Newsletter December 2011

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Newsle er

2nd December 2011

Dear Parents/Carers, On Thursday this week we welcomed back to school those students who gained their GCSE results in the Summer for their Presenta on Evening. It was good to see so many of them with their parents. They should be proud of their achievements and we wish them every success in the future. Mark Hoban, MP kindly a ended to present cer ficates. Nadine Powrie Headteacher Important Informa on: Other important dates to add to your calendar:  12th – 15th December 2011 a er school : Year 7 and Year 8 Inter‐tutor Week. Students to sign up during Tutor and see PE Department for more details. May the best tutor win!  14th December: Christmas lunch will be available within the canteen for students at lunch me at a cost of £2.00  16th December: Last day of term. The school will be closed earlier, at noon.  3rd of January 2012: There will be a Teacher Training Day, the school will be closed for students.  Tuesday, 10th January 2012 at 4pm: First parents teacher associa on mee ng. Please contact Helen Whale, Marke ng and Communica on Officer h.whale@nevillelove, if you want to take part and help with fundraising for the school in those difficult economic mes.  Thursday 23rd February 2012: Mayor of Fareham to a end the school musical produc on. Year 10 Maths Mock Exam All Year 10's will be doing a Maths Mock exam on Tuesday 6th December. This will involve them si ng two papers. Your son/daughter will need to be fully equipped with pen, pencil, ruler and calculator. Care for the environment We had some complaints regarding Neville Love students 'misbehaviour’ outside the school. They have allegedly damaged the local environment, especially some trees. We delivered a strong message in school, but we have no direct controlling influence when the children have le the site and are away from the school campus. Please help us by reinforcing the message at home. Refurbishment of 2 DT rooms We have been given 350K for the refurbishment of 2 DT rooms by Hampshire County Council. Bench ball Tournament We are expec ng around 8 pupils from our feeder schools Monday, 5th December for a bench ball tournament. Year 9 BTEC students will help to organise the event. Theme Day – Friday 9th December 2011: Celebra ng Human Rights Saturday 10th December is World Human Rights day, so it is fi ng for us to celebrate it as our first theme day. On Friday 9th December all Year 9, 10 & 11 students will be off metable to reflect on and celebrate human rights. The programme includes speakers and case studies of what it is to be human and what is jus ce and injus ce, Human Dignity, Human Rights and Capital Punishment. A endance Here is a table summarizing up the students 'a endance over the past few months. To compare, the a endance na onal figure for Autumn 2010 was 93.5% for state‐funded secondary schools. September October November Year 7 96.7% 95.8% 95.1% Year 8 93.2% 93% 94.5% Year 9 93.2% 94.7% 92.5% Year 10 91.8% 90.7& 89.4% Year 11 90.4% 87.9% 88.7% TOTAL 93.1% 92.3% 92.%

2nd December 2011

Newsle er This Week’s Events:

MEMORIA by Year 11 BTEC PERFORMING ARTS The Year 11 BTEC Performing Arts Group performed their Final Piece to an audience on 2 evenings, last week. The 25 minute play was called ‘Memoria’, (La n for memory) and was an original piece created by the group. It told the story of a woman looking back over her troubled life from the 50’s through to the eve of the millennium. The group had to organise the story, research, script, rehearsals, publicity, costumes, set, props, ligh ng and sound. It was a big team effort with everyone having to work together to make it successful. Those that saw it witnessed a very moving and though ul play, which included 2 dance pieces, performed and choreographed by Kerri Briggs. Well done everyone! “The hardest thing was ge ng ourselves organised, it really prepares you for later” “We had to support each other, especially when we were feeling red or unwell; to get it all finished on me was a challenge. That taught me a lot about the group and about myself” The group: Kerri Briggs, Holly Hall, Josh Perre , Estelle Sanders, Mollie Stroulger, Jade Sturgeon, Paige Whitaker and Eden Wye. Bloodhound (Fareham College) We got a 3rd place in the Kit Car Challenge – Morrigan Linnay and Natashia Simpson achieved a run of 7.3m with their balloon powered car. They received ckets to Beaulieu Motor Museum.


Students of the week Year 7: Charly Algar, for being polite, extremely helpful and for always contribu ng well in both class and the tutor period Year 8: April Brown for achieving almost all 1’s on her a tude to learning in the Autumn review Year 9: Emma Appleton for achieving outstanding a tude to learning across all subjects. Year 10: Michael Wood, Rob Aslet and James Beswick all worked excep onally well at the Skill Force programme even though the weather was atrocious and the strike was on, but of the three James stood out as being the best of them and so for this week is Year 10 student of the week. Year 11: Connor Gardener. In his French mock examina on Connor achieved 39/40 in one of his papers and overall got an A*. Connor always shows resilience and commitment and completes homework on a regular basis ( learning vocabulary and reading ac vi es). Connor should feel very proud of this level of success!

December 2011 Mon















9 Celebra ng Human Rights



12 Yr 7 and Yr 8 Inter Tutor Week Yr 8 Dodgeball and Indoor Game

13 Yr 7 and Yr 8 14 Year 11 Inter Tutor Week Parents Evening Yr 7 Dodgeball and Benchball

15 Reward Trips for 16 50 students per Last Day of Term Year Group (Early Finish) Yr 7 Indoor Football Yr 8 basketball
















Headteacher Nadine Powrie MA ED Address St Anne’s Grove, Fareham, Hampshire, PO14 1JJ Email adminoffice@nevillelove Website www.nevillelove Telephone 01329 318003

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