareham, Hampshire, PO14 1JJ 01329 318003