20th July 2012
Dear Parents/Carers, This end of term newsletter contains a lot of information which is vitally important to all our parents. Please take the time to read it carefully as there have been a number of changes agreed recently which you will need to note. The summer school term is always busy and the visit by Ofsted added to the challenges and opportunities for the school. We were delighted to be judged as a ‘Good’ school by Ofsted and as those who attended the coffee and tea sessions with the Senior Leadership Team will know; we are already implementing plans to move to outstanding. Year 11 students have now left our care and their time at Neville Lovett will have prepared them well to flourish in the future. Staff, and a representative of the Governing Body, attended the leaving service at St John’s this week for Wallisdean, Redlands and Ranvilles Year 6 students. The students were all very excited at the prospect of joining us in September and they thoroughly enjoyed transition week. May I take this opportunity, on behalf of all staff and governors, to wish you all a relaxing and enjoyable Summer break. We will see you all in September. Nadine Powrie Headteacher Change to the school day The Governing Body discussed the proposed change to the school day at their meeting on 12th July. There were two enquiries from parents about the impact of the proposal on their child and one email in support of the changes. No parents attended the open drop in session to discuss the changes with Senior Leadership Team. After careful consideration the governing body agreed to adopt the proposed change to the school day. Commencing 4th September 2012 the school day will be as follows: Registration Period 1 Period 2 Break Period 3 Period 4 Lunchtime Period 5
0840-0850 0850-0950 0950-1050 1050-1105 1105-1205 1205-1305 1305-1330 1330-1430
We will, of course, continue to offer a breakfast service to students before school starts, homework club will continue and the current range of extra-curricular activities will be extended. Inset Days The Governing Body agreed the following inset days for the coming academic year. Please put these in your diaries: Monday, 3rd September 2012 Friday, 26th October 2012 Monday, 5th November 2012 Wednesday, 23rd January 2013 Tuesday, 12th March 2013 School Uniform Details of full school uniform requirements are contained within the following pages. Please note that with effect from September 2012 Governors have agreed that girls will no longer be allowed to wear skirts. Smart trousers only should be worn, no skinny jeans, leggings denim or cord. Students will be sent home if they come to school in incorrect uniform. The new school PE Kit is available to order via the school only and applies to students who will be in Year 7 and 8 in September. Orders can be collected on Wednesday, 29th August and Thursday, 30th August 2012 from 10 am to 12 noon. If you are unable to collect on these days then you can do so on Inset Day, Monday, 3rd September 2012. Results Day Year 11 students can collect their results on Thursday, 23 August 2012 from 8.00 am to 10.00 am. We look forward to celebrating their success.
20th July 2012
Behaviour Policy Behaviour at Neville Lovett was judged to be ‘good’ by Ofsted in May 2012. To ensure that the level of behaviour management is ‘outstanding’ each student will be required to demonstrate respect, responsibility and resilience (3Rs) each day towards, themselves, members of staff and their peers. Staff will hold students accountable for their behaviour. Neville Lovett has a zero tolerance approach to unacceptable behaviour. I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that under the government’s review on behaviour management (Secretary of State, January 16th 2012) schools are no longer required to provide parents with 24 hours-notice for detentions up to 1 hour in length. Below is a list of sanctions that is implemented by our staff to ensure behaviour management is outstanding. The list below is on an escalating scale of sanctions that will be followed for poor behaviour: Chance, warning, action
Teacher detentions – usually the first line of sanction. Head of Faculty detentions – in most circumstance this is following a missed teacher detention or more severe incident in a subject. Head of Faculty report – students are monitored for behaviour and progress in a specific subject, normally for 2 weeks. Progress Leader detentions- in most circumstance this is following a missed Head of Faculty detention or more severe incident out of subject (break/lunch) or in more than 1 subject. Progress Leader report - students are monitored for behaviour and progress in all subjects, normally for 2 weeks. Senior Leadership detention-normally set due to a severe behaviour incident or in some cases an escalation of missed progress leader detentions. Senior Leadership report- students are monitored for behaviour and progress in all subjects, normally for 2 weeks by a senior member of staff (including the Head teacher) Internal exclusion- Following an exclusion or if at risk of exclusion to monitor behaviour and progress. Fixed term exclusion- A severe incident or persistent disruptive behaviour (at the Headteachers discretion), the student is not allowed to attend school during this time. Permanent exclusion- A one off incident or persistent disruptive behaviour that puts the student or their peers safety, wellbeing and/or academic progress at risk.
