25th May 2012
Dear Parents/Carers, This week has been busy with summer exams. On Friday, we say goodbye to our Year 11 students who will now be returning only to take their exams and for any revision lessons they still have in their remaining subjects. The Year 11 Prom is on Friday, 29 June 2012 at the Solent Hotel, Whiteley and staff and students are looking forward to this annual celebration. Nadine Powrie Headteacher Enterprise: D Butterworth, Assistant Headteacher Pastoral/Enterprise The Launch of Young Chamber Council June 2012 The Young Chamber Council at Neville Lovett will connect young people between the ages of 11 – 16 directly with local businesses and employers. Within each school a Young Chamber Council is elected which plans events for the whole school community and contact with local businesses is facilitated by a Young Chamber Co-ordinator. Mr Butterworth
Why is young chamber being introduced at Neville Lovett? Young Chamber Council provides a very real, dynamic and effective engagement with the business community for young people in the area of work related learning. It can help students make vital decisions about future careers and provides a genuine insight into how businesses work. Who is involved? All students at Neville Lovett will have the opportunity to be involved at some point, but the starting 18 students who will make the Young Chamber Council have applied and been selected from year 9. The council will meet weekly. What events will take place? Current ideas for events have included: Speed networking: A range of local businesses gather and student’s move from table to table asking questions. Business Challenge : Either a business or the students themselves set a challenge and the outcomes are pitched to a panel of experts. Organising an event: This may be a Fashion Show or Film Weekend and student groups assume responsibility for every aspect of hosting the event. Site visit: Students visit the workplace of a local business. Invitation: One or a group of selected business people are invited to attend the school and talk about what they do. Assessment and Feedback Survey A reminder that the parent survey on Assessment for Learning (AFL) will close on 28th May 2012. Thank you to all who have participated to date. At the time of going to print we have had 52 responses. More would be appreciated. Thank you. History and Geography Reminder Geography revision guides for all Year 9 and 10 students are available for £3.25. Students need to see their class teacher for more details, orders for this year are being taken up until half term. Geography revision for Year 10 will take place every Wednesday until the exam on 14the June. Revision sessions for Year 11 students will take place every Thursday and the exam date is 18th June. History Revision sessions for Years 10 and 11 are every Thursday with the exam on 12th June. Year 11 Maths revision workshop Do you want a revision booster to support your final preparation for your maths exam? There will be a Saturday revision workshop between 9.30am and 1pm on 26th May 2012. We look forward to seeing you there. Can you please let your Maths Teacher know if you wish to attend.
25th May 2012
Newsletter Congratulations to our Amazing Students
Holly Mclachlan (Year 11): Holly did not select art as a GCSE at Neville Lovett, but has built a portfolio at home which she submitted to South Downs College. Holly has secured a level 3 advance diploma place on Art and Design. After a two year college course Holly hopes to study for a BA in Animation at Solent University. Holly is on course at Neville Lovett to obtain the grades she needs for college. Well done Holly and keep up the excellent work.
Students of the week Year 7: Stevie Parr 7U for her determination to succeed in literacy. Volunteering to take on two roles and helping another student with his reading. Year 8: Jack Heath for his amazing consistency. Never forgotten his equipment and always being in the correct uniform.
Stevie Parr
Year 9: Mr Butterworth’s Year 9 Higher PE group for their excellent effort and progress. Year 10: Jasmine Stanley in Year 10 for achieving an A for Speaking and Listening in English. Year 11: Farewell Year 11. We wish you happiness and success in the future.
Student Aspirations Year 9: Tom Garvey would like to become a lawyer because he thinks it would be interesting and lead to a well paid job. He would like to do his degree at Cambridge University. Year 10: Calvin Squibb wants to work in the gaming industry. He feels that games that are out there are not good for children and believes that he has some good ideas about which games would interest youngsters.
Governor News (Liz Webb, Chair of Governors) Governors have approved the introduction of a new school PE kit for current Year 7 students and those currently in Year 6 joining us in September. Details of where you can purchase the new kit and the price will be provided by the school in next week’s newsletter.
Primary School News There will be a Summer Fair at Redlands Primary school on Saturday, 23rd June 2012 from 11 am until 3 pm. Everyone welcome - admission 50p. Gifted and Talented We are currently welcoming a group of 30 gifted and talented students each Thursday from our linked Primary schools, Redlands, Ranvilles and Wallisdean. Future planned sessions of study are: 24th May 2012 Print Making led by the Art Department 31st May 2012 Maths Challenge led by the Maths Department 14th June 2012 Cad Cam Keyring led by the Product Design Department 21st June 2012 The Great Debate led by the English Department 5th July 2012 French Podcast held led by the MFL Department
Important Dates for your diary Saturday, 26th May 2012 Saturday, 26th May 2012 Friday, 1st June 2012 Monday, 11th June 2012 Saturday, 9th June 2012 Sunday, 10th June 2012
Samples of symmetrical prints 24/5/12
Year 11 English Revision Session Year 11 Maths Revision Session Last day before Half Term Break: (Non-Uniform day for Brain Tumour Research) Students Return to school Maths Revision Year 11 Maths Revision Year 11
Headteacher Address Email Website Telephone
Nadine Powrie MA ED St Anne’s Grove, Fareham, Hampshire, PO14 1JJ 01329 318003