22nd June 2012
Dear Parents/Carers, By now you should each have received a copy of our Ofsted report and trust that you are as proud of their findings as we are. We would like to meet with parents to discuss plans for moving the school forwards and you will find details below of an invitation to join the Senior Leadership Team for coffee. We have arranged both a morning and evening session to accommodate as many parents as possible. Nadine Powrie Headteacher Our Charity—Brain Tumour Research: Total raised to date is £1,179.59. Target £2,740 Coffee and Tea with SLT (Senior Leadership Team) Following our successful Ofsted inspection and publication of the report, the Senior Leadership Team would like to invite parents to join them from 9 am to 10 am on Tuesday, 3rd July or from 4 pm to 5 pm on Wednesday, 11th to hear about how the school now plans to move forwards towards outstanding. To enable us to Judge how many to cater for it would be helpful if you could email Mrs Whale and let her know which session you will be attending. Mrs Whale can be contacted at . PE Kit for Current Year 7 and students joining us in September Our supplier is currently finalising the details and parents will be advised of how to purchase as soon as we have this information. Samples and order forms will be available on Open Evening Thursday, 5th July 2012. Important information re Free School Meals Hampshire County Council Catering Services (HC3S) has launched a new online service so parents can check their eligibility for free school meals themselves. This self service option is available at Please note that the criteria for free school meals is the same, regardless of method of checking eligibility, but for the online service all you need to do is enter your name, national insurance number or asylum number, your address and your child’s details. Press ‘submit’ and you will find out if you are eligible. If your result comes back ‘found’ , this means your child is eligible for free school meals and the system automatically tells your school. No more hassle in digging our paperwork and going into school to get it checked! For more information, check our the web address above, or phone Sue Martin on 023 8062 7738. Early Lunch Parents are advised that the early lunch schedule which was put in place during the exam period has been extended to Friday, 29 June 2012. Governor News (Liz Webb, Chair of Governors) The Governing Body would like to thank all members of staff, our students and parents for their contribution towards the excellent Ofsted report where we were judged to be good across all areas. Year 11 2012/2013 – Maths information evening/parents workshop The Maths department would like to invite Year 11 Parent’s (current Year 10’s) to an information evening/workshop on Thursday 13th September 2012, between 5 and 6.30pm. In this session we will give you key information you need to support your child through their Maths GCSE, we will also talk about useful websites, revision guides, homework etc. You will have the opportunity to ask the Maths department questions, have a go yourself at doing a Maths exam paper, or look at the useful websites available. If your son/daughter is currently in Year 10 and will be in Year 11 in September and you would like to attend then can you please email me directly at Year 11’s (current Year 10’s) will be sitting their GCSE Maths examination in November 2012. This will involve 2 papers, 1 non calculator and 1 calculator paper. It is essential all students have the correct equipment for examinations including at a minimum a black pen, pencil, ruler and scientific calculator. Results for this examination will be available in January 2013.
OPEN EVENING 5 JULY 2012 from 5.00 pm to 7.00 pm There will be displays in each department and, weather permitting, music in the arena. Refreshments will be available on the evening. If you know any parents who are in the process of looking for a school place for the coming year please do encourage them to attend. We are always happy to welcome parents into school and any parent who would like to have a tour of the school to see staff and students ‘in action’ should contact Mrs Whale on 01329 318003 (Option 4) or by email at
22nd June 2012
Newsletter Congratulations to our Amazing Students Michael Thomson has successfully passed his FA Fotball referees course — well done Michael!
Matthew Page is this years Winner of the Carl Buckley Award for outstanding contribution to Sport at Neville Lovett Community School. Congratulations Matthew.
Students of the week Year 7: Dylan James was nominated by a number of teachers for his positive attitude and effort over the past two months. Dylan has made very good progress in this time. Year 8: Alicia Newman prepared and delivered the starter for Literacy lesson on Friday, 15th June. Alicia showed great leadership skills. She had the students engaged in the task set and it was great to see an excellent example of student led learning. Year 9: Richard Holt for outstanding bowling performance in the year 9 Cricket Match which the school won against Brune Park. Year 10: Nicole Pass for the excellent progress she has made in ICT.
Student Aspirations Year 7: Harvey Bennett is interested in the field of computer hardware. He would eventually like to own his own company. He knows he will have to work hard to achieve a good set of GCSEs which will enable him to go to University. Year 8: April Brown would like to be a writer, specifically poems. She has a great imagination and enjoys writing. She knows that she needs to do well in English and go to college. April would like to do work experience for a company that publish poetry. Year 9: Jack Hicks would like a career as a lawyer. It is a profession that earns good money an he thinks he has the right personality for it. He would like to study law at university and knows he will need outstanding grades at both GCSE and A level to achieve this.
Primary School News We look forward to welcoming Year 5 pupils to our school next week for a taster week. There is a very exciting programme of events for all to enjoy and some excellent learning opportunities. Redlands Primary School: There will be a Summer Fair at Redlands Primary school on Saturday, 23rd June 2012 from 11 am until 3 pm. Everyone welcome - admission 50p.
Gifted and Talented We are currently welcoming a group of 30 gifted and talented students each Thursday from our linked Primary schools, Redlands, Ranvilles and Wallisdean. Future planned sessions of study are: 5th July 2012 French Podcast led by the MFL Department
Important Dates for your diary Week commencing 25th June 2012 Week commencing 2nd July 2012 Tuesday, 3rd July 2012 Wednesday, 11th July 2012 Thursday, 5th July 2012 Friday, 20th July 2012
Year 5 Taster Week Year 6 Transition Week Coffee with SLT from 9 am to 10 am Coffee with SLT from 4 pm to 5 pm Open Evening for all existing and prospective parents Last Day of Summer Term Headteacher Address Email Website Telephone
Nadine Powrie MA ED St Anne’s Grove, Fareham, Hampshire, PO14 1JJ 01329 318003