For full information regarding the behaviour management systems at Neville Lovett Community School, please refer to the behaviour management booklet on the schools website. To track an individual’s progress and behaviour please log on to Eportal via the schools website. Absence reporting Parents are reminded of the correct absence reporting procedure. All student absences must be reported to the school by 9.00 am on the first day of absence. Following this correct procedure will mean fewer parents receiving text messages regarding nonattendance. Thank you for your assistance with this. Governor News Parents are invited to apply for the post of Parent Governor at the school. Application forms can be downloaded from the school website. All applications must be received by Tuesday, 4th September 2012 at 5.00 pm. If we have more applications than vacancies then a ballot will be held. Being a school governor can be very rewarding and gives excellent insight into the workings of the school Governors bid farewell to Mr Hurden, LA Governor who is leaving us after 28 years of service to the Governing Body. Thank you for all your hard work and the governors wish you a long and happy retirement. Mrs E Webb, Chair of Governors
20th July 2012
Holiday Homework At our recent SLT meeting with parents we were asked if Year 10 students should be completing any work during the holiday period to keep their minds active. Please find below details of the work that has been set by individual departments: Humanities Geography: All year 10 going into year 11 students have work on SAM learning that they need to complete for geography. History: The history students have to complete individual research into how President Lyndon Johnson improved civil rights for African Americans between 1963 - 1969. They must begin to gather a range of historical writing that they can refer to. Students will need a list of quotations with the name of the books and the name of the author. French: Students have to do a written description of their work experience (250 words); tasks are also set on SAM Learning. CCLD Year 10: Work has been posted on the VLE. Students will need to ensure that all coursework is up to date. Any student who did not complete a work placement for 30 hours working with children will need to do this in the holidays. Year 10 should have completed: Unit One Assignment One Understanding growth and development Unit One Assignment Two January placement tasks Unit three Assignment One Communication and you could start writing up your Unit Three Assignment Two which is your recent work placement Year 9 You should have completed Unit One Assignment One Understanding growth and development Unit One Two Assignment One Keeping children Unit three Assignment One Communication Maths We have prepared a Foundation or Higher directed 6 week revision guide which lists a range of Video Clips that are held on the VLE for students to access and tick off on a daily basis. Product Design In Product Design, all students are expected to be carrying out research for next years major coursework. They will research an area of interest and identify a problem to solve or gap in the market for a new, original and inspired product. Students should draft out a design brief, situation and research similar existing products, forming questionnaires and evaluating their research findings. When students start year 11 this will place them ideally to commence five months of design and prototyping work towards their GCSE module A553. Science Students should use the revision guide to read and create mind maps for Chemistry 2 Complete revision booklet on VLE in science area Revision and Exam questions have been set for all students on Sam Learning All of this will be checked by your teacher on the first day back in September.
English In English all year 10 and 11 students are expected to read John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men. It would be useful if all students bought their own copy to annotate. On completion of reading students need to complete a character analysis of all the major characters in the novel. They will also need to produce a powerpoint presentation on America during the 1930’s ie reference to the Great Depression. There are resources in the English folder ton the VLE under holiday homework
All students in 9, 10 and 11 are expected to read and understand the major themes in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. There is a student booklet on the VLE in the English subject folder under ‘Holiday homework’. Please complete.
20th July 2012
Staff Leaving Sadly we have to say farewell to a members of staff leaving us at the end of term. Staff, students and governors wish them every success in the future and thank them for their valuable contribution to the school during their time with us: Mrs Lloyd, MFL Mrs McKinnon, English Miss Dyke, PE Mrs Black, English Danielle Ward, English Mrs Kerens, Food Tech Mr Jones , DT Mr Willcocks, ICT Mr Wood, Science Mr O’Hanlon, Drama Mrs Prior, LSA
Leaving us to spend more time with her young family Career progression Miss Dyke is joining St Vincent’s College Mrs Black is moving overseas Leaving to join Quilley School of Engineering as 2nd in English Career progression Leaving to join Portchester School Returning to work in the private sector Returning to work in the private sector Leaving to join Meon Cross School Leaving to join Portchester School
New Staff joining us September 2012: Mrs Lowe Miss Evans Mrs Harvey Mr Herington Miss Jordan Miss Purkiss
Assistant Headteacher – English Teacher of English Teacher of Geography Teachers of Science Teacher of Maths Teacher of Maths
Miss Appleton Miss Hillier Mr Snoswell Miss Stephens Miss Viika
Teacher of English Teacher of PE Teacher of Science Teacher of Maths Teacher of Maths
Mrs Ashley has been promoted from Assistant Headteacher to Deputy Headteacher and Mr Butterworth from Head of Year to Assistant Headteacher. Mrs Davies is now the school Senco. I hope you will join us in extending a warm welcome to our new members of staff who will strengthen our existing team. Community News Adult Education classes starting September 2012 brochure out now! please call 01329 823471 for further information. Coffee and Tea with SLT (Senior Leadership Team) 5 parents attended the session on Wednesday, 11 July 2012 from 4 pm to 5 pm. The issues discussed had been raised at the previous morning session by parents. An update on the actions being taken to address these issues will be provided via the newsletter. Parents who attended both these session found them to be very useful and informative. These sessions will be held regularly throughout the coming academic year.
Important Dates for your diary 2012/13 Friday, 20th July 2012 Thursday, 23rd August 2012 Wednesday, 29th August 2012 Thursday, 30th August Monday, 3rd September 2012 Tuesday, 4th September 2012 Monday, 10th September 2012 Thursday, 13th September 2012
Last Day of Summer Term Year 11 students to collect their exam results from 8 am to 10 am New PE Kit can be collected from school between 10 am and 12 noon New PE Kit can be collected from school between 10 am and 12 noon Inset Day First day of term for students Open Week for prospective parents. Tours daily from 9.15 am Open Evening for prospective parents Headteacher Address Email Website Telephone
Nadine Powrie MA ED St Anne’s Grove, Fareham, Hampshire, PO14 1JJ 01329 318003