27th January Newsletter

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27h January 2012

Dear Parents/Carers, We were delighted this week to be approached by BBC South Today who wanted to visit us in recognition of our outstanding results last year. The GCSE tables were published on 26 January 2012 and we have shot up the table to 10th place. This is a remarkable achievement and is thanks to the staff, students, governor and parents who have all committed themselves to our aim of becoming an outstanding school. You can watch the video on our website. Nadine Powrie Headteacher Important Information: Attendance Update The school has a clear attendance policy which states that all students must attend school regularly. The schools target for each student is 95% attendance. It is vital that you report any illness on each day of absence to the schools attendance clerk. Should you fail to do this, the absence will be unauthorised. If your son/daughter has an attendance below 85% without us receiving any medical evidence for the absence a formal letter will be sent to you to inform you of the involvement of the school Educational Welfare Officer (EWO). Every two weeks heads of year meet with the EWO to discuss individual student’s attendance and strategies to increase it. If a referral is made to the EWO a home visit will take place with close monitoring from both the school and EWO. If there fails to be any significant improvement in attendance the school will follow government guidelines by issuing a fixed penalty warning which concurs to a fine of £50 in the first instance. Should this continue to have no impact court proceedings will commence. May I also make you aware that persistent lateness to school can also result in the same action. Please be sure to notify the school on each day of student absence and provide copies of NHS letters. Olympic Challenge Well done to everyone who has supported the Olympic challenge. At the end of the week 20 students and 4 staff have collected the first blue badge (600 minutes or more of extra curricular activities). These were given by Craig Gibbons himself, a British swimmer aiming for the Olympics. The next milestone is Yellow, 900 minutes. This week’s student leaders are Connor Beech and Evie Wrixon (810 minutes) and the staff leaders are Miss Grant and Miss Dyke (690 mins). Well done! The reward is tickets for the Paralympics Games for the top competitors. Good luck! BTEC CCLD The year 10 students of Children’s Care , Learning and Development have just completed a one week work placement in local early years settings. These were valuable learning experiences and are an essential part of the course. Now that they are back in school they will need to produce coursework based on the observations they made on the children’s growth and development. I would like to extend my thanks to the managers at the placements who gave generously of their time to supervise and encourage our students. The BTEC CCLD course requires 100% coursework and students in Years 9,10 and 11 should be doing at least one to two hours homework each week. A12 is available each evening, by prior agreement, for those students who do not have a computer/the internet at home or if they need extra help to achieve either a Pass, Merit or Distinction. How to encourage your child’s interest in geography. 1. Use an atlas or a globe to look up places you have or will visit. Ask them to find unknown places in the news or locate places they have studies. 2. Watch the news or read a newspaper. Geography is everywhere, this will allow them to have an up to date interest in the subject and develop their own understanding of our world. 3. Love films – encourage your child to watch fiction or no fiction films with a geographical theme. A great deal of knowledge can be gained from films such as March of the Penguins and Happy Feet. 4. Make connections – encourage your child to make connections. Get them to look at where all of your family come from. Where did the food they are eating at dinner come from? What country are their clothes made in? 5. Ask a geographer – we want your child to ask questions, why does it rain? ? And if we don’t know the answer we will find out for them or better still they can use the resources in school or at home to find out. The best questions will go on display.

27th January 2012

Newsletter Neville Lovett Events:

Work Experience: Thank you for all those who attended the Work-experience evening on 19th January 2012. It was good to see so many of you attending and from the comments that were made it seems as though it was very useful. Ian and Julia, who represented EBP ,clearly explained what the students needed to do so that they had the best opportunity to successfully apply for a placement. It is important that students ensure that they complete the Work Experience placements as quickly as possible so that they have the opportunity to apply for a wide range of places. If this is left too late then this may limit the areas they can apply for. In addition to this please remember to return the forms as soon as possible for private work placements so that these can be checked and verified by EBP. Brain Tumour Research As you may know we have chosen Brain Tumour Research as Charity of the Year. On behalf of this charity Craig Gibbons, aiming for 2012 Olympic Games, and Hugh Adams, Campaign Manager at Brain Tumour Research, visited our school on Friday, January 27th at lunchtime. They talked very interactively to each year group, who were very impressed, in order to raise awareness for the cause. Students of the week Year 7: Lucy Withers, for creating an absolutely amazing board game as part of her Humanities HLT. Lucy spent 12.5 hours on this master piece and is keen to challenge anyone to beat her on the Czech Republic! Year 8: We would like to congratulate all Year 8 students for their engagement in Science. Year 9: Ben Wallace-Stock for continued outstanding work across all subject areas. Year 10: All the following students came in to a Saturday revision class last week and were praised by the Vice Chair of Governors, Graeme Rowe, for their enthusiasm and dedication on the day: Charlotte Pearson, Jessica Charge, Daniel Price, Ewan Tutt, Craig Toomer, Emma Ellis, Chloe Mullins, Eve Wrixon, Hollie Doherty and Sophie Balldock. I would like to say all were student of the week, but I put their names in a hat and the person that was selected was: Daniel Price. Year 11: Charles Halford, who is a very able linguist and has worked tirelessly to complete his French Speaking component to a high standard. Charles also studies GCSE German in his own time. He is expected to achieve the highest possible grades in these subjects- no pressure, Charles!

February 2012 Mon












6 Yr 11 Alcohol Sexual Health 7 Drugs Day



9 Yr 11 Alcohol Sexual Health 7 Drugs Day

10 Last Day of Term










20 First Day of Term


22 Year 9 Parents Evening

23 School Musi- 24 School Musical Production cal Production





29 Headteacher Nadine Powrie MA ED Address St Anne’s Grove, Fareham, Hampshire, PO14 1JJ Email adminoffice@nevillelovett.hants.co.uk Website www.nevillelovett.co.uk Telephone 01329 318003

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