Newsletter 01/06/2012

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1st June 2012

Dear Parents/Carers, Welcome to the last newsletter before the half term break. I would like to thank all staff, governors, students and parents for your ongoing support with our ambition to become an outstanding school. I hope you all enjoy the well earned holiday and look forward to welcoming students back to school on 11th June for the second half of the Summer Term. Parents should note that the last day of the Summer Term will be Friday, 20th July 2012. Nadine Powrie Headteacher Our Charity—Brain Tumour Research: Total raised to date is £1,179.59. History and Geography Reminder Geography revision guides for all Year 9 and 10 students are available for £3.25. Students need to see their class teacher for more details, orders for this year are being taken up until half term. Geography revision for Year 10 will take place every Wednesday until the exam on 14the June. Revision sessions for Year 11 students will take place every Thursday and the exam date is 18th June. TATA Triathlon Tuesday, 29th May 2012 The following students took part in the TATA triathlon on Tuesday 29th May 2012 at Fareham Leisure Centre. The event consisted of a 60m swim , 1200m bike ride and 400m run. Well done to all who took part.

PE Kit for Current Year 7 and students joining us in September Our supplier is currently finalising the details ready for our return after the half term break. Parents will be kept informed of progress after the holiday. Calshot ‘Last weekend we went to Calshot Activity Centre. We had an amazing time. All of us tried something we’ve never done before but would love to do it again. People overcame fears and took part in once in a lifetime opportunities. The instructors were really funny and liked to joke around. The best part was having heaps of fun with your friends and watching your favourite teachers boat capsize. We would encourage everyone to go and not miss out.’ By Sophie Baldock and Jessica Herron

The students that attended were Jessica Herron, Chloe Mullins, Hadrian Watson, Hannah Baker, Sophie Baldock, Francois Goulds, Ashley Harding, Charlie Hatton, Michael Wood, Michael Langley, Sam Lewry, Finn Truman, James Beswick, Oliver Osborne, and Danielle Hinchley.

1st June 2012

Newsletter Congratulations to our Amazing Students

Adele Gaskin (Year 8) Adele completed a 5K swim in aid of Marie Curie Cancer Care on 28th April. Congratulations on this excellent achievement.

Students of the week Year 7: Ross Tinney was nominated by a number of teachers over the past two weeks for his fantastic effort, enthusiasm, attitude to learning and total respect for other students in the year group. Well done Ross, an excellent achievement. Keep it up. Year 8: Chandler Harris for his Triathlon win. Year 9: Alex Boardman for his excellent effort and progress in lessons. Year 10: Michael Langley in BTEC PE for perseverance in a sprinting lesson. This effort was commented upon by an Ofsted Inspector who was observing the lesson. Year 11: Our Year 11 students have now left school and there will be no further student of the week for the remainder of the term.

Student Aspirations Year 7: Jake Booth would like to be a professional tennis player but is aware that he will need a good degree in case he does not succeed in this highly competitive field. Year 8: Charlie Whatmough would like a career in business. He knows he needs to go to college and to University to reach his goal. He needs to do well in all his subjects to get the best GCSE’s he can. His parents will support him in his choices.

Governor News (Liz Webb, Chair of Governors) I would like to thank all staff, students, parents and fellow governors for their support of the school particularly during the recent Ofsted inspection.

Primary School News There will be a Summer Fair at Redlands Primary school on Saturday, 23rd June 2012 from 11 am until 3 pm. Everyone welcome - admission 50p. Gifted and Talented We are currently welcoming a group of 30 gifted and talented students each Thursday from our linked Primary schools, Redlands, Ranvilles and Wallisdean. Future planned sessions of study are: 14th June 2012 Cad Cam Keyring led by the Product Design Department 21st June 2012 The Great Debate led by the English Department 5th July 2012 French Podcast held led by the MFL Department

Important Dates for your diary Friday, 1st June 2012 Saturday, 9th June 2012 Sunday, 10th June 2012 Monday, 11th June 2012 Week commencing 25th June 2012 Week commencing 2nd July 2012 Thursday, 5th July 2012 Friday, 20th July 2012

Last day before Half Term Break: Maths Revision Year 11 (9 am to 3 pm) Maths Revision Year 11 (9 am to 3 pm) Return to school after Half Term Break Year 5 Taster Week Year 6 Transition Week Open Evening for existing and prospective parents Last Day of Summer Term Headteacher Address Email Website Telephone

Nadine Powrie MA ED St Anne’s Grove, Fareham, Hampshire, PO14 1JJ 01329 318003

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