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29th June 2012

Dear Parents/Carers, This week we have had over a hundred Year 5 pupils from Redlands, Wallisdean, Ranvilles and Orchard Lea who joined us for the first ever “Year 5 Taster Week”. The children performed exceptionally well throughout the week which consisted of a highly ambitious and challenging programme of events to develop their skills in Enterprise, Memory, Literacy and Communication. This evening I will join many other members of staff at the Solent Hotel, Whiteley for our annual Year 11 Prom. Next Week will be Year 6 Transition week for all those pupils who will form our Year 7 group in September. I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at our Open Evening on Thursday, 5th July 2012 from 5 pm to 7 pm. Nadine Powrie Headteacher Coffee and Tea with SLT (Senior Leadership Team) Thank you to those parents who have contacted us to confirm their attendance at these events. If you are able to attend either of them please contact Mrs Whale at The dates are: Tuesday, 3rd July from 9 am to 10 am Wednesday, 11th July from 4 pm to 5 pm PE Kit for Current Year 7 and students joining us in September Forms for ordering the new PE kit will be sent home to parents by the end of next week and samples of the PE kit for sizing purposes will be available to view at Open Evening on 5th July. Lunch Parents are advised that the school will revert to the normal time for lunch of 1.25 pm effective on Monday, 2nd July 2012. The exam season has now ended. Governor News (Liz Webb, Chair of Governors) The Governing Body would like to thank Mr W T Phillips, Community Governor, whose term of office comes to and end on 7th July 2012. Mr Phillips has been a governor at the school for 8 years and during that time served as Chair of the school Finance Committee. We wish Mr Phillips health and happiness for the future. Thank you. Year 11 2012/2013 – Maths information evening/parents workshop The Maths department would like to invite Year 11 Parent’s (current Year 10’s) to an information evening/workshop on Thursday 13th September 2012, between 5 and 6.30pm. In this session we will give you key information you need to support your child through their Maths GCSE, we will also talk about useful websites, revision guides, homework etc. You will have the opportunity to ask the Maths department questions, have a go yourself at doing a Maths exam paper, or look at the useful websites available. If your son/daughter is currently in Year 10 and will be in Year 11 in September and you would like to attend then can you please email me directly at Year 11’s (current Year 10’s) will be sitting their GCSE Maths examination in November 2012. This will involve 2 papers, 1 non calculator and 1 calculator paper. It is essential all students have the correct equipment for examinations including at a minimum a black pen, pencil, ruler and scientific calculator. Results for this examination will be available in January 2013. New staff The following teaching appointments have been made Mr Snoswell and Mr Herington, Teachers of Science, Miss Stephens, Miss Jordan and Miss Viika, Teachers of Maths, Miss Appleton and Miss Evans,Teachers of English, Mrs Lowe, Assistant Headteacher —English, Miss Harvey, Geography, Mrs Davies, SENCO/Teacher of Science and Miss Hillier, PE Teacher. Mrs Ashley has been promoted from Assistant Headteacher to Deputy Headteacher and Mr Butterworth from Head of Year to Assistant Headteacher.

OPEN EVENING 5 JULY 2012 from 5.00 pm to 7.00 pm There will be displays in each department and, weather permitting, music in the arena. Refreshments will be available on the evening. If you know any parents who are in the process of looking for a school place for the coming year please do encourage them to attend. Parents from all year groups are welcome. We are always happy to welcome parents into school and any parent who would like to have a tour of the school to see staff and students ‘in action’ should contact Mrs Whale on 01329 318003 (Option 4) or by email at

29th June 2012

Newsletter Hira Students 5 HIRA students from year 8 and 9 spent a fun-filled weekend at Calshot with Mrs Gilford and Mrs Hinks. The weekend was organised by Hampshire Playing Fields Association. The activities included archery, skiing, abseiling, a very scary big swing and a boat trip. The students were teamed up with visually impaired and physically disabled pupils from other schools and everyone participated in the activities, overcoming fears and phobias. HIRA students said 'it was awesome and brilliant!'

Students of the week Year 7: Amy Oates 7E has been nominated by a number of different staff for her all round effort, enthusiasm and general hard working attitude in all of her lessons. Well done Amy - an excellent example for your year group. Year 8: Lauren Thomasson and Andrew Pearson for their assistance with the interviews for applicants for PE staff. Both took the applicants on tours of the school and answered all their questions informatively. They were a credit to the school. Year 9: All the Year 9 students who assisted with the Year 5 Taster Week. They have been superb! They are: Emma Appleton, Natalie Guerrier, Kevin Bicknell, Avana Benedict, Georgia Richards, Brooke Jarwood, Laura Vickery, Megan Nash, Karisma Scaria, Rebecca Brady, Sam Traves, Rebecca Thomas, Lauren Conway, Sam Heath, Louise Dummer, Sophie Kemp, Jay Gannon, Megan Ashford, Riona Menezes, Ben Wallace-Stock, Emma Jenkins, Joshua Lewis, Hayley Gisby, Cameron Barrett, Sian Evans, Charlie Mitchell, Lucie Spooner, Melissa Taylor, Kaitlen Jones, Michael Thomson. Year 10: Ben Roe for the sustained and outstanding progress he has made in Product Design.

Student Aspirations Year 9: Brydie Curry wants to be an architect and has always been interested in graphic design. Brydie wants to pursue further education and go to University. Year 10: Joao Amorim has already passed his Spanish exam and is now looking to work towards college. He would like to go into Zooology and is therefore looking at doing well in his GCSE’s, especially in the sciences so that he can go on and achieve this dream.

Primary School News We look forward to welcoming Year 6 pupils to our school next week for their transition week. There is a very exciting programme of events for all to enjoy and some excellent learning opportunities.

Gifted and Talented We are currently welcoming a group of 30 gifted and talented students each Thursday from our linked Primary schools, Redlands, Ranvilles and Wallisdean. The last session for this term:  12th July 2012 French Podcast led by the MFL Department

Important Dates for your diary Week commencing 2nd July 2012 Tuesday, 3rd July 2012 Wednesday, 11th July 2012 Thursday, 5th July 2012 Friday, 20th July 2012

Year 6 Transition Week Coffee with SLT from 9 am to 10 am Coffee with SLT from 4 pm to 5 pm Open Evening for all existing and prospective parents Last Day of Summer Term

Headteacher Address Email Website Telephone

Nadine Powrie MA ED St Anne’s Grove, Fareham, Hampshire, PO14 1JJ 01329 318003

